WHO WOULD YOU PICK!? WHO LIVES WHO DIES | The Walking Dead: Season 3 (Episode 5) ENDING

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stop it what did I what did I tell upon my gonna stab me how do I feel symptoms go to a Greek engineer welcome back to the finale of Walking Dead Season three not four three season three re chopped explain we're playing season three so that we can play season four so many people that I come it's glory season focus what seconds plan season for tomorrow welcome back to Walking Dead Season three Episode five before we can even start up a soul five I left y'all on a nasty cliff finger yesterday I know y'all still love me to know so before we do anything continue then how come you shot Conrad huh back in the tunnel when he came after us he tried to bargain with you but you thought killing him would be easier I saved your life too in case you didn't remember that part so what you shot him you killed him what's whoa is she telling the truth you murdered my friend I told you that did you do that for you look me in the eyes man you let me think the walkers had killed him I told you to lying this whole time he had a gun on them if I hadn't killed him he was gonna shoot Clementine and Gabe he's telling the truth when Conrad found out that I used to run with new frontier he went crazy he would have pulled the trigger no question I guess we'll never know right cuz he's not here to tell his side of things you made sure that looks like you're a pretty dangerous person to be around hoppy first you kill my friend then you get me and my friends on Jones list I think you need to give us some space hobby dad I don't want to see you ever again maybe I'd be better off with Joe least I know she wants to stab me in the back you get the count and you stay gone or I can't be held accountable you feel me we could take care of ourselves hell we stick around you much longer you'll probably kill us too I'm sorry it happened the way it did really Conrad wasn't a bad guy the situation was just we better go get that truck I'll uh get my stuff then call you on the walkie when I see we go sorry square we done with Gabe we're done with him cut it we done with it Wow I have no words I have no words for what just happened Gabriel II did that I'm showing him nothing but love and support man even when he messes up I'm always you taking it easy Jacques and he does that even kind of everybody you guys hang back here be ready for anything all right game I got something for you you're punishing me cuz I told everyone what you did right screw that I'm going to get the truck you stay behind and keep watch keeping watch is an important job too not as important as getting that truck again come on I need you to watch my back on this one yeah okay what nothing Gabe and I will be fine back here that's why Clementine is too good for you will you not give her that that's literally the biggest weight in my face this thing looks like it moves too slow for an escape I'm having trouble getting over that guys Wow everybody turned on me after what's going on thanks for what helping out with Gabe he's having a rough time yeah we all are I'm just doing what I can let's keep looking for that truck you got it you know what me a proposal a new rule let's get this entire group me Paul a Clementine but to make our own group we bout to get AJ and that's the group man let's go so many unlikable characters dude it's it's vile like who are we supposed to like besides Paul it's like what are the chances I'd say about 50 50 where you are doing razors come on we gotta hurry and finish before more people wake up what are we gonna do no we can't start the engine not without attracting a lot of attention Kate you steer the rest of us are gonna get behind the truck and push see if we can't get some distance between us and them alright this is either gonna be really good or really bad ready ready hey Nene person that like paper turns even me after all huh I'm just saying I know you didn't want me to come along if I'd stay behind maybe we wouldn't have been able to get the truck dang it I got the press why don't think those guys they'll be able to hear the engine all the way over here I put it in neutral couldn't find an ignition key in there guess you'll have to hotwire it hot-wired try not to shock me think I know how to do that I'll need something to strip the wires they left all their supplies lying around bet there'll be some tools out there somewhere just try to hurry okay oh my god that scared the freak out of me all right just give him hit him hit him hit him boy don't you forget it keep an eye out I'll get it started okay I'll check on the guys in the office Clem and I will look out for walkers okay here goes turn that up just like so the Hotwire expert has stepped in the building so what you're going to do is we're gonna go ahead and do is just cut the middle one yep god connect the battery to the ignition and then just cut the left one and then you want to follow that up with the right one and then what you're going to go ahead and do is take the left wire let there be light [Music] freaking guy ports dispute an other one Javier let's do the other one don't get electrocuted don't get electrocuted javi hurry up I'm trying man I don't know how to do this hey let's go now y'all worried about the walkers yeah we're yeah I got bigger problems on our hands the squares a couple of blocks away this is a good place to wait do we have enough gas I'm not about to turn the engine off again what now we wait for Ava to call us on the walkie so nothing for us to do but sit and watch the Sun come up well I know we've got something important to do I'm teaching you to play euchre that's not a real thing it's a card game come on it's fun it's nice to be driving around with a couple games big news really takes you back doesn't it those were good sorry you're right this is nice if I just close my eyes we're right back where we were all of us together do what I do try to think about the nice stuff not everything that happened after huh gotcha come on that's not even a good rule still gotcha guess he's stopped playing it cool with her huh uh in case you haven't noticed Gabe's got a little crush on Clementine oh yeah she like-likes her you get it crazy amazing isn't it that in the middle of all this the fine time to flirt with each other guess it just goes to show you stick two people together yeah something's going to happen between them is glad it's the good kind of something this time around normal you know like as crazy as things get as terrible and tragic and just like planes stupid yeah there's nothing more wonderfully ordinary has two kids falling for each other whatever not that they're there yet but to feel something that intensely for another person kind of like the best trip there is is it bad if I kind of envy them those early days before you get up the courage to say exactly what on your mind you never get those back do you no no you don't it's unfair that's all I'm saying that they're feeling what they're feeling right now and when that Sun gets a little higher it's right back to the fight I just wish he could have had a childhood you know I wish I could have given them that what about Mariana him and Mari both they deserved better than this all the wishing in the world isn't gonna change what the world is now nobody gets to be a kid anymore yeah hell you're lucky if you get to grow up there right I know you're right I hope you know javi having you there with me right by my side all this time that's what made the difference you're so sure of what you're doing all this for you didn't run away you could have but you didn't people need me I'm here so I can set an example for people from Gabe especially someone to be proud of someone who sticks around I get it there is no graceful way to say this so I'm just gonna say it I know we've had moments you and I oh my gosh no and there are always a little hot and a little confusing and maybe some of them haven't meant anything I know this girl ain't talking about when she cut her hand watching the dishes and I was trying to help her out thing at all but before whatever happens tomorrow happens I need you to know whatever this thing is between us I want to give it a chance oh I know the fact that David is back in our lives now makes this whole thing a little more complicated but do you feel the same way I'd really like to know Wow this is just a quarry Kenshin effect guys is yeah Kate she seems like a great woman you know I just joking about all this stuff about her being ugly she's cute whatever she's nice caring motherly but there is no way there's no possible way that I can reconcile Xavier in Kate being a couple maybe if David was a friend you know that would still be hard for me to do but you married my brother you married my brother why would I want to do that to my own brother I'm not cut out for it for I know before things get crazy we might not get another chance I'm sorry Kate Oh God I just can't see it between us so all those times you said stuff I was just imagining it what do I say years together on the road that looks the hints of something more you're saying none of that you owe me the gold I thought it did David's not just some guy in our lives he's my brother why I don't see him being okay with this ever I can't do that to him okay I'm not looking for so patient you're saying you do feel something it doesn't matter Kate it can't go anywhere I guess a part of me always knew you didn't feel the same way God knows I pushed you a couple times but you always said no because they have to find out what a good brother would you wish they want me to be we're gonna hang David in front of the whole round you've gotta get over here now don't break the truck if they see it they'll kill him right away did you can just get into the square we got to get over there now now is this awkward dude look this is not meant to be keep the walkie close by I'll tell you as soon as we've got David then you can drive into the square and pick us up don't be like this come on caning you and I both know this is stupid I'm not even gonna dignify that with a response you already told me what you feel you don't need to say another damn word just stay how to say we'll be in touch as soon as we can so whoa whoo you disgusting you miss me you wanna be with a brother and his brother bro all these characters is canceled and it sounds like a crowd out there like hey I got caught by something or somebody they wanted meet really wish we gave some idea of what we're heading into oh my gosh I'm so mad right now like Toto what do you like is what are you know last time no whole plan shot or did she just have a little setback I hate not knowing I'm getting a little worried about Eva something must have gone wrong something must have happened you're not gonna know what went wrong until we actually do this thing so let's do it already you ready our days I'm gonna be a bride you hear it Cate Cate [Music] disgusting oh they got this man on a news oh sure we can't wait for the others can we for years now Richmond has been governed by one simple principle strong council strong community right but unfortunately the actions of one of the members of that council our security expert David Garcia have put us always lying to all of you I'm sorry dad show you this truly I am but you all need to see just look what he's done he murdered this man in cold blood this who we want in charge someone this reckless this cruel have anything to do with it we bought the finances company she's gonna kill him she can't do this to him he's kept himseif try to keep you cool Jones smart but we're smarter we just have to be careful we can't screw this up Bobby I heard you were planning to crash our little party why did you come on up here show your face to everyone I'm sure these people would like to hear what you have to say happy to been waiting for this all day then I'll try not to disappoint you let's get up there in the hitter with the bed just go out like a boss I had a very interesting conversation with your friend Eleanor last night isn't that right Eleanor we did she said you were coming here to rally the people against me convince them that I are you getting marriage meant don't know how you thought you were going to pull it off considering it's all of us against the three of you and that's exactly what I'm planning to do appreciate the honesty which makes this so much harder here in Richmond people who put themselves before the group don't last long bring them out get away from me you're making a mistake Vera who know they happen this good time David wanted to tear this whole place down he told his people where to find our guns supply and sure enough they picked us clean you really thought you could ride into town and staged a coup with our own damn weapons something like that I can't just let it go you've put me in a no-win situation here so I'm gonna do the same thing to you both of them deserve to die for their crimes however Bobby I'll let you spare one of them just one no no no Joe don't not after what they tried to do you may be guilty of bringing them in to save me but they chose to coerce again I don't let that happen if you're gonna punish anyone it should be me not then so ready to sacrifice yourself for others don't worry javi I'm not through with you yet Joan are you sure about this we never agreed to kill all these people it's really up to javi isn't it all eyes are on you maybe this will help you make up your mind boys come on Harvey who's it gonna be your friend or your brother's lieutenant all right come on just stupid you can't be serious damn you Jill trip isn't really our friend anymore so trip was the bro but now he gots to go I'm sorry true I love to I love to let Ava live she's always been loyal oh well there's a hobby I know backstabbing double-crossing no-good dirty murder such language but I admire the sacrifice you're making here hobby shooter wait I said don't shoot Ava you did but there's something else you need to understand betrayal Joan think about what you're doing Ava's one of us you can't I can do anything I want you brought this on yourself doing oh my god they really shot her damn it now David it's your turn look at that do it in the back yeah yeah murder I can't believe this this isn't how we do things this is madness stop or Clint is this the process you trusted no think about this hobby you know what's gonna happen here you ready for that we don't murder in Richmond we exile that's how we've always done things how about you take David and the rest of your people and just get the hell out go far away from Richmond and then whatever you do is up to you I'm sure the hurt outside was like that she thinks she's sending us out there to die she's counting on it everybody put your guns away we're gonna handle this peacefully it was already dead where were you before day don't listen to them javi they're butchers all of them shoot them take her out she deserves it if you opt hard decisions Oh haven't I done enough telltale how about not earn enough why do you continue to punish me we're gonna have to trust tell tell who handle Joan every time we we exact our revenge it backfires you suitor relieving all of us right now I didn't say you go doesn't matter if you did this is how it needs to happen oh he's about to kill her I don't believe any of you take your deal and shove me they're liars Clint all of them one step closer and I'd kill him I swear on words already shoot that I warned you they can't be trusted David please put the gun down sorry little brother she's not gonna win I can't let her Oh David my judges what is happening oh my gosh not chilly old people this way I bet the aim is [ __ ] yeah you're done okay I know you hate me Oh Clint is gone when it's dead shrimp like eat this but act get back here okay I need you to cover me we gotta make things right okay this kid dad needs us we gotta get out there [Music] go help him Gabe he doesn't need us help you eat you not me go on well thanks die [Music] somebody so kill him at least yo Play Doh yo play doh [Music] I gotta help don't play damn it just do cover that's my boy hey we still friends right yeah your name why you David was gonna do something different this up I told you what he was like when are you gonna stop believing me get down my hair gunfire what the hell is going on over there are you guys okay do you need a pickup or do you have another inch off won't come in here anywhere this place it's too risky we'll come to you hey I can't hear you it's too loud but the car anyway take it down the stairs get away from it along with this yep this is mine I'll take this hey it's Keith she's coming for us Oh Oh God javi you've gotta get over there before Jay this game series adapts why can I never read this this is a final flashback while we're still breathing hobby I'm letting the bone speak to me oh my god oh I think I can hear them they're saying you're gonna lose coma mierda so play already I must have inherited patients from MA oh come on man his dad loves guns hey no one is ever in a rush to lose uh my beers getting warm play that one I don't know how to play dominoes if he plays his last Bowl you're out of the will hower yet kicked out of baseball can't play dominoes what exactly are you good at again hobby at least I can actually play baseball Gardi read daddy that's enough both of you it's not Howie's fault he's a disgrace to the game of dominoes i won that's ten bucks you owe me both of you I know you're broke hobby you should sit out the next game since we all know I'm gonna win a new you baby never failed marriage David good game David nicely played nice or not a win is a win pay up little brother if you can I'll cover for Xavier oh is it your turn to do that now I lost track poor helpless hobby Wow got my wallet me keeping ah here it is you don't want them snatching an extra 20 for gas money it's on the counter yeah sure pop I smacked the freak out of my big brother you don't want him to take an extra 20 huh what's this it's cancer hey man I was reading that he has kids what what huh what the is this none of your business he has cancer that's right pop really I'm old old people get cancer you didn't need to know that's not for you to decide you really should have told us it's the right thing to do it's my cancer I get to do whatever I want you know now what difference does it make how bad it's okay mijo ask me how bad is it you won't have to worry about paying me back that 10 bucks Jesus Christ pop I said old David now the only one who can you haven't told mama I neither will either of you you hear me mouth shut alright dad whenever you want pop I won't say a word of course I have to be the one who tells her am I the only one here with any sense of responsibility you're gonna need her help with this bah driving you to the doctor getting prescriptions wait what are your options treatment stuff like that game or radiation all that expensive me anda great when do you start I turned it down turned it down you don't get to turn it down Davis know what another month another game of dominoes Toulouse it's not worth it both still playing ball I could have paid for it I'll pay for it it's not happening save your money money I can afford it you ain't afford it David but my bride can't let's play another game yeah coward a selfish coward hobby can you believe this just because you're afraid doesn't mean he is David it's not always about you sit down both of you you know I pray for daughters every night your mother was pregnant with both of you please God our daughter anything but a son anything but another me anything but another hot-headed idiot with his heart in the right place anything but another foolhardy handsome gambler anything at all please papa don't give up fight fight for our name for our blood for our family please fight you have to fight PAH we don't just give up any of us okay okay okay I'll think about it oh thank you bah Thank You Bobby now can we play another game of flying here I'll grab some more beers ain't fighting itself what are you really gonna do truth be told whatever gets your mother off might you think you two were mad at me for keeping secrets mm-hmm but it's good to see you and David on the same side of things or a change I'm gonna be a name carved in stone before you know it have yet hmm that'll be me letters on a rock that nobody wants to visit I know you think you're strong enough to handle that alone and so does your brother and you're both wrong you have to take care of each other you two are all I'll leave behind like gaben Mariana will be for David legacy a beer it's all anyone leaves behind that and their bones it's a freaky brothers before it's too late that's not too much to ask one last favor for your old man I got you okay paw I'll try as hard as you can as as hard as I can good brother I still need to pay David I don't get with my brother's girls it will always be my brother over any woman that exists beyond say included if you had just won the game we wouldn't have had this problem so you're blaming me for all this I'm depending on you mijo we both are like I can be there for Kate are you or not take care of them do what I got to do but romance no anyway flashback I actually forgot oh yeah lit boys miss Katie the walls are down this is a plate on all over again beginning baby girl on final episode are y'all really shooting at me in a zombies here now Robocop and trash in the game food food in there still alive hello come on oh good aspect again connect to the chin phone get off truth she's turned in she I won't her seatbelt you get off tink games David where's Kate she's not here she must have gotten out if something's happened to her if you've gotten her you better hope she's alive shut up for once and help me find her what do you think I'm doing that freak out of my way case okay David wait Kate Warner [Music] don't worry I'm sure you had that handled hey take up so badly no it's too close this is all gone to hell you don't know how happy I am to see you save well just glad I found you in time look how she just this David like gonna take your girl Maddie are you trying to get yourselves killed [Music] why are we doing this here once here's baby fun all right yes hobby let's go okay I got a great teacher you guys all right yeah I'm fine oh let's get out of here look at them there's so many will be safer inside get in that should hold them for now you put up a good fight out there I don't care what you think Gobber TN do not take that tone with me you murdered that man after they let you go you're a killer just like they said you finally that you Gabriel make us it it was them or us I had to do it they would never let us go they still would have killed us sooner or later no they were negotiating with the Stephen doing that to Clint was it necessary that's how you see it I would do it again his brains splattered all over me you are my son I am doing what any parent would do to keep you safe you do not get to judge my actions did you hear me needs to be hey you do not walk away from me when someone speaks to you you stand up and answer them even if you don't want to David that's enough he's not a little boy he doesn't need that from you what he needs is to learn to keep his opinions to himself until he understands what the hell he's talking about I'm just I'm trying to protect you Gabe I lost you once I won't let it happen again you need to calm the freak down as we may need you alive let's just be glad about that we need to check the other entrances make sure we're safe Gabe want to help me out I want to stay with my girl I'll come with you I'll help you keep let's go no we don't need you don't - I mean with me okay bro it's a flame my freaking room do because the people's working on my house yesterday left the front door open cleanse with that it's fine it's not that it's let's just I'm all over the place I need to focus on something anything just not ready to focus on whatever see who made it through let's see if there are any other survivors good to know who's still around I don't want to think about how many people may have just died but I guess I'm gonna have to find out eventually let's go oh my gosh about the rage can y'all see this fly oh my god this is a nightmare I could all these people who mommy it's them people that started all this I'm glad Mariana didn't live to see this to see what her father's become to see what I've done what have you done just like that little boy scared that the monsters are coming after her next she would never trust us again and I wouldn't blame her Kate come on we're not monsters I don't know who we are anymore but it's not the people she knew [Music] yeah I did take a bat to that guys though I did this to them that hole is there because of me Oh is all my fault what happened was an accident that dude Molotov at the video you didn't do it on purpose but it's still my fault nerds I can't leave until I make this right all of this let's fix this as best we can all right what's it expecting it all right Gator let's make things right I don't know if it's actually possible but I feel a lot better knowing you're there too all right [Music] hey guys y'all leader was a scum boat Joan and then Eleanor slider where the Casillas and to I'm done oh she snitched on this whole thing you've got a lot of nerve showing up here after the [ __ ] you pulled your unbelievable absolutely unbelievable oh oh I've got a lot of nerve everything that happened is because of you Francis he saw your fault I told you I wanted you out of my life after what you did to Conrad why did you tell Joan what we were doing I was triaging a bad situation there doctor you made it worse and before you guys it all up their walls worked hit your freakin Molotov men it's not only about me I can actually save lives here not just ditch them up and hope for the best these people will die without me javi I know she well dis over but she's trying to help them she's trying to make something right I can't stand that's worth forgiving right she's trying that counts he's gonna earn it yeah Eleanor is one of us maybe she forgot it but I haven't thanked you javi how's it sound like the script bet not everyone here is guilty speech level of 100 I walked in and she was mad is that you done I'm here handsome Fernan Rufus what's wrong with him bitten he's slipping in and out of delirium we have to we have to done' I think I know that guy we had a situation he's lucky I didn't shoot him looks like his luck just ran out let them have a minute Fabio his savage mode y'all get over here you got it cut his arm off - how long I'm sorry bullsh it can work I feed it do you want his last moments alive to be more painful than they need to be I just want to try I can't lose everyone's right please let's go away thank you please let's go I'll try hand over that ax thank you don't thank me yet a man remember me yeah gotta get up come on as much as we can where did he get better at though that's what matters if you didn't get better been on his arm that is not correct in work [Music] No no I found a trickler told you he was too far along the bloodlust didn't help either I'm sure I'm sorry that's right rest in peace man so what can I do dad because of you hey easy one more hole in our wall another little girl tell come on whose family killed Griezmann was fine until your stupid totem we're dead meat David might as well take out the sample while I can fern shut up hmm sorry I didn't mean for this to happen I'm so sorry about your daughter you can apologize your face just a second stand down that's an order Friedrich trigger no fern this is all because of me grab ah grab the good I caused the explosion I killed your daughter please oh my god forgive me a bit it's my fault please I am begging you I hardly have any family left please don't take any more away from me baby what so free oh my god God yeah you're welcome avi that dead guy David what are you doing are you ready water god this is unacceptable did you really need to break her arm that wasn't necessary okay don't thank me what is he doing no David Kate I'm sorry that was an accident you were going to kill her she was going for a gun dinner Gabe um she can't even stand up what the hell is wrong with you it was over the line Gabe you're right what David snap out of it please man I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that to you you know that David do tabby talk then why the hell are you all looking at me that way they're just they're scared David of what I'm protecting them why are you pointing a gun at us so I'm all alone without glad you're back like everything fine then you people are on your own [Applause] [Music] I've seen that look in his eyes before you should go after him literally guys in my playthrough have I not had his back I mean at least most of the time like every time I do what I'm supposed to do do what he told me to do played a little brother role oh my god what are you doing just jump come on take a step back you wouldn't want to you know slip or something come over here or are you afraid of me - I know the rest of them are right I won't lie to you man you have been acting pretty scary so you are afraid of me you brought it on yourself David accept the technology it'd be better javi my son they look at me differently maybe you're seeing them differently I want to show you something stand with me okay I scared him ah why the hell are you smiling see that sewer line over there perfect placement for a trench that hill about a hunter paces west of it snipers wildest dream come true I'm a soldier javi I see this landscape like a painter sees a blank canvas like how you used to see a baseball diamond I'm a soldier this makes sense to me I'm a gamer this makes sense to me I was made for this I thrive in this baseball was a lifetime ago I miss it so much when I wasn't deployed I'd miss being out in the field now that's all I am everyday a soldier isn't a husband or a father a soldier is a soldier nothing else nothing nothing at all call yourself whatever you want I still see you as my brother that is kind of you to say javi I wish I wish I had your heart sometimes I want to change javi I always have really all you ever tried to do was get me to change only because I couldn't bring myself to do it first it's the one war I could never win and I'm wondering why is it because I don't know how or because it's impossible to change who you really are it's not impossible to change there's always a way there's a way there always is no matter how lost you are you just have to keep looking until you find it looks pretty messy for now maybe you're right maybe just got to live long enough to find out just like with anything else I did what you asked you did thanks for that every turn now will you step back sure I found them they're up here okay careful javi I ran into straight come on we bought the doop guitar he was still outside when we checked on the entrances the mirth those were everywhere we got him inside just in time so we let him in there was so many weirdos out there that was the right thing to do proud of you buddy trip about earlier yeah about that I'm gonna punch you in the teeth though I got every right really figured you'd put up a little bit of a fight oh I love nothing more but I just can't shake this slippery feeling I got like I'm standing in shoes that don't quite fit you picked me to die and someone else did instead ain't sitting right not one bit I don't know what to tell you man it wasn't oh no doubt top to bottom I keep putting myself in your position about Conrad about all this asking myself over and over again whether I'd do the same I'd love to tell you I wouldn't I really would but I can't if someone threatened my family I'd shoot him in a heartbeat hell I'd shoot him twice to make sure the lessons thank you brother rather of course but at least there's people to share it with bygones I'm in if you are you're lucky they know your trip you're good man try not to piss me off again please hey my hands clean buddy you know all my secrets I killed Conrad so honey kiss my brothers why are poor I'm doing that's even worse than you think the streets are overrun nowhere to go except inside the buildings and those smelly fees are beating down every door we're sitting ducks here everyone in town is Jesus Christ David got a plan we do I don't want a guy up here none of us do Gabe let's protect ourselves take stabilize the city figure out how to make it safer for everyone I saw construction vehicles when we got the armored truck we can use those to stop the we're toast seal the breach and save Richmond that's over by the motor pool at the water tower we could use the highway overpass to get to the water tower come on let's jump somebody ain't gonna make this jump would a satisficer we gotta make them go early my trip easy jump ring go whole body over here trip don't make me like trip again and they kill them keep your eyes open stay aware of your surroundings all of you let's move out when we found Kate earlier she walked right past me like she didn't even know who I was right past me and right towards you why was that just wondering like ask her yourself you really want to know then ask her she won't even make eye contact with me look buddy give us some time win her heart back put the swag on that Manor like you in the first place outer noon we're gonna stand me how do I feel we need to be careful up here or else the exact same thing will happen to us stay sharp and do not fire your guns we're gonna be fine that guy was all alone we're not don't fire your guns now if Clementine is about to get eaten that's the only way out fire what am I saying I love all these everyone what does I hate but javi and I clear out these Walker's let's go [Music] ole Rhine boys good to go let's move [Applause] you okay but uh when I was little had used to ask me what I wanted to be when I was a man he said there she always like that oh I thought he was such a great guy would always make him smile every time David may not be perfect but he's not the worst role model in the world maybe thank 8 never be like your uncle you told me that all the time don't be a man who relies on other people to solve your problems because then you're not a man at all I used to think he was right not anymore though javi I can only hope my girl to be like you uncle HOD so here's half their hobby thanks gay thanks buddy means a lot sorry never really said it before I should have thanks a million who oka million you took such good care of me now we need to take care of dad he's the one goals or help indeed okay look at this it's come full circle all those choices on me gonna have not on siding there's barely any room oh gosh trip is too big what if no time to waste come on you know I don't think there is much that could scare me trip you go first here we are discussed ashore places you smell so bad this isn't that bad I believe in you guys you can do this yeah we know Xavier go fall as though [Music] through this brother who's gonna take your in you need to do to help Marin that was you stick let's go damn he even gave me say nothing once we're back on the ground that's when this really gonna get scary got a bad feeling come on man oh good lord it's nasty down there we could good any mess scribing you just saved my life thanks trip I'm glad you have my back lucky catch that's all alright we don't want to kiss that too much I feel like I'm kissing up yeah I keep it cool thanks Brad keep it moving we have to get across what I know Gabe doesn't see it but David really is trying to look out for him he's not doing the best job but no one gives you a rulebook to raise a kid and they sure don't it's just one thing I don't get though did David really think he was helping AJ by letting him go why did he stop guarding him uh maybe he was scared maybe you should ask him that it might be that he just didn't care not everyone's like you cut not everyone wants to take care of a baby I guess not but after you put in all that work so much of your heart AJ was a brat he lived with me after we kicked you out club I had already raised two kids thought to be a piece of cake now with that tyrant is that why you gave him away guys the fly is on my keyboard freaking great we had a bad winter destroyed every cop we had I couldn't leave Richmond and AJ couldn't stay in Richmond I gave AJ to lingard and told him to do whatever he had to to save his life I mr. Jarrah good job David David's like a sling guard about it again though I've wanted to often talk about the little brat misses you to both of you [Music] it wasn't easy Clem remember far as I knew had already lost two children wasn't any easier with number three it's never easy I'm gonna keep you alive keep all of us alive and hope that that's enough enough for atonement huh he was a breath huh that goofy little brat you were trying to take care of him sometimes that's not so easy reminds me of someone who did the same thing for me you did the right thing yes look at this group chemistry right now you can't beat this Thank You telltale for a moment of reprieve a moment where everybody can just be good Oh chop the right in half all right unless one of y'all got a light bridge we are not about there's the other half still alive how happened here what's this probably don't say need to walk the frogman oh you're a bacon no go back we should go lightest to heaviest that way it won't break on the first swing I'll go first time light is too heavy it's get a long run-up but not too long if you take too many quick steps you'll propel yourself upward instead of out same with your jump just run off the end don't leave him try not to he's got this she's right I do hope you do [Music] oh my gosh that is so scary come on clay your turn oh my gosh don't get slippery GLIP that we live slippery written now for the record I do not trust this thing me neither not at all it's one thing for the kids to swing across but us you've got this I've seen you do things that are way scarier okay I can do it please just don't break on me it's breakin OA trip oh goodness all right David you're up you're the little brother you should go first well you're definitely lighter after you high shot oh no maybe I am younger but I'm not a little anymore okay big guy yo this dude David he you know he about a buck 80 got that combat vest on no that's the North Face with my time there we go trips go first man trip gopher going last brother trip you don't want just go before I throw you across no no trips gonna die here I'm so glad trip can go what we're gonna climb up oh man don't even got legs eternity oh oh yeah he's alive boy just give up trim it it's alright y'all we should go back for oh don't be thick I can't I can handle this trip don't give up oh my god we got a try we can't just leave him y'all head out now I don't want to see in this new jump dude don't diss stand there and get you he went out fighting I hope I do too I'm sorry about your friend hobby you seem like a good guy kind of guy you want on your side in a fight it's priceless dude look he could've jumped on that you got it like come on we're almost there I hate this point of the game telltale is just trying to kill off characters you kill off trip like that you kill off Kenny what a whack car accident come on man I miss when all we did was track the herd let me see you cracking jokes right now we need to get down there we're not getting anywhere without one of those vehicles it's not like we can just ask all those walkers to move out of the way dude Tripp how about we make some noise distract them we could use that generator that's a great idea when'd you get so smart Gabe you really aren't the same kid I remember I'm impressed hey don't give him too big of a head he still got some learning to do don't listen to him Gabe you're doing just fine we still gotta get to the generator he likes me more than you shut up how to walk her open and cover yourself with its guts then you can slip right through them seasoned ones threats what well I please tell me you're kidding I said please so who's gonna do it season one speed threats javi you've been willing to do some crazy stuff for me before I know shooting Conrad wasn't easy but it showed me I can always depend on you of course clan loyalty look it smells really bad like way worse than you think like doodle bad you'll do this work not that I'm a zombie always being a zombie all right okay you can do this Javier this is about to be gross guys hope you ain't eating Lunchables [Music] literally all day is that why you smell so bad that's not baseball jersey have better be enough Lisa generator okay I'm just gonna walk my way a chin bone hey how's it going yeah one of you that's a yes external that's better shut up I passed the test all right she was kind of like blocking my way all right that's better go to the left there we go what transmission about me [Music] [Applause] all right you did it javi barely now that we're here we got a line so you seal the breach with all we need is the right vehicle now that's not gonna do the job man yes it is what are you doing the right thing leaving we're all leaving what and going where you saw it yourself we're surrounded by the herd I'm taking my family out of here you helped keep them safe Clem you're coming too let's go everyone we can't wait around this is bullsh David absolutely not everyone in Richmond will die without us they don't matter javi don't you get that this all started the day we knocked on Richmond's door we brought this on these people all of us we can't abandon them not after what we've done we're going home Tate back to the last place we were a family didn't you say you were trying to Jayne over we're all together again finally change it's time let the light into your heart a new day a new life what about here man make Richmond our new home Richmond is gone javi oh I'm not gonna let a few because I think what about here we hope that every I'll go with you dad Gabe he's my father Clem I'm sorry but I really wouldn't understand think this over buddy Gabe is this what you really want I know it's scary out there but I have to you don't have to be afraid Gabe I won't let what happen to money on a happen to you you have my word I will protect you the right way we always hoped you would come back I wish you've gotten to know her your smile manners it was like sunshine I'm not missing another minute with my family now this is what I want I I understand Gabe I'm still going back it's getting bad I won't be able to live with myself if I don't try to help the people in Richmond you won't be able to live at all if you do that Richmond is compromised doesn't matter if there were five of us trying to save it or five hundred we'd all die I know a losing battle when I see one we're moving out everybody get in that's an order huh dare you what will it take David what will it take to show you that you do not get to do that we are not your soldiers run away home be a deserter I am done here are the freakin smacker I can't believe I ever loved you I can't believe I ever loved either of you what well be right what the hell is she talking about happy I never tell I never acted inappropriately I could have I didn't the end how much of do you think I am javi I should have known I should have known the night Paula died the night you weren't there blood is worthless to you just like he was to you just like I am to you well it's time for you to finally learn what blood really means what do you have to say for yourself brother what is happening didn't we not do we not just share a brother moment on the roof tail - what is this what is this stop it what did I what did I tell time I'm gonna find it - I love you [Music] nope you don't get to say that Jesus Christ stop [Music] will kill me kill meaning there is enough stop it leave it stop oh my god I love you no stop saying that oh my god you're not taking my family for me Oh [Music] [Applause] okay everybody take a moment I got it I got a moment I gotta have a moment I take back everything I just said tell tell that moment was so beautiful javi the goat javi has achieved go studies in smack dinner hey will rich I love you brother smack the head I love you brother again smacked in the head again go status we have Lee we have Kenny javi has now ascended to gold status took a freaking wrench to the head for my pops that got killed by cancer man don't slice that like button just for that moment Oh jeepers [Music] what the hell is he doing David took him we can't wait any longer we have to go help Richmond I'm getting on that bulldozer but Gabe wanted to go he did we all heard it you're you're right I'm going to save Richmond someone has to let's split up hobby I'll go after Gabe on that motorcycle if you don't otherwise I'll go with Kate on the bulldozer are you sure you'll be okay without me I can take care of myself we're out of time javi I'm sorry I've been here before more than once it's not gonna end well for everyone you have to decide we should go Kate go after a man named it's hard to be hot in middle I know that don't worry about me javi I'll be okay if Clementine goes after Gabe I feel like she got them pheromones okay I can't I can't go by yourself it's too dangerous I'm going with Kate to save the city okay then I'll go after Gabe it's a smart idea be careful out there clever you two both if we're gonna drive into the herd we're gonna need these aka T 40s edit oh hey Clemmy Clemmy Clemmy [ __ ] don't work I'm proud of her man and she she values our relationship because I shot Conrad [Applause] there's a happy sight can you help us get the gate open almost all as you Jesus once I got in contact with my people I headed right back and to make sure you folks were safe I think of a witness Miss Manners Warren just get me to the gate so I can open it up looking like the dark flee from Dark Souls hoppy get in the Buskett now let's go to the top of the gate all right let's go not not your day will become peaceful your daddy owes papi the basket right yeah busking oh come with us man we need no swag okay I'll have it open in a second that's my boy no he ain't going back they couldn't just have an open gate button what is it ha being kind of a goat let's get inside a regular waters together if we get him in one group we can lead them right out what kind of gladiator Russel Crowe so they're out here on a freaking Dungeons & Dragons Oh Almighty - freaking Rock a little steam ahead get it huh hey shots only one bullet one kill how do you think one bullet one kill very cheaply all right there we go change Marik's buddy guys no don't do that wasting so much you're probably a mother thing the basket I'm empty wasted all that in here alright let's plug the brake Oh one bullet one kills that's how we do things here we go right now is crossed right night-night almost there almost there huh oh yeah oh yeah working that's it plug me let's get out of here love the whole baby Jesus and of course the cake welcome back I thought what we're coming back to what well not to this yeah things got a little surprising that's all so glass quiet you didn't give up on us real quiet I gave you my word javi look it's Clem hey Gabe it's very Clementine work her fine he's just banged up what happened click their car got overrun with walkers and crashed I was barely able to save Gabe Davis theory David's dead I'm just glad you found cave in time thank you thank you for saving Gabe I don't know what I'd do if I lost him too of course when I got there it looked like David had turned and that Gabe had to stop him Oh God Gabe it's horrible hobby my my dad he I know buddy he's he's gone no no wanted me to tell you to just care of each other [Music] where did you find them little ways outside of town not too far can you take Gabe somewhere safe yeah sure come on hobby where are we going a funeral [Music] say goodbye to him to the very end maybe was stubborn evil brother he couldn't even have one moment one saving grace moment [Music] we even get to see him dying maybe we should have went after him are you guys gay it's this way [Music] [Music] dang they already got to the truth where is he that's him wipe your heart poor David - I can't imagine he talked about this every day what to do when he died [Music] he was convinced it would happen in the field every day as common is talking about the weather I used to hate talking about it but it seemed to soothe him Yukie hung about a military funeral the way that other people talked about retirement plans he had only changed the subject if I promised I'd bury these he didn't care about burying his body as far as he was concerned this was him help me dig it doesn't have to be much I'll have one moment with my brother like they don't want to listen to me we always want to be evil and strong and herbal and never soft gentle they shouldn't low probably say something that's what you do usually steak on this time SATA you see pop you tell them I said hi and then I'm sorry for not paying you back then ten bucks do you wanna say something [Music] let's go [Music] pick up a nickel bull's egg I know she had [Music] Tripp Mariana it looks like comrade it looks like the dude that cut his arm off where's Eleanor at David's picture [Music] it was his own fault if you regret helping me if you're feeling any guilt bury it I mean it don't let it eat you up inside we need to move on move forward we do and we will dude the fact that Kate is alive it's like a miracle she got shot blown up she's the most durable character in this series I really did so cute make his Richmond everything you thought it would be not yet I'm staying here until it is though it's not safe out there or in here I'm pretty sure I can fix one of those I'm not saying no I gotta speak guys dad look who's here y'all finally ready to see he's been playing me this entire time look at this piece of garbage what the Freak are you doing here disgust me yeah yeah to be this way forever but I want you to keep your distance not forever bye pleasure for a little while are you sure really can we not be friends not yet Bobby I need you to understand that we can work together to stay safe but that's it for now I don't hate you but I hate knowing what our future could have been well I guess our bays in another castle I'm fine with it let's get to exploring you know saying no yes indeed we came here to put an end to the rating looks like that's been done glad we got it settled got a move on I like you tease I gotta admit man about it you're a real charmer you know that through and uh come on stay are you really sure you don't want to stay there's room oh I'm sure there is but we got other people depending on that side just the way it is I was worried about you Hagen about who you are inside you helped save these people though that goes a long way from me second chances are in short supply these days that's what this place can be if you let it trust me though life within walls is a hell of a lot different than life on the road don't take shortcuts like John you got to do the right thing always good days and especially bad absolutely the right thing no matter what freak was that good to hear I read people pretty well little gift of mine your capable guy hobby change is in the air here you can lead that change and I think you should for the better god knows this town could use it let's go King hobby you know what I'm gonna step up lead this place in the right direction then as far as I'm concerned Richmond's in much better hands and it was hey Jesus hey Gabe thanks for you know not letting me get killed and for coming back to help us yeah thanks for that man pay it forward be vigilant trouble never stays too far away I love it and I feel like you might I look crash ah yeah it's that quarry kimchi John yes it works both ways you're alive don't remind me I'm not gonna say thank you for keeping me alive but I'm gonna try and find something out there that might make me say thank you someday so where's AJ tell me where for Clementine you know Clem won't rest until she finds AJ where is he please man for her sake he's in McCarroll ranch it's not too far from here that's that's what we left him at least thank you good luck out there doctor [Music] no please basketball their sound tall so you're out of here too huh yeah it's time I have to find AJ javi I've waited so long but could you do me one last favor before I leave could you help me put my pad can you not climb with my mouse I used to do this for my niece she thought it was terrible at it who are you your business I'm really gonna miss Gabe I mean he's super annoying sometimes but I've gotten used to having him around nice to have someone to talk to even if he is a total door it's got a crap that he said anything to me in particular but you know the guys got a mondo crush on you right he does not oh my gosh you have a crush on him too I do not well you both have my blessing I'm gonna stab you with those scissors what are you do Abby I have to see that he's okay do you think he remembers me at least a little who could forget you climb no one who knew you I guaranteed yeah maybe everyone told us he was better off after everything that's happened I'm starting to think they're right I don't know if I was a good mom or not [Music] I can't stop thinking about it or if I really wish I could did you love him with all of my heart but of course you were training [Music] Gabe told me you used to play baseball I did it was pretty freaking wilted he told me you've been all up to I already used sure did well you survived I have to but you loved it how do you survive that how if you really loved it how you get back out there and find something better there may not be something better out there you won't know until you step outside yep King hobby broke the do got wisdom for gates kindness for all done what more do you want loyalty for gains so how does it look [Music] you know what I'll grab your hat I remember this team you'd that ever teach you about baseball no not really no you come back and I'll tell you all about it it's a deal where's Joan disregard I bring AJ back with me will you teach him to bring him back you bet he belongs with you Clementine this is a bringing back [Music] where's Joan we never killed her [Music] this is beautiful man imagine trying [Music] she must really be filling her so she left without food what a weapons [Music] row using all that energy you gonna be hungry I'm surprising genome lunchable no Snickers snow thank you a Dasani bottle of water Clementine Clementine in the final season Clementine will ascend to gold status guys that's it I'm so happy with the ending of this game I'm so happy I'm so happy I wouldn't change anything just leave it roll the credits for somebody else die game is alive Kate's alive Xavier is a go he's done everything he saved everybody thought he could trip went out like a boss man this this was this was awesome really appreciate you guys I know some some of you might not like some of the choices I did you know you can you can also buy the game but I still appreciate you anyway just watching me coaching me in the comments you know telling me what you think I really value that from you guys and although we might not agree with whatever the other person might have chose because let's be real it's a video game it means a lot to have you here so I like button click it up for your butt and nobody's even here anymore this video was like two and a half hours oh you are still here it's like that like whether let me know it in if the life is low huh imma just know well nobody watch to the end hopefully guys enjoy debbie services are my sliced i like the star today to join us every until next time our business you know they [Music] you
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 6,374,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, walking, dead, ending, new, frontier, the walking dead, the new frontier, javier, choices, choose, david, kate, who, would, you, pick, gameplay, lets, play, playthrough, walkthrough, lives, dies, funny, hilarious, moments, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin
Id: XbosHZhc8JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 19sec (6439 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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