How ARCHER Became Who He Is: Counter Guardian Emiya EXPLAINED - Fate/Stay Night Lore

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I really wanted to start this episode with some spectacular opening line because you know it's Shira lemmya fates poster boy himself he's in pretty much every variation and time line of the faith series and even when he's not he's still kind of is but for some reason I just couldn't think of anything quite fitting enough to introduce this absolute legend just to be clear though I'm not talking about this Shira I'm talking about this Cherie the fakir of archers the wrought iron hero be protector of Bounce but most importantly a hero of justice or is he [Music] I'm sure all of you are already very familiar with pre heroic spirits Shiro I mean he's the main character of the most popular fate anime so it's only natural that you're aware of who he is but you probably have so many questions regarding how he was even able to be summoned as a servant in the 5th Holy Grail war like what made him become a heroic spirit in the first place how does he die why does he want to kill his past self and so on and so forth so let's place ourselves at the end of the fifth Holy Grail where Charan saber have just destroyed the Holy Grail after winning the war together they part ways shortly after because Sherrill was unable to help saber fulfill her true wish so Shira goes to London with Riaan instead to study mage craft it's there he becomes obsessed with the idea of being a hero of Justice not like he wasn't already infatuated with the idea before but in order to realize his true potential he starts to work as a mages for hire but no matter what training and experience he got his abilities just were never at the point where he wanted them to be nevertheless he persisted even if it did mean fighting against corrupted entities similar to allamani who were far stronger than him he would simply retreat and try again a little later down the road Shiro is faced with a crisis where a hundred lives hang in the balance realizing that his current self would be unable to save them the world or more specifically Alya appears before Shiro offering him absolute power in exchange for his service as a counter Guardian after death but what even is Alya or this so-called counter guardian while Alya refers to the collective will of mankind to survive it's one of two components of the world along with Gaia which refers to the planets will to survive don't get the two confused though Alya only drives on the existence of humanity whereas Gaia will not hesitate to just kill all of mankind if the planet as a whole is at risk so these two supernatural entities that exist outside of space and time work together to make up what's called the counter force and the counter force is basically an instinctual reaction that prevents the destruction of the world by summoning super ope creatures or counter Guardians to restore balance how they restore balance though we'll get into that shortly now back to Shiro being presented with the ability to save everyone he doesn't hesitate to enter this conch with Alya as far as Shira was concerned not only would he be able to save those 100 people he would also be able to continue saving people after death as a Counter Guardian or so he thought anyway now with his newly gifted powers to essentially create miracles he's able to save countless lives and through that achieves enough fame to enter into the throne of heroes and be classified as a heroic spirit she rose final act as a human was bringing an end to a great war but somewhere along the way he was betrayed and he became branded as the root cause of it as such humanity being that forgiving creatures that they are turned their back on him and sentenced him to death it is in death that she rose new existence as a counter guardian begins all pumped up and ready to start saving people again Shiro quickly realizes that it's not at all what he was expecting it to be like although he did end up using his godlike powers to save humanity time and time again the method in which he did it was the complete opposite of everything he stood for you see when a liar realizes that humanity is entering a rabbit hole of destruction it will send a single agent to eliminate the threat and when I say eliminate I don't mean simply take out all those deemed to guilty by the world I mean kill everything and everyone that's remotely close to the area that he was sent to it's pretty much the world just saying [ __ ] it let's start over and just nuke this place and that's exactly what Shiro did he would save humanity from its own demise by killing again and again and again and as I said this wasn't just killing a guilty few the casualty count probably numbered in the millions each time that's only wild guess but considering that it's assumed the sinking of Atlantis was caused by Alya then a couple million might even be on the low side so Shiro spends eons as allies agent manifesting back on earth at different points in time to repeatedly witness and enact the very opposite of what he stood for eventually he just came to realize that his ideal was a lie and that carries agooo is right it's impossible to save everyone it's easier to just maintain a balance and save the majority at the cost of a few it just so happened that in Shiro's case the few were scaled to a much larger number but when compared to humanity as a whole it was still a small price to pay eventually sure became fed up with his existence as a cow for Guardian he essentially spent all eternity faced with the fact that no matter what he did he wouldn't ever be able to save everyone and this became a truly painful existence for him as such he devised a plan to free himself from his role as allies agent of death he saw an opening as a heroic spirit to be summoned as a servant during the fifth Holy Grail war that way if he was able to kill his past self before ever being able to form a contract with Alaia it would create a big enough time paradox that it would raise his existence as a counter guardian so as you already know he finally got his chance and was summoned as an archer in the 5th Holy Grail war and that puts us right back to the beginning of where we started from what I understand though the timeline we're sure becomes a counter guardian and the timeline bar heroic spirits Cheryl is summoned are two completely different universes there are alternate timelines representing two different potential futures for Shiro that way it doesn't end up becoming an infinite loop of Shiro always becoming a counter Guardian than regretting it and returning back to the fifth Holy Grail war to prevent it from happening which makes me wonder then who was rin servant in the timeline where Shiro does become the counter guardian because I don't think it would be heroic spirit Shiro otherwise they'd already be in an infinite loop if you're more familiar with how the time on their split then let me know in the comments below I'd love to know more about Sheroes timeline from before he was summoned indeed if delayed Grail would but yeah that's the legend of heroic spirit and counter Guardian Shiro amia in life he was betrayed time and time again by those he had trusted he only had his strong belief and ideals to go by but the world had other plans for him and in the end even those ended up a trainee resulting in his eternal desire to find a way to cease existence it's really quite the tragedy when you think about it but I guess that's what bates known for a few other important bits of information regarding Shiro during his time as a servant are the circumstances of his summoning and the lack of memories he has from his time as a human he's able to be summoned because throughout eternity he had kept the jewel that read news to save his life and this jewel just so happened to also be the catalyst that was used by Rhian at the time of the summoning once summoned though he claims that the only memory he recalls from his time alive was the summoning of saber and the day that he was saved by Clete sagu although he seems to also remember in after seeing her face but that's pretty much it if you're also wondering why she Rose complexion seems to have changed over time there's actually a reason for it apparently years and years of projection magic along with literally using his body as materials to produce these projections are what caused his skin to darken and his eyes and hair to white it turns out that the whole I am the bone of my sword thing it has some literal meaning behind it as for his alter appearance I have no idea don't ask me so that's pretty much all the essential information you need to understand the counter guardian turned heroic spirit Shiro amia is he stole a hero for justice I guess that depends on what your definition of justice is now this is normally where ads segue into his abilities and noble phantasms but I didn't quite realize how complex his unlimited blade works reality marble was so I'll make that into its own separate video that I promise will come out much sooner than you think I apologize for the recent influx of my hero academia content but I assure you a lot more explained videos are on the way both for fate and for overlord but as always thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed this type of anime content then you already know what to do so until next time ciao
Channel: AniNews
Views: 1,035,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aninews, fate stay night, shirou emiya fate, archer emiya, shirou emiya explained, archer shiro, fate/stay night, archer shirou emiya, archer fate, how did shirou become archer, fate stay night explained, fate stay night unlimited blade works, fate archer explained, shirou emiya, shiro emiya, emiya, shirou, heroic spirit emiya, servant emiya, servant shirou, heroic spirit shirou, shirou past, shirou legend, how shirou became archer, shiro emiya servant, fate lore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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