Who Can Make a Better Pizza or Burger?

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- Hey guys its Karina, sis vs bro and we're doing a cooking challenge. Welcome to the cooking Battle. - Karina you know, I don't know how to cook. - I don't really know how to cook that much either but probably more than you so that means I'm gonna will . - What, slow your roll because I am going to bring out all my bananas. - Ronald (laughs). - I'm gonna make a banana meal. - Right in this challenge, you have to make a full meal. It can't just be a little snack, you can't just make some cookies, it has to be a full meal, something you would eat for dinner. (crickets chirping) And the judge is going to be our dad. So he's gonna decide who is the winner and loser but the loser is gonna have to dye their hair but the other person's gonna choose what color. Prepare to lose, to have orange hair Ronald. - No. - I'm Super duper excited. So let's get on with cooking. Okay, so in order to cook first you have to know what we're cooking. So we got a couple of cookbooks here. We're gonna look through them and decide what we want to cook. Ronald come here, you gotta look. - I don't want orange hair. - All right, I'm going to look through this book and see if I like any of the recipes. Are there any winners in here I can make. - Guys I thought it was gonna be a simple challenge. I was gonna be (speaking gibberish) but now dyeing hair is involved so I really need to step up my game so Karina can get her pink hair. So guys if you know me I basically never touched a frying pan in my life I never ever cooked, baked or done anything interesting in my life. So let's do something interesting. Why is this all Green, eew? - Okay guys, I'm have been flipping through a few of the cookbooks and I found three really great options. I can make cauliflower pizza, which is super duper cool, might be a little bit hard I think I can do it. There's this potato salad looks really good and this thing I don't know what it is but it looks so delicious. And I think my dad is gonna absolutely- - Okay, give me this cook book. - Hey, wait wait wait I dibs that idea. - Okay guys, as you can tell, I'm really stressed because I do not want to dye my hair and this challenge is not in my topic of interest. So I need to make it somewhat good, okay. So I found this, I don't know what this is. I can't cook it so like might so let's pick something else. - Okay guys, I've decided on what I'm gonna make. I'm gonna make the cauliflower pizza. I think it might be a little bit hard because I never really cooked anything like this except like fried egg. That's the only thing I've ever made my life but I think I can do it, it doesn't seem too hard. I think we can get all ingredients pretty easily. So let's make some cauliflower pizza. - So guys it took years to the side what I wanted to cook because mainly because I cannot cook anything so I was looking for something really simple and actually tastes good but I managed to settle on this burger right here It's the grilled halloumi burger with chilled ketchup, chili ketchup and tahini mayo. I know it doesn't look really good, but our dad is the judge and he loves gross food. He wants all of the gross food in the world. So I will hand deliver one of the gross foods to him at his front doorstep and hopefully you already had because this stuff really scares me. I don't want to lose please help me. Dyeing my hair really scares me and because of that I'm willing to step up my cooking skills an extra four and a half steps to the next level. Okay guys so the next step is to make a list of everything I need, go to the shopping store our local supermarket and get everything I need to make Karina's hair pink. - Wait Ronald I'm definitely going to beat you with my cauliflower pizza than your burger. - No. - So guys the next step is to go to the grocery store so we'll see you guys there. (jogging sound) - Okay guys, we are driving to the grocery store to get our groceries so we can go back home and make our awesome meals especially mine is super duper awesome. I'm making cauliflower pizza and I have a lot of ingredients I need to get. I need to get chia seeds Callie flour, Apple lemons, tamari salt. - Apples. - Yeah, I need apples, I don't know why I need apples, but I need apples. I need dried oregano. I have no idea what that is, dried basil, tomato, mushrooms, fresh basil, rockets, I don't know what that is either and salt and pepper which we already have at home. (speaking indistinctly) No, like the rocket as in a fruit. like, have you ever heard of a rocket vegetable or fruit or whatever rocket is, I have no idea. Ron What do you have? - Okay so I have a piece of paper. - Yeah, but what do you need? - I need one courgette one aubergine, olive oil. - You sound like Italian. (laughing) - Salt, halloumi cheese, my favorite one, burger buns, ketchup and rocket greens. - Okay, Ronald you have an interesting list . I have no idea what like half those things are so good luck trying to find them at a basic grocery store. - Excuse me, where's your halloumi cheese? - Ron, I don't need on my cauliflower pizza. Wait, I don't have any, I don't need any kind of cheese on my cauliflower pizza. - Your pizza is gonna be so disgusting. - [Dad] What, there's no cheese on your pizza. - Wait, I just realized I don't have cheese. - Apples and cauliflower on your pizza that has no cheese. - [Dad] There are apples and no cheese? - I don't know where the apples come, they are just ingredients on the cookbook. Well hopefully this is gonna be okay even without any cheese and I'll get some backup piece just in case you know in case the pizza looks like a nice cheese. Probably not, probably not because I got that mix it with apples and I don't think cheese of apples is very good. - I don't cauliflower on pizza is gonna be good. - It's not cauliflower on pizza its cauliflower pizza like the bread is made of cauliflower. - Okay, I'm definitely not eating that. - No it's delicious. Alright guys see you guys at the grocery store. - Okay, so we're now inside the store and the first thing on my beautiful shopping list is one courgette and a very someone, a very someone told me a courgette is this thing right here. So let's grab one of these things which is a courgette and let's place it in our shopping bag. And the second thing on our shopping list is a aubergine and an aubergine is very special. So, lemme go grab a bag. Okay, now we have our bag. - Those are gloves. (slow trumpet sound) (beep) - Okay guys so I now have my beautiful plastic bag and let's go put our aubergine in. (crickets chirping) I'm the best at putting things in bags. Now we have the second thing on our shopping list. Okay guys so the next thing on our to do list is one red pepper but can you find the red peppers? Oh, they're right there. So let's grab a red pepper, this is a beautiful red pepper. We got a red pepper. We got our aubergine and our courgette. More thing on our shopping list is alive oil but we already have olive oil. So Salt we already have salt. Halloumi cheese. Excuse me, where's the halloumi cheese? He doesn't seem to really like halloumi cheese, does he? - Okay, so I think I've got most of the ingredients that I need, but I got into a dilemma. There's no bazel here, there's no fresh bazel or dry bazel, I need both. So that's an issue, but I did find a rocket and I think this is rocket, it's just a different kind of leafy green. So we're gonna add that to the bag, at least on this, but I've got to find the rest of our stuff. The next thing I need to find is chia seeds and I don't think they're gonna be in the fruits and vegetables so I got to go searching. - Oh, I need some rockets. Rockula! (plastic bag dropping) - Guys the one thing on my list I thought I would never find is some halloumi cheese, but look at this, we've got some halloumi cheese. This is a very special moment we will all like share. Okay, what's next on our shopping list? Burger bun. Where are they? - Okay, so I need chia seeds and we got the chia seeds right here. And now the last thing that I need is dried oregano. I have no idea what oregano is but I have to find dried oregano, so let's go look for that. - Okay guys found the Oregon out and now we're ready to go. - Okay guys, so the last thing to make my meal very much very complete is (electric piano music) and we need four of them and we have the perfect pack right here, so we're gonna place them and that is everything we need to make to Karina's hari pink. Oh wait, we need some hair dye. - Okay, we're back home with all our ingredients and it's time for the cooking war. Are you ready to be absolutely shredded in the competition. - You wish, you might have dyed your hair right this instan-tae. - We'll see about that. So we have our own little stations, my stations over here. I've have the sink, Ron's got the bar cause he doesn't have a sink. He's over here. - I don't need my sink I already washed all the stuff. - He's already washed all his stuff, I didn't watch it myself so I better get started on that 'cause my thing is going to take longer so I'm gonna get started right away all right bye - Okay byes, so guys I have my cookbook ready right here and we need to follow what this stuff says right here in order for us to make the perfect burger that make Karina's hair pink. So start by prepaying your vegetables. Cut the courgette in half. Okay this is the courgette, is it? Cut the courgette in half and then into thin strips lengthwise. Okay, so let's cut in half. please say this is the courgette. - Okay guys, While Ron's cutting his vegetables, oddly, hopefully he's not gonna chop up his fingers but we got to get started right away here. So first thing I got to do is leave my chia seeds to soak in water for a bit and then I can get started on making the pizza crust. So first I need my chia seeds, of course. We need four tables spoons, yes we do, all right. All right, one, two, oh no, it's everywhere. Three, and four, and a little bit more for good luck. Nice, all right, and now we need water. I need one cup, pour that in there, nice and we gotta set this to the side for about 10 minutes. The next step is to make the cauliflower crust of course we need cauliflower. We rip it up, cut it up, wash it and put it into food processor, so it looks like a kind of like flower powder sort of thing so we can make our crust off of that. So we're gonna wash this. - Okay guys so I'm know cutting my thin strips of what is it courgette . This is gonna take while cause I have to cut this whole entire thing in my jig. - Okay we've got the cauliflower all washed up and cut. Some of it is in here, some of it is in here. We're gonna grind this up here, all right. (food processor grinding) There we go that looks kind of like flour a little bit. All right, we got a little spatula. - So guys now zucchini it's all done. I put it on its own very plate because it's very gross and I need to get away from it. And the next step was to cut the eggplant the same way as the zucchini. So here we go again. - What happened? - My hands smell disgusting. (tap water running) - When you were cutting a zucchini? And reading my proper Ronald. - I almost died. (soft piano music) - Okay guys, so we need to do the cauliflower in batches because my food processor is not big enough to do it all in one round. So we're going to do three times till all the cauliflower is blended like this. - This eggplants smells so bad. - Let me smell. It doesn't smell bad, what do you mean? It just smells a bit like egg plant. Ron, this is what happens when you never enter the kitchen except to like wrap snacks. - Okay guys so as you know this eggplant smells really bad but I need to gather all my forces together and complete cutting this egg plant so I don't have to do it ever again. - Okay so I finally got all my cauliflower powder here and now I got us we did through a nut milk bag. We have one of those, it's right here. I got to put the cauliflower in here and we got to squeeze out all the water. All right, that shouldn't be too hard. We got to put all this in here. - Okay guys so the mission to cut all me eggplant has now been finally complete XP and is already on the plate. I had to wash my hand multiple times and now it smelled like soap. - Ron, you put soap in my cauliflower. - What? - Ron, you were washing your hand on the sink and my cauliflower was there. - Can you just wash it off? - Yeah, but then I may be poisoning everyone. (bright upbeat music) - So our mission has been completed and the new mission has begun which is to cut the pepper so let's cut the pepper. Okay I need to move this plate. (bright upbeat music) Go away from me. Oh it's on the table okay. Okay, so we need to cut the pepper into four big sections. Okay, so the next thing is to chop the halloumi into four thin rectangular slices. This is the cheesy. Okay guys so now the next mission has been completed, our missions are racking up, we're getting a lot of XP. So the next mission is to put all the cut vegetables in the large bowl, four tablespoons of oil and salt. So let's do that okay. So the first the zucchini and now we go for the pepper. The pepper's inside the bowl and now oh no we have. (retching) (bright upbeat music) (Karina speaking indistinctly) (screaming) - Ron look how delicious this smells. (retching) - So now my hands smell just fine so now we can continue with the four tablespoons of oil, olive oil and that's one and then we're gonna do two and that is four and now we need one teaspoon of salt. Okay put this in the sink. I hope you will enjoyed my spoon Karina. - Ronald, my sink! - My pleasure. Now we'll take one teaspoon and we then we take salts boom. Start to grill the prepared batch on a not hot barbecue. - [Narrator] It was at this moment that he knew. That's the slight issue. (beep) Okay guys, we don't have a barbecue so I'm gonna do it in the oven. I hope this will make the girl's concoction even more gross. (laughing) - What? - You gotta mix it before you put in a pan. - That's not what the instruction said. - That's what the instruction implied. (laughing) - Okay guys, so there's one line right here that says mix well until they have a nice even coating but how was I supposed to know that so let's- - Okay guys, I finally, Ron's having a tantrum. I finally build my nut milk bag. I'm gonna hold the duck jaw string and I gotta squeeze it all out. Oh, I didn't think there'd be that much water, okay. Yike, this is... Whoa! - Okay, guys, there's a step that I was not prepared for and I'm very scared guys and the step is to take all the vegetables in this bowl and put it there as I don't have gloves. Okay I'm just just gonna overlook. (screaming) Oh, why are they so disgusting. (screaming) (dramatic music) Why is there so much plants Survivors. - Okay guys, I've been at this for a really long time I've been squeezing all the water out of this cauliflower and I don't think there's a lot left in here. So I think I'm done. I'm gonna take it out of the bag and I'm going to do the next step. All right, this is what I've got so far. It looks pretty good, it looks kind of like flowers. I thinking I'm going the right direction. But the next thing is to put my chia seed mixture that's been sitting here for a while and put it back in. Oh, look at that, it's all gel like. Oh, this is so cool. Okay, so I got Put this in here. Think the chia seeds have absorbed all the water and now go straight in and I gotta mix it around until it feels like dough. All right, let's do this. - Okay guys, so the next step is to put all these vegetables inside the grill, but we don't have a grill but thank goodness our oven has a setting that's called center area grill, which is basically a grill so let's put it in. Now we wait. - Okay, I just forgot. I also need to put my apple puree in here. At the grocery store I bought apples 'cause I was going to make apple puree which is just blended apples, but I saw it at the grocery store, so we're just going to use this instead to make it easier for myself. And we gotta put 200 of this in here. Oh, that's a little bit much. I think it's gonna be fine. All right, and now we got to put this in here. (spoon hitting plate) Delicious, it's gonna be a delicious crush of apples and cauliflower, now we gotta mix it up. - Okay guys the vegetables, the gross concoction is now in the grill. The next step is to just relax because I am almost finished with this cook, recipe. So Karina how do you feel? - I'm pretty okay cause I now have all kitchen to my self and can't risk getting anymore soap in my cauliflower. - Oh I will put all the soap in your cauliflower. Let's go relax. - Okay guys I am finished mixing up my pizza crust here I added a few spices to make it you know more flavorful. I prepared the trays here. I have one tray here and have second tray over there because I didn't realize but this is gonna be making two large pizzas so I hope is gonna turn out good. This is gonna be dinner. Okay I thin that's half and I'm gonna put the rest over to here okay. I'm just got a dump it. (bright upbeat music) Okay now the next step is to make this into a pizza shape obviously so we're gonna put this spread this out into a thin circle. It's gonna be thin or else the cauliflower for crust, It's just gonna crumble. (indistinct) do you wanna help me make pizza? She like what's that stuff right here? Okay guys, I flatten out the pizza. Its not gonna be circle it's gonna be square because I have too much better I have to fill out all the corners. So now we got to put it in the oven. All right, I need two ovens 'cause I have two trays but maybe I'll just make the second one after. Maybe I could put the second one on top. Hopefully this is gonna cook right. There we go. Okay. All right, we'll see how that's gonna turn out in 20 minutes and in the meantime I'm gonna be cutting up and washing my toppings here. I have mushrooms broccoli, which wasn't in the recipe, I just added it just for funsies and we got some cherry tomatoes and some rockets and I chose that extra toppings because I know that I dad loves all the vegetables on his pizza so we're gonna just pile it up in there. So let's start watching these mushrooms. - Okay guys the gross vegetables, gross concoction is finally finished grilling and I also reeled the cheese on top of it looks so tasty but now it is time for the next step which is assembling the burgers. So, it says toast the buns on the barbecue then layer them up with some homemade ketchup on the bottom bun but how long do I toast it for? I don't know. Okay guys so we have all of our buns because why not? So let's just place them all on the grill or whatever you call it. It's so beautiful like it's gonna taste so good, Karina is gonna be the most jealous substance. - Ron, I'm literally making a pizz here, okay, this is - Out of cauliflower the flower. - Yeah, it's delicious. - And Apples. - I love cauliflower. - Is that broccoli you are putting? - Hmm, it's not part of the recipe but I'm adding it. - You are just making it worse. - I'm making it way better. - I just can't with you. I guess we out it like this, and then now we grab our special pushy pusher and then we push you push it. (funky piano music) (tray sliding on the oven) I'm just the best cooker, 2020, boom. - Okay guys we have a slight very very slight issue I promise. All the burger buns are now burned. I have no clue why I put them all in at the same time because they're all burned now. I don't even know how they were burned. I checked it and then 30 seconds later they all go beep, beep, beep and they burn just like that like they didn't tell me how long I should toast it. This like this is all gone horrible. Guys look how the buttons look like this side looks okay, but look at this side like I cannot serve this food, I'm gonna have to go to the store and get more Karina slow down I need more time - Ron I still I'm not finished here, I'm just cleaning and waiting for my stuff to finish cooking. - You better not be finished. - Guys, it was so obvious what happened. Roland just relax for way too long . He doesn't know that he has to watch his food. He hasn't doesn't know he has to like keep like a timer or something, he just forgot about it so now he has to go start over . - [Narrator] Meanwhile - Let's hope we don't burn these as well. Karina is probably already finished by now. - Okay guys, my two pizza crests are finally finished. Look at the glorious pizza crust just amazing. All right, but now we're going to put on the tomato sauce so we just have a bit of tomato sauce here. I'm just gonna scoop some more and smear it around. (baby talking) Are you so excited for pizza? I really hope that our dad is gonna think this is delicious because I put my heart and soul into this my sweat and blood went into it not really but kind of like this took a lot of work. (funky piano music) - Okay guys, we are back in the kitchen with my beautiful buns and this time we're gonna do two at a time because I don't want to risk of burning them all at the same time because that is not a pleasant feeling, is it? - [Narrator] Oh my god. (bright upbeat music) - Pop, pop, pop and then we pop. And now we burn them again, I'm just kidding. So guys to make sure that these burn won't burn a second time I am going to camp the oven. I'm going to set up my test. I'm gonna roast some marshmallows. I'm gonna wait. - Okay guys, now it's time to put my toppings on my beautiful cauliflower crust pizza. Alright, so first we're gonna start off with the mushrooms. (speaking baby talk) So guys, my pizzas are all topping filled except the rocket. I'm going to put that after I cook the pizzas a little bit more so the vegetables are nice and cooked. Alright, let's put this in. Alright, there we go now we're just gotta let that cook for about five minutes and then we'll be able to add the rocket and slice the pizza. (bring upbeat music) Are you watching your burns? - Welcome, guys to the magical world of Ronald burn. They looked perfectly round size golden unlike last time when they were like all eight of them were burned which is really sad. But now we have the perfect box and now we assemble the perfect (speaking gibberish) for our perfect judge. So according to the manual we need one of the burns to have ketchup on it. We shall put some ketchup on one of the buttons and the on the other button It's Hello Aria. What is this? Ooh, sticker! Thank you Aria. So on the other bun, it says that we need to put mayo on it. (upbeat music) Oh, this is gonna taste good. Okay, so the very next step is to add the cheese on the amazing burger buns. Boom, perfect. Okay, next to we add the grosses. This burger would be amazing with some beef or something but sadly we need to put grocery concoction on it, so let's begin. Okay thank goodness I have a fork and not my bare hands because that would not be a very pleasant time would it? We need two forks so we do not need to touch it at all and the last step is to put the stupid rocket on top of the very burger no no no no He likes extra rocket I think cause he's an astronaut. Okay, now he put the top on it for the final touch. Hallelujah, Hallelujah. Okay guys, this is the burger that's gonna magically make Karina's hair pink once my dad takes a bite. So guys this is the final presentation of the Majestic Burger that's gonna magically make me win. Just look at it, it does not taste good. According to judge it will and is just so beautiful. So just like I want so right now all I need to do is wait for Karina to make her pizza because she is super duper slow - I'm not slow I'm waiting for it to cook Ronald. - You're slow. - [Narrator] One eternity later. - Okay guys my pizza is finally out of the oven. The last thing you need to do is put on the rocket, cut up the pizza, serve it and of course win. - Oh my god Karina finally, took you several centuries several decades Karina but like you still have a lot of things to do so I can go relax, - Roland, cauliflower pizza is not easy to make. You just made a burn with some vegetables. - And it's gonna be your pizza, watch it. Watch it every. - Ronald, I don't think so. - Watch, watch, watch, watch. watch. watch, watch. - Okay. So guys, this is my super healthy final pizza. It's vegan too it like there's no cheese, there's no egg. There's nothing that's animal on it, so he's gonna love it. He doesn't really like eating meat or cheese or eggs or anything like that so and it's super healthy too, look at all the vegetables on it . - Karina I would like point out that how healthy it is is not the only factors, also how good it tastes. - Ron don't worry it's gonna taste amazing so I'm gonna be serving mine first. - What? - The hunger strikes, yes. What do we have here? Wow It looks really good. Let me smell it first. (upbeat music) (laughing) (retching) - Hmm, so good, it smells good. - Okay moment of truth. (indistinct chattering) - Minus ten point. - Minus one point for being too flimsy. - It's made of cauliflower, okay, come on. This is what happens when you want cauliflower pizza but it's super healthy. - I require a fork and a knife. - That's minus another point Karina. (indistinct chattering) - All right, let's go. (indistinct chattering) I can smell it. - [Karin] Save it for when you try it. (drum rolls playing) Is it good? - [Ronald] No it isn't. Don't say hmm. - [Karina] What does it taste like, is it good? It's actually pretty good. - [Ronald] Pretty good is not very good, and this is very good to like, - Okay it's not exquisite. - [Ronald] Let's go, Let's go. - It's not five star, but four stars. - Four? - Yep! - Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. - I could actually eat this for dinner, this is good. - Yeah but you're gonna want to eat several of these. - Can I try it? I don't see how four star this pizza is. Can I try? (upbeat music) - It's so good. - It's really good. - See. - No that's five stars. That's really good. - No, you're missing one star because it's just too flimsy. and overall amazing but could be better. - But this is one cannot be better, that's the real kicker. - Okay, let's do it. - Oh yes, you are gonna love this one, yes! (exclaiming) - Oh my god. - Oh my god. (laughing) What is this stuff in there? - It's zucchini, that's cheese. - Is this cheese? - Hmm! - Okay it smells good. - Yes. (drum rolls playing) (upbeat music) - I heard the kick, the peppers is nice. - Let's go, let's go. - We have zucchini here, is there pickle? No, no pickle? - Oh no. - No pickle, and no tomato? It's got to be minus half a point. - Okay we're still at 4.5 stars or so - But it's pretty good it's actually very good (screaming) but I have to say it's gonna be a tie. - [Karina] A tie? - We cannot tie. Rock, paper, scissors. - [Dad] It's gonna be a tie. - No clearly like I put more effort in. - [Ronald] He's got to decide, you have to decide. - Okay, taste wise same but I think I have to give it to the pizza. (upbeat music) Because it doesn't have any glutted. (upbeat music continues) - Mine has no gluten, it's all vegan, everything super duper healthy, it's just the vegetables, that's literally all it is. - It's so bad. - What do you mean it's so bad. - No you are lying to yourself, you are lying to yourself. (speaking indistinctly) And I went for buns twice, I just can't. - Ron, I put way more effort to my pizza. I didn't sit down to rest for one second I was constantly- - Oh really because you were cooking for 40 minutes. - Yeah and while I was cooking I was cleaning. Ron your side of the kitchen looks a mess. - [Narrator] Oh my god. Mine is all clean. - [Ronald] So? - I did all the dishes too Ronald. - [Ronald] So? - But guys, our dad's decision is not final. We're gonna put a poll in the corner so you guys can pick who is the winner, my magnificent pizza or Ronald's burger. (baby crying) - You're pretty confident, aren't you? You are gonna win twice in a row? You are pretty confident aren't you? - I mean, dad said mine's better so it probably is. And just remind you guys the loser of the challenge is gonna have to dye their hair but the other person's gonna have to choose what color. So Ronald prepare to have orange here. - I'm not prepared. - We have nice video, if you did, smash that like button, and we'll see you all next time, good bye. - I'll be a sad one if I don't win. (upbeat music)
Channel: SIS vs BRO
Views: 14,181,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza vs burger
Id: qttJYmSeXIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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