Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop & the Power of Melanin

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foreign [Music] was an example of what I talk about when I say you have to know the five domains I mean he was a physicist a chemist a scientist a linguist a historian so he embodied almost all of those he just uh he didn't do the astronomy part you know in the start but he embodied almost all those things that I talk about that you need to master so he became like my jegna in terms of a prototype of how I need to Fashion my skills because when when he came to UNESCO in 1974 and challenged all of UNESCO all the white Scholars I mean him and Thea Bingo came in ready they came in with their books and all the Sciences pale phenthology anthropology archeology you know they had all of this stuff and the Europeans didn't have nothing they just came with their whiteness they had no documentation no nothing thank you Sophia Binghamton blew them out of the water so that showed me to me that was the epitome of symptomatic thinking I could prove everything that I stated that I can back up so that became a profound influence for me you know and then when he talked to Dr Jacob president said that we don't learn him to do next year we're not even serious because you're going to the wolf they asked how to read rabbits avoid being eaten and the wolf's gonna say would take this path and when you see a cave rest up in there first you know and that's the the wolf did you know and get your PhD there so that you caught a g Woodson said that most educated blacks would be our new enslavers that the European Master can go to sleep and his house will still be taken care because we like massive we sick our house on fire Malcolm said they won't even let you near the plant he's talking about our house we've sick okay and so Diop set the bar for me it's being a linguist I mean he was doing DNA testing he can prove the melanin context of the Mummy so he is just going to say this black because they look black on the wall he was like give me a tip all I need is just a centimeter just a tissue and I can prove because it takes millions of years for melanin to break down and then he did the scientific formula of what melanin does and you know there's been melanin conferences among the uh European uh Jews since 1936. because many of the diseases they have melanin will cure it's the lack of melanin that uh and their incest and things like that but melanin is the root that can help cure many additions so they've been having no black people invited but Melody conferences on black people since 1936 so we have to understand so when we started our little melon conference they were kind of like Mickey Mouse conferences compared to what the Europeans were doing with melanin conference and we know that at melanin is the most powerful molecule in the human in the animal domain melanin is to humans like chlorophyll is to plants like carbon is to uh minerals [Music] and so even when uh assar is depicted green he's not called the Great green he's called the great black green and black are synonymous with life nobody has the capacity to do what we can do so that's why we learned basketball and we took it over we learned football we became the best everything we do we become we learn you know their way of music like that and we took it over we came America's only classical music is jazzed in African music the instruments sound we imitated nature we took it we could imitate any sound we heard in nature sometimes we could even do it without voice into redevelop the issues so these strands of DNA separate us from everybody I know they want to say and back to LA either Africa used to prove he said even if you went and said that we're all the same in the inside he said that's wrong the African internally is totally different from the European internally our bone structure that's why you can take about my my daughter has a masters in culture anthropology and forensic work they can take a bone and by examine it tell it there's the African or european but it's it's constituency how it was made up his power they can tell if they can even tell the cause of death from examining a bone of that you know so the African internal structure is different so what Lila Africa was trying to show you is that the medicine that's in the pharmacy is all geared towards a European male and what they need and what we need is totally two different dosages he's saying that if diabetes scale is as normal as 80 to 120. and you got 110 and you're African you might have diabetes already because what date what's normal for them is not necessarily normal for us and when they say you need one pill we might need three or just the opposite they need two we need one you know but it's not the same dosage that they're everything that they do is based upon a white albino a white male and so we got to look at medicine totally different but I know we don't do that but that's why we're the sickest people in America one of the richest countries the most long-lived of people now have the shortest lifespan there's something wrong with that formula and I say culture is our medicine so once you go back to your culture you start eating culturally you start thinking culturally you're around people who are thinking like you are so getting more friends that are being emitted is powerful because there's love around you you're thinking love I'm thinking gratitude um I can't wait for the next day so my stress level is really down I'm getting plenty of vitamin C that's why I've been I'm out there almost every day I'm getting my vitamin D on the number one cause of stress is a lack of vitamin D vitamin D breaks down the immune system and so every black who live above Florida got a vitamin D deficiency unless you're outside five to six hours a day outside of being a farmer who do you notice out there five or six hours a day so 95 of all black people in America got a might have been D deficiency so that means you don't handle stress well and who has the most who's the most stressful people in America the black male so there's a a ordinance goes out there we shouldn't even pay social security because we don't live long enough to collect it I'm just on it I'm in the mid 70s I'm what the rare fume my colleagues it graduated from high school I got one black person who graduated from no two two black people who graduated from high school is still alive who graduated in my class so we had to change the way we think so my brother this is a whole way of life to study and when I study how great menchuhotep is Imhotep and all of these other that's inspiration and I want our young people to know that I want to record it I want it to be recorded I want them to be able to take this information and run with it I want them to what they do with a basketball I want them to do that in there in a computer room in the in the corporate headquarters those numbers is off the chart they just slammed uh the Wall Street you know that's that's what I want but you remember Eddie Murphy when he did trading Trading Places bunch of cookies oh I know what's going to happen and he was like a yeah funny commercial because he understood the street he understood that you know so they don't want you in that room that corporate world suppose I say thank you very much for allowing me to you know share this time with y'all [Music] [Music]
Channel: Building Se7en ®
Views: 60,374
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Id: 9K1mLaa0aJU
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Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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