Who Was Gilgamesh? The First Hero & Fate’s Strongest Servant Explained - FATE / STAY NIGHT Lore

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I don't know about you But for someone who's titled the king of heroes and is widely believed to be the strongest heroic spirit in the fête universe I sure don't know a whole lot about him Like we all know the character Gilgamesh but unlike saber or rider who are based off of more widely popular historical figures I knew nothing of this so-called oldest King while watching any of the fates series so this caught me wondering who exactly is this arrogant servant that likes to place himself at what's essentially the pinnacle of human existence and Why the fuck is he so much powerful than everyone else? well Let's take a look at who this walking embodiment of pride was back when he was alive and see what exactly made him the king of heroes Gilgamesh is the legendary figure who can be found as the focus in what's considered to be the world's oldest piece of fictional literature a mythic poem titled the epic of gilgamesh which dates all the way back to the year 2100 BC It's a 4,000 year old story that just so happens to grant Gilgamesh yet another title as history's first known hero his adventures and Accomplishments as the absolute ruling entity of Erik are certainly nothing to scoff at but it's his quest for immortality And what he learned from it that makes this epic so memorable. Let's set the stage The year is around 2800 BC and the age of gods is on the brink of separation due to their continually deteriorating state from the invasion of safar You see the gods used to walk the earth as physical manifestations of nature itself, which allowed them to rule the earth and its inhabitants but after safar nearly destroyed the entire planet along with numerous gods the rest of them began to lose their physical forms and Could only manifest themselves on earth by possessing compatible humans the gods Eventually came to the conclusion that their time remaining on earth was very limited to counter their diminishing presence They came up with a plan to create a Keystone that would act as the bridge between the fading gods and the emerging humans Guga mesh was that Keystone? It was around the Year 2600 BC that google mesh was born as a demigod between the human king of Uruk and the goddess nin son at the time Erik was the capital city of ancient Mesopotamia the first civilization to be created on earth since the beginning of mankind so being born as 2/3 God and 1/3 human into a ruling position of one of the first cities to who have ever existed is Definitely a nice position to be in but the gods definitely did not intend for Gilgamesh to turn out the way that he did Rather than being this neutral entity that would observe humanity from both the perspective of a God and a human He instead became this figure of absolute authority You see Gilgamesh was born with the knowledge that he was neither fully God nor human and as such he placed himself as this superior being over all those that he ruled this led to him becoming this oppressive tyrant of a king who Historically was recorded as either subjecting his people to forced labor or sexually oppressing them. That's the subtle way of putting it I'm actually downplaying it a lot here because just mentioning the atrocities he committed would probably lead to instant the monetization Which leads me to wonder how he even became a hero in the first place but moving on the gods weren't quite satisfied by the fact that this Supposed Keystone would grow up to become such a tyrannical king who wouldn't even submit to the ones that created him So the king of gods Anu and the goddess of creation Uluru mold a piece of earth into this wild man monster named Enkidu and give it life but not a soul Its purpose of existence was to act as the chains of heaven and put Gilgamesh back into his place as an observer of the gods By binding him though since an kid who didn't have a soul himself He had no sense of rational thought so he couldn't take action upon Gilgamesh until he gained enough wisdom and reason to do so This was made possible by sleeping with a divine harlot that was sent by the gods themselves But that's more Enkidu story than Gilgamesh's So after molding itself into a rational being and Kido goes to carry out its mission The first time that it witnesses Gilgamesh though, he was still a child that hadn't completely put humanity under his foot So at first and kita was questioning the gods reasoning for having it meta punishment to this seemingly, just ruler Surely refusing to submit to the gods as a child does not warrant the type of divine punishment that the gods were trying to deal At at least that's what in kid who thought but as he watched Gil grow. He witnessed the foresight The gods had to see Gil become this over oppressive of a king when the right time finally came and kid who presented himself in front of Gil outside the temple of rook and Stated that punishment had to be dealt for his lack of respect towards the gods and the oppression that he dealt to his people Obviously Gil still being full of arrogance didn't just accept the words of some clay humanoid that was reprimanding him. No instead They fought each other in a battle that lasted for days on end This would be the first time in Gilgamesh's life that he would encounter someone of equal strength So Gilgamesh had no choice, but to respond an equal force by using his data Babylon for the first time initially He was very hesitant to use the treasures that he had carefully stored But after some time he came to the realization that he was actually enjoying himself You see go Ganesh lived a very lonely life his unopposed power led him to a life of isolation and This served as a factor in the duress that he had towards the people that he ruled but after coming across and Kido Someone who was worthy of being in his presence even to fight him He stopped caring for the treasures that he had collected and started emptying the vault until there wasn't even a single weapon left to use Though by that time and cooter was reduced to almost only 10% of the clay that he had started with But rather than simply eliminating the first true opponent that he ever had Go kamesh were respected and Kido as an equal and instead became friends with it now I don't think you need me to tell you but obviously the gate of Babylon aspect is a fate altered component of Gilgamesh's epoch Though everything up to now has been similar creating a portal that has direct access to his vault of weapons that then fires them at Mach 10 isn't something that's historically accurate, but moving on Gil and Enkidu who are now best buds set their sights towards the guardian of the cedar forest and the beasts of the gods Kumba the two heroes traverse seven mountains to get to the cedar forest Where once there they go deep within until they encountered the divine beast though. Gilgamesh is at first startled by the demigod guardian He prays to the sun-god who in return aids gil by blinding the beast whom baba begs to be spared But is mercilessly decapitated anyways to make things even worse in the Nasu verse although whom baba was this monstrous creature it was said to possess the innocent heart of a younger one who had also once been friends with and key to It even wore a crown of flowers that Enkidu made from a garden that it had planted just for her It's at this point that Enkidu is confused by Gil's actions It's unsure as to why Gilgamesh would go to such great lengths to perform such a dangerous task That wasn't even requested by the gods Gil explains that it's all to protect Erik which confuses in q2 even more since it was not too long ago that Gil was oppressing the very people that he was now trying to protect Gil explains his reasoning and after hearing it and Ketu pledged his loyalty as a tool to help Gil reach his goals though this next part may be shocking because Gil didn't accept its pledge stating that it was his friend and not just a tool after this their adventures together Resulted in Gil becoming the greatest and richest King on earth Even the gods themselves had to acknowledge the power that Gil had accumulated one goddess in particular who goes by the name of Ishtar? Actually fell in love with Gil and proposed marriage I know it's heartbreaking But don't worry because Gil actually turned down this goddess of fertility proposal due to her past as being well a thought Ishtar was very well known for mistreating her past lovers by being unfaithful and cruel and Gilgamesh just didn't want any of it So he sent her away Ishtar feeling that she had just become insulted and being the and Amy that she is One to her father and knew the supreme god and requested to unleash the bull of heaven onto a rope The bull of heaven was the greatest divine beast that existed at the time and it was used to get revenge on Gil for rejecting her It had rained terror on earth for seven whole years before Gilgamesh and Enkidu were able to defeat it using the very chains of heaven That were meant to bind Gil This had just angered Ishtar more and she demanded that inti to be put to death for killing the divine Beast the gods also agreed and it wasn't very long after that that Enkidu slowly started to decay and lose his form as It piece by piece returned to the clay that it was molded from google Mesh stayed by its side and kid who told him not to grieve because it considered itself Nothing more than just a treasure from Gil's collection But Gilgamesh denied this claim and said that it does have its worth a worth that nothing else in the world can or will ever have Gill declared that an kita will stay as his one and only Friend forever so that the worth that it has right now will never change I'm sure it was actually at this point that Gill discovered the true power of friendship but shortly after Nq2, returned to clay and Gilgamesh grieved for his lost friend It's at this point that he also reaches a kind of existential midlife crisis Seeing his closest friend die greatly changed his perspective of life up until now All he did was collect treasures sleep with woman and fight beasts to protect earth, but now Gill had a sense of his own mortality He realized that death was slowly creeping up and there was nothing that he could do about it it wasn't the thought of dying that scared him as much as it was the thought of not being able to complete his duty as The overseer of humanity the thought of someone such as himself being unable to fulfill the very reason for his existence Played a heavy toll on him So much so that he fell to a bit of depression Gilgamesh needed to find a way to escape Death's grasp and he needed to do it before his time ran out So he became obsessed with a treasure that he had intended on collecting for his vault, but just later on in life It was called the herb of immortality a spirit herb that grants The user was essentially eternal life by returning them to their youth This was the tool that Gill needed in order to fully complete his mission. So like a man possessed he left for the underworld in search of a sage who was pretty much the Mesopotamian version of Noah a sage that had lived for many years much longer than that of a normal human So if anyone knew the key to immortality it would be him Their journey was long and spanned several years all the while Gill grovelled in the despair of his limited time on earth after Decades of wandering. He finally reached the underworld and met the sage Though the form of immortality that this sage offered was not what Gil had in mind This sage had become partially one with nature He had joined the rank of the Gods by becoming half plant and forgoing his human desires Once again Gil wanted none of this and was about to turn around and head back to a rock When the sage who had just had his entire existence tonight in a single moment revealed a different way of obtaining immortality He stated that there was an herb that granted perpetual youth and it could be found deep under water So Gill sets off to claim the herb for himself and sure enough he does Now for the first time in his life Gilgamesh feels a sense of pride and accomplishment He will now be able to avenge his only friends death by beating death itself Gilgamesh with his depression now gone returns to his senses and along with it comes some of his ego Before returning to his kingdom he feels he must first look like a king He decides to stop and clean himself at a nearby spring he places the herb down and goes and rests in the water While Gil was in this state of pure euphoria for obtaining the world's greatest treasure a nearby snake had gained with of the herb it slithers towards the plant and as any animal would Takes the easy meal and eats it by the time Gilgamesh had realized what was going on. It was already too late The herb was gone and a snake had shed its skin proving the effects of the herb of immortality So you'd think that after seeing this Gil would just go absolutely insane for losing his most valuable treasure But instead he just laughed it off, although he didn't gain any material rewards from his journey. He did learn something His brief sense of accomplishment and joy that had vanished just as quickly as he obtained It made him realize the full extent of his humanity and the limitations that come with it It was at this point that Gilgamesh became truly human maturing through an experience that he had never had the chance of experiencing before Go ganesh returns to Uruk empty-handed and rules his people in a much more tame manner until he finally passes away on his own terms If you're wondering why he didn't just go back and get more of the herb Well, he did but just for the sake of completing his collection He doesn't consume the herb though because he knows now that it's not himself that should be remembered forever But rather his accomplishments that should become immortal and that's exactly what happened now I'm sure there's many things that are to be learned from this epic Like how you should accept your limitations as a human and how it's your actions that define your legacy and whatnot But I think what really matters is the back that he did succeed in immortalizing his existence into history as the world's first hero now keep in mind that this version of Gil's story relates mostly to the NASA verse but does also Combine some historical elements just to make it as coherent of a story as possible The historical version obviously has some key differences in the way that certain events happen Like Enkidu taunting Ishtar with the severed leg of the bull of heaven or Gil Immediately failing the test to see if he was worthy of gaining the knowledge to the secret of immortality So if you want to know the full historical version of the Epic of Gilgamesh There are plenty of other higher quality videos that showcase that entire story. Anyway, this is just part one of Gilgamesh's profile So now that his lures done next video we can look closer into his Gate of Babylon and everything else that comes with it But as always, thank you so much for watching And if you enjoyed this type of anime content, then you already know what to do. So until next time ciao
Channel: AniNews
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Keywords: aninews, fate stay night, gilgamesh, fate lore, gilgamesh fate, fate stay night archer, fate stay night gilgamesh, gilgamesh explained, archer explained, fate lore gilgamesh, unlimited blade works, fate lore archer, fate gilgamesh explained, fate gil, gilgamesh first hero, fate strongest servant, strongest heroic spirit, first hero fate, first hero gilgamesh, enkidu, gilgamesh story, who is gilgamesh, who is the strongest fate servant, fate, heroic spirit gilgamesh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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