The Psychology of One Piece: Luffy — Therapist Reacts!

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Pirates it's terrible yeah yeah I know right where's my face well only one way I'm going to get inside that base and is not on an empty stomach come on it's funny because when I first saw Luffy like I strongly disliked him cuz he was just so sacran sweet positive where you don't really take him seriously and I was like who's really that positive and like that happy and that b bouncy um and then eventually he really does grow on me but like I also think that part of the reason that I really hated Luffy sometimes the things you don't like in others is because you don't like it in you either I do really like my positivity but yeah sometimes it might be a little bit much to handle all the time more is better more is better you got to feed the brain the all right so I can't get inside the base for the gate maybe maybe maybe what if I get inside flying I can grab into a bird or something that's a terrible idea I love how much Luffy believes in himself and that like you can't you can do anything but sometimes you need to have those reality checks that maybe you can't do anything right the negative selft talk that we sometimes have is beneficial to us to be able to kind of keep keep us in check especially if we are too into ourselves our own ideas we can sometimes do too much too far and we kind of need someone to bring us back down to earth not on a bird wow good fighter Luffy has this ability to always be positive to see the good in it and for some of us we're more always seeing the negative which has certain certain benefits especially in times and areas of danger but it's interesting because he's in an area where there's lots of danger and he's showing that positivity also can sometimes be really effective but Luffy didn't start off this way when he was a child and younger he was actually really angry and frustrated and didn't have a lot of control over his emotions get out you're not welcome here you made a full L of shins you said something Brett you want to talk like a man you better be ready to back it up like a man so when he was young and especially being alone it makes a lot of sense that he was more Angry so he didn't start off being positive and you might be wondering is that even possible are you kind of born that way more negative more difficult versus more positive two things yes we are often born more inclined to see the good of things or more inclined to be a little bit more realistic or analytical but emotionality the way that we express things is a skill and so any skill if you practice enough you'll get better at so if you want to be more positive you practicing being positive which would be saying things always trying to look at things on the bright side and then actively doing that we'll have those neurons fired together which will strengthen up the areas of your brain that are more positive so if you are looking for more positivity and let's just say it positivity is beneficial for for your brain for your heart rate and for your stress levels cuz if you are looking at good things you are feeling better you are releasing happy neurotransmitters which make you feel more calm more secure and more motivated oh hey you're the guy from the bar get lost I am lost hey I saw the way you fight how did they even arrest you they didn't I gave myself up interesting Choice I'm sure you had your reasons it's like such a St like that's what people would think like huh like why in the world would you do that but he says it and shares it instead of just thinking things often we filter things because we are worried about what other people are going to think about what we think that they may judge us from our thoughts or that our thoughts are not eloquent enough or aren't intelligent enough and so because of that we kind of hold things really close at hand because of that fear of judgment but doesn't have any of that so he doesn't have to filter what he says nor do I think that it would be easy for him even if he wanted to you don't know anything about me I know that you protected that little girl from those Marines last night and it seems like Luffy is finding people that have that have other similar traits to him that want to do better that want to make a positive change and those are the ones that he wants to gather and bring him on the people that Inspire him in a certain way and he recognizes that in others you're a good guy and I think you should join my crew what makes you think I'd want to play pirates with you you're a great fighter I said that together we'd make a pretty good team I kill your kind for a living pirate Hunter you keep saying that but is that all you are that's such a good deep kind of therapeutic question like do you want to be more I can help you get that we have this alignment to want to do better and that's so ingrained in so many of us to want to make some sort of positive change in the world and have someone else that can see that in us and help Inspire us to be able to do that that's really wonderful to have that person in your corner that is cheering you on and that's what Luffy brings to the table is that all you want I made a promise to someone a long time ago to become the world's greatest swordsman impressive and he isn't just asking these questions as one of those kind of throwaways he pauses he waits he listens and he comments that's why Zoro was able to actually answer there's something that he probably wouldn't answer to many people because he wouldn't believe that they would care that authenticness of Luffy allowed him to be able to share one of his very deep emotional dreams and hopes one of these promises he's made to someone that means a lot to him and we can't often share especially someone with Zoro that's been betrayed and hurt and had to fight for a living it's really hard to open up to someone so often they're going to want to find someone that is emotionally intelligent that might be more empathic because they're going to care and actually listen there's no worse thing than sharing something that's deep to you and the other person kind of just blows it off or changes the subject immediately that can be exceptionally hurtful to us because when we share something we're offering someone a gift and if someone doesn't listen or digest that then that's really painful because it's like offering someone something and they're kind of just throwing it away so often then that will make us not want to share again in the future you can untie me but I'm still not going to join your crew okay zoro's setting like expectations right right away I mean it I don't owe you anything I just think it's a waste of time for you to be hanging out here there's something you want out there like he's like a Dream Maker he's someone that because he has this deep dream he understands and wants that for other people to be able to pursue their dream also and I think that's also really a lovely trait of Luffy that was amazing admited we do make a pretty good team we are not a team are those how you do that you know you're really good at Fink and a good talker too another really cool thing about Luffy is actually he's a really good leader he notices things about people that other people may not notice we get compliments for our most dominant trait the ones that people see and we hear that compliment over and over again so because of that it doesn't hold much weight to us but when people notice something about us that is not often said it actually sticks more it fires more neurons in our brains and makes us feel better it releases more dopamine and it also increases our Affinity to that person when we feel truly seen and Luffy is really good at that but he says it in a genuine way where I used to see him as sacr now I really do see him as genuine positive and thoughtful and that makes him a good leader because people want to be under someone else that will inspire greater things of them and I think he does that exceptionally well you should think about joining my Pirates crew let's get one thing straight I hate Pirates hate them that's because you don't know me yet the cool part also is that he takes everything even insults in such stride like nothing kind of gets him down he has this endless energy of positivity that can't be dampened out now the cool thing is that emotions are contagious so often we talk about like if you're hanging around with someone that's kind of like the soul sucker like like you can hear that noise when they enter the room that's all the happiness being like sucked in and destroyed like they're like a black hole of like darkness and negativity BFF is the opposite he's this light that shines brighter than any other light he actually will have this residual effect on everyone else around him to make them start to feel more positive more inspired that they can do things also and it's wonderful to have that kind of person to be around maybe not all the time if they're on a th% that can be a little bit exhausting but to have someone that inspires you that's positive that's looks at your ideas and cares about what you care about it's really important to pay attention to who you want to hang [Music] around so that's where it goes it's just cute the way that he reacts with different scenes this childlike wonder which some of us lose but and because we look at it and we see it as infantile or less than and where we look at things that are analytical there's also a magic at looking things in its Simplicity and being able to give compliments where they are do no matter who even though you might feel like you should be on someone else's side even when someone else that's like the bad guy on the show like Luffy still gives like compliments and wants to make people better than who they are wo [Music] gum gum whip yeah all great Fighters call out their finishing moves no they don't you know like he sees things and wants to be like it but he actually doesn't there's something really nice about being able to not question like he has zero social anxiety you can tell he has no social anxiety he thinks something he just doesn't he definitely doesn't have that prefrontal cortex kind of questioning or filtering out what what he says when he thinks something it just comes out which sometimes maybe he shouldn't be saying everything that he says but it's also really refreshing cuz you know how he feels about you and you know what he's thinking at any point in time or at least most of the time oh man you said it I'm not going to be hungry for a week should we order dessert that reminds me we should do a toast come on grab your glasses to the best Cru s on the sea and to victory yeah no I'm sorry what victory exactly when you have that kind of positivity even when you've worked so hard on being jaded you can see Zoro with that Ry little tiny smile of them actually learning to trust and care about each other so when you hang around with someone positive yes that positivity may just rub off in you and you might find yourself smiling at things that you wouldn't naturally be smiling at it allows us to lower those defenses because we're safe in this environment and there's someone someone else that's testing out the water of being emotionally open and exuberant and that feels good there are so many positive effects to being more positive getting rid of that negative selft talk about yourself about the world around you can lower your stress lower your blood pressure and let you live a happier life so hopefully you have a Luffy or your Luffy in your life you can let me know what your thoughts are on one piece and Luffy in the comments below and Hope hopefully I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Georgia Dow
Views: 50,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: psychology, psychotherapy, therapy, self help, life coach, psychotherapist, self improvement
Id: t2DpeynLa_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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