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no no no no a youngest please this beef goodbye good luck everyone why am i with harry why am i with harry is the worst thing that could ever happen to me i just need to get this download okay okay there's vic okay harry i feel like harry's fine harry doesn't know how to play the game it's fine you know what harry is such a bad imposter even if he's imposter i trust him harry and josh going down vic come on where's the cat where's vic can i find him here yeah bank he's dead harry i literally just said i trust you dead as a donut okay and i need an alibi now how do i get the map up all right oh he's gonna see he's gonna see oh no he's gonna see how i came from there oh god all right i was in i was in shields oh no okay so i was checking admin i i saw something sus in nav so i went to check and on my way i saw harold and [ __ ] who was the other one i saw it was a green hue it was a green hue nothing i pick up now i was just an admin with you i did uh wires top left of cafeteria and i'm on my way back to admin [ __ ] what's it green ah [ __ ] all right where were you right so i'll be honest with you i i click someone got the map okay no no no it actually is okay i'm venting now i'm actually back in this by the way i was an admin wait did he he ran down to the bottom left and i didn't see him okay i'll tell you what i was doing i was in weapons and then i went to shields i don't know when i crossed what what task what time i didn't do any tasks he googled the map he was working he didn't do anything he just went right that's sucks [Music] [Laughter] what am i supposed to do now all right so it's over this is the quickest game that exists oh no that was my one time to be a sabotage and i [ __ ] it oh okay all right well that's okay i've left just by himself now i feel bad for him and josh when it when when he's not the detective and like someone's getting accused he's right on it he's part of the conversation he wasn't part of that conversation at all i mean it's a shame i'm dead it doesn't really help that i picked up on that can't see can't see can't see okay all right we're good everything's back to normal big joshua is no my that's ridiculous okay there's gonna be a body of it it's ksi all right so the body is above med bay in between med bay and upper reactor okay i haven't been down to that side of the map yet i'm just saying neither have i i was just in electrical with a lot of people there who is anyone in cafeteria right now i was going into our cafeteria now from that got that kill most likely called the reactor to draw to the left side while he went to the right side so if he was just entering cafeteria i would think and also zerko is by the first kill i would say it's probably him but oh i'm just saying pewdie was near the first kill too you know that's true where is he this time he's next to me at electrical right that's where i was doesn't sound like it's him he also blamed ksi he was dead sorry i was that did you search me dream no no no i did not yeah dream just accused you no i did not i didn't who said yes dream flame to you okay i mean it could have been josh because i think i saw him in the beginning he did suspect the green character in the first round you know that was me i was i was in confidence he went past me he was at lights with felix when you fixed them right yeah i think so i fixed lions oh you fixed lights and then you were you went to admin after that yeah i went down and right and then judge went down oh there's two people who followed jj well it's not dream because everyone will be dead by now oh this is risky business oh josh has come back he's got away with it he's got away with it again that's my boy come on josh okay dream dream knows who i am dream's got a dream's got to go but it's also bait if i killed room i go back to admin send them to my tasks i was in admin come on josh you got this go to card swipe mess up card slot a couple times because that's what i do dream's looking at me i'm watching me do it so this is this is not ideal and the left side of map all right pews what are you doing pews hello and i found the killer it was josh it's josh and harry must have been it must have been harold oh pewdiepie is dead josh got him straight away where's josh except okay it's there's a body lower engine it's pewds i haven't been there since the start of the round all right well there's three of us right now in med bay who's who's med bay i'm in med bay me i just left you guys at the top when you guys i i heard i'm going towards the reactor uh i'm in cafeteria right now because i wanted to call an emergency meeting but i'm not too sure on something so you know an admin when you're on the map if someone like vents will their thing pop up in a different place yes they will yeah even if they don't okay yeah it's toby because i remember oh no no no no no no i haven't done it it does not mean i run to cafeteria from admin it's totally basically no no no no no no no no no no wait wait wait but where did when did he do that when did he do that because he was with me and up he was it with me and uh the o2 [Music] 45 seconds ago i saw an icon pop-up in cafeteria i immediately run and i said to my camera whilst i was meeting i said do people pop up here and toby was the only one there well look we know it's not it's we know it's not the three people right now wait toby you were with us in mexico i'm with you yeah did anyone run left at the start of the games it could be an early kill so i think it's i think someone killed left and then called reactor right to pull us that way yeah i agree so i think the kill was around called o2 and dream and dream and ethan were in admin on that i fixed lower oxygen who fixed the top simon fixed the top one and i was there with process elimination it has to be either toby or simon i believe so i said toby because how have we gone from it can't be toby to less vote toby i don't know if that was the right call but i could have just third and posted the whole game here i could have just third impostered the whole game hey i'm causing a scene everywhere sabotaging left right and center is harry how are you sabotaging them all right harry all right if you want to be a team we can do team how's josh gonna play this he can't oh he could kill oh my god now there's too many people there okay i think i've heard in boston i think i've i think i've i think i've third impostered here no no no no they're nerding they're sticking together simon spock like dream they're all in the same area my god what a little sabotage come on they're all together bro they're all together fairly certain it's not ethan because ethan did upload and i saw the bar go up and on top of that ethan also was checking on that last round so i think it's big joshua and pewds did say it was a shade of green i think it's joshua that was that's that's that's mean he walked past me i got a clue it is i think it's john i think it's joshua simon voted early he's voted already i've had josh well then what grounds on the fact that he just said oh it could be true josh it could be a dream he's commanded the whole time because he's pushing he's anyone pushing narrative on me right now i'm so worried that i third and posted it by voting out toby as well i'm so worried you have done that you have i'm in i'm pretty certain it wasn't i don't know toby or harry simon the fact that you voted so early makes me think you want someone to go out it's not me it's not me who'd you vote for simon josh why [Music] um wait he wants to skip as well oh or vote josh but i skipped vote josh if you want okay that's good i think we just i think we've lost but here we go yes yes simon says it's fun to do on your own it's [ __ ] joshua it's [ __ ] joshua it's josh it's [ __ ] josh bro you were fast on that okay where is the body body is in reactor i just did my i did i did maybe it's it's dreamworld josh it's dream or josh i agree i think josh was last seen with him but i'll tell you my path this round i went to left i did my med base scan i was there for 10 seconds or whatever and then i did the up the fuel tank and upper because i had done lower the last round he's too neaty he's too neaty he's too nikki josh what are you doing when i left i just i just did the task above simon says and even simon says i left but dan's because the lights got turned off um joshua sucks from the previous rounds josh was so i says josh like round two or something for what reason did you ask me i don't remember i had a reason then but i don't remember now so from that from that reason you don't remember you carried on the whole game i'm saying now it has to be you because you're saying no one else i was on low i was in lower engine and josh came from reacted side down into lower engine ask me anything you want about any of my past any tasks i've done anything please i will answer them it's not me it's josh i assessed him earlier okay where are we going we need to be i don't know it's me or dream for sure simon asked me anything ask me anything please what did you have for breakfast uh i'll skip just to see what happens for the draft [Music] left come on josh come on come on he's gonna follow me i mean it's definitely dream or josh oh he's look he's sussing him out look he's he's ironic he knows exactly oh no oh dude just kill him both surely kills him both if he wins if he can find two people just go bang bang we're gonna group up are we really grouping up is this happening are we grouping up kill him get him kill him ah [Music] he's gonna follow me dream go away i think we're good now we go check it i would kill you right now if it was come on my little buddy a little irish buddy josh the last time i saw him was last time he saw joshua's at lights josh oh no i just like to let you know that i right now i'm in reactor so i went as far as i can away from you you were following me and you stopped following me and you went into electric right i just i just like to let you know there's no chance you would have seen me go into electric because you're imposter visions only reason you saw me go in there i was way behind you i lost you i was i'm asking for a reason the reason i went into electrical was because i lost you and i thought you went into electrical i went into electrical no one was there i left i went all the way up to cafeteria went all the way left because i thought maybe there'd be a body over there from somebody i'm in reactor as of right now please just left simon two seconds ago josh where did you go this round uh went to canton and cancer a bit then got followed by dreams trying to chase him off thinking he was the killer uh ran up to cafeteria and then lights him back outside i'll come back to electric just now at this point it could be either of you i'm sort of both of you and i'm just gonna go into the base from the last round josh come i still think it might be dream and going based on what felix said in the first round only he just saw it that's what we did you saw me and come so we did i can't wait to unmute it it was even sassy [Music] let's go gg okay [ __ ] josh i just want to join this dream was like [ __ ] big brain you're such a nerd okay where's the other one was it harold yeah yeah yeah but you got it i sucked it [Laughter] my goal was to be as not as suspicious as possible i didn't want anyone to think i was suspicious yeah you're just following me and i was like what can i do here i can't do anything i'm just saying josh you you left all the big brains alive why would you do that yeah i know it's opportunity isn't it sometimes you have to kill it it was an uphill battle for you bro it was hard no stuck with josh i never liked him [Music]
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 9,409,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: 7wFgdzKMlEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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