ORIGIN of the CAMERAMAN... (Cartoon Animation)

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oh yes yes where is he I know you're in here somewhere oh cameraman cameraman come out and play there you are I knew I'd find you here do you have any idea how much pain you've put me through today it all ends today I get my revenge say hello to my new friend skippity do you like him I do because I learned his mysterious blue screen at a paralyzing effect on toilets just like you oh don't worry now buddy it'll all be okay I'll see you soon very soon comfortable it's no use one of my guards would just flush you before you'd be able to escape I'm sorry it has to be this way I just had to find a way to talk to you you needed to finally know the truth about how I became the way I am now and for me to take responsibility for what I did to you all those years ago you see back in my school days I was a bit unruly I guess you could say I was a bully I my anger and used it to torment everyone in my sight but do you know who my favorite Target was you you were constantly getting praised for your musical talents everyone loved that stupid little song of yours yes yes and at some point I guess it started to tick me off and as that jealousy swirled into side me I became inspired to make my very first movie a horror film hey guys watch this even as I entered that bathroom I knew what I was about to do was wrong I didn't care I just wanted to wipe the smile off your face and now let me say this once and for all so you know I mean it what I did to you that day was awful it was heinous one might even call it unforgivable when I showed the other students my footage it ruined your entire reputation I didn't care though I loved the attention I was getting both in school and online I was finally somebody you had to switch schools and I had to as well because eventually the principal found out and had me expelled I'll never forget when my father picked me up from school that day he was so ashamed of me I lived with the shame of my actions for many many years after that but lucky for me my passion for my art would eventually put me back on the right path I grew up and found success as a big shot Hollywood cinematographer people all over the world wanted to work movies were a hit and cut that's a wrap everyone great work I was living my dream life everything had worked out in my favor but apparently my old friend from school wasn't as fortunate I couldn't believe it there you were after all these years and now you were a plumber what what happened to all that musical Talent all that potential I couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible so I decided I'd try to make amends foreign T it was an awful idea but I guess I thought it'd be a great way to make up for things me toilet it was just like the high school days but this time I was gonna hand you over all the money I made from my latest film as a token of kindness now is going to film your reaction on camera oh no what have I done don't worry I'll get you out of there I did the only thing I could think of flush the toilet you disappeared it was like you were eating by the toilet bowl and then when your head popped back up something about you had changed [Music] yes yes one you were a monster so I ran for my life you chased me all over the city bathroom to bathroom toilet to toilet destroying everything in your path no please stop foreign [Music] tormented you added more and more to your porcelain Army you have completely changed and I realized that maybe I was right all along there was an evil lurking inside him from the get-go you had become a menace to society starting a full-blown Revolution after that I did the only thing I've ever known how to document it all on camera I was going to expose you for the monster you were but that's when you and your minions finally caught me swallow me whole way [Music] I found myself swimming in a giant pool of water and there was my camera floating right beside me that's when things got even stranger in my life forever changed what what did you do to me my my camera it's replaced my head what have you done I gave you a swirly just like the one you gave me all those years ago and now look at you you're a freak even more so than the rest of us he was right I was a freak this is what I had always deserved no one was going to want to work with me now my career was over in an instant so I ran away I hid myself in my movie set for weeks but of course as a big wig Hollywood director it was only a matter of time before someone came looking for me hello is anybody in here hello where's my favorite cameraman at huh I know you're hiding in here somewhere I want to hurt you I just want to talk a little business hello what what happened to you an accident and a happy one at that what what's going on you stay away from me oh but I thought you wanted to talk business with me maybe pitch me your latest project try to get me back behind the lens yo you're a freak I thought the same thing at first but then I saw this for what it really is a gift you see now I'm always behind the lens now I'm always filming and you you're in luck because you're going to help me make my best movie yet from there I started to build myself an army of camera people the spread was Unstoppable but I didn't only want cameras no a good movie needs sound too in screens for them to play on soon my soldiers were everywhere my movie was being filmed from a thousand different angles and you know what the title of my movie was going to be done with the stupidity toilets and that's why I set all this up that's why I did all of this because today I and the scourge that is skippity toilet today I end the horror I created all those years ago but before I do any of that I just wanted to look you in the eyes and tell you from the bottom of my heart I'm sorry you didn't deserve any of this this was my fault from the very beginning I should have never given you that swirly but now I have to end this Goodbye old friend my hands you bit my hand ah no get back here stop him stop him no don't let him Escape he can't leave here Alive come on almost there almost there there's an exit oh I don't think so mark my word skibety toilet one day I will end your kind one day I will flush every last one of you I'm till then old friend until then foreign
Channel: GameToons
Views: 2,622,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JfrVJzxgWq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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