AJ HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!? THIS ENDING.. | The Walking Dead: The Final Season (Part 2)

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[Music] yeah oops Colonel quarry kitchen you're welcome back to the walking dead season floor now so one the final season first of all I want to give a shout out to all the samurai that actually watch these longer videos like I'm not saying that your life isn't I'm not saying that your life is boring okay but to sit and watch a man play a video game for our ass y'all either love me or got boring lines I don't want to hear no both pink one and a super shout out to those that always slice that like button like it goes a long way guys the channel goal we gotta hit 10 million that's my channel go yah - only people I could call my family on this raw website we gonna do this or no yesterday left out with a minor cliffhanger wasn't none crazy AJ was apologizing because he had like made everyone mad at this place called boarding school something ran by the guy from the leader of the Lost Boys you know who that is so let's get it poppin Clem yeah I'm ready to turn let's do it okay yo Marlon my do hitch when your little boy parts my bad on madness let's leave it there oh that dog no clementine right I'm Brody he's a sweet little fella I figured there ain't a lot of room for sweetness still out there he's a good I'm the lucky one he's just naturally good naturally good that's rare stuff come on I wouldn't be sorry I hate you can we please stay here and eat dinner and not go out into the forest and get killed by monsters yeah don't sweat it buddy you can make it up to me by teaching me your technique you regular Abbi wait hey Clem AJ Stu's done e about hungry guys earn your supper after all I'm trying to get me some giddy yo spot you can stay over there I got a thing with dogs season two wasn't a good time ladies and gentlemen dinner is served Thanks can't remember the last time we had a hot meal mmm this is really good AJ done come on yo manners easy now let it out Thank You Ruby eater additi it coats my boys hungry I'm sorry buddy I'm sure they share it as much as they could he had grown boy AJ heads up I'm full kiddo you can have the rest my boy daddy shiny shirt you bet thanks mom what he just ate it to me to know what I'd say what time for something very important I hope God good night violet it's time it's fine pick this again tonight Liu wore the oldest came around a game played by man and beast alike I know it's fun how do we play it's easy everyone gets a stack of cards everyone flips one over highest card wins and the winner gets to ask clam a question what if I win what I want to get to know you we all did and what if I win then you get to ask us one it's only fair oh wait what about AJ hey about it looks like he's made a friend hey you're the only other black one here do they treat you take your eyes off one card game ideas break from each other hobo's neatly this is his first time around anyone his own age sometimes he acts more like an adult than a kid it's nice to see him act like a little boy again Louis if you would y'all ready for this King speak yeah need that that Jack one over there way to go me so about AJ every hair AJ's parents every hand you free to develop related so hop in there they're dead they were nice people for the most part it makes sense he's a nice kid for the most part all right let's head they get that twist in every hand that's whoa all right I won that for sure yeah I win hey you do so what do you want to know who did you hear no Marlins here oh no this is what's up with you here what's up with your haircut Marlon oh boy what do you mean she means it looks like a dead cat probably smells like one too like a hillbilly whatever you say I say I look cool if muskrats are in this season all right booyah all right come on spit it out so ever I ever have a boyfriend oh my what it happens perfectly valid question you can ask me if I've ever had a girl of this for suckers no I have her by the way there was a boy water she's real surprised about double Gabe I met a boy one time and and we were friends just friends nothing else nothing feelings for him yeah Gabe I mean they were vibing you know what you'd call them but I had some sort of feelings for him I hated gate maybe not exactly love but something I liked Gabe and I didn't like him so what's that have been alone this entire time who used to take care of you family anyone my friend Leigh the first person who taught me about survival was Lee what he teach you yeah they're right here most important thing how to let go how'd he's a gun he's going it doesn't matter how to let go how to say goodbye Dean I win again you do indeed ask away maybe new when famous works these courses are trash worse injury witness that's my to trigger somebody at this day worst injury you ever saw uh so Walker get hit and head so hard both his eyeballs flew out pretty cool I saw someone have their intestines pulled all the way out like all the way he goes on for a while we got a lot of guts I saw this guy get his face beaten in with a crowbar badly there wasn't even any skin left ouch can't even he deserved it lino over here Dean go victory violent here's something I love to ask when I'm in groups okay out of the four of us who do you think is gonna die first that is right well I know probably you know you probably lie probably you asked a morbid question there's your morbid answer Oh daddy read daddy the custom butter with that Jam the greatest card player of all time just ask your damn question ever actually never mind what ask him it's not a fun question ask ever had to kill someone you loved thought what's Arnie lose weight hey she wanted me to ask I killed Lee Lee his name was Lee it was the same day I found out my parents were dead baby sounds like a rough day worst day of my life you went out like a pink I'm done playing for tonight yeah it's probably for the best you wanted me to ask let's go AJ team huh goodnight night AJ yeah long day huh yep real long I hope you know Luis didn't meet any on there it's just the world's biggest duck yeah he's my best friend so I can legally call him that guys relax get some sleep human for a night all right the morning come find me we talked about making this long-term we can stay we can talk about it Clementine wants to stay here did she forget Hobby told her to bring AJ back or maybe she maybe she's lost let's go it's the Kriya boat put some Avengers posters of Goku that looks like a really safe window it does y'all see all them holes in there can never be too safe this box has so many colors well must have been an artist living in here what's an artist it's like a person who colors a lot draws does pictures me I'm an artist Tim psych yeah like 10 huh I like to do pictures too hey mickey hey I didn't know Marlon set you up in this room I just wanted to grab something from the closet okay what the hell is it uh what that's what I was looking for it belonged to Sophie uh10 sister he was asking for my art supplies and stuff so I was going to oh sorry we didn't no no no it's it's fine don't don't worry about it honestly it's just been sitting here for the past year and no one's touched it if AJ wants to play with it it's it's fine she said it's fine all right she says you can keep it tambul okay oh my gosh why would you say she huh hey serum settling in yeah is that okay sure I guess I always liked this room sophie had like paintings and hid on the walls lots of color and Minerva she was really musical not like Lewis though she had actual talent shots she had the most amazing voice real bluesy marlon always joked that he would scavenge a guitar and the two of them would tour the country that was a long time ago wherever - after they afterwards Brody in 10th oak down all the paintings and that was the end of it I shouldn't have even brought it up it's not a good memory guess I just lost my train of thought really sound like they were great friends yeah Sophie was a good friend and mini you were close me and her what exactly happened to them was Sophie in the knowledge away they went scavenging with Marlon Brody out past the safe zone didn't make it back it happens to twin girls what really I just miss having someone around to talk to there's just so many dudes this place can get a little too broke down for my liking somewhere and I'm not exactly like a people person you know I know it's why I'm to have a habit have a habit of being a little bit - harsh you're pretty cool you come off alright I thought you were pretty cool oh thanks I guess you were pretty cool - not there against those walkers by Clem I'm an artist now would you meet not bad kiddo I should be getting back enjoy the art supplies little man no go ahead and take them he done you gonna say oh yeah it'll be okay taste will be disappointed yeah see ya okay Alvin jr. time for bed okay here for Clem for me all over the wall to make a hole it's a good idea limit that has the gun oh let me look at it let me look how about here me protecting blue AJ hey there what are you doing this is where I'm gonna sleep what no it's not it's safe under here no one can get me you're the bed is way better come on AJ the bed is way better man this bed is so comfy what about the door what if someone comes in what if they try to hurt us alright if they steal our stuff none other than that he got a point I'll keep watch I'll sleep with one eye open if I have to you can't sleep like that I tried if I stay here no one can find me and I can keep guard and watch over you I can protect us oh hey what's gotten into you being smart please Clem it's not so bad down here okay okay you can sleep under the bed here for your head let me know if you get cold I will yo good night AJ smart if you sleep under the bed yeah I'm glad we're not sleeping in the car anymore yeah me too yeah me too if you sleep under the bed you under are too danger get your bars up [Music] I don't found it yeah it's gonna let us stay right I guess we're gonna find out let's find his office I know where it is I'll show you up here come on come this way okay wait up this place is mad comfy it's been a couple years here tend to be late oh I didn't bring my supplies back hi hey Tennessee what are you guys doing I was looking for more pencils but I wasn't able to find any who are these guys they're firefighters that one's a policeman she's gonna save the day go what are they they these are the people who protected us where are they I've never seen them before they died in the beginning they all died a long time ago trying to save everyone oh they were weak what no they were brave strong no give it to me in no he's my nothing give it back oh you don't even know what they are okay okay that's enough you two it's not yours anymore hey what the Freak Clem please snow it's not yours it's mine no it's not [Music] fine things you know my name Marlon is I don't know he should be around I can go find him that'd be nice thanks 10 so you think you take whatever you want huh take these aids look hey what'd you find it's a picture of Marlon and Luis there's so little Wow they've known each other a long time huh what Marlon folks I'm it I'm so scared of that payback time just relax Clementine you gotta relax dogs can feel that energy hey hey you gotta be calm he said dogs brought back bad memories I'm sorry I didn't realize he was so scared and I swear Rosie's not as driving as she seems sit girl idiot she's harmless she just needs to get to know you is all here I'll show you do you trust me so I got MIT to yesterday this I gotta let me do okay I guess get down on her level [Music] it's okay aren't you now whistle tell her to lie down lie down Rosie oh cool see not so hard yeah that was pretty cool now Rosie will recognize you she's really well trained she was the Headmaster's dog back when this place was still functional when the world went to be bailed all the other adults did left us behind to fend for ourselves oh wow what understatement of the century he was abroad was just as kids left and I'd like it if you and AJ were part of that both of you were plenty capable and we need that here hey this this place called Richmond where there are adults this is the current state of our plan for gathering food we are starting to run short it's getting harder and harder to feed everyone in this school this dude really brought out a Crayola man look man King hobby is kind you'll treat us I I'm his friend hunting area that's where everybody can body that well what's the trap area hunting grounds more or less Lewis builds some traps out there to catch game pianist Sam are set to go check them today hey that's not fun let me do that boring around here look at the greenhouse yeah which are growing the greenhouse oh yeah well don't get too excited about that one we used to maintain it real well plenty of vegetables growing but it became overgrown upkeep was impossible yeah we keep away from that now tangy vegetation is always a good dad I didn't realize how much forest surrounds this place it's how we've kept ourselves from unwanted attention for so long Oh for the most part that's the only road that leads in and out of Ericsson if you go off it will eventually end up in the valley you just have signs that led people to the school but wanted this place to be hard to find yeah let some Raiders run up on his place they taken our two little girls and killing all the little boys what's out here oh that's will fish got shot for storage right here right along the river it's secure mostly get the occasional Walker to come by bye Brody should be had not there in a bit I am going that's the train station and it was a whole stash of food under the floorboards don't worry crashed your car pretty sure that place is lost cause it's a hell of a lot of smoke coming from it what we found you two walkers flooded in there after all the noise you made it one more thing you see these red lights yeah so everything inside is the safe zone it's being smaller over the years and the food's become more scarce so why not go outside it whenever someone goes outside the safe zone bad habits people die or disappear I just mmm I could really use the help Clementine I'm taking care of these kids it's not easy I'm worried that if I don't figure something out if I don't fix our food situation I can't lose anyone else we've already lost so much another kid died go on wrinkles that happen I promise okay you have to promise thanks Clementine I appreciate that I really do what Vince can have AIDS don't be the leader they need me to be I really want to be that for them you and AJ are two more mouths to feed maybe you can help me feed the rest so what do you need from us Luis and a sim are heading to the hunting grounds looking for rabbits yeah a sim will anyway Lois I just hope he shows up if I'm really being honest wait violet and Brody going upriver to do some spearfishing hopefully I was to get along long enough to get some work done both teams could use some extra hands I'm going to them traps first violet nah let's go do some hunting yeah take this I don't want you getting lost Thanks we need all hands on deck if we're gonna find any more food just remember to stay in the safe zone we need you to come back home in one piece so that means we're gonna stay why do you think I was gonna throw you out maybe well as long as we got enough to eat both welcome you soon soon as a fool run out yeah Dee go get him AJ all right let's get going see you out looking at Clementine but me get exposed why did he say if Luis shows up would like have a drug problem or something there is right there hunting grounds are usually clear of walkers sometimes they get caught in the snares and though you see a ribbon on a tree traps are nearby so watch where you step please I think I can handle myself I'm basically a ninja skilled in the craft of martial arts I too am a ninja oh you too I thought I was the only one me too how do you know what a [ __ ] is we got work to do not all of us have the privilege of being Marlins lap dog oh ouch someone's a little jealous and my defense I totally get things done I just prefer to think of survival as more of a day-to-day task so you know don't sweat the technique don't sweat the technique by Eric beer Rakim what about everyone else we need to work together as a team I mean sure yeah sometimes you act like you're the only one with a strategy I played a long game you got to have plans B C and D and what if you don't make it that far shut up a second Oh well if somebody's in a trap Hey got trapped up hey check this guy out he's like a walker pinata this loser guy freakin pinata over here cut it down fix the snare and let's go oh well I will eventually Lois you want food for the kid I could use a hand or you can mess around with this idiot and starve it's up to you well you can stab so dramatic well Lois Frodo helped assume or Lois uh I want Lois to cut this thing down aim kill it want to take a swing oh it won't bite me that guy would but the bat won't you know what I mean you get it I did used to know a baseball player oh all right I'll take one swing that's what I'm talking about taught me a thing or two sorry about a sim he's not always so lame but lucky for you this is team fun team fun that's right team fun and your membership has just been accepted now for our first order of this indicators like dead little batting practice he literally has that same his personality of his witty comical and I wanna - whoo if the Olympics were still a thing you get a silver no question a silver huh well I mean that could have been a lucky shot don't go baby the Freak you thought about all right now you just want to earn yourself a gold damn alright gotta make this one count come on Clem I'm about to splatter this man y'all ready put this home run sleep sleep now alright alright show's over where's heat Andy don't you feel a little better now that you blew off some steam you need to get that energy out every now and again have some fun it was fun yeah actually I think I needed that well I'm glad you got it life's too short to be a stress ball all the time let's move on a sim loves giving me crap about having a good time always telling me I'm not thinking long-term we need to guarantee our future all that horse but I tell them right back there's only one guarantee this moment that's the only thing you've got only thing any of us got might as well enjoy it alright weekend kind of close I'll untie your friend here and reset the snare if you go check on ascend all right Clem Clem come here what look they got one Oh rabbit why does Clementine always make the same face for every situation or about this imagine she always be like good news or bad news it's a baby nice dinner well all meat is good meat it's not enough release it why to get bigger Oh hungry so my butt will be even hungrier tomorrow if we don't let him go that'ss there's just today and today I'm hungry we're hungry are you gonna do it I can't watch ah shoot it literally makes I I don't see the logic and letting it get bigger who say we're gonna find this thing again I'm sorry Bugs Bunny Oh you know there really isn't a lot of meat on that road today all right well the snares have all been reset and are ready to trap things we good to go now or what I'll take this back you two should meet up with Brody and violet and see if they've managed to snag any fish this isn't gonna be enough for the whole school I like fish that's great see ya it's a look at only the girls are probably near the shack okay do you like fish I once ate a whole shark didn't ya tell me this dude a big pool he acts the exact same where's vine birdie they should be here by now Quinn look what take fault there was a battle here monster I wouldn't have just left this out in the open wait isn't that one of our Spears uh-oh clémence locks busted we might not be alone Raiders let's open it slowly it's clear holy Sh this place is wrecked our supplies are gone scavengers I'll take a look around outside hold tight are we in danger maybe keep the heater out cigarette hand-rolled is this a Bible page Clementine what the hell happened in here do any of the kids smoke nope nothing to smoke Brodie smoke no sign of our thief thief we just walked a mile of River and the traps were all empty no fish none someone robbed us oh great and now we're gonna start yes no bro do you know some Rico's it's okay it's breathe really come on come on come on come on you're gonna be fine take a second breathe in deep and hold it just okay excuse me oh hey no I have to tell Marlin about this um we still need food you know to live we definitely don't have enough here you guys figure it out so what do we do eat rocks you can't eat rocks I'm aware well Marlin kick us out if we don't find food well let's not find out where else could we look let me think yo Brody fun to get to Smith's left outer moat and of course the first place that we go is outside of the same zone after Marlon just said don't leave the save zone train station it's not too far from here I don't know that's pretty far outside our perimeter there was food in there when AJ and I passed through it's worth a look okay sure there was food maybe some of it was destroyed in the explosion but all it is is something left there was so much there no no all right fine lead the way oh this is dumb this is dumb this is dumb send those two back all right we're done ooh people Clementine can be a freakin SpecOps she can leave the barrier only her now we got three other people actually AJ stand with me anyway so there that's where the food is more walkers than last time this is dumb we're gonna die it's how they die here or divert monger take your paper a low loon maybe you should Scout things out you know the place better let me get a closer look we're gonna die [Applause] this is like that it movie with zombies it's all kids I love it examine a car to climb up there don't know how that would get us inside I need to get in there somehow there's another way in he barely got out of here it was close it sounds scary there's a reason but freak mothballs are ooh oh that Bell to attract a walker before try to get they do like to follow sound alright throw a rock at it you look like you've got an idea the noise from that Bell could draw a lot of walkers if one of us climbs up there and starts ringing it Lewis IVA Lewis hold on I'd like to make an alternate suggestion you're loud dramatic a little annoying you're basically a walking disregarded man okay Prince Charming let's see those talents in action I can't say no to a face like that I'll go with you give you surprised owner fine I'll do it but I died I'm making sure Walker Lewis eats both of you first I'll distract them did I see you guys reach safe cover then I'll try to redirect the smelly Patrol to give you guys a chance to sprint inside the building when we get into position I'll signal you then you can do their thing good luck this is done it's on record I think this is a dumb idea whoever dies or whatever happens I didn't agree to it oh boy I thought you're looking at the barrel freak off is he up there oh he's right there all right let's talk this over yep am i denied [Music] let's go Ultimate Universe I got body back here what is he waiting for come on come on just give him a second that was both [Music] Oh okay AJ we can grab it through take that out how the food is grown up why does she think there still food in there all right I get to freakin head bhakti hurry this up Squad still chillin by the window hey he's gonna get the food these will be perfect once look try it out see if it works I didn't see those bags last night nice turn it off throw it in a bag let's go gonna need your help on this one kiddo you still got your gun just in case just in case I'm taking a long time when the time you are not that much bigger good job EJ is there more rice keep it coming I disagree how did this survivor grenade a glass of rice I don't think we should be eating this Kevlar food stand slowly it's always happened don't yell don't try anything I won't hurt you it's a cigarettes guy I don't have to [Music] what do you want what do you want I just want food same reason you're here we found it first it's ours that's a smoker you got two different colored eyes it's got to be in a poor character you and your friends made a lot of noise out there it wasn't hard to follow you live close by now you do about this place already past that organize some effort to get inside just passing through decided to see what we could scavenge [Music] and you just got extra lucky and we found this place once [Music] you look a little young to be out on your own you got a group then you here plus the two outside I'm thinking maybe more telling you probably easier ones first tell me about your group first I miss the days when we were Nelson damn cagey it's just me and my ugly face out here only ugly ain't straight about that ugly part I'm gonna fill this pack real slow we worked hard to get this stuff well hey there squirt playing hide-and-seek are we now that's impolite oh no you got to die don't steal from us I'm not stealing this isn't yours no we found this first [ __ ] kill me I'm faster than a they not play a winner you say date word you're gonna quit pointing that gun at me and let me go by Mary you understand I'm just gonna take a little bit then I believe already like it never happened yeah agent get down now that you get for pointing a gun at a kid just take a bag and fill it up corner good etiquette it better why they come on goodbye everyone [Music] you're listening to me well listen to me I am Telling You the place was ransacked it's fine we'll deal with it take y'all a while how poor are they that have not patience we have food guys a sim [ __ ] check it out food that's like a lot of fluid observant as ever Mitch I can't believe it let's see what Marlin cafe taking my shave your clam like serious not me it's a lot Lewis and violet helped to either of them ever pack this much before neither huh where did you find all this the old train station Clem knew where it was train station that's outside the safe zone we'd have even more yeah they ran into the creek left of our fish traps creep what creep Clem saw him smoking those nasty-ass Bible cigarettes he had weird different colored eyes you know who that is did he follow you oh no I shoved him into a pack of Walker's that took a chunk out of him it was awesome look I don't know if he got out of there but if he did he won't make it for long you attacked him if he survived you know he's coming back for revenge Harvey know how are you thinking this is [ __ ] yeah no good he's so stupid if I hadn't done what I did he would have shot us I made the right call but what if there are others you don't know what people are capable of out there think again I just can't I won't just not again what the hell's going on here what is her assume she took him outside the safe zone they saw someone you know what that means enough just means there's a hungry guy out there looking for food it's happened before you are overreacting you can't be serious come on let's go somewhere and talk about this oh if anything happens I'm holding you responsible bro get your weight up what's he just talking Clem I know I asked you for help did you did but yeah nothing's easy I'm sorry dude I didn't think it was a good idea sorry I went outside the safe zone I didn't see any other option yeah I know it's just hard keeping us together uh-huh well at least we're eating tonight for the next few I'd wager go talk to Brody thanks for the haul Clinton you guys should go enjoy you've earned it man I don't know about that guy man he might come back I don't know don't sweat it Glen ever since we lost Sophie and Minnie already has been freaked out by anything that happens past the safe zone she'll be all right eventually still we should make sure this is a one-time thing we can take Rosie out in the morning see if she catches a scent you know just in case everybody be all high guard alert tonight clean up I think I'll go to see you later don't worry about them they're just sad sad why my sisters died around this time last year I think it's starting to get to people doesn't it get to you not really dying's not scary I mean it's sad but not scared I try not to focus on them being gone I like picturing where they'd be now instead so V was awesome amazing stuff she bought a place big enough for all of us to live and paint it too and mini be playing whatever new song she wrote me because I know I have something waiting on the other side someplace a person in handy all of us together looks like a nice place to wind up yeah I think so too a lot better than some smelly old school who are those guys the walkers who killed them you want them there too though they weren't always walkers wherever this place is everyone gets to be a person again hmm sometimes they draw the walkers the way they probably looked sometimes I draw mini and Sophie the way they probably left them but sometimes I draw this - can can I be there sure you want to be there two pegs yeah I promise I'll draw you well sure why not oh I almost forgot my anything here you go ohyeah it's yours it's ours it's getting late yeah you guys should get some sleep aren't you coming not yet I want to finish this first good night see you tomorrow we gotta be on high alert man that guy might come back it's clear time for bed little guy can I stay up nope it's two more minutes would tell you what you lay down and then we'll see on the bed that's gotten bed by yourself I like it here we've gotta go hunting and most let us hit the Walker like a pin pin pin yatta yeah burn up scary but it was fun it's nice not driving everywhere or running away but the ranch was nice too before the blood this isn't the ranch Oh backstory do you like it where happened with Clementine Haiti no there's games and the walls make it feel same I do like it I do I really do it's good to feel safe somewhere there you got a stay up two minutes more time for sleep I'll lay down when you blow out the light howl all right give me a minute all right so you can put up tents drawing bear that's a good drawing he's a good artist your picture is good too oh I know nice still gotta put up you know put up a love Megan good poster over there on that wall no all right good night sleep tight don't let a walker bite and if they try I never let him bite come on and play it right one time babe right good work in the eyes and thanks that's the last part let's listen let's spam it any chat guys all right night-night wait was it I forgot the beginning night-night don't let the walkers bite and if they try bang won't right between the eyes and I'm not your favorite youtuber oh I think some bullcrap is about to pop off some Modi and Marlon get up get up [Music] [Music] what the hell there's voices in the pipes I think someone's in trouble is it us no no no not right now but we should help them if it's a monster we should kill it I don't think it is you got your gun aha I'll be right back stay safe it's like remarkably responsible with that gun and I love it like if somebody come in a game body don't worry oh gosh if it's that guy man who else wouldn't protect their freakin kid just a little farther basement this locks from both sides can't pick it I have to find another way to the basement a cellar door out in the yard way I couldn't even look at that alright just go like this start candles would be another entrance to the basement around here I'm just gonna hit a left this guy didn't sinks guys I told you I just got instincts like that it sounds like Marlon and Brody break the lock all right I need an object there are bricks right here can't pick them up Wow only this specific brick only this particular stronger than the rest of them bricks wow they're done talking why I guess so scary apparently what show yourself what are you doing down here in the dark buddy and I were just talking go get some sleep you deserve some shut-eye you had a busy day didn't exactly sound like a polite conversation what are you fighting about let it out businesses go back to the dorm dang it she doesn't like us the man you met at the station we got history Brody tell us enjoy Clem she's acting crazy no you're getting crazy sometimes you just gotta tune it out let her space people excuse me I want to hear what she has to say how do you know that guy Marlon let him take the twins him and his peeped what sisters I thought they were killed by walkers that's the story we told everyone top Brody cuz Marlon was so ashamed oh and my camera died at the worst time man - smacked her in a head with a flashlight I'm officially team Brody now this dual Marlon is no longer head of household that's a big brother reference you're welcome is he dead since yeah what have you done commute oh my gosh we're gonna do how what can I do just just stay with her there's a first-aid kit down here somewhere right first-aid kit it's me Clint just just stay still I can't see over Clementine let's see JJ you and AJ oh well what danger you're a little kill me if I tell he's scared now when he's scared he gets angry Brody if there's a threat to AJ you have to tell me everything is so faint I can't feel my legs please try and focus if those meteors coming back God said he'd let him take you take us to make him go away what he did he did 10 sisters Browdy [Music] No how am I gonna do there's again something really thin I could force it in there and lift up the latch roll is his word against clementines find it is dark flashlight calm down and if she turns she might to give this flash like to the head again I'm sorry oh this is a war game here Spence why do they turn that thing hey got it see Turk instantly that rat might get eight his work all right yo we really oh you're playing over wargame around this corner watch your corners watch it corners you br a corner all right go up the stairs oh my gosh hold from the time that stop acting like you should first verbs in his own right time to be dropping anything all right got it you got it you got it do you see active whoa why she's still active gonna head again blast like that again that's like the netiquette okay so she has a hobby now can't be she's a zombie oh my god where is he she's AJ know what's up she murdered Brody blood on your face why early did you see it happen is she a walker now hey Marlon you might want to get your story straight when you killed Brody you hit her so hard her head split open that's a lie I saw a killer the hell is going on look at her heads she's covered in Brody's blood yeah you know what it's gonna look bad Jesus Christ clap did you do but the freak are you going dude save their lives what anyone else would've kept walking bet them kept them warm and this is how they make us morally this is Christ you shoot me what do you offer up to your Raider friends when they come knocking what the hell is she talking about you do it because he needs us Elijah Bodie told me Marlin was gonna give me and AJ up to Raiders in exchange for safety when he gave up Sophie and Minnie oh my gosh shut up Clementine let her talk when garlic Jennifer kind of God they only met up with these Raiders because Klem insisted they go out there quite the coincidence isn't it shame I'm leaving those I don't wear when the adults left like move us out of that fear I gave us some courage again who are y'all gonna believe we come late leader little lunatic for me she didn't help us get food what good is food if a group of outsiders just gonna come along and take it do it oh boy we spent more time with him don't let him do this oh it's you've been grateful what I like you Claire but I yeah me you're out on your own sorry Barry meet Ben and you better bury me deep because I come back I'll come for you first Marlon come on man drop the gun see killed Brody we can't let her walk away well I got it trust Marlon I just I got it I always have he trusted him and now she's dead and he killed her take that back you did it but this man is insane [Music] Oh why you don't know what you do in the Hat come on drop the gun this is how the dopes do things not us stand down mark be reasonable ohit's man trying to kill himself you don't understand at all do you I'm trying or won't protect you look what happened to brother it was Sophia Minerva I made the name on the train I saved the lives of everyone in this school now I will get to try again excuse me I didn't realize it was so expensive told me they died I had to save the rest of you and gave my sister's away why would you do something like that I had trust in you darlin they trusted you a real leader would have sacrificed himself Lee I wanted to get them States some kind of rescue honest tendonosis couldn't I was too afraid you killed Brody because she knew you didn't mean to and what this I wanted to save all of you Sophie makes a thermo just get the guns spillfix Marlon we can make this right we'll help you we're all family here the only one any of us has left what's he doing I know I could trade you all of you let me leave you never have to see me again just let me become a bad memory oh no no no give me back please fine boy I saved one for me AJ why why are you - Savage AJ oh gosh AJ uh why'd you do that AJ he's never gonna forget that his entire life he has to live with that he'd a youngest man to catch a body I want is a j67 you and 42% of players chose to let AJ go through the window Oh minority at that time you want a 48% with Luis instead of fishing you and 34% let a they sleep under the bed I'm in a minority every decision this time up not this time you and 70% attack evil rather than giving him food Abel they gave this man a name that means he's coming back you and 34% why do they got my man standing in front of the number so I can't see it 34% players turn to Lewis for help I mean it just made them more more sense if I would have went with Ryland I would appeal with violet I mean we just spend more time with them you and 34% left violative horrified she was annoyed when you did it rebuffed Lewis flirtations father was flattered after you comforted her mark Marlon did Marlon was relieved to be forgiven he felt proud when you trusted him with Rosie you and 34 percent left Lewis feeling lost he was delighted when you chose to play with him he told him about killing love when he sympathized Brodie dead she was appalled when you downplayed the encounter with evil AJ ruthless he was resolved to sleep under the bed he was satisfied when you attacked a bro these are all horrible adjectives resentful dead Tim was understanding of your hesitancy when you first met him when you allowed him to draw you he generous Omar was glad Ruby was disgusted Mitch was happy scientist in was resentful Willie was fascinated did was he desensitized to violence cuz I snapped the rapper's neck in front of them you know I thought I shouldn't do that in front of AJ no AJ he's just a kid he doesn't understand all right you guys won't looks like our walking dead streak has come to an end there's simply nothing else for me to play episode 2 it's not being released yet episode 2 when it comes out we can actually play it alongside other youtubers you know your boy gonna try and get it out as soon as he can this man Marlon actually thought he was about this man Marlon thought he was about to get a second chance [Music] you're sleeping with the fishes hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did be sure the citizens ever asked like that like button subscribe did you join the samurai meant to me next time or business AJ do you need anything [Music]
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 3,167,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, walking, dead, final, season, twd, telltale, the walking dead, the final season, aj, kills, marlon, brody, how, could, you, do, that, clementine, ending, end, gameplay, lets, play, louis, choose, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments
Id: Ngli_1jw7p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 59sec (4739 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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