DOGDAY is SO SAD... (Cartoon Animation)

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[Music] Junior look out get out of the way honey M hey slow down you're heading right for go help [Music] me oh my God she's she's gone and it's all my fault no [Music] [Music] mama we're gathered here today to honor an amazing person we'll all miss her very very much she was a beloved wife mother and friend leaving behind a husband and a son though her end may have been tragic it resulted from an act of love it's it's my fault dog day would you like to say some words I would just like to say Miss dog day was the world's best wife and the world's best mother and now she's gone and it's all my fault why must she be Tak from us so soon why dog day let's get you some water I think you need a break I miss her so much jeez he's taking it pretty hard are you surprised Miss dog day was his own world you'd be taking it pretty hard too you're right I just hope he can start to feel a little better soon we just have to make sure we're here for his family yeah we can do that life without Miss dog day what's the point it's not worth taking care of ourselves anymore we survived off fast food while our house was developed into a mess day after day everything just felt empty what was the point no wife no mother our family was shattered and so were our lives it started to affect dog day junr [Music] too I wanted to be a better father but how how could I do it alone dog day Junior are you guys in there leave us alone I don't think that's a good idea dog day you've been alone long long enough dog day how could you let yourself go like this because it doesn't matter without her around we have nothing look at Junior he needs you come back to play cat you need to get out of the house and see people now fine if you w't help yourself I will do whatever you want I don't care bua it's catnap we could use some [Music] help catnap wasn't kidding we've got to help him but how H if everyone tries something different at least one thing has to work guys split up nothing like a homemade meal to help your soul H but I don't know how to operate much past the microwave oh maybe in here aha recipes from the Heart by Mrs dog day and this one's apparently dog day's favorite kibble [Music] cake all right let's see how it [Music] is I made your favorite kibble cake what it is she used to make this for me uh have some that'll tear you up I made it with love yuck she also used to make it way better this is disgusting oh man I miss her so much dang maybe Bubba's plan will work hey dog day I have a surprise for you is it my wife alive and well um not exactly oh huh what is this it's from your first anniversary I always felt bad about that uh-oh let's try the next one [Music] you love coffee honey we already have one of these and I drink tea I was a terrible listener I always let her down and I'll never be able to apologize turn this off jeez I think crafted corn is our last [Music] hope this ought to do it it won't beat the real thing but I think it's pretty close no I can't even look at that I can't think of her face do day you can't avoid it forever yes I can dog day you have to accept that she's gone never wo oh my gosh do day I'm so sorry you all need to stop you're only making it hurt more I know you want to help but you can't my life is over everywhere I look it's a reminder of her I just I can't do this [Music] anymore dog day what are you doing I'm leaving forever Junior and I are going to find a new place to live somewhere that doesn't make me think of her every second of every day it hurts too much catnap and you all aren't helping so scram get out of here and leave my family what's left of my family alone we did everything we could all there's left to do is pay our respects rest in peace Mrs dog day kup kup is that you it's like I can still hear her voice you can hear my voice I'm right here you're alive how did you survive that explosion I grabbed onto the cliff before the car hit the ground I've been stuck here for days you have to help me up Dog Day come quickly oh so now you're going to remind me of where my wife died gee thanks do day my darling and now you can imitate her voice no seriously look hey hey now I'm hallucinating this is all your fault you're not hallucinating I'm alive but she won't be for long if you don't help if you reach you might be able to grab her she's not real this is a ghost or something do day just do [Music] it honey you're alive I'm alive I'm back honey I'm so happy to see you we're together again [Music] don't worry it's okay kiddos I'm here and I'll keep you safe from no my puppies my puppies I need to protect them come back back dog day dog day wake up catap where are my puppies I I don't know they could have gone anywhere but you need to find your family before this whole place burns down will you help me I want to but no I'd have to help the other smiling Critters they're on your own from here wait you've got to be strong for your puppies dog day for all of us he's right I can do this but where do I even start looking I think I hear one of them hold on I'm coming hello puppies are you in here you're alive don't worry I'll save you somehow I just have to find a way to reach you quick use this hang on tight and I'll pull you to safety I'm so sorry I lost you earlier is there any chance you know where the others are they're stuck in a well but we don't have any Wells what are you talking about oh you're saying I should try to sniff them out good idea H it's faint but I think I picked something up she should be somewhere around here this place is extra dangerous if one of your siblings is down here I need to find them fast don't worry little one stay right there daddy's coming to get you great nothing like a fiery pit to keep you from your kids I have to get over it somehow I'm running out of time clim yes perfect all right hold on tight now two down one to go but I don't smell them anywhere where could they be you saw them they went upstairs but that's right in the middle of the factory we better find them before someone else [Music] does it looks like the explosion shook the factory up too I still can't smell them there must be too much fire and smoke now I need you two to help sniff as best as you can and let me know when we're nearby [Music] there that must be where your sibling went come on come on all right I have to use all the strength I've got body slam in three 2 [Music] 1 I did it guess I'm stronger than I thought huh it was you wow nice work not this again and no cords to swing from this time you're too small to form a human bridge with me and yep too big for me to jump there's got to be a way [Music] across wow great thinking pup you're growing up so fast the lab I have a bad feeling that he could be in there h I think I smell him kids would you mind helping me out again they're in there you can smell them that's amazing and horrible we have to get them out as soon as possible can you open the door again and let me in you two are getting extra treats and belly scratches later I'll tell you that don't worry little guy I'll break you out of there we're all together again I was so worried I was going to lose you guys my puppies wait a minute I know that laugh a are these your puppies they're pretty cute I'm sure they'd betch a high price or maybe they would they living in the pound let them go right now or I'll make you give them up myself H great argument but I don't think so well you asked for it stop right there what is that thing silly mut haven't you been wondering where all the explosions are coming from they've all been because of me I set up explosions all around play care including my most impressive invention the Dooms Day device once it goes off all of play will be nothing but a gaping crature swallowed whole By Flames so here's the deal you surrender these puppies and I won't set the machine off blowing up player and killing everyone you've ever loved I think they make great test subjects don't you never huh what did I just say puppies or play care what matters more to you h now you can't set off the machine your plan's done for you idiot that wasn't just the on switch the off switch was on there too what congratulations you've doomed us all they're there Papa's Got You Come on the remote may be broken but I've Got a Feeling we can still stop it I [Music] hope oh no I hope we aren't too late there it is maybe we can turn it off ourselves no myself I've already let you three Get In Harm's Way today I'm not risking it again pups if I die I promise catnap will take care of you I know you want to help but it's too dangerous for puppies I got to do this alone all right how's this work do I have to cut wires is there a big convenient off switch a a what is that not the right button this one it's got to be this then four buttons how am I supposed to use four buttons we're doomed [Music] huh you kids I should have known better than to think you'd just give up okay so I think what we need to do is press all the buttons at once everyone take position hurry 4 3 2 [Music] 1 french fries milkshakes toys it's all my wildest fantasies come true and of course how could I forget the best part chicken nuggies well what am I waiting for those Happy Meals aren't going to make themselves how the Glorious smells salt pepper grease excuse me young man would you happen to be our new trainee yes sir that's me my name is catnap excellent my name is uh Charles EO Charleston Charles EO Charleston huh beautiful name sir I'm ready to do anything you need someone who will take orders without question that's what I like to hear especially in Food Service here try this on for [Music] size wow my own uniform it's like a dream come true what do you need me to do first things first you're going to need to learn how to cook this is the freezer where we store all of our top quality ingredients anyway why don't you head on in and find us some nice Frozen Burgers to fry up I'll give you a friendly Tip since you're new all our best stuff is hidden way in the back thanks boss I'm on it have fun soon enough he'll be frozen into a find catsle and all my problems will be gone forever there sure is cold in here I better find those Burgers fast uh-oh I need to get out of here ASAP before I lose a finger I think this is it great time to ditch this place and warm back up over a nice toasty burger oh no he accidentally locked me in Mr Charleston can you hear me ah I can't stay in here much longer think catnap [Music] think oh did I accidentally lock you in there how silly of me I'll need to be more careful but now that we've got Burgers we can learn how to fry them up yes sir all right the most important step of flipping burgers other than the flipping is to make sure the grill is hot before you throw on the Patty as hot as humanly possible screaming hot that doesn't seem right I'm sorry are you the boss did I hire a burger expert and I didn't know it are you ronal McDonald yourself no sir then touch the [Music] grill a a oh no I can't imagine how that happened yeah seems like it's warmed up acceptable for now barely to work here you need to be a man of many talents cooking cleaning and of course taking orders someone's at the drive-thru my first customer I'm so excited yeah let me get uh one orang fry uh couple McDoubles ketchup only uh extra ketchup actually uh 20 piece McNuggets uh large Coke and um well you know let me get some apple slices as well I'm trying to be healthy you [Music] [Applause] know actually can I get some extra ketchup I really like to drown them in there of course a a is it time for my break how long do I get 1 minute Make It Count we get free food right all these smells are making me hungry of course in fact I made lunch for you already it's my own special recipe wow a secret menu item I'm so excited yes yes wow catnap that burger sure looks fancy do you mind if I try a bite sure no M yummy W looks like that Burger's got quite the kick hey newbie break's over I'm putting you on register Duty sure thing boss now remember no matter what happens you don't let anyone steal from the cash register all right if you do you're fired you can count on me sir hello gentlemen come to grab some grub on your way back to the factory what can I get for you all your money well I'm afraid I can't do that sir and why not it's stealing and I'll get fired what's was getting fired or getting shot H good question let me think hey go go Hur me please I wasn't going to shoot you this was all the CEO's idea what yeah the CEO he's the one one in the store no that's Charles EO Charleston wait a second c e o I can't believe he tricked me I was such a fool those weren't just simple accidents earlier they were traps he knew I couldn't resist my dream job I have to stop him right now come on out CEO the gig is up I know you're behind all of this catnap are you really doubting your wonderful boss I know you're the CEO now I'm not letting you get away with this you fool you've been working for me all day no idea I've been tricking you all along well unfortunately your shift is almost over as well as your life [Music] [Music] smiling Critters where are you H oh this is too heavy to move myself dog day dog day catnap what's happening somehow the factory caught on fire and I know Bubba Bobby and kicken chicken are trapped no we've got to save them them I'm trying here help me move this it's too heavy for just me ready 1 2 3 2 now what now we search but I have no idea where to start I do us dogs have a strong sense of smell that we can use to track anyone behind all the smoke I think I smell bobby bear hug this way Boby guys help me I'm stuck here don't worry Bobby we're going to come get you well hurry the Flames are getting bigger maybe I can leap over them and have no no canap what do we do we keep moving if we can't save Bobby from here maybe we can still save someone else I'll be back for you Bobby if you can hear me try and stay alive help get me out of here kicken chicken jump down I I can't I'm scared wait guys help I don't want to be right chicken we can still catch him I think it's too late dog day keep moving we have to find survivors you're right let me try to sniff out another one Bubba is somewhere nearby oh thank goodness you guys are here help me down buba you're about to fall in I know shoot I can't get through oh no no no baa there's no way he survived that and neither will we if we don't get out of here fast come on I can make it through here no you can't last time I checked you weren't fireproof watch me dog day help me ow I can't it's too hot I'll get you out somehow just give me a second hurry come on come on please be water yes [Music] there catnap are you okay we got to go back to home sweet home and get you taken care of I got you don't worry hey who are you get back here I'll deal with that later you're going to be okay catnap you just need to take it easy dog day we have to find the others oh on second thought you have to find the others I'm too weak I won't be able to help I don't know if I can do it alone and what if it's too late it looks like they got all burned up I have faith in our friends and I have faith in you dog day one more thing I saw some kind of shadowy figure down the hallway where all the Flames were do you think it had something to do with the fire [Music] I I'll find our friends catnap and then I'll uncover the truth I promise all right I just have to retrace my footsteps this is where we lost Bobby I bet I can move all the rubble now that everything's not on fire Bobby Bobby are you in here there's nobody either she made it out or she's a pile of Ash huh Bobby T how the heck did you survive I got to say I was pretty resourceful son of the rubble fell and put out the fire around me then I saw one left a hole in the floor here goes nothing I sealed myself off from the smoken fire and managed to survive and now you found me I knew you'd come back dog day of course but Bobby the others are still in danger go back to play care I'm going to look for Bubba and kicking chicken then find that mysterious stranger do you think the mysterious stranger has something to do with that huh what oh my God is that [Music] blood no it's sauce that's weird I better follow just to see kicking chicken are you aha arms tired can't hold on kicking chicken you're alive jump down no too scared I thanks I'm just glad you're alive go back to play care with Bobby I got to find Bubba in all this mess before it's too late and I know just where to go get me out of here Bubba d d hold on turns out falling in was a good thing this machine's fireproof inside it covered me from the flames in the smoke I'm so happy to see you but I need to find out who started this fire before they strike again go back to play care hey get back here did I lose him huh this is a strange place for the fire starter to hide what happened in here who's in here is it you I will find you and get my revenge aha get back here and face me [Music] [Music] hicky piggy did you start the fire it was an accident I swear well you better have a good explanation I do but well please don't be mad this better be good or else okay hey just listen I was looking for a snack but the school cafeteria was fresh out of food because you always eat it well yes but I was just so hungry so I snuck up to the factory kitchen where all the good people food is it was like a dream come true I didn't know where to start but I settled on a pizza but I was in a bit of a hurry 20 minutes at 400° that's way too [Music] long let's try 1 minute at 1,000° it was not my best idea should be ready in five 4 3 oh no oh no oh no oh no so yes I accidentally set the entire Factory on fired just because I was hungry I wanted to warn the others but the flame spread too fast and I was too scared to help pigy piggy I can't believe you do this I'm sorry I'm I'm so so sorry is everyone okay thankfully catnap is wounded but he should pull through after he finds out I saved our friends but you I'm ready you're going to pay for this what the what huh oh my God we need to get him to a hospital right away scapel nurse Hy scalpel stethoscope stethoscope we need to get him an x-ray stad Dr Bubba look at this it's radiation that bomb was nuclear but how did it get into play care there you are oh dog day no is he going to make it I'm afraid dog day only has 24 hours to live what no that can't possibly be true I'm afraid it is I need a second opinion thatat he's almost fully irradiated his insides are going to turn to Mush what well well there is one known cure but it's going to be impossible to get in 24 hours try me up in the mountains behind the factory there's a stone a stone with the power to absorb radiation but no one has seen it in years and there's no way you can make it to the mountain top in time that doesn't mean I can't try dog day you're going to be okay I swear on my life canot wait I'm coming with you it's too dangerous for you it's part of my oath as a nurse I have to do everything in my power to save dog day I'm coming plus you're going to need this all right let's do this for dog day Bubba underestimated the super speed of my sick ride my car no how did it just explode like that hoppy between the bomb and my car EXP exploding I have a feeling someone is plotting against us what could it be that's what I want to know but right now we can't lose any time saving dog day we'll have to go on foot come on ha there we go a nice clear path let's run K up help I'm stuck poppy H still I'll get you out sheesh that's one gnarly trap yeah I wonder what it was for I have a feeling I know huh I got [Music] you this is it gone it might just be toying with us but either way we need to move quickly we only have 10 hours left we're running out of time come on hoppy let's climb we'll save you dog day I hope they come back soon I'm Too Young To Die 10 more hours come on guys you have to save [Music] me come on catnap we got to move as long as we keep this pace we should make it in time oh no what's wrong it's basically straight up from here no Ledges or rocks to grab I'll have to dig in tight with my claws hold on okay I'll keep an eye on our time oh man only 7 hours left I hope we can make it turn up poy hold on tight it's so icy I can't all I wanted was to help and to be a good friend but I've just been a problem the entire time don't cry we can do this look up there we are so close I bet it's in there so close just a fail no if I could throw you upwards you can land on that ledge then hop up to the cave without you hit you up there on three 1 2 3 I did it that has to be it we might just make it back in time after all hoppy did you find it P your eyes good work now let's get out of here oh hello again 2 hours I can feel it Bubba Dr Bubba I need you bubba is that you why are you looking at me like that Poppy help hey funball over here we did it you did it hoppy you saved me but now it's time for us to save dog day we've only got 1 hour left it took us so long to get here how can we get back in time canap do you trust me of course poppy you're a genius wait look out W Bubba we got the stone wait Papa Papa was this you did you make that bomb let me go you didn't want us to save dog day after all why because I was trying out a new weapon you know something that could help us in a fight against the CEO or other bad guys and I was going to show everyone I was so proud but oh no no no no no no no no huh is [Music] that dog day was the only one who saw I had to get rid of him I couldn't let you save him Papa that's horrible you should have just said something I'm sorry okay catnap hoy I I got you you want something fast yes you want something Furious yes you want something that'll get you away from your boring daily life something that will allow you to go into the world make you feel free finally free for once in your pathetic life then you need the Turbo 3000 speed machine all of cars are garbage if the car salesman is saying it it must be true Turbo 3000 speed machine the newest advancement in Car Technology set yourself free I need it I need the [Music] freedom oh I uh don't have that much actually also available used for $1 one car coming right up it'll be here tomorrow finally I'll have some Freedom The Smiling CRS will be so impressed we can go to the mall the zoo Broadway oh I can't [Music] wait it's fast it's Furious and it will make me feel something for once my first car is going to be the best thing that's ever happened to me I swear uh what about your wife and kids they're cool too but may I present to you my brand new Turbo 3000 speed machine wao that's uh something else it's definitely a car that's so lame oh really I'd like to see your car kicking chicken all right you don't have one just look you won't be laughing in a second now just hold on hold on have you tried turning it off and on again I'm trying to turn it on right now give me a sec would [Music] you ah very cool katab very cool now let's see how this baby [Music] runs I think you're pressing the brakes shh it's my car not yours it just needs to warm up a little I'm I'm happy for you cat now dude I'd give up if I were you stop laughing look at the end of the day I'm the only one with a car [Music] here oh hey guys do you like my new ride where did you get that internet now that we've got some Freedom what do you say we take it for a spin who wants to go to the mall oh dog day it's so cool I want to see me too oh please me me me me sorry catnap I don't think there's room for you in here that's fine I don't need your help as you can see I have my own ride I can drive myself whatever you say last one there buys us all smoothies H I don't know if this is the right way great just great okay I'm smart I can fix this can't I okay can't fix that need some help no I'm fine you sure because I think your car has more Flames coming out of it than it's supposed to I said I'm fine I got to get back home somehow hey watch were you're driving no that's it dog day I am challenging you to a race and if I win I get your car you realize that's insane right there's no way that thing can beat me mine's just a little pre-loved fine and if I win you have to wash my car every day for the rest of forever deal [Music] now how do I make the car go faster I've got it that should help dog day won't know what hit [Music] him all right boys the challenge is to see who can make it all the way around the factory first piece of cake oh yeah what it's a about to be my cake I'm having a piece of great comeback where'd you get it the same trash pile you found that car in all righty on go 3 2 1 go this is just embarrassing oh come on do these Flames mean nothing to you huh it's happening I'm winning [Music] good try catnap make sure you vacuum out my seats when you detail my car got it maybe dog day is right this thing belongs in a dump don't give up catnap I think I know how to help you were riding with dog day earlier why would you help me because this new car thing has made him a jerk he was saying how much cooler than me he is now that he has a car he's the most ported smiling Critter now and when I told him he needs to take driving lessons he called me a nerd I mean you are do you want my help or not yes I do I'm adding rocket launchers Jets turtle shells turtle shells trust me on that one there we go it's going to be like grease lightning all I have to do now is get dog day to agree to another race with how much of a bragger he is now that won't be hard at all another race are you crazy I'm determined to win this time dog day and when I do I'm taking that car fine but when I win you have to be my servant for a year that's a risk I'm willing to take it'll be the same challenges last time to make it fair and square first one around the factory wins aka me woohoo dog day I love you dog day's car you could do it catnip 3 2 1 go huh how are you as fast as me that's not all watch [Music] this nice try [Music] [Music] [Music] El is where am I is this oh my God something horrible must have happened I I don't know how I got here oh wait the crash the ship we were on a few of the smiling Critters and I finally got a little vacation time I'll be right back guys don't have too much fun without me but something went wrong it must have been in the boiler room out of nowhere something exploded and the ship cracked in half guys are you okay can anyone hear me where are they where Hanna what's going on I don't know but it's going to be okay I tried to save them but kid up help us we were running out of time the ship was sinking fast hi I can't I don't know how don't let go I'm trying [Music] [Music] Hy I was able to save myself but I was alone they drowned and it's all my my thought now I'm stuck here I'm going to die too I'll drown or dehydrate or burn alive from the Sun or get eaten by a shark all right I've always been told when you get attacked by a shark to punch it in the nose it can't be that hard wait of course ha nice try mother nature but you're not killing me today I shouldn't have said that I hope this thing holds out I should stop talking oh what the well I'm grateful to be dry again and a lot less seasick is anyone here hello maybe Through the Jungle that's it there could be a village or a city on the other side anyone in here jungle people Mother Nature at it again let's keep going I'm going to need some water soon no way I'm not your juice box ow get away from me you little pests that's right fly away [Music] huh all that running took a lot out of me I'm going to need something to eat soon aha I prefer these with some cream but Beggars can't be choosers poison poison [Music] par hm that's strange you look familiar I can't bear to eat you how about I keep you around for a little while hoppy someone's got to fly by right they'll see it or maybe this isn't actually a deserted island maybe it's a survival challenge yes maybe soon a ship will pull up full of tough campers and contestants and will reveal this was a big fake out the whole time what do you think H good point I enjoy our talks canaps long day two instead of sitting and panicking about my situation like I did yesterday I'm now determined to become the ultimate outdoorsy Survivorman my first goal cut down a tree then I can have firewood and some materials to build a shelter it was a good try I can put a pin in that next I decided to Fashion some clothing protect myself from the elements a little I should have been more careful with my choice of material not again I just needed some brain food then I can focus up since I didn't eat hoppy I needed to find some other sustenance the edge of the Jungle I found it civilization here I come what it's empty it's all empty oh I'm doomed huh someone's cooking food there someone hey help [Music] me guys can up thank God you lived he's alive and just in time they're going to eat me let me go I can't believe you're all alive I'm so happy I not so fast you abandoned us not on purpose and that doesn't matter we all survived and we're all together now that may be true but there's one problem we're still stranded with no chance of getting back we had hope at first when we landed Bubba kept us all calm okay so we're on a deserted island but we are more than capable of surviving on our own there are four of us there's strength and numbers everyone take a job I'll work on brainstorming a way out I'll build a shelter I'll find food what should I do maybe try to find some others see if we're not alone here it seemed like a great idea at first but soon our social structure changed wo what's this wow what's that some kind of big shell it's cool that's a great idea we can use it to make announcements to the group well I found it first it's mine I'll be making all the announcements you know with catnap and dog day not here someone's got to run this island why not me happy you're acting strange oh maybe you're hungry where's piggy piggy what are you doing uh I uh uh found us food oh you'll be feeding us that's for sure get her I held the shell I was in control I am in control catnap I'm afraid you won't be joining us for our piggy piggy roast you see back at play care you're in charge but not anymore I am the catnap now I don't care about your weird desert island click I'm not letting you eat pigy piggy my show thank you so much uh uh uh but we should run the power of the shell it's gone what do we do now eat them both yeah uh-oh maybe the shell wasn't that big a deal after [Music] all honey oh thank goodness I had that put in your arm sweetheart oh you're here to save me to save all of us are the others here oh hey mrsy did you come to save us don't act all innocent now in fact I'm going to have a word with Mr light for trying to eat me you'll all have detention for a week oh man
Channel: GameToons
Views: 729,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cl3w7VCi_PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 15sec (3375 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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