Who Were the Moors Before the Moors? | Kaba Kamene (on the Medjay, Moors, and Indigenous Americans)

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this reminds me of Memphis it reminds me of home um when I came from Tennessee state to Atlanta this is um I was just kind of drawn here and I want to open up something in a place where it was needed you know and I want to serve my people and um just want to bring something a little different you know but but it's not even different because there have been record stores here there have been record stores at the mall big ooms used to be right down the street you know but those things are no longer here you know what I mean so so it's not so much introducing something new as much as Reviving something that was already there you know so um I like the energy it it it feels right over here and if you if you go throughout the city you'll notice that it always feels a little warmer in this neighborhood like it physically feels a little warmer degree wise than does anywhere else in the city I love to see the people um we got a variety of people over here um from from Pharmaceuticals to Pharmaceuticals you know what I mean um and it's a lot of history here and it's a lot of culture here and it's a lot of people it's a lot of self-sufficient people here a lot of blackowned businesses here I'm I'm I'm surrounded you know I'm surrounded by by uh like-minded people you know and that's what I love about the West a gentleman by the name of Jay White had a coffee house called 640 Cafe and uh we took what was his shipping and receiving room and turned into a record store about 560 ft and uh in 2020 when Co hit it shut us down so during that time between then and when we open this spot uh we did a lot of popup shops a lot of festivals stuff like that and then when uh March of 2022 came around we reopened here we had about 1,00 ft we carry about 50 to 60,000 records at any given time uh we specialize in our and being sold which is unique to this city uh there a lot of record stores there a lot of record stores that have popped up uh but they're all very unique because they reflect the owner you know what I mean uh I am one of three blackowned stores in this city um I think in the country there are about 2500 record stores and about 33 to 40 of them are blackowned and we have a coalition called the fam's Coalition uh that that pretty much spans the country you know yeah so we've been here like I said a little under a year and a half uh it's going pretty well we're still educating the uh Community uh on the fact that we are here uh but um but the record business in general has been doing very well I mean what vinyl has out sold CDs for the past 10 years vyl just recently out sold the digital download of full albums hadn't hadn't surpassed singles but as far as downloading full albums people have bought more physical copies than they download so you know can't complain it's I remember listening to K97 in Memphis and you could hear LL Anita Baker and George Michael on the same channel you know so it wasn't it just it was just good music you know what I'm saying it wasn't it wasn't anything isolated it wasn't the same um same rotation of the same 16 songs the DJs had the authority to pick what they played of course they played what was trendy but they had the option and opportunity to throw some other stuff in there too so it's just uh it's just a really dope no time to be coming up we often times Define culture as being music the Arts Etc but it's not really culture is how a group of people see themselves and how that you know and and then how they reflect it and then your cult then your art is a you know it is a uh a result of that so then what will happen in next few years is going to be what it's always been and that is a reflection of how we see ourselves be it good or bad or or negative or positive you know there will always be that element that will bring to light or expose every little part of who we are you know what I mean um there's a and there's a place for all of it you know uh even stuff I don't like you know there's a place for all of because for somebody is somebody's truth you know um this is and for somebody this is their temporary truth this is what they are experiencing right now I think that we have to give each other especially those of us that are younger an opportunity to grow and make mistakes and um not bu the entire brunt of those mistakes I think that's what really separates us from other groups of people is that we don't have that hedge of security uh around us or those that are coming up behind us to where they can make those stupid decisions and and not destroy their lives you know even if it's even if it's from the art they create now at the same time we had to have some standards and uh but then it's up to up to us to stick to those standards too you know you can't you know you can't get mad at what a 20-year-old is doing if you got 40 year olds adhering to it it it it can't work like that you know and you know and and we have to understand that everything has its appropriate place you know and so we we shouldn't be surprised at our greatness and no matter how you feel about performers and I understand we all have our own varying views of different performers you just can't compare Taylor Swift to beon you can't even go there you can't compare Barbara strand to Patty Lael or ARA Frank there is no competition okay and it's not that I don't like different types of music I enjoy a lot of music music unites us as a people it's you know I'm it's not again black against white culture against culture there there is music that I enjoy from all different cultures but when it comes to the Masters and the mistresses that are house here in JB's recognize you can't compare none of them to Whitney Houston period Marin gay Temptations you you can't make comparisons cuz they don't sit in the same house and this is how we are intellectually but we just don't know it that's why they don't want to teach us our history cuz if we ever understood how great we really are but not just that family the capacity of our brain that's why I started talking about the mai African people there's a brother by name of Dr Edward Bruce bam Dr bham wrote a book called dark light and in this book he talks about the dimensions of human existence the original melanated people we live in Six Dimensions the Western World lives in three height width and depth the three dimensions everything that they do deals with their material world that's all they can deal with is the material world depth height and width I'm not speaking absolutes I'm saying there are gifted people in all cultures I'd like to get that out the way first before I say what I'm going to say because I know people always get caught up with you know superiority and inferiority and although I want to be careful whether they realize it or not they have made foundational black Americans and the African diaspora Superior not because we're black but because we're black they have done everything they can to destroy us and yet still we survived what we experienced you have somebody that does great things they are helped to do those great things and they rise and they become great that's great but you have another person who strives to be great and everything that could be done to hold them down despite that they still rise they're great they're great by the nature of us surviving this system day in and day out to have to deal with what some of us have to deal with on on our jobs every day oh can I touch your hair okay oh is that is that a weave uh like are you really uh wow that's pretty intelligent of you to think about uh the little things that they say the passive aggressive and even the aggressive aggressive in order to do that and continue you have to be great it it don't even make a difference what station in life you are in every station of life this is what they do I could tell stories about the things that some of them have said to me as I moved through my career and now that I'm retired cuz you ain't going to take my retirement check and Social Security is mine at least I think thing and so I'm so I'm at a point now in my life that I see them for what they are but I see us for who we are I'm not upset I'm not angry but I'm disappointed that we don't know how great we are for for those that that may not um know my background I'm an educator uh from New York based in New York Bronx in particular South Central Bronx California has it South Central and New York has its Out Center and um with what we're H what with what's happening in Florida and with what's happening in Texas and could be here it's in New York it's all over the country I've worked with different groups in education and yeah i' I'd like to cut the Chase and get to the Finish Line to to to tell you this so you can understand so we can understand what we're dealing with between 1989 and 1994 I was contracted by Fort Lauderdale the Broward County school system when they were beginning their Multicultural program to come down and to develop the teachers at the same time Dr ASA hilard Dr n 4 Amia was uh contracted to work with the principles and so Dr hilard and I worked together he as my Elder of course um I listened to him and I guided and I developed but you see my advantage was I started uh teaching in the Bronx 1979 and I purposefully structured my educational career around the fact that when I retired which I did in 2009 I would spend my life coming here to Atlanta the JP's records to uh South Central uh Los Angeles Detroit uh Chicago southside and to begin to develop an understanding of what it is in in other words for those that know the the movie I was The scho Who Sat by the classroom door I spent my life studying the system in order to come back to our community and to be very straightforward as to what it was that we had to do do with no sugar coat like the lonus monk said straight no chasing we're in the Record Shop so I can get musical with you that's right and I've taught every grade I've taught every subject I taught college for 14 years I've developed five different Charter Schools I've had been an administrator I started at the bottom which was a substitute teacher in New York so I I I have an idea of how things work in the system when I was in Fort Lauderdale I met some of the finest Educators I ever met in my life but the great majority of them were horrible they didn't want to teach they did not meet what they wanted to in life teaching gave them uh a retirement plan it gave them health benefits and it gave them a salary and so they became teachers but for someone like like myself who is who is a a born I I I was born to do this thank you in my time in Fort Lauderdale and even with what we see happening right now I can honestly tell you that one of the greatest things that happened to us as a community was Ronda santis and Donald Trump I'm not saying this because they meant us any good I'm not getting political with you as to how you should vote I'm just telling you that after the years that we had of President Obama there was a feeling amongst people that everything was all right that we had finally arrived we had our own black president and what Donald Trump said was yeah this all right let me show you what America is he was the pi Piper that brought the rats out of their hes to show America really what it was Malcolm taught us that Democrats are Sly foxes and Republicans are brute wolves but they both belong to the dog family neither one of them has ever meant us any good and when you look at political history you can come to understand certain things Ronda santis has given us a very strong message for those of us who are interpreting exactly what he's saying he is saying yes we as European people have done horrible things to you we have scraped the bottom of the human barel in terms of our treatment of peoples of African descent but you know what I'm going to pass laws that's going to forbid you to teach our children how horrible a group of people they come from you're not going to teach them you're not going to make them feel bad he's telling us if you teach the truth you're going to make folk feel bad for what they did and you're going to make children young children question us as the adults and you're going to make us want to have to explain well where was Granddad when they were putting fire hoses on the people uh where was Grandma when they blew up that church where were you when they assassinated EMT till and to all those questions they're going to have to say we were right there doing it do I know what they owe us we going to get reparations the the question isn't if it's when and the longer it takes the more the interest on the bill you're going to owe us so it's not a matter of whether or not we're going to get reparations we are going to get it as I can see the generations coming about working with children younger generation ain't ain't ain't having this okay I respect and honor everybody that that marches and I respect everyone who has marched celebr crating the 60th year but my teacher do Dr John Henry Clark often told us the only thing that marching does is wear out the souls of yeso because 60 years later our children are saying but we're in the same position we were in 60 years ago what has changed and you want us to do the same thing again and our young people are not going to take this and as the generations go on other things will happen to so yeah what I've come basically to do and what I do as I visit different communities is I basically want to lay out education that's my Lane I stay in my Lane I don't get out my lane and I learned that from a very intelligent brother by the name oh I remember when I taught um 8th grade uh literature language arts I used to use um this brother's book uh as part of the reading material I also um had taped a interview that he had with a brother by the name of Gil Noble who had a show called like it is and he interviewed this particular individual and I mean this this this brother was just Dynamic this this this brother uh reflected our community and he reflected all the things that that we struggle with and yet he was able to surpass all of that and rise to levels that were just breathtaking he used to play classical music when he was operating on baby's brains separating them I'm talking about Dr Ben Carson Dr Ben Carson taught me a very important lesson I think he taught us all a very important lesson and the lesson he taught me stay in your lane because you may be an absolute genius in one lane but an absolute fool in another he taught us that lesson it's not that you cannot be good in other areas but if you get into an area where you are not producing like you were where where you were a genius you better get back in your lane and quick and so I've learned to stay in my Lane my Lane is education like brothers get on the basketball court and say I got game when I step into a classroom I got gay I've studied our our children I've studied our process I've studied our history and I know how to do this I'm very confident in the development of a curriculum and how we can begin to develop our classroom settings where we can teach our children but first we have to teach our parents and our community and out of that we can then begin to develop understandings of what it is and who we are as a people and I'm not going to say that about about everybody I never speak in absolutes but but family we don't know truly how great we are we really don't understand and the evidence that we don't know is that we're not doing anything that's the evidence see I like evidence my good friend Dr David M hotep wrote a book the first Americans were Africans and he used to say to me you know brother cin I hear people talk about truth and they talk about facts but that's not what you should focus on focus on evidence facts and the truth can change but evidence always Remains the Same pans are the ancient African people of the Mediterranean basin and I'm not just talking about North Africa I'm talking about what we call Greece I'm talking about what we call Italy aturia Sardinia Corsica minoa all the islands of the Mediterranean these are all black people there is no other group of people anywhere in this area at this time but black folk evidence pans is the is the group that you talk but then there are different breakouts different cultural groups according to where geographically they're located that they'll become the at truskin they'll become the manans sports was built from military science that's where Sports came from long before people use Sports they were they were training for military science but then what happened is that they began to want to train the young people in these military sciences and so they created healthy competitions and then out of these competitions in Egypt it was called the said Festival s Festival in North Africa we're looking for the name that they had but they had these competitions and pretty soon different nations in Africa competed in these types of military science Concepts and this competition was then called what we call it today what do we call it Olympics the Olympics but look at the what you are competing against in Olympics the javelin which is the spear The discus okay the shot put running swimming boxing and guess what women box too in fact I got evidence cuz I tell you right now when I was in the schoolyard with children I'd rather break up a fight between Brothers than sisters cuz sisters know how to use every part of their body to just you know when they take the Vaseline take their earrings out you you better be on call so the point that I'm making as as we as we relate to this is the unification of the African nations in coming together before Europeans were ever in this area coming from the northern climate coming down south and so it becomes important for us to understand this now the very best of these uh Warriors particularly coming up out of they were trained in an area that we today look at as Kush the Bea people beja and beja were to bring forward a group of people and what they call Chemistry comes from an African chem mystery which means black magic now black magic doesn't exist as it relates to magic magic the word that we used was called hea h e k a hea the spirit of the word he h and out of this black magic we had this person or persons that was said to practice black magic they call the mai the me d j a y the Mii are a highly specialized cultural group from Kush when I use the term kush I'm talking about countries that we today call Kenya Somalia arria jouti Ethiopia Chad Sudan and Southern Egypt Magi is a term used in various ways throughout Northeast African history the ma an elite group of people that would come out of the sports that would come out of the warrior class that would come out of the educational system these were the motps these were the Paul Ro these were the multi Geniuses that would come up out of us as a people that's who the mai were the mai were an Elite Force of Warriors Scholars priests and priestesses the mai in Star Wars there was a group of people known as what the Jedi Knight well they got that from the mai of Africa now if you go to that the movie The Mummy the Remake 1999 and and 2001 the mummy and then The Mummy Returns you know that there was a group of individuals of course they did not look like the original Magi but they were what they were the caretakers of the Egyptian Legacy they're found throughout lower and upper Kush KET cuz I don't use the term Egypt of course even though Egypt is a African term when you look at the word ethologically or linguistically the when the European when the Eurasian came down into Northeast Africa and came in through Egypt when they came in they came to this area that was considered to be the capital according to the African Kush and they had named this area hea p p is the creator PT a Ka hiah is the spirit the essence K is Spirit from the Creator which was what they call the capital of this area and um in so doing particularly the Greeks they took this word hea and they created the word aop h e k a PT a h African word Heap the Greeks in transforming the word Heap created AOS AI took care of h e gu took care of Ka and PT changed PTA H so hea African became the Greek AOS and then from there it was further contaminated so that the AI became e the GU became gy and the PT became PT you you you follow linguistically Heap is really the word that we're using they changed it to AOS and today we call it a so Kush Ked is the term that I use for Egypt in particular because there's no such thing as KT really KT really is that same land area that the indo-europeans called Egypt Egypt was founded by the kushites the original Egyptians were kushites even though we have all of these different dynastic systems that we say we have like there was 30 different dynasties and you have the Old Kingdom and the new K that doesn't really exist that's made up in the minds of people in order to somehow be able to chart the progress of these nations from whence the indo-europeans came in contact with these Africans but really what we're talking about the original people that inhabited this area were really people who had just simply moved from what we call K into edu in lower K into he these were kushit but when you allow people to come in and change the wording then all of a sudden you start changing what these people look like and then that's how you get the movies like Star Wars and you get um The Mummy because you've allowed people to Define who you are so that's why I use the term Kush KET you can't understand KET if you don't understand Kush cuz that's who the people are and I'll take you one step further you can't understand Kush Ked if you don't understand the and bouti kisan people of central and southern Africa who were the peoples that brought forward the entire Kush kdic Legacy and of course they started the West Africa they are derogatorily called picnics the mai were highly trained Warrior scientists who had mastered the principle principles of Maat they lived the principles of Maat truth justice balance Harmony order arrangement reciprocity and about 2500 BC these nation states coalesced joined forces and started a nation known as wagadu wagadu is the name that that we call ancient Ghana it wasn't Ghana it was called wagadu Ghana means king in the language of these individuals just like Mansa is the word for King in the malinki Empire and Asia is the name of the king in the S Ghana is not the name of the culture or the civilization it's wagadu and Ghana is what we now think of as it relates to the first of the medieval kingdoms it's not accurate linguistically but the point I'm trying to make is the West African Kingdom started 2500 BC not when you get up into the 10 or the 1100s ad we go back much further than that but the point I'm making is that as West Africa was forming itself in wagadu 25 200 years ago these same Africans found themselves in North Africa and going into the Mediterranean Basin so when we're talking about who the Moors were before and I just want to take a specific group because you got the doong of Mali that were there in wagadu and in the malinki and in the sonai Empire see they break us up into groups episodically and when they do that you don't get a chance to see the holistic connection between all of us as a people in Africa and that's why it's not until we do this research for ourselves that it's going to make a difference when I was developing curriculum when I was doing my work I went to people such as Dr John Henry Clark Dr ysf bikinan Dr Shi McIntyre I went to Dr Amos Wilson Dr ASA hiler I look for my validation of my research and my knowledge wisdom and understanding from us I don't care nothing about them and it's not that I haven't learned from them I don't want to seem like it's it's not that I've learned a lot from a lot of different people in a lot of different cultures and I want to be real clear on that because this is not the point that I'm making the point that I'm making is that we must create our own understanding of who we are through our eyes period end of sentence period at the same time respect knowledge and wisdom that come from different places cuz sometimes the Creator puts knowledge in the mouth of the person you least want to hear it from so you always got to keep yourself open cuz sometime the Creator want to test how open you are to Universal knowledge so we want to look at a particular group of people and we're going to talk about the atrans aturia before Rome or Italy okay the atrans before the Romans aturia before Italy the atrans originally colonized the whole Peninsula from the Alps to The Straits of M at truscan Art was absorbed into the Greek mainstream and lost its individuality this is where they stole our Legacy stolen Legacy their books were lost or destroyed de trusts but enough has been left behind to show us exactly who these original peoples of what would be considered to be the western side of Italy the islands of Sardinia Corsica and um other areas other Islands within that area like sis okay the atrans spoke a Niger Congo language the original atrin spoke a Niger Congo language and it is now possible to present evidence that links the at truscan to the Mandate people of West Africa now now keep in mind family what I'm trying to do is I'm because because a lot of times we look to Egypt to be the Mediterranean now what I'm saying is that there's enough evidence to show West Africa in the atrin language in atran art and that becomes very important because we have caught up and rightfully so cuz there's pH phenomenal things happening in Kush Ked but we're so caught up in it that we think that that's the best that Africa offered everything else was primitive but we don't even realize that the base language of the at truskin was a Niger Congo language which is related to the largest language group in Africa upon which the original language spoken by the tuah inuti koan is based and it is also based in the largest African language in the world today the seventh largest language spoken in the world and a language that is being adapted by many African nations today as the universal language this is why I'm encouraging for us to look to medu or hieroglyphic as the classical African language just like Europeans look to um Greek as classical African as as their classical language I'm saying we should look at Med as our classical language but our practical language that we speak to each other should be kisu kahili is a very important language in um the niga Congo uh River uh uh language system now I'm sure that here in Atlanta you you have folk that speak kahili and teach it but if by chance you would like to know where you might be able to go I recommend that you go online to ABB Tumi abibi tui.com that is a a phenomenal Language Academy based in uh Ghana uh led by the comone family and they teach a lot of different languages a b i bi tui.com I don't want to leave you just by telling you kahili I want you to be able to go someplace if you want to start learning Jambo means hello queri means goodbye you know tadali means please Sante means thank you you know muu means teacher munzi means student shoule is School it's a very important language kahi if I go to Puerto Rico and my brothers and sisters speak Spanish and I speak English we should be able to speak kahili to each other if I go to Brazil and my brothers and sisters speak Portuguese we should be able to speak kahili to each other if I go to Holland and my brothers and sisters speak Dutch and I speak English we should be able to speak K Swahili to each other it should become a universal language that we can go anywhere in the world and when we see a brother or sister we don't have to trip over language we can just talk to each other in kah even if it's a say jumbo bana okay jumbo BB jumbo means hello and bana means Mister BB means miss you know it's funny language opens the door to cultural understandings even if you don't have a lot of language like even if jumbo is the only word you know okay you say jumbo somebody speak it opens the door to them and so kahi should become um a language that that based in the Niger Congo and the atrans belong to a Niger language group to to to understand what happened with Italy and Africa in particular you know you you you would have to understand the Punic Wars that began about 200 300 BC when they first came in contact with these a Africans in the wars like you know when you're dealing um with cadas or Carthage you you're dealing with Anibal okay and and his father Hanibal um and and his father that that fought the the Italian forces and I have a sad story to tell you because at the same time of cadas in Tunisia you also have an African nation in Morocco known as the numid were Africans and I'm going tell you a sad story there's war going on between these Africans and the cadas related to the Phoenicians that are in Lebanon Africans are mistreating the numidians and and the numidians are not very happy with kadas and what made the Italian forces the Romans come in and defeat the Africans was they they divided and conquered the numidians and the C hadian every place where I study our history those that come from the outside have never been able to conquer us they took advantage of us fighting amongst ourselves whether you're dealing with the indo-europeans that came in that would destroy the Old Kingdom of KET whether you're dealing with the numidians and the Kardashians or the carthaginians I can bring you over to the Moors in 1492 that were fighting amongst themselves that allowed the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile to come in and defeat the Moors no matter how you look at it you go on the plantations and you're dealing with the Don't Call Him Uncle Tom's cuz Uncle Tom was the hero of the story even though Harry beer sto but anyway it's not the um it's not the uncle Toms that destroy us it's the that destroy us and so that is what's going to mess up uh numidian Empire which was a formidable Empire in Morocco okay again you're dealing with North Africa and these are Moors MO is just the name that we put on them before that they were call Ethiopians after Moors they were call Negroes so that when you looking at these words and you're developing an understanding uh more is a word that's used but it's melanated people aturia was the land of the ancient African atrans aturia was the land and the aturia and aturia has a river called monoa which many people believe was named after menz or maner who was one of the early netti or pharaohs of Ancient K rusan numerals are African this can be seen from the fact that four is sa but 10 is SAR four is sa 10 is s these numbers come from the niga Congo t meaning hand also 4 and tan 10 in Mand which is a West African language the atrans are in Sardinia at an early date sardinians are truskin who are Africans and I show you a map of Sardinia for you to be able to see uh exactly what you're dealing with as it relates to you're looking at the island off the coast off off the west coast of Italy of today see when we think of Italy we think of Italians they didn't exist at this time they were up north coming up out of the Ice Age evidence for an early African Presence at Rome can be found in the two-headed Janis figure which again is not European the Janis type however is widespread and common throughout Africa this is the art form that we're dealing with now evidence of Africans in art EV evidence of Africans in language you see you you can't just say some this is evidence now that I'm dealing with you can't just say something and not be able to show it in various aspects of the culture of what you're dealing with it comes forward in the art it comes forward in language not just archaeology where they found black uh folk not just in terms of anthrop anthropology where they tracked the historical background of these individuals you have to be able to see them in their everyday way of life which is in their art which is in their language which is in their number system that's what the atran language is the Niger Congo influence on the Latin language Latin the language of the Romans shows Niger Congo influences in its verb form in its verb forms one of the most important concept when you teach language arts one of the most important Concepts in language when you're teaching children is what we call the infinitive to be to run to jump the word to in front of the action word itself that's an infinitive that verb formation is what forms the very action of your language everything that deals with verbs deals with your action everything that you do comes from your verbs sit run jump eat dance sing all verbs action so when you get into a language and you begin to see the verb formations that are connected to an African Niger Congo language you know that the very nature of the action of that language came from that language that is based in so the Latin language which includes now Spanish and French Portuguese Romanian Italian all of those come from what's called vul Latin Vulgar Latin is the language spoken by the everyday people we think that Spanish lasted a long time it it hasn't been around that long it was King alons the 10th that translated Arabic into Latin and then that Latin became Vulgar Latin and out of Vulgar Latin came Spanish French Portuguese Romanian okay we talking about 600 years ago when nobody's saying we don't know this because we have been born in A Spacetime Continuum that doesn't allow us to look into the past and it forbids us to look into the future because if you can't understand the past you can't interpret the present you can't predict the future Vulgar Latin comes out of what's called classical la and so all of these languages that are forming itself as it gets into the relationship of African Moors in going into Europe is now going to take on these verb forms and what's going to happen is that the the Kings and the Queens are going to take the Arabic language or the Arabic language because Arabic was based out of the languages coming out of the Ethiopian mountains it's just the way it is the indo-europeans that were in the East did not form Arabic that is why it was only formed when they came in contact with the Africans in Saudi Arabia that's just the evidence of it where do you see it before Islam the way of Peace where do you see it before Bal okay an Anar was a poet who gave Arabic it's it's its grammar its syntax that took this language and he synchronized it it's called syncretism he synchronized this African language coming out of the mountains touched by Amharic and other languages in Ethiopia as we know Ethiopia proper today abisinia took that language Bal came down with this spiritual system settled in Saudi Arabia as the langu developed the poet would take it because languages are formed by Poets because they are the ones that write just like Alexander Pushkin okay Russians can thank Alexander Pushkin for the Russian language because Pushkin was a poet that took the language the geographic location of the language mixed it with the because if if it wasn't for Alexander puskin Russians would be speaking French to because the GS cuz Russia was part of the Gul Kingdom this is just history family we we Dropping It Like It's Hot family who would a mois before the mois so you can understand how such a fantastic civilization could have given birth to what we call Western civilization and in giving birth to Western civilization you can understand how we are deeply imprinted in this civilization and you can understand why when we say we built this civilization we mean it this is all right in front of us but we don't put those pieces together because when someone tells a perfect lie the truth is unbelievable the use of the impluvium a feature of the Roman domestic architecture was first developed first in Africa the impluvium is a water catchment pool system meant to capture rain water flowing from the slanted roof often placed inside instead of outside the home the impluvium or rain cord is used by the Yuba and is common in senagal I make that point again to connect West Africa because again we're all caught up in Egypt I understand that but the same time that Egypt was great West Africa was great it probably derives from the box house of the African Savannah the Roman house was based on the atran model these folk done stole our Legacy put their name on it don't want to teach it in school and therefore we don't know that what there saying they're so great about we created the ivory arms you can see suggest Africa you can see Ivory throughout aturia that was brought in from Africa again evidence Ivory was also the uh Ivory was also used for the stool a symbol of African authority of the African magistrate and known to be a trusty in Africa the stool has powerful significance only the kings were allowed to sit on the elephant stool African bull spots were associated with fertility the Tomb of the hunter is Illustrated with senses of the chase I don't need to tell you about the the bull fights in Spain and where that came from hunting related to war and mortality I understand what the Shabbat sticker does to to people but another story that's never really been told that I have been told by people who are of German descent who are African is the first people that Hitler attacked were the Africans remember that Hitler wasn't creating a new religion he was creating a new race and the first people he tried to purify out of Europe where the Africans and the Caribbean Africans that remained in Europe after World War I this is why he called it V the father he wanted to go back to a pure Europe just like they're doing now just like they're doing in America but Hitler and you know Ry Goldberg said this I think they took her off the air for two weeks for saying this but basically the reason why the Jews were attacked was because he believed them to be impure because their blood had been mixed with Africans if you read his work if you read mine Camp it was a book he wrote when they arrested him and put him in jail if you read mine Camp it'll tell you right there what was going on as it related to people of Jewish faith they saw them the the the Europeans saw them as impure because they carried black blood and that's why they were being got got rid of more than any other reason other reasons too and what happened to them was horrible okay so I'm not playing with that concept because I've known soldiers of World War II that told me they carried Jewish people out of the camps how many we don't know the numbers have to be worked on but it did happen and if it happened to just a couple it's a horrible thing no matter how we look at this inh Humanity to humanity is a horrible thing no matter who is on receiving end of the horor but at the same time we have to look at this historically accurately so we can come to decisions about the realities of what we face as a people in my book spirituality before religions if you really want to get into it I tell you where the whole fate system came out of the word Hebrew comes from the word which means the ones who crossed over and the leader of the high were the high is where you get the word Abraham but I'll leave that there for now cuz we talk about your trust me just like here in America the base of this civilization is African but out of this African civilization and I'm I'm not talking about post 1492 I'm talking about the original human beings that came to this part of the world known as the twah Outi the kisan the original first migration of human beings to come to this world were the people derogatorily called pygmies and there's a very good chance that the populating of this country came through South America and probably Brazil and probably from Angola and the and and and South they they took What's called the benguela current in the early days the short statured people the Kian probably took the early currents and landed it up and that current the benguela current takes you right into the mouth of the Amazon River and that is where we find some of the oldest artifacts of African people on the American hemisphere after that came the Clovis fome people the Clovis fome people are another African people and they came here and they made it with and joined forces with the kisan people and then the third migration were the alanin the alanin also were a melanated people but had been impacted by climate change and then came the Inu that would come through and come up through North America and they're derogatorily called the Eskimo and then the fifth and final group of people came in the largest amount of numbers and these were the people that are called the Asiatic and these Asiatic coming down came in out of the North and this is the people that are being given credit for for being Native American and they're not it is not that they don't have the blood of the original African people it's that they are not the native americ they are not the indigenous American they are the fifth migration of human beings that came to this part of the world and would create a people that are today called the Apache the arapo uh the Cherokee and the chak but in the beginning blood of the Cherokee and the chak toow and the black foot is the original African people now some don't like to hear that and I understand and I don't blame you I wouldn't like to hear that my history is not quite what I'm teaching but guess what cry your River build a bridge and get over it because the truth shall set you free my brother Jonathan I want to thank you brother for this opportunity to open your great your wrecked Lounge to us my brother Jonathan I just want to thank you for this opportunity thank you I want to return it BK that
Channel: Building Se7en ®
Views: 169,318
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Id: aqo5nVljqGA
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Length: 59min 40sec (3580 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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