NON One Piece Fan REACT to One Piece Ep 2 & Ep 1062 | ONE PIECE ZORO VS KING REACTION

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what's up everybody welcome back to another video here on the channel if it's your first time here I'm Juju and I'm Morgan I don't know if I'm going to be excited or just not excited cuz I might be confused for this video again once again once again so to give you a background um some requested and we will deliver to you deliver it to you um we will be watching episode 2 and 162 of One Piece so as um far as we know and a lot has been asking for this that you know they re um sheer react to the Zoro episodes oh so for this one Zoro is going to be the highlight yes so episode two is maybe where we first meet Zoro in one piece and then 1062 is like the latest um episode that Zoro is focused on oh okay if I remember right I don't remember much actually from the first from our reaction from episode one and uh 1 something yeah 1 yeah that's like a we that's like weeks ago we only posted it like um two weeks ago but we recorded that yeah we recorded that like around July I think around July was it yeah so yeah I think so around July or August I don't know so um hold your horses calm down guys cuz if you watch her jitu kaon videos this girl like is known for forgetting a lot of infos but I might learn guys watch me grow Watch Me Whip watch me name we'll see so yeah I actually remember oh yeah now I remember that from the episode one the last scene was zoro's bandana head oh yeah so yeah okay so okay that makes sense this is going to be Zoro Focus okay should I yeah you should be ready so um yeah uh I don't know what's going to happen with her reactions I mean that's the whole point of this right so we will be like yeah we will be introducing zoro's character not really introducing but giving her a glimpse of what will she be expecting of zoro's character if we finally get to start one piece and thank you we would like to say thank you to those who are pushing for her to react to episode 2 and 1062 I don't I'm not really sure if um we we already um posted it but she already reacted to 115 as well so probably we will be releasing that first before this reaction we'll see we'll see but yeah I guess a lot of you are been like um are fuming hopefully not because there um I cut it or I didn't show you show her a part of 2015 so yeah okay this is getting uh this intro is getting bit a bit long so yeah we will be diving right in we shall Dive Right In woo right now episode two of One Piece wait this is Kobe yeah Luffy of course oh yeah they they went out from what's her name Alida yeah okay where' they get the boat they got it like from Alva's ship too oh there we go I guess one of the Escape boats [Music] okay thirsty damn for real man I mean I'm going to like train her to not look at the title episodes or the title cards I already read the episodes the title from the first and yeah the first it's okay Navy Base City oh Marine wait is Navy and Marine the same in this yeah almost yep the Marines okay oh the Marines yo the the oh my goodness so he's trying to meet Zoro yeah oh see I mean what was it called like a beast scary Beast a demon yeah a demon it's giving Voldemort the name shall not be named he shall not be named the sour the background sound is so nostalgic oh yeah Oh Captain Mor I already know Morgan I think in the live action yeah yeah the what's his name axan axan there we go [Music] why are they afraid oh yeah they were also afraid of Captain actually you can like start like comparing the live action here now wait yeah Captain Morgan wasn't really feared maybe he's or mentioned as feared I don't know just from the Pirates perspective yeah and Kobe is like more I know what you can see that he he's excited because he's at a navy base right yeah but like in the live action he's not oh yeah oh yeah how come okay that was pretty easy easy for him to locate right oh so this is this location is different from the live action too I think way it looks if you anti those oh wait Kobe didn't come with Luffy in the live AC there's a lot of comparisons I'm sorry guys that's o o o soundtrack Zoro soundtrack yeah that's the soundtrack oh what you mean soundtrack oh the guitar the shredding guitar oh you heard that in the last um episode in episode one oh yeah when yeah they show Zoro Kobe even a girl could do what you couldn't come [Music] on oh I love that we fell silent I love that we fell silent I'm sorry I was really I was looking for I know what hell hell you can do this I'm not going to say anything help no help [Music] a I'm still laughing at his hair I'm so sorry oh oh no a little girl bro you you can't kill her it's a Kidd daddy what's the name of Sofia again I mean of his voice actor huh May she's really good she he she she he she she's a girl oh yeah I admire her oh no bro yeated the girl that's so sweet of Luffy I mean it's very Luffy but it's very soet the guy couldn't the guy couldn't get hurt oh my God I mean wouldn't get hurt with just that you're about to have your ass kick brother oh my bad some spit came out uhhuh oh you will [Music] sir oh yeah I mean I knew it that fast quick yep speed Luffy being Luffy [Music] hey see did you see like the red in his eyes veins the [Music] veins I'm so sorry I actually fell in love with Zoro jit in this episode like the back the background song helped come on that's so [Music] cute like yeah like the shim sparkling sound sparkling thing in our place oh my God I'm so sorry was too loud hel close [Music] enough so rude he is I hate his face I hate his face more in this anime yeah I look like a wolf actually yeah wait did hel Meo and live action also have like butchin the CL chin thing he almost had them but he has like right he has a strong chin in the live action I love zoro's I love zoro's voice actor like oh yeah better shut up Sir you know what now I'm going to say that for later dude damn like even though this is in the '90s I don't mind D see shut up bro you can't even stand the sound track it feels familiar the soundtrack I mean it's noic maybe probably like um you've heard the similar tone from other animes yeah probably then can't the anime that I heard this from but it it do it's been 3 weeks yeah if I remember right like here it should be 4 weeks oh I'm sorry I must have missed that shut up man you're not even that attractive you're not attractive at all [Music] God wait that's noty that was lucky they're really destined to be together oh did you see that can you can I'm going to B I'm sorry I died holy [ __ ] that that that art style so even before you know Luffy meant business Oh I thought there was this is this is a flashback my bad no this is not a flashback see look boom so even then they already did like this type of changes in animations yeah God damn see that intense even though that this is the '90s it's not as intense on what going to happen or like what you saw in 171 remember the art styles like the brush strokes and something it's good actually you'll see the intensity here right like considering that Luffy is so like happy at always but he had like a really serious face here I'm sorry I can I can only compare him to uh inyi from the live action okay so seeing this he really he's aggravated like Luffy is so aggravated I'm sorry I paused in the middle of a sentence I was reading okay and I feel like here in the anime you'll feel Luffy's intensity more than the live action cuz in like in the live action he's like more easygoing yeah I feel like he's more how do you say this spontaneous here yeah like especially how he how his emotions switch up from like different things honestly like he's okay he's like happy and then like switch up to like immediately mad or something yeah which is okay because that's Injustice reasonable coming C their water he's more pathetic here than the live action well he is also pathetic in the live action though yeah oh I have the bumpers what I hate the the bumpers is like like you have you already have like a snippet on who's going to join the crew oh but I don't think they showed those in the first episode I mean I don't remember I don't remember to actually oh flashback oh this early I I don't remember this because we got um Zoro I'm sorry sorry it's okay cuz we got zoro's like flashback in the live action when they were in um ka's Place yeah the Mansion yeah bro dreaming hear him again I'd be surprised too this bro be giv invites luy really lucky he was right I feel like zoro's lucky too for me he's lucky too Zoro yeah that's the spirit that's having a goal for sure H oh yeah I remember the scene for the live action oh yeah he doesn't know how freaking crazy Luffy is yet yeah no idea that's the first time he saw it and I feel like in the anime Zoro has more emotion like everyone is trying to put up the statue is he blonde too I I I really can see the resemblance between he is [Music] him oh my God hey that's why the reason he has the steel thing in his chin trying to hide the butt chin oh maybe maybe okay than that this is what I was actually expecting in the live action too something crazy like this yeah yeah like doing like destroying the that's pretty see oh he did destroy it okay I thought he just grabbed onto it or something that was cut in half well not cut but destroyed in half oh maybe this is foreshadowing maybe that's how he's going to get killed yeah see how like see how different it is from the live action mhm like really different this is way more comedic really the live action funny like for example wait I'm going to pause like listen listen to the background music listen see it's like intense and menacing the music but it's still funny see yeah I feel like that's the continuation of the soundtrack from Zoro earlier no no no that's a different one it's a different one oh n you forgot you forgot another one bro how come no one's noticed her sound like she could hide on anything there I mean they are busy with another thing okay talk see he's easy to talk to yada he looks so ugly I'm sorry but he does he used used bro as a human [Applause] shield and see like Kobe didn't help them like in the live action yeah oh yeah I loved how um Kobe and Zoro had like something to talk about or like their interaction here in the anime cuz if I remember right there's nothing like this in the live action like the first and last oh no it's like the last time that Zoro saw Kobe was before they left when he when Kobe punched hel mea in the live action right and then immediately parted way see I love how Kobe is like you know determined already here yeah sorry we're comparing the live action to the anime the live action was really good but the anime like the anime is so you know it you it makes you feel a lot more oh the I forgot the name again I think you called that something before I forgot the white one woni yes I've heard that before from you I mean they um I I think they mentioned that in the live action too oh they did I think so yeah okay that's where I must have caught that cool what do you mean cool Lone Wolf oh yeah I remember that part true see like Zoro in the live action isn't that like intense see he doesn't show emotion like that I mean I love mcken I love mcken you know what compared to the live action Zoro and the anime has more lines expresses more yeah exactly I at the live action Zoro was written to be like a cool and mm- mean that could cater to the public I guess to the masses CU not everyone gets this cuz it's ridiculous yeah bro those those bullets just became you know black pearls from the uh Boba yeah that's the second time that we saw Zoro react like that yeah yeah episode one I mean the title oh that's it yeah that's episode two wow okay you didn't expect that yeah I thought there was going to be more like a fight scene finally cuz L's there zoro's there the whole episode Zoro was like hung just hung um hung up and for how many weeks again three three that's three weeks already and I feel like they he should could be he was supposed to be like um just crucified there for 4 weeks if I remember right I don't know I don't remember but yeah we will be rewatching this anyway so we will have to like note down the the things oh my God they have to make a mental no there's going to be a lot oh yeah most comparison yeah but you know how do you think what do you think about Zoro Zoro just like it there there just like what we said earlier there are a lot well not a lot maybe a lot I don't I can't really tell but there are differences in from this anim in this episode I don't know for the latest one he's going to have any changes in his behavior or something but in this one he's still not bent yeah he's he's still not bent on being Luffy's subordinate right yeah he's a lone wolf she's um weirded out by Luffy as a that's a normal reaction I guess but for for a character like Zoro to still be shooked is is that a thing by his personality and how he handles things and compared to the live action Zoro as we said as I said um he is more expressive more emotions yeah I didn't actually notice the I'm sorry maybe I was just focusing on makeno a lot in the live action you were sing a lot on mcken yeah my bad but who can blame us it's mcken he he did good there's no action scenes yet I mean aside from pointing swords so I don't know if the live action mirrors the anime Zoro nicely we'll see we'll see in this episode this recent one yeah so we will be reacting to episode 1062 since um episode numbers are a mouthful since Morgan is talking about actually this is really funny and what like timely since Morgan said that she was expecting um more action from Zoro in episode 2 I think we'll be getting a lot more action in 1062 I hope so and if feel like I think like people um saying that he's like a demon in a oh yeah man too mhm uh in a man's body I think you should take note of that too for 1062 oh okay so that's something to like really um look forward to in my opinion yeah cuz I haven't yeah I haven't seen the demon the only demon part that I saw in the second episode was the eyes were R right yeah yeah so yeah but we saw we just saw that when he was you know he was described by Kobe not exactly like in the interaction between them I don't know but we can see but you can see definitely that Zoro is a good guy especially when the little girl you know oh yeah uh when the little girl made him the rice balls the rice balls and then Helo just you know but still he ate it and asked Luffy to get it I think there was a similar scene in the live action but I I don't know remember yes yes yes in the bar in the bar it was in the bar oh it was in the bar oh yeah there are a there really were a lot of changes in there but I could understand it so yeah so we will be diving right into 1062 always had goatee no there so they really did oh the detailing there we go can you pause on that one I noticed this from the last video that I reacted to like his his eye has a scar and he can't open it I don't know if that's a technique or something but oh my God I just noticed the the Bro the chest what do you mean Bo oh my bad my bad my bad oh my God the chest and the neck the details okay you can continue it thank you so much is this fan service or maybe I mean it's fan service for me because I really love the animated Zoro anyway yeah is it just for this scene or his new costume is really listen half naked I have I don't know if it's because of the how do you say this the I forgot what I was gonna say my mind is still on his boobs go chess oop sorry okay kaidan final boss the dragon I think o oh my God want to see Zoro in action right bro was the fire coming out from his [Music] sword oh my God oh my God oh my God it's it's just like the the an whoa the the anime changed from the episode two from Luffy oh yeah like one one two one I don't know oo leveled up to the max [Music] o oh so his voice also sounds really different from this well not not really but different too I mean of course they they up damn the eyes are different now F and for those like all for those years like all those years pro for me they improved a lot yeah the eyes are different now dude look at the animation see like look look how smooth it was see damn but it's still the same studio right yeah look o damn I love the green fire is that oh and the sound effects true I was also trying to figure out where that sound effect was from it I really feel like a lot of things are familiar for my ears okay I'm going to pause remember like how this is just like randomly like I thought randomly okay remember like if you like if you already watched Star Wars every time that the saber lightsaber hit it's something like that I feel like it's like like simar like similar to that yeah finally okay I just scratched that from my head oh bro oh he's hot oh my gosh he's both hot and cold Zoro God that's why I love him in the anime too his body is bigger sing the sage I cannot stop okay they're like talking about the I his opponent oh okay that's why I have no idea idea what they were talking about flaming Wings bro killed them wait I thought they were on his side oh God oh God our boy is buff a man not boy our man I am expect oh my God that I it's really different than this e this guy is also hot to be honest this girl be sing on unable characters I mean what is this this is me the battle of the face of the body well look oh damn again with the sounds that's a different sound but it's also familiar okay dude oh let's go oh The Sound king be looking hot why is he alone though they separated oh yeah like remember in 10:15 they were like they were in different places no like in 1015 when they were like in front of um uh the two emperors no like in 1015 you just watched that oh the girl and the guy yeah oh okay after that they kind of like went separate ways taking on the people they need to take out wait can you pause on that one his sword is green now that was the aura that you saw earlier no like the blade oh so he still has why do I one yeah the white one I was familiar with with the closeup earlier oh well I can tell you about the recent swords so they I mean he will have more swords or no just just change change swords oh okay yeah but he won't this is the fight of you know fight for their Captain's Pride uh-huh super saian again bro ma'am there's a lot of anime who does that yeah but that's the only thing that I know like you watch my her oh my God animation wait why is it purple though huh that's do when I think of zor I think of green but that's new that's a pretty color too actually [ __ ] me the silence oh I like this the framing a cute what's that sake oh oh is that juice alcohol oh Sak okay never mind a king of hell is he the king of hell oh no it's just a style thing there's a lot of bumps on his body I'm sorry you are worthy dude the eyes Sho I love it okay the animation look how smooth it is shoot the slowmo yeah we need is that I like that frame good job dude look oh he's bigger yeah he is so he's like a giant or something not really ooh okay we see you King dude look at like the art style it definitely changed again see his eyes too I really love how one piece does it like they change from art style to art style just to like you know um yeah see our all changed again I love how they do this is he a demon now like literally a demon feels like he's summoning powers from the underworld something our man be buff as F oh yeah there's veins too what the heck if mcken doesn't get this buff for the live action if every already buff he's already buff oh he needs to get bigger bro the expectations are high he's already big actually oh my God and I like how he still has his bandana I don't know if that's the same bandana yeah I think that's the same bandana damn did you see how fast was that actually no that's here go you put it back dude like instantly just go look I okay like a speed of light or something I always look at his sword cuz the colors are really nice the great oh o wait don't tell me you didn't get CAU by that that was strong he's wearing heels okay slay a lot of characters in The like in history are like wearing too like not really characters I mean like in the people M I don't know that was like really high heels yeah fin your defeat ooh wait did he turn into fire that was so cool art style changes I love it see mhm it's like every frame you can put it as a wallpaper oh yeah told you this is really an HD how the [ __ ] did they do that this is Cinematic see look at the Colors oh I like the colors I don't know what to say I really like the colors and how it's animated and stuff yeah it's not see damn what our style change again the detail the shadowing oh my God oh my gosh he's angry oh wait he also has one the one with I think they has same scar as doy or something I don't know that Goro you mean no no the guy M King yeah Zoro gave him that earlier right remember he got it like in the middle scar but then it it's already a maybe BL I don't know see I think that's blood not really the cut oh God how is he still standing damn the breathing oh wait wait wait can you can you turn it back again in this part it feels like it's a 3D I don't know a CG something cuz the wind is different on his jacket and then oh my God he blew up King blew up like dude look at that damn look I don't think so bro he's part of the protagonist team dude see that that that a whole ass star God damnit okay bro what's the plan that is amazing what's the plan Zoro that is amazing [Music] [ __ ] D see that it's smoother now this is one of the best fights they both look like stars so cool damn son look at that what's the plan bro what's the plan dude look at that I cannot it's like a freaking fireworks going down and destroying everything okay let's go Zoro I was actually looking for the green light finally what the [ __ ] overwhelming [Music] frak just running dude this is movie level this is movie level see look at that what the hell I love how like um a Japanese soundtrack is playing see mhm like what what is that is that flute or something you think so dude look at Zoro holy [ __ ] oh finally I was waiting for the green star I was I was worried 103 mercies I was worried that green light is small oh he's he also has purple stuff dude this fight is crazy you wanted action you wanted Zoro action right damn this is way too much action oh my gosh I love it I think this would be really better to watch in a dark room oh yeah because of the lights oh my God you can't do that because recording yeah fudge he's like damn look at that the [ __ ] and another world was made is it the Big Bang in action what's happening oh he's dead I hope oh he did bro he did oh oh King was really his name or he is a king yeah Joy boy I think that's the second time that you heard yeah but I have no idea what it is you'll see you'll know about a legend is a legend I don't wish for anything anymore I love his character design guy though yeah I love King's character design to be honest must remain strongest he's look he looks so good King right I like his hair I like his heels I like his um armor his leather I don't know his wings the skin color suits him too you know what he could pass for a protagonist for me actually for a [Laughter] realass oh my God oh my God oh my God oh no [Music] y I can't wait for us to watch this in like anime like it's it's it it's different in the anime and like in the Life acting live action so he still hasn't beaten mihawk in this part You' got to be kidding me I mean did you catch king of Hell he's already did you catch that yeah look at that Oh I thought he's already I shall become but you said you want to be king of I no not King but at least he's dreams are you know bigger now king of Hell thought he just wanted to me I think he means if to be to be able to achieve that and help my Captain's dream come true I'll be king of hell if needed something like that dude look at that he's not even done yet what the [Music] [ __ ] they announced it oh my god oh that's a cool that's a cool I don't know Ender ending that's so cool this is the first time I've seen them do that I think okay so after that uh let me tell you that this is one of the most like not really most but this is one of the highest rating episodes of one piece I believe you I believe you I was about to say well yeah I was about to say that this was more action pack than the what is it again the 1762 oh 171 yeah that one with the with Luffy's because like7 71 is just a reveal on what Luffy's um what Luffy can do aing yeah something like that but this is oh my God bro I I understand like this is like there's a lot of moments that I I really didn't say anything I was really just watching cuz I enjoyed the colors the animation changes the visuals the sounds even I mean I'm not that focused on music I don't focus on music a lot so I mean but in this one it's really perfect I don't know I can't I can't describe it nicely it's like it's drawing you more to what you're watching I really I really can't uh move my eyes away from the screen on this one and I really wanted to watch this on a dark room cuz oh I really love the lights they're neony but not harsh on the eyes if that makes sense cuz most of the um how you say this most of the anime maze it's not like I watched a lot but when I see colors that bright on the screen I don't like it so I prefer watching on daylight but on this one oh my God bro it's like it's better if it's like in a dark room where you can enjoy it more and Zoro oh my God Zoro that's how you introduce a character actually yeah yes oh my God zor I think been through yeah like if you think about it when he was introduced he's mysterious like yeah he is mysterious he's just cool you don't know what to expect from him and then only um I don't only fights for himself yeah Lone Wolf and what else he's a sweet guy when he ate the rice bowl there is softness and Nic in him he soft guy when needed to be yeah but I think it's also funny the the way he interacted with Luffy well I expected that I mean from the live action experience that I had but in the anime they they're more funny like the duo of them yeah and they not they're not even that friends in this episode in the episode two and then when I compare the Zoro from episode two to episode I really hate how mouthful the episode numbers are2 1062 okay I'm going to 1062 Zoro is really passionate when te uh when he describes luy or like how when he I don't how do you say that when he protects his um captains like Pride rep yes Pride reputation or like he's really eager is not an enough word to say what he's doing in the name of the future king of the Pirates and actually I just realized now that kaido wanted to be king of the Pirates so is that a spoiler I think that was a spoiler I think everyone that wants to like find the one piece oh I actually didn't know that kaido wanted the one piece so okay so that that makes sense why they really fought and kaido's really strong the boss level type but I like how you said that Zoro wanted to be or is ready prepared to become the king of hell just to uh assist support I don't know to Stronger something making luy the king of the king of the Pirates because like you remember um they made a promise that Luffy said that I wouldn't want anything less because what it takes to be king of the Pirates is one of my men should be the greatest swordsman oh really something like that I feel I remember I I think I do maybe it's just different from my memory but I think I remember that he said he only wants the best from his screw yeah something like am I right yeah okay I might I might be misinterpreted so basically like Luffy is whatever your goal is that would make that would make me the king of the pirate something like that yeah that's what I interpret from yeah something like that like what his crew wants I mean he his goals the most of it he want he just wants everyone to have I mean to achieve their I I feel like I need more intense adjectives to describe what they really want but yeah their dreams and goals I don't know he it doesn't expect less oh wait I I was uh steering away from Zoro okay back to Zoro Zoro in this one the animation I don't know I you know what was on my mind earlier when I noticed the scar I was like how did he get this what it happen yeah but more than that I also keep thinking that they must have taken their time drawing the other eye cuz that was the only I that they needed to animate and it was really good cuz I was also always Su the intensity the intensity the shading I don't know how to call it it's it's 3D is I don't know cuz the animation in this one is different I always I I always sound like I'm rambling whenever I explain it's more smoother yeah like I said last episode I not not not last episode but like I said in our one episode 1 and 1071 the animation in the latest episodes are more crisp are more in likeis crisp smooth mhm and I don't know my oh my goodness it's more cinematic yes that's what I said earlier yeah yes it has TGI but some what it doesn't like it doesn't feel like CGI is honestly yeah it falls smoothly with the feel of the scenes how do I it's really hard they really improved a lot good job is it toi the toway animation that's stud good job guys I been 20 years 20 more than 20 years animating um also starting to wonder about what [ __ ] Zoro had to go through to Dream from world's greatest swordsman to being also prepared to become the king of hell like what the [ __ ] is happening in the plot now what's their H yeah that's for you to find out so I think it's yeah I think we are we are getting there guys we are getting there so if you like the video please drop a up it's all your fault drop a like drop a comment what else do you think we should show her but please don't don't fret because for um for sure soon enough we will be starting a one piece here on the Channel watch out for that yes please please do watch out for that and feel like we should now see we're getting there I'm like now she's like more you know she's not a fan yet of course cuz she doesn't know anything but she is getting more and more and more interested and I'm just helping her out to not be intimidated by the episodes because you know it takes time we don't need to rush we need you know why why take time you know to get you know to get a feel of what's going to happen to take note on what we need to know mhm and get back to you know what I have a phone right I have Tik Tok I have other Social Media stuff because we're talking about one piece and this is filming I think my phone hears what we talk about and a lot of content social media shows anime I mean shows one piece spoilers and I can't I can't read it you have to block that I have but I am really curious I don't know if that's reverse psychology or something watch something really I something that really makes me want to know what what was that content about especially I think I saw is it oh forgot i f i for already forgot his name but there was this one guy that I saw and I was really curious oh my God told you she forgets a lot oh my God okay anyway anyway but yeah um there you have it let us know what you what else you want us to watch is there anything else that we should watch before we start the anime I mean yeah like I said don't fret we will be starting it soon but we're just um we're just finding a schedule and you know like figuring out how are we going to release and like schedule the shoot it's pretty hard for us especially that I have like I said I have um a full-time job that I'll be like I'm doing and she's a full-time student for now I mean of course she's almost done hopefully she graduates like sooner yeah uh let us know in the comments like yeah give us a thumbs up as well and yeah don't forget to uh subscribe it will definitely help us out and help the channel out and don't forget to click on the on the notification Bell sorry I tongue twisted to not miss out on any of our videos don't forget to follow our socials spread good Juju and have more Shenanigans yeah that's it we will be seeing you on our next video or reaction bye goodbye see
Channel: anijews
Views: 69,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime reaction, anime, reaction channel, best reactions, best anime reaction, one piece, one piece reaction
Id: OBzyLm3tR1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 0sec (3420 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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