Who is Claudia Sheinbaum, elected as Mexico's first female president?

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Mexico is a key partner in trying to curb illegal immigration and today President Biden called to congratulate the country's historic new president elect Claudia Shane bomb is the first woman and the first Jewish person to win the presidency cbs's Enrique aavo reports tonight on what Americans can expect from Mexico's next president Claudia sh's victory was an absolute landslide for the first time in the 200 years of the Republic I will become the first woman president of Mexico she told supporters the 61-year-old former climate scientist and mayor of Mexico City will not only become the country's first female head of state but he the first from a Jewish Family her grandparents fled the Holocaust by moving to Mexico yes we women can have a voice you feel empowered Shan bom election marks a historic milestone in a nation which gave women the right to vote in the 1950s among the pressing issues facing Mexico's new president cartel violence and the migrants at the US Mexico border and the main concern that we have right now is that a lot of immigrants from Central America that want to get into the US are getting stuck in Mexico they don't want to be here but they are stuck here during his presidency Andres Manuel Lopez obrador stemmed the flow of migrants into the US us a policy criticized by many in Mexico little change is expected from shamb bam who is Lopez obor's prot I think a presidency from cloudia is going to look uh similar to Lopez orador in that call between President Biden and president alect Shan bam both leaders emphasize their commitment on continuing cooperation on key issues like immigration border security and trade Nora Enrique thank you so much
Channel: CBS Evening News
Views: 31,739
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Keywords: Mexico, Presidential Inauguration, Claudia Sheinbaum, CBS Evening News, World
Id: KvOcpVTxdN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 59sec (119 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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