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in order for you to survive in their world in a world where they see you they see you as a threat just because you're a black man then you have to adjust yourself to be less than them so they feel less threatened in order to have access to [Music] this I try not to go to um di to much but his model is very is very good for understanding uh difference between Africans and Europeans we we don't understand um the depth of the spiritual difference uh M remember yugu is very instrumental in understanding that this isn't just some surface superficial cultural thing that um distinguishes uh us from them when you look historically at them you see patterns those patterns don't don't change uh they understand who they are they understand what they're about about even if it's at a subconscious level and they act accordingly the same thing with with us the problem is we've been in their company if you will under their oppression for so long that we have lost that they are who they are and that's not going to that's not going to change and that's where the confusion kicks in we think that they have become something different because they smile at us now because they'll give us larger crumbs now we we we we don't get that they're always going to be who they are if somebody hates you you can you can tell you know it's pretty obvious uh I might not be able to prove that on paper I might not be able to do an experiment to prove that there are things that you can feel I might not be able to scientifically prove it but I know it because I can feel it so we look back over time we see that same consistent pattern with them everywhere they everywhere they gone they have they have murdered everywhere they've gone they been created this buffer class between them and the quote unquote natives when you look at them watch them they're going to first thing going to do they're going to assess when they see somebody new is whether you're friend or F that's the first question in their mind whether you're friend or F and that that isn't something that they have a conversation about so the guy in Sacramento is not on the phone with the guy in Boston saying you know we need to do this they're having a conversation they're having a conversation online they're having a conversation in the movies they having a conversation in the shows we're there for entertainment they're communicating with each other they're telling each other what they need to do what they need to prepare for how they need to prepare for we're just being entertained you know so it's like the the because what what is working against us is that I can't sit down and scientifically show you how they are racist in this particular way or that this is their their way it's just a matter of ability it's a matter of opportunity um so when I'm looking at them I see a pattern that's in a people when I see or hear of one who is doing things that don't fit into that pattern they just either don't know it or they're still using that to manipulate us we just don't realize it because when you have people in such desperate Dire Straits that they'll take assistance from anyone and we being who we are we connect what's done to or for us to that person we we've had a lot of great minds who had perverted ways who were uh ment toal to the core and they said some phenomenal incredible stuff and they you know they they taught us things that maybe we didn't know before the problem isn't that and I'll I'll listen but the problem isn't that the problem is that we connect the quality of that person's character with what they said and in the west the tradition of lying is so strong and we bought into it we become them to the point where we can disconnect that that's not our tradition you want to become or or you you were in the position to become the um leader in in the community well then the first thing that was assessed was your relationship with your with your wife with your children okay you can have all the abilities in the world but for us character is most important and you see that pattern too you see it in Ma you see it in all of the writings all the behavior what was valued you see that in the person in the community who the most valued person in the community was the one who gave the most selflessly selflessly without expectation of return that was our measurement of the good person the righteous person you see through all of the comedic writings with that value so we don't we don't do that but now we do and we do that because we have become them in their children I'm seeing lying and cheating and uh plagiarizing first second third graders you know you're seeing it so it's going it's going down and when it moves like that then it reaches a point where this is us because we don't know anything else so if you come to the the children with something that's African you know character is supposed to be this and good they're looking at you like you're crazy cuz they're not they're not us anymore that doesn't mean they can't be reversed but when you're in this reality a reality which glorifies um being able to trick people being able to steal from people being able to use people I said get you a copy of the teachings of rahotep and the te and Mar is the Prince read the teaching pah hotep first though then read because you don't want to read makavelli and then read paho through European eyes when you look at those two books even though they're small examples they're profound in terms of their ability to show you the difference between the values of Europeans and the values of Africa and that hasn't changed this is this is what we don't get they're in charge so if I'm in charge and what I have used to get in charge is effective and keeping the people I need to keep under you know under my foot why would I change you know it wouldn't make any sense to change so they haven't changed there's no need for them to change they understand that they're outnumbered in a major way so they can't just go and wipe out the entire African population like theyve wiped out other population but they can't Wipe Out the entire population so you go through a process of attrition where you kill some you incarcerate some you make all of them into cidal of course but you go through a process where gradually the ones who are left are most like you the ones who are left defend you to the death what we don't know is that we're only about like maybe the fourth fifth grade if we're talking about going on through a grad school grad degree in terms of what they do and how they think about what they do but they're moving us through the graad rap rapidly and was en case in their pornography this is they're Sly but most most of what they doing we don't see we don't we don't have the slightest idea and they introduce it to us when we get to the point where we are enough like them at that level where we can you know where it becomes us so if we just look at the seually there there are things that um we were being introduced to in the 60s and 70s that were really alien to us now those things are gone and they've introduced us to the next level to the next level to the next level if we had known what they were about when they came to the continent that they were after our children's behinds they would have never gotten in know regardless of the resources all the rest they' have never gotten in because of how we value children how we value family but now that they have beat us out of ourselves we say they have us into unconsciousness now that that has occurred we're running to defend them genetics encoded culturally over time a certain Behavior a certain trait that starts at the beginning of a people and it goes from Generation generation Generation generation pretty soon it's going to become normal I'm of the opinion that over time these things get incorporated into your genetic structure just like we're talking about that post-traumatic slavery syndrome we're talking about that's become has become genetically encoded if these things can become genetically encoded then who you are how you look at the Creator um how you see other people that xenophobia you know fear hatred of of others that becomes part of you that's how you look at the world you know it wasn't just that we um were oppressed that in our community even to this day in particularly small black Town small Southern towns or small black towns or parts of towns in the South you don't speak to me it's like you're saying you know let's fight you're enemy you better speak to everybody on the street you know whether you like them or not that of course has declined that rhetorical ethic remember he talks about where the first thing they do is they come in and they assess your idea of character they assess your idea of spirituality they assess your idea of how and they pretend to be that this is how systematic it is they pretend to be whatever you are so that you become disarmed and once you're disarmed then they do what they were going to do to you in the first place they still do that that hasn't that hasn't that hasn't changed we live in a house that's in the center of one of the major areas of regentrification in Atlanta first thing they do is they come in and they smile and they wave and they drive by and they'll walk by and they'll be like super nice and all the rest is trying to see who's friended foe they learned real quick that I was Foe and they communicate so after I guess about a month of that none of them and I hadn't seen all of them none of them would speak the next stage is when they begin to buy houses in the area you might see them at the grocery store might see them driving by but they're not out in the open after that when they reach a critical mass then they turn on you then you get to see what they're really about because then they're in charge it's their space now um so that pattern is all over if this if this wasn't the case would it say 5 to 7% when black folks reach 5 to 7% and a predominantly white neighborhood then there's white flight I was you know they discovered this in the 60s and70s it still applies it still applies so the the the image control for these folks it's super critical and if you were being you then you don't have to you know you don't have to put on the front you don't have to study other people to see what they're what they're about what they're like and again I firmly believe that that is something that gets past on it becomes part of your genetic structure and if I'm correct then this is what has occurred in ours as well you look at the generation now they have through the generation through that school they have become more like that they have become an imitation of that in order to become successful to survive um to succeed to live in this this world when we were at the University of cargo every year they had a um colloquium which you know food wine people get together but it was for the black students at University car black graduate scho students there and we um I guess we've been there maybe seven eight years and didn't attend that stuff so we decided to go to that years and um we walked in and the first thing I noticed the guys were over here and girls the women were over here it's you know like first grade kindergarten dance you know everybody's afraid to talk to each other so um she went to talk to some of the fellas I went to talk to some of the women um and I asked them I said why why are you why are you all doing this why is the woman over here and the the men over there and one of the sister looked at me and she said what men she said what men I said okay well let me take my leave go over and see what's going on over there and I went over to talk to the guys how you doing hi how you doing you know and I I got upset they're not homosexuals they've been feminized and then it begin to register in order for you to survive in their world in a world where they see you Chris wison hope buch other folks they see you as a threat just because you're a black man then you have to adjust yourself to be less than them so they feel less threatened in order to have access to this and every single one of them so it's like we have we they haven't ch Chang we've changed to adjust to them it's like you look at look at a uh child looks at um Mom or Dad's face to read their expression to see if they should or should not be doing this this is what we've been doing to them all of these generations and now it's reached a point where you almost can't tell the difference between us in that when I was a child you could clearly tell the difference if I saw a man of half a bar away I can tell you that's a black man from his walk if I saw a black woman half a block away I can tell you that was a black woman from her walk now it's like you can't conversation um what's talked about how it's spoken the words the language the the accent we we have at least those of us who have become quote unquote successful you see that major change they haven't changed we have they haven't changed when I ower they've changed tactics they've changed strategies they have all but they haven't changed they're still exactly who they are we're the ones who have [Music] changed
Channel: Building Se7en ®
Views: 149,450
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Id: SgHSi9-WhtY
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Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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