Who Has The Genius Level IQ

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hello everybody my name's Asher I'm Tatiana and we're here to find the Real Genius I am a genius I am a genius I am a genius I am a genius I am a genius I am a [Music] genius hey everybody let's get down to business say your name and then show us of your Genius my name is Daniel I've been a software engineer for 10 years now and I built an app to manage my closet you said manage your closet I have too many clothes period me too right now it's titled recitation this is the outfit section and it keeps track of all your outfits but today's outfit is all the way over here I plan future outfits too this the gym the shoe that you wear to go exercise yeah I mean there a d shoes what okay I went to have a question when Daniel walked in and started showing us his app it's a brilliant concept I want it on the app St I want to download I just wonder if he really did it though you know what I'm saying he did it hello oh wait do I step out um hi I'm Danica um I did my undergrad in math and CS I'm getting my Ms in CS uh I do competitive puzzles too do you have any puzzles or anything you could show us oh yeah okay like do you guys what kind of puzzles do you guys like you the genor so well my name's on the leader board so I got second place this month the first place was Lazar he always beats me so like Ana is me and this Mon's was pretty easy it was kind of like a sidoku type that's easy um this was this month's puzzle I'm not convinced on her she could have put her name on that leaderboard she could have made up the rest of names the puzzle I wasn't convinced I could I could go on Google and find a random little puzzle that nobody un figured out wait so how long do these take you to do so this one took 1 hour but um so this one was like really hard it took 27 days so it's basically like using prime factors to get a very large number that satisfies a to the b equals n to the N sure so this was the answer it was like how many digits is this so so here's the thing I just got to jump in right either I don't understand cuz that's some really smart or you and it don't make sense um I'm Jacob I went to MIT and graduated in 2018 um I do the New York Times cross word every day I also know pi to the 54th digit yeah yeah um well let's hear it let's hear it shall we 3.141592653589793 23846 264 338 32795 28841 9716 9399 37510 5820 I learned it as a kid in a road trip how old you um eight look up the pie that is all digits I tried to forget it but you just never forget it why they put me in charge of this look could y'all please just go to jubilee.com / casting so you can be in the next video and they don't have to keep calling me up all the damn time uh hi my name is Chris you got a nice mod by the way too thank you very much you know still in progress but uh it is what it is if you guys are familiar with um indigenous languages uh languages like Navajo have specific apps to learn uh like du lingo is now partnered with Navajo unfortunately Cherokee uh is not quite there yet we have very few speakers and so in order to try and increase the number of speakers I've been working on a app which helps people learn pronounce uh and create sentences fancy language man can you show us uh sure so uh oh can you do like a whole Indian song oh gosh uh maybe another time this this your moment that is your [Music] come pretty good it's a friendship song I actually got kabosu Indian in my family like I felt like the ancestors was getting invoked a little bit you know what I'm saying so I was like I was relating to them I don't know anything about indigenous languages but I know that they are harder to learn in particular because they aren't traditionally taught hi I'm arishi nice to meet you I'm a machine learning engineer at a startup and by night I'm a solo Game Dev uh two fun facts about me I started coding since I was in the first grade and I got a 2300 on my SAT in eth grade so M I love it actually I do have some screenshots of My Demo here's like just a video game that I'm currently creating um you basically solve a series of puzzles they could be ciphers um booby traps things like that I you see I believe people more maybe I'm gullible but you are I okay you're a genius it seems yeah hi nice to meet you I'm Harry all right that handshake I don't know if that's a genius handshake nobody else gave a handshake nice to meet you so I'm 19 I'm currently the founder of two multi-million dollar companies the first is a trading firm so it passively makes around $3,000 a day and the second is a two- toering company Bo bracket Elites decom you can actually search it up this is my channel which I used to funnel to my website so I essentially try and tutor people to get into topnotch investment Banks and hedge funds such as D Morgan Morgan Stanley what what what are some of the top hedge Fones that uh that you help people into I do day trading myself so I'm curious what you're doing bro I'm glad to trade strategies the truth is it does not take a genius to make multi-millions of dollars not that I have millions of dollars and I'm just saying that but it doesn't take a genius to make money I wasn't convinced by him he had the whole suit you know what I mean yeah that was I I thought that was kind of gimmicky yeah exactly exactly so they might ask you a question how would you invest 1 million mhm man I think he B I'm easily impressed by anybody that knows computer science because I don't overall clearly I'm impressed by everybody by them all yeah dab dude and dude they all made apps let's just say the black guy and in the singer dude and you with the pie I don't know about his man I got to ask him some more questions I just self this reix CU see he trying too hard why didn't you do that in the first round I didn't one asked me what my skill set [Music] was roasted in the comments for my [Music] handwriting I like your handwriting thank you honestly I was a little heartbroken but it's okay I understand I do give an anxious Vibe woo where' everyone go where they at oh they found the nectar app a you a [Music] genius all right everybody we have prepared a genius test for you today can we have the white boards pour for board feels like the G all right then the first question today what is 5 + 3 Mr Daniel sir what is your answer to the question it was a tough one but eight wild guess is this okay I thought it was 911 but you're all correct second question is a little bit harder what is 11,111 * 12,345 I guessed I was going to do the math but then I was just like it's an estimate of nine digigit number okay okay okay okay okay and now you guessed too I guessed yeah okay I was working through the process manually oh you didn't fin answer oh okay you might not be smart oh my God AR sorry so this is the process I also went through like Chris um I kind of just align the numbers as such cuz it's 1 2 3 4 5 correct times 11111 so just basically shift it translate it like that and then come up with the answer doing that I don't even know if that works but that sounds cool okay and then Harry this is what I learned in Chinese kindergarten kindergarten you have to multiply or if you do division you do like this and then it gives out the answer the right answer is 137 million 137 M1 [Music] never arrives 3 2 1 the answer is tomorrow I want it to be different breakfast the second question is what starts with an e and ends with an e but only has one letter in it 3 2 one p down so the right answer is envelope so Dan answer is e envelope why is your writing so horrible well when he wrote their envelope too it didn't even look like envelop I think he spelled it wrong yeah I think he actually SP it wrong genius what's your answer well there's actually a Chinese character it's like sun if you flip the E around that makes the word that's starts with e ends with the E that is creative thinking and that actually shows me more than maybe the right answer right thank you okay my last question is if if I drink I die if I eat I'm fine what am I three [Music] two Cactus I'm just having fun with it aloh and I like that personality by the way the desert cactus the man eating man none of you got it right actually the answer is fire that's a good one oh yeah H all right why do you never hear a pterodactyl use the [Music] bathroom nine 8 7 6 three two one stop hold your pants hold your pants hold up all right so starting here small hands can't flush cuz they did I made an oops good answer but no that's actually correct the P you know what I mean dead don't exist and is that a media yeah media hit the earth that's a smart answer right there cuz the media took them all [Music] out sorry you say you're you're a Cherokee Indian right yeah how old are you man 15 I want to ask a little you ask me whatever you like I'm curious right Indian benefits I'm like kabu Indian right like affirmative action nah nah n like the casino benefits though oh yeah how much percent Cherokee you got to be in order to get those benefits so we don't actually distribute uh Casino funds to uh specific people uh the Cherokee Nation instead uses all the proceeds uh we just built a $100 million Hospital uh on the reservation I believe it's in talaa we try and use our funds instead of just Distributing out to tribal members more towards uh just trying to benefit the community they don't give you no money whatsoever no not really a thing with the Cherokee Nation do either of y'all two have girlfriends I live with my partner had had girlfriend I mean I'm 15 oh puppy love and what about you you got a boyfriend no I haven't actually dated anyone before so how old are you I'm 24 24 and old I be like that my last question for all three of you we're going to start with Jacob is what do you think is the mark of a true genius well there's so many definitions for a genius but if I like say one thing it's just like passionate about learning I think Chris what do you think obviously like he's saying there's a bunch of different definitions there's social intelligence a person who's really popular musical intelligence there's people who are really talented at math um but really I think it's a person who can tell when someone's upset when they're happy uh and how to respond accordingly honestly it comes down to just being very perceptive and being intentional in everything you do I kind of narrow it down to like equality I think being humble is really important and also being able to learn from others so I feel like you know when we're kind of a lacking in certain areas it's important to go ahead ask for help and then in that way you're kind of gaining that knowledge as well so oh not the red not the red we got to kick somebody out what am I thinking what do you thinking cuz I hear your thoughts I'm incredibly impressed by um Chris and also you got every single question right no I lie not the long math problem you didn't finish that one arushi got that one right sure did and that's a good thing sure he did my guess is here for a 15-year-old he speaks really well and if he's just that good in line he's either a great actor or he a you know I mean [Music] right if you ain't it I'mma be mad bro if the lights turn green that means you have found the Real Genius and you win if the lights turn red that means you have voted the wrong person then you [Music] lose 15 baby 15 let's go I told and he's a little singer over here right saying big money about the CH that's what I'm talking about so I got interested in language uh when I was a little kid I've always wanted to learn Spanish and then Cherokee and so I took class at my high schoool and then I've kind of been selftaught uh with Cherokee and online resources once you're 14 years old you're eligible to be uh enrolled in Mena so I had the school psychologist when I was in eth grade uh give me an IQ test the Whisk 5 uh and it turned out I was eligible to join uh Mena as well as intertel since then uh I published some things just working on that program and uh that's kind of how I got my start into this whole thing has anything changed for you in your life since you found out you were a literal genius not really um a couple of my friends know most people don't um they're know a couple opportunities so I'm curious right starting with you was you lying about anything today honestly no Danica what about you uh like I didn't really say much I'm sorry I mean the puzzles were real for the dating lives one I got some team the guy who beat me Lazar he like sent me his resume and he's like if you're ever in Boston like hit me up wait that's some puzzle Riz right there they need listen we have programmers here we need an app for geniuses to mingle so I sent Lazar an email um that said uh love is the hardest puzzle to solve um he didn't reply what were things that you lied about today I didn't think I really had to embellish anything or lie but there was definitely some competition I definitely didn't go to MIT um I went to UCSD I wouldn't say UCSD students aren't smart but if you're going to think of a genius you're not going to think of USS no offense the only thing that I embellished was my SAT score so I lied that it was a 2300 it was actually a 2260 and I didn't take it in e8th grade with that score I took it in 10th Grade so
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 479,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Odd One Out, Game Show, Dating Show, Nectar, Ask Me Anything, Gen Z, Millennial, loveprint, jason y lee, genius, nectar, nectar love channel
Id: mpy72oRWBPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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