Who Was Iskandar? | Fate’s King of Conquerors EXPLAINED – FATE / ZERO Alexander The Great Lore

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allow me to tell you a story one of pure commitment dedication resolve and sometimes just straight up insanity no i'm not talking about the legendary king of conquerors but instead the person who spent the last year and a half making sure he got his own video i'm talking about the even more legendary delta lord if you've watched any of my past 98 videos then i'm sure you've caught a glimpse of a single reoccurring comment requesting a certain servant profile well after over 570 long-awaited days it's finally time to give delta what he's asked for so let's take a look at the story and laura behind a heroic spirit whose influence was so great that it spurred the creation of a completely new era let's begin contrary to what many of his legends will have you believe alexander iii wasn't actually the son of the greek god zeus no he was born in the year 356 bc to king philip ii and his fourth wife olympias in the ancient greek city of pella this was the administrative capital of the ancient kingdom of macedon of which king philip was the current ruler of so that being the case alexander was born next in line to be the ruler of the entire macedonian kingdom he was a prince who would go on to succeed his father in pretty much every way imaginable before that could happen though it was as a child that alexander could only bear witness to the numerous campaigns and conquests in which his father commanded he was left behind to study and learn as macedon continued expanding its reach all throughout the numerous city-states of greece although there wasn't much fighting for him to do this was still an extremely significant period that went towards making alexander who he was reason being that there were two key things that happened which ended up influencing his growth as a person the first was the taming of the horse bucephalies at the young age of 12 alexander showed incredible courage by subduing a seemingly aggressive stallion that no other person could even get close to this horse would then be given to him as reward and would serve as his battle companion for almost all his battles in the future the second was the fact that his father made sure his education was the very best it could be going so far as to hire none other than aristotle himself to become alexander's own personal tutor that's right one of the greatest philosophers to ever exist as well as one of the very first pioneers of science was now solely dedicated to teaching only him so with such a skilled teacher to educate him on all these different fields of knowledge alexander began to grow a personal interest in philosophy himself he also began to admire different cultures and defeats of science as well it was a passion towards the very sophistication of life that would eventually lead him to develop a set of morals different from the rulers before him what i mean is that there was a certain benevolence to his role that made his once defeated enemies feel the need to follow him it's an aspect of his character that we'll see once he becomes king a little bit later moving on to when he was 16 there was a brief period of time in which alexander was left in charge of macedonia his father had gone away to take part in the final battle that would complete his campaign into central greece so should he win then this would allow him to finally fulfill his dream of establishing a joint greek force that could hold its own against persia it was a very crucial conflict in which alexander knew he could use to prove himself that being the case alexander deemed it best to enter the fight as well so he gathered up a group of cavalry then proceeded to lead them into battle against an opponent known as the sacred band of thieves this was an elite group of deben soldiers who many thought to be invincible but that notion was quickly disproven once alexander got to them the instant his group of cavalry hid their formation there was nothing that these few hundred troops could do to defend themselves it was a decisive blow to the theban army that would later help king philip to secure his victory now with the majority of central greece now forced into submission a greek confederation known as the league of corinth was able to be established it was a single political entity under which all greek city-states except for smarter were unified an organization intended to be led by king philip and be used as a means to invade persia unfortunately for philip his position as leader didn't really last long as he was assassinated only two years after the league's creation this was the event that would allow alexander to succeed as both the ruler of macedonia and the commander of the league of corinth all while still only being at the young age of 20. that said the position of king didn't come without a little bit of preparation first there were certain steps that needed to be taken in order for alexander to consolidate his power the first was the execution of any person who could rival his spot for the throne and the second was the immediate suppression of any form of rebellion since news of king philip's death had spread across the country many of the greek city-states saw an opportunity to stage a revolt but the instant alexander heard of their plans he immediately set out with his armies to ensure that it didn't happen essentially quelling any type of uprising before it could even begin not only did this maintain the integrity of the league of corinth but it also allowed him to continue his father's conquest east into the persian empire thus marking the beginning of the establishment of one of the largest empires to ever exist now to recount every single battle during this conquest would take far too long i mean for a guy whose goal was to reach the farthest border to the east you can only imagine just how long that would take and how many battles he would have to fight especially given that his opponent was king darius iii and his seemingly infinite number of soldiers so rather than go through each one individually instead i'll just point out a few iconic moments the first of which came during alexander's journey up north to the city of gordian after claiming all the coastal cities in order to deny persia access to their naval bases alexander found himself met by a certain feat known as the unsolvable gordian knot this was a group of tightly entwined knots that once belonged to an ox-bolt cart of the former king of gordian because the cart was a significant part of how that person became king it was offered up to zeus as a sign of gratitude years would then pass as the cart remained kept deep within the royal gordian palace eventually resulting in the manifestation of a legend around it due to the predictions of an oracle what the oracle predicted was that whoever could unravel the knots would be destined to conquer all of asia it was a legend that alexander knew was meant for him so even though he couldn't figure out how to unravel the knot by hand slicing through it with his sword proved to be just as effective now not only did this grant him victory over the unsolvable challenge but it's also the part of his history that allows him to be able to use the gordius wheel as his chariot an aspect of his power that we'll look at more when we talk about his noble phantasms next video for now though let's move on to the battle of isis the year is 333 bc and alexander continues to conquer city after city after seeing that small fortified strongholds weren't doing anything to stop his advance king darius began to amass an army far larger than anything before it was a massive force led by himself consisting of over 100 thousand soldiers ten thousand of which were the elite heavy armed infantry known as the immortals so with alexander's army outnumbered by about sixty thousand what would determine victory here would be his positioning he needed to route his troops in a way that would make the most out of their superior battle experience it was an outlook to the battle that led alexander to commit to a massive charge straight down the inner right flank not because it was the weakest point in the persian formation but instead because it was the fastest way to get to darius you see if alexander could force darius to retreat then that would leave the rest of the army without any significant leadership it would cause the remaining forces to become disorganized which in turn would make the numbers advantage completely meaningless and just as you'd expect that's exactly what happened when darius saw alexander's armies approaching him he immediately retreated from the region without so much as stopping to even pick up his family resulting in the capture of his mother daughters and even wife so with such a decisive victory against what seemed to be such overwhelming odds this battle would go on to become one that would best highlight alexander's prowess as a military leader it was a feat that would help to establish his future motto of there is nothing impossible to him who will try a model that would eventually make alexander become known as the personification of possibilities itself anyway a lot of the battles after this didn't really compare and scale to the one at isis reason being that darius never did return to the field with another massive army instead he just attempted to make offers of peace all of which were met by rejection unless he was to declare alexander king of persia since that was never gonna happen though alexander simply continued his conquest deeper into syria and down towards egypt it was along the way that he was met by significant resistance at the heavily fortified island of tyre a key coastal location that would allow for the siege of egypt to be that much easier what made this particular battle so difficult though was that alexander didn't have any ships to properly approach the island with he was forced to retreat numerous times due to a lack of places to funnel his troops through only after putting together a massive fleet was he finally able to overwhelm them a few months after that a similar level of resistance was formed at the city of gaza but it was the instant that this stronghold was taken that alexander pretty much became ruler of egypt very little opposition came after as alexander traveled from city to city likely because the people saw him as some sort of liberator in any case king darius would try one more time in the air 331 bc to fend off the invading macedonian armies but just like the first the battle was yet another decisive victory for alexander so once again darius would find himself retreating further east towards the borders of his empire his initial plan was of course to gather as many troops as he could for another battle but this time darius would find himself betrayed by his very own soldiers with alexander's forces quickly approaching from the recently subjugated babylonia it was only a matter of time before they reached the persian capital of persepolis and to the persian troops who were constantly being pushed back from every subsequent loss it was now painfully clear that darius simply wasn't fit to lead them into battle so by the time alexander had finally caught up to darius's last known location he was saddened to see that his rival had been assassinated by a coup led by one of the persian governors a new enemy who now claimed that he was the true king of persia this had actually gone to make alexander furious because not only did it diminish his claim as the new ruler of the persian empire but it also went against everything that he wanted for darius you see alexander had hoped that he could take him alive he wanted the transition of power from darius to himself to be a peaceful one it was the only way to fully legitimize his claim to the throne and to truly appease the people of persia but now that this persian governor had taken that away from him all it did was make for yet another target that alexander had to eliminate the only thing that came for this new usurper was a relentless pursuit all across the continent it was such a persistent chase all throughout central asia that eventually the remaining persian troops simply decided it was best to just give up and hand bessus over at least that was a better outcome than having to continue running and even potentially flee their own homeland now it was after bessis's execution that alexander gained full control over persia what came with it though was the adoption of a persian lifestyle in which many of his macedonian comrades weren't very fond of they viewed alexander's actions as an attempt to deal by himself something that many who were closest to him thought to be disrespectful to their own culture as a result alexander had no choice but to lay off on the persian customs he was trying so hard to adopt i mean inner conflicts were escalating to the point where some of his generals were even plotting his assassination it made it so that the only way alexander was able to continue his conquest further east was by first executing every person remotely involved with them only after eliminating the source of his paranoia was he finally able to continue his campaign into india so in the year 327 bc alexander would begin a journey in which he would traverse all sorts of different terrains and encounter enemies unlike any he'd ever seen before yes the loss to his numbers were certainly great but never once did alexander's hopes ever diminish he was fully committed to reaching that eastern edge of the continent what did bring his dreams to a halt though was the increasing reluctance to fight from more and more of his soldiers remember some of these men had been fighting for almost a decade now so it only made sense that many just wanted to return home to their families and rest this wasn't a full-on revolt against their king but it was enough to convince alexander to cease his advance temporarily halting his campaign to the east around the year 325 bc now it was over the course of the next year that alexander would use his power to try and unite the people of persia and macedonia his goal was to establish a new race of people who would be loyal only to him the main issue with that though was that it involved trying to incorporate some of the persian culture in which the macedonians weren't very fond of resulting in the growth of a resentment similar to how it was only a few years ago we're not sure if this had any influence over the cause of his death but it was only a year later that alexander would suddenly fall ill and die some believe that it's because he was poisoned others simply think it was due to natural causes either way this legendary king of conquerors would pass away before ever getting to continuous conquest into the arabias his dream of reaching the ocean at the farthest border to the east would be cut short before ever even getting close to it what did remain of his legacy though was one of the largest empires to have ever existed as well as the establishment of a whole new era known as the hellenistic period unfortunately for alexander the kingdom he worked so hard to build wasn't destined to survive very long because no formal heir was ever named no one knew who the right person to succeed the throne was it is believed that alexander did say to leave it up to the strongest but i'm sure you can imagine how an open-ended statement like that would end up being treated so in the end alexander's empire would be split into three separate dynasties before eventually succumbing to the romans thus marking the end of the hellenistic period but yeah that's pretty much it for the history behind fate zeroes is kandar if you're interested in knowing about the details of his noble phantasms and abilities then be sure to subscribe for when that video comes out a little bit later now before i go i do want to mention that i've started streaming a little bit over at twitch so if you want to come and chat while i play a bunch of different video games then you can follow me at the twitch link down below anyway as always thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed this type of anime content then you already know what to do so until next time ciao
Channel: AniNews
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Keywords: iskandar, fate iskandar, iskandar fate, alexander the great fate, aninews, who is iskandar, who was iskandar, who is iskandar fate, fate zero iskandar, fate zero rider, fate zero lore, fate zero explained, fate zero anime, fate zero alexander, iskandar vs gilgamesh, fate explained, fate grand order, fate lore, fate series, fate series explained, story of iskandar, story of alexander the great, aninews fate, aninews explained, fate rider servant, fate stay night, servant
Id: Edzicp3aVu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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