Who Is ISHTAR? | Ishtar's True Divine Power & Lore EXPLAINED - Fate/Grand Order Babylonia

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now as much as I wanted to talk about the bone daddy assassin himself I did promise a video on Ishtar so let's take a closer look at the ancient Mesopotamian goddess who rifles aqua for the title of most useless don't get me wrong little she's incredibly powerful and even intelligent it's just that her stubbornness and a pride often prevent her from making the best decisions I mean she literally decimated the mountain because she was jealous of how beautiful it was and that actually ended up manifesting itself as her planets shooting noble phantasm but then there's also her human host body which has put some serious limitations on her natural divine capabilities causing her true powers to remain unused so let's start with her mythological origins then shift over to her lesser known abilities at noble phantasms but before we get started this video is sponsored by crunchyroll with crunchyroll.com slash any news you can get a free 14-day trial of crunchyroll premium today giving you complete HD ad free access to not only faith grant order Babylonia but also fate/zero of Bates day night and even Prisma Ilia then there's also the highly anticipated Tower of God adaptation coming out in spring which if you don't know anything about it's one of the most popular manhua out right now and just like all the other anime and manga on crunchyroll it'll be available to stream with professional subtitles on pretty much any mobile or desktop device so go ahead and use crunchyroll.com slash any news link in the description to get your 14-day free trial of crunchyroll premium today now let's get back to the video Ishtar's existence originates from many Sumerian poems each written thousands of years before even the time of Christ back during the Mesopotamian Age of gods this was an era where humanity and divine beings could walk the earth together and one of those divine beings was Ishtar during this time Ishtar would become the most famous goddess in Mesopotamian history specifically for her role in two key stories one in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the other depicting her descent to the underworld all these myths would eventually lead her to become known as the goddess of love and war a goddess who was never quite satisfied with what she had she would constantly take part in these conquests always trying to further extend her personal domain one poem in particular tells a story of how she stole sacred artifacts from the god of water and human culture these artifacts held divine powers that allowed humanity to exist as a society this was because within them were concepts like truth and victory social constructs like law and kingship and even technologies like writing and weaving initially they resided in a s city of petit do a place once considered to be the focal point of Mesopotamia but after Ishtar stole these artifacts and brought its knowledge and power to addict Eddie Duke could no longer be considered at the center of the land buddhic rose to power as the central Mesopotamian city another poem rights of Ishtar's rise to fame as a sensual goddess in Mesopotamian culture before Ishtar became a prominent bigger many temples worshipped her father on earth at the time Anna was considered to be the supreme God whose existence represented the entire universe from him came all the other Mesopotamian deities and somewhere within Adak there existed a temple dedicated to his worship the temple of Jana Jana was well known as the house of heavens and Ishtar despaired at the fact that this temple wasn't a part of her domain her exact motives weren't quite clear but she felt that it was something that was rightfully hers the thing is no one knew where this temple actually was Ishtar had to travel far and wide until finally encountering a fisherman who could guide her to the temples location once there otto was shocked by Ishtar's arrogance the house of heavens could very well have been the most sacred temple in all of Mesopotamia and here was Ishtar attempting to take it for herself despite how bold this was Otto still decided to let Ishtar have her way so the temple became part of her domain with that Easter would become known as the mistress of heaven and the patron goddess to Buddha many believed that this myth was meant to represent a shift in Mesopotamian culture a shift from one that primarily worship Anu to one that worshipped Ishtar as time went on Easter would continue her conquest to expand her domain and one day she would come across the divine King Gilgamesh he had just returned from the cedar forest after slaying the creature Humbaba mister was captivated by Gilgamesh's beauty and kingly prowess so seeing Gilgamesh has something that she desired she proposed that they become married now Gilgamesh was well aware of the fate of Ishtar's previous lovers Ishtar was recorded to have many different intimate relationships with the gods and humans like of the ones recorded there really aren't that many that had a happy ending one ended up being dragged to the underworld another was permanently changed into a wolf and another turned into a bowl so to get into her relationship with Ishtar was questionable to say the least Gilgamesh obviously didn't want to go down a path that would inevitably end in suffering so he outright refuses Ishtar's offer this was a pretty rare experience for Ishtar things usually go the way that she wants them to and when she wants something if not handed to her on a silver platter then she'll simply just take it by force but Gilgamesh wasn't something so easily attainable he completely disregarded Ishtar in a rather insulting manner comparing her to the likes of a faulty battering ram or a poorly fit shoe both things that end up doing more damage than good to the person using it needless to say Esther's pride was now in ruins she returns to the heavens and demands that her father released the bull of heaven upon Gilgamesh as we know if not for the combined effort of Gilgamesh and Enkidu then this divine beast would have destroyed Oh duck in its entirety fortunately the two were able to slay it once again his star was left embarrassed by Gilgamesh Enkidu even went so far as to mock Ishtar's divine beast by tearing off one of its limbs and waving it in her face of course this just went to enrage Ishtar even more she returned to the gods again and demanded that both of them should die you see Gilgamesh and Enkidu had committed the sin of slaying the Beast of the gods it was prohibited for any being in a human body to slay the bull of heaven so the gods had no choice but to act on this offense they decreed their punishment and Enkidu decayed back to the mud from which he was formed that was Ishtar's role in the Epic of Gilgamesh now as even more time went on Esther's conquests would result in her becoming the patron deity of many more Mesopotamian cities and her desire to further expand her domain would only continue to grow eventually she set her sights towards the underworld of kur the shadowy underground of the earth where the dead reside this was a domain currently ruled by her sister a Reschke Gul and that was something Ishtar was looking to change this brings us to the myth of Ishtar's descent into the underworld unlike gilgamesh's epic this isn't a story of rage but rather one of tragic Romina's sort of in fact it's one of the world's oldest-known love stories kind of you see Ishtar was once married to a shepherd and as far as we know she did impact love this man but Ishtar was stole in the middle of her conquests still trying to expand her domain as far as possible the undervolt was looking to be a great place to claim for her own but in order to do that she first had to take it from her sister before descending a star instructs her servants to send for help if she doesn't return within three days this is because the law of the underworld states that no person can leave once they enter at least not without a rush Gaga's permission anyway so under the pretense of attending the funeral of Google Anna Easter was able to enter into kur but a Reschke gall wasn't so naive as to let Ishtar descend all the way to the bottom for free she ordered the gatekeepers to bolt the seven gates of the underworld shut then only let Ishtar pass through each one when she has removed one of her royal garments the thing is these royal garments were more than just flashy pieces of clothing they were representations of Ishtar's divine power and every time she passed through a gate her power would further decrease sort of like how she got smaller and smaller in the anime the myth takes it a little bit further though when Ishtar finally arrives at a rush to Gauls throne she was completely naked and powerless but even with that disadvantage this didn't stop Ishtar from attempting to assert a rush Gaga's throne needless to say it didn't really turn out all that well Ishtar was powerless to do anything she was then judged to be guilty of hubris and sentenced to death so how exactly does a goddess get executed well her physical body was turned into a corpse then hung from a hook this left Ishtar trapped because once the deity's body is killed in the underworld they can't escape from it after three days past Ishtar serpent wants to plea for help from the other Mesopotamian gods of which only ayo was willing to help he sent creatures of his own creation to bargain with a rush goal for Ishtar's body in exchange for the gift of clean water the creatures were able to make a deal as they carried her body back through the gates of the underworld ister was given each of her royal garments back restoring her divine powers to how they once were once out of the underworld Ishtar was revived via a as food and water of life however that wasn't the end of it there was a rule of the underworld that couldn't be broken because Ishtar left someone or something needed to take her place if someone couldn't be found then a rescue calls demons would drag Ishtar back to kur it was pretty hard for her to decide who to send to the underworld since she didn't want to send anyone who was her devout follower Ishtar always had a soft spot for those who worshipped her but when she finally appeared before her husband he didn't look the least bit worried about her being gone instead he was lavishly clothed on Ishtar throne while being entertained by slave girls obviously Ishtar wasn't very pleased so she decreed that her husband would be the one to take her place he attempted to flee but the demons were very persistent no matter where he went they would follow and eventually Ishtar's husband would be dragged to the underworld ending what she thought was their happy marriage so those were her myths that are a bit more relevant to her faith self as we saw in episode 12 and 13 there were a lot of references to Ishtar's descent to the underworld now the Ishtar we see in faith grant order isn't the actual divine spirit of Ishtar she's an archer servant manifested within a human body in existence known as a pseudo servant as a goddess of war and chaos normally Ishtar would be much more cruel in the way that she approaches certain things don't get me wrong though she can still be a compassionate goddess it's just that her impulsive nature results in her being a lot more reckless than what we see in the anime the reason for this is that having possessed a human vessel has resulted in both personas to merge together Ishtar's is the most dominant but the honest and kind-hearted nature of the person she possesses suppresses her destructive tendencies they only ever emerge as her tsundere outbursts basically this version of Ishtar is a lot more patient if you want to see what Ishtar is really like then you're gonna want to look into the fate strange fake version of her she's a lot less appealing than her fate Grand order counterpart anyway now let's take a look at how strong Ishtar really is as a goddess Ishtar would naturally have all of her authorities available to her these being the administrative privileges to do literally whatever you wanted with the concept you had authority over just like how Ishtar power was contained within her royal garments during her descent to the underworld her shining crown is what contains each of her seven divine authorities but due to being a pseudo servant in Babylonia she can barely use any of them at all of the ones we know she has first there's her authority over Venus it was long believed that Ishtar's movements imitated that of the planet Venus so many people began to believe that Ishtar was the goddess of Venus this granted her the authority to manage the entire planet at will move it duplicated destroyed shooted out of her bowl like an arrow whatever she wanted to do with Venus she could make happen and the same goes for her authority over the harvest giving her powers that can manipulate the fertility of the earth what this means is that she can create apocalyptic like famines or bountiful harvests at will this also extends to the ability to control flood waters and tides I'm sure that can be even further extended via her power of creation an authority that stems from her connection to the original Earth Mother Goddess it's pretty interesting that she hasn't considering that she's actually a goddess of heaven and is not of Earth regardless it's a very high level skill that only mother goddesses like Ishtar Tiamat her Artemis can possess and it seems to manifest within each goddess differently then there's her authority over the bowl of heaven but since this ties into her second noble phantasm I'll talk about it a little bit later anyway we really only get to see Ishtar use her authority over Dinah's scent of the others as I said pseudo serpent Ishtar is much weaker than her serpent and divine spirit form and both of those are far crys away from the full power of the true goddess Ishtar so what we see in fait grand order is probably Ishtar's weakest form and is limited to only her class skills into single noble phantasm I mean she does have two noble phantasms but one of them she's unable to use because her fate strange fate counterpart summoned it away from her yep an alternate version of Ishtar that embodies the goddess as she was during her true divinity literally II sekai de the bull of heaven from the world of bait grand order to fate strange fake thus why Ishtar can't summon Google Anna to fight Tiamat so yeah if you're not familiar with the multiverse of fate then try not to worry about it too much now her other noble phantasm is probably one of my personal favorites because it literally involves her shooting an entire planet but to understand how this noble phantasm works you first need to understand how her bow works Ishtar's main weapon is the heavenly boat Manimal the literal boat of the Gods that triples as an interstellar teleportation Stargate airship and bow she can control the movements of this weapon at will and by her energy based projectiles from it as a goddess this bow would allow her to instantly open up a teleportation gate that connects earth to the space around Venus but as a servant that functionality is sealed away it only ever becomes available when she's using her noble phantasm mountain range shaking firewood of Venus as all noble phantasms usually do this one derives from a defining moment in Ishtar's legend it's a representation of the myth where Ishtar comes across a mountain whose natural beauty far surpasses her own being a goddess a beauty meant that this mountains very existence was an affront on her own authority therefore she thought that it shouldn't be allowed to exist so she trampled over the entire mountain with an increasing amount of divine force in every step eventually causing the entire thing to collapse it was a feat so intimidating that it even made the other gods tremble in fear and it's this act of annihilating an entire Mountain that's replicated by this noble phantasm first Ishtar activates Manas warp function to open up a portal to Venus as it was during the age of the gods then using her authority as a goddess of Venus she creates a copy of the entire planet projects it into a form that's suitable from her bow then buyers it like an arrow towards her enemy dealing an impact strong enough to shatter entire mountains to be honest it was pretty epic seeing her open up the portal to Venus in the anime I mean I was already expecting something extravagant but they really did a good job here but anyway Ishtar still has a few more skills and items that grant her more power as a goddess of heaven she has the ability to continuously flow to her fly she's free from the restraints that a goddess of the earth would typically have then just like during her descent to the underworld Ishtar possesses seven divine treasures the Royal garments that were stripped from her at the gates of kur each of which grants some powerful effect or ability one that we see her have is her shining crown which as we know holds her divine authorities another was her lapis lazuli necklace but during the anime this item was actually broken causing any buffs it gave to not only revert to the effect but also apply the opposite this meant that Ishtar was willingly taking more damage aside from those treasures Ishtar also possesses a massive Warhammer but due to her commitment to the archer role we never actually get to see her use it instead she prefers to use concentrated beams of energy attacks that are attributed to her mana burst skill under normal circumstances Ishtar would be able to add excessive magical energy to boost the attacks of any of her weapons but once again a limiting factor on her pseudo servant body is that she can only apply this influx of mana to jewels turning them into powerful projectiles though some can take as long as up to 30 seconds to charge in order to get max power from it it's a significant handicap to the original goddess Ishtar who normally has complete mastery over her divine energy finally Ishtar pseudo servant form has also directed her powerful manifestation of beauty skill into the much simpler charisma skill her authority as a goddess of beauty would normally allow her to easily seduce others in turn this could apply curses or even seal away the skills of an enemy unfortunately these restriction effects no longer work due to the influence of her human host so I think by now it's pretty clear that the fate Grand order Babylonia Ishtar was significantly handicapped any servant or even divine spirit form of her will always pale in comparison to her true goddess form she does have the ability to regress back to the age of gods and regained some of her original divine powers but once again that's something that we didn't see her use if anything it could just be something restricted to her fate strange fake version but yeah that's Ishtar for you a goddess who's impulsive nature led her down a path of constant desire never being satisfied with what she had and constantly trying to take more for herself it's a relentless form of pride that is only suppressed by the persevering nature of the humans she possesses in the end it makes her servant form much more bearable now even though I did make fun of her a little bit in the beginning I actually do prefer her over Ereshkigal but let's be honest oh gee Rin is the best and if you think otherwise then you can fight me in the comments anyway be sure to vote in the community pool for the next servant you want to see covered now before I go I'd like to thank crunch ro once again for sponsoring this video don't forget you can use crunchyroll.com slash any news or the link in the description and get a 14-day free trial of crunchyroll premium today and trust me that tower of god adaptation is definitely going to be worth looking into anyway as always thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed this type of anime content then you already know what to do so until next time
Channel: AniNews
Views: 295,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aninews, ishtar, fate grand order babylonia, how strong is ishtar, who is ishtar, fate ishtar, fate grand order ishtar, isthar vs gilgamesh, fgo babylonia, ishtar vs tiamat, ani news, fate lore, ishtar explained, fate goddess, ishtar fgo, fate, fate anime, fgo, aninews fate, ishtar lore, ishtar vs quetzalcoatl, ishtar noble phantasm, ishtar power, ishtar venus, ereshkigal fate, best goddess fate, fate best girl
Id: HeJeB84DrzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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