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it's been a while since my last fade apocrypha video and quite a few of you have been asking for more so I figured now would be a good time to move on to the next servant on my list for some reason not many people were interested in ruler I don't know why since she's literally a saint but I figured I'd try my luck with the next best girl Mordred otherwise known as the saber of rent I was gonna combine her episode with the saber of blacks episode but I think her character is important enough to warrant her own video so just as I did in my other video explaining ruler which you should probably go watch by the way if you haven't I'm going to talk about who Mordred is what her past was and what her abilities and Noble phantasm are let's get started then but before we talk about Mordred herself I want to quickly go over the saber class in general since some of you guys may be a little bit new to the fate universe out of these seven servants there are three of them that are classified as Knights based on their weapon Sabre is the knight of the sword and is widely considered to be the most powerful of these seven servants because of their top performance in the past Holy Grail wars there are also very high requirements that must be met in order to be deemed as sabre class heroic spirit want a good example of who would be considered a good sabre class try Jon Snow I'm pretty sure that if he was in the Fate universe he'd be a top candidate anyway the conditions that must be met to become sabre are to have a legend based around you as a knight of the sword and have top skill ratings in all abilities except for magic though not proficient in the use of magic these sabre class generally has a very high magic resistance the sabre class also has the writing skill meaning that they can use any mount or vehicle listen.you fordable get in touch with HBO and make it happen please like he's perfect for this show now we can talk about Mordred her past wasn't really demonstrated very well in the anime and her origins are a little bit more complex than you may think so there were a lot of questions left unanswered after her whole flashback scene I doubt they'll show us any more but in case they do I guess I'm sorry for ruining it but from what we did see there's King Arthur her sister Morgan la Fey and Mordred a nice little dysfunctional family with Mordred being the unwanted child and Morgan and King Arthur being the parents you think I'm joking when they say that they're the parents but they actually are King Arthur the Sabre that we know from page zero is legitimately the father and Morgan is the to a mother this is some game of Thrones level incest that I'm throwing at you but Mordred was born for Morgan la Fey using King Arthur's DNA now you're probably more confused than before because that's not even physically possible well just know that there was some magic involved and Mordred as a humonculon born from that magic anyway words should aside since she was a homunculus her rate of growth was much faster than a normal human and during her growth Morgan repeatedly told her that it was her right to inherit the throne from her father but until that point she was supposed to just obey the Kings order and told told otherwise so Morgan admired the king and aspired to be a proper successor to the throne she even became a knight of the round table but when the time had finally come to reveal herself as the king's daughter Mordred was disregarded by Arthur and completely rejected as the rightful heir this ended up escalating into the war that we saw because the round table became split into those who would follow the king or rebel against her with Mordred and as we saw in the final moments with the Mordred and Arthur being the last ones in the battlefield Mordred gets killed by her father all while learning that she didn't receive the throne simply because she just wasn't fit to be the king it's a pretty tragic backstory but I guess most of the servants have won since they wouldn't be fighting in the Holy Grail war if they didn't have their regrets now for her abilities they're pretty standard for the saber class a big magic attack like Excalibur and a well-known sword to perform it but just like saber sword from fate/zero was concealed to hide her identity Mordred's helmet is a part of her noble phantasm that conceals her true name and abilities it's called the helm of hidden infidelity the secret of pedigree a fairly suiting name for this character I suppose and it's a magical helmet given to her by her mother Morgan it has the ability to hide information like name skill abilities and even gender from anyone including her own master her identity is only revealed when her helmet is taken off while her armor is still on meaning that if she were wearing regular clothing her identity would still be hidden from anyone else the only way that they concealment would break while with regular clothing is if she was to hold her weapon it's a fairly interesting set of armor that has a lot of conditions but seems pretty useful for maintaining important information secret Mordred also has a sword called clarin and it was stolen from King Arthur's armory during the rebel since the sword was stolen it's not nearly as strong as it should be because it's supposed to amplify the authority of the king but Mordred was never declared king or even successor so Clarence potential as a weapon is a lot more than what we actually see however the sword can be used to amplify Mordred's anti army attack which is essentially the same concept as Arthur's Excalibur noble phantasm by combining her magical energy with her sword she can instantly release a giant magical attack as we saw in episode 1 it's called clarin blood Arthur rebellion against my beautiful father and the sword basically channel's all of Mordred's hatred toward Arthur amplifies it and expels it as red lightning Mordred does not need to constantly have feelings of hatred to use the attack she can use it regardless of emotion during the holy grail war the only condition for using it is that her helmet must first be released before activation so other than superior swordmanship and a very aggressive battle style Mordred also possesses mana burst which is basically a release of built up magical energy in the body to perform a move of great speeder strength it's pretty much what happens when Deku uses one for all but that's pretty much all I've got for you on bait Apocrypha sabre of rent it only took about seven episodes but the show is finally picking up so hopefully we'll get to see a lot more action in the weeks to come anyway if you liked this series and made it to the end then let me know who you'd like me to cover next in the comments below as always thanks for watching and if you enjoyed this type of anomie content then you already know what to do so until next time ciao
Channel: AniNews
Views: 451,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fate apocrypha, fate apocrypha saber, saber of red, mordred, fate apocrypha anime, fate apocrypha mordred, who is mordred, who is saber of red, fate saber, king arthur's son, fate apocrypha explained, fate apocrypha servants, servants explained, great holy grail war, saber of red death, mordred death, mordred vs saber, mordred saber, what is saber, who is saber, saber explained, aninews, anime, anime explained
Id: gMe9F0NKB8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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