Our Savior Shenhe (Genshin Impact)

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here we go our conquest time oh my god i have gathered everyone here today to make an important announcement perhaps some of you will have heard the news already i am in fact planning to rebuild the jade chamber what that's cray oh my we build the j chamber that's a huge project so the rumors are true no wonder the price of building materials has gone up so much lately the jade chamber means a lot to lady ninguang getting involved in this would be a huge opportunity i smell sus lady ming wang is there any way we can be of service oh my god look at all these gold diggers patience since the news made it out a few days ago i have already had many people contacting me to declare an interest in joining the project nevertheless i do have a few matters i should like to entrust to you here today the building site has been chosen and most of the materials have been assembled three key items are however still outstanding they are as follows sunset vermilionite wonder cores and adeptis sigils uh excuse my ignorance lady ninguang i i'm familiar enough with plostrite but i've never even heard of those other two and i wonder who's going to go get them sufficiently large pieces of plastic or specifically vermilionite may earn themselves the sunset moniker this stone is what allows the jade chamber to float wonder cores meanwhile are the central components of the mechanical structure of the jade chamber adept dye sigils serve as a means of integrating the mechanical devices with adept eye art they are as indispensable as the mechanical core itself although these three items are rare i trust that with your connections and capabilities procuring them will not be a question of if but of when oh uno reverse card she's using them i take the saying time is money more seriously than most efficiency is everything i will pay a generous price for the materials that you find and in addition the first three people who collect all the materials will have the opportunity to ask me a question you may ask me anything and i will give you an honest answer and i trust that this means of compensation will be to everyone's satisfaction these things won't be easy to get hold of but if it means a chance to get some inside information on leeway harbor's development plan for next year wait are these guys thinking out loud then it's the deal of a lifetime information from lady ninguang is priceless whoever gets to it first takes the market they're literally just speaking out loud okay what a coincidence i won't divulge too much but i heard some memories about some plot strike just the other day so excuse me all but um i have some business to do these guys aren't very smart not gonna lie oh no we better move quickly or this opportunity will be snatched away from us rebuilding the jade chamber this is a huge deal let's get involved gold digger primer heard my announcement did you what do you think interested can i really ask you anything at all yes providing the question pertains to something i am knowledgeable about really will ask you about how to run a business okay then we'll never be short of maura ever again [Music] of course but how much information i share with you will depend on your performance the construction of the jade chamber requires a great deal of space the abandoned mine outside the golden house has been selected as the building site once you have collected the materials please take them there i have other business to attend to now otherwise i would gladly escort you to the site in person when you do arrive please seek out my secretary secretary remember this is a race against the clock a rare opportunity presents itself to you do not let somebody else snatch it from your grasp ningong seems super busy come on we'd better get going let's go first we gotta get out of eugene terrace huh look it seems like there's something kind of fishy going on over there ma'am you seem like an eminent and distinguished young lady to me i can see that you're easily going to win this procurement contest ladies and gentlemen what's going on here as it happens we have some information about the materials that i really think might interest you come on let's find somewhere a little more private and we can get down to brass tacks no i don't need it ah don't be like that hey come on don't go why don't you stand there after her what the heck right yeah uh huh now let's follow them and see what we can find out time sounds pretty sus to me [Music] oh stop right there well will you look at that ma'am nowhere left to run don't worry we're not bad guys you give us samora we give you a little info everybody's a winner boss i got a bad feeling about this look at her the white hair the the energy she gives off i'm telling you there's something different about her yeah she's a main character so what she's loaded how are we ever going to repay those gambling debts if we just let money walk away from us huh i've already told you i don't need your information if you still can't grasp that i'm happy to repeat it in a way that won't be so easy to forget ah come on ma'am you seem like an intelligent lady i shouldn't have to spell this out to you it's not about whether you need the info or not okay it's about you taking out your money and handing it over and nobody getting hurt i won't no more excuses okay i know you have money i saw you yeah i saw you strolling into leo lee pavilion ordering a table full of food and only taking a few bites then sheen you ate kiosk then one mean restaurant same story each time you order all the signature dishes take a few bites then you're on your way again how could you afford to be so wasteful if you weren't from a rich family and since you're so rich what's the loss to you and giving us a little spare change huh master warned me not to lay a hand on anyone in leo harbor master but here we are hmm perhaps ah yes let's call it fate boss i'm telling you something's not right this guy is smart what are you afraid of we're just selling information it's not illegal if she lays a finger on us all the better we'll sew her for everything she's worth you're trying to intimidate people into doing business you again again what are the milliliters doing here did you do this you ought to mind your own business i swear silence how dare you threaten innocent civilians you're coming with us don't be angry sir please let me explain yeah you explained are you all right okay my name nice to meet you oh so your name's shanha hi man's name is well and this is pymon's travel buddy oh i've heard about you two before thank you for helping to defuse the situation you're welcome i could have dealt with it myself though i suspect smashing his head against the ground a handful of times is all it would have taken to get him to surrender well that's one way to do it you can't do that that's way too violent this is lula harbor there are laws against that kind of stuff you know laws have you not heard of the law shena no apparently not really so how exactly have you what was that noise that would be my stomach growling hmm i haven't eaten enough she's so honest wait that's right they said you went around all the restaurants ordering this and that and the other but only took a small bite of each dish then of course you're still hungry so anything in particular you're hungry for chingson glaze lily violet grass these are my usuals those are all medicinal herbs hmm medicinal herbs kind of hard to explain anyway booboo pharmacy is not far away let's take shenanigans [Music] so she eats medicine after all you can't work on an empty stomach oh interesting i wonder it's like it's her first time in leila harbor and she doesn't seem to get how things work here if she is an adeptus that would explain everything it would are you here to buy some herbs i do hope you brought your prescription jinxing glaze lily and violet grass please half a pound of each what kind of prescription is this sounds more like a lunch order oh here you go that's everything thank you she's really eating them oh interesting my hunger has now abated thank you how did they taste rather awful yeah though they were not completely devoid of sweet fragrance after consuming a large quantity of them bitterness is all that remains so how can you chow down on these and barely touch the restaurant food if piemon had enough maura paima would go to the fanciest restaurant in town and order a whole table of food and eat it all in one go okay pinewood because i'm not sure whether i will remain here in the future the food of the mortal realm is most delicious but should i return to the mountains yearning for the food here shall only pose an obstacle to my continued spiritual development sampling each dish in order to appreciate its taste is enough so she ordered all the signature dishes from each of the famous restaurants and just sampled them return to the mountains that proves it knew she was an adeptist enough about me what are your plans from here oh right we came out to take part in the rebuild the jade chamber competition and and now we're probably super behind because we've been held up for so long i see i heard something about the contest when i was passing by something about the contest yep you get to ask ninguang any question you want if you win were you interested in the constitution huh i came for the rebuilding of the jade chamber but until this point i had no intention of joining a contest however you have shown me your kindness and i would now like to lend you my assistance oh don't worry i ask for nothing in return wow you really don't have to but having an adeptist help out will make things a whole lot easier so we welcome you to our team then let's not delay i have a plan a plan great this is gonna be the awesomest plan ever um i am not sure whether or to what extent this plan can be classified as awesome i do however believe it will be highly effective we simply need to dispose of everyone who is currently ahead of us then we alone shall become the victors dispose of everyone who is currently ahead of us that is not acceptable not by a long shot really but i hear that competition is in essence about conflict and one-upmanship look we want to win this competition fair and square okay uh that's certainly one way to win a competition wonder course and adeptis sigils let's start at the top of the list and work down so for plus right i was wondering who i could hear arguing over so that's you they will win by you what are you doing out here lady ninguang wishes to purchase a large batch of wound dressing we're running low at the store so i came out to fetch the ingredients personally huh how can a lady mingwang need so much dressing all of a sudden i'm not too sure i did hear she's looking to rebuild the jade chamber maybe for its first aid on site i didn't ask though far be it for me to pry into my customer's personal affairs huh oh and she also borrowed chichi meaning booboo pharmacy is very short-handed right now i don't suppose any of you are looking for part-time work by any chance no thank you no no we've got other stuff to do um while you're here though you seem to know a lot have you ever heard of something called sunset vermilionite ah the variety of plostrite used in the jade chamber yes there is some mention of it in the seven mountain treatises when activated sunset vermilionite rises up all the way into the clouds it's very rare indeed as far as the records show virtually all sunset vermilionite in existence has been mined and taken possession of but the feiyun commerce guild would know far more about this than i do okay then let's go ask at the feiyun commerce guild thanks baiju you're quite welcome good luck to you all and if there's anything further you need from me just come to the booboo pharmacy okay thank god chichi wasn't here [Music] master sincho thank goodness you're finally back oh why do i detect an urgency in your voice the guild has had a whole string of strange orders in recently everyone's been completely caught off guard your father gave me specific instructions to ask you to stay and help out if i happen to see you i see have someone sort the orders by type for now i'll deal with them myself shortly oh how wonderful thank you master with you on the job i can breathe a sigh of relief hey shing shou glad you're here we want to ask you for some information information traveler paimon please wait a moment shu i need to entertain some guests entertain please continue with your work for the time being and we'll discuss the matter of the guild's orders in more detail later on understood master cincio then i will leave you in peace i wasn't counting on finding you here today what's going on and how pretend may i be of service have you ever heard of sunset vermilionite we're looking for rock oh i see so you've entered lady ninguang's contest as well as well do you mean the truth is the feiyun commerce guild is in possession of some sunset vermilionite but only one piece one a piece we are holding it on behalf of someone who has asked us to put it up for auction and a lot of interested parties have already come to us inquiring about the price at the end of the day it all comes down to supply and demand in this case i'm guessing the final transaction price may be in excess of 500 million more 500 million mora i don't think we can afford that honestly i would recommend that you don't bother bidding on this one the price is greatly inflated and it's just not worth it but without any sunset vermilionite don't panic i don't suppose you ever heard of seagazer seagazer who never heard of him sea gazer was once very close to mountain shaper but if i am not mistaken he has already passed away yes precisely i didn't know anyone else knew about him according to records of drifting clouds sea gazer once built in a boat to store his rarest and most exquisite treasures among which was some sunset vermilionite so we're going grave robbing after sea gazer passed the abode was abandoned and its location was lost to time luckily i came into possession of a stack of folk history books just recently they make some oblique references to this lost abode and after cross-referencing them against each other i'm now fairly certain that it is situated in the alicia area that's great um but is it really okay for us to just go and take this treasure wouldn't it be a little you know disrespectful with him being an adeptist his treasure you mean our treasure you needn't worry as far as i understand sea gazer was very open-minded even while he was alive he wouldn't have let something like this bother him open-minded i have not heard of sea gazer being described in this way before may i ask where you read that just a rumor i heard out in the mountains all right then let's go there's something about this young lady that reminds me of a good friend of mine oh i almost forgot a depth die abodes tend to have very ingenious designs especially when it comes to their defense mechanisms plus it's likely to be crawling with monsters after being abandoned for so long so please be very careful okay we will be thanks shinto king cho wants a works cited page oh my god this guy is suss all right we're going grave robin i guess although that's probably not a good way to put it okay what's next search for the abode around nisha oh where's this abode this is the boat let's see said it should be around here but diamond doesn't see anything oh she made it rain this place was hidden using a special adept eye art but now that i have removed it we can inspect the area more closely wow that's amazing yep let's take another look around hey look is that a new ceiling over there a new sealy not like i've collected any of them either way all right what's going on bro this guy's tweaking this guy's just okay follow the sealy yes bro where are you going oh into here and then disappear should we go over and take a look rock huh how did we suddenly end up here oh so many clouds it feels like we're high up in the sky hmm i believe this is the abode of that adeptus with any luck the sunset familianite we're looking for should be in here really huh isn't that the sealy from before the celius suss look it's gone and snuck beneath the clouds and now that pieman takes a closer look the rocks and trees here don't seem complete oh could there be something below the clouds what do you think shenhua these are not real clouds they are the product of an adept dye art used for spatial partitioning if we want to go down we must first destroy the mechanism that is maintaining the adept i art all right then let's do it i sense the presence of monsters in this place i don't know where they are hiding so we'd better be careful um so you're telling me we're just coming into this adept this abode we're just gonna destroy this place take some treasure and we're going to be on our way and okay well i suppose whatever works all right activate the seal on the ancient array core can't go down here right do i get over there can we what if i just oh oh that's crazy don't mind me oh you know what we probably use this take your true form okay there's got to be a fast way to break this right nice wind current it's next up hello [Music] nice destroy the abode's barrier that seems kind of mean okay it appears that we've been taken for intruders this time why not allow me to take care of this kind of confused what are we supposed to be attacking wait like actually what am i supposed to do what am i supposed to be attacking you just the monsters the core of the mechanism is exposed oh it's exposed go exposed mechanism [Music] bye [Music] that's awkward um i i did not register that i was supposed to do something in that cutscene cryo exposed my will and body oh man it's getting crazy why can't i move my mouse luckily there is a pool of water at the bottom otherwise that could have ended very differently touch the walls ah is this a maze oh man hey oh here we go oh i shall not yield my will and bodies take flight transfiguration oh my god allow me oh god damn what is up with these rocks man all right search for the sunset vermillion night this way [Music] that you mean the big glowy rock in the middle of the domain probably are you taking too long silly is this it is this the sunset vermilionite it's so huge so is the jade chamber that's true but then again why isn't it floating strait doesn't float until it's activated it may look different from most ordinary stones but it weighs around the same amount only after being activated does plostrite reveal its true nature breaking free from the shackles of the mortal realm and ascending up into the heavens wow you seem to know everything about this only because my master is fond of chatting about these things the moment she has some time to spare she'll come straight for me and start telling story after story i don't care for her stories most of the time i certainly didn't expect them to ever come in handy like this i wonder who this master is i might just realized something oh you just realized if we activate it here there's no way we'll be able to get it back to the site right heck we'll be dragged up into the sky too great observation but if we don't activate it how else are we gonna lift it this rock must weigh well over a thousand pounds surely don't worry i can handle the weight quite easily uh-huh are you sure uh be careful please don't worry i'm well aware that a plastered sample this large must be highly valuable i will be gentle with it and make sure it does not get damaged uh palmer meant you my safety that's right i'm unsure you can handle it and everything but if something this heavy lands on you you're gonna get yourself hurt no matter who you are you gotta be extra careful when lifting heavy objects it's just common sense hmm is it now well then thank you i'll go on ahead with the plastrate let's meet at the building site later she literally just okay she literally just took it she literally just took the rock and we didn't get to see it what what is this return to the jade chamber work site to look for shenha all right before we go any further there's still a long road ahead oh my god i should be extra canon we should be using the dole blade right that would be that would be the most canon oh oh my god i can't believe my eyes oh my god the way he says that how can she lift that massive rock all by herself she's got to be one of those adept eyes surely oh mighty adeptus please give me your blessing so that in the coming year i may reap a more bountiful salary this is top tier in size and quality and the condition it's in is quite simply immaculate congratulations this item is approved for submission i'm going to award you full marks for the sunset vermilionite item may i take your name phone works my name isn't important i'm not even here to compete i was just delivering this for some other people they should be here any minute now ah so you're the ones behind this no wonder the rarest talent turns in the rarest plosterite specimen but i have to correct you on one point it's not helper it's secretary pinguang's little elf okay then miss secretary what do you think of the rock we found pretty amazing right in truth it is the finest piece of plustrite we have received so far if everything goes according to plan we will use this piece in the foundation of the jade chamber which will enable us to proceed to the next stage of construction as a side note lady ninguang has rented some dwellings in the nearby area to serve as accommodations for the contestants if you need a place to rest you are welcome to stay there now please excuse me as you can see there is still a lot of work to do on the building site just now on the way over pretty much everyone was singing your praises oh really oh really what kind of reaction is that so strange aren't you happy about it he's not even impressed whenever gets praised pymon can't help but hold her head up high and break into a big smug smile i've had similar compliments before damn that's harsh they call me an adeptus treat me with great deference and respect as if i'm set apart from the common folk yeah cause that's how i get there are at least two and sweet men are pretty unique and reclusive too way different than normal people but i am not uh jenna are you all right i'm fine i've been exerting myself quite a lot ever since we set foot in that abode uh i'm just a little fatigued um well by one said that there are some makeshift hotels we can use right let's go check in and take a rest no need i simply need to find myself a secluded place in the wilderness to sit and meditate in silence you can't do that it's dangerous out in the wild on your own when you're hungry you go eat something tasty and when you're tired you go lie down in a nice comfy bed all right seriously don't punish yourself like this pymon is right okay if you insist if you insist let's head to our hotel hotel we have a hotel there's this hotel hotel hi there checking in aren't we you're just in time we only have two rooms left since this was chosen as the building site for the new jade chamber we've had a constant stream of people in this area and not just workers either visitors business people t-sellers all sorts so business is booming for me today very few vacancies you're lucky you got here when you did great one of your rooms is still being cleaned i i guess it should be ready within the hour the other room is just at the door on the left here are your keys all right hope you enjoy your stay please excuse me i'll leave you to it you should go get some rest we'll hang around outside until the other room's ready hyman's gonna go see if there's anything good to you down here oh my god hyman couldn't help but notice one of the guests walk in with a huge grilled chicken drumstick before is that all pymon notices she can have it as a midnight snack or save her for breakfast tomorrow i thought she was vegetarian all right i will head to my room for now if you need anything don't hesitate to disturb me i'm a light sleeper i will hear if you knock on the door have a good rest sinha see you tomorrow hey isn't what's that doing here big bird let's go and say hi walk to the cloud retainer oh my lord all right what are you doing here what's going on one trusts you have met shanghai so are you getting along quite well oh my god she's echoing in my brain so far so good yeah so you know she had two cloud retainer naturally save for ganyu who spends the majority of her time in liue harbor all the adept i living today are acquainted with shenhu to some degree cool so what's her adapter's name anyway okay feels kind of friendly but also kind of disrespectful so pyman's thinking maybe it'd be better if we called her by her adapter's name instead yep this name her adapter's name why pray tell would shen her have an adeptist name uh don't all except i have a special title they go by on this ladder point you are correct however gen her is human shenha is human what oh oh right wait what i thought so what you knew already so is pineapple who didn't know probably do you mean to say that she presents differently from ordinary human beings um [Music] ah yes she was like this all those years ago when one first met her in this respect she has not changed one first found shanha by chance in a cave one was passing by and sensed the presence of a god's remains being of an ever vigilant disposition one entered immediately to inspect the scene the presence of a god's remains inside was shangha then aged around six years old in her hand she held a dagger with which she was confronting a monster that was the gods remains incarnate that does not sound like six-year-old activities that sounds so dangerous when one arrived she had already been locked in confrontation with this monster for several days most mortal children are fragile both physically and mentally and are highly reliant on their parents for survival but not so her so she's just built different that she was able to endure such terrible danger was due not only to her strong willpower but also to the bloodlust and homicidal instinct with which she was born interesting one dealt with the monster yet she still refused to lower her guard she even pointed her dagger in one's direction and remained ready to strike only after she was satisfied that one had no intention to cause her harm did she finally relent she then passed out without uttering a single word um parents mod check in other words if you hadn't passed by that day you know i might have not necessarily upon one's arrival one could sense that the god's wrath was gradually receding even had the stalemate continued one suspects that shanghai may have still emerged the victor of the confrontation that's still so dangerous though why was a tiny little kid battling against the wrath of a guy in the first place alas the mortal world is rife with suffering of every kind and she had experienced her fair share of this even at a tender age seeing that she was homeless one decided to adopt her so when shena talks about her master she means indeed it is one to whom she refers has an extraordinary constitution making her well adapted to practicing the adept eye arts all the adept i cherished her talents and so we were willing to train her however her homicidal urges did not subside with age rather they grew stronger day by day that doesn't sound like very strong and safe urge to be having moon carver once performed a divination for her he declared that her fate is to bear the curse of calamity consumed by malevolent energy she is prone to bring harm to those around her such is the magnitude of the danger this poses that her soul must be bound with red ropes to keep her homicidal instinct at bay red ropes have indeed served to keep her calmer and more content they also seem to have rendered her somewhat inexpressive perhaps the red ropes are so powerful that they have suppressed some of her other emotions as well it is only by fate that people's paths may cross now that shun her's path has crossed with yours please be sure to treasure the gift that fate has given you and take good care of her oh now paymon gets it you came out here to check up on sinha because you were worried about her didn't you oh you dare draw such a facile conclusion on the nature of one's present excursion incorrect the truth is that while leeway harbor may seem peaceful today danger is always lurking in the shadows ninguang once made a bold assertion that this is to be the era of the contract between leo and the humans well juan is most curious to observe how she will respond to the coming storm humming storm some bold foreshadowing going on here if she handles it admirably one is willing to be a witness to her achievements but if she does not the adept i shall not hesitate to seize control seize control oh my god ancient impact the rest civil war let us conclude our conversation here for today one has occupied enough of your time a night is approaching be sure to get ample rest [Music] oh no wonder she doesn't like being treated as an adeptist having everyone falling over themselves to show their respect all the time must be kind of hard to deal with [Music] [Music] master has relayed my situation to you i take it oh how did you know i'd intended to wait until you came back before going to sleep but i didn't hear you come in i was worried that something may have happened to you so i went outside to check and caught sight of my master on top of this you have been acting very strangely around me this morning causing me to suspect that my master must have told you everything about me after all master very is talkative so i've heard sorry shenhua pineman entered down as an adeptist this whole time but it turns out pymon was wrong it's okay i don't mind the fault is mine for not explaining everything to you sooner because in my experience trying to explain is a futile pursuit ah how relatable still though you mistook me for an adeptus you never treated me as distant and unapproachable instead you treated me as you would a friend for this i am very grateful indeed to be fair we've met our fair share of real adept guy too okay pump anyway now it's settled from now on you're our friend whether you're an adeptist or a human isn't the important thing first and foremost we're just plain old friends ah if only real life worked like that got it although i don't know quite what it entails in terms of what i have to do i must say i like the title friend very much indeed great well now that we're all rested up we should start searching for the other two items on the list but before we do that let's go to the building site and ask ningwon's little helper how the progress is going why are we still calling the secretary ninguang's little helper after all sunset vermilionite is so rare my mind doubts many competitors will really be able to find any if it turns out some of them have given up already we'll be able to take things a little more slowly sounds better than uh murdering them we bought some grilled chicken drumsticks on the way back last night there was a place just outside here's one for you try it they're so good i concur it has a rich flavor far more agreeable than those i've cooked for myself in the wilderness in the past look look the jade chamber is floating into the sky um but it seems to be tied down by something you don't say that's because it's not finished and hey and hey um person [Music] oh given the enormous scale of the jade chamber we split the construction work into two phases to make sure the structure remains balanced before we find some suitable plustrite we build the jade chambers keel at ground level once the plastrite is ready we place it into the keel and that the partially constructed jade chamber rise up to the height of the surrounding mountain peaks the remainder of the construction work is then carried out at that altitude once everything is ready we release the iron tethers and allow the jade chamber to rise to its target altitude make sure you take notes in case you ever need to build a jade chamber miss buy one we've brought some new materials to submit one moment i'll be right there the construction work has only been able to progress this rapidly thanks to the plot stripe provided by you lady ninghuang is most grateful and looks forward to seeing more of your work wow can't believe you sourced the plostrite so quickly it's the key piece of the puzzle looks like you beat us to the punch the us to the punch you're joining the jay chamber contest too sir em i happen to get my hands on a chunk of sunset for millionaire on a voyage a while back so i figured i'd bring it over huh so even though it's rare we're not the only ones who managed to get a hold of it oh i've got some introductions to do this is the renowned miss yoon or yunjin probably the most famous figure in the lyra opera scene oh my god she's staring into my soul greetings these two are paimon and the traveler both good buddies of mine and this is um sorry i'm not sure we've met shenhua i am there friend hmm friend good to meet you a friend of a friend is my friend too or as i like to say a maid of a crewmate is part of the crew miss yoon is also here for the contest turns out she needed to borrow a boat so we came together it's an honor to finally meet you both i've heard much about you miss shenra though we are only meeting for the first time i have a feeling that we will get along very well indeed to be honest with you all i am in great need of this opportunity to ask lady ninguang a question that's why i joined the contest thanks to my father's connections i was able to acquire a specimen of the plastrite required fortunately it was approved for submission despite being a little on the diminutive side wow so it looks like the three of us are competitors now excuse me for prying miss shinha but are you competing as well no i don't have any questions for ninguang i just wanted to help her win in that case i have a proposal to make a proposal lady ninguang that the first three contestants to procure all three materials will be awarded the chance to ask a question well there are three teams here we can split the prize between us hmm instead of competing against each other we could work together to secure the top three places between us what do you think i don't like it sounds great but how does it change things exactly i think i see where you're going with this miss yoon this is collusion it is legal the plostrite was the most difficult item to source by a long shot luckily all three of us managed to get our hands on it the two remaining items aren't quite so rare so as long as one of us finds a way to source it the other two can hop on the bandwagon how'd i do is that what you had in mind precisely huh interesting approach shadow would have probably just said they can't compete if they don't exist okay then all right i'll go first i have some leads on these wonder cores wonder course from what i've heard the core itself is really not that difficult to make the hard part is getting hold of the aura used as raw materials i'm gonna head back to the ship and ask suling if he's heard of him you guys we will head into town and seek advice from master zhang of han fung's iron mongers thoughts sounds good let's go wonderful we'll split into teams then and whoever makes progress first brings all of us a step closer to victory i'm gonna take off see you later bye betto okay let's go by the way what question are you gonna ask me well that's kind of prying i'm looking for a venue to host the performance of our new opera lady ninguang has excellent judgment so i would like to hear her opinion interesting oh what's the apricot timer wants to go see it the opera is a labor of love by my father he wrote it based on a popular urban legend about an evil spirit and an adeptus it's called the divine damsel of devastation divine damsel of devastation huh very extravagant name ask master song about the wonder cores ah hello are you here for something off the shelf or do you need something forged excuse me master zhang we were wondering if you'd heard of something called a wonder core of course i have sorry um who's asking my name is yunjin perhaps you don't know me but i believe that you've forged some weaponry for my father in the past for stage you you say who megalo yoon jin stay juice oh so you must be miss yoon i'm sorry my brain's finally caught up it's not used to doing much beyond bashing a hammer all day everyone's heard of you miss yoon even folks who don't make it to the opera all that often like myself so you're here to ask about wonder cores huh as it happens i do know how to make them matter of fact i made some for lady ninguang back when she was building the original jade chamber the types of war needed to make wonder cores are a little hard to come by lady ninguang supplied them herself last time i don't suppose you've brought any yourselves no we were gonna ask you what kinds of lure we need sure well you'll need two kinds star splinter iron and subrosium the brosium if i remember correctly lady ninguang sourced her star splinter iron from the mount tianhang area they say it resonates with visions with visions it could take some work but if you stick with it you'll find some eventually as for the subrosium though hmm that's trickier it's all but unheard of on the market then where do we even start i'm really not sure sorry what i've heard is that the people around mount tienhong have some sort of magic trick that can pinpoint the location of the stuff magic trick of course it's probably just hearsay if you want my advice start by looking for star splinter iron around mount tienhang and if you run into any locals ask him a few questions about subrosium mount interestingly enough the story of the divine damsel of devastation also takes place on that mountain i hear the view there is quite spectacular a favorite destination of the adept i perhaps it can give me some inspiration let's not delay we should head straight there interesting and we add another two-hour party i came to mount tianung once with my father as a child i remember it being such a long climb that i could barely feel my legs by the time we reached the top this is quite a trip down memory lane for me look at these majestic towering peaks and the gently flowing streams it's like setting foot in paradise sorry i just want to mention yunjin's voice is so nice so relaxing no wonder the legend of the divine damsel of devastation is said to have taken place here adept i wander off where mortals seldom stride indeed this looks like a place that one might expect to be frequented by a depth eye the divine damsel of devastation is your upcoming opera right and the story takes place in mount tienhong huh seems like you have a real connection with this place well you don't say pymon what's the story about though it's the story of a girl becoming a hero cool a hero story the legend first arose in this area it is said that there used to be a prosperous village on the mountain in that village there was a loving couple who were completely devoted to one another one day a terrifying monster appeared the wife was out collecting herbs and was captured by the monster her husband was so distraught at the news that it broke his spirit and drove him to madness the vile and vicious monster told the villagers if you want to live you must sacrifice a child to me what a nasty piece of work uh pieman sure hopes this monster gets put in its place but the monster was so terrible and so strong that all within the village were terrified of it they had no choice but to give in to the monster's demand just while they were discussing whose child would be given over to the monster a little girl suddenly stood up and came forward no don't do it little girl he's so invested unbeknownst to anybody else she was concealing an exorcist's blade she approached the monster's lair feigning fear and trepidation when she finally arrived she courageously drew her sword and entered into a fierce struggle with the monster from which she eventually emerged as the victor her extraordinary abilities drew the attention of the adept i and they took her as one of their own her story became the stuff of legends but alas the paths of mortals and adept i seldom cross and she would never again re-enter the mortal world hmm sounds familiar and so destined to grace the mortal realm for but a brief moment she vanished like a wisp of smoke into thin air that's how the opera ends who looks at shannon i really like this story i really like this story but i personally think that perhaps the little girl was not as brave as the opera makes her out to be i'm not sure she deserves all the praise she has given hmm i've never considered that before opera is always an interpretation of the events it purports to portray a certain degree of deviation from the truth is always inevitable when my father wrote the script for this play i suppose his intention was to inspire his audience with the character of the divine damsel hmm i think it's a great story the ideal story the ideal story well it sure inspired pokemon let's go get ourselves some star splinter iron yeah bro pymon has no idea what we're talking about ah stay innocent paimon all right use visions to find the star splinter iron does shena have a vision yin jin has a vision right i wonder where this star splinter iron could be up here kind of sus oh what is that oh so okay yeah traveler doesn't have one shenha also oh no she does okay that's one one more to go oh there you are [Music] now we just need to find that ask the old man for information master zhong said we should ask the locals for help why don't we try there hey there really is someone here looks like you were right excuse us sir can we ask you something huh he didn't seem to catch that did he just hello sir we were just passing by and wanted to ask if you happen to know anything about subrosium is he trying to tell us to look for clues in the village well whatever guess we're on our own here let's have a look around are we just gonna ignore this guy who just okay sorry you can go ahead without me i'd like to have a word with this gentleman if that's okay with you uncle ming jin it's it's oh you're alive the rumors were true so all these years i'm sorry i don't know how to find subrosium but i think you can find some information in the village and this place is deserted now no one ever comes here so you can rummage around all you want huh you know this guy uh thank you kind sir we'll go and take a look around don't worry mingjun has no ill intention towards mission huh she'll be quite safe okay let's see what we can find in this village what is their connection i guess i guess we leave them to talk all right we will search for records behind the village here here huh what's this the doctor said you were gravely ill don't worry i will give you everything i have to save you my heart bleeds whenever i see you getting warier your illness beyond treatment how i wish i could suffer the pain for you you said you had no regrets in this life and that you only wish for me to take good care of shenha but you regret nothing why the tears i don't know what i've been doing lately though i still breathe i feel like an empty shell i have read all the ancient texts i could get my hands on looking for ways to save you but it is utterly futile i finally found it it was mingjun he had kept the book that could save you hidden i took it and followed its instructions to summon a god and offer a sacrifice the god appeared i told him that i was willing to exchange my life for yours he kept silent and only pointed at our daughter shan'ha the god said her fate was to bear the curse of calamity and that she was prone to bring harm to those close to her the god also said that she might even have been the cause of your death in that case i thought i should i left her in the cave that the god mentioned three days have passed and still no news i grow restless from waiting seized by an ominous feeling i am sorry my love forgive me you too shanha please forgive me how stupid i was how blind let me apologize to the both of you in person this is the true story of the divine damsel of devastation so shenha is the divine damsel now that i think about it she does behave rather like an adeptus and she is about the right age so that's why i've been getting this strangest feeling whenever i chat with her i should have noticed it earlier according to this text the divine damsel from the opera was actually the daughter of the loving couple and she didn't volunteer she was sacrificed to the monster by her own father that is dark oh the truth is even more lamentable than the opera now i understand why shenhua said the girl was not as brave as people think it wasn't her choice to enter that ghastly situation she was forced into it oh it looks like my father may need to make a few revisions to his beloved opera it seems that shenha's father thought he was summoning a benevolent deity using a magic incantation but in fact he summoned an evil god's remains which took the form of a monster a branch family of exorcists used to live in the east of the village but in around two weeks the mother died of disease the young daughter went missing and shortly after a father hanged himself on a tree in the yard of his own house it has been confirmed that traces of an evil god's remains were found in the village the villagers are panicking as no one is certain whether the evil god's remains are gone for good do be careful when you're in this area they were a family of exorcists his obsessive yearning for his deceased wife led to a terrible tragedy the villagers moved away in fear without ever learning the truth and now this place is deserted still i do wonder what the connection is between shen her and mingjun we've looked everywhere but still no mention of sabrium let's have a look over there this is it magic engraved on sabrosium does not wear off easily some believe the stone to be a bridge between the living and the dead however finding subrosium is no easy matter you need to be at the right place at the right time legend has it that you may find sabrosium if you stand in the middle of the lake of mount chanhan at dusk and look in the direction of the setting sun hmm so basically we need to go to the middle of the lake south of mount tienhong at dusk and we'll find us some subrosium let's go back and tell chandler the news hmm really does give you a whole new perspective on shenhua one year when i was back visiting i heard a story about a white-haired adeptist from a merchant passing by i never imagined it was you i was a very close friend of your father's i could have stopped him from performing the summoning ritual i had plenty of chances but i couldn't bring myself to stand up to him i just let things happen let it all escalate well we all know how that story ended i bring flowers back here every year and each time i wish i had a chance to apologize to you apologize for what if you'd stopped him he'd only have found another way there is nothing he wouldn't have done for his true love nothing do you still hate him i don't know what i feel i'm told my fate is to bear the curse of calamity so my master bound my soul with red ropes to curb my aggression but it also dampened my emotions making me dispassionate like the adept i so if you ask me how i feel about the past if i hate my father or not the truth is i feel nothing at all it must have been so tough for you all these years oh then i will leave you all in peace shannon it brings me some solace knowing that you are okay i'll tell you more about the old times next time we meet thanks mister we found some info in the end look this tells us how to find subrosium all we gotta do is go to the middle of that lake let's go then yeah it is a bit awkward now miss shena there's something i'd like to talk to you about just now in the village we found your father's diary it turns out that many of the details in the divine damsel of devastation are not true to the facts so i'd like to change them why i know i say that opera always deviates from the truth but now that the main character is standing right here in front of me i cannot simply dismiss your lived experience in favor of my father's fiction it's okay i like your version my master once said that the day i learn how to use my strength for the good of others is the day that i can truly become part of human society so i hope that one day i might be brave enough to stand up and protect others just like the girl in the opera but i've never thought this way before and i wonder whether i will continue to think in this way don't worry i believe you will in fact i think maybe you've already started to become the person you aspire to be you just haven't had the opportunity to see it for yourself yet cut the chitchat let's go i'm on read the room oh my god i can't let someone else beat us to it that is actually such a tragic backstory though all right for the last time now [Music] oh now it's raining in the mortal world at times like these thunderstorming customary to use an umbrella why are we just in the middle of a bush oh my god is that is that is is that sky is clearing up and so is my mood is that i just hope no one shows up to bother me if they i'll just make them disappear what [Music] show oh resume that's everything we need let's head back and report in um simon's curious if ato's made any progress so we're just gonna ignore this guy's standing okay what brings you here have they found a solution to the danger in the sea what danger in the sea ninguang didn't tell you something has happened in gooey and stone forest according to the contract as an adeptus i should not get involved for now but these things can be unpredictable i have a contingency plan of my own shao what are you only a single mountain lies between here and leo harbor if things get out of control i will defend this place myself danger in the sea [Music] what does that mean what danger in the sea all right give the two types of ore you found here we go oh my god oh goodness so are they okay this is some top quality ore you found i think i'll get a good end product out of these guess now it's my time to shine hey everyone how's the a-team doing i ran into a bit of a brick wall on my end suling's never seen a wonder core before and says it'd take a lot of research for him to get up to speed leave the wonder course to me i'll work on them while you go about your business oh what was that don't worry it won't take me too long am i the only one who's so much obliged master zhang we should look into the adapti sigils next but where should we find items relating to the adapti i'll sort that out oh you got this then oh is that my rock [Laughter] yes i have been training with the adept eye for years i know a thing or two about making sigils when we first met i told you i came for the jade chamber not the contest oh my god shannon is really just carrying us out here in fact i came specifically to deliver adept eye sigils master heard that ning wang was planning to rebuild the jade chamber so she sent me to deliver some adept die sigils to her master also said she hoped that i can take this opportunity to rejoin human society but now that i'm here i wonder if i've been removed from the world for too long there's so much basic knowledge that i lack maybe it won't work for me to stay here after all but either way i'm very glad to have met you and i'll take care of those adept i sigils without knowing the ins and outs of your situation i can't say whether you should stay or not but now that our paths have crossed we'll always have a connection so if you ever feeling down come find me on my ship there'll be a drink waiting for you thank you so okay master zhang i'll need to use your facilities to make the sigils she's gonna use his facilities fine by me i'm actually curious to see how the adept eye arts work maybe i'll learn something damn dude she really just took over his blacksmith the sigils are ready though they are in some respects inferior to my masters i can assure you there will be no quality issues i've finished forging the things you asked for too great let's go submit them before someone else gets there ahead of us [Music] hmm oh my god it's my mortal enemy so we meet once again what is chichi doing here you ruined my 50 50 twice oh it's you chi-chi what are you doing here seaside dangerous seaside dangerous she is helping with the evacuation yes ninguang said there's something bad in the sea so she sent chichi to evacuate everyone but no one will listen to chichi so instead chichi is guarding this place look kind of bad for chichi no do not feel bad she ruined your pity five times now if danger comes chi-chi will protect everyone don't go near the sea it's too dangerous dangers in the sea apparently there's something dangerous out there i wonder what that could be [Music] are we still calling her that oh already all three of you found them together okay i see the wonder cores and adept i sigils look good it seems that we found our winners our winners i hereby announce that the winners of this material procurement contest are the traveler yunjin and bado what it's over already i haven't even found the plus strike yet i can't believe it isn't that the so close but so far i'd like to invite our three winners to please proceed to the jade chamber where lady ninghuang is waiting for you huh where's beto she was right here captain beto has some business to attend to she will join later please come with me for now uh-huh guess we'll head on up to the chamber first business to attend to this has been a long time coming the last time we went up to the jade chamber was ages ago something seems a little sus to me combine the adeptdy sigils with the wonder cores and insert them into the jade chambers control compartment the construction of the new jade chamber is now officially complete once the tethers are released it will soar into the sky thank you all for your work now it is time for me to fulfill my promise all our prizes yeah mission i've already heard something about the reason for your involvement you are looking for a venue for your new opera aren't you that's right lady ninguang i would like to hear your opinion the unveiling of miss yoon's grand new opera surely requires a venue of equal grandeur so what would you say if i proposed that we staged your first performance right here in the newly built jade chamber dang the jade chamber offers a splendid panoramic view of the mountains and the bustling city it is fitting for the finest performance to be hosted in the heavens i can think of no better stage for you than here miss yoon that's actually crazy thank you lady ninguang then i will prepare my props and other articles shortly please allow me to bring all these aboard the jade chamber you're quite welcome it's truly what a good opera deserves oh a traveler shanghai paimon i'll be leaving now do come and see my play when the time comes of course you're next what is your question what is our question paimon you better not ask about freaking how to start a business should clarify i do not know your brother's whereabouts please don't waste your question on this matter wow you're a mind reader ninguang oh well guess my mom will ask a question then no managing a successful business is not as simple as you might think capital connections sensitivity to the trends an instinct for what is a good opportunity all of these traits are crucial if you want to know how to make money i will honor our agreement and give you an answer but that is not to say that it will work for you wow pymon hadn't even asked the question yet your question was written all over your face now look you helped me rebuild the jade chamber and i intend to repay you handsomely for it so i promise you that should you one day require financial assistance you may seek employment here i will pay you at the highest rate of remuneration [Music] so next time we run out of morrow we just need to come to ninguan no more questions from us you got a question me yes this is a group effort thank you but i don't have anything to ask are you sure this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity i'd urge you not to squander it yeah just don't waste it uh hold on a second piment can probably think oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no no no no no we're good we're good right do you think i can ever fit in in leeway harbor now that is an interesting question leo harbor is very inclusive as long as you respect the rules here you will not be turned away so the key is whether or not you yourself can develop a sense of belonging in the yua harbor oh a sense of belonging yes to become fond of a place to feel part of it it always requires a reason perhaps someone you've met or something you've experienced here or perhaps you enjoy the atmosphere of liua and you will become accustomed to it in short everyone needs a reason to stay i hope you can find yours soon i see hey what's going on i just went to see the fleet a little later than expected come on beetle it's your turn do you have a question for ningua me nah i ain't got any questions she forced me to help out so i figured i may as well get involved with the contest she was forced to help out don't forget what we talked about it's not gonna be easy to deal with i don't think my fleet can take it on their own don't worry i have made preparations the wound dressings are ready and the milolith have set up an ambush an ambush glad to hear it watch your back stay alert what's going on here what are you talking about you'll see when the jade chamber ascends however it's not the most pleasant topic of conversation maybe it's better that you don't know um when i first set foot in the jade chamber i stood at the edge of the platform and looked down upon leo harbor far below at that time i dreamed that one day the jade chambers shadow would be seen at all seven nations of tavat sounds like world domination to me my wish has not changed to this very day however it is not only out of consideration for myself that i have built the jade chamber anew at this time i hope the jade chamber will always float in the skies above leo harbor bearing witness to the prosperity and peace of the human world and i hope that you can all witness it with me let the ascension ceremony commence oh [Music] wow [Music] oh what where yo way whoa whoa come on you just you just built this thing we can talk about this oh my god she's going to drop another j chamber on final follower of the overlord of the vortex sounds like you knew this was coming beto sent something with stirring in the deep she warned me months ago knowing she harbors hatred toward the jade chamber i chose to rebuild it now as a way of drawing her out well let's go no in this human age the people of liua must find a way to overcome this crisis on our strength alone damn oh my god oh bye beetle what's that wait a giant wave oh what are we gonna do [Music] yeah we low-key got clapped there bro you are a cursed child your life brings nothing but disaster to us all at least if you die i can bring her back the day you learn how to use your strength for the good of others is the day that you can truly become part of human society [Music] [Music] [Music] oh we can't let you be the only one taking this risk i hardly see this as a great risk the people okay well prepared and she is already badly injured only sheer willpower is keeping her alive i may be nearing the end of my stamina but in a fight to the death i think i have the upper hand what [Music] oh my god [Music] oh [Music] come on yes okay one left one left one left one left [Music] it's all up to you it's all up to you [Music] oh oh my god this place is unstable it is too risky to continue pursuing her okay if the place collapsed the consequences would be disastrous let's head back jesus jesus okay okay are you all right i'm just a little exhausted otherwise fine i wanted to deal with it myself i didn't expect you to follow me don't worry she's not coming back any time soon after an injury like that she'll likely seek refuge somewhere else how did things go underwater it's been dealt with she was injured before entering the water it didn't take too much effort to finish the job good so the crisis has been safely averted when you visit the jade chamber in the future you will be afforded generous treatment lady ninguang the fleet reports that the sea monster has left guyan's stone forest and the surrounding waters have returned to normal thank you how are the milliliters thanks to the medical supplies you prepared and lady kuching's command our losses were minimal of course we owe huge thanks to this young lady for her help on behalf of the entire milolith thank you for your service i uh just like the hero in the story great then next time i watch miss yoon's opera i'll be able to take the compliment i wasn't trying to be a hero though i just wanted to protect you that's kind of sweet let the soldiers recuperate but don't let your guard down if she returns with a vengeance we must be prepared yes ma'am you've been monitoring us for some time now i trust you've reached a conclusion you wish to hear one's opinion well things would have hardly gone so smoothly had it not been for shanhua damn the shade that i do not deny however final victory was always going to be ours even had things been a little more arduous if it came to it i could always destroy another jade chamber excuse me one has observed your adaptation of the guajiang ballista and find oneself compelled to admit that you have evidenced some degree of novel thinking you have learned from past failures and prepared for this crisis in advance this is considerable progress compared to the last time hence on balance one finds your performance during this trial satisfactory enough trial but there will no doubt be further trials to come in the future do not suppose that one will not continue observing you hereafter while the position of tianjuan remains mine i will always ensure the us safety one saw you secretly venture out from the mountains a few years ago and noticed the error of dejection in which you returned hopefully this trip to leo harbor has been a different experience yes i can't explain it but i feel happier than i expected good traveler please take good care of shanhua she is a dear child in fact one has many fond memories of shanghai's childhood that she may be interested to hear about there will be no need for this oh my god oh they are all like first gone you and now shannon fine since you care not to listen one shan't be telling you i shall be going homeward now oh my god please have a good rest come to the jade chamber when you have recovered your energy we must celebrate both the completion of the jade chamber and the fact that liua has weathered another crisis this banquet must be the most spectacular ever head to the jade chamber wow everyone's already seated it's pymon's first time attending a banquet in the jade chamber the food here looks amazing all of you here are my distinguished guests i am determined that each of you thoroughly enjoys yourself those who don't drink alcohol please help yourself to other beverages fine wine is a delight to the senses but it is far from the only one i trust you will find the marvelous view from the jade chamber to be an equally gratifying indulgence have you heard miss yoon's going to be performing today sure have honestly it's the main reason i'm here i've never missed any of miss yoon's performances and i don't intend to start now i hear she's going to perform the divine damsel of devastation today the one written by her father i've been so excited that i've barely slept the last few nights hey look mizuna's going on stage oh you [Music] me [Music] there's [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] foreign what did you think personally i thought i sang rather well goosebumps it was beautiful kind of wants to it was wonderful also thank you you're welcome thanks to you the divine damsel of devastation is a more nuanced tale than ever the play has an ending but life goes on i believe you will find a way to fit in and lee you at harbor thank you i think i found the opportunity i needed to change ms young but here you are great to see you huh hey this young lady with the white hair looks like some kind of vip yeah that's it like an adeptus wait you're the girl from the opera aren't you the divine damsel herself and look who else we have here the illustrious traveler well i'll be but this was definitely worth showing up wait let me pull up a chair all right we'll all have a friendly chat get better acquainted alternatively you could leave us alone that is if you'd prefer to finish your drink via the orifice of your own choice uh-oh this feels all too familiar shannon is back to her old self again seems like she still has a long way to go hey what are you doing calm [Music] to act one must first feel after our trip to mount tianhung together i felt much more in touch with the character today i believe i was able to deliver a more profound performance because of it next time i have a new opera may we study the character together again now that i think about it i'm glad master sent me here to deliver the sigils otherwise i wouldn't have had the chance to meet you i'm sure i have much to learn from you in the future you've made an exceptional contribution toward the building of the new jade chamber i will not forget this i shall be sure to repay your kindness at an appropriate juncture and with that i believe we are at the end of our story quest wow that was that was a good one that was a good one i really i really did enjoy that one uh i'm just gonna say the voice acting and the uh what do you call it visuals as well as the sound effects and audio stuff was just wow probably one of my favorites so far if you are watching this on youtube i do hope to be doing more of these are conquest playthroughs in the future so uh other than that you know thanks for watching and i will catch you in the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: antonychenn
Views: 532,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FvtL5Vcx-vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 11sec (6611 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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