we're in love with everyone?? - Watching One Piece for the First Time - S01E01

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hello everyone welcome back to another reaction and it's been a while that we've reacted on this channel but today we're going to be watching One Piece the live action not the anime sorry guys if you love the anime I get it we just don't have the time for a thousand episodes I've never watched it I've been told it's amazing but it's just a thousand episodes long it's one of those shows I'm saving for if I'm in the hospital for two months and you know now I have time to dedicate to it um but I look at this one piece live action as sort of the like watching the movie version instead of reading the book weirdly enough the anime is the book so she's always been trying to get me to read Harry Potter and of course I've seen the movies and I like the movies but uh that's kind of what this is the anime equivalent so I've heard it's good though so I think it supposedly does it justice is that you yeah I I would say that we uh if it if we didn't hear good things we wouldn't have done it we would have just watched the anime but we're dipping our toes in yeah and hey maybe we love this show so much I'm like well you know what time to watch anime so yeah so I think it's time that we get started maybe we say do you know anything about one piece I what is one why is it called One Piece do you know I actually don't I think I know that so that be fun to find out but I do know main character is Luffy he has a hat not Luffy I know enough I know enough that it's not Luffy I said that once to someone they punched me in the face and it's kind of just like uh Adventure Pirates I believe the one piece is relates to like the one treasure piece that they try to find it has a bunch of power in sort of anime style it's the it's the one thing but that's all I know I don't know another character's name so we're going into this blind in the Thousand episodes so far they haven't found one piece I I saw people on Twitter saying that that's all I know so my information's from Twitter so it could also be wrong but um cool let's get into it I am excited it uh does look good so yeah let's get going filled with hundreds of islands strewn across vast Seas so like five episodes per Island for too long villains and Mis have S 22 years that does look like Florence I think it's going to be like pirate of the week type stuff you know like monster of the week I imagine something like that I like the sty yeah something it's to it oh that guy's a main character star he's got main character sideburns got check burs yeah I found everything this world has to offer except for the one fre your take to the Seas my treasure is yours to find ah okay is that is that the one [Applause] pie well you knew that was going to happen that that guy looked like he was Modern what was that he looked like a hype beast that's what no one knows what the one piece is it's just Willy Wonka now right find the golden tickets those look like peacekeepers like from The Hunger Games oh dang holding on oh you had to get one last laugh CH the world part of this looks like the 1500s and part of it looks like the '90s like it's weird Race Across The Seas to find the pirate King's hidden treasure the one [Music] piece that's a good intro yeah so far all right we're ready not exactly calling because I pretty much can't swim yeah but you get the idea find the one piece and become king of the [Music] virus he should know how to swim though and a bird what is that a main character what is so what did you say is that CG are you with me incredibly good looking feathers wow that's already impressive that's a very good-looking I think fake Bird that's n budget yeah I think they put a lot of money into this show they didn't want to make anyone mad oh okay he's good he's good do you think you could sleep in a barrel no I think be kind of nice although it's like one of those sensory deprivation Chambers people pay a lot of money oh who's the heart the heart gang I thought that was uh what's his name William felicy Hoffman's husband H Macy William H Macy looks like him William I Macy yeah to the face to well William I mace to the face who's the most powerful pirate on the SC yes is this blonde high schooler like is this college credit yeah a marine biology didn't think it was going to be like this thieves and murderers not the pirate sign though was that a tooth no that was the thing I was like what was that Luffy's nice yeah I think he's generally well loved by people is that baby Luffy must be the worst game of tic tac toe I've ever seen sh I love a good pirate music soundtrack I was wondering when you'd pop up our favorite street urchin come to welcome us back Aladdin I'm not an urchin I'm a pirate I'm not joking I am and I'll show you it's funny cuz he has like a graphic tea that's what I'm thinking it's like it's weird mixing of style I like it it's obviously like an alternate Earth thing so it's different Universe than we live in so they pull out a GPS there's no reason they couldn't have had a shirt like that back then I'm not afraid of getting hurt that guy had like a puffer jacket on this kind North Face what oh he's G himself a scar perfect I was going to say you can get a scar from anything not just the SE okay he's on the chaotic side chaotic good I think he's chaotic good he seems nice it's all about being chaotic nothing's is he Aaron to sleep even have to paint her toenails oh that's ridiculous call HR toxic toxic workplace very toxic workplace which way is nor oh my God chaotic okay yeah let me hit the loudest thing I possibly can you're too scrawny to be Roo Zoro I'm monkey yeah his name is monkey I think it's kind of a Journey to the West thing I think I could be totally wrong but See The Monkey King I think it might be something powerful pirate on the sea if naal nonsense is something you wish who's the most powerful pirate on the SE SpongeBob he has the glasses feeling right you're as dumb as a SE cow I didn't he a good fighter oh I do know he has powers so that's why I think he's talking all this crap no okay I remember something El I think his arms are stretchy the trailer yeah yeah yeah yeah okay cuz I'm like otherwise I'd be screaming right now I want to know how he got them that's all I want to what do other people have what kind of a monster are you the stretchy kind going to see this this is what happens when you're mean to people you get what you give okay how can he lose to anyone what if he dries out I've heard of this yeah ooh is gum gum pistol the name of his mve yes CU I bet all his moves are crazy is it like water breathing oh yeah how they have to announce it oh who this this is some cool got fire in the eyes setting the mood yeah I say oh he's about to take a bath now we are interested in your un print yeah like business cards if they were that serious they should have sent someone better than number seven oh got him wow I really love the camera work yeah it's great of it's just it's very interesting it's not just just static or too shaky who turn off the candles except for the two he lit I feel like this guy this actor came in knowing some uh Sword Play oh Darth malom okay so he's good at so why does he have three swords I got two swords does he have a third hand come out how did you stretch like that yes explain is it like one punch man I stretch every morning I touch my toes my ship already has an anchor I'm not an anchor is that an egg again we think of things differently am like a steel hang gr it it's a fruit Palm no I don't know oh oh no survival instincts oh gross oh you ate that and turned stretchy okay kind of looks kind of good what do we oh look at that neon sign yes it's the neon party oh what a waste why didn't you kick his ass not everything can be solved with violence a man needs to be strong he also needs to be oh he's going to die soon I just know yeah also Luffy wakes up at 99 yeah did he know what the fruit did I I wonder if that guy knows you ate the fruit of stretchiness or whatever I mean is there a side effect oh that doesn't sound good okay M was the gumgum fruit it turned my body into rubber gumgum oh oh no thank you we are going somewhere there's probably other devil for time do you think that's the one piece and he ate it already no there's no way that's why they haven't found it in a thousand episodes guess there is one thing but man where did they find this guy he's so good want to protect people that we can't protect themselves well you got to learn how to protect yourself first oh this is the only other character I I know of oh it's like I forget it starts with an n i they'll say her name soon she's good right yeah you're in luck sweetheart we all the help you'll need the crew was attacked by pirate oh she's Faking It Right mhm that's like when I pretend not to speak English yeah what you got there something to share right I have oh I like her stripey sauce oh my God what about his checkered sleeves well it's on him so kind of ruins it is it Nami I think I think that's that boat looks familiar I feel like that's that's their boat it's like the logo yeah I think so what meus ti oh okay feels on the water yeah oh God what in the cult of personality 5 million or 5,000 5 million I think Kobe's my favorite so far no Luffy is this guy's cool too yeah oh jeez that's what he uses to use the car pool Lane yeah they're all meeting up all of our main characters too tall Too Short too bald no what stupid stupid I was about to say this person has bad bad person hair I don't know why my God Draco Maloy attitude Potter oh this is literally draco's intro scene right so nice Potter poter okay so Love's cool yeah she the girl this is like your boyfriend and then the man that your girl says not to worry about yeah a Shad Marine with a bad haircut he's a Marine oh yeah this guy's my favorite yeah he would I mean I yeah you know me yeah this guy knows Marshal art com they didn't teach him that stuff oh he's so cool oh okay she's cool the game too father will my father this is Draco Mal this is Stiffler Maloy doesn't leave much time for playing dress up he's almost too cool yeah what's his flaw he's got three earrings one for each sword and what's with the thir sword yeah all right good I'm glad other people were talking about it does he have a third arm it's the biggest plot hole I've seen so far and I don't know if I could watch the ver show there are going to be good Marines and bad Marines too yeah you'll be one of the good ones a oh I like Luffy I was like why don't you like Luffy the most no what I like them all I just I just relate to him the most I also like things to be neat and I'm afraid of fights I'm working on that so he's going to be able to fit into places huh until he gets there beautiful morning isn't it he walks like a little [ __ ] why you'll be the one begging sensual this actor is amazing I hate him fits her perfectly that's why she was like Too Tall yeah yeah oh hey you're the guy from the bar hey I saw the way you Bight how did they even arrest you how they catch him will the easiest to Pates so he's Monkey King yeah feel like Luffy helps everyone achieve their dreams to become the world's greatest swordsman who's better I just think it's a waste of time for you to be hanging out here there's something you want out there I love him look at his sweet face is this why everyone loves one piece cuz everyone's so likeable oh yeah I know except for little [ __ ] man all maps pertaining to the Grand line are kept under loocking K's private office that's good information oh where this thing come from do you think that guy gets knocked out again by her that's the second time now is that like my cabbages yeah my head is going that sleeveless uniform look oh I would have would never guess is that Margot Robbie looks like Mar no oh how dare you assault Margo Robbie like that leave that out oh my God oh my God well this is the lifted truck of the one piece world I mean she's best worst I hate Marines I feel like L Luffy doesn't have to like be smart cuz he's just this invincible Gumby man that's why he can be chaotic yeah that was amazing ADM it we do make a pretty good team I was about to say they're a good team cuz she seems smart and and then you know he's got Str he's got the Charisma he does have like Immaculate Vibes was that bird from the beginning I know why was it wearing a hat bird okay so we got The Swordsman we got the like the girl you're G to get like girl I mean in any group and then you're G to have a big dude right do we need a big dude when we have I don't think it doesn't I think there's a big dude that's Com when we have three swords you no no what's his name no he's not the big dude I forget I I'll have to yeah remember his name bigs what is that a snail yeah oh it is a just a snail his Vibes are just so great life hands things to him what's going on here I'm trying not to like him but look at his pants this guy I just love bold choices no think after the other Thief an idiot pirate trying to steal a m I'm like is he super strong man he's that strong what oh my God here we go where's Rono whereever is I'll get it I'll get it right I see it one more time Zoro call him Zoro the sword fighter which makes sense like these longer take shots there he is I love everyone oh my oh that's sick that was sick can't you that drunk from the bar the Imposter the pirate Hunter and the Prisoner and the bird well does the bird ever come back cool what then why is your son so stupid is he going to reveal third sword what oh thought he's about to blindfold himself oh he looks cool oh he's going to do two in one hand and one in the other okay here we go this is like Cloud his mouth oh it's us right now wow this cast is great find some rope or something he is a rope oh my God maybe they don't need a big dude I thought the big dude he's the dude he's the dude yeah but he's kind of like the look at him he's the skill guy you know wow I think there's still going to be a big dude that uses his strength well he said he needs 10 men so yeah we'll get there three is not enough for this for a thousand I'm just thinking like it was a thousand episodes of the real stuff so the Marines are here already WR with his I won't dang he didn't even move I might even get a medal or something you can just buy one of those Cody Kobe Kobe yeah I'm not coming with you Kobe this where the Marines are I forgot about that okay I'm going to do what I want to do okay Kobe okay he'll come back these two are like I don't care let's just go we might be enies oh yeah they'll meet again was this the Fire Nation Oh that's the business card oh they're phones what look what technology is this change a plan m a map to the Grand line has been stolen by a pirate in a straw he got called a pirate yep he's wanted huh okay oh clown one I saw him on the wall earlier 15 mil 15 million this is like Titans it's a 15 M Titan yeah I'm going to get it back no matter who I have to kill okay J Leto this is like yeah I was to say this is like the best Joker since I mean he he play Joker that was so good that was fun that was it was a really good pilot because you got the feel of the world like how they had screen print te's yeah and snail phones yeah it's whatever like universes are colliding here yeah snail phone it's weird and I love it I like how like I was going to say during the uh watching of it I like the character design you have like a guy with like a metal jaw you got the dude with like green hair you got a girl with orange like everyone is super unque different yeah I also it was a really really really good introduction to all of the characters I'm like I got a good feel of everyone well it's an hour episode I'm glad it was not like a 20 or 30 minute episode that's why you get you know benefit of being on Netflix directed Netflix they don't have to abide by traditional 20 minutes with commercials or whatever I imagine everyone who likes the anime likes this or not you know most people I know about every I mean you know everyone meaning most people cuz like I've just I heard cuz because I know one piece is such an iconic anime MH when I heard that people who love one piece liked this show yeah not doesn't even they don't even need to love it but the fact that they liked it enjoyed it and are recommending it to people I was like it must be at least good it's not like Avatar the Avatar movie yeah that one you're like even people who I I I remember seeing that movie and I had never watched a show at that point and I was like this movie is garage yeah we can talk about that that's that's the awful I mean so one thing I want to know and you guys who write in the comments is how many episodes was this I imagine Netflix is not going to do a thousand episodes like 10 per season at a time that would obviously we never get to the end so I want to know how much did cover in this one I'm imagining it was multiple episodes this couldn't have been the pilot for the anime I mean we got three four characters you know coming into one okay KOB well Kobe Nami and Zoro yeah yeah so and plus you dealt with like the alv character you dealt with the Captain Morgan which is just silly yeah it's just uh it's just silly the show is silly I love how how all of our main take seriously I love how all of our main characters are likable mhm you know we don't have like the okay we're going to hope for a Redemption art for them yeah like everyone is likable in their own way too yeah they're all unique yeah yeah they're all very unique well we'll be making uh we'll be watching the entire Series so hopefully we see you guys uh with us for the entire journey and uh yeah this is a great one so we're forward to it yeah be fun all right guys we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Studio Beaming
Views: 46,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece
Id: NsVTrZtbOp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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