Assassin of Red: SEMIRAMIS EXPLAINED - Fate Apocrypha | Past & Abilities / Noble Phantasm

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listen I know you guys love your wife who's and whatnot but you're really running out of fanservice pics so I would recommend voting for one of the male characters next time you know add some variety to the series but as you can tell the votes were cast and as I predicted this episode is gonna be on the assassin of red aka the queen of Assyria Semiramis now since we're doing another assassin I don't really need to explain the general information about the class but if you haven't seen the last episode or any of my other ones then go ahead and check the description for some links to those so let's get right into this episode with who exactly Semiramis was back when she was alive starting with her historical legend rather than the fate altered version if you weren't already aware Semiramis is best known for being the only woman to have ever ruled the Assyrian Empire an ancient Mesopotamian Kingdom located just north of Egypt that represented one of the great empires of the ancient Middle East now a queen was not as commonplace as you'd think back in 9th century BC so when a female ruler of a great ancient city makes an appearance it's bound to leave more of an impact than a king although it's not a hundred percent known that she did in fact come into absolute power as the Queen it was determined that she did hold enough political power to establish change in Assyria even so being a female in power is not impact enough to create a legend worthy of being summoned in the Holy Grail war there's more to her than just being a queen the question that needs to be answered here is what did she do as Queen of Assyria to warn such an everlasting legend well the most recent historical update on Semiramis legend begins with her birth it said that she was born from the Syrian goddess they're kept oh and a Syrian man however since one was a goddess and the other a mere man Semiramis was abandoned by both as a baby and taken care of by doves yes you know the birds that are basically just white colored pigeons after that she was adopted by the chief Shepherd of the Assyrian King and a few years later after that the governor of Syria Ana's meets Semiramis and chooses to marry her now this is where she begins to actually do something honest who was sent away to battle was missing his lovely wife and asked her to come to the city that he was seeking Semiramis not only goes to the city but also develops the strategy that helps them win the battle this news made its way to the king and the king became curious as to type of woman could possibly come up with a successful battle strategy because remember this was 9th century BC so woman's rights weren't exactly a thing back then of course once the King saw Semiramis he immediately fell in love with her and demanded that honest give his wife to him in exchange for one of his daughters honest of course refused because let's be honest would you give her probably not right but after many persistent threats from the king and knowing that he wouldn't be able to keep her honest went and took his own life so the now widowed Semiramis married the king and became the queen of Assyria however within a few years the King had died and since their son was not yet of age Semiramis became the person in charge during her time and power she became known for her building projects in the form of beautiful cities temples and palaces they even believed that she was behind the design of the second wonder of the ancient world the Hanging Gardens of Babylon but there's no actual evidence to support that after babylons construction she decided to try to expand the Assyrian Empire by invading India and more into Africa but it was during this time that an Oracle had mentioned to her that her son would conspire to take the throne from her this turned out to be true but before Samir amaz could be killed by her son she decided to simply give up the power instead of trying to hold on to it so that's essentially the historic version of the legend at least the most recent one as told by the National Geographic there's a lot of parallels to the stories of Hercules and Moses so I could see why she would be considered a candidate for the Holy Grail war but the fate altered version of the story as you would expect makes things a little bit more interesting she was stillborn from the Syrian goddess and was stole up as a child and the Dove still ended up taking care of her she also stole married honest and ended up getting taken away by the king but that's pretty par for the course for any legend someone argued that that's even pretty boring it was after her marriage with the king that solidified her position as the assassin it's believed that a few days after the marriage Semiramis poisoned the king becoming the first known person in history to murder someone through poison so no Sammy ramus wasn't some crazy skilled killer straight out of Assassin's Creed origins although that would have been pretty cool too she's just someone who used her beauty and knowledge to sleep her way to the top and then assassinated one person in the process I'm sorry if you were expecting something a little bit more epic but her lore isn't nearly as interesting as her characteristics as a servant as a character in fate Apocrypha she differs from other assassins in the sense that she doesn't attempt to really hide her murders she's not one of those assassins that likes to conceal their presence before going in for the kill instead she's able to assassinate people by planning a set of actions in advance that will eventually lead to the outcome of death for her target now considering that she's the oldest poisoner in the world it's pretty odd that her entire arsenal is based more around magic than it is poisoning which brings up one of her unique abilities to be someone as both a caster and an assassin meaning that she can use the class skills like presents concealment from the assassin class and item construction or familiar summonings from the caster class also remember when I was talking about Jack that I had mentioned that presents concealment only keeps you hidden until you get ready to attack well since the me ramus is a poisoner it's technically not a direct attack on her opponents so the present concealment skill can still remain in full effect even when she's in the act of poisoning or preparing to poison someone but her background and poisoning also has its drawbacks because it limits her item creation skill to only poisons rather than other magical items and weapons that would be more ideal for other types of combat now this next skill combines with her main noble phantasm to create that crazy flying base that the red faction uses as a headquarters this skill it is called territory creation and it allows casters to create a terrain that gives them the advantage in a fight since territory creation combines with her main noble phantasm the Hanging Gardens of Babylon she's considered to have the strongest territory but aside from being stupidly massive and can float to give him the high ground it also has some other little features obviously it's based off of the speculated historical version of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon which is known to be one of the greatest engineering feats of its time with multiple ascending tiers of gardens if you were to pay close enough attention to the fate Apocrypha version you'd see that it matches quite closely to the description given to it in terms of the floors of marble stone balconies and lots of pillars surrounded by vegetation but because it also carries a small army that can replenish itself it's most accurately described as the unification of unsightly disorder and luxurious beauty however this isn't a noble phantasm that can simply be cast at any time just like casters super Opie golem real-world items are required before the gardens can be created and just like Jax noble phantasm Maria the killer conditions must also be met with those materials just like anything else that needs to be built it takes time for the construction process to finish three days are spent with a fixed amount of water soil stone and other organic materials gathered from semi ramiz's home which in modern-day would be around the areas bordering Baghdad and Iraq and when I say three days I mean 72 straight hours are spent doing an incantation that basically pieces together the mythical gardens I say mythical because there's an added aspect of mystery which is a type of magic that can strengthen the gardens as a fortress this mystery comes from the fact that there's no evidence supporting Semiramis involvement with the construction of the gardens or that she was even around to see it when she was alive so 72 hours are needed to create the fortress and bring it to reality people thought that it was her brilliance I gave birth to the gardens so many historians included it into her legend thus combining this epic landscape with her story although we haven't seen assassin fight yet she's said to gain a significant amount of power when fighting in the gardens much like how flat is able to go toe-to-toe with karna on his home field that being said if she was to leave the gardens her fighting potential would drop significantly and she probably wouldn't be able to beat anyone in a one-on-one fight that's pretty much expected for any assassin though especially one her second noble phantasm isn't even a close combat weapon it's called the Shakira shmoo the arrogant king's alcohol it's the same poison she used to kill the king with this noble phantasm turns her surrounding environment into poisonous items air and mana included it also makes all of her attacks poisonous as well she can even manifest the poison into change that she can fight with or summon Fantasma beasts that can fight for her too but once again that's only if she's in the gardens all-in-all the assassin of red appears to be a servant that is only strong in specific scenarios in a typical Holy Grail war she'll most likely get body even with the skills of both caster an assassin on her side she seems to rely very heavily on the Hanging Gardens which would definitely be too hard to summon in a normal Holy Grail war anyways it's funny though that all her power comes from a part of her legend that she wasn't even around for that just goes to show once again how much the legend can really affect his servants and bilities we've yet to see her full potential in the show but I think we'll definitely get to see something or the others soon especially since there's only a few more episodes left anyway that's all I got for you guys on the assassin of red if you want to say in who I cover for next week's episode yes I said next week not two weeks then go and put in the poll under the communities section I'm adding a special option this week due to popular demand so don't miss out on your chance to see who you want but as always thanks for watching and if you enjoyed this type of anime content then you already know what to do so until next time ciao [Music] [Music]
Channel: AniNews
Views: 336,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fate apocrypha, fate apo, fate apocrypha anime, netflix fate anime, fate apocrypha assassin explained, fate apocryhpa assasin, assassin of red, fate apocrypha semiramis, fate apocrypha semiramis explained, semiramis, assasin of red, semiramis anime, queen of assyria, assassin of red fight, assassin of red identity, fate apocrypha servant, aninews, who is semiramis, who is assassin of red, assassin fate, hanging garden of babylon, babylon garden
Id: 9Zvb2AJt7es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2017
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