Who Was The Worst Co-Worker You've Ever Had? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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what's the worst co-worker you've ever worked with this guy named daniel i used to work with at mcdonald's in high school he let everyone know he worked out and enjoyed being on the football team he had this thing about taking five bits a day he would walk by on his way back from the toilet chest out shoulders back and triumphantly announce that's it number three ducking daniel this is about 15 years ago but the office i worked in instituted a send free policy one woman who was already insufferable was so offended by it that she snuck in her perfume collection she walked down the halls and spray perfume into empty offices or cubicles when no one was looking or before everyone arrived in the morning this went on for well over a month or two and we had no idea who was responsible my co-workers and i started referring to this mysterious person as the chanel bandit she was finally caught on camera in the act she left for three weeks vacation and was unaware that we had installed cameras after a break-in some of us already suspected her as the chanel bandit mysteriously stopped spraying while she was away she quit right after she was caught none of us were sad to see that cedar scented psycho leave i had a manager once who dumped trash on my desk my third day there she said it was to remind me that taking out the trash was part of my job description it wasn't i was a research assistant at a mortgage firm hired a cook on a good recommendation he was just fine the first two weeks then i noticed food going missing then supplies started going missing then a customer told me that he had been adding auto 30 tips his food purchases when i looked at the books i saw that he had been adding 30 tips to all the credit card sales and the cash rings were off from what should have been sold i fired him that day the next day he came in and apologized said he was on drugs and was going to rehab i wished him well then next day he tried to break in after clothes and was caught idiot my worst co-worker was one i worked with when i was a cashier at walmart she approached me and asked me to cash out her paycheck i was still new at the job and never got training on how to do that function she was sympathetic so she walked me through how to do it transaction over and done i go on about my day i get called back a couple of days later by my managers and they circled me in an office and accused me of stealing after tears videotapes and telling them what happened they told me that apparently this co-worker of mine had stolen not only from me but several other people that day as well they just wanted to confirm i wasn't in on the deal duck walmart and duck vantage for almost getting me arrested he just wouldn't work just wouldn't this was in a research lab he was a visiting researcher from another country and he spent a lot of time asking tons of non-work related questions to the point of disrupting others work in the course of a year he designed one very basic experiment and didn't actually do it just designed it he was above doing bench work apparently he picked fights with everyone doing any experiment related to the one he was planning because he didn't want to have to share credit for anyone he wouldn't clean up after himself wouldn't pick up things from the floor he actually called me in from another room because he wouldn't take a string-less tea bag out of his mug also on a different occasion because he knocked some things off a hanger on the back of the door and for whatever reason wouldn't pick them up it was kind of like working with a child he must have had servants where he lived i don't know how but he was there for his phd boss fired him he was one of two people in her 30-plus year career that she'd ever fired edit 90 messages whoa in the interest of not inspiring reinforcing any stereotypes i won't name the country such a person could come from many and i dare say any country honestly i worked with a guy who'd interrupt any conversation to talk about anything as if he was the expert and i don't use anything as a hyperbole he truly had something to say about anything including things he had never heard of or obviously didn't know much about when the subject being discussed was something in the category of things he didn't know much about he would slowly steer the conversation away from the original discussion to something he would like to talk about at the moment it was both amazing and the most annoying thing i had ever had to deal with he was like that wikipedia game where you start with star wars and somehow end up on lgbtq plus struggles not to mention the conversation was basically 98 of him just talking non-stop everybody else was way too polite and against conflict to say anything including me so most people just tried to stay away from him but he'd follow people around i eventually left but i even remember having a nightmare where he was the best man at my wedding he creeped the duck out of all the girls at work and then it came out he had stalking and sexual assault charges pending outside work fired that day when i was an intern there was this old shrew who would call people into her office my cube shared a thin wall gossip then call those people in to tell them what was said etc she would try to frame people for it she did wrong she was so arrogant and she refused to adapt to workforce modernization example she refused to learn how to hyperlink in emails documents etc a real ray of sunshine she was i've worked a lot of factories but one i worked at was mainly for felons the pay you completed and work you so hard it tears you body and mind up i just graduated high school and it was my second factory so i didn't know any better one guy i work with we nicknamed big mac since we already had another mat well big matt was a big fan of crystal and steroids so the dude was absolutely jacked but this 35 year still lived with his mom he said it had to do with him being a kid and walking in her being raped and ever since then he never wanted to leave her alone at the time i thought wow that would explain the substance abuse he just wants to be strong to protect her well i was a ducking idiot two months later big mad and two co-workers didn't show up so i asked the supriser what happened but he didn't know either next day one of the co-workers came in and told us that all three had been arrested because after buying a no of weed big matt's mom called the cops on them so before the cops showed up big mat a six foot some odd inch buff meth head beat his mother within an inch her life for calling the cops on him next day i looked him up and sure enough he was booked in a local prison suppose that has to be the worst co-worker out of all the ones i faced back when i worked at a restaurant i was friends with the bartender chill dude right up until they made him manager in that small amount of power and increase in pressure made him so angry all the time he screamed at me that i was it at my job because i didn't do a thing that i've never been asked to do before he made me miss my last bus so i couldn't get home it was pitch black outside and i cried on the bench outside the restaurant worth working day and worst co-worker it took me a long time to get over that and realize i wasn't a right worker he was just stressed and didn't know how to handle it i suppose my co-worker likes to initiate conversations then does long pauses where you go to say something back then he cuts you off and keeps talking he has entire conversations almost entirely by himself he also likes to make changes to my paperwork before it's turned in ends up riddled with spelling mistakes while he tries to make the content look smarter fortunately it's all electronically stamped with who made revisions he would walk in every day like it was his first day with no memory of anything we showed him the previous day he was only focused for the first 30 minutes then the rest of the time would be on his phone and try to work with one hand which is bad because i work in a restaurant can't cook with one hand but that didn't stop him from trying then one day he just stopped showing up for like a week then was confused when he came back and was fired edit i'm not sure if he had memory issues or anything like that at least he didn't tell us or the owner he did however like to talk about how easy our job was because he'd had four other restaurant jobs before this one he was only 19 but we didn't make him do anything complicated but he would forget easy things like where we kept burger buns or where buttons were on the register also he always left trash laying around after he was done with the job it would be me and my other co-workers who cleaned up after him and his excuse was always that he didn't think it mattered because it was gonna get cleaned up eventually he still comes in every once in a while to watch our tv sometimes with friends and sometimes by himself he never buys anything but he just does it quietly so no one bothers him i worked at a grocery store and one of the scheduling ladies was a total sea bomb when you work at a grocery store you expect to have shifts all over the place that's part of the job so i'm not complaining about that just about two years into working there i had an accident and broke my thumb hand not while at work unfortunately lol and needed surgery i went to apply for employment insurance e.i and they required a record of employment row so i asked the woman in charge of that the aforementioned scheduling lady if she would mind sending that off so i could still pay rent while i was off work recovering btw she told me she already had so i go back to the ei offices and they told me they still had no row so i go back to my old work and ask her a second time this happens until i asked her to do it four times this resulted in me having to borrow money from my parents for christmas in order to pay my rent he was a complete utter [ __ ] he was incompetent in every way but the icing on the cake was when he tried to put one of the pickup trucks into gear with the wiper stick and called me an idiot when i told him it was the wrong lever edit one oh my god i didn't expect this to gather so much attention edit too i see a lot of comments thinking it was a three on the tree manual this truck was a osi 98 ram 1500 automatic trans column shifter i worked in a certain touring exhibition last summer it's not potter for your information and of 200 people who were applying for jobs 20 of us got the job we were all close knit and had a love for the exhibit content and being all genuinely interesting people made us a family bar one woman she thought she was the world's biggest star for having a three-second cameo on got and sent harassing messages and calls to many of us she sexually harassed a lovely guy on the shop team who had no interest undermined the bosses constantly talked back as rude to customers when she thought we talked about her behind her back she got defensive and spiteful we didn't one day she got knocked back for good by the shop guy and for some reason he decided to take it out on me started slammering about me around to every other co-worker but never to my face she called me a white snake now i am albino and my hair color got me seriously bullied in school along the vein of her insults so her name calling was very hurtful i had enough and took it to hr and she was fired for her actions i could go on but she doesn't deserve any more thought my old supervisor she was that special brand of too nice laughing was her nervous tick and her boy it was constant she was incapable of being assertive which is not the best quality for someone whose job is telling other people what to do the best she could do was be passive aggressively nice when she really needed something done which just made everyone dislike her context i work in a hospital as a nurse's aide and my department focuses on transporting patients around the facility for tests and room changes i work night shifts and this person started their shift at 6 00 am there was this lady i worked with that just had the nastiest attitude normally i can get along with most folks but this person just brought the whole room down with negative vibes nothing was ever good and she always had bad shifts one thing she did that upset a lot of people was take patients down fulls raise and leave them down there to return to our office the big thing to remember here is that even the lengthiest raise take maybe 10 minutes at the very most 2-5 mins on average for the scans every morning we got raised to do and i had to send her back down to return patients to their rooms after the x-ray technicians called right as she got back to our office the instances of leaving patients were common so i informed my boss several times in person and email apparently she had an attitude with every other department we worked with and never informed nurses that we were moving their patients big no no one meds and vital signs need to be done one day she had abandoned a patient in the er waiting room when they were waiting for a ride home and told no one so security had found a patient just sitting alone for 15-30 mins without supervision it took this and a year of recorded evidence for this person to finally get fired when that happened it's like a dark cloud lifted and a lot of people were relieved oh and she tried to get various employees around the facility to sign a form to argue against her case one person signed one of my favorite things about being in the military was that your pre-military status did not matter everyone wears the same uniform and you never know if your favorite military leader came from privilege or squalor the uniform for all of its drawbacks is an objectively effective unifier it levels the playing field looking the same as everyone else challenge me to ensure that my work ethic and ideas created opportunities not some predetermined status i had a peer who was better than all of that he didn't do the work unless it interested him we didn't do interesting things and constantly complained that our work was below him on more than one occasion he tried to pay for others to do his work for him his entire point of being in the military was to prove to his father that he could earn something and sought to accomplish that by claiming he'd already earned it duck that guy his name was dan dan was 37 working at a dead end job as a lab specimen processor in a windowless room for nine hours a day he ate only burger king but without the lettuce because that's rabbit food he drank literally a gallon of mountain dew a day and was confused as to why people were horrified by that there's water in it he would say apparently if he ate corn he would vomit and have to go to the hospital he would tell me he firmly believed that man and dinosaur roamed the earth at the same time along with many other theories that came from his gut one day we got into a political argument before the 2016 election where he said if bernie sanders is elected president there will be a civil war and i will not hesitate to kill you and your family dan was fired i got out of there as soon as i could don't be like dan worked with a girl who would sometimes just lay in the floor and play on her phone she would routinely flip out about something her boyfriend did and just start screaming curse words sometimes in front of customers she was eventually fired for smoking weed while on the clock at my first job vet assistant at a small animal clinic there was this middle-aged woman she primarily worked as the receptionist who was constantly snarky and rude towards me and my work after sharing with another co-worker that i was planning to go to school to become a vet she the receptionist laughed at me and said i don't think i could see you as a vet i was only 16 years old mind you i had big dreams and goals and i was taking solid steps towards achieving them i remember standing there taken aback and honestly holding back tears or any indication that i was upset i was accepted to vet school at age 18 and i am still in school actively pursuing that dream guess i'm gonna prove her wrong edit to clarify i was accepted into an early entry program for vet school that is how i was accepted at 18. i am in pre-vet undergrad currently but i have been pre-accepted to vet school with a guaranteed seat waiting for me in my school cvm after i finish my prereqs no more application required edit too your kind of comments really mean a lot to me thank you all i'm working hard and following my goals and dreams not for her for me and most importantly for all of the animals i will hopefully have the opportunity to help one day i worked in child care and they had hired a new assistant trainee teacher for my room each room has two teachers she just constantly argued about the domestic and always tried to argue with me about both company and state child care policies because that's dumb also was late every day her first week there it all just started adding up until i was changing diapers and she was holding a two-year-old child on her lap i see a child biting another child and say you need to go help them as i have a child in the middle of a very explosive poopy diaper change up on the changing table and can't leave him there obviously she doesn't get up i repeat it and she says well i have this kid on my lap so i say take him off your lap she responds he's strong like this grown-ass adult is unable to move a two-year-old off her lap because of some weird super strength then the child bites the other child again and at that point i'm mad and tell her to get up and help them now she then proceeds to say so what i have to watch these four kids while you just have one up on the table like i'm somehow supposed to have multiple children on the table that wants to make a job of sitting on the floor making sure kids don't get bit twice in a row easier and our ratios were before one anyways i finished my diaper change stuck my head out the door to my supervisor and told her get this lady out of my room and they did after and wrote her up after reviewing the footage of the incident she was fired for no call no showing the next week i've worked with a lot of idiots in child care but she was so witty in such a short amount of time i work with this guy that tries to convert people to his religion every day it's super annoying fast food third shift the only other employee stayed in the bathroom doing blow it's my time to shine sorry it's long about two years ago i started work as a receptionist in an audiology clinic so we do hearing aids and hearing tests the only thing i knew about hearing aids before i took this job was that my grandpa had one eight months after i started so at this point i have eight months of experience with anything related to hearing they hired a new provider who i would later discover knew nothing about anything not hearing aids not basic you should know this if you've had a job ever not how to handle talking to bosses patients people over the phone etc example we had one patient who left her hearing aids with us to be fixed she would call every once in a while to check on them and i would say i'll ask the provider to call you and update you which i did four months later the same patient calls and i discovered the provider had been ignoring me every time i told her to call the patient and she just straight up didn't call her ever another example she could never ever remember a clock in and out ever it was a daily struggle with her she would have to send in time card adjustments like every day and then complained to me when our boss was annoyed she didn't know to fill out repair forms so every time we had to send something out i would have to double check and make sure everything was filled out correctly and legibly again she is a provider who is credentialed in this field and i'm the receptionist who has eight mos experience with hearing aids she wouldn't do chart notes for weeks literally she would have patient charts stacked in the corner of her office for days forget to make chart notes put in the incorrect dates spell the patient's name wrong so i would have to double check every charge before putting it back on the shelves if she didn't know what to do with the patient which was common she would just do nothing so i would have to pick up all of that slack deal with the patients take their complaints talk to manufacturers over the phone there were even times where i had to recommend hearing aids to patients because she just wouldn't she would constantly forget to have patients sign paperwork i would put a post-it on the chart patient must sign i would tell her beforehand and yet she would still let them leave without signing purchase agreements and medical waivers she could not keep track of the time she would be going 10 30 minutes over appointment times and i would have to deal with the pissed off patient i would tell her hey time warning and she'd say okay and then ignore me she would keep elderly patients in for her new patient appointments for like two or more hours usually an hour and a half appointment sometimes patients would have to tell her they needed to leave because they were tired or their feet hurt these people are in their 80s and the best everything that went wrong was my fault she would blame me for her poor job performance her inability to retain patience and sell hearing aids everything after six months of this i finally spoke up i hadn't said anything up to this point because she was a really nice person apart from work and i felt bad for her but everyone has their limits and also our company was starting to zero in on her because she wasn't making them any money she was put on daily zoom meetings with our boss and trainers when this happened they finally realized why she was making almost zero money she was super incompetent obvious they fired her they told her they were shutting down the clinic altogether but instead they hired a new provider with loads more education experience someone who is confident and young and knows how an iphone works the only thing i got from this experience was a 30 cent raise at the end of the year and a major increases in my anxiety med dosage also i guess i learned a lot about my job lol also the new provider and i are bffs so my job is much more enjoyable not necessarily a co-worker but my old supervisor literally told me not to think even if it's wrong that i do things her way and not to ask questions because i should already know what to do i had just gotten the position [Music] i worked with a guy that regularly googled everyone we worked with he knew information about the apartment we had just sold and told everyone at our department meeting how much we sold for the hr manager at my last job had zero training education or experience in hr she was argumentative passive aggressive and incompetent toward the end she asked me why are you being resistant and you're not being a team player when i was advocating for client safety i was the second person in less than a year to leave and hire an attorney the ceo's girlfriend was a devout vegan who would patrol the office around lunch to make sure that anyone who was eating meat promised not to use the sponge in the kitchen to wash anything that meat has touched she did this in yoga pants and heels but because her personality sucked she wasn't remotely attractive for april fool's day i rinsed out a carton of chicken broth and filled it with mango juice and made a point of pouring myself a glass and drinking it in front of her she was disgusted so it was twice as delicious did it she is both the financial manager and the hr person so every problem that anyone had at the company became pillow talk between her and her fiance registered signee and he would sprinkle in the things she told him at meetings as if the problems were supposed to be common knowledge this pair was a piece of work he had been overheard saying i wouldn't care if i didn't hear music again in my life who says that sociopaths that's who i was eventually fired and the official reason was that i had photoshopped grotesque images of several people in the office what she failed to mention to the department of labor rep was that i had done it on my own time on my own computer and each co-worker had requested i do them next after i initially just did it to myself my own photo just had my eyes moved farther apart so i looked abnormal but not outside of the realm of possibility for other co-workers i flipped their faces upside down made their eyes too big removed their noses facial hair or cover their mouths up with bits during my department of labor chat to work out my unemployment the agent asked me to email her the photos and it made her audibly laugh being fired was worth it just for that anyone who has ever talked it behind my back while acting like my best friend i 100 keep my distance from co-workers now i worked with a guy who couldn't learn new skills when he started he had to learn new programs and processes just like anyone would at almost any job he couldn't pick up on it whether it was where to click on a software to get a certain result or how to fill out a report everyone on my team took turns showing him the ropes and it never sunk in i remember being so frustrated because he could not figure out how to minimize a window top right corner click on the straight line it took like three four seconds for him to drag the mouse to the corner and then he'd hover around it but never on it super nice guy but impossible to work and collaborate with on projects because so much time was wasted [Music] three person department myself an awesome dude and this terrible new co-worker she was fresh out of college and believed that she was smarter than myself and our other team member because of that she totally discounted anyone's opinions except her own and one manager that let her do whatever she wanted she was the worst one upper than i'd ever met even for stupid things like going to a coffee stand she chime in and say how her friends work at a coffee stand and they know her order by heart just stupid stuff she thought she was adorable and charming but was incredibly grating and worthless she constantly messed up on her job but if you tried to help or give any constructive feedback she'd cry and go to her wet nurse akka the one manager that liked her she lasted almost four years which blew my mind she was followed at the beginning of corona but will not be returning as her position is being taken by the owner's daughter the company split about two years ago i went to the new company and she and awesome dude stayed at the old one i'm pretty cool about a people will have their role to play but one time we had a secretary that would microwave eggs and canned tuna every morning in a bowl now i am not a violent person but the smell generated from microwaved eggs and canned tuna is downright repulsive by anyone standards in the interview something along the lines of you're quite young how do we know you'll be responsible enough to work with our team as if she was running an olympic team and not a fast food joint i know this is not an unusual question but her attitude spoke more than her words well i was technically homeless a young teenager at the time staying in a shelter i explained this being my motivation i needed a day program wanted a permanent place to live and someday be comfortable enough financially to go back to school before i was homeless i had amazing grades in school volunteered with the red cross and a few other organizations babysat for many families had my babysitting course and first aid training so it wasn't as if i had a terrible resume but she talked down to me as if i should be kissing the ground she walked on just because she provided me with an interview well a week or two went by and i didn't hear back from them so i assumed i didn't get the job third week i get the call and was told to come in later that week for training once again such attitude she didn't ask she didn't offer she demanded i be there well i had gotten another job but was more than willing to work two jobs to achieve my goals my very first day on my very first shift i was given the most basic instructions read the employee handbook then come get her it took me no time she was adamant i was illiterate because i was so quick so i must not have read it she was pointing to random words getting me to read them it was annoying but goals homeless and all she walked me over to a till put me in a headset and told the other woman at the till to make me do all the work i tried my best but zero training on anything no guidance on a weekday lunch rush in an industrial area it went bad fast bid order she grabbed my arm and dragged me into the office she berated me for a solid 10 minutes on how i was just some pathetic disgusting homeless scum with no manners no wonder no one wanted me no wonder i was homeless how pathetic honestly it makes me cry thinking about how cruel and harsh she was she had no idea i was homeless because my parents were beating me starving me neglecting me no he just knew i was this young homeless piece of it i took it not a ducking tear in front of her i knew if i cried well let's just say had i had a therapist then i would have been diagnosed with battered women syndrome much sooner i knew not to cry finally she was done i took off the headset into the staff room to change grabbed my stuff and left no one said a word to me i just left once in the parking lot just far enough away to be in the same lot but in front of another business i fell to my knees and began crying rage crying subbing crocodile tears full on breakdown you know the kind it feels like you won't ever stop crying someone came up to me and put her arm around me i just cried in her arms when i was done i finally saw who it was it was the assistant manager from the exact place i just left i was flustered and furious and embarrassed she just looked at me and told me manager is rich so much so she is actually being fired this week and i will be promoted to her position what she did was so wrong if it's okay with you i would still like to hire you i think you would be a great asset we had a brief discussion about the current manager how the owners would hear about what she had done to me and if i still wanted the job she would contact me later in the week to arrange a schedule for me i went in that saturday met the owners before a staff meeting where they introduced the newly promoted manager explained the previous manager had been let go and introduced me to the team i was offered the job with a slight wage increase i think minimum wage was around two dollars and 25 cents hr and i was given two dollars and 45 cents hr i worked there for nearly 10 years i got my high school diploma went to college literally became an adult there and worked my way up the chain of command well as high as i could since the manager was so incredible the turnover rate was crazy low literally my best and worst bosses of all time at that place being almost 25-30 years ago obviously no fb and i haven't kept in touch with much of the crew but some days i think back on that place the staff the customers the friends and hope they are all well sorry for the long story [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 35,767
Rating: 4.9026766 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: SF7Dr_QkUhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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