Aphmau Is DONE And Is QUITTING Minecraft!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Few-Candy-4750 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
is quitting minecraft what a prank goes too far i decide to put in minecraft forever but some of my friends are determined to find a way to stop me from quitting i finally got all the diamonds that i need to complete my project so it's a big project that i've been working on for like quite a long time if you look over here you'll see it i have a diamond archway around my doors oh everyone knows i have so many diamonds okay if i just do this and put all the diamonds here i can get the diamond block to finish up my archway look at that beautiful [Music] i was wondering what oh did you find all those diamonds by yourself yes i finally did it it took a long time but i finally did it oh nice nice but it seems a bit dangerous though would this attract pranksters to come steal your diamonds no way look if it does i have everything to defend them up oh well what if i did this then wow he's a real bad boy like us ian he's even better than us oh sure [Music] i've got a real chance to impress kc here pierce and ian said that if i blow up your house they would back me up okay you know what hey casey why don't we go try blowing up noy's house next huh you know just show me what other bad boy things you can do oh can i come on casey why don't we just go on a little uh jaunt you too have fun you why two do you mean my dear ass now yes of course it was zayn that did it not us you guys tricked him oh yeah and what are you gonna do about it leave the server yeah and then she'll probably just like log out for a few days then come running back what else he got oh oh yes you will i don't know but you guys are gonna be sorry when i figure it out [Laughter] i can't believe they've done that i can't believe they would even do such a thing this isn't fair i worked so hard to get all those diamonds they could have at least let me have them for a few days before pranking me how am i gonna get back at them wait they're right they know i'm going to log back on and i know i'm going to come back no matter what wait a minute what if i pretended to quit minecraft all together what would they think i think i can find out okay i think that's everything and i got my sign it becomes good and my house is ready no you're just as cool as we are i know it was so watery oh oh boy finally you look it up to us the coolest people on the server yeah anyway bad boy rip casey is gonna love it yeah yeah so so we just gotta figure out what to do next you're crying too loud over there excuse me zayn see what's what's up i'm just oh right over here putting all my stuff out yeah yeah yeah yeah oh it was so great you won't believe what happened casey was finally uh um i like what you did with your house it's very fun very outdoorsy very airy and refreshing cool yeah i'm ready to move in let's do it a quitting minecraft sale yes yes what is the meaning of this zane i'm quitting minecraft [Music] you liar you are quitting minecraft i am no you're not uh you aren't me how you know well it's simple it doesn't take a genius to figure this out i mean look guys she repaired her house from earlier no one who's quitting minecraft would fix yeah their yeah she's bluffing else could i have this couch it's really nice nope hey don't take them couch oh yeah you just have your house oh that's a lot to prove a point yeah destroy your house i guess that saves us time for later yeah cause you know what that's it i'm quitting my crap [Laughter] [Music] zayn it's not your fault yeah no definitely probably not you know what you're right yeah this is all your faults uh wait yeah definitely what am i saying you're okay hold on hold on hold on he's leaving yeah get back here wait hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on wait uh my brain just had to think okay i got something uh thank you quickly yeah wait hold on if she's quitting then why she saw your stuff huh i mean i can explode that too for a second let us make it up to you wait a minute what do you what do you mean what do you mean us yes us huh we're going to show her how magical minecraft can be that you will never want to quit half i don't know if i like this plan yeah no i i think i'm just going to go don't i'll explode you both from here to the end uh minecraft of minecraft [Music] okay tell you what just give us a day to give you reasoning not to quit minecraft okay hmm i mean i did make my decision already but fine i'll wait around but i don't have a place to live anymore oh that's easy i've got just the place for you this is your new home this is my house what are you doing here welcome make yourself at home it's so nice to have you it's just for the time being right all right i'm prepping something really special for you at my house just keep her happy if i hear her being sad even once ah yeah yeah i i i i get it with the sword and everything that's great that's great yeah well then make yourself at home casa de athmo oh i got a little banner thanks zane that is terrible color i heard that uh anyway yeah hey how's it going this is my house don't touch anything everything is exactly where it needs to be in here let me get rid of this wait hey no no what are you doing it's a purse ian you gotta clean up no no no no you can't clean up those are exactly where i want them to be i'm very precise in my mess this is your puppy oh my gosh oh yeah yeah that's robert uh you know he he's kind of a he's kind of a wild spirit there he's sitting now and he'll get up when he wants to he he doesn't really listen to anyone anyway you do you robert i'm just gonna come over here and do some stuff [Music] [Music] no little missy that is my bed you are going to sleep on the couch but i'm just a little girl and i'm tired but this is my widow's sweet spot so please get out i got out of the couch no i want to put out [Music] what are you doing what are you doing hey oh oh no no no no no no no it's fine it's fine um you're in trouble allergies you would better run robert it stop laughing by the time you get back here too bad vacant all right right this way and here we are cool trees what are we doing here uh also also why is noy here with us oh hi my surprise is gonna take some time but it's gonna be worth it in the meantime we are going to go back to the basics wait wait why didn't we come out here with nothing on us and seriously why is doy here we because we're going to see how minecraft is so beautiful from the beginning remember when you first get into minecraft what's the first thing you do punch your seat no no it's punching wood today we are going to punch a bunch of wood together like so ah there it is isn't it so nice to be out in nature just enjoying the natural wonder of things [Music] oh [Music] all i got is a lot of mutton and i got the [Music] want to put down the tnt and they she explained to you he's gone mad with power [Music] who started it oh it was definitely in pierce they totally started it you know usual [Music] get over here zayn i can't even chop wood in peace i'm just just gonna quit forever what no no no no no don't do that don't do that all right with the pears what what pierce sorry i was on the launch break now it's your turn to stop now from leaving minecraft since last time ian completely screwed it up what you did okay maybe i did look i need to go check up on my surprise pierce you keep aphmau entertain until i get back all right okay okay fine go check out your surprise but get hurry back okay i only got so much power for this kind of stuff all right don't worry f you're in good hands maybe yeah that he said i was i was good heads here's there's nothing you can do to make me change my mind uh hmm what could i do do you like button no i don't like smart okay okay uh yeah yeah uh oh i know i don't speaking of mutton hey hey you know what you know you know what everybody loves what cute animals right everybody see exactly yeah come on over here let's take a look at these these lovely creatures oh my gosh oh oh sorry sorry sorry you guys aren't familiar these are called sheep they're in minecraft no those aren't normal oh the face thing oh yeah yeah no i thought they'd be cuter that way cause i'm cute right i'm a cutie i'm the cutie of the cuties sheep normally by themselves right you're talking about cute animals my puppy's a cute one sorry i thought wait you guys don't like me is this what about how i'm finding this out is that you guys don't like me at all oh it's just why is your face on everything because my face is adorable it should be on all things it should be on dogs it should be on sheep action figures merchandise [Applause] is your face under the ground too i thought the ground would be cuter that way okay all right here we are gang what what are we doing here again listen after you can't quit minecraft because if you did who would do all the mining and crafting uh everyone not us sounds boring oh that that sounds really boring i mean you know they don't do work but look at this iron ore here it's just so perfect and just waiting to be crafted the iron is lame it's not cool like gold there's no gold anywhere here gold is so lame but the iron though there's so much potential why is this working [Music] no what did they do i'm not going i'm never going mining again all right and you're all set now my surprise will be ready for you tomorrow unless you just plan on staying in minecraft anyway hmm no i don't think i will okay that's fine it's fine tomorrow you'll see a surprise and you won't quit minecraft until then have a good night thanks because we'll see you dane you're gonna wish me good night here on the couch quiet you um you know what you know what i don't even i don't even care if you leave minecraft oh really yeah i wouldn't care at all you want to miss me one bit nope and you know what i'm gonna do everything i can to get rid of you starting with this what are you doing are you going to your prank room uh no i'm i'm i'm going in here um excuse me uh okay i don't really know why you're in [Music] nothing you know what fine you know what if you want to play like that how about i use this really get rid of me and see what he thinks there we go like that and then i use this remote to put this message up and see what happens wait she's gone i did it [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] what was that message because i thought it was the ed's fault it is crushing i saw the message where are you down is it really gone now but she'll be back she's just blind where are you no i am not the most of reading of words but i'm pretty sure it said forever you do we're forever really gone oh god it did say that i wasn't sure oh man she said foreign [Music] [Applause] punch yourself together man excuse me everyone deals with stress in their own way okay ah what a wonderful asthma free day you know what i'm in such a good mood i'm gonna go do some pranks [Music] let's see he's at his house oh gosh his face is still there oh hey pierce what are you like your new house hey hey stop it what are you what are you doing that's that's not very nice yeah no it's a prank well it's not a very good one how why would you hurt someone like that huh sorry just rabbit serious talk about this friend i i i don't know if we can be friends anymore after this just like that's that's really mean to do i'm really trying to work on something here and you're just messing me up yeah i i'm sorry i'll i'll i'll go so sorry to bother you yeah think about what you did maybe pierce is just in a bad mood uh someone else perfect noise a perfect prank uh oh and i've been wanting to try out this new prank and just do a little bit of this little bit of this little bit of this hey ian hey boy oh you don't mind if i just take someone from your house to you oh not at all yeah let's think of a plan oh okay i'll uh keep going oh breaking your windows oh yeah i was thinking about adding more all over the place oh you're a real good guy ian thank you so much [Music] oh by the way you want a cookie quick i needed another no another prank uh casey no she's oh she's probably on zayn's house zane perfect victim hey zayn what are you doing today i hope you don't mind if i wait hi ian what are you doing um i don't know i'm in kind of kind of kind of a rough place right now um time for games so get out of here this nothing's right everything's a stupid branch stupid minecraft it's it's not right if i can't have anyone to prank there was one person i could break one person who fell for all my pranks i even dished out our own pranks and now without ass val i can't believe i'm saying this oh what's the point of [Laughter] um minecraft me what are you doing out here never leave again fine i'm just gonna go rebuild my house wait no go go where go where rebuild my house i'm not gonna quit minecraft oh you're not no oh that's great um hey uh you want one of those cookies you stole one for me yeah i stole it totally didn't pick it up off the ground as i was running wait true [Music] is really annoying when you're not around seriously absolutely even more so than usual what okay so now that i'm back what do you guys want to do well your surprise is finally ready come on let's go whoa in your house and i like my thing with the place yeah it looks like he's dead in the basement oh this is so cute thank you guys so much you're welcome yeah she really likes insane yeah of course i totally knew about this oh i i i got a gift for you hold on yeah so much to us now thank you you guys means to me too oh don't worry guys i won't quit minecraft ever again minecraft oh my goodness now can somebody help me with this i have a present for you too oh ian really oh you really do yes it's the gift of pranks oh thank goodness
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 15,017,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau pranks her friends, aphmau is quitting, aphmau quits minecraft, aphmau quitting, aphmau quitting in minecraft, aphmau is quitting in minecraft, aphmau runs away in minecraft, aphmau running away, aphmau family friendly, no swearing, no cursing
Id: v54157VRPL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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