How to Heal Your Gut and Transform Your Health with Plants - Presented by Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

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all right welcome welcome welcome today we have another phenomenal webinar today's webinar is with dr. bill bull swift's that I say last name right dr. well hopefully I did not only was that accurate sorry go ahead yeah well not only was that accurate but I almost felt like you know I was in Poland and someone was pronouncing my to my name in the native tongue it was impressive well I've been practicing let me tell you that for sure I'm glad you picked up on that dr. dr. will bolster Wis is also known by the name dr. B he is all over Instagram he is uh he is extremely popular in case you have never seen him before or never heard the information that he talks about and especially in relation to how your diet can dramatically affect your gut microbiome and all of the satellite tentacles will say of your gut microbiome so dr. will we are super excited to have you here today thanks for being here thank you Cyrus it's a pleasure to be here and I'm excited to take everyone through through the slide duck we ready roll say well yeah so let me give you a little intro here first because there's you know 350 people coming in and so far and there's gonna be a lot more showing up today so for those of you who are just joining us thank you welcome welcome welcome in the chat box do me a favor and I just want to get a good idea here of how many of you guys are plant-based and how many of you may not be plant-based so if you currently are plant-based please put the number one into the chat box just hit one enter if you are not plant-based put the number two and hit enter oh boy there's a lot of ones lots twos are coming in now okay now if you are somewhere in between and maybe you like the idea of eating a plant-based diet but our fully plant-based yet which is totally fine please put 1.5 in the chat box and now I see a lot of those coming in can you see the chat box as well well yeah I'm impressed I'm impressed you know what I love I love all of it I'm excited that they're all here yeah it looks like we got we got people from all walks it looks like mainly now there's a bunch of 1.5 s in there which is great which means that sounds like you guys are very interested in plant-based diet and maybe making your way in that direction but not necessarily fully plant-based yet which is against totally cool in today's webinar dr. Willis was gonna talk to you about the benefit of a fiber rich diet but a very specific sort of you know we're gonna get a lot of information here about what fiber is what different types of fiber exists and why they're all very important doctor will bull Swiss is also known as dr. B like I mentioned earlier he's a gastroenterologist and he's an internationally recognized gull gut health expert he completed a bachelor's degree from Vanderbilt University and a medical degree from Georgetown University and a master's in Clinical Investigation from Northwestern University he's also he was the chief medical resident at Northwestern and the chief gastroenterology fellow at the University of North Carolina and he also received the highest award given by both his residency and his fellowship he's been featured by numerous media outlets and popular podcasts that's a long-winded way of me saying dr. will is incredibly smart and you guys will see him exactly what I'm talking about in a few minutes in today's webinar dr. B is gonna help you understand a lot of things number one he's gonna teach you how your microbiome impacts impacts your blood glucose how your microbiome impacts cholesterol how your microbiome impacts your immunity which is a very important topic in today's world as well as your mood and much much more number two he's gonna teach you why elimination diets can sometimes actually be hazardous to your health and then number three he's gonna talk about the signs and symptoms of a damaged microbiome and how both simple diet changes can help undo the damage in a very short period of time dr. will we also have some pretty exciting news today and the exciting news is that dr. B is coming has released a book and the name of his book is called fiber fueled and the book came out today dr. B show that on the screen show it nice and strong there we go you see that right there fiber field got a beautiful cover of a kiwi exploding write that book came out earlier today and his new book is called fiber field the plant-based gut health program for losing weight restoring health and optimizing your microbiome uh I think that could be the longest subtitle I've ever heard before [Laughter] and in this book what it does is it covers step by step the methodology to stop the misinformation madness that currently exists on the internet I'm sure you guys have probably seen that okay and this information is caused by mainly the diet industry and in this book he's gonna show you simple and most importantly science backed principles for a lifestyle for living a lifestyle that's actually effortless it's very sustainable and above all it helps transform your health by optimizing your gut microbiome dr. B congratulations on your new book I'm really really really proud of you Cyrus my friends thank you so much thank you for the beautiful enjoy introduction you know I I listen to that and I feel like a big-time nerd and that's okay because we're here to talk about health this is what I do for a living I'm a gastroenterologist and so excited to be here I know that some of you guys could not see the cover to this book and so let me just give you a little zoom in right there that is what me biofuel is all about the exploding Kiwi okay so okay to take over the slides give me give me one second here I'm gonna share my screen and I'm gonna show the book cover as well in full HD do you guys can you see that screen right there you see that fiber fueled right there okay so we're gonna be talking about this book like a lot of the components inside of this and hopefully you guys will have an opportunity to pick up this book because it's really I'm telling you I've read a lot of books in my time this book is exceptional and I really do mean that so dr. beat you can take over screen share whenever you are ready and let's have some fun nice man let's rock and roll I am so excited so excited to be here and talk to you guys and you know what you should you should my book cover um but I'm gonna one-up you my friends how about that one you're gonna show it again I like alright name of my book is fiber fueled and guys I am so excited to be here I talked to you today about gut health but specifically plant-based gut health and I feel a little bit silly but I have to give the caveat that it's plant-based got health the reality is this is just gut health this is not some special form this is not me trying to figure out a way to make it plant-based this is the actual science this is what we're talking about and as I get started here before I begin I just want to give a you know huge thank you to the people at Forks Over knives I cannot thank them enough I cannot think Brian and Brook and you Cyrus for allowing me the opportunity to come to talk to you guys about my passion which is plant-based got help this is this is what I'm all about so it's jump right in and I have some requests for you guys you know for me to do my job and do it effectively I need you to do something for me first and that is that I need you to erase the mental image of your grandma stirring the orange drink so that she could have a bowel movement in the evening okay I need you to get rid of that I need you to get rid of the idea that fiber is just in the mouth and out the other end and I want to start from scratch I want to build from the ground up and teach you what you need to know about fiber which is this magic that is so much more powerful than you would ever realize until you read my book or you listen to this talk and thank you Cyrus for the lovely introduction you guys I'm dr. wil balsa wits everyone calls me dr. B and I have to tell you I am just so sick and tired of the misinformation on the internet I've had enough I've had enough I'm over it and I've really had enough of these fad diets from the self titled gut experts now you'll notice that these people who claim to be gut experts they're never actually trained in gastro neurology which is amazing to me that you would claim to be a gut expert without the actual training I would never claim to be a cardiologist even though I am board certified as an internal medicine doctor I would never do that that would be ludicrous so I find it quite interesting when people want to come into the gut space and claim expertise and yet haven't had any actual training in that area and I think that you deserve better I think that you guys deserve better than what you've been receiving from these fad diets they're not doing you any good and I think that you deserve actual silence and science needs to be the compass this is what I use on a daily basis in my clinic okay when I walk in and I'm taking care of my patients I want you to understand that there is truth that exists and science is the compass that guides us to that truth and when we are misled and when we receive misinformation that's like a compass that's just spinning in circles and you don't know what direction to walk and you walk yourself in circles and then you get frustrated because you haven't made any progress in terms of finding the path towards your ultimate goal which is health we need science science is the compass that shows us the path to find better health and that is what I used in writing my book and that's what I'm here to talk to you about today and it starts with this strapping young buck right here named Hippocrates he is the founder of Western medicine he predates Jesus thousands of years ago and when I wore a white coat for the first time at Georgetown and I put on the the white coat I took the Hippocratic oath and that is my dedication as a physician to taking the best care of my patients and to do no harm and one of the things that Hippocrates said not a part of the Hippocratic oath but one of the things that he said is all disease begins in the gut and I did not understand this until very recently and I trained at these great institutions Vanderbilt for college Georgetown for med school in northwestern you know I was the internal medicine chief resident I got a master's of Clinical Investigation there I went to the University of North Carolina I did my GI training many people who are in my specialty would argue this is the top division in the entire country and I also was at the School of Public Health which is the number two rated School of Public Health tied with Harvard and yet it never really connected for me that nutrition really meant anything but I ran into a problem I was about 31 years old and I felt miserable I felt like I was 60 I was exhausted anxious I had low self-esteem I was 50 pounds overweight you can see in this picture this is what my brothers would point out to me when I went home for Christmas every year well what happened man and the funny thing is I'm not exaggerating when you see this picture right here I was working out six times a week I am not exaggerating I was working out six times a week I would do 30 to 45 minutes of weights and then I would jump on the treadmill for a 5 to 10k or I would go in the pool for a hundred laps and this is what you see and you can see how round my face was back then I thought I could outwork it I worked as hard as I could I'm a hardworking person and so I dedicated myself to losing the gut losing the weight I could build muscle mass I could run in a good 5k I could swim a hundred laps I still couldn't lose the gut and you know I just didn't understand that the diet that I was raised on from my childhood was the actual problem you know I it's not that I thought that I was eating healthy food it's more so that I had always eaten this way this is the way that I was raised and why would something suddenly change that would cause me to lose my health to gain 50 pounds and have all of these medical issues so I never really connected the dots and the greatest thing to ever happen to me much better than writing my book is that I met my wife and you have to understand I had never been around someone that ate the way that she ate my wife a plant-based my wife ate the way that I'm going to describe to you today which is what science actually supports and we would be on a date and I would see her over there eating all plants and I would have the pork chop or the ribeye and I could not lose the gut and I saw her eating without restriction she was enjoying her food she was happy she was satisfied and she had no weight issue and she didn't have to try as hard as I was trying and so it opened up my minds to the possibility maybe it was my diet and so I started to make small changes at first replacing you know fast food with a smoothie and I felt amazing and my energy level came up and next thing I knew the fat was melting away my blood pressure drops my self-esteem was coming back and I started to question why I had not heard anything about this in my medical training and so after making these simple substitutions and having results and feeling so much better I mean look at this this is me basically at 40 I'm in the best shape of my life and this is not me working out believe it or not this is me working out an hour a week I'm not exaggerating twice a week for 30 minutes over here and this is me six times a week for like an hour and 15 minutes each time it's diet diet is the key diet allowed me to lose the gut and to get into the best shape of my life and I sincerely believe that going from 31 to 40 I sincerely believe that I reversed aging and we have some science to back that up you have to understand guys I am a man of science I've dedicated my life to it I immersed myself in clinical research and I'm the type of guy if the science isn't there I can't fully buy it so I turned to the medical literature and you know I was like how come I haven't heard anything about this I mean if it's plant-based diet is the way to go how come I haven't heard anything about this and I went to PubMed and I thought I would find like five studies and I was shocked when I found thousands of studies thousands of studies powerful studies systematic reviews and meta-analyses randomized control trials that showed me that this wasn't just a coincidence that human biology is meant to work this way I found this connection between the plants and our diet and the microbes in our guide and to me this connection is electric it is electric to me this is so powerful and I believe that this is one of the important keys to human health and that's what I'm here to talk to you about today that's what I wrote my book about so I brought these ideas into my medical practice because I'm the kind of guy that I just want to do the best that I can as a doctor I want to give my patients the best that I have and so when I discover something that I believe can make a meaningful difference in the life of my patients I have to give it to them at any expense it doesn't matter what the cost is I'm going to do that and so I felt compelled to share this in my medical practice and I've been blown away by the results it's incredible the way this is working so I got to a point after several years of seeing people experience health transformations in the same way that I had experience that I felt compelled to do something that frankly was out of character for me if you know me from social media you would think that I love social media I actually don't I really don't enjoy it at all but I felt compelled compelled to share this story I felt like people deserved to hear it and I really believed that it just was not good enough for me to be behind closed doors in my medical practice taking care of patients but not telling the entire world about the healing power that I had discovered so I created my social media account that got help MD and then I started doing podcasts I've been on rocky and Cyrus's podcast mastering diabetes this is from the plants proof podcast episode 17 which went viral in 2018 and that ultimately led me to a place where I got pulled into writing this book I just felt like there was a message that you guys deserved to hear and it wasn't enough for me to have social media or to be on podcasts that you actually deserve to the written word well-thought-out well-structured and complete and that's what led me to write this book fiber-filled and today I'm going to share with you this transformative power that the gut microbiome has and the path to optimize it and here's a little preview it's not what you've heard on the internet it's not a fad it's not even a diet it's actually a lifestyle of trajectory that heals that's what this is it's a lifestyle look at this number this number is absurdly large am i right all right hundreds thousands millions billions trillions 39 trillion microbes that's the number of microbes that you have as a part of your gut microbiome and if you take all the stars in our galaxy every single one in the Milky Way you would need 100 of these galaxies and convinced it down and fit it into your colon and that is your gut microbiome you have a hundred times more microbes then there are stars in our entire galaxy inside you and they're made up of five different types of microbes bacteria fungi archaea parasites viruses believe it or not you have more microbes than human cells you are less than 50% human and there are at least 10,000 different species of microbes that exist across this planet that can be a part of the human microbiome you personally though you personally have anywhere from three hundred to a thousand species inside of you and they include bacteria you know we hear about the bad guys like e.coli and Salmonella and Shigella but as it turns out bacteria make up most of our microbiome and the vast majority of them are good especially when you eat the way that I propose in my book fungi fungi are yeast and just like bacteria there are good ones and there are bad ones in this picture this is actually B esophagus I see this when I do an upper endoscopy on some patients and this is a candida infection Candida esophagitis and this is a type of bad yes but guess what there's a lot of really good funguses too and they're a part of a healthy gut microbiome and then my favorite be archaea archaea are somewhere between fungi and bacteria not quite exactly like either one and they have been on our planet for four billion years guys there's only been oxygen for 2.5 billion years they were hanging out for 1.5 billion years with no oxygen you will find archaea in the bottom of the ocean in a Rift vent you will find them inside of a volcano and you will find them inside of your colon and given the choice I can't believe I'm going to say this but I think I would take the friendly confines of the human colon over the inside of a volcano or the bottom of the ocean and rift events that's just me I'll let you pick your own choice and these microbes guys they live in harmony they live in harmony inside of us there's a balance that exists imagine it like this forest here this forest is made up of the flowing brook and the trees and the grass and the other plants and the birds the butterflies the bugs the snakes the animals and they all live as a part of this ecosystem guys your microbiome is as much of an ecosystem as you see in this forest and the rules that exist within this forest are very similar to the rules that apply within your gut ecosystem and just like you can decimate and damage this forest you can decimate and damage your gut and that looks like this this is where you have less of the beautiful trees there's no flowing brook this is where there are more bad guys and less good guys you have these terrible werewolves are horrifying and you know this is what the gut looks like when it's been damaged and perhaps you've heard of the expression vici got well we have a medical term and the medical term that we use is right here this by osis and this picture I'm not gonna quiz you on this I'm not gonna ask you to memorize the nerdiness that exists within this picture even though I personally love it I just want you to take in the image of this on the Left homeostasis which is a balanced gut and we'll look at all the different blues the blues are the anti-inflammatory healthy microbes all right look at all these beautiful blues and oh by the way this right here these are short chain fatty-acids I'm gonna come back and talk about short chain fatty-acids in a minute they're kind of important but over here on this side this is dysbiosis this is a damaged gut and gosh over here not not many red guys the red guys are the bad ones over here the red guys are dominating there's not many blue guys anymore over here on the right hand side and you're not really seeing many of the shores at E a sativa this is a damaged cut this is what it looks like on a microscopic level in the symptoms that are associated with damage to the gut are very broad I mean look at this list think about this list and consider where you fall personally what symptoms you may have experienced or what symptoms a person that you care about may have experienced so we know that the gut microbiome is affiliated with digestion it makes sense that it helps us to process and digest our food but did you realize that is connected to all these other things - that is connected to our immune system our mood our cognition our metabolism our hormones even the expression of our genetics let's take a little bit of a deeper dive here 70% of your immune system lives in the gut over here in this pitcher were zooming in like we have a microscope and we're zooming in and what we're looking at is this is the epithelial layer this is the layer that separates the inside of the intestine from where the bloodstream is over here and what you find is there is a single layer of cells this layer is so thin that the he I can't see it and on one side there are that got microbes and there is also food and oh look short chain fatty-acids are showing up again right here and on the other side over here this is your immune system 70% of your immune system and they're separated by just this much and they are talking to each other right now they are talking to each other look at the list of immune mediated conditions associated with damage to the gut it's a laundry list when I was researching my book there was no immune mediated condition that I actually found a study looking at whether or not the gut microbiome was associated and the answer was no what I'm saying is every single immune mediated condition that has been studied where they look at the gut microbiome they always find that there is damage to the gut microbiome how about the connection between the gut and our brain our brains best friend is your gut it's like two teenage girls who are on the phone for like six hours straight and they can't stop talking to each other that's the way that you're bringing and your gut are they are in communication literally right here right now we have almost 3,000 people on this call right now and every single one of you your brain is talking to your gut and your gut is talking to your brain literally right this second the gut contains 500 million nerves think about that that is five times more than you'll find in the spinal cord 90% of your serotonin the happy hormone produced in the gut 50% of dopamine which controls our reward center when we get the gratification like I just accomplished something I published a book boom dopamine 50% in the gut over 30 neuro transmitters now I'm no neurologist but I didn't even realize there were 30 neuro transmitters that's how many there are in the gut they are in constant communication they have multiple different ways that they talk to each other they can talk to each other through nerves they could talk to each other hormones that can talk to each other through the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and one of the ways that they can communicate is with short chain fatty-acids you keep hearing me say this and look at the list of conditions this is an early list there's going to be more in the future think about the different things anxiety depression so common ADHD Alzheimer's Parkinson's bipolar migraine headaches guys I want to clear the air on something you've been told that weight is calories in and calories out there's a lot of personal trainers who believe this it's not true simply not true let me show you real quick what's going on here they've done these microbiome studies with mice and what they do is they take a mouse that has been specially bred so that it does not have a microbiome okay so this germ-free mouse is then given a human microbiome they could give it a normal microbiome they could give it the microbiome from a human who is overweight or they could give the mouse the microbiome from a human who is underweight and then what they do is they take these three mice with their brand-new micro biomes and they feed them the exact same food the exact same number of calories and what do you see the one who gets a normal microbiome weighs a normal amount obese microbiome creates an obese Mouse skinny microbiome creates a skinny Mouse yet they all received the same number of calories it's shocking and it challenges much of what we've been taught and here's the list of metabolic conditions that have been associated with damage to the gut many of America's top killers are on this list coronary artery disease chronic kidney disease type 2 diabetes all top ten killers in the United States the gut is also an endocrine organ it's as much of an endocrine organ as your testicles or your ovaries it produces hormones and this is the reason why the gut has also been associated with these hormonal conditions endometriosis polycystic ovary syndrome thyroid disorders different types of cancer that are connected to hormones all connected back to the gut oh and by the way if there's any guys in the crowd this is what's gonna motivate you more than anything to change your diet right there that is the number-one thing that's gonna motivate any man to consider moving towards a plant-based diet boom how about our genes okay so I said you are less than 50% human when it comes to cells what about our genetic expression guys it gets even crazier our gut microbes make up 99.5% of our genetic code you are literally less than 1% humid when it comes to your genetic code you are less than 1% human I'm sorry if I'm wigging you out I'm sorry but this is science this is the truth and you know Cyrus tonight as crazy as this sounds are 99.9% identical when it comes to our human genome we're 99.9% the same but our microbiome may be completely different and there is no person on the planet that has the same microbiome as you it is as unique as a fingerprint and through certain things like epigenetics our microbes have the ability to regulate our genetic expression so you guys raise your hand and let me know who here is shocked by how powerful this one spa the gut microbe on my screen is blowing up you guys are all raising your hands my street I can't even see my screen right now y'all y'all are funny man all right yeah the chest locks is certainly going crazy I was going to try and play a common cater for you here but you can see I can't even read this fast nice keep re so it is incredible how powerful this is and this is why you guys this is why I don't I don't care whether you suffer with digestive issues or any of the medical issues that I have mentioned already in this talk whether you are sick whether you are healthy this is the most important thing in human health this is it we all need to pay attention to our gut microbiome it is so critically important and it should never be overlooked I follow my own medicine I can assure you of that so what determines the makeup of our gut microbiome let's start digging into how we can take control of this well here's the thing there's some things that you simply can't control okay you can't control your genetics or your age or how you were born you can't do that but you can't control your diet and medications and sleep tobacco alcohol exercise stress the people that you hang out with and I want to talk a little bit more about diet now think about this I just basically said that lifestyle controls our gut microbial consider for a moment how much our life has changed in the last 100 years consider this let's go back to 1920 alright no television certainly no cell phone no video games for the kids no processed food you'd probably knew your farmer the there you were not driving in a car you were spending a lot more time outdoors you're spending a lot more time with real people because you were not on the couch and you were not on social media radically different lifestyle in just 100 years and our gut has been forced to adapt to the changes that we have forced on these microbes we live in an overfed undernourished and hyper medicated world those are the changes that we have made we have added new chemicals to our food processed foods where they get in to our food supply under a loophole called generally recognized as safe which does not require human testing we have new farming practices that include herbicides insecticides we have narrowed down our farmers have been forced to use high yield crops biodiversity is eroding away that's not a good thing the animal agriculture industry is pumping cows up with antibiotics and hormones 80% of antibiotics in this country are not given the humans they're given the cows you know why because we when you destroy the microbiome of a cow with antibiotics it becomes obese and it gains weight fast they're eating the same amount of food our new normal diet is 60% processed and 30% animal and only 10% plants that was me that was me when I was 31 years old you saw the photos our medications antibiotics elect they're great when you need them we're overusing them proton pump inhibitors billions per year non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs trillions per year in the United States our sedentary life we're not spending time outdoors we're hyper sterilized we have weird sleep patterns now we're looking at our phone or watching TV at 10:30 at night which is affecting our sleep hormones and our ability to get good rest our systems and our culture are designed to strip us to our gut health not intentionally it's the fallout it's that we didn't understand what was going on with the gut microbiome until very recently the point is this if you want a healthy gut this is not going to just happen by accident we need to be intentional we need a plan and this is your plan my book fiber fields this is the completely science-based and this is the playbook for how to live in our overfed undernourished and hyper medicated world and we need to tap back into this connection that I've been talking about this electric connection between plants and our gut microbes let me tell you more about this because this is my passion here's how this works all plants contain fiber although every single one however only plants contain fiber they have a monopoly they have cornered the market there are millions maybe billions of types of fiber in nature fiber is incredibly complex from a biochemical perspective I was a chemistry major at Vanderbilt this is just one example of fiber on the screen right now that's how complicated it is and it makes it nearly impossible for us to create estimates of how many types of fiber exists but every type of fiber is different every type of fiber has its own properties to keep things super simple we break it into two main categories insoluble fiber which is the roughage and soluble fiber which is the stuff that will dissolve in a beverage its soluble so here's the story on insoluble fiber okay goes like this main soluble fiber it goes in the mouth Wiggles its way through its intestine and it launches out the other end like a torpedo okay that's what insoluble fiber does now I realize that's what most you have been taught is what actually happens with fiber period not true that's true for insoluble fiber but we have a different story when it comes to soluble fiber okay Seibel fiber for example you will find soluble fiber in black beans and it will feed microbes soluble fiber is food for your gut microbe it moves its way through your intestine and is unchanged until it gets to your colon and then these beautiful healthy anti-inflammatory microbes get into an absolute eating frenzy and they devour they devour the fiber the fiber does not come out the derriere the fiber is food for the microbes they are as alive as you and I are okay these are living organisms we may not feel like they are because they're invisible and we can't see them but they are they're alive and every plant has unique fiber that feeds unique microbes this is one of the good guys he's fighting for you but you got to feed him okay and he's a picky eater this guy right here he wants black beans and the problem is that if you restrict or eliminate the black beans this guy gets weaker and weaker and weaker and weaker until he's gone I think good you just start develop biodiversity is a measure of gut health I talked before about the forest with all the different animals if you take the snakes and the mosquito so like I'm gonna be honest I don't love snakes they scare me I don't love mosquitoes they annoy me but if we took the forests and we eliminated all the snakes and mosquitoes there would be a hole in the ecosystem that you would not be able to replace and that would affect the health of the entire forest and the same is true in your gut microbiome when we eliminate species we can potentially cause harm to the gut microbiome to the point that you're not able to compensate for the loss and that is when the gut has this function a more diverse diet translates into a more diverse microbiome follow me here diversity of plants means diversity of fiber every plant has its own types of fiber diversity of fiber translates into diversity of microbes each type of fiber will feed unique species of microbes makes sense right but guys mm-hmm I'm just gonna be straight with you there's a lot of books out there that are fad books that are based on theory I am a gastroenterologist I have my reputation I am NOT going to come forward with a book based on theory that's not good enough we need legitimate science we need legitimate science I'm not going to come forward with an idea okay and that's where we have the American gut project which is by the way not just American 42 countries are represented around the world this is the largest study to date to allow us to make a connection between our diet and lifestyle and the health of our gut microbiome this is the most well positioned study that we have to understand what it is about diet and lifestyle that predicts a healthy gut microbiome and this is one of my health heroes Rob Knight he's at the University of California San Diego I hope that Rob Knight wins a Nobel Prize someday I sincerely do and I wrote about him in my book and I was there at a meeting years ago where he stepped forward to the podium sold out packed house and he said this the single greatest predictor of a healthy gut microbiome is the diversity of plants in our diet scientifically confirmed validated the diversity of plants in our diet get off of me elimination diets get off of me paleo get off of me keto look let me be straight though in all seriousness we have 2800 people in this room right now we have more people who are gonna watch this video later I hope that some of you have been following the keto or the Paleo diet and you know why because I want to talk to you for a minute you are the purse that I appreciate the most and this is the honest truth because you have the audacity in the gall to actually change your diet in the interest of your health if you're doing the Paleo or the keto diet it's because you're motivated to get better my concern is that you have been fed bad science and bad ideas and it's not your fault because you're not the expert you are asking the expert to give you guidance on the right way to eat to heal your gut and optimize your body now here we see the science elimination elimination of whole grains and legumes elimination of entire categories because they're deemed carbs is bad for the gut microbiome 30 minutes ago I said but I discovered a special connection between the plants and our God the plants in our diet and the microbes in our gut to me this is the key to human health and when your microbes feast on prebiotic fiber it reward you by releasing short chain fatty acids I alluded to them earlier acetate propionate and butyrate this is the result of your gut microbes and there's a magic formula these short chain fatty acids are what we call post biotics now you guys have heard of these probiotics those are the living microorganisms guess what you have probiotics in your side your guy right now they're already there you don't need to take a capsule to get them prebiotics are the food this is the fiber when you combine fiber and the healthy microbes in your gut you produce post biotics the entire point the entire point of prebiotics and probiotics is to get post biotics that is the entire point and they have healing effects throughout the entire body let me tell you about what they do in the gut okay they actually help you to get more healthy anti inflammatory microbes they enrich the good guys they simultaneously suppress the inflammatory microbes I talked about Salmonella Shigella ecoli guess what short chain fatty-acids actually suppress those bacteria directly and by doing this I showed the forest with the werewolves if you take the werewolves out of the forest and you grow out the trees and you bring in the cute little deer and the rabbits you're gonna get back to establishing a healthy gut microbiome and that is what the short chain fatty-acids are doing they're strengthening the intestinal barrier they are improving motility and they also reduce sensitivity this is what happens with people with your old bowel syndrome but they also have healing effects throughout the entire body it's no surprise the gut is connected to the immune system the gut is connected to our hormones to our mood to our brain our cognition to our metabolism well guess what short chain fatty-acids are connected to to our immune system it protect us from cancer heart disease stroke diabetes that help us to lose weight they sharpen and enhance our brain I have so much more than I want to talk to you about I Witter I'm just getting started if if Brian from Forks Over knives up me I would go for five hours okay cuz I love this stuff and these are some of the topics that you will find covered in my book that in the interest of time we didn't go there but my book does and this is my book fiber fueled it is out today one thing I want to say is that I if you have the chance to purchase this if you're in the in the United States I really want you to think about buying it from your local book store because they're hurting right now Amazon isn't that hurting but your local bookstore is hurting and let's support our local local community you guys can find me at the plant fed gut calm I have a free email newsletter I have a research guide which shows you how to find the truth within the noise it has all 600 references for my book this is free I have a kovin 19 guide and last but not least if you have a pen write this down bitly bi tly backslash fiber field supplements I have a missing chapter for my book and special for the people from forks over knives the you know thousands of people who here today listening to this webinar I'm gonna give this to you for free this is not available to people on social media this is just for you guys so if you go to that website you can download this completely for free it's for you and that is all I got dr. B unbelievable it's funny I've I've had many conversations with you we've talked about everything under the Sun including good health and I've actually interviewed you on five separate occasions multiple podcasts multiple webinars you name it every single time I listen to you talk there's a new light bulb that goes off in my head about what the gut what the architecture of them again the importance of your microbiome and how your microbiome relates to other tissues in your body so just keep talking as far as I'm concerned you do a masterful job and I I appreciate all the information you shared because it's truly truly truly powerful stuff it really does go against a lot of the information that I learned when I was in graduate school which wasn't even that long ago 2007 to 2012 I mean even at that time I remember in classes people were telling me fiber is not that important fiber goes in one end it goes out the other end it might bind to some cholesterol and pull it out of your system so that it doesn't absorbed but beyond that it's pretty much inert and you've done a really good job of helping us understand that actually that's not a true statement thank you my friends absolutely so before we got a lot of Q&A there was there were ton of questions that were coming in as you were speaking and obviously you didn't have an opportunity to answer those questions so I want to make sure that we get to those questions no question and we're gonna try and answer as many as we can before we get there I just want to share one thing I want to show you guys something that the Forks Over knives team is offering which i think is fantastic so I'm gonna share my screen so here we go this is one of the things that I really love about the forks over knives team is their mission to make whole food plant-based eating easy enjoyable and accessible for literally anyone who wants the information truth be told forks over knives wants to see everyone living healthy and happy lives and this is exactly why they do what they do and life they've created so many tools and so many resources for you to use as you transition to a more plant focused lifestyle they know that a diet or lifestyle change can sometimes be intimidating and because of that they've released a guide that's gonna help you guys get started so the guide is shown here it's the special issue of the forks over knives magazine called how to eat plant-based this issue was released earlier this year and it sold out almost immediately now the forks over knives team has brought it back but only for a limited time so for anybody's who's who's considered trying to eat a plant-based diet but it isn't necessarily sure where to start this essential beginners guide shows you how to take charge of your health starting today I'm telling you this beautiful magazine has an incredible collection of articles and success stories and tips and tricks and recipes like you see on the screen right here that are 100% plant-based oil-free so let me take you through a quick look of what is inside in this special issue you're gonna learn about the science that supports the power of plant-based eating to not only prevent but actually reverse chronic illnesses such as heart disease such as diabetes and many more and you'll also get answers to common health and nutrition related questions from doctors that are in the field you'll find real-life success stories you'll find shopping tips and you'll get cooking tips as well and you'll get 59 delicious recipes I tell you if the if shirt for no other reason you get this magazine simply for the recipes it is still a slam dunk this special issue cuts through all the confusion and puts the pleasure in plant-based eating highlights of this particular recipe include how to roast and saute without using oil in a chat box if you've ever been confused about this question how do I cook without oil just write the word oil in the chat box another thing that you're gonna learn are five ways to build healthy habits that last a lifetime you'll also learn you also get a collection of the forks over knives teams favorite breakfasts lunches dinners and snacks as well as dessert recipes and trust me when I say that their recipes are for real we have been using my wife and I have both been using the forks over knives app and we've been using the forks over knives flavor cookbook and we use this every single week and I literally have yet to make a single recipe that didn't not only that was good but didn't blow me away so if you haven't started dabbling with the horse or knives recipe then you might be missing out you'll also learn pro tips for dining out you will also get what's called the kitchen reboot which is it teaches you what to keep and what to toss and what to get to stack your pantry to success you'll also get a five day meal plan with a shopping list and a weekend prep plan to get you started now the forks ever not is how to eat plant-based magazine is now available for a limited time on newsstands and in our online store and it can be delivered straight to your door both in US and the Canada so if you live outside of the US or Canada you can also get a digital version available directly off of the forks over knives website and while you're shopping on the website I also highly recommend checking out the rest of the items that are in their shop including other books magazines DVDs salad dressings and more if you or someone else you know is starting out with a plant-based diet or even if you've been plant-based for a while and just want something new to keep you going new recipes new tips new tricks trust me when I say this special issue is incredible the combination of this issue plus fiber fuelled is a winning combo so that my friend our tooth those are two things that you can do to get your plant-based transition into high gear guaranteed 100% to make a huge difference in your overall health doctor we had a ton of questions you gotta yeah we go in rapid-fire as much as we can yeah you want to do lightning round right here we go a lightning round now we'll go as long as you guys will you know I'll go as long as you want me to go I'm sure we're not gonna get through all it looks like we got a time okay perfect so there's there's two thousand four hundred seven people here why don't we do question and answer for not too long we'll just stay here for like six more hours and we'll just wrap in fire questions the entire time cycle bro don't test me like that man I'm diggin up on that I know you will okay you ready if I did take antibiotics how would I be able to replenish good gut bacteria okay very important study came out in September 2018 that showed us that you do not take probiotics the answer is do not take a probiotic it actually slows down the recovery of your gut the solution is what we talked about plant-based diet in diversity diversity of plants and a plant-based diet is the approach that you need to heal your gut because you will feed the microbes and they will grow back diversity of plant fiber that is the answer Joe asked a question I have so much gas now that I'm vegan what the heck should I do alright chapter 5 of my book is called how to find your plant passion with a sensitive guy I break down to you for you the entire reason why there can be medical reasons why you have gas and bloating but sometimes it comes down to you have to go slow when you introduce fiber and FODMAPs and I break down these science behind that in chapter 5 so that's gonna be an important chapter for Jeff it's very good ok on that same note what are the best fermented foods for good health kombucha kimchi sauerkraut yes no I so I am all about the sauerkraut ok basically you were taking cabbage and by the way my book has a recipe for sauerkraut so you can make it at home it's so easy to do it's really fun delicious too by the way the sauerkraut is you know you start with cabbage one of the 10 healthiest foods on the planet and you allow the microbes to transform it and it becomes even more healthy that's what I love about sauerkraut kimchi is the same thing have I told you about my cabbage obsession no no I'm Carrie over the course of the last I would say nine so I went from thinking that cabbage was sort of like okay it was this thing that you could buy and I didn't really want to buy it to be 100% obsessed with it I have it on the daily basis now whether it's shredded finally in eaten raw in a salad or whether I steamed it or whether I actually turn it into sauerkraut I am NOT a master of sauerkraut and I want to become so you've just motivated me so thank you I want to be real quick that purple cabbage I think of also there are so many beautiful plants right the n7 avocado is beautiful but I think purple cabbage might be the most beautiful when you cut into a purple cabbage and you look at it it's just like oh my gosh look at that it's gorgeous I have the image in my head I know you're talking about yeah let's make let's make cabbage cool again let's do it okay here we go is drinking large amounts of water during your meal bad for your digestive process you know it's actually good it's actually good there's no concern you know I think that this is getting at the concern about stomach acid but drinking water with your meal is certainly not a bad thing if anything it's a good thing we don't drink enough water it amazes me that we spend money on sugary beverages when you could have water for free that's the absolute truth that's absolutely true okay here's a great question what's the impact of birth control pills on the microbiome no great studies specifically with the microbiome but we people often wonder and we do have studies where they've made a connection between birth control pills and inflammatory bowel disease and inflammatory bowel disease is a disease of damage to they got microbiome so it suggests that if we did do a study we would probably find something okay but there are no studies to this date you know it's funny in today's world I feel like there's often it's you know the answer is well there was this meta-analysis performed or there was this evidence based you know randomized control trial that showed this and that's sort of like the gold standard currency that we have in this world of science but sometimes I would argue that that stuff is important but common sense also factors in and sometimes when you you know you can you can perform certain you can eat certain foods or you can perform certain activities and you can feel the effect on you and you don't necessarily need a randomized control trial to prove to you that something is or is not intelligent all right yeah no I think that's right but I think yeah I'd be careful you have to be careful where people put excessive emphasis on short term how they feel right like this makes me palate good right so okay cocaine makes people feel good alcohol makes people feel good smoking does I don't you know so you have to be aware of the possibility that sometimes what feels good and the short term is bad for you in the long term okay very good distinction I love that how does alcohol affect your gut microbiome just like you mentioned are there specific types of alcohol that are actually beneficial or not bad okay I talked about this in the book two things number one alcohol is I don't consider it to be good for the gut microbiome clearly alcohol is associated with damage to the microbiome which leads to cirrhosis people who develop cirrhosis it's because of damage to the microbial okay it's not the alcohol directly believe it or not it's the alteration of the gut microbiome that's a huge part of this and so so I would encourage people to not make alcohol a daily habit it's okay to enjoy an alcoholic beverage from time to time and of all the types of alcohol red wine because of by the way resveratrol which is a poly phenyl is actually good for the microbiome but resveratrol is also found in red grapes it's also found in peanuts you don't have to drink red wine to get resveratrol there's other plant sources oh oh and what up is other plant sources red rip red grapes red grapes cherries peanuts there's a couple more I wrote about it in the in this section in the book okay so true or false in order to get a biologically effective dose of resveratrol you don't actually have to eat very much I've seen some things that say oh well if you actually want to get you know a decent dose like a biologically relevant dose of resveratrol you have to drink six bottles of red wine or you have to eat a case of grapes is that true or is that not true well at least in terms of the microbiome so it's hard for me to speak categorically about resveratrol because it's not my expertise but right at least with regard to the gut microbiome we think that even just having one glass of wine every couple of weeks does the does what you need because you're feeding the microbes that like resveratrol valid okay so somebody asks a really good question here who says once a particular species of microbe and your gut becomes extinct or it dies how do you get it back is it possible it's a tough question we we don't have a clear-cut answer yet to that question just in Sonnenberg who's a microbiome researcher at Stanford who by the way has endorsed my book he supports it he did a study where if you lose the species of microbe which by the way in this study they lost species of microbes because they were on a low-fiber diet and if you reinstituted a high-fiber diet early enough you would get the species back but he did show that if he waited too long and you stuck with a low fiber diet ultimately it would lead to the loss of that species and you could not get it back the only way to get it back in that setting was with a fecal transplant fecal transplants that's exactly right okay what is the minimum amount of fiber recommended for men and recommended for women 38 grams for men 25 for women and the average American is getting about 15 okay average American gets 15 recommended daily intake is 25 for women 38 for men okay if you write the minimum service it was a minute yeah if you could rewrite the US nutritional standards dr. B would say the minimum amount of fiber for women equals what well if I were to rewrite it I I think that you know if we were eating the proper diet so if a person is actually eating the proper diet which to me is at least 70% plant-based and ideally more like 90 to 100% plant-based if we were eating the proper diet people would be exceeding 35 grams of fiber without even trying they would consistently be over 50 grams of fiber but I'll be honest with you Cyrus I don't I don't count grams of fiber okay I don't count grams of fiber I count diversity of plants I look at how many species I eat and that's what I pay attention to and I'm eating a plant-based diet and so as long as you're eating a plant-based diet and you're getting the diversity if you focus on the diversity you will get what your gut needs okay so when you say species you focus on the number the the the types of the species that you're consuming does that mean that a peach is one species and a tomato is another species mm-hmm does that mean that a white peach and a yellow peach are two different species sure okay great so perfect so black beans are different than red beans are different than garbanzo beans yes that's true that's true but this is why I get worried about categorical eliminations okay because black beans chickpeas kidney beans although they're not exactly the same they're my cousin's right right but if you do a categorical imitation of beans altogether that's getting rid of the whole family there's no whole grain that can replace that mm-hmm right so if you say look I don't like black beans but you're still eating beans and you're getting the other types of beans you're gonna be okay it's not a big deal but if you get rid of the whole category no beans at all you can't replace that mmm that's what you're saying okay so then follow-up question would be on average on a daily basis do you have an idea about how many different species of plants you put into your mouth here's what we know the American gut project in the American gut project they looked over the course of a week and what they defined as being a high diversity of plants was 30 or more so now that doesn't mean that 30 is magically different than 29 you have to understand the statistics this is where they made the threshold but the point is this we want to all be striving to get as much as possible 30 but you know what's better than 30 40 why not shoot for as much as possible okay this is actually really important so for those of you that are still here the other 2,200 of you guys are still here please write that number down 30 different species of plant material into your diet on a weekly basis if you can do that then according to dr. Wilbur squits you can get to very diverse plant intake and that's gonna maximize your chances of having the most healthy gut possible and let me just say real quick it doesn't have to be super challenging like people here that they go oh dang how am I gonna do that ok number one if you make a smoothie it's so easy bananas greens throw in multiple different types of berries throw in some nuts and seeds you know and then if you want make a smoothie bowl and throw even more toppings on top and you could easily get the pen right there in one meal I'll make spaghetti and sauce like tomato sauce okay so we'll do an organic whole wheat pasta tomato sauce look that's too that's not very good right but how hard is it that throwing onions garlic zucchini mushrooms spinach okay that's five extra plants and then after the sauce is ready smells amazing kids are super psyched serve that get some basil maybe some fresh parsley boom smash that on top and guys you just got all the way up to nine plants on one rail to cook in one meal and one meal it's brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant okay if I'm already eating a plant-based diet and I still have heartburn what do I do well so a couple things number one I love that you're eating a whole plant-based diet I would eliminate oil if that's a part of your diet I would focus on plant-based diversity I would also look at there was a study Syrus where they looked at the elimination of caffeine and alcohol and replacing it with water and when people did that they actually were able to improve their acid reflux and then the last thing is this I and this is just being sincere in let's be honest guys let's not pretend that a plant-based diet is a cure-all for every single disease that exists on the planet the plant-based diet is the healthiest diet that exists for virtually every single disease and also happens to be the most ethically sound and also happens to be great for our environment okay so the the plant-based diet is a strong position from a nutritional perspective on all fronts which is beautiful thing but if we all ate 100% whole food plant-based there would still be some people with acid reflux that's reality you know each one of us has vulnerability Valley okay let's get some really good information actually can eating too much fruit cause diarrhea if so is there such thing as too much fruit yeah so it's interesting there are some people who have a congenital fructose I so Maltese deficiency which basically means that they are born with the absence of the enzyme necessary to process fructose in fruit and it's easily remedied with an enzyme and so if you have diarrhea with fruit then you should talk to your doctor about being tested for this enzyme deficiency of fructose isomalt ACE deficiency fruit tastes isomalt taste deficiency you know and just for you guys that will be on the quiz just so you know okay you have to spill oh okay okay I have heard that beans and legumes caused a leaky gut that's what people on the internet tell me is that a true statement well you know that and this gets back to be careful what you believe on the internet you know if I need an attorney I'm not gonna go and find a paralegal to give me legal advice right I'm gonna find a really really qualified attorney that I have confidence in because I have to trust them to do great work for me be careful you who you believe in the internet and the bottom line is in chapters 4 & 5 of my book I break it down and I make it very clear what the position of of legumes is which is that people who eat legumes live longer with less heart disease and less cancer in the United States we are eating less light used today than we did 50 years ago we eat just 6 pounds of legumes per year and most people eat more pounds of meat in two weeks than they do tons of legumes in an entire year sad one more time the most people eat people eat 220 pounds of meat on average in the United States just six pounds of legumes 220 pounds of meat versus 6 pounds of legumes and we think that the legumes are the are the problem it's again service it comes back to we're being fed ideas that are not scientifically valid and I break down the lectin theory in great detail in my book because people deserve to know what the truth is 220 pounds of meat versus six pounds of leggings for years I had no idea that is right in 160 pounds of legumes is down is down 25 percent compared to 50 years ago and we're eating less légumes than we did before and yes it's the problem no it's not Wow that is unbelievable okay well talk to us about lectins I realize that you're going to a lot of detail about that in your book but could you give us the sort of elevator pitch here about our lectins good for me our lectins bad for me because it's all over the internet and people are being easily persuaded into believing that any food that contains lectins is actually going to damage their gut microbiome and cause a bunch of chronic disease any person who hears that theory and feels confused because they're hearing different things should read my research guide which is completely for free on my website the plaintiff edcom because it's meant to help you to understand how to separate the truth from all the noise there's a lot of noise and bad science out there with the lectin theory the elevator pitches this number one the book that told us how bad lectins are forgot to include that most of the studies on lectins show that they protect us from cancer there are far more studies saying that lectins are good for us protecting us from cancer and there are one saying that they're bad cancer is the number two cause of death in America last time I checked that seems pretty important to me that we protect ourselves from cancer number two all the lectin studies I want you guys who are here today to understand this and be informed intelligent consumers all the lectin studies that are being referenced are test-tube studies or basic science studies this is literally the weakest research that exists you never ever should take those studies and accept them as true without doing human studies to see what happens when real people eat real food it's not a fair extension to take a test tube study with some artificial concentration of lectins swirled around with human cells that oh my gosh look what happens there that's not what really happens when a real person eats a bean all right so when real people eat beans and whole grains they live longer with less heart disease and less cancer and so the bottom line from my perspective is that I'm not scared of lectins I don't pressure cook my food but if you cook your beans you're getting rid of most of the lectins anyway okay great but does not necessarily have to be perfect I don't never pressure cooked my beans in my entire life and I welcome those cancer protective benefits from lectins I welcome them okay all right talk to me we got time for two more questions we have 2,000 109 people still here with two more questions here we go all right make them good all right there's a lot of good questions okay all right what how does gut health affect acne especially in hormonal teenagers but not necessarily only confined to that it affects hormones it also affects skin health globally speaking there are numerous different skin conditions they're associated back to the gut if your teenager consume dairy the easiest and very quickest thing to do would be to eliminate theory from their diet that's step one but frankly from my perspective moving towards a plant-based diet ideally a completely whole food plant-based diet if you do that you're going to see radical changes in your skin I'm gonna tell you right now my skin change dramatically and I love it because I look I get more people asking me when I'm 40 whether or not old enough to be a doctor that I did when I was 30 I mean wow yeah how older people think you are now times sometimes in my late twenties sometimes like 32 yeah I thought you were 16 so that's impressive I'm actually 95 no well okay so here's another question whoa this is the last question this is a favorite of mine all right could you talk to us about the connection between soluble fiber or just fiber in general if you want and insulin production what oh gosh well you you are just this well-positioned to talk about this as me but here's the beautiful thing so we talked about short chain fatty-acids manga during the presentation fiber feeds the microbes prebiotic fiber feeds the microbes the microbes consume that fiber and then they transform it into short chain fatty-acids the short chain fatty-acids spread throughout the body they can reverse leaky gut they can lower cholesterol they can prevent heart disease they can help us to control our weight but when it comes to diabetes they go to the pancreas they have the ability to activate the bait the beta cells within the pancreas to modulate insulin release and that is one of the ways that fiber is able to help us control our blood sugar and you and I have talked about this before that at like didn't we adding fiber to your meal and improve your blood sugar dramatically another thing that it does to is it slows down the absorption of glucose into your blood and it so in your upper respiratory tract so when you consume fiber rich foods the carbohydrate molecules that are then broken down into glucose it takes it takes a longer time for those glucose molecules to get into your blood and as a result of that you get us some more a blunted blood glucose response after a meal with anchor naturally exactly flattens the curve that's exactly right and it slows down the rate of insulin release from the beta cells because they don't have to work as hard that's another way that you can sort of upstream of insulin production slowed down the the biological requirement for insulin yeah all right dr. B we've gone through 714 questions you did it in record time congratulations those excellent quick reminder for those of you that are still here we got a two thousand of you which is fantastic please reminder to go grab a copy of dr. B's new book fiber for you guys right here this is right that one on the screen again if you can get that book at a local bookstore that is always the best option I want to keep local bookstores in business as long as possible if that is not an option for you in any way shape or form and you have to purchase it online that is okay please feel free to purchase it online as well but the most important thing is get book in your hands because this book can truly change the way you think about your gut the way you think about fiber and the way that you your your gut microbiome health improves over the course of time number two also please visit forks over knives comm slash shop and pick up a copy of the forks over knives beginner's guide that magazine as you guys had seen earlier contains recipes how to's success stories scientific information and much much more is a fantastic resource when I first saw that book in person in LA because it came out at the time that I was there I saw it and I laughed so hard because the amount of detail that the forks over knives team goes in in creating this material is so above and beyond what I expected that it just made me laugh at how much of a valuable resource they create for you guys and for people who are willing to eat plant-based are wanting to eat plant-based diets so if you haven't already picked up your copy I highly recommend it the combination of that plus fiber field is a winning combination and thank you so much for being here today it's been a pleasure there's still almost two thousand of you guys here will I'm seeing in the chat box there's just a flood of thank-yous coming in awesome presentation desert okay so you know I'm so grateful for all the people who can't came to hang out with us today I'm sincerely humbled and honored that you guys gave your time to listening to this talk and and also I noticed a couple comments where people are almost being apologetic about buying it from Amazon please don't apologize about not at all from Amazon like you guys order it from whatever place you need to I think it's just we want to bring attention to the local bookstores when there's an opportunity many of your communities you know if you live in New York right now you may not be able to get this book from your local bookstore and this I get it I get it so but anyway I just want to thank you guys and I I want to take this opportunity one last time to just think Forks Over knives to thank Brian window please you think Brook and you know this what an incredible opportunity to be able to come and use the forks over knives platform which I believe in so much which I'm a huge fan of which I mean it frankly it's it's my favorite cookbook by far and to be here and be able to talk to the good you know followers of works over knives the community I just means a lot and I'm grateful for that absolutely the the forks over knives team is I mean I have nothing but fantastic say things to say about them both as human beings as well as content producers and you know people who are truly just motivated to want to help you live a healthier life so thank you to everyone my cat also wants to say thank you and we will see you in next webinar have a great day and stay safe thanks guys see you guys
Channel: Forks Over Knives
Views: 223,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: un90A52gX-Y
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Length: 80min 32sec (4832 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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