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[Music] what [Music] no background music [Music] no words no title screens just little aj big clementine in episode three [Music] what good job after a long awaited previously on the walking dead welcome back to the walking dead telltale series for a place to call home aj and i found an old boarding school run by kids deep in the forest oh man we are here was a guy named marlon and aj pulled the trigger i told aj that what he'd done was murder that he'd have to atone for it the other kids agreed they voted to kick us out i thought we'd never return then aj and i were attacked by abel one of the raiders marlon had given the twins to he was with someone i thought i'd never see again lily wow we were almost eaten by walkers when suddenly one of them spoke to me his name was james an ex-whisperer who didn't believe in killing walkers this guy james he helped me treat aj but without real medicine he wouldn't make it the kids didn't turn away the sad sight of aj and led us back inside after i told them how we could defend the school against the raiders they were willing to let us stay at least until the fight i decided to help violet in the bell tower here we go this is the juice together and i admitted i had feelings for her she felt the same way oh clem then the raiders finally came they busted open our gates but the kids stayed hidden as planned until 10 ran out of cover hoping for a chance to learn about his missing sisters the bomb went off and attempting to save 10 mitch threw himself at lily and got a knife to the throat only a second to decide i fired and saved violet absolutely they got away with three of our friends and we had no idea where they'd gone but we knew someone who did alright so this is without a doubt one of the biggest series on this channel so i know a lot of eyeballs are going to be on this few announcements number one i i don't know if you've noticed but i'm planning i have been streaming a lot more on this channel and i plan on continuing that moving forward in 2019 right now the current schedule is i'm going to stream every monday wednesday and friday here on youtube twitch which i know i asked a lot of y'all to make accounts and go follow me on twitch will still be getting used but it's going to be used for something completely different than gameplay i know this is a gaming channel you'll see what i mean still games but not so much video games since you're already subscribed here hit that notification bell so you'll never miss when i do go live i'm not sure about the times because we'll be up filming late sometimes or we'll be just you know the day gets ahead it gets away from us recording and whatnot so yeah just turn the notification bell you'll always know when i'm going live i have made a brand new discord i know everybody and they mom use discord nowadays i had a server back then like like a year or two ago the server did not work out so i made a brand new one with the help of a few near and dear friends of mine you will see who they are on the right side everybody's listed as um different uh what's the word i'm looking for administrative roles i appreciate all of y'all for helping me out set that up let me go ahead and shout out some names real quick i just i don't want to shout names i'm actually not going to shout names because i don't want to miss anybody who probably deserves a credit but yo the server is is up it's live click the link in the description down below let's get to the walking dead shout out to sky bound for picking this series up i know telltale um they went out of business much respect to telltale and everything that they did for gaming and for the narrative narrative driven games game franchise there we go i don't know why i'd be talking like like i'm trying to run for president or something but look i love this series i'm very excited that this is going to continue episode 4 says it comes out on march 26th that will be the last episode of clementine's story so i'm going to try my best to play this without getting my own emotions involved i'm glad i chose violet because they showed they showed uh lewis in the trailer and he was looking so scared i'm so glad i got violet by my side right now walking dead episode three let's get it this might be the next day i still see smoke and fire and stuff oh never mind yeah i still see smoke i still see smoke it might be banyan kush i don't know controller vibrating like crazy oh man that's how we open it poor mitch man this is the last thing mitch wanted um what are you looking at um mcdonald's ambassador wendy's so little what and the mitch looked after me oh this guy he goes he was a dick sometimes but he was always nice to me exactly it's okay geese he's just mourning the loss of a friend he'd want you to go on some [ __ ] who never even knew his name oh man oh man you feeling hurt i got it i gotta say this i promise you willy the people who did this we're going to hit them back hell yeah i like that energy ever coming near us if mitch were here he wouldn't cry he'd find a way to get our friends back hell yeah bash lily's brains out with a rock that's the energy i need 2019 aj's waiting for you in the basement we got abel tied up tight he's alive but he's out cold thanks we should bury mitch it's time come on geese let's give him a proper burial say our respects i hope you can't get away from him you're the reason he's dead really well it's true we had a plan and that you you messed it up yo chill this is ten's fault relax you know who's really to blame i can't believe you're defending him this this is [ __ ] ten i'll take care of this talk to abel find out where lily took lewis omar in a sin and clem don't be afraid to you know hurt him a little maybe you'll get more out of him than we did hmm the one regret that i have from last episode was kissing her not to say that she's gonna play me but who's to say who's alive over at lily's camp you know i don't know her girl could be there and then what's she going to do to me keep me to the curb interrogate abel say less we're really playing this people did not think this series was going to continue i got to not come this far to to leave us hanging like this even if i am late to the party now where's abel at what's his dog name again uh rosie uh like roshi and you're the rosy boy rosie caught a body last episode didn't she rosie doesn't trust you yet okay rosie rosie your options of trust are few and far between too much you don't trust me who are you gonna trust um james the walker lover [ __ ] out of here rosie got your gun back huh uh-huh oh yeah oh yeah i'm loving okay i'm loving everybody energy right out the gate everybody is ready for war it is time for war still want dibs it's different like this with them all broken but i still hate him same same ready i'm about to do what the trailer did i thought this was a gunshot blast in the trailer though i'm like [ __ ] don't cuss in front of the kid well i ain't no way to wake an old man up from his afternoon nap i was having a nice dream too about a girl i used to know from before she also had me tied up but i wasn't imprisoned or if you get my meaning you should be dreaming about um your left arm that you don't have anymore you got any water other than what you already dumped on me i mean drink aj why did you have that already ready don't mind if i do i mean if aj willing to let him drink aj a pretty tough critic you know so maybe you know you've had your water now it's time to talk it was the first time interrogating someone isn't it you let me dictate the agenda makes me think you're don't make this harder than it needs to be okay i just want to know where lily took my people it doesn't matter as soon as she gets there she's gonna turn around and come right back for me you better give me the five-star treatment i will really kill you dude if i'm smiling when she yeah shut the [ __ ] up jesus the [ __ ] is wrong with you i'm tired of looking at you in here and you red foreman ugly ass star tell us where they took our friends or she'll do it again hell yeah aj lily will never give him up the only reason we came here was for more manpower losing jonathan and me three sprouts can barely hold a gun even a dummy like me can do the math on that one we're gonna get him back you don't know what it's like out there it's a bloodbath one community against another from richmond to the coast back in the delta we're at war with some really sick [ __ ] who make me look like the virgin mary we need people to fight it soldiers who do what we say point the guns the way we tell them to i don't give a [ __ ] about your war or your [ __ ] delta thank you you think we like doing raids like this our home is under threat it's a good home built to last i do a lot to protect it maybe you can understand that and i do a lot to get my friends back so stop wasting my time okay front pocket the answer to all your questions is it a map read it whatsoever parteth the hoof and is cloven-footed and chew with the cud among the beasts that shall ye eat [ __ ] is this code what are you talking about leviticus i was hoping to be some timely moralistic [ __ ] about turning the other cheek this dude playing games bro slap him that thing ain't gonna light itself crush the cigarettes or smoke will clear my mind no you already lost my oh my gosh help me remember stuff like where lily consider the consequences before taking action let him smoke don't make stop it you're not smoking anything but you what you wanted to smoke though that's what i don't forget about people who smoke cigarettes you you hear yourself at night when you finish about to throw up a lung or two but you still want to blow a pack up every day maybe a smoke would clear my mind no it wouldn't it's going to give you it's going to give you lung cancer let's be honest don't smoke cigarettes y'all smoke that banyan only whoa whoa whoa that's a lot of blood that was a lung this is not good he's gonna die isn't he i hope he's not telling us anything um stay quiet you tell us if you're gonna die yeah there we go you tell us when you push me off that balcony something must have burst inside of me [ __ ] i never wanted things to end like this [Music] everything it all got out of hand look at how his whole tone switched up i'm a [ __ ] mess this is not the same dude that i splash water on no this dude fake as hell my my whole life everything i ever got i got with my own two hands and my will for my body to dirt on me to take control karma i'll tell you where to find lily just promise you won't let me turn i'm begging you i need that info if you're honest with me i'll put you out of your misery you have my word okay we have a boat we're docked a few miles west of here at an old fishing beard your friends are on the boat nice you got what you wanted please don't let me become one of those things going to do this right now the only thing is i don't really remember what he did he didn't catch a body he wasn't lily imma put him out of his misery but this is more about aj than it is helping his ass out [ __ ] him maybe aj wants to do it not that i wanna let me keep my face golly what a request oh my gosh you wanna go like this i'm not gonna make him but he'll probably want to don't need to watch this i want to whoa bro this is good and bad because i remember hearing a flashback like that but it was lee's voice it was in the trailer though at least you can't hurt anyone anymore wow that's powerful yo if they are you just tortured a man in front of him was it torture what the whole process you mean come on we have a boat to find this game is interesting the way that they make you like they make you feel real world ethics and morals in an environment where none of that [ __ ] matters like this is not society this is not a way to live for anybody so torturing the man that's a that's a bit much because he did try and kill all of my friends at once it's really 1 35 in the morning so if i'm not like super high energy and just kind of chill forgive me or lowered you know oh look at geese with them two big two big old teeth geese think young link back there young stink look at him you can tell we'll look for a way to sneak on board yeah ten doesn't [ __ ] it up this time yo sting it wasn't tim's fault there you go aj mitch died because he say one more thing about tim i dare you guys look aj balls dropped ever since telltale got you know hey balls done dropped you're mad now you know you don't take look aj said do no harm take no [ __ ] [ __ ] hey what's up i'm here okay here go to boat aj did harm though he definitely killed uh you see anything you know the beach um a boat and a a wood street in the water that's called a pier pier okay let's spread out and focus on those areas keep your heads low okay yo violet how are you doing you ever seen this boat before no marlon kept us confined to the safe zone pier leading up to the boat it's our only way in and out well let's see what else is down there look for a way into the boat i see some raiders there are a few on deck a couple others on the pier could be more inside looks like they're well armed too okay can we can we see children i see louis oh abel wasn't lying this is it oh this episode lit we already we here there's no good cover leading up to the boat we're gonna need one hell of a distraction who is that who is that maybe if we could get walkers on the beach somehow maybe not as hard as you'd think once you got james phone number we could use walkers as a diversion okay examine the pier the pier has plenty of cover on it if we're careful we can sneak in undetected the joke is nobody has service out here so we're i can see an entrance i saw that too it looks like there's a door at the other end there's a small opening at the top of those closed doorways aj and i know how to deal with those small opening is aj size i'm not splitting up with aj you got me twisted that's probably the right path i probably need to trust him but now i'm good i don't see any obvious place to keep prisoners they're probably below deck we should have asked abel when he said on a boat i didn't think you'd be this big you scared me moving like that why did you do that i'm like you're the here yo geez useful looks like building material furniture probably stuff from the train station geez your breath [ __ ] stink bro okay scope our area and make a plan they're loading those wraps with supplies i could cut those loose and just ride them down river easy geese do you drink water i swear your mouth smell dead sheet metal wood and quite a bit of it we should have that stuff huh are those torches maybe why we could use the fire okay resourceful clam where is 10 at or did 10 stay behind wait what is that pick up rabbit's foot rabbit's foot yeah what the heck omar used to carry around a rabbit's foot you don't think we'll take it home we can give it back to him once we've saved him wow um so there's still collectibles where's aj or 10 at must have fallen off one of the horses when the raiders came through okay supposed to be lucky so is a rabbit's foot so i'm hoping this is all going to keep everyone alive that's the thing about these telltale games is like you think you're doing the right thing and then the chapter end and you see everybody else that you could have saved but didn't because you probably you know did wrong aj what's up find anything over here they have horses let me see why are you sad about it let's go about the area and make a plan okay setting the hay on fire would get their attention scare the horses too you could get on the boat easier that way okay if we cut those horses free we could slow down anyone trying to chase us here we go we should get out of here before they spot us we can talk to the plan once we're somewhere safe what is that on the left right there what plan is that look like a belt they've got guards posted on the pier and the boat there's no way we can take them all at once our only hope is to distract them while we sneak on board we should burn their stuff that'd work we could burn the supplies or the hay they keep for the horses whatever we don't burn we should take ruby would love to have the horses but i'd rather steal those supplies i could build traps weapons yeah we'll steal their supplies and burn the hay as our distraction if you're going to steal from the rafts you have to do it carefully wouldn't do it any other way the fire will lure the raiders away from the boat and we can sneak across the pier if anyone sees us they'll shoot you remember that guy i told you about james he sent in walkers to save us from lily and abel maybe we could convince him to do it again big enough group of them onto the beach we can blend in without being seen sorry about that y'all perfect what about after we get everyone home i mean the raiders will just come attack us again what then hide quick whoa whoa whoa who is that in that code ellen ellen ellen is not a redhead who is a redhead kathy griffin that's what i meant same chick a raider has to be you all stay here i'll see if they know anything that could help us a raider what is that look she gave me she don't she said i'll see if there's any help drop it [Music] where do you keep the people you steal i don't know i'm not [ __ ] around answer the question the boiler deck second deck they're all there great question to ask wait violet what's wrong with you that's minnie already oh this is gonna be heat after the attack i wasn't sure i mean i heard they'd be happy look at clint face oh my gosh clementine you should never be making faces about like that about another another person you're clementine bro i feel like 2019 will be preaching the same messages across all my video games 2019 we all gonna know our worth i promise clementine you're way too precious to ever be jealous of somebody like violet i don't give a [ __ ] if she has your back in post-apocalyptic trauma who gives it who gives a damn you got aj if aj find a new mom then you can give that face don't don't put your nose up to a little puppy love let's see how this goes though hold up school down who survived ruby mitch brody ted ruby and ten made it mitch did brodium she died [Music] dan's boots holding up okay his boots were so old they're more holes than rubber i duct taped him up the last time i saw him but that was a while ago his boots are fine here clementine the girl who took over after marlin died it's weird i thought everyone would want to lean on their own i didn't ask to be put in charge it just sort of happened is that the kind of wishy-washy [ __ ] you say to everyone back home or just me excuse me people figured he could talk merlin into handing everyone over like he and lily did [Music] like they did before you ruined the whole plan ew ew he gave you and sophie away yeah and we all survived it merlin would have never made them fight the way he did he wouldn't have gotten people killed many are wrong glenn protected us [Music] yeah stupid [Music] what are you talking about you don't even know what you're talking about is she alive you want a lily's warrior she died protecting the delta a hero oh violet's chick was lily i'm thinking minnie was was violent chick [ __ ] okay okay okay violet violet's chick is dead actually this is wild finish up and head back i want to be in before dark you know lily got warts on her so you can just tell by the way she she angry like that bitter for no reason there's no way she's holding all that hate in her heart because her dad got her head got his head could blame like with a [ __ ] stone they could probably do something to you though i'm not gonna i'm not gonna down talk getting your head broken in with it with a get your head cursed splattered with them in two days then it'll be a couple of weeks before we can come back for the rest of you when we do don't fight the only way you're gonna save your people is to let us take them i'm serious don't fight this f10 could see you now he'd be ashamed to call you his sister eat that eat that digest it [ __ ] you playing madden [ __ ] why did you juke to the right like that [ __ ] out of here go home oh you see a jew to the right like that are you okay nothing's changed she's fighting walkers and ghosts to get onto the boat and save our friends so that's what we're gonna do you all should head home start getting things ready get everyone caught up on the plan everyone except 10. i warned you enough oh hold on [ __ ] say hold up i warned you my [ __ ] what's up i'm here what's up aj and i will go find james good luck this game do something to me bro i got goose bumps on my arms now like this should not be that serious ever a video game should not be as serious ever but i've been here for four seasons now so i'm allowed to feel this way how about you huh you knew subscribe the post notifications turn that bell on ding now you know when i'm get when i'm going live i could go live tonight talking about this subscribe hit that bell so how many walkers do you think james will help us get fifteen a hundred a thousand clue i don't ow gunshot wound it feels like someone pinched me from inside oh low man here let's rest a second gunshot wound what kind of life is this oh my gosh i keep thinking when willy said all that stuff about 10 before i got so mad he was being mean tim wasn't even there to defend himself i wanted to hurt him i know i shouldn't but i just can't stop thinking about it i want to just punch his head think it don't do it breathing kicking rocks sometimes staying focused on what i'm doing helps me forget when i'm angry just uh think about saving our friends right yeah i know i'm trying right now it's just different i can't make my brain switch to thinking about that like i think i think i'm mad at 10 too for being weak running out of cover when lily attacked the school was really stupid he just doesn't know stuff like we do and then willie started yelling at him instead of helping him learn why don't the other kids know all the stuff we know when there's a plan you have to follow it and when you yell at someone it just makes them not listen excellent response you know they've been through different things than we have there's probably a lot we can learn from them too like drawing and playing the piano exactly we can show them how to survive and they can teach us to be normal wow it's weird that people are so different i'm good at this man it is erickson's boarding school for troubled youth troubled youth trouble like bad so they did bad things why okay um sometimes they do them because bad things happen to them i knew a doctor once back when you were just a baby he called it trauma you have some too you know the thing where people can't walk up behind you i don't like my trauma i want to get it off of me how do i get rid of it i don't even like the way the word sounds you suck it in the mouth that's funny as hell you suck it right in the mouth it has a mouth what i'm saying is that like everything else in the world you can fight it huh so it's like controlling my anger almost exactly i can do that i live for these moments in gaming you like them i like 10 the most i think even if he does dumb things actually i think he's my first real friend oh don't do this to me i thought i was your first real friend well yeah but you don't count you're old what i am not fine he's my second first real friend he walked like oh no super mario or something like real rigid you already know that walker headed right to james house he throwing a party tonight walker functions only walker's only br byob bring your own brains that party lame as hell okay here we go i don't know there's a lot of walkers that party might be late that walker right there like wow where the hose at [Applause] he said he's trying to get sucked off but he literally means suck my whole ding-a-ling off just monsters whoa you're hurt did the raiders do this it looked like they had people from your school why are you here how you get some talk and you lose your whole ding-a-ling that [ __ ] is so trash i would never want to be a walker those people you saw we're going to save them but to do that we need your help moving some walkers i could maybe help but my mask is still in the camp inside my back i can't pass through a herd without it [Music] okay then let's go get it please i just i just ask that you don't kill them the walkers if you distract them i can sneak over and find my mask distract all of them please i'll i'll try i don't like this i'm gonna try and respect oh only stun only stun got you dude they move too fast though nice nice nice nice just keep one in front of the other keep one in front of the other is that all of them okay okay and then and then just use him as a shield and get his boy now nice just keep rotating what the what the okay get distance get distance get distance i don't know how long i can keep this up did you find your mask i can't find it the horses must have there oh [ __ ] we have to run hey over here oh aj done grown up grown up no you're too many of them i'm not losing aj move i'm gonna kill these dudes push it the noise will draw them away okay okay smash ass returns the smash x returns good stun good stunt they tried to check you up with that last one i was ready to push triangle good looks james i appreciate your your help there are you okay yeah no bites aj think he's so clean james noticed that you spared the walkers would have been easier to kill them definitely you're kind i appreciate it really you a weirdo bro regardless okay he like me more cool help me get my friends out this dude think he missed out fire out here in the woods thank you for helping me get this back now how will walkers save your friends they're being held captive on a boat not too far from here we can't sneak on board without cover not without the raiders gunning us down you want to use walkers to hide to sneak on board their ship that's insane it's our only chance he's not going for this that means he's his friend's gonna die his only friends out here and there's something i need you to see so you can understand what you're asking james we still need his help right thanks we do so i think i remember seeing this next part on the trailer for episode three he's about to take me to his barnyard full of walkers like this dude hurts him you are not jesus there's a whole jesus in the walking dead series i'm talking about the one in the sky not you know not the one from last season it's safe or season two just a little further why you whisper when you talk i can't trust you i can trust you the art style in this game is fire talk to james i'll talk to aj first he a real killer what's this another flashback y'all know what that salt lick brick is for that was lily's father's death i told y'all they're gonna keep making flashbacks to previous seasons to show you history repeats itself i'm not saying clements gonna die this season but oh march that's when episode four come out march we got a home or you got a whole another two months to figure out if she gonna die or not oh my gosh i'ma have to stream that last episode salt lake no i can't stream it i'll just remember it sounds gross well maybe it's actually good like chips those are salty right go ahead lick it if you want to oh gross it tastes nasty now you know oh learning sucks he like oh my stomach really hurts now clem it's like i triggered that my bad bro i didn't mean to trigger that thought it was a gunshot wound not a stomach ache oh my stomach hurt i'm sorry sorry aj my people my former people they had a practice they called it collecting collecting he says now he ash ketchum all of a sudden they use them as a weapon i do this to protect them i know it sounds strange but that's why i brought you here to see them as i do as people as people well not people exactly but something in between huh part of us is still in there they in transition deep down yeah this 2019 for sure anymore we turn not dead not alive well you can't prove that james look i've heard some weird things but walkers having a soul like i said i know how it sounds i think you have us you really think there's people inside of monsters aj hell naw get your ass back next to me yes think about it this way as someone you cared about turned yeah absolutely a lot clem's friend lee she shot him before he did oh uh she doesn't like to talk about it sorry maybe this wasn't the best way to explain how is there a soul in a walker i feel like you have a soul when you have free will to choose good in life or choose bad in life your soul dictates what you choose your actions dictate your soul right or vice versa [Music] if you don't have any control over good or bad decisions [Music] i don't think you have a soul because then you're just you're just well damn well then you think about animals like your pets no there's no such thing as a bad animal like they're just going off of their natural impulses they don't have [Music] damn james you making me think tonight brother didn't mean to bring up difficult memories lived among walkers for years still do in a way when they're alone they're harmless innocent if you want my help i need you to try and walk with them then tell me if you really believe they're just monsters they are just monsters thank you aj this isn't good people or friends clem she'll be safe i promise this isn't smart it's too dangerous she just needs to move as they do if it gets bad in there i'll need you to save me okay can you do that i yes i'll always protect you family i know you will family ties this dude james been breathing in too many uh spores off these [ __ ] he's starting to become one himself in the mind though his body is still here but his mind is [ __ ] gone is never go alone look at him reading the world's back to me i'm leaving you i'll be right back find the exit i will i love aj bro fear take over i will look at him standing over me like like he authority [ __ ] get your little ass back for a slap i'm just kidding but be gentle and be quiet touch the wind chime you'll see what they gonna do they gonna spin around real slow like you're gonna say look they're dancing no they don't know where the sound's coming from yo james yo james yo james if they're really not monsters let me go in without this monster mask you [ __ ] idiot they said go in there and tell me if you really think they're monsters no i'm a monster now your logic is flawed um um get out my way um who's that dude who say get them smithers in the simpsons what yo move touch the wind chime oh that one oh my gosh let me out of here is that somebody dog tag how close do you need me to oh touch here we go all right can you get on my oh okay there you go hold l in the direction of the arrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo skybound y'all got me twisted with this music right now this is not that kind of moment i don't feel like this at all [Music] what what is this zombie church so zombies so walkers praise wind chimes now it's not even chiming anymore clementine walking out like james that was the dumbest waste of time ever hey my my friends are still alive they're not monsters let's go get them james all right i'm fine see no bites no bites so do you still think they're just monsters yes sir i do can we get my piece any different at all no yeah i do they're still just monsters thank you dangerous things that want to kill us i had a whole monster mask what i thought you would say it's what i would have said too once have you ever killed a walker before i have many have you ever killed a person um many but that was a long time ago i've killed someone before too aj you've killed someone yeah i'm a murderer but i'm trying to atone well that's good i guess that's enough what about the walkers are you going to help us save our friends i thought i could but i can't so many walkers would die all of the death this would cost i'm sorry clementine but i can't have more blood on my hands james the walker in the barn the one with the different eyes what was his name his name what are you how about the woman in the back near the wind chimes what's her name mm-hmm i i don't know a sim omar those are the names of my friends the ones who were stolen by the raiders talk it i'll never forget that talk it uh clementine be hitting you with that uh she got them lines in her i may be stubborn but i'm not heartless prove it those raiders are cruel they force others to be the same not us and even if your friends think like you no one deserves that it'll take some time to guide them through the forest to the shore others will join the hurt as they go [Music] tomorrow night be ready i can't undo this [Music] why why james walk in there like he got to deliver a speech to his zombie friends like i mean i just i just don't know how they're gonna take it they don't give a [ __ ] they want to eat food let them let them eat let them eat the raiders let them eat the raiders come on aj let's get back before it's too dark james james act like the zombies want to be in there with each other looking around slapping each other hearing wind chime all day you can't eat wind chime you can hear it you can't eat wind time i want some flesh take me to the [ __ ] raiders james got some nerve girl in the back her name what they're your friend i've never met anyone like james before i never want to meet anyone like him i mean he's tough i i have met someone like james his name's hobo larry he stay on valley view street he a [ __ ] not like you though he doesn't kill monsters but he's not scared of him either he's cool damn i think larry actually passed away a few years ago larry was cool as hell [Music] he just always wanted some beer though that's like bro i'm 16. i can't do that rest in peace larry he used to stay on his bike too uh he was a hometown legend for being drunk hey clem willie told me the plan how'd things go with that guy james he agreed to help us if somebody told me we were gonna sneak onto a boat and i heard a walkers i'd call them crazy he didn't clip my fingernails oh well i wanted to throw one last hoot nanny before the big fight swear huh it sounds like a swear it definitely sounds like a swear word i'm gonna start saying it too it's not a swear word it's just another way of saying party i know it sounds strange throwing a party but people need something to lift their spirits right about now this could be our last chance i wanted to make some tea for everyone could i borrow your little heater thing what can i do we need to pretty up the old music room could you make it something colorful to hang up okay i'll be an artist here we go this man said i'm about to start cussing he's gonna make the deck the decker decoration the decoration for the party okay make it there player do you place your collectibles before leaving why do i feel like this is the last time we'll be in here what do they mean by collectibles um i'm gonna talk to aj a little bit more be cool as hell can i see nope it's not done yet but it is pretty good uh aj cool okay there for luck are bunnies lucky just their feet there we go nice what about the horseshoe i know i had that hey oh there we go have you ever ridden a horse and i'll teach you to ride someday whoa would have been weird it was all the way around would have been weird if it was the other way around would have been weird if it all right i'm done come see where did you put it right there where did you put it there's no way you can walk comfortably with that in yo i'm just kidding hey you're getting better at this okay soon you'll be as good an artist as 10. i don't know he's really good you improved since your last one something wrong you miss him huh aj i was just thinking about stuff while i was drawing he's never talked about his own parents maybe he's never known him but it's like you're not curious there are three kind of eyes clem oh yeah there are live people eyes we got those okay and there's monster's eyes usually look like dirty water other times monster's eyes aren't even wet and then there are a lot of people eyes right as you kill them like you did to abel whoa his eyes look like you blew a candle out he was a bad guy i know i shouldn't feel like this i hated him too i think there's something wrong with me you know what aj everything you're feeling is okay it makes you a good person am i good i want to be better clint let people know i'm good just by my face you're the best okay i'm getting real smart is that right yes because i'm always thinking all the time okay what are you thinking about right now you getting bit turning into a monster whoa oh more foreshadowing the older i get the more i see it i don't know why what happens then anyone can get bit doesn't matter if you're inside or outside or how careful you are that's not happening yep you don't know that kill all that doubt player no i don't but it won't happen anytime soon you don't know that either you're just trying to be brave for me it does something weird to my stomach like i'm gonna get the dookies aj i need to know you remember what we talked about what you're supposed to do if it happens the dookies listen to me if i get bit you'll run away as fast as no no i'm not gonna do that aj you promised i don't care i'm not leaving you if you get bit i'd want you to bite me too you tripping what you don't mean that i want to be alone please don't be mad i can't live with you not with me clint i know we've talked about it so much but don't make me alvin jr you know you're not supposed to talk like this you're too strong and too brave yeah that's your dad talking i don't think i am anymore about this yes oh what's going on okay you can't break promises aj i know you're not letting this go are you james said guess not that we could be around when we're monsters like on the inside if you got bit and then bit me then maybe we'd still be together it would just be a different together we might even be okay you think so james said a lot of things about the monsters and most of it was crazy pants aj so you don't think i would be inside my monster self no neither do you monster self kiddo nothing that makes you you would be in there thank you can i go patrol for a bit before the party sure go ahead be careful what's with aj you got dookie pants just needs some space you need a release can we talk about what happened today with minnie yeah sure what's wrong the thing is seeing minnie i feel like it should have scared me but it didn't the person we ran into in the woods that wasn't minnie not really the way she sounded acted the way she talked about sophie and lily i'm confused i guess [Music] it's not minnie's fault the raiders just got in her head i never said it was but it doesn't change anything minnie the real minnie she's gone she's been gone this whole time and i have to stop mourning her wow don't let her take you or aj or anyone else i care about louis knows when to keep his head down yeah [ __ ] well i i hope so he do better than you know how that's for sure you know when i first got here i hated him he was so much you know he walks into a room and it's like look at me watch me perform it's so stupid i think he would hate him and i realized under all that he he really cares about people and he doesn't just feel it he says it he'll tell you every goddamn day how much you mean then [ __ ] he'll probably sing about it i'm not impressed especially if there's already a famous song with your name in it ah we've got to get him back we will louis omar sim we'll get them all back um i made you this that look like a communion chip for sundays oh wow so you never forget that night y'all was on my head talking about you picked the wrong one while the girlfriend's still alive she gonna come back and comments i could be kicked to the curb no no she's not violet loved me just as much as i love her i still regret clicking it i don't think clementine needed a love interest in the middle of all this uh apocalyptic apocalyptic trauma but i mean it is nice to be returned it's nice that the sentiment is returned uh everybody want to be loved come on now i never will it's on my coat now you told me oh sorry i was shocked then i started thinking there's something i've always wanted to try with someone i cared about and i never have what is it have you ever danced with anyone before nope do you wanna you have no ass just us no one else around give me that hand girl hold me close and and move on my one two look me in the eyes though the whole time uh i like intimacy girl i don't need you twerking i want the front not the back ain't [ __ ] back there oh man i never noticed your eyes there's pools of blue and green it's almost like this out oh oh now i'm warm now i'm home i'm getting moist thanks for the dance we're sober we're getting better at being romantic we're a couple we're a couple where'd my chapstick go my shit's still dry hey why are you throwing a ball in my head like that wow where did you find a beach ball it was in some garbage behind one of the dorms i had to blow it up and that was pretty gross but look it works i should get going ruby could probably use some help it's cool right super cool yeah hell yeah the coolest hello you know what i'm saying you got three bounces in family i love you i love you back kiddo we better get ready to go sounds like they need us in the music room okay that's like the avengers threw up all over it it'll be all right though if they having us throw a party before we go to the boat i'm already knowing the boat is going to be awful a headache torturous regretful violent sad it's my last mentos right here looks like things are coming together yeah we still need to figure out lighting music and something to write on that banner if we're gonna die we should have some fun first foreshadowing music but louis isn't here see that it's like lewis in a box choose a candle color let me choose music first pulled out the old headmaster's grandma phone so you could play some records not much of a selection but it should do some country tell me what you want to listen to out of the three you got to do country maybe something country that's my favorite of course it is shocker right that's my favorite one of those black things that look like plates and you put it on here some country without some kind of mood lighting what is that on the right purple back and forth between colors for ages green's calming but purple might be nice purple's nice well purple was my dad's favorite color i read somewhere purple was the color of royalty purple really what i like purple shouldn't you like it too violet i'll make it happen why was that disrespectful why are you mad about it your name is violet are we using the banner for some kind of party theme not exactly it's meant to be more motivational i'd keep it short though there's not as much room as you think i was thinking something uplifting like we're gonna get through this aj why don't you come up with something really i have an idea it'll be a surprise i promise not to swear all over it okay we'll have tim break out his paintbrush and ride it out this place is gonna look great we haven't heard of pete from ten all episode he got punked and stay quiet forever speed oh and willie was asking for you he's up in marlin's office he said he had a surprise for the party but he wanted to show it to you first i'm about to go see what geese talking about yo geese you got mouthwash yet hey clam check it out i found a bunch of books on [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm just playing bro there's some awesome stuff about fires at sea and explosions and stuff the key is the boiler wait what are you talking about i have an idea about how to stop those [ __ ] coming back to the school after we've rescued the others and from hurting anyone else ever again oh we're gonna blow up the boat it's the only way to make sure they don't come back besides it feels right you know for mitch nice mitch would love this plan i know it's perfect i can't think of a better memorial than to blow that boat out of the water oh yeah he's timing the explosion so that it happens after you get off the boat trust me this'll work we'll be okay okay everybody get ready um clem i'm sorry for before about how he treated ten you should have told me to get so angry i know it's not his fault come tell him yourself bro that's nice willie but don't tell me thank you till 10. thank you i know you up here with your with your bottle bombs but come down here for a minute come get some bourbon in you [Music] what song is this mario mario kingdom wow this looks great ruby couldn't have done it without you but just wait till you see what else i've got planned go ahead and mingle i'll let you know when it's time i guess i'll mingle hell yeah what a drink at what a banyan you two are working together yeah willie asked me to help with his special project well that's good to hear is it ready good to go clem it'll work actually ah i was thinking maybe we should name it something cool i mean i think it deserves a name all the best bombs have names yeah we absolutely have to name it i don't care i thought you'd make fun of me but hell yeah let's name this [ __ ] um you made it so we'll name it after you willy jr yeah alvin jr yeah i used to hate my name not anymore nice welcome to the world wj that bomb is geese junior that's a geese egg from now on that's a geese egg alvin you have no real moves he danced like he's stepping on i don't know answer something clementine these here are our official erickson psych evaluations and probationary reports okay right what i don't get it well these explain why all of us got sent to this school in the first place oh i don't care and all the bad [ __ ] we did that kept them from sending us back home so what's the game i figured if we're all going on this crazy mission together you might as well know who we really are this is just i'll read some of what the adults thought about us and you have to guess which one of us fits the bill it's kind of cool make sure it's someone you've actually met this will be the first one while otherwise a remarkable student blank continues to be plagued by fits of anger uncontrollable cursing and repeated physical altercations with the senior faculty mitch marlon violet uh yeah that's all you that pretty much describes everyone in this room [Laughter] oh 10. you've got a point i never curse he doesn't that's ruby's file holy [ __ ] really guilty as charged yeah you should have seen ruby back in the early days ruby ain't never done she's like uh you ever seen those tasmanian devil cartoons when you're kid that was our ruby he used to have a mean streak a mile long don't worry that was a long time ago i mean i can totally see it the first time i met ruby she was all that little [ __ ] okay but i was sorry yo it's a joke bro you guys want to know why i got sent here willie please no hanukkah masturbation huh willie gee said i had to stroke it too much geez is monitored [Music] he said chronic masturbation why are you doing that at school grounds trust me nobody wanted to know that what does that mean ah don't you dare uh anyway maybe we should change up the music i like all kind of different music i think geese beat it so much it should look like this now i don't know a lot no it's all right people seem to like this good enough for me let's just move on [Music] i didn't realize how many of us we lost oh that's sad justin guy and theresa and jasper that one girl with colored braces and joey maddie lamarr erin yeah i used to make fun of her braces why did i do that alex dewey trey stephanie holy crap how many of us died oh 34. [Music] whose is it louis should we read it i could tell you why i was sent here instead you know as a consolation prize or whatever you might hate me after but since we're all being so open and all [Music] i was hoping you'd tell me i spent a lot of time at my grandma's house growing up with my dad being a drunk and my mom working three jobs okay but after my grandpa died grandma just kind of shut down spent all day and night rocking in her little chair and then i'd sit there at her feet as we both watch tv mostly cartoons and she never seemed to care sometimes i could hear her crying but i didn't look back i just feel really weird and turn up the volume you know anyway one day she left the den and came back with another chair and a 22 rifle set the rifle butt on the top of the chair holding the barrel back to her chest so you know she had trouble reaching the trigger this way but she must have known what happened because she took out this really tacky wooden back scratcher the real long kind with the one end shaped like a hand and uh use that to push the trigger in her chest bang right her body folded up and just kept rocking my mom came to get me five hours later i hadn't moved she asked why i didn't call the police or an ambulance or anything i just shrugged and told her it wasn't like grandma was going anywhere and besides i just wanted to finish my cartoons okay but so he shipped me off to erickson the next day i was 11. but sophie trust her i'm so sorry the worst party ever that was like what you went through it's fine we've just been through a lot of [ __ ] we weren't good people clementine but it still doesn't mean that we should have been left here to die by the people that were supposed to take care of us true sorry very true this is supposed to be fun i'm i'm just not the game type like lewis was i guess you mean is we'll see him soon ten's right hey i've got an idea do you guys remember when minnie would sing us don't be afraid when all of us used to get scared too bad i can't play it who would have known her he liked that one you could just sing it to us like she used to your voice is really pretty no okay yeah all right i uh i can do that never mind the darkness [Music] i'm just playing she gonna do this [Music] never mind never mind geese breath i'm like it will be [Music] will be over soon all them dead people brush away the soul breast keep teeth tonight [Music] [Music] sing in your own bedrooms [Music] the night will be over soon for every night goes quiet why are we crying man what's going on with this party [Music] the dark comes something new the sun will be rising soon the sun will be rising soon the sun will be rising soon that was a beautiful song don't nobody believe in the lyrics everybody's sad now look at her she stopped singing she like i hope the sun will be rising soon it has to it's the sun smile oh no oh no the party's over we know what that means this is when all the decisions matter right here right here ouch oh my kneecap ah no no look at baby clam is lee reaching out to her in in her dreams hey sweet pea lee no lee my [ __ ] laying in the building you always pick the train i'm not sure maybe because this is where it all started where you taught me to shoot and to cut my hair to be ready for what was coming you were a quick study so what's on your mind this time i'm worried lee i've got a lot of people depending on me and i don't know if what i'm doing is right oh i know that feeling you know i was uh making it all up as it went along right couldn't let on of course if you being so little i never noticed it just felt like you always knew the right thing to do yeah well i got lucky luck counts for a lot i'm gonna need some now you wanna tell me about what you're up against i'm with a new group now and i've been in so many and they always fall apart i really like this one it's different it almost feels like home that's a good thing todd being alone out there but we're in trouble some bad people captured my friends and getting them back might get the rest of us killed i'm not worried what whatever trouble you're in you get out of it you get your friends out of it you don't know that i know you're a survivor the clementine i know is gonna fix it i really believe that yeah i made it this far didn't i facts you sure did but a lot of other people couldn't fax never give in clem imagine what lewis is gonna say when he sees your face those boys are gonna have hope again knowing that you came to rescue him oh sweet pea you know you always get like this before something big remember how scared you were before you charged into that mess at mccarroll ranch you survived that didn't you that was different i was alone i know it's harder when you have something to lose but having people you care about that's a good thing friends a girl who loves you wow they're fighting besides wow because of you come see me again when you've gotten them out okay out and safe sound good and hopefully we can talk about happier things if you know of any lee i miss you so much i wish you were really here i miss you too clementine but we'll have to make do with pretending thank you lee talking to you always makes me feel a little bit better i meant to ask how's the boy he's good lee you'd like him ah ben you teach him to shoot yet you have no idea yo pretty hard since i left it a kid growing up in it he'd be hard too this scene is cold you're in my shoes now raising a kid think you got a handle on it ah it can't be easy wanting to give him a childhood but knowing what it takes to survive now aj's amazingly i've taught him to be strong and brave and capable you'd be so proud you mean more than i already am so [Music] wow just look at you just look at you this group you like i better not live in a city you know i told you to avoid those they don't no one goes into the cities anymore it's an old boarding school in the woods miles from anywhere with no adults at all this is crazy oh adults it works i promise time to go clementine no no no no no no no no you've got people that need you goodbye lee clint wake up it's time to go almost almost we got a long walk [Music] better soundtrack right there oh my gosh it would have been over for me [Music] the foreshadowing come see me when they're out and safe i knew that was gonna happen i guess we're really doing this only the team blending in with the walkers need to cover themselves now we just need your walker friend he's here good lord uh hello guys this is james he's my friend he's uh so cool of course geese gonna think that you get the skin like that oh i um clementine can i try it on that's not a good willie quiet someone might hear you loud is bad i'm not even being that loud sorry i'll be quiet thank you geese respect and sorry i tried to shoot you that one time your mask looks so real i uh uh hey hey there james sorry about willie is this the guy that klim said she'd marry forgot about that time could i speak to you alone for a moment good idea hold tight hey tank can you come talk for a sec there's something i have to tell you oh wow about a sister they'll be here in a little while you can join them as they pass through the trees the noise from the boat will draw them toward the water then we can get on board and save our friends you our friends are different open-minded accepting maybe one day you'll be the same what was that about listen clementine i need to talk to you about aj what do you mean the whispers or my family from a young age in that time i witnessed a lot of death and suffering eventually i became the cause of it weakness was considered a poison and i believed in that fiercely so much so that when another boy expressed sympathy for our enemy before an [Applause] i attack his throat [Music] i didn't talk to him didn't consider who he was what he felt honestly i don't even remember his name all i knew was someone like him would only slow us down that's that's kind of hard to believe it doesn't sound anything like you not anymore but it was i had no doubt in my mind that i was right after he died i kept hearing his words in my head those people are like us just on a different path i stopped killing after that i changed no one else did when aj told me he killed someone it reminded me of them of myself he said it was wrong but it sounded like he was just repeating what he'd been told taking life like that from a young age it breaks something inside you [Music] i just i'm afraid if aj kills again he won't be able to go back he won't be the same boy he was i've seen it happen too many times i'm not going to let aj become a killer i don't want him to change not like that i hope you can keep that promise i'ma try soon there will be enough of them to provide us cover i'll lead you through the herd until you reach the boat that's as far as i go after that it's up to you thank you take care of aj i feel like i won't need aj to do a lot of killing because i'm not with lewis if lewis was here ready to go it'd be way different violet walkers are getting close i'm finally about that action ruby you're in charge of the horses willie ted take care of the supplies i've got the bomb let's do this there'll be a door on the bottom with ash and stuff put it in there why are we sad like is this a goodbye or what oh wow this this really see you all on the other side [Applause] can we do all hands in kind of thing or what what's this does not feel good 10 how you feeling bro what's going on violet told me about many that sophie died and minnie is one of them now just if you see her out there tell her wow tell her i forgive her please i tell her myself but i just want her to be okay yeah sure if we see her i'll let her know thanks i'm still tripping off the fact we got a moment with lee again three seasons later that's insane hey it's time we gotta move clem what happens if someone else gets caught while we're in there [Music] what if it's you i couldn't save minnie or lou or sin omar i i i really care about you clem if something happened to you because of me [Music] i can't lose you too [Music] i won't [Music] you better not disappear on me okay i promise [Music] yeah what are you doing go look in another direction aj move are we good yeah i think so aj about to go right let's bring our friends back home all of them all of them hell yeah all of them aj about to go right to geese aj about to go right to geese hey geese what's chronic masturbation like you're freaked [Music] so i know this is going to sound gross but i bring your smell smart all right get my back i got you girl thanks we gonna do it we're doing it that's a hard picture right there that's the thumbnail that [ __ ] vicious that is a vicious bro that was a vicious ass still okay follow my lead here we go let's go oh wow use them as shields walk faster we're back nice nice nice come on nice come on will who is that uh zion supplies going overboard then they go off the court now he he he he tow guns get over there and see what's going on look at zion okay now's our chance we can't risk leaving cover we'll have to crawl along the side of the dock okay we doing this we doing this do we interact no okay let's keep going this is so dangerous okay that's a good thing there's no zombies over here whoa whoa follow me this way okay okay huh how heavy are y'all how are you able to do that what oh my gosh oh my gosh come on come on get him off you smash x i got you all day girl all day i'm not letting you die when you found love hell naw love conquers all [ __ ] are you okay i'm fine okay let's make moves stay close [Music] this is a nightmare [ __ ] are you okay i'm fine [Music] stay close oh that's what she wanted to do bro what is this a crash bandicoot what did this just turn into bro oh that was she trying to fake me out she's trying to fake me out [Music] come on y'all nice nice good maneuvers come on let's hurry ready aj walkers yeah let me get off let me get off like bro these asteroid 50s just kicked into nowhere let me slide it down a notch i'm like man who did this in the studio they killed it my toes about hard as hell no not tonight we're inside let's get it we are one step closer y'all [Music] we're getting close after we find the boiler and place the bomb we'll get our friends out many said they keep prisoners on the second deck yep look out for guards and stay quiet okay right behind you good i'll scout ahead and signal when it's clear got it okay find the boiler so i can either go around or go straight up get down clem doesn't look like a bald gym carry relax relax relax [Music] okay oh damn it who's there oh my gosh it's zion let's get it then i've never been afraid of murder that's clem knock out her kill zion no no i'm gonna knock him out i don't want anybody dying not me nor him oh good move good move hey glenn this has got to be the boiler right yeah it looks like it that's where we need to plant the bomb there's too much stuff in the way maybe there's another way okay okay aj's still a gentleman i like that hold the door for your lady your mom get back [Music] they're still shooting at walkers who are they shooting at what's the move what's the move okay [Applause] i gotta start catching bodies bro i gotta start catching bodies too many people just knocked out on the train right now i gotta start catching bodies didn't nobody say a word i love it that knee shot was not going to do nothing but alert more guards i'm i did my thing right there regardless you have willy jr boom no more raiders exactly the plan is to kill everybody anyway make your dad proud willie jr yes sir that's a geese egg in that thing in the bottom of the river once they start up this boat we won't have much time before it explodes how long not sure an hour 30 minutes let's hurry up then find my friends let's do it can i loot him for anything can i do anything back here okay let's find friends let's find friends i should go back around the other way they're not thinking people gonna be that smart watch this okay all right all right you got me i'm doing too much you got me i'm headed back clem why are you you are not at prom like stop walking like that minerva focus yes ma'am i i have a little brother short scarred face see he's not out there is he look we've discussed this your family is delta now there ain't no room for anyone else yes ma'am trash we need we need to confront her right now tell her about 10. she had to be the cell guard we can't sneak past her we gotta convince her to help [Music] get out not without our people oh let's go i swear to god if you got 10 caught up in this just just tell me that he's safe give me that he told me to tell you he forgives you look at you look who you become [ __ ] i'll help you get everyone out i know you will then you take my brother and run get him back to where it's safe we have to hurry [Music] whatever yellow omar [ __ ] oh my god are you okay it doesn't look hard i yeah i'm all right we're all right take care of lewis first he's he's in rough shape i'll unlock the other cell you don't have a lot of time before dorian comes back louis is in here why are we moving so slow violet help me with these guys got it [Music] whoa he's broken that's exactly what i didn't want him with me to begin with what the [ __ ] are you doing no oh minnie's a straight oh louis [Music] oh man oh we got played like a fiddle just now though she hit me with a smooth juke move she been doing the eating tomatoes no no no oh my god i'm sorry lois i'll make these bastards pay for this i promise it's okay it's okay it's okay oh my gosh this episode is nuts you'll be home soon oh my gosh i'm not gonna that they they playing games talking about look at talk to lewis being here that long no we're not we're getting out right now yo omar somebody talk to me clem are you all right i'm fine where's aj over here thank god [ __ ] at least we're not moving yet that bomb is still in time to oh my gosh so much is going on talk to her bye are you all right i'm fine looking for a way out if this thing explodes we're getting out don't worry we're getting out okay look at the latch i might be able to chip away at this if i had a tool or damn it they must have taken away my knife aj do you still have your knife yeah they didn't find it only the big one good i need you to slide it over to me good job aj good job aj now hold on let me look at this door first i feel like she's going to kick the sheet metal off and then use the or use the knife to yo what are you thinking clem oh louis is broken dude like i i've been hating so hard on this dude louis this entire play through but wow chip rusted welds or that usually shows up as an option like like think before you do this i'm already known i'm gonna lose my ship if i do it that way let me look through here again okay okay okay um um okay okay okay okay okay see what aj is talking about you doing okay in there aj yeah i'm all right i'm looking for a way out yeah me too okay the doors don't look very well made maybe that's something we can work with i'm not trying to lose my knife off some dumb stuff though how you holding up i can't talk if lily she told us not to talk we'll be home soon just hang in there lily got them shook this is crazy are you hurt i [ __ ] i just want to go home we will okay i found your rabbit's foot back on the beach clearly it doesn't work relax dude i'm here aren't i uh maybe maybe lewis got some kind of input i got the knife bro help me please get out of here i promise okay i gotta lose my knife i gotta lose my knife then maybe it'll work actually maybe it'll work um okay damn it hey whatever you doing don't i promise you it ain't worth it step back she awake yes ma'am that's lily wow okay good yeah come talk to me i'll take it from here oh i ain't looking at you louis relax relax you a [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] where's abel he's dead we killed him we put a knife in his head talk your [ __ ] then aj you bout to get slapped up though [ __ ] you little monster damn it we showed him mercy he was terrified of turning so we stopped him from having to we gave him what he wanted i'm sure you did back up grab that minerva open the door yes ma'am normally the trouble you caused i'd shoot you and toss you overboard but i'm genuinely impressed first you organize these idiot kids into a fighting force and kill two of my most experienced soldiers then you sneak onto my boat under the cover of a herd i bring a prize like you back to the delta it might make this whole [ __ ] of a mission worth it someone like you so young with so much potential you should have never attacked us lily your mission was a bad idea from the start and you failed and you're still mouthing off despite being in a cell that'll change you know my father larry was a military man and when i was a kid he had all kinds of rules he a power of military most was waste if i ever left a light on after leaving a room he'd flip no matter how many times he ranted about the cost of electricity i could never remember to hit that switch so he'd hit you for it huh so so one day he let our power get cut he liked illustrations to show that actions have consequences no more tv no more hair dryer no more ice cream sandwiches just a miserable family sitting in the dark well i guess [ __ ] runs in the family is that the consequence that you're an [ __ ] the consequence is i never left the lights on again my father had his faults but he showed me the effectiveness of teaching by example oh is that what this is a lesson oh i can't wait to put a knife to her i can't wait to put a knife to her i'm choosing put a knife to her i'm gonna kill one of your men honestly i want to tell you a story let's call it the parable of the twins okay whatever two girls were taken from their home and brought to a new place to live they had to leave their friends and family behind and that was hard at first she finna get disrespectful a lot of tears she finna get disrespectful but the new place was a good place the people there grew corn and raised pigs and the twins ate well for the first time in years they had hot showers clean clothes beds they were given guns and trained to use them the people there were kind to these girls all that was asked in return was that they helped defend the group you see this place had a lot of enemies killers and thieves who wanted what they had they needed help fighting or they'd lose everything they built their crops their power even their lives they threatened to cut out their tongues they only do that to the ones who can't keep their mouths shut one of the girls saw that this was a place worth fighting for and her tears dried the other twin she could never forget her old home she rejected every gift every opportunity stirred up trouble every chance she got she convinced her sister to help her steal a raft and leave on the river of course they didn't get far minerva you hear this what happened then minerva oh minerva minerva i know i just said i'mma kill you and i still will if the opportunity presents itself but you gotta stop lily from talking crazy right now if you don't stop lilly from speaking oh you weak ooh you weak i killed him [Music] what the [ __ ] christ minnie no tell me it's not true old sister why would you do that she was twisting my head with her lies and i made a mistake i needed to show my loyalty to the place i call home like it or not you're one of my people now clem the question is which twin are you going to be the loyal one or the dead one you done to her head you [ __ ] psychotic [ __ ] you're evil you are [ __ ] evil calm down violently calm down you saw what they did to lewis calm down violence do what they say why so i can become a soldier in their army someone who kills the people they love [ __ ] that hold the mouthy one out of this no no no no no no no no i didn't want this that's why i stepped on now because i didn't want that they clearly didn't get the moral of the story we'll have to help them understand stop aj you better get your little ass back aj hey yo you better cool it oh you gonna get yourself [ __ ] no get off of me clint we gotta do something now easy stay still [ __ ] you no we need to do something aj hey hey sit your eyes down make this hurt more than it has to come on i don't know those breezes aj aj built for this aj bill for this aj bilford is aj come on come on that's enough he bit me i said that's enough you deserve to die will kill you aj got that spirit in him he got that smile i know i can we'll throw you in the river and we'll put a knife right to the side of your head big talk for a little guy he's talking crazy i know i can do it oh i killed marlon he wasn't a monster but you are dang so you killed marlon violin why are you curled up in a ball i bet you'd make a great soldier leave him alone this is between us clem seems to care a lot about you come on let's go have a chat just us if you don't take that stupid-ass crossbow crim no no please aj keep an eye on herminerva lily don't think moving i want to be far away from here fast i'll start up the boiler stupid don't you dare look at me like that that's the only way to survive who are you i spit all over my brio [ __ ] look at what you're doing [Music] oh oh yeah oh yeah i just want to talk to you for a second i'm sorry we never searched for you oh yeah i'm sorry we trusted that [ __ ] marlin if i ever thought there was a chance i know i know okay it's sophie's dead i have a new feeling you all need to understand this is the only way lay down stay in line or you die the people you love die nah you just do what they say you can live all of you talk talk a little bit more [ __ ] you gave up minerva i never will [Music] behind you you're the [ __ ] problem here i won't let you get them all killed oh [Music] [ __ ] come on we have to go i can't i can't leave her go i'll catch up clem come on we have to get the hell out of here go i need to find aj better see you on land damn sorry y'all i guess in my excitement i kicked my mic unplugged so my voice might have cut out for a little bit of that last part but let's keep it going i'm i'm immersed you will i gotta get aj violet i gotta get my [ __ ] son right now [Music] this [ __ ] is lit oh my gosh i'm so mad this is over after this after this next episode like that [ __ ] whacking everybody might be mad at the boiler we gotta move fast we'll focus that energy sharpen come around she says good move good move good move come on don't listen to them aj 10. [ __ ] tennessee did you get lost ma'am he wasn't alone i got something else to show you who what this way who is this random ass gunner woman like everybody really think they soldiers cut it out oh no no wonder there were so many walkers oh no if they gonna make me choose james or anybody else okay okay okay nothing to say you don't [ __ ] scare me oh let's go james let's go james is that so force your ways onto others because you're afraid because you're weak straight up i give my people a cause to fight for the thing about people like him aj is that they're too broken to fit into a community they won't fight for anyone but themselves kill it no hey aj seen the truth why don't we all just take a breath all right give me my friends back ten downs blast the girl with the gun ten behind you or where else oh ten are you serious fine go ahead then do it save your friends that's what you came here to do isn't it oh i see you came here to cry [Music] too oh that was aj please don't no [Music] aj got active twice now oh let's go james let's go james somebody grabbed the strap now oh that's me too i got to do everything where's my team at yo aj 10. somebody yo just oh okay come on come on what's up i'm here what's up don't choke me i'll smash x on you what's up you're looking at me like yo 10. ted is such a oh my gosh okay here we go here we go my controller about to die get up get up get up get up oh um um why did violet stay down there with minerva we can talk after damn she break my neck [ __ ] shut up you're talking to me let's go aj i see you i see you oh aj put it in that work get that get that get that get that knife oh yeah oh yeah you can do it again here yeah rip your leg open oh yeah oh yeah you're gonna lose that you're gonna lose that oh is it aj aj wait i give up i will give up put down the gun i'll let everyone leave my crew and i will leave we won't bother you waste thank you i was just about to mention that you don't have to do this please it's a trick don't you [ __ ] dare aj just give me the gun can't let her hurt shoot this [ __ ] do it aj let's go i'm sick of her ass i'm sick of that [ __ ] no i've been dealing with her [ __ ] this season oh yeah oh yeah oh [Music] james james james james james we don't talk okay you're friends with monsters out of here trying to act like aj's gonna change because he caught bodies what do you think what do you what is her name what is that what is the woman name i just killed linda whatever the [ __ ] her name is kathy what do you think she out here doing [Music] is this killer be killed out here aj i am so proud of you this episode i am so proud [Music] this is latest [Music] and he kept spraying broke my headphones [Music] lily we couldn't find the other what did you do you were [ __ ] dead [ __ ] the bomb aj that would have happened regardless i'm still so proud of this man aj this episode [ __ ] maybe next episode we go no no it's over it's over oh my gosh let's do these results oh [ __ ] you and 70 mercy killed cool refresh real quick though i know everybody probably beat it right now let's see oh my gosh it's as lit as a bro who's there's nobody here oh you 100 of players respected james belief and kill no okay that's fine what else eleven percent mitch's masterpiece no name it after willie he the one who made it bro put some respect on willie eighty percent allowing aj to attack let's go we all know he was built for this turn the song off we all know he was built for this [Music] it's 50 50 on the last shot bro this oh my gosh this is bro season one final season season two season three don't tell me to say fire abel felt assured when you promising mercy okay lewis was terrified by your promise to fight back he's always been m.i.a i don't care about him lily bang you knew that was going to happen bro i bro aj aj wanted that he wanted that he said bang and then when he got the chance we took it lily was inspired to take action after you tried to protect your friends she knew what she knew what was up she knew it was real she knew my team was strong my team was real [ __ ] are you talking about i'm a nervous get the [ __ ] out of here if it was you i would have blasted you too stupid ass got me locked up got my friend tongue ticking now can't even speak no more can he he can still play the piano i guess but [ __ ] i want to i want to hear clementine the song james m.i.a who devastated that you told aj to kill lily don't give up james i'm devastated that you really i'm devastated you are friends with walkers you're weird you don't speak to me ten m.i.a was grateful when you promised okay whatever [Music] thankful when you let aj stop dorian okay okay aj aj [Music] felt powerful after you told him to shoot lily rosie is worried about everyone rosie rosie i would feed you i don't know like some spoiled baloney the way you was acting this episode this was heat they gonna do they gonna do a next time on they gonna do it next time on i gotta watch i'm watching they gonna do it next time on oh my gosh this was some heat here oh my gosh i might have i might have let my emotions get the best of me in them last five minutes it feels amazing right now killing lily she had no regard for my friends even when she was in my face she was still she was more impressed at the fact that i'd be the best the best captive i did all that for her to be like wow you're going to be a great soldier in the delta army i don't want to be in the delta army i want my friends back so we can go back into the woods leave us alone why couldn't she just leave us alone that's like poking at a sleeping lion we're in the school we have resources we're cool we're not even killing walkers like that we're just trying to chill and eat good food find supplies here and there barter and then these [ __ ] show up and take us captive cut lewis tongue out because he doesn't want to be there are you serious don't forget mitch who tried to stop her right it wasn't like he attacked her and was trying to fight her and cause problems he was trying to stop her sure enough gets his head blown off or stabbed i can't remember how she how he how he died but that [ __ ] pissed me off she almost tried she tried to kill violet aj stop or her home girl aj stopped it then she's gonna get an aj face try and convince him warp his mind into thinking bro you know how crazy that is to warp somebody mind you might as well kill them because now if that would have worked aj would have been a delta member and came back after us it'd be different if it was gone but now you made aj the enemy give this [ __ ] a round of applause give them another one how many times did he pull through this episode i knew he was ready too when he said you ready to put his guts on our bodies oh yeah he was built for this he was built for this oh my gosh this was fire i gotta go see what pg up there doing in joe look if you enjoyed this video i want to know your thoughts in the comments down below leave a thumbs up on this video if you are new please subscribe for more videos episode 4 comes out episode 4 comes out march 26th i might livestream that i don't know i might just premiere it as a real video but yo loving this series i'm so upset that it's over and we don't even get any other titles like wolf of monk you know sky bound thank you walking dead team thank you for allowing this project to continue somebody like me who loves the series loves the brand loves the company the franchise y'all are doing this justice and i truly mean that i know i might say that about a lot of y'all a lot of telltale story based products but this is some heat i'm about to get aj face tatted on me right here instead of six nine it's gonna be aj what's up what's up i'll see you on the next video man this [ __ ] was heat all right i'm gonna click super fast i see something but i'm understanding if i look at him i sketch
Channel: berleezy
Views: 2,753,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Berleezy, iBerleezy, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Lets Play, The Walking Dead, TellTale, Skybound, The Final Season, Episode 3, Broken Toys
Id: b4M8_8UAznY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 3sec (8523 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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