Preston and I FOUND The Man From The Window

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today we are going to be finding out who the man from the window really is with the help of my husband preston hello brianna i will be your host today in surviving this insane game oh my god oh she's so tired it's sad also it's like absolutely pitch black it looks like death outside oh this is oh what was that what the [ __ ] is that why did the little one scare me mama what a name junior junior that's cute the man from the book is going to get me oh no i don't want to say don't open that scene put that book down that is so good is that a schwa what is that i don't like this there's something really creepy about this the fact that there's a book about the fourth hell of prophecy of somebody coming in the house to kill them why is the lamp on the floor like i really need this information it's a table lamp okay mama rabbit wants him to give the book here the man will walk and then he will lurch the place under the mirror is where he will search so do not under the mirrors the man is in his element doing what he does best next he will look under the place where you often rest the man has no use for trinket or token he will now check under the place where the bread is broken the man indeed is very very bold soon he will check inside the place which is cold no refrigerator oh the man has no friends no family no son and no daughter next he will check the place which holds water oh no it tapped okay the question is bree do we test the theory of him actually coming into the door after five minutes i think we should or should we just make sure that what if we hide in one of the spots that we that they mentioned in the book to test if he's actually yeah like what if he actually checks in the refrigerator right like it says he's going to check in the refrigerator but what if he doesn't i don't know if you notice to look at the microwave it's 155 in the morning i was just about to everything's bad happens after 1am oh this is a peephole okay he's not here you're not here yet no no no no no wait wait it takes two minutes to do that okay move the couch in front of the door don't move it um i would i would move the couch in front of the door because you're not gonna hide under the couch yeah definitely move it in front of the door okay sounds good is this gonna take two minutes though so now we only have three minutes left oh that's not bad okay no it's really bad it's actually really bad because now oh my god he's right there he's right there he's right there what do i do bro i just fell out of my chair oh it's a box of donuts okay guys uh let's eat i'm stressing how much time is that gonna take you're wasting time i know i know how much time was that i don't know it's dark now why is it dark now why is it he's already coming in it was exactly 2 a.m wasted time you didn't even think about junior and mama rabbit or whatever her name is the door was left unlocked but the man was unable to open it a large and heavy couch had been pushed in front of the door it took the man an entire minute to break through the barricaded door oh oh that's me the man had found his new friend no don't get me wait wait wait wait wait wait what's he gonna do whoa are we gone are we alive am i the bunny again okay so the man just broke in she couldn't stop him please somebody just find him and she's working with him what if she wants to get rid of her child no i don't agree with that i mean she's pretty tired she literally didn't do anything to save the kid literally oh we lost keys lock that freaking door keys keys picks up okay l l l i'm pushing oh there we go there we go walk it l l did i lock it pretty good it's sounding like it right yeah i think it's locked open the box don't don't open it because he's going to want to eat the donuts he's going to sniff him and eating them yeah yeah yeah wait what time is it what time is it i don't know where to put him i think i put him under the sink you're right under the sink junior goes under the seat and you go in the bathtub hurry okay we have to hurry leave the door open to the bedroom open the bedroom door that's going to distract him smart so he's going to go in there now open and then close this closet let's freaking go hide in that bathtub i think this is it i think this is it hide in the wash up boom okay i feel solid oh i really want this to work okay the door has been locked this is it this is it wait but the man spent only 30 seconds ripping the lock of the car so it only 30 seconds so 30 seconds plus a minute from the couch a minute and a half yeah okay let's see what the donuts do so it's 201 30 right now i don't like how we went what did you do about the donuts yes sniff them the man spotted a box of donuts sitting on the table sniff those donuts you freaking gob an entire minute two and a half minutes two and a half minutes oh the door's shut why did the door shut no it's open okay so he does go for it okay so i think it took 30 seconds oh yeah i mean there's only one other fudging room in this place oh my gosh no way he looks did you see the freaking mother just sitting in the tub and he didn't even notice her first he noticed the baby okay here's what we're gonna do your child's gone ignore this new game okay couch first that's number no actually lock the door no no no lock lock inventory we need keys no box is open donut box okay okay now couch take two minutes yes i think he should go underneath have him follow you i really think under the table's the best spot okay follow me junior fit under there you've got to hide inside there okay so now what we got to do lock the bedroom door and we got to pray that he looks inside there first okay so we need to take the keys out it works okay yeah don't like that don't like that yes nice nice nice go in are we going um can i lock it from the inside of course yes oh okay oh you got to hide in there now i'm going to hide in the wash let's go i think this is it i think this is it well i'm like really nervous i don't know the thing is like this might not work because if he checks the uh the washroom first i think we're gonna lose i don't know i don't know either that's why we're doing this it takes him 30 seconds to pick the lock okay 30 seconds are gone oh my god what was that ah people are scaring me okay so a minute thirty then another minute's gonna go by with the donuts yo oh my gosh junior's right there this is what we need do not check under the table whatever you do do not check out the table no no it's 202 yes okay he's going by don't check in the washroom don't check the washroom no wait my door has been locked no maybe he's blind oh my gosh why did he change his sequence dude okay preston i actually have a ridiculous idea what oh he's checking stop it wait let's freaking go wait he's gonna run out of time it's 204. we need one more minute one more minute my guy so okay here's the thing if he checks under the bed and then checks the refrigerator we're clean okay okay fingers crossed if he goes to the washtub we lost no no no how okay so we're going to lock the door nice open the donut box i want to try something new we've been trying other things what if he's watching through the window i mean think about that let's think about that though like maybe that's why like i mean if he's watching through the window he knows exactly where we just had junior that's super true potato time wait lock those doors we're gonna lock that okay how much time do we have no i'm gonna hide in the tub oh okay okay i think this is what he hasn't checked out at the table once but do you want me to do tape no no no no no no let's see let's see let's see this one okay go inside nice i hate that it gets like quiet inside the bathroom i know all right let's see this might be it get inside there with that please be it please be it polizia okay door's locked oh go on entire minute so we have a minute 30 gone here this might be the run eat the donuts yeah the thing is is like in every run we've done so far guys nobody has checked under the table for whatever reason i know i i oofed preston i oofed [Music] until this attempt okay but we're still we're still not in in luck yet he has to go into the bedroom he has to go into the bedroom please go in the bedroom please go one bedroom please go in the bathroom please go go go go go go okay wait we won we won if he checks under the bed did he wait did you not lock the door i thought i locked the door you forgot the one i did no i locked the door we lost preston i know i lo i locked the door you suck no i looked wait what have you only won no you didn't lock either no okay i think i think we can make this work next time [Music] i left clicked i left clicked i know i hate me too preston this is it i feel like this is our final attempt we're gonna get it let's go baby we have a game plan we lock that front door keep the devil out in the night you don't let people in at nighttime and then we open that juicy donut box okay so you're gonna hide junior under the the sinker dinker hide him in there beautiful do it okay now we need to put that yeah put that couch in front of that door yes huge movements right now ladies and gentlemen so now the question is do i hide under the table or in the bathtub no you hide with your kid come on just lock the door nice unlock okay well careful swap out swap out nice a locker okay this is it see the thing is if somebody was going to intrude in your house you would not hide in a different room than your kid you would hide in the room with your kid but you also wouldn't hide just blatantly inside of a bathtub true let's see preston it's 2 a.m door's been locked wasted 30 seconds terrifying couch is heavy we're at a minute 30 here dude we need him to check out of the table if he can check the refrigerator and under the table here we could win okay donut sitting on the table yeah he's go he goes nuts over those donuts watch watch he might check under the table please check under the table check under the table shoot check the first check the fridge yes no no this [Music] he could go from the fridge to the table it's unlikely i hope he does oh i'm nervous okay check the table now it's two or three yes this is good at least he's going to the bedroom i hope he goes to the table after the bedroom i don't feel like he will no no he might he might he might okay so it's two or three thirty now this will put us at 204 after he looks out of the bed the only way we can win is if he checks under the table check under the table check underneath his table check out his table please please fudge dude this is so scary yes preston preston oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh the man has looked under the table [Music] but he found nothing this is it he's gonna spin because it's 204 30 seconds right now wait no it's too [ __ ] what the man's time was up let go yay and he knew it so as quickly as he arrived the man from the window left we did it i'm really worried there's gonna be a jump scare okay we're good oh my god
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 3,671,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: 6OSgMll3KaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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