Heracles / Hercules & His 12 Labors EXPLAINED | FATE / STAY NIGHT Berserker's Lore

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let's take a closer look at the myth behind fate/stay night spurs er'ka the greeks called him Heracles the Romans Hercules but they both refer to the same hero a demigod born from Zeus the god of thunder and a human woman al Kamini the queen of Thieves and granddaughter of the greatest Greek hero to exist at the time Perseus but Perseus was also a son of Zeus so that makes him both the great-grandfather and half-brother of Heracles I know it's weird you should also know that Heracles wasn't his birth name he was actually named Al Caius but you'll see why he made the switch soon now Zeus already had Hera as his wife so Zeus had to take on the form of alcaman his husband in order to lay with her which resulted in one of alchemy knees two sons to be the illegitimate son of Zeus and Hera knew it so she had plotted various ways to kill him before Herakles was even born Hera had sent two witches to prevent his birth but luckily they were diverted to the wrong room Hera then sent two serpents to kill him as a baby but young Heracles easily strangled them both after these attempts akka many grew weary of Haris plot to eliminate Heracles so in order to protect him she abandons him in the woods where he is then found and picked up by the goddess Athena Athena brings baby Heracles directly to Hera who didn't realize at the time that the baby was the very person that she was trying to kill out of pity for this abandoned child she nurses him with her own breasts granting him even more strength and power than your typical demigod later in life Heracles is raised by his mortal father and bit Rhian and his court which included some of the best teachers in the land he was taught horseback riding fencing archery even how to play instruments and sing but one day during a music lesson with Linus the son of Apollo Heracles gets into an argument and lashes out he grabs a lyre and hits Linus over the head with it accidentally killing him with the blow on knowing at the time of his own godlike strength because of this and patreons sends Heracles away to become a cowherd a shepherd if you will or he gains a few opportunities to use his strength again later in life Heracles becomes an accomplished hero especially to King Creon of Thebes he had helped defeat an opposing army and King Creon was very grateful for it as a sign of thanks he gave Heracles his daughter Megara to marry with her he had three sons and lived a peaceful happy life with his family but Harris of--this and resented him for it so in response she induces madness within him which in turn causes him to kill his children after returning from his state of rage he realizes what he had just done and becomes overcome with grief he goes to seek out advice from an Oracle who then advises him to appease to Hera by changing his name from alkis to Heracles as well as to atone for his sins by becoming a slave to his cousin Eurystheus the king of tyrants and Mycenae who fun fact would not have been King had Hera not delayed Heracles as birth by a day this is what leads to the famous 10 technically 12 labors of Heracles the series of impossible tasks that came Eurystheus assigned to him over his 12 years of service in exchange for being able to complete these labors not only would he be atoned for the death of his family but he would also be granted immortality the first labor was the Nemean lion a vicious monster whose claws were sharper than any sword and golden fur that was impervious to any attack from mortal weapons it was terrorizing the city of Nemea and was set to have taken woman as hostages any warrior that attempted to slay it would be devoured and their bones offered to Hades upon Heracles his first encounter with the lion he attempted to slay it with a bow not knowing that the fur made the Beast and pervious to such attacks after coming to this realization Heracles goes for a more close quarters approach and waits for the beast to enter its lair where he then stuns it with a club and proceeds to strangle it to death other accounts of the stories say he just fired arrows until he hits the beast in its unarmored mouth either way Heracles completed the task rather easily but Eurystheus warned that each labor would become more difficult than the last ii labor was a special one the lernaean hydra a serpentine water monster raised by Harris specifically for the purpose of killing Heracles it had poisonous breath and blood so deadly that even smelling it would kill you it dwells in the lake of lerna a place that was thought to be the entrance to the underworld as Heracles approaches the swamps surrounding Lake Luna he covers his mouth and nose to protect himself from the hydras poisons he then lures it out by firing flaming arrows into its lair as the Hydra is escaping he uses a sickle or a sword to decapitate the creature however this is a Hydra that we're talking about here and when you cut off one head two more grow back seeing as he could not defeat the creature by simply cutting off its head he calls for help from his nephew the nephew advises Heracles to cauterize the open necks of each Hydra after decapitating them that way they wouldn't be able to grow back Hera seeing as her creature was about to be destroyed sends a giant crab to distract him however Heracles just crushes it under his mighty feet and continues to slay the Hydra after slaying both creatures Hera commemorates them by placing them into the sky as the constellations Hydra and cancer and this would complete the second labor though because Heracles sought out assistance from his nephew Eurystheus didn't qualify it as one of the 10 labors the next labor was the sarony in hind also known as the Golden Hind a creature that was very dear to the goddess of the hunt Artemis it had golden antlers who was a bronze and was faster than an arrow in flight Heracles did not have to slay this creature though no for it was clear to Hera and Eurystheus that fighting monsters was far too easy for him this time he had to catch the Golden Hind the purpose of this task was to place Heracles in a lose-lose situation if he failed he couldn't repent if he succeeded then he would incite Artemis's anger at least that's what the king hoped for but after spending an entire year chasing this animal all throughout Greece Heracles finally caught it as it slept while returning to the king with behind he encounters Artemis and Apollo Heracles begs for forgiveness and states that he was going to release the animal after showing that he had captured it contrary to what yours theists thought would happen artemus forgave him and Heracles his third labor was that complete upset that his plan had failed the king gave Heracles yet another dangerous task this time he had to capture the erymanthian boar alive a giant wild and raging beast during this he encountered Kieran and his fellow centaurs in my Kieran video I actually go over this encounter in more detail since this was a key event that led to Karin's demise aside from that Kieran had given Heracles the advice he needed in order to capture the boar by driving it into a patch of thick snow he could catch the Beast while it was exhausted and capture it with much less of a struggle and that's exactly what Heracles did to complete the fourth labor the fifth turned out to be a much simpler task but still deemed impossible by others as well as carried the intent to humiliate Heracles more than anything he was told to clean the stables of King Aegeus this King had possessed stables that were home to the most cattle in the country and they had never been cleaned before with 3000 cattle and 30 years for all the filth to accumulate you could imagine that this could very well be Heracles his hardest task yet but Heracles upped the ante even more by telling OGIS that if he could clean it all in a single day then he would claim one tenth of the cattle for himself ah geez accepted Heracles then proceeded to complete the task in a single day by diverting not one but two entire rivers to wash out the stable and its entirety however because the majority of work for this task was done by the rivers and not Heracles himself Eurystheus disregarded this as a completed labour as well the next assignment was another go slay this one Heracles had to defeat the Stymphalian Birds mane eating creatures with bronze beaks poisonous dung and metallic brothers that they could launch as projectiles these were actually the pets of Artemis that had migrated to a marsh and bred quickly without restraint Heracles couldn't enter the marsh directly because the ground couldn't support his weight so instead he sets himself up on a mountain overlooking the marsh and Snipes each of the birds with arrows dipped in poison from the Hydra thus completing the sixth labor the seventh was another capture mission this time it was the Cretan bull a gift to King Minos from Poseidon intended to be used as an offering but instead it was kept alive Poseidon who was angered by this makes King Minos his wife fall in love with the bull and at the resulting kin is the first minute are then Poseidon enrages the bull causing it to wreak havoc on the land Heracles was able to sneak up on the bull and wrestle with it a little before finally subdue Inge and capturing it completing the seventh labor Heracles his eighth labor was to steal the mares of Diomedes geometries was the king of Thrace and the son of Ares the God of War his mares were a group of four man-eating horses each were majestic on their own yet untamable because of their diet of human flesh Heracles brought along some young companions with him to gather the horses but after being chased by Diomedes as men he had no choice but to turn and fight he left the horses with the youth and after defeating Diaw madhi's he returned to find that one of the horses had eaten one of his companions enraged by this Heracles fed diaw madhi's to the horses and then used that opportunity to tie their mouth shut which allowed for a last dangerous journey back to Eurystheus with that labor complete the ninth became a task to retrieve the belt of Hippolyta the queen of the Amazons the belt was a gift from her father Ares and this would have been the easiest task yet if Hera had not interfered you see Hippolyta was very impressed by Heracles his accomplishments and would have agreed to give him the belt but Hera disguised herself as an Amazon and told them that the strangers that were coming were there to abduct their queen the Amazons then rode to confront Heracles and when they did Heracles thought that Hippolyta had planned to never give up the belt in the first place and put up a fight regardless so Heracles defends the attack kills apalta takes the belt for himself and sails back home having completed the ninth labor labor 10 was to capture the cattle of garyun garyun was a giant that had three heads six arms and six legs he lived on the island of arisia to the far west the journey there was an adventure in itself had various side stories among it like while crossing the Libyan desert Heracles tried to shoot an arrow at the Sun and gain the chariot of Helios because of it when he finally reaches the island he finds the cattle to be guarded by the two-headed dog orthrus and the herdsmen he kills both with a single blow from his olivewood club garyun overheard the commotion and geared up with three shields three spares and three helmets Heracles decides to flee and Snipes garyun from afar with one of his trusted poison-tipped arrows ending the fight before it even began though that wasn't the hard part in order for the labor to be counted as successful he needed to deliver the herd in its entirety some cattle got stolen and some were scattered by Hera herself but within a year he managed to retrieve them all again Hera determined to make Heracles fail this labor raised the level of a river that he needed to pass making it uncrossable Heracles having absolutely none of it piled stones into the river to make the water less deep he crossed and delivered the cattle to Eurystheus completing the tenth labor now normally he would be done the labors but because two of his previous ten were discounted there were two additional ones that were requested of him this eleventh labor was to steal the golden apples of asperities the Hesperides were the nymphs of the evening that inhabited a special orchid that belonged to Hera in this garden could be found a single apple tree that produces golden apples the only problem Heracles didn't know where the garden was to solve this he confronted a shape-shifting sea dog and got the location on route to the garden he encountered the imprisoned Titan Prometheus the one that stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind Heracles freed Prometheus and in return Prometheus told him that his brother Atlas would be able to guide him to the sacred garden however Atlas was occupied with carrying the heavens on his shoulders it was punishment for aiding the Titans during their war with the gods so he offered Heracles a deal if Heracles would hold the heavens in his absence Atlas will in turn retrieve the golden apples Heracles agreed and with Athena's assistance he was able to support the heavens while Atlas traveled to the gardens and took the golden apples this wasn't that bad of a trade because Hera had trained a 100 headed dragon known as the Latin to defend the golden apple tree after returning with the apples in hand Atlas was reluctant to take the heavens back but before he wandered off Heracles tricked Atlas into taking back his position under the pretense of switching to a more comfortable position but instead of switching back again he just took the apples and left this was the labor that Eurystheus truly thought to be impossible but yet again Heracles turned up successful the 12th and final labor was the capture of Cerberus the Hound of Hades a three-headed hellhound that guards the gates of the underworld and prevents the dead from leaving but early enough Cerberus was actually the brother of every other multi-headed monster that Heracles had slain now as Hermes and Athena guide Heracles through the underworld he meets Hades and requests to bring his hellhound back to the surface Hades agrees but under the condition that he captures the Beast without using any weapons so Heracles once again wrestles with yet another mythological creature and subdue sit with only his hands he brings the Beast of Hell to yours theis and completes the final labor the king frightened by this three-headed hound and the strength of Heracles to overcome such a beast along with the 11 other labors cowers in fear and releases Heracles from his duties counting this as the twelfth and final labor now you'd think that this would be the end of his story but this merely marked the beginning of Heracles his journey as an immortal demigod and Greece's greatest hero but still all throughout the rest of his life Hera despised his existence and eventually Heracles was killed by the very Hydra poison that he used to achieve so much and it was from the actions of his wives no less as he succumbs to the poison he builds his own pyre and lights himself on fire leaving his mortal body behind and rising to Olympus to be judged by Zeus the gods acknowledge his heroic feats and they make a seat for him at Olympus alongside the rest of them marking him as a god himself and that's the story of Heracles / Hercules an absolute unit that just kept doing task after task not knowing that it was his very birth that resulted in such things it's a shame that he was constantly tormented by Hera but if not for that he wouldn't be the hero that we all know today and now he's a berserker servant that fights in the Holy Grail war of course this summary of him and his 12 labors is just one of the many variants that can be told and there's still plenty more to his story but I think I've shared enough of the interesting stuff anyway next time we'll go over all his skills and abilities in fate to see just how strong he is in the Holy Grail war so as always thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed this type of anime content then you already know what to do so until next time Jack [Music]
Channel: AniNews
Views: 366,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aninews, fate stay night, fate heracles, fate Hercules, fate lore, heracles, Hercules, fate stay night berserker, fate beserker, beserker, berserker, heracles berserker, Hercules berserker, heracles vs Gilgamesh, berserker vs saber, fate stay night lore, fate lore berserker, fate lore heracles, fate heracles explained, heracles 12 labors, Hercules 12 labors, who is heracles, who is Hercules, heracles lore, fate servants, fate grand order, overlord, fgo heracles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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