Among Us Tik Toks that are Worth Watching

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hello friends it's me and today i am here with me digital next and today we're going to be watching some among us tick tocks so this guy made an imposter in real life and check it out it kind of looked like a high-tech trash can at first until it starts stabbing this automatics trash can this how do you even engineer this oh it even moves it's got some little mini tank legs i think it built like a tank terrifying the characters in that game are little thick things they're like faceless teletubbies oh terrifying we started off flirting yellow sauce science us yellow cute oh no no you don't make me take you on a task day say less um then we went on a date okay we're doing tasks together after our test we chilled an admin damn we died together i think it was meant to be after a few games together hey ash yeah can i get that number oh she gave him the number uh smiley face shot my shot oh he's calling her [Music] exactly how i wanted it to end ashley is that you oh my god oh boy okay i like your country i want to see a flag against the wall take it up and do it and then pick it up and then pet it and tell them it's going to be okay i'm sorry i slammed you [Music] hey oh that's happened to me twice so far it'd be like that though but it's like whenever i see a dead body i'm like should i even bother every single time i report it it's like automatic it's you you're the imposter self-reported why imagine not being able to lie good um see if anything is safe for yourself yeah here's why it's not me okay made a whole entire powerpoint why is it not me please don't vote me out five reasons why it's not me always do my tasks if you keep me around i will win the game i'm a hard working crewmate next slide please you guys saw me do the admin card number thingy remember like when you do the swipe that's what i did just now you did it on the first try yeah i did and i said certainly i did not kill anyone because i can't i'm a crewmate it's physically impossible for me to kill anyone there's no kill button it's like going to court and being like i did not kill that man because i did not kill that man i just didn't that's it that's the evidence you make a good case i heard you and i i believe you even though your fingerprints are everywhere and we have footage of you doing it but let me show you this powerpoint and maybe it'll convince you that i'm innocent because i didn't do anything i'm a good hard working citizen did you say powerpoint say no more you're out of here go you're free to go how to get out of jail for free do i actually believe him damn uh if you vote me out you lose don't vote me out oh you know what if you vote him out you lose that's that's all there is to it you drive a hard bargain sir oh no what happened to them you know i always wondered what happened to the little one oh that makes me sad makes me think like if i ate a pizza the wrong way and i collapsed like that pugsy would just sit there with me i thought this was gonna be sus now i'm just sad [Music] oh [Music] dang they got everybody [Music] this is bill versus how what will he do nobody gonna call emergency meeting oh no oh no it's cops fbi open up well heck the end of the line for you how when you try to tell everyone who the imposter is but then this happens i told him go he's the imposter no i didn't do that bro i literally just saw you vent this happened to me i'm still new so i could play the noob hey guys how do i bend like yellow 500 iq hack never playing among us again it was orange he was in the bench [Music] what we came out of the bank i think the game just glitched out at that moment oh did it yeah i'm confused okay let's see this op strategy oh yeah that's pretty good that's pretty good all right all right that's mine that was smart i'll give it [Music] i don't like the skin it's ugly the ninja one yeah hello friend he sees the button he's looking for he's like oh he just left wait is he another imposter oh they waited to lure somebody in that's what he was waiting for they're looking for it i can smell it where is it oh you sneaky sneaky oh my no way oh my no wow right next to each other he's just waiting where's the emergency meeting purple not looking real sus right now ripping what task are you doing right now you're like what is this guy doing emergency meeting i can't find blue or pink ain't nobody keeping tabs on them i mean i guess if you play with randoms like nobody keep tabs on these people so i don't understand how you play this game with random people the first time i was the imposter i was like how do i know if i'm the imposter and then i started like sweating and shaking and i'm like how am i gonna lie my way through this i was so nervous how am i supposed to kill these people what is this i caught you i'm going to tell everyone about this now yes i win did you guys see that burnt child body what what do you put on them it's spongebob don't mind me i'm just doing tusks didn't expect me to survive that fall huh well i came back stronger and faster and smarter come on hurry up that was way too chaotic so look at this game just started right now watch this i walk back up to weapons and see yellow doing that diver task i'm about to show you why this is very wrong so i call an emergency meeting and everyone already immediately starts assuming what what's going on and i say okay everyone just listen i say yellow what task are you doing replies the divert thingy and i reply yeah dude that diverty thingy has two steps you never did the first which means you're an imposter trying to fake a task response no says he did the first task and now no i did do it if you did do it would have taken you 12 to 15 seconds to get to the second stage which was the one he was doing bye we vote on him and would you look at that hmm imagine playing with such a nerd like play something else loser imagine playing against somebody who can only defend themselves with that no no i didn't do it it wasn't me i crewmate just like you bad liar stand up ooh that's smart oh he's covering the dead body nobody can see it i didn't know you could do that but my thing is even though you can't see it there your report button gets highlighted so you know there's something there oh if there's a dead body in the area yeah if there's one in the area your report button will highlight it yeah but nobody knows where it is he do be looking sus just standing there it's like when they die they look like a piece of meat if only you could just like eat it just won't pick it up i want to pick it up by the bone and just finish the rest of it we should make some meat like that some meat that you can pick up by the bone that's just a chunk of meat on a bone like a drumstick yeah we go down to the walmart bistro and get you one tomorrow the walmart bistro make it sound way too fancy this is not a real whoa why he felt like that oh [Music] my gosh [Music] i love you ricardo i don't like him i'd be even more terrified if that thing chased me around i know are these leaked new deaths i wish they made a squeaky sound when you killed them i'm gonna do the glizzy one i'm not an imposter i'm the glizzy gobbler pixar and then we got the name oh oh no lamp was suss all along if you think about it he does it in front of everyone at the beginning of the movie i mean i guess but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did and want to see me and digital place among us make sure you hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,508,415
Rating: 4.9404397 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, among us, among us tiktoks, tiktok, tik tok, memes, among us memes, among us tik tok, tiktok meme, among us tik toks worth watching
Id: X6CDKOuViio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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