SIDEMEN play AMONG US but "that's enough for me" (Sidemen Gaming)

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simon i knew it [ __ ] you simon yeah that's enough for me all right and pasta time vic and simon get that i ain't doing that i don't i don't trust that task anymore to start just asking to get stat killed i want to just kill him oh your basta i can't do them oh i knew it man i knew it bran knew it then i knew it i'm just kidding everyone i see you bro all right so my boy ethan is just slumped out here oh you got three oh my god three what i don't even know who i can't batch anyone really i batch kate jj that's it yeah i was with hold on i can vouch for fresh lucky lucky lucky mate what was your uh when you came through the left side mate what was your movement i know i was doing like tasks with jj doing the band and [ __ ] and then no you weren't wait wait wait wait no you're working okay bottom left oh don't don't be different jj you're already [ __ ] up no no no no no what are you doing no you won't why are you literally so now all we have to do is get two kills just call reactor and we're good jj sutter troll you're gonna kill me in the showers mate what would you where'd you go oh oh okay all right fair enough thanks vic we just need another kill and we're good can we do this reactor please oh my gosh ladies and gentlemen yeah we got him holy [ __ ] that was the easiest round in the first hour yeah how did you kill so many right i killed everyone i saw i killed all three in the first round it's not easy well i literally killed three people in the first round i was like wow good stuff and then the fact that we got to vote off local and i'm like this is the [ __ ] bonus i don't regret it i didn't kill anyone simon got three i was like what jesus that's mad yeah it's actually me every single time i don't i don't even want to be killer anymore mother oh my gosh how is he constantly getting imposter bro huh dead body in a laboratory me and a vic just running and seeing the dead body it's fresh [Laughter] [Music] it happened i saw vic fenton i saw vick venton all right yeah i just want you to know that i don't want to do it for the meme for the meme for the meme for the meme but i mean if you can't be and join them so this makes me just not want to report jj needs to die here oh simon looking suspicious sam is going to kill me so i'm going to chop my head oh look honestly randy i knew it what did i say randy randy sama's gonna get back to back dubs i swear okay does he just [ __ ] up um this is mine he's mine leave him for me all right so what now boys leave him so here's the fun part right 100 know who one of them is you um because i got them i got them you know one of those little little hidey spot things i got them um i'm trying to figure out who else it is though so are you gonna keep this information to yourself are you another person so yeah i i think it's i think it's basically i think it's ladies and gentlemen that's enough for me [Music] before i go before i go i actually did see uh did see uh old mate rice gum vent oh my god mine just muttered him to himself he just dropped martin luther [Laughter] dumped himself [Laughter] [Music] oh no man this is outrageous i'm spamming cue right now i ain't even gonna press anything [ __ ] you i don't want to be imposter anymore bro here we go i finally i finally got it um is it a gamer kill again [Music] these two tasks are so hate hey who was on the right side who was on the right side me and josh i reckon it was totally honest i'm pretty certain all right so i saw him on the right side that's enough for me [Laughter] i don't even [ __ ] you simon [ __ ] you do i get caught on a stack kill like that bro what are you doing ethan i don't know what to do i don't know what to do toby's left me the mother he's muttered me go on go on ethan oh absolutely [ __ ] is here as well [ __ ] mudded muddy yes i don't know zebra legit don't know what to do i'm just i'm just sabotaging [ __ ] for no reason bro i know i'm such a bad imposter bro could you can we just add like stupid music into this part please because i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm doing [Music] so simon you want to know why your door just locked randomly as i was about to go in there but then i juked it what happened there door locked oh i didn't even see you there i got locked in on my own for me the words have been said [Laughter] i can't believe they've done this let's just try ethan really nice all right that's about to go again come on buzz come on all right lights are gone come on even dip dip dip yes that's my guy [ __ ] you ethan little [ __ ] dumb one he's an event where did he went to you it's in the top right bounder body on the top right near the uh telescope thingy that's enough for me sorry no no no no no no i saw randy on the left i was getting ready randy's staying for sure me at the light i'm top left near electrical is it two left it's definitely two left in there it wasn't simon of cause it wasn't me ethan is it being you uh i'll give you seven mate all right just do it reverse it as well i'll do six yeah all right josh three two two one four ah oh okay yeah three two one one two oh again i mean if you think about it that's enough for me that's enough okay five five [Laughter] all right really well i've called reactor to try and split them up but look how soft he's running bro come on ethan you got this my bro keep dipping he survived the answer that he killed me hopefully i don't find a body come on how long oh the kill time is going down oh damn it's right next to the meeting table i'm looking oh it's ethan randy i trust you i'm locked in weapons doing the thing so whoever's done it's locked me and weapons i've seen randy doing tasks i swear i'm renting i'm killing clicking asteroids right now so the weird thing is that like we all got locked in together in communications so i was thinking it's neither of us but then josh is dead so we all got i'm a lot of people doing asteroids here so if that's true it must be fresh come on no no no no no no no no i haven't seen fresh that much this round to be fair yeah but since then bro since running out of there i had to go do the lights [ __ ] i've got the map on the ice screen trying to find weapons bro that's that's the levels that we've got to here randy please i will venus it's been in such a scuff session so far ethan's number one fresh number two i'm gonna get a random number generator oh my god oh my god yeah that's the way you're wrong no no no no no no [Laughter] oh sorry [Laughter] and then he was like i didn't see fresh all around and i was like we're locked in he's like oh no it's since then oh yeah sure i'm just saying this but you didn't vote for him no no no he was persuading me that's my that's my guy you know so you
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 9,215,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: -7OQMT_8FCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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