Who Gets Allah's Mercy? - Nouman Ali Khan

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Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa kafa billahi min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem why barackman in lady named Shauna of the Yamuna way the popobawa mu J mu Nepali sadhana when the DNA ad tuna Novotny him should Jeddah Akiyama when Lavinia Pulu Nawab an ostrich on either the Jannah you know the Birkin Ivana in her son at one corner when the denied amphipoli muesli foolin me a puto I can abenader catalana when the nina Laden and al aji de an F up what I go to noon and laughs and Letty Ramallah in lemon happy mother's noon wha mania find a link a yoga asana permission Sabri with Cindy Emery wahoo rock that Imelda sunny of Coco Lee al hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala sayyidil MBA or mousseline mother and he was happy as mine inshallah today i want to share with you a topic that's also very close to my heart yesterday I talked to you about Ramadan and preparation for Ramadan and today is actually a little bit of a different topic I wanted to talk to you about the last ayat of surah number 25 so little photon and these ayat are they describe a special group of people what makes them special is Allah describes them as a bad man this phrase you have to understand first the slave of Allah thus the one who accepts Allah as his master is called Abdul the plural of AB there are two of them there's a but there's a bead and there's a bud and some say that a bud actually comes from Abbot now when Allah uses the word I bead I'll be this this ayah does not say a bead or Rahman it says anybody Rahman is a difference a bead is used for all the slaves of Allah the ones who believe and the ones who don't believe all of them I've used all of the less things well mala who you Needleman Linda means Allah does not want to do wrong to obviously any of the slaves that's all of them but a bad is special people a rather special people so already the ayat are beginning letting you and me know that the people Allah will talk about in these ayat are special but don't be depressed when you hear that you're like oh it's going to talk about special people so maybe my I can go back to Facebook Oh hold on but and I'll explain why then he says embargo Rockman now allah azzawajal has so many names he could say about Allah because a bundle Hollett he chose to say about Oh Rahman in the hot bath for those of you who weren't sleeping in the hot bar today I was telling you something about a man when Allah is love and mercy and care is extreme and its immediate I added temporary but these two first extreme and immediate then he uses a rock man and so Allah says the slaves of a Rahman the good slaves the special slaves of Allah who get Allah is immediate and special mercy these are the people allies describing in this passage I would love to be in this group you would love to be in this group because this is the group of people that Allah says he goes out of his way to care for them out of his way to show them love who are these people now we're going to read a lot of descriptions but the beauty of all of these descriptions I'm going to get a little bit technical with you but I hope you can stay with me all of the descriptions we're going to read grammatically speaking is not even a whole sentence it's actually what you call in the Arabic language a muqtada what you call in the english language the subject the predicate isn't even mentioned until like 10 i out later it's 10 i out later and let me just because I brought it up to you now subject and predicate looked at that in how about let me just make it easy for all of you those of you who don't understand what I'm saying in shall I have two minutes you'll understand in a sentence there's the part before there is and there's the part after that is well stop not man is boring there's the part before the is what was the part before the is will stop no man what's the part after the is boring this is two parts now the first part whenever you say the first part it is doesn't tell you everything it doesn't tell you everything it makes you curious the look to that the part before the is is there to make you curious and then one you become curious the part after the is is there to tell you let me tell you something about it let me give you some information so the first part is there to make you curious like for example if I say cotton is and I don't finish my sentence and I walk away tell me what is cata hot right now what I'm saying to you is that there are going to be 1011 iaat and they're all the part before thee is there all the part before he is he's not even the part after the assault and the curiosity right now or maybe I'll end it later maybe I'll end it later what is after the is that's at the end we'll get to that now there's going to be a lot of descriptions of a group of special people called a bada Rahman but even if you read ten descriptions they are not one group with ten descriptions they are ten groups with ten descriptions if I say about one person that he is strong tall knowledgeable three qualities does he have all those qualities at the same time yes all of them at the same time but if I say these people are strong and these people are tall and these people are knowledgeable I separated them yes and I separated them with an end these are important because Allah did not say all of these qualities belong to the same group Allah loves special people and they belong to different groups when you listen to these ayat tonight you have to think about which group are you in which of these can you qualify for maybe you can qualify for more than one and inshallah you qualify for one of them at least hopefully one of them I got to be in one of these because these people get special love and special care and special mercy from Allah may Allah make us from them okay now having said all of that the first kinds of people Allah loves robado Rahman and levena am sunnah of the Honan the slave the special slaves of a rock man the ones who walk around on the earth they hang out you go for a walk I know you don't walk much outdoors here so they're walking in the mall they're walking at the airport they're walking by the beach they're taking a walk and by the way just because it says young Shuna it doesn't just mean they're walking Janiak who do now say yeah ratty him Honan they're driving their cars also right whatever however you're hanging out you're outside in society you have this element of humility Honan you feel weak before allah you're humble in the way you walk in the way you talk sometimes you don't have to be arrogant because you say something arrogant in the way you look at someone there's arrogance in the way you carry yourself there's arrogance in the way you insult someone with your face - its arrogance that's not young soon ahead of the Honan there are people that have you have a good job maybe one of you works in one of those big towers over there that look all crazy those big towers you work over there and you're you know walking around and there's a guy who works you know in construction he picks up bricks or cleans the street or something and he gets too close to your life way man dirty dude he's a Muslim and on the Bubba even if he's not Muslim he's a human being allah azza wajal honored all children of adam' well Akkad karramna bani adam' we honored all children of adam who are you to look down on another human being Allah says people that are special to Allah they have humility when they walk young-soon are either of the Honan but then how do you know if you're humble how can you check is there a litmus test yes there is a test and Allah gives us the test in the ayah if you're asking yourself and I'm asking myself am i humble or am i arrogant how would I know well here's the test well either haha Maharaja healin Carlos Adama when people who have no control over their emotions talk to them when idiots talk to them when obnoxious people talk to them when arrogant people talk to them when ignorant people talk to them when angry people talk to them when insulting people disrespectful people talk to them and somebody insults you it hurts when somebody talks to you badly it hurts but Allah calls all of those people ja he knew and jihad actually in Arabic is the opposite of African John he means someone who has no control over their emotions a bad word comes in their mind it comes out of their mouths they don't think about it so you're driving in the streets of Qatar and some guy cuts you off and you honk your horn and he stops his car and he gets out of the car and he at you and you're like oh yeah I'm gonna show you you start responding back that way we wait hold on why the hot Abajo Mujahedin hallo Salaam Islam man some article ok sorry you're right I'm wrong go go you have to learn to do and if you can't do that then you are disqualified from category number one you want to be in category number one and you will Allah does not say if if you see it if ignorant people talk to you if you know obnoxious people address you Allah says when I talked to you about the difference between if and when yesterday when means it will happen it means it might happen Allah says it there's no there's no possibility percentage it might happen to you it might not happen you it will happen to you it will happen to you it happens to me all the time all the time I was at a Masjid not over here in America I was out of my shed and I was sitting in the talking to some board members about some program I wanted to do and a brother walked in and he heard that I wanted to teach Arabic he was an Arab fellow is a Egyptian fellow and he heard that I wanted to teach everything and I'm he's like you teach Arabic I was like yeah a little bit and he said where you from I was like Pakistan and he said oh yeah and he took out a napkin and he said write the alphabet for me so I wrote down the English alphabet for him and he said you see you don't know how to be like yeah you're right I'm sorry haha and then he started teaching me the alphabet 30 minutes i sat there and I learned the alphabet with him and then he had to go let me left and that night that night at the same Masjid they asked me to give a lecture the importance of learning Arabic if you go on YouTube and you search how to learn Arabic and why I learn Arabic why study Arabic that lecture was at that much Tim and that guy was in the first row smiling at me the whole time but he comes to me and says you Pakistani you're gonna djpick I'm gonna go get up no no way hey it's okay it's all right you're right I don't know anything it's okay don't get worked up don't get all full of yourself if people speak to you in that way it's okay they have a right you know and you don't know why people speak to you in this way there may be some other things going on in their life you know and they come to you and they let their anger out on you you have to be kind of merciful and courteous to people they were they were women there were men that came to lhasa allah salallahu alayhe wassallam started yelling at him from the but who they were Muslim they started yelling at it and you know the prophesizing didn't get upset it just calmed them down the Sahaba want to kill them there's enough relax just peace you know this is a sunnah of the prophet sallallaahu how do you say done when people say things that make you angry you just gotta calm down and by the way guys men over here your wife will say a lot of things that make you angry boy oh-ho-ho-ho-ho and when you hear that you don't say that she's jehanne but you do say salaam just be quiet don't talk back sisters upstairs ladies your husband's will say things that will boil your blood oh my god you will get angry and allah has given you a special power I have three sisters I have a wife and I have four daughters I know girls have special powers and their superpower is they can answer you in a way that will like stab you in the heart oh my god they have the most amazing answers like aah but you sisters when your husband is out of control and he's becoming too emotional or too angry Saddam changed the subject and cinnamon goddess element does not mean that Allah says you have to say Salaam and somebody's fighting with like a tsunami phenomena so lemon not like that that's not what that means let me tell you what Saddam Saddam and could be a Hal here in grammar you know what that means they speak calmly they don't just save the word Salaam they speak calmly they speak peacefully they speak in a way that disarms that doesn't make you angry you know and so for example you know one time I was sleeping in the Masjid I was a was in the air takeoff and I was sleeping in the Masjid and you know when you're sleeping you don't know which way you turn so I'm sleeping and I woke up because somebody kicked me in the stomach there's a really old gentleman in our community was an Avalon II fellow and he was also making a pickup he didn't speak any English any Arabic and he's just spoke west only and he kicked me in the stomach and I wake up at all then look at him like and he goes on my back was towards the bookshelf which the moussaka was you can't have your back to the Quran so he kicked me in the stomach now I could get up and say come on you could have woken me up nicely I'm fasting and then you kick me in the stomach too but you know what I did I just hung out with him afterwards just sat down with him and said can I be simpler aunty you can correct my Quran and we'd be spoken sign language and I recited put on to him and we just hung out the whole time you have to deal with people peacefully you have to calm down when you deal with people you will meet all kinds of people all kinds of temperaments some some of you are stuck with a boss who in not in any way neither hey ROG your own like he's always angry he wakes up angry he you know he's eating an exam even he's angry when he's smiling even and then you you know you have that kind of a boss but you know what you have to learn to deal with it peacefully peacefully you have employees you have some of you are teachers you have students that make you angry you got to calm down you can't get angry in the classroom Alice ooh la la la Nadia has told we were told in the birth to more ugly money says I was sent as a teacher he sent as a teacher he never got angry at people none s is never you know his servant is telling us that he lived with him and then he's and he never told him dude why did you do this why didn't you do this the entire time la la la and that's her slave that's not even your employee that's her slave he never said this to that so all new cinnamon is really important and why is it important because what the next time you have to force yourself to be humble and calm things down and not respond in anger then you tell yourself I'm doing this because I want to be from a bad Iraq man with a hot lava hovel javelin padhu Salama this is category number one category number one people who can control their anger people who can control their pride people who can let go of their ego and just defuse a situation even if they're right even if they're right they just say it's okay it's not worth it it's not worth the fight you know Alison Anna I'll tell you an interesting story of imam abu hanifa rahamallah mama Hanifa obviously you know a great of his time and then after people are coming to him for photo all the time and his mother had a question and she asked a question so she told her the answer and she said you don't know anything your mother didn't say that to you right I'm gonna go ask that one over there and that guy that she wanted to go ask he was a dying he wasn't an item he was a diary that means he can give people a reminder you can tell people about tuck wall but he doesn't know about fish idea or anything like that so his mother goes and asks him and he says let me do some research I'll get back to you and he comes back to who eva is like hey your mom came over and she was like she had a question and is like okay here's the answer but don't tell her I told you right sometimes you will have people in your own family that don't like hearing from you maybe you became closer to the Dean but they're not that close to the Dean and that makes you angry it makes you angry that some women in your family don't wear a hijab it makes you angry some young men in your family don't pray you get mad at them no don't get angry at them speak with them peacefully speak with them calmly your anger will only take them further away from being they won't bring them closer you know you have to have a soft heart towards those who are not there yet you were not praying five times a day there was a time when you weren't like that if somebody spoke to you angrily would you start praying or go further away think about that think about that Allah softened your heart so you wait until Allah soft ins theirs and you have to be soft to people I remind people that allah azzawajal told musa alayhis salaam to be nice to fit out to be nice to fit out fit on tried to kill Masada he set up when he was just a baby that I own killed thousands of babies every year he called himself God there are so many reasons to hate around and Allah says when you go to him well cool Allahu code and lagina if you have to be nice to Pharaon what about your wife what about your husband what about your children what about your cousin's your brother your uncle these are the people that make us angry these are the people family makes you really angry I'm telling you I know siblings make you angry and these are the people that deserve the most soft responses from us we have to change the way we behave with them this is Carlos Alana okay this is category number one category number two well daddy Naya b2 and Ali Rob be him so Judah Akiyama and there's another group of people who are special to Allah they spend the entire night either in sized are standing p.m. we'll lay the Hodja everybody's like okay next category I can't do this cat you know what's amazing if you say someone is really close to Allah then you think this person must make the Hajin and align this passage there's someone who's really close to Allah first category is not the people of qiyama Lane first category is who people who control their anger you see how much he loved he loves the people who control their anger even more than the people that spend a whole night in prayer so how Allah well Athena yeah b2 another lovely him so Jaden Yama okay give me the third category he says when the dina yahoo Lunara by lhasa a fan either Johana it's so beautiful this category there's a group of people Allah loves because the only thing they just ask Allah Allah just I don't want to see Gehenna I don't want to take me away from Jahannam I don't want to I don't want to be turned away from it in Navajo conover Hama in Naha it was stuck on one normal common its penalty is very heavy it's a huge pan I can't bear it I can't even think about Gehenna it is a terrible place to be for a little while or for a long time I have to explain this part to all of you it is a terrible place to be most occurred run for a little while normal common long term now there are some people like I was I'm sure you've seen this on youtube if you follow my videos there was a young girl in Florida at a youth program she asked me a question she wrote it down she said I do a lot of Haram things but I'm not going to hell forever right because I'm Muslim so even if I do go to hell it will not be forever this daughter says I don't want to go to Jahannam not for a long time not for a short time I don't want to see it Allah loves the people who understand that they don't want any part of Jahannam short or long there are some Muslims who say of course I don't want to go to Jahannam forever but I don't know one weekend I maybe we can do that much Haram you know this is from the Jews a Yama might do that they've had a few days we can handle it I mean come on you know after that yonder man it's okay so then you party here you pay one weekend price and then you go back to ten not what's the big deal Allah says those are not a bother of mine about the rock man are the people the special people - al are the people who say Ya Allah I don't want to see jahannum not for a day not for two days not for a minute not for a second and not permanently I don't want anything to do with jihad I know it will take a long time for me to explain this but I want to take a minute over five minutes at least to explain this to you there is an ayah in Surat al anbiya there's one ayah in surah al-anbiya that describes the least punishment in Jahannam jahannum is described in so many places in the Quran but the least least least I mean the easy punishment of Jahannam is described insulting gambia how easy is it the person described has not tasted the fire they have only tasted a breeze you know when you have a fire it has a hot wind the hot wind is called left hot with a lamb but the ayah doesn't use love how he says well it must have enough how would a noon would annoy one it actually means a cool breeze not a hot breeze enough how is used when you know when you close the door and some hot air comes in as you're closing the door that the air that comes in or goes out that's called enough huh Allah says those people will taste enough hot air not even inside Jahannam where outside they haven't even gone in yet and they didn't taste fire they didn't taste lava they didn't eat anything that they're just exposed to air and not even hot air which kind of air hold enough rights even there's hotter air in the engine um and it touched them barely musts at home it barely touched them you know sometimes you're boiling or frying things and something comes out and it touches use a little bit but that's not air that's liquid Allah doesn't say a liquid will touch you what does he say air will touch you and it will barely touch you for a split second split second it will touch you that's it and it won't even be the full fledge air it will be not enough had to either be Arabic it will be enough cotton min adhabi Arabic mimetic Anil its to make it very little bit of ear just tiny little bit so it's not even the whole door was opened and the wind came in it was like a tiny little you know you have window inside the window a little bit of it opened and a little bit of an air came out and you felt it on your skin just for a split second and then this is the only torture this person received there is nothing else yet and they're not even in Hell yet they're still outside that's evident from the word enough huh he says Yahweh Ilana the person swears I have never felt more torture ever in my life this is the word I must be in the worst part of Hell whale little Souls Iceland describes Wayne as the worst part of Hellfire so scary that Hell itself is afraid of it Jehan Dom is afraid of Wayne and this guy says I must be in Wayne yeah why Ilana is that even inside yet the Muslim understands the believer the student of Quran understands in the hasta Calvin Momo common I cannot be there for a little while and a long time I know I should not have the mentality of bunnies lion who said ah then Thomas on Anala Yama Manu that just a few days we can handle it you know I've had long hard hot road trips outside with no air-conditioning I'm tough no in hosaka Renault coma this is a category by itself these people are special to Allah the only thing they ask Allah al I don't want Jahannam I don't want you on them never at all that dry itself qualifies you to be special to Allah Subhan Allah what a mercy from Allah so now we have a few categories people who control their anger category number two people who say I'm honestly I'm only then category number three people who ask Allah they don't want to go to Hellfire they can't pay the penalty of hellfire then what category he says subhanAllah well Athena is an otaku the music if you win enough to rule what kind of a Hanukkah Kalama the people who spend money when they spend money they don't spend too much and they're not cheap either they're right in between when you go shopping I made good money put it all in I'll take two of those I'll take three of those I'll take five of those what's the biggest TV you have I want a TV that doesn't even go through my door give me that you know what's the most expensive car what's the law you know you just want to show people how much money you guys want to pay pay you can eat food at a restaurant what you want to go to the restaurant where they charge you 200 reais to sit down first you're spending too much spending too much right Allah says the people who spend but they're responsible when they spend irresponsible when they spend and they're not cheap either you don't go to the store with your wife to get the cereal and the milk and the vegetables and she's putting milk and you're like you're gonna drink all that milk you need all that milk get the small one hey don't do that you know don't be cheap either you have to have a balance in your budget let me tell you something the economic crisis in the world the fall of the European economy the fall of the American economy that is barely recovering from you know where it came from it came from people spending irresponsibly and then institutions spending irresponsibly and then government spending irresponsibly and saying we can just put it on the credit card put it on the credit card put it on the credit card people gotta prove for mortgages for their homes far more than they can afford and they said we're approved you go for it you got you get your credit check and you can lease a car it's more expensive than you can afford but hey I'll just make the minimum payments I'm okay and people built upon this debt because they didn't spend they spent outside of their means Quran is teaching us or on is teaching us that when you spend money don't spend money that's not in your pocket don't take loans don't be addicted to your credit card don't be like that spend within your means spend within your budget you know the only time the Muslim gets careful about spending is when they have to give sadaqa it's the only time you know there's a you know the boxes going around and people are collecting sadaqa for the my and you say man electricity bill gas school there's so the whole budget for your family comes up in front of you you become a certified professional accountant you know but then when you go to the videogame store or the electronics store and you're buying the the new guide the new phone the tablet or you're buying the movie or whatever the whole budget doesn't come in front of your eyes you don't say what about the gas what about the Electra you just spend it you just spend it we have to be responsible spenders we can't be cheap and we can't overspend a lot of you my shall are doing well financially so you say to yourself I can afford it just because you can afford it doesn't mean you should spend the money your money has other uses you can you can help your family you have a lot of family back home that's not doing well you can help them yeah well you have a lot of community over here that's financially not very well off you can help them you can help keep people get out of debt your money can do other good things instead of just buying yourself things you know you don't have to get the newest car you don't have to just get a decent car I'm not saying get a car that you know it's like you know the might as well get a donkey instead of a car but now don't get that kind of car either got a decent car but you don't have to get like all blinged out like a 350z with like spinner rims and like you know neon light you know like slow down on when you drive by chill out dude just get a normal car you know don't go crazy don't pay five times the price to buy the same kind of shirt because it has the logo on it you know it has the brand oil come on man they were made in the same factory they're playing with you they're messing with you if you think that you're you get some more value when you wear a different brand don't be duped by these things you know be reasonable you don't have people you know the people like to buy it expensive stores and they like to carry the bag the expensive store they like to wave it extra much oh that store okay yeah this guy mm-hmm mechana bein a Dalek a koala they maintain a healthy normal responsible budget in between and we have to teach this to our kids we have to teach this to our kids don't just give your kids money Baba can I have 20 real nobody even asked for 20 they probably asked for 100 nowadays right what what is it 20 look at 20 like what is that you know I can wipe my nose with 20 give me some real money what I'm saying when you give your children money make them work make them earn money don't just give it to them when you just give children money they have no value for money they have no value for it when you say you will wash the car will vacuum the whole house you will do this or that if you you know don't work outside work inside the house but work serious work and then I'll give you something then I'll you will earn it you'll do all the dishes for this week and now I'll give you something and even if you give them two dollars but two reals five years ten reality they will value it if you just give it to them you asked him the next day where's the money uh what money what are you talking about they spend it like that because they have no value for it I had a very wealthy friend in America whose son memorized Quran so he was so happy with a son he bought him a BMW okay and then m3 that's a serious car guys that you know I've sat in an m3 before and I've I remembered malecon mode because the guy driving it went like he went 160 miles not kilometres miles an hour that's insane you know speed of light and the sixteen seventeen year olds drivin and m3 and he like got into three for accidents destroyed the car destroyed the car father says he's wealthy guy you know he's a surgeon by some alexis destroys it again and he says he came to me and said what should I do I keep my son keeps destroying cars like why do you keep giving it to him tell him I am NOT buying you a car go get a job earn your money so he works at a tire shop his father's a surgeon but he works at a tire shop he works at a clothing store he goes and does all kinds of you mows lawns for people he earns the little bit of money and then what does he do he pay he buys this $1500 really bad card but he washes it every day he takes care of it he's so proud of it Hey sisters sisters all right what just happened upstairs who's fighting just end the fight right now and let's come back to the dose okay I know it's hard I know no you don't want to do that I still hear you yeah you stop it okay sisters let me tell you a little secret to how you get people to stop talking you stare at them the way you stare at your husband when you forgot to get the groceries okay you don't have to say anything just stare at them with that look of death that you have mastered and they will be quiet within 10 seconds okay it always works okay anyhow so spending responsibly what's the next category so beautiful somebody says man stop no man you gave us these categories but I don't know first category was control my anger I'm like the Hulk of style I can't control my anger forget that one next category ti Moune don't forget that III don't even nuclei Manohar I okay I'm a lame forget that I can't do that one give me the next one oh they make a lot of dough I ask Allah for and I can't remember though I'm busy right now I give me the next category I say okay you spend responsibly no staff Grand Theft Auto just came out you know I can't spend responsibly right now tell me in Roma Bahn not right now give me the next category Allah says when Athena hired their own EMA Allah he nahan alpha those who don't call anyone other than allies a God he opened the door to all the flames man he opened the door to all you are special to me if you don't call on anyone other than Allah so Han Allah and then he said there's a couple other things when I have to Luna nufs and let the haram allahu in heaven huh they don't kill anyone you're like at least I checked that I didn't kill anybody I'm good I must be special to a lot because I haven't killed anyone and you wonder why would Allah put that here Allah was talking about high expectations anger control fiamma main responsible spending there are these are special qualities what's so special about not killing someone sometimes like you at least made that category when I has known and they don't commit zina big big sins right why did he mention that I believe he mentioned that because for some people in the world these things are difficult there are some people whose whole family is Mushnik they're the only one on Tajin and for them to only worship Allah is very hard but they still do it they still do it they're special to Allah there are cities and states and countries where wars are going on people are killing each other and it's very easy to join in and just kill somebody and they say no I will not kill an innocent person I won't do it even though it's really hard it's really hard for them to stop everybody else is doing it there are places in America where there are gangs cities I have gangs and this kid lives in the neighborhood if you don't join the gang either you're with them or you're against them so if you're with them you go kill other people if you're against them go kill you and he refuses to kill people he's risking his life that's special to Allah he says what is known and they don't commit zina they don't have boyfriends and girlfriends they don't have secret relationships why did he mention that because for some people it's always there he's a good-looking young guy he walks around in the wall and the girl looks at it and goes nehe and is there gone this is easy you know nobody's watching I think it's ok should be alright and he stops himself he still stops it's hard I know it's hard guys I know it's hard but you stopped yourself the girl thinks that guy's looking at me man he must think I'm really pretty and she starts smiling he stops herself no this is wrong I can't do this this is not right just because my parents aren't watching just because the police isn't here to stop me doesn't mean it's okay what is known they don't do it they don't behave like that there are young men in like whenever I come from in the US obviously you know kids go to college and college in the summer is bad you know it's bad and you have an 18 19 year-old boy whose whole hormones are raging inside of him and then there's like in his college classroom there's girls sitting that are barely dressed and this girl comes over to him and said hey can you help me with the homework he's being tested by Allah he's being tested you guys are going to be tested that's not just in America by the way that's not just in America you'll be tested in the mall you'll be tested when you go on and hang out I know I know who told you I don't worry about it I have big years and hamdulillah you you will be tested with this and it's sometimes it's not going to be easy especially for the young people here it's not going to be easy maybe you have friends on your phone man your parents don't know about it you've got a secret you got another profile on Facebook you're just updating it right now and you have to unfriend all of those girls yep you do you listening you have to unfriend them and don't call them back and don't text them back and when they say what happened you don't like me anymore you don't even say no no no no no it's not you it's just Islam no don't do that don't even talk back just leave it drop it end of story no more girls if you're up to this stop it you stop yourselves you know you this is not something your parents will come in control you when you are teenagers and you have hormones and you reach the age of puberty and you're attracted to the opposite gender that means in Islam you are adults and you have to make your own responsible decisions your parents are no longer responsible for your Islam you are responsible if you are 14 years old 15 years old even 13 years old and you die today then Allah will not say minor go easy on it you are treated as an adult in our Deen this religion makes you an adult early the moment you start feeling a little funny about the other gender you're an adult you will be tried by a lot like a 50 year old like a 30 year old you're the same as them hold yourself to a higher standard don't think of yourself as just a kid you are an adult what is known well many of us are Calcutta Famine whoever did that he's gonna is earn he's come to contact with a great sin how can a Muslim do this how can a Muslim do how can a Muslim kill someone how can a Muslim commits zina how can they do that you borrow a fella who neither Blauman qiyama the punishment will be doubled for those people the path the passage began these are special people to me and now Allah says discover over these three things murder and zina adultery illegitimate relations these three things if a Muslim does it anybody else does it they will get punished a Muslim does it I'll punish him double he knew it and he still did it emotion at least he didn't know when he did it the Muslim knew are instilled in Gibara flan Dada Bo monkey Anna on judgement day on Resurrection Day the punishment is doubled frame while your float Fiji Mohan and and he will remain in that punishment humiliated he will constantly be humiliated because and killing a person and zina are humiliating crimes they take away the dignity of a human being and so allah azza wajal is extremely angry at these people then you're like maybe somebody sitting in this audience that's made some mistakes in their life don't raise your hand only Allah knows your mistakes I don't want to know and you shouldn't tell people it's between you and Allah maybe you've made some big mistakes in your life what about you you hear this answer like oh my god double punishment maybe I should leave the mush head right now because that's pretty depressing and then Shaitaan comes to those kinds of people you know what shaitaan says to that man you going to hell anyway might as well party it up you know what are you doing in the mustard anymore you're already on the Express train just go all the way man you know you're already a goner what does Allah say about these people in lament ABBA what Aminah wha Amina imma dance lolly huh the exception is people who did shift people who did murder people who did zina but the exception is even if you did these things these things are all of these things if you turn back to Allah and you became a believer again it's like you can't became a new Muslim you came into Islam all over again and this time well I mean our modern Saudi honey and he was very serious about doing good things from now on it's not just a meal of sorry honey you're cool I mean I might not find Hannah send me have that mullet look locked this is called the absolute additive it's added to the verb to emphasize it over anything else what that means in simple English is this person came back to return back to Allah fix their faith and then after fixing their faith this time they take their actions very seriously they take their actions very very seriously they are really keen on doing good deeds I mean I'm a longshot even if you can become that person even if you've done some terrible things in your life fella Iike you but be to Allah who say ye to him husana then those people Allah will take all of their sins and convert them into good deeds he will not just get rid of your sins we want a lot to get rid of our sins maybe your sins are the size of a mountain I don't want to see that mountain on Judgment Day Allah will not get rid of the mountain Allah will turn the mountain into a mountain of good deeds if you can make that one this is al Rahman Allah is telling us the people that are furthest from Allah you know so I said I'm told this lion is an e inna asked even warm up me the one who commits zina is not a Muslim I'm not a believer at the time he's doing zina he's not a believer the people furthest from a lot of people who lost their Iman the people who do the people who kill another person innocent person the company will commit Zia their furthest from Allah and Allah says even if they are so far away from me they turn back towards me I will forget all of their crimes and I will convert their crimes into good deeds for them on judgement day it's Han Allah I will make them a bad man to me because they came back they were so far away and they still came back to me that's what Allah wants for you buddy long say yeaaahh team husana welcome allah who offered our human allah has always been extremely forgiving always loving now somebody Shaitaan comes to them as they're listening to this doves and Shaitaan comes to them and says hey look if you do a really bad sin and then you make tawba you can take the mountain of bad deed and turn it into a mountain of good deed so why don't we just go out there and do some really bad stuff and then make tawba because man that's the easiest way to get a huge pile of goodies and somebody else's thinking sitting there man these people were so messed up and they made Toba and Allah gave them so much but I didn't I'm not that bad I just missed a couple of salons I got angry at my mom ones you know I talked back to my husband and I said some mean things to my sister and you know I talked back to my father my mother etc I have some issues I've done some bad things but it's not that bad I didn't kill anyone I didn't do zina so is my toe by any good I mean their table is there did big things and they made table is but my table is for smaller things so does it count is it any good Allah says in the next ayah woman table I mean the father Han anybody else who makes stove ax and there's any good deeds fine are we a - we don't buy him a table that's a pretty good throw bar - he's also coming back to Allah with a very serious Tova in other words you don't say man I haven't been really bad so my table is not as good as the guy who you know was a gangster is like killed 20 people and then he became a Muslim and no no no no no whatever sins you've made whatever since you've made remember one thing about sins if they are a if there are no big deal to you if your sins are no big deal to you then they are a big deal to Allah and when your sins are a big deal to you they're a big problem for you then they are a small problem for Allah Allah will forgive them easily if you care a lot about your mistakes if you don't care about your mistakes it could be a small mistake but it will be big on judgmental because you didn't care caring comes in the heart Eliza but they're just about what is in our hearts our attitudes so women table I mean as Holly - now a to buiid on my team at Tampa okay so we have a few categories these are all special people what's the next category there's so many ways to get into Jenna so many ways to be a bad enough man and by the way this is the part before the ears remember that we're still before the ears we haven't reached the end so what's the next category he says when the Dean Elias Kaduna zoo young people please listen carefully these are people they never witness useless company zoo means false testimony it also means company that is useless doesn't have benefit its Buffett in other words they don't hang out until 2:00 in the morning smoking hooker they don't hang out till 3:00 in the morning just talking nonsense they don't do that they don't hang out with their friends and you know what they do at the mall they don't do that they don't get together and watch movies for hours and hours and hours why not because they've already made Tovah and when someone makes the bot they know you know when you go when you do big sins you know how you get to big sins you start with small sins and then they get bigger and bigger and then you get into the big sins then you realize that your sins were a result of your friends the people you spend time with they were the one that gets it makes it easy for you to do bad things so Allah says now that they have made Toba they make sure they are never sitting in a gathering of evil they're never sitting in a gathering of falsehood sometimes you get invited to a party and maybe those people that invited you are not very religious so they're blasting the music women have makeup on their men and women are mixed together and you're in the middle of this party what are you supposed to achieve your uncle eat your cousin's party you're like you don't stand up and say well you know shadow has over and then walk out but you make an excuse I have to get going shall I gotta get going or you mashallah you live in a country with the Adhan can be heard anywhere right so hopefully you get there for 10 minutes you were in that gathering because it's family you got to go then you heard the Athan hey it's the Adhan I'll be right back and then you go and you primitive and you hang out until it a shot pretty shot then come back to the party and say everybody's already left and I go yeah sorry you can do that you but you had you don't embarrass those people you don't embarrass them but you don't participate either you find a smart way to get out of it so Allah says when the Dean Elias Shagun absorbed by Yamato will be lovely wahoo karaman when they pass by a useless conversation when they pass by a useless activity when they're exposed to it and they will be then they leave it in a dignified way they don't just make a scene they don't just change some funny stories in my life and when I was a college student there were a bunch of guys in our College Muslim guys they used to play cards outside the masala our College in Queens College we had a masala and outside them saw the student room the students used to get together and they play cards now they're inside the studio and there are some people making salat and outside these guys are playing cards so this guy came out you you people are you playing cards you should be making salat inside and this one guy looks like this go grow a beard man leave me alone why do they do I do the insult him like that why because when you see people doing useless things you cannot get angry at them you have to leave them in a dignified way if you're going to give them advice given in a respectful way respect people even if they're doing wrong things we have a hatred for sins not for people who do them we'd only be hate people who make mistakes we hate the sin itself so way that one will be lovely model kill Amin some of you have friends that have bad habits and they invite you some of you have friends that do drugs I know and you know about it sometimes they've even offered it to you you're like no no not only should you try to stop them from doing it if you have friends like that get away one thing you should do is try to get them out of it and if you can you should distance yourself save yourself you are not going to go save them you'll get messed up that you have friends that you have some friends that drink they don't care they drink you know and obviously it's Haram but when some people do Haram alot then in their mind it's not that harm anymore it becomes no big deal you know the saying Arabic capital hatack more sulfur hottest water you make a big deal out of something it's a big deal it's not you don't you minimize it it's minimal to you it's not that big deal to you it's not it's not that bad you know do you have friends like that you have to try to advise them and if they don't change their ways you cannot be in their company you have to distance yourself multiple key element they walk away in a dignified way now we're coming towards the end Subhan Allah when the Dina this is the next category when the Dina llevado POV I appeal of be him let me tell you this next category could be all of you that are sitting over here right now all of you you have an opportunity to belong to this category well and myself included when the Dina is a looky-loo bi athira be him lam yasha ruin aha some Lenora me Ana when they are reminded of the ayat of their master I am being reminded when I'm speaking I am being reminded of the ayat of my master and you sitting here are being reminded of the ayat of your master Allah says when they are being reminded of the ayat of their master lemmya field why they have some maƱana and they didn't pass over those ayat they didn't trip over them mute deaf and blind they didn't just go over them like ah I didn't you know it's a nice speech but I'm still gonna do what I'm gonna do you know my teacher used to call it it although some some guess honey oh man all right if people listen and they listen and they nothing changes you've been listening to speeches your whole life what has changed Allah says you want to be a Nevada rock mine you listen to a podcast you listen to an mp3 you listen to a YouTube video you listen to a dust like this sitting over here and when you walk out of here you say I will not forget these lessons these are lessons for my life is not just a speech in a program there's not just a program this is reminding myself of the IATA of my rub what he told me to do so I will become I have to become one of these people Lamia Hilary has some money onon when ladina Yahoo Luna Robin uh-huh Blenheim in as Regina what dual reeow Tina Parata our union this is the door of this Omar today let me tell you something guys I've traveled not that much but I've traveled enough I've seen enough of the Oman to be able to make some observations the crisis of the OMA is not economics it's not politics it's not education it's not corruption that is not the crisis of the OMA the crisis of the OMA is that the family unit is being destroyed people don't know how to raise their kids anymore people don't know what it means to be parents anymore husbands don't know what to what it means to be a husband anymore wife doesn't know what it means to be a wife anymore children don't know what it means to be children anymore that is being destroyed by the modern context we live in and when when we learn this Dora we learn that one of the things that will protect us will save us save our OMA is that we protect our family we protect that unit the biggest priority the parents in this room have the biggest priority you have is the Islam of your children what will they do when you're gone are they only making salat because you're standing over there or are they making salat because you've been able to put the taqwa of Allah in their hearts yeah kuba in his salami is dying he's dying and he looks at his children and says Matta bounnam embody I'm going to show Haddad how do I our football modes it's called Ali Benny Lata muda lemon body he's dying and he looks at his children says what are you gonna worship after I'm gone while I was here you used to pray you used to worship Allah I used to make darling but I'm leaving what are you gonna do after I'm gone what are you gonna do that's tell via this door our master give us the gift huh B'Elanna give us the gift not a Tina not a Tina right its hub lana from Heba from Heba and here mine Arabic means a gift that you didn't expect yeah Allah give us the unexpected undeserved gift what gift - wha Gena Madhuri ah Tina Parata are you from our wives and our husbands and our children give us what makes our eyes so happy that it makes us cry charata are you it cools our eyes you know what that means it makes you so happy you want to cry when you listen to your child recite quran and they love reciting quran then it makes you so happy you want to cry when you look at your wife and watch how she's raising your children it makes you so happy you want to cry when she looks at the husband who wakes up hers to her children for his children for fudger and takes them to the masjid she wants to cry she's so happy our husbands cry and our wives cry but they don't cry because they're happy they cry for other reasons you know we are asking the law for tears of joy we want to be so happy with our family how are we going to do that right now every day you go home you fight with your wife man every day you go home look why were you so late why are you asking me you always ask me don't you know there's traffic look outside the window and you start every day every day and then you're so angry then you look at the child and he's like what are you writing playing with a toy why do you look happy we don't have happiness here where's your homework it's like I didn't get any homework you know why not I'm gonna complain to your school you know God this is not pirata Ariane there are people who come to the Masjid for salat and Salam is supposed to make you give you peace it's supposed to make you calm it's supposed to settle you down and then they go home and there's a tornado that walked into the house Oh children or children hide under the bed you know the wife gets off the phone look you know you cannot be the reason for your family to be afraid of you you should be a reason for your family to be joy overjoyed your children should love tour they should run to you and hug you when you come home that's the relationship you should have with your children and while I'm on this topic 20 years ago 30 years ago 40 years ago parenting was different now it's not the same you cannot afford to be I'm talking to the fathers here you cannot afford to be authorities over your children you cannot afford that you have to be friends and authorities with your children our fathers were not friends with us they were authorities we didn't like slap our dad on the back and say hey dad let's go play some basketball let's play some football we didn't do that Ibaka Mohan Baba Abidjan you sit straight so that morning when you get their shoes that was 20 years ago 30 years ago your kids don't do that and they won't you we're living in 2013 brothers and sisters we have to accept reality our children are exposed to a lot of things it doesn't matter if you're in the Muslim world or anywhere else if their arm will remain you have to respect your parents but our children we have to the only one who will give them the love of Islam is you and you will not be able to give to them if you're only an authority if you only yell at them and tell them what to do but you're not their friend every father here should know and master the video games your children play you should be better if you're letting your kids play video games first of all that's a problem but if you are letting them play and you're not going to let them stop then you better play with them then you better be sitting there playing with them you don't go watch the news you're not going to change the world okay each one you've watched enough news believe me and nothing has changed you need to know what you know whether the stock market went up or down you don't even care about stocks manual why are you watching the news it has nothing to do with you listen to it in the car when you're in the don't come home and watch TV don't come home and watch the news come home and play with your kids you homework with your kids talk to your kids take your kids to the Masjid do that with them make your kids love you I tell you I'm telling you if we don't have two fathers if the fathers don't do this we will lose this Allah we will lose our next generation I am Telling You I'm guaranteeing you this is the real problem that I cannot come from America share 50 min Kenda mostly men cannot come from you know all of different places in the world they come in this city and they give you a dust we can only help a little bit it can only help a little bit the real change that will come in your child's life will come from you or come from you I'm gonna have laminas why Gina with the reality now karate are you on and now let me talk to the sisters for a little bit sisters you're stuck with your husband stop being angry accept it and try to love your husband try to make your husband happy because believe me if he gets even a little bit happy you will be really happy I'm telling you right now you say I am angry why should he be happy I know you I know I've talked to enough of you I know he doesn't care about me why should I care about him and he thinks the same thing she doesn't care about me why should I care about her you start you be nice to him you smile at him and he'll get he'll get all shocked like why are you smiling hoo-wah is everything okay you know is your mother here is that you know you know uh-uh you have to be nice to your husband you have to don't dress up when you go to a wedding dress up for your husband even if you have four kids it doesn't dress up for your husband there's enough shaitaan and fitna outside so your husband should find beauty in you not anywhere else you should and you should become you should compliment your wife you should say nice things to your wife you shouldn't just always complain where are the keys where's the mail did you get them did you get the groceries did you do this did you all you didn't know anything all you don't listen to me stop man there's not enough salt there's too much salt there's not enough sugar there's too much sugar there's not hot enough it's too hard stop stop say nice things to your wife and I know if you're like Indian Pakistani that it's very difficult for you I know it's very hard to say nice things to your wife in our culture if you say nice things to your wife your ribs hurt you know so you have to immediately follow it up with something mean you have to say something bad right after to balance the equation you can't just say nice things so if the food is really good like oh I stumbled a check out of an ad but I still hate your mother like something yeah you have to add something you know but don't try to be this is the door we are asking Allah to give us so much happiness from our wife and our husband and our children that it makes us want to cry out of joy how will that happen you cannot ask Allah for something and not make any effort yourself it doesn't work that way you cannot say a lot behind me Moki must sadati yama make me establish her of the prayer and you're sitting lying down in bed Avon's going on you're like rabbit joly muke in masala tea is not going to send you angels that carry you and lift you to the salat and doesn't make you me cuckoo and get you back you gotta get up yourself man you make dua and you make some effort yourself you're not gonna make duaa and all of a sudden your wife will start loving you no you have to show our love to you have to do that you have to make some effort in the house I am Telling You this is the work of the OMA today fixing the family fixing the family and when our children see that the husband and wife are fighting with each other they slip through the cracks so they get in trouble with the mother they run to the Father when they trouble with the father they run to the mother and they know they can do whatever they want that way because they know father and mother don't like each other when father and mother are a team oh man then they got nowhere to go you went to you go to mom moms like okay hold on let me call your dad let's talk about this together oh no no no I was hoping we could discuss this by ourselves without getting father involved oh no no you know this is hublin ominous vagina with the via tina pro rata REO and why should we do this why should I care so much about raising a good family being a good husband well lucky when you're a good husband your son will be a good husband when you're a good wife your daughter will be a good wife sisters this is what's good and if you're not then you will create bad families now in the future and you will be the fault you will be the reason so we say wa ja alna limit Athena you mama make us imam make us leaders over people that have taqwa in other words everybody who has a household is an imam you have an imam of the masjid you have any mom of you know the Messala but every house has an imam you're the Imam of your house I don't care if you have a beard or not you'll be mom of your house I don't care if you remember eyes put on or not you're the Imam of your house and you want to make sure that your household that you are Imam of where these people are looked a team the last thing I want to share with you about these requirements is why why did Allah say what are learning with Tokina ammama on judgement day when I stand in front of Allah as an imam over my six children and my wife when I am a mom over them they will be tied to me and if I didn't do my job with them and they made mistakes because of me their mistakes will also cost me I will be dragged down with them but if I raise my children correctly and I did good with them and they went on to serve Allah's Deen and become good people earn good deeds then Allah raises them and when he raises them automatically because I'm chained to them he raises me we ask a lot to be with Imam of our muttaqeen because we because we need it on Judgment Day my deeds are not enough I'm going to need commission from my children and their children and their children and their children I tell you something where I you know originally from Pakistan and I come from a family and a extended family that's not very religious we're not like super religious I wasn't raised religiously me and we made some salat here and there but overall we're not that you know and the most Pakistani families are like that there some that are religious but most of them in our circle at least we're not like that right and you know what they were really you know when I started learning more about the religion my cousins and other family members were kind of a little bit in shock we're a little bit taken back why are you growing a beard we don't do that you know why is your wife wing a job in the club and all of that why is she doing that you know why do you why can't you be regular why can't you be normal they said right because normally we know women don't wear hijab and it's all good and the men aren't the way they are and salat if once in a while is fine no big deal you go to a wedding by ah sir time multi-bear she'll go by nobody cares songs are playing it's no problem right and so they say you are leaving the tradition why aren't you like us why do you want to be like the monkeys hyung what do you want to be I'm a really strange well we saw by not wearing a suit I know it's weird you it's confusing to you I understand I'll explain it to you one day I'll come back and explain it to you but but for now let me tell you something look back two generations ago look at the picture of your great-grandfather and his wife they barely had black-and-white photographs back then what guess what grandpa's got a big ol beard and grandmas got you don't even see her face that's our tradition someone in this lineage decided that they will not take the Dean seriously and then their children decided not to take it they take it even less seriously and their children take it even less seriously until you get to a point where they're not even Muslim I met up I met a fellow what I was in I was at a Quran conference in Las Vegas I swear it was a Quran conference okay so I was there at Oaklawn conference and I met this really old white couple you know they're in their 90's blond hair blue eyes they came into the West ship and I said what are you doing here he goes well we just became Muslim last year and we decided that we want to meet as many Muslims as we can before we die so we go stop at every Masjid in America and we started in Ohio and now we've made it to Vegas and we're going to go on to California and so on and I was like why did you become Muslim and 91 year old man and woman become Muslim he said I was looking up by family tree and I realized that we're actually of lebanese origin and my great-grandfather who moved to america was actually a muslim but then his son my grandfather married a Christian and then the children were raised pretty much between the two religions and then they ended up choosing Christianity and then we were raised Christians and I've been raised a Christian my children of a Christian but when I look back at my lineage I said how was my great-grandfather Muslim what is Islam anyway I started reading it and I came back to instead sohan Allah so how the LA you know but how many people lose their religion how many people and you don't have to become a Christian or a Jew or an atheist to lose your religion isn't it enough that we're not even praying anymore is it enough that our children aren't even praying anymore allah says in quran fellas the kiwanis allah he didn't confirm the truth and the proof is he didn't pray accepting the truth of Islam the proof of that is what you pray you don't pray that means you don't really think it's the truth finesse of the kiwanis on that well I can get about what I want that he lion called it a lion he turned away from it yeah I feel ayat Allah and I saw not turned away from the prayer you know so now these are the qualities of robado Rahman but this is all one part of the sentence what is the conclusion what is what Allah giving these people he says Iike you Jews on a low-fat abhi Massa Babu the slaves of Allah who control their anger and also those who pray in the middle of the night and also those who make duaa to be saved from Jahannam and also those who are financially responsible and also and also and also and also what about them they are the ones that Allah will be giving them they will be compensated with very high lofty mansions they will be given palaces because of the suburb they had because of the patience they had what is a lot telling us all of these qualities require what some of them what a southern mean someone doesn't just mean patience it means constancy let me tell you what constancy is because Ramadan is coming some people become very good Muslims in Ramadan but they don't have the suburb to continue after Ramadan you can have these good qualities you can control your anger but you say I controlled it for like two months I ran out of gas and I went back to normal again no no someone means when you take one of these qualities it's for life if you're able to make that a lifestyle choice then these people get Genda be possible well you're not gonna Fiat ahi upon what Solomon and they're going to be greeted they're walking into Genda and the angels are waiting there and they're walking in that are calling your name hey Salam alaykoum so happy you're here congratulations this is your palace it has all of these entrances by the way there's a waterfall in the back but check it out all of them and there's giving you a full tour of your palaces and you're being greedy like a tour guide angels are your tour guides in Jenna you know Cohn a Fiat aji autonomous a llama and when you go to an expensive place when you go to like you know sometimes hotels look like palaces you go spend how many nights in a hotel one two it's expensive and then you realize I'm going to leave here but I should take some pictures before I know this is nice that's a nice or you go to some beautiful island or beautiful resort vacation place how long can you stay there just a little bit you're being given this beautiful tour Allah says highly Dina theja they're going to stay here it's not temporary this is your home now this is where you live hasil Acosta : one more comment this is such an awesome place to be temporarily and long-term now the question comes how come Allah mentioned I understand gender he mentioned long-term why did he mention what temporarily short-term why did he mention was taco Hassan acoustic Arvind Momo common FMO common on hulu drill Jenna Valley model most occur because because if you make it to one level of gender Allah Azza WA JAL is giving you the option it might be that you might upgrade you to the executive suite next level of Jannah so this home you have in Jannah as awesome as it is might be temporary because Allah is about to upgrade you and then you go you go to the upgrade and it might be the laws again about to upgrade you again and so there's an open there's a door open in this ayah for Muslims maybe we make it Jenna has seven levels you make it a level one may be the basement of level one you made it what I was offering you over time most heartily give you even more come more above and above and above I'll keep giving you better Subhan Allah Subhan Allah it's awesome one of the descriptions of July and in the Quran we find is mcafee Nephi he ibadah socialgov Allah says mark Athena he he obadah marcus in arabic means someone who's waiting for something and they're excited Mousavi sallam told his family wait here I'm gonna go see about that fire uncle Zhu Tao Zi Luo uncle Zhu Indiana Enescu Nara you stay here when they're staying there are they waiting excitedly like I can't wait til he comes back or they're like y'all might as well stay here no they're nervous they're excited because they're waiting for the next thing allah says in quran we will constantly be waiting in Jenna in excitement you know what that means Allah will give you fruit and you eat that was amazing and then you're excited because the next delivery is coming then Allah will show you a palace and you're so happy but then you're excited because the next palace is about to be shown you're constantly going to be upgraded and this is going to happen forever forever you can't go beyond iPhone 5 guys you have to wait you have to make lots of Doha for six you know you got the Samsung whatever that's it there's you have to wait till the upgrade but you know everything about gender will be upgraded and upgraded permanently permanently permit keep moving up this is Houston at Makaha oh mama I shared these IAP with you because I want to encourage you and your families to be a body like mine Allah did not tell us you have to do all of this he said at least do one of these give me one of these so I have a reason to call you an iPod Oh Rahman give Allah a reason to be called I bought a black man give a lot of reason you know he is so loving and kind he instead of setting high requirements he lowers the requirements he keeps okay you don't you can't do that one how about this one how about this one how about this one how hot this is hot Allah in so many he gave us may allah azzawajal truly make us about the rock man and may allah azzawajal you know put barakah in this community in the lives of the muslims here may allah azza wouldn't make for all of you and your wives and your children for the sisters the brothers the elders the young for all of them learning Quran easy learning the Selah of Rasulullah so I saw them easy you know memorizing for uneasy understanding the language of the Quran easy and they've got that you guys are the reason that the Arabic language is revived in the Hadees that you guys speak Arabic so well and so purely and so refined there's not even a single bit of omnia in it you get so good at Arabic that Arabic itself gets revived by these foreigners that are sitting here I want to be part of that plan I'm going to make you guys into Arabs sooner or later so tell Donna I mean I'm inspired I think there's a real potential in the the Muslim community that speaks English there's a very easy way all of you can learn very very good Arabic the language of the Quran connect directly with the Quran and speak the language of our beloved responds Allah Allah who are the heroes in them you know one of the reasons we should desire to learn Arabic is not just to understand the Quran but because these words and these this language came out of the love of our the word our Habib sallallaahu Idaho said them that should be enough for me to want to speak it that should be enough you know it's just out of his love I want to speak this language and if you're going to learn this language don't just learn it to order a shawarma learn it properly so you taste it you you know you really get engrossed in it and you see its beauty Allah gave this a lot a gift you and I are from different ethnicities they were from different ethnicities but the one thing we have in common is the Quran well Quran or Arabic Quran is Arabic you know our vassal or arabi dollar soon is an Arab Allah made the Arabic language universal Turkish is for the Turks French is for the French or do is for the Pakistani Indians Punjabis for the Punjabis Bangla is for the Bangladeshis but Arabic is for the Muslim Arabic is not for one nation is not for one ethnicity is not for what it's for the Muslim every Muslim I don't care if you're French or German or Italian or Spanish in Arcis tiny Bangladeshi even Punjabi I'll take it I'll take it you can learn Arabic and you will and you will be awesome at it you have to believe that Allah will make that easy for you if your intention is you want to get closer to Allah swerd then Allah will open doors for you you could not have even imagined you could not have imagined I want you guys to at least take first steps in Arabic how many people here can read or on but they don't understand it you can read it but you don't understand it this vast majority of you if you're in this state I used to be like you in 1999 1999 I read Quran but I didn't understand what I was reading I took her class for three weeks I began to understand what I was reading I kept doing about half an hour of study a day I've never studied Arabic full-time in my life never I've only studied Arabic and Quran part-time I made it a part of my life and I'm still a student of the Quran and I'm still a student of the Arabic language that's what I want from Muslims you don't have to stop your life to learn this language you just need 20 minutes a day you just need 30 minutes a day I want to be able to that plan I want to give you that plan you run with it I gave you yesterday but you know TV yes on that some of you are already students on it there are there's a pro I I started teaching my own daughter my 12 year old daughter 11 year old daughter I started teaching or some Arabic of the Quran how to understand Arabic of the Quran 15 minutes 20 minutes a day and she's not a super genius she makes a lot of mistakes and forgets things and gets in trouble and all of that but I decided to record every session as I teach her because I figure if I can teach her a 10 year old and you can learn your kids can learn your wife can learn you can all learn and if you can stay with it you can begin to understand the Quran it's just 20 minutes 15 minutes a day for maybe 3 4 days a week not much you can do that you don't have to change your lifestyle in order to do this so I want you to try to use it it's called Arabic but what stuff look it up Google it even you'll find it Arabic with pasta you know it's on by unit TV the website I gave you yesterday in quote in Ramadan I don't want you to study Arabic I want you to said you put on but after that just little by little by little start learning some Arabic you are blessed to be in the Hadees you're blessed to be in like a our country life but there are so many or Lama here and so many gurus here and you're missing out because they're all in Arabic I mean I think you can get there in a year within a year you should be sitting in those helicopter like I get what he say I understand why not absolutely you can do it inshallah Tana so that's that's the hope and the prayer I have I want all of you to sincerely please make go out for myself my colleagues my teachers and also my family especially may God that the projects we have the project I personally have I think that we we did something pretty interesting in America you know we we started this experiment of teaching Arabic in America and subhanAllah we've seen amazing results students are speaking Arabic fluently they're joining you know Islamic universities and other countries you know after meeting the Arabic requirements from us people are shocked that they're learning Arabic in our cut in America of all places we think where we've reached a pretty successful curriculum now the job is to make that curriculum available to the entire OMA so the entire Ummah can learn her head the entire OMA can begin to understand Quran so make dua for our project and make du'a that allows origin you know helps the Muslims learn through it and improve and keep the sincerity going for all of us and maybe not Allah that is the sincere request I have from all of you in Chava tada it's really it's been an awesome awesome trip for me it really has been and one of the things that you know it I have to say to you is you know we live in different countries and different continents we're separated by oceans but we'll likely when you come to a Muslim country and you see all the faces you see majority of them are people of Latin aha and a lot you get a new love for the OMA it's got a new love for the OMA you know that everyone here is someone I hope to see and I don't get to know you today well we're gonna have a lot of time in Genda we're gonna have a lot of time to hang out you know that's why I say these are the people I want to meet in Genda I want to get to know every one of them and then we look back and say remember that program you were there and you were there oh wow yeah that was pretty cool and we can request is there recording available in general for this program can we have that and the angels might play a recording for us like yeah I was pretty cool you know I want to do that I want it just really I'm more inspired to see more and more of the Muslim world because I think it just there's this love that needs to be there in the Ummah it's missing man it's missing show love to each other when you go to the Masjid and pray make a friend don't just grab your slippers and climb over the next guy and grab your shoes and go say salaam to someone somalia groan how are you how's it going saturday it's just make a friend and even if they're weird like they don't say why they can't set up it's okay it's okay find the next guy may get to know people become social and the mushroom is the place to do that people who come to the mercy they're people who want to get close to Allah that's the best kind of friend you can have right make friends at the Masjid get to know people at the Machine and sisters it's halal for you to do that too you can make other friends with other sisters here when you come to make Salah don't just give a look of death that I talked about before you can also turn it off a little bit and talk and have a normal conversation and make some friends this is how the OMA get bonds is how the OMA comes closer and closer and closer this is how we stop killing the this is how we can kill nationalism and tribalism and racism we can kill these things by putting a love of Allah so there's a butter guy in the house of Allah take advantage of that I pray that Allah so much it helps all of you do that I make lots of dough out for the future of this community the present of this community may Allah protect you from all kinds of fitness may allah azzawajal make you stronger and stronger in your iman may allah azzawajal protect not only your Deen but also your dunya in you know in this part of the world may Allah put Baraka and all of your risk may as well make you people of sadaqa may Allah make you an example for other Muslims to follow Allah will help you create services for the Ummah that don't just benefit your own people the benefit people all over the world may allah azzawajal bless those and reward those who work so hard to make this program happen and so many programs like this happen i know we on our end are very difficult to deal with so they were very patient with us and they really went out of their way to take care of us and the hospitality i felt here is unbelievable i've never felt that kind of hospitality anywhere ever before so I'm very very grateful to the brothers and maybe even the sisters that were involved in putting this together the institutions are very grateful to find out for the opportunity I'll come to and I'm very honored that I got to be here and I met some of the faculty in the administration and the director mashallah it's a great bunch of people make dua that Allah Azza WA JAL puts even more like enthusiasm in their hearts so they let you know they've let even more programs like this happen over and over again inshallah tada but I'm personally I'm leaving with a very optimistic heart I'm leaving inshallah Allah tomorrow and I'll be making dua for you as I travel but I'm telling you I feel good about what I see I know there are problems but there's far more opportunities than problems really and the opportunities here excite me they're really really exciting so inshallah maybe in the future you see more of me here Allah God come on welcome thank you so very much for listening tonight barakallahu li walakum wa-salaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 161,779
Rating: 4.8645043 out of 5
Keywords: Who gets Allah's Mercy - Nouman Ali Khan, Fanar, Nouman Ali Khan, Qatar Islamic Cultural Center, servants, Islam (Religion), Quran, Prophet, Muhammad, Koran, Ahmed, Muslim, Muslims, Ramadan, Nasheed, Holy, Convert
Id: zTvL2l3mDcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 41sec (5141 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2013
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