Who Has A Cleaner Mouth, Dog or Human?

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in today's video we're going to try to test the idea that a dog's mouth has less germs in it than a human mouth [Music] [Applause] we have used some of these little bacteria farm agar dishes before it's pretty fun to test what bacteria grows yeah it's yup not the greatest smell in the world but today i wanted to test a myth the idea that a dog's mouth is actually cleaner than a human's mouth here's the basic idea we've got some petri dishes full of agar which should serve as a farm for bacteria we want to test if the bacteria in a human's mouth is more prevalent or less than that of a dog's mouth i've heard this pretty much my whole life yep i've also heard some people saying it's not true and so we're going to do a quick test this is by no means an end-all laboratory double-blind trial any of that but it is testing what kind of results we can get maybe test a few other things in the same experiment for instance we can also try a cat i have heard that cat's mouths are actually particularly dirty i've heard that too but they have a lot of like aggressive bacteria to the point that if a cat ever bites you and it breaks the skin like if a cat bites you and it draws blood you should just go to the hospital like the emergency room and tell them that you have a cat bite my aunt almost lost her hand from cat bites now this wasn't wow one quick little pinch apparently was a very angry cat in the process of taking it outside it bit her hand like over and over heavy powerful antibiotics kind of thing is what i was told it does work as almost a toxin to birds and small animals and that's actually one of the ways that that's one of the reasons that they lick their claws so much is it's more that they're coating their claws and saliva to be used as a dual weapon fantastic gross so what i think we can try is we can do some human saliva we can do dog saliva and we can do cat slide but with all these we'll just take a swab rub it on the inside of the mouth then rub it on the agar and then we'll let it sit in a warm room for three to five days to see what we have as a result i like it so we're gonna need some animals we are i know where we can find some i want to do a swab of my mouth put on a petri dish so this morning i had breakfast and then i chewed some like sugar-free gum but that's about it okay and what i want to see is after i do the swab if i like thoroughly brush my teeth everywhere and then use mouthwash properly and rinse everything out i want to see what kind of result i get then in terms of bacteria is it going to be different the same you know what kind of bacteria are we killing here i just think that could be fun so a while back our boss janae got a few chickens for egg laying and she allowed me to get one too to live in the coop with the rest of them my bird's name is henry so i'm going to see if i can catch henry right now come here come on mmm tasty grubbleys so this is henry henry lived in my apartment with me in the cats for about a day before she came out to live with the rest of the the birds [Music] thank you are you being disagreeable well she's being more agreeable than she's gonna be in about five seconds so you just go in at the very edge of their mouth no come here you're okay thank you thank you you don't really have any saliva to speak of you're such a good girl thank you henry go eat your grubbies two of me one of a chicken yep let's go get some other animals okay we have some animals available to us here we we're borrowing my sister's animals and her house she's over here but she doesn't want to be on camera so maya has been in a few of our previous videos she's a wildlife conservationist and she's rescued a lot of animals so right now she's got one cat and two fighting dogs in her kitchen so that's what we're going to be swabbing this is knox and that's dodger they've decided it's time to wrestle yep okay let's see knock you're gonna be easiest i think because you're just gonna lick this hi hi lick this really okay i'm gonna make it seem more appealing thank you good boy you're done that was the easy part now we have to do it with a cat yeah gus remember how you like me i babysat you once for three months hi he did not like that what the three months he came back fat he lost it and you come back fast probably good one second need a little bit more he loved it guess i'm really sorry so a while brother-in-law just showed up he left go get him okay go get him yes she got it i did now we're gonna find out if i know how to spell my brother-in-law's name probably not i don't r another r e t another t okay just be done that's right we've successfully swabbed the mouths of four five six creatures today we've got two dogs cat chicken human before cleaning after cleaning just before cleaning after cleaning and i weigh i don't know the state of carrots i guess we'll find out that's my brother-in-law so it's always slightly concerning hopefully good so now we're just going to take these in a warm room ideally it'd be about the body temperature of you know a human or the animals that they live in uh but we're just gonna put them in the utility room where it's kind of warm all the time and the temperature doesn't fluctuate a whole lot so we know it's not gonna get too cold we'll just leave them there for three to five days and see what we've got well we've let our petri dishes sit for a bit uh and we've got some very real results here let's take a let's take a look so here we have me before washing brushing my teeth using mouthwash here is after here is garrett a human uh here is henry a chicken nox and dodger both dogs and gus a cat so let's take the lids off and get a better look what i'm learning here is that i'm never holding henry ever again chickens are apparently disgusting at least inside their mouths fortunately chickens have little to no habit of licking people so that's nice really hard to do when you can't extend your tongue i do think that our room was a little cooler than other times we've done it just because of the time of year it is and what's going on in utility closet so we got some bacteria growth really not much difference between before and after my my tooth brushing and mouthwashing so i'm just gonna assume that means my mouth is already pretty clean and it looks like the same type of colonies as well yeah we've got some tiny little white spots and then some slightly larger yellow spots this is the part where the heebie-jeebies really hit me because we are zooming in on really gross things there's a lot of stuff i can handle you guys bacteria culture's not one of them so the white one there on the right and then the yellow one looking kind of like an egg yolk which in reality is only one maybe one and a half millimeters in diameter maybe a quarter the size of a pinhead so while it's recording just go straight to that one the one on garrett garrett had like okay they're about the same two spots of something yellow and like nothing else seems like garrett's mouth also quite clean way to go garrett my sister's gonna be so relieved so now we get to a point without using the microscope it is very clear there's a difference here well we've got chicken right here and that looks disgusting like if you say something looks like a petri dish that's kind of what you're talking about right there it's just what covered in growth they all have several different yellow ones but henry what did you get into it's like yellowish greenish there's orange spots and red spots and like some wider ranging like mold looking stuff got like some peach colored stuff over here some more fuzzy growth with some like darker red stuff growing on it it's like rust colored like this is just nasty moving on to knox it's less total growth than handwriting less fuzzy but look at the there's a good variety of colors yeah we've got white light yellow darker yellow a sort of peach color slightly darker yeah like a bigger white um very pinkish red and you can just kind of see going along the whole line of where the cotton swab went like you can just kind of see everywhere that the swab went there's something growing sometimes it's really little spots but just pretty much all of it dodger slightly less of some of the colors but it does have this one noticeable large fuzzy spot like this is the fuzziest fuzzy spot we have all right take all of our tests i bet that's from food or something it's possible it's like food mold and then we've got gus the cat which actually looks quite a bit like dodgers a lot of the white dots a couple other colors and then one just noticeable growth with fuzziness all right so in order of cleanliness how would you how would you put these uh well i i don't know what makes the specific differences in you know the different types of bacteria but on garrett's dish there as far as i can see there's like there are the two yellow dots and i don't see anything else um the two of mine i really you know there's really not much difference yeah tiny yellow dots and some tiny white dots so put those just tied just after garrett okay gus the cat and dodger the dog about tied knox less total growth but more variety and then henry the chicken variety but holy cow i think there actually is a lot of variety if you look up close you can actually see in between all of the like green color there's like several shades of yellow and white and orange yes oh well we should zoom in on whatever that that is i don't i did i got a good microscope shot of that that growth that that's the one that has like the rust color red growth in it as well chicken mouths absolutely full of bacteria and what do you want to remember about henry is there's less saliva in there so it was literally just like a dry swab across henry's book i think the saliva actually helps the mouths be cleaner i think it helps clean them out maybe and so maybe chicken mouths it just kind of doesn't get washed down as much so it just grows at any rate i would call that myth busted wide open completely false and i would say human miles are cleaner than dog mouths i'm gonna send some pictures to my sister it's not gonna have her change the fact that she lets the dogs and the cat sleep in her bed but one can hope [Music] guys that was really gross but you know we've always got fun content for you to see and if you like this sort of stuff remember to hit that button to subscribe so you never miss out on the fun we'll see you in the next one talk to you then wash my hands didn't even touch my hands
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 551,199
Rating: 4.9346194 out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, bacteria test, agar plate, petri dish, dog bacteria, chicken bacteria, cat bacteria, bacteria in human mouth, random bacteria test, random petri dish, dog versus human mouth, random animal mouth, random chicken bacteria, king of random bacteria test, king of random bacteria, king of random animal vs human, king go random petri, king of random mouth, random germ, mouth germs
Id: Vnsc4RNb16g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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