(upbeat music) - So we are going to have
a fishing competition between Ty and my dad. - I'm the best fisherman. - Oh yeah, that fisherman
hat looks amazing. So all three of us are
going to have fishing rods and we're going to throw our
bait in at the exact same time. In 30 minutes, whoever can
catch the biggest fish, I mean, if you can even
catch a fish in 30 minutes. - Yeah, so basically, you
can only catch one fish. That's it. So if you catch one fish, you're done. We measure it, we see whose is bigger. After 30 minutes, if
you don't catch a fish, well, obviously, you lose. - Yeah, but the one rule is, is you have to take the
fish off with your hands after you catch it. - With your hands! I don't know about that rule. - Ty hates touching fish. - [Dan] He's so scared of fish. - So scared of fish. - [Dan] That's not really a rule. - [Lincoln] No, it's not. - [Dan] I'll help you take it off, because I know how terrified you guys are. - [Dan] Okay, Ty's
going to be right there, Lincoln's going to be right there. I'll throw mine out, but
I'm going to give you guys a little bit of a head start.
Three, two, one, start! (whistle blowing) You're just dropping it
straight down under the boat. Okay, there's one strategy. Lincoln, did you just drop yours? - Uh, no, it's over there. - [Girl] I'll fish, too! - [Dan] You threw it out, okay! - [Girl] I'm fishing, too! - [Dan] All right, I'd
better get mine out. - [Ty] I got one, I got one! - [Lincoln] A fish? What? - [Ty] Aw, he had it in his mouth. Look, he's going for it! - [Dan] What the heck! Stay there, I'm coming. - [Ty] Look at this one! I barely have had to
put this in the water, look at this fish, comes right up. - [Dan] Oh my gosh, is
that the one you want? - [Ty] Right up, no. - [Dan] Oh my gosh! - [Ty] There he is. (Dan laughs) - I don't want that one though. - [Dan] Pick a new spot, then. - Dang it, I saw a big fish right here! - [Dan] Dang, man. - He's right there, ugh! - [Dan] That guy's gonna eat it, unless you move somewhere else. - [Ty] Lincoln, be careful! - [Dan] Where's yours at? - [Ty] There's a small
one coming over there. - Coming over here? - [Dan] That fish was
attacking it, Lincoln. He was just jumping up out
of the water to get it. - [Lincoln] That poor fish. You're going to head out on the ski boat? - [Dan] Okay, Ty is changing positions. He's moving over to this side of the boat. Good luck, Ty. But not that good of luck, though. Oh, it's the same fish! - Got him. I got him, dang it!
No, no, he spit it out! - [Dan] Oh my gosh. - Hallelujah! (Dan laughs) - [Dan] It's too easy! - [Ty] I need to be out back here. - [Dan] Oh jeez, what? - I'm the best fisherman ever. (Dan laughs) - Woo! - [Dan] Lincoln's got it! I hope it's small! - [Ty] I hope it's tiny! - [Dan] It's bending that rod, though! - What is it? (suspenseful music) - [Man In Blue Tank Top]
Kissed the house boat. - I don't think this reeler works. - Yeah, it does. Wait, let me see. You go like this, look, push it like that. - [Dan] Ty is teaching
Lincoln which way to reel. - Push it this way? - Yeah.
- [Dan] That's it, that's it! Oh, it's bending it a lot, Lincoln. That might be a big one! - [Ty] Do you have any image? - [Dan] Smart fish. - [Ty] That pole, jeez! - [Dan] Why can't you reel it in? - I don't know. - [Dan] Does it have a
ton of slack on that? That's bending it a lot. - [Ty] Oh, there it is, there, keep going. We're on, just pull up, pull up. There you go, see it? - [Dan] Oh, that's a catfish! - [Lincoln] Oh boy! - [Dan] Oh boy, catfish. - [Ty] Pull it up, pull it up, pull it up! Get it up here, Lincoln. - [Lincoln] Where is it? - [Ty] Pull, reel, reel! No, other way, other way! - [Lincoln] Other way, dang it! - [Dan] Lincoln, stop reeling
the wrong way, it breaks it! - [Ty] Slow down, slow down! - [Dan] Oh, Lincoln. You get so excited, you break the pole. - Yeah go for it, there
you go, keep reeling, keep reeling, keep reeling! - [Lincoln] Where is it? - [Ty] It's coming! I see it down there. - This thing is huge! - [Ty] Keep going!
- [Dan] That's a big boy. - [Lincoln] I see it, oh my! - That's a big fish. - [Dan] That's a big one. - [Ty] Do you want to get
the net and I'll do this? - [Lincoln] Yeah.
- [Ty] So you can get it. - [Lincoln] Yeah, yeah, yeah, thanks. - [Ty] Oh my gosh! - [Dan] There's too much
slack on that reel, I think. It needs to be tightened
up, it's just pulling it. Oh man, he is strong. Get it, Lincoln, dip it! - [Ty] Pull up! - [Dan] Scoop it! - [Lincoln] Yes! - [Dan] Oh, it's a big boy! Look at that cat!
- [Ty] Here, let me see. - [Dan] Oh that is so big. All right, we've got to measure him. - [Lincoln] That thing is massive! Come on buddy, breathe, breathe! - [Dan] How do we measure this guy? We need something to measure it with. - [Man In Blue Tank Top] Are
we going on length or weight? - [Dan] Probably length
because we broke the scale. - [Lincoln] Breathe! - [Man In Background] Okay. (Lincoln yelling drowns out speaker) - Oh, oh, yep, he's good. - [Ty] Want me to hold the camera? - [Dan] Yes, don't drop it.
- [Lincoln] He is alive. - [Woman] Grace, do you want to come look? - [Lincoln] It's caught
on the net I think. That thing is huge! (girl yelling is drowned
out by other speakers) - [Dan] Stop spinning, buddy. - [Woman] Do you see it? - [Lincoln] All right, yeah,
I'll take that as my catch. - [Dan] Where is the hook? There it is! - [Woman] Look at it! - [Lincoln] London, stop. - [Dan] London, stop spraying us! Don't spray us! - [Lincoln] Here, put it
in the water for a minute. - [Dan] Okay. - [Lincoln] Oh my gosh! Look at that thing! - [Ty] Yeah, Lincoln! - That thing is huge! - [Dan] Dang, man, that's a big fish. - Pick it up, Ty. You gotta get it out of there.
- Nah, I'm good. - You gotta get it out. - [Ty] No, just put it in the water! - [Lincoln] Here, I'll touch you. - [Dan] Okay, Taylor, you are the judge-- - [Lincoln] Yo, you're slimy! - [Taylor] All right all right. - [Dan] You girls are the
judge, so see how big that is? That's Lincoln's fish. - [Taylor] Wait, hold it
down, put it down here. Put it up against the-- - [Woman] Want to cut a
piece as long as it is? - [Dan] Nah, let's just let him out. - [Taylor] Dan, you know we
could just do this with the net! (woman laughs) (cheering) - [Dan] Okay that's how big it is. - [Woman] All right, that's pretty big. - [Ty] That's probably about a foot. - [Dan] Okay, we're letting him free. See you, buddy! - [Lincoln] Don't get
caught on another line! - [Dan] See ya! Oh, he's going straight down. Straight down. Lincoln, that is impressive. - I got that so deep. I got that, it was-- - [Dan] Okay, we've still
got about 20 minutes, Ty We've got to catch up here. - It's hard to catch up! - [Dan] Yeah, we gotta catch it. - [Woman] It's so big! I'm just going to catch the same fish, then I know I won't lose. Okay,
Ty's got one, Ty's got one! How is it, does it feel big or small? Come over this way, come on the back deck. Oh, that looks big! - [Ty] It's big. - [Dan] Oh boy, oh boy, it's
pulling your, you got, oh jeez! I think that's-- - [Lincoln] Pull! - [Dan] Ooh, that's a big boy! There's another fish following it! - [Ty] I got, I feel like I'm bigger! - [Dan] That looks like a bigger catfish. - [Ty] Look at that, look at that! - [Man In Blue Tank Top] Oh, I think that one might be bigger. - [Taylor] Oh, that one's big. That one's way bigger. - [Man In Blue Tank Top]
That's a bigger fish. That's a trout, though. - [Taylor] According to the judges-- - [Lincoln] No, that's a cat. - [Man In Blue Tank Top] That's a catfish. - [Dan] Wow, that's a beast! - [Lincoln] Honestly, I
thought there was no way anyone's going to get a
bigger fish than mine. - [Dan] Here we go! That's a fat one! - [Man In Blue Tank
Top] What do you think? - [Taylor] Bigger, bigger.
- [Dan] Look at this guy. - [Man In Blue Tank Top] Same fish? - [Taylor] No, bigger. - [Dan] Ty's is bigger? - [Girl In Purple Shirt]
It's bigger, yeah, it is. - [Ty] It looks fatter. - [Taylor] Sorry, Lincoln. - [Dan] Oh, there it goes.
- [Ty] Oh yeah, that's bigger. - [Dan] He's a goner. - [Ty] Woo! - [Dan] Ty has now taken the lead. - [Girl In Purple Shirt] I really thought you had that, Lincoln. - [Lincoln] I know, I was so obviously-- - [Dan] I only have about
ten minutes to catch one. Time is running out! - [Lincoln] I was just
thinking, there's no way anyone's going to get
a bigger fish than me! - [Dan] And then, bam! Ty does something epic. - [Ty] Dan just-- - Ah! - [Man In Blue Tank Top] Can you see it? You can totally see it! - It's so big! - [Man In Blue Tank Top] He's so huge! - Check it out, Ty! - [Ty] Dan got a big one. (yelling) - [Ty] That's definitely a-- (speaker is drowned out by yelling) - [Lincoln] It's so big! (laughing) - I got the smallest one. Sorry, I didn't know. I was trying to trick the boys. - [Man In Blue Tank Top]
But it's not a catfish. - [Man In Background]
But it's not a catfish. - I caught the biggest non-catfish. - [Woman] Grace, do you
want to touch this one? - [Dan] Taylor, is this the biggest? - [Taylor] I think it might, actually. - [Woman] Do you want to touch it? - [Taylor] It's pretty close. - [Ty] Good job, Dan. - I did it, I caught one. - [Dan] I caught a bass, what kind of fish is that, just a bass? - [Man In Background] A bass.
There he goes. Sorry, buddy. ♪ We are the champions. ♪ - [Dan] Let's hear it! Where's Lincoln? There you are. Okay, Taylor, give him the trophy. - Here you go, Ty. (cheering) - [Dan] Ty's the champion,
there's the trophy. Lincoln, better luck next time. Ty, for the second time
at Lake Powell, again is the king of giant fish at Lake Powell. The kid catches giant fish. If you haven't seen that
video, we'll link it right here and you can watch it, but let us know what you
guys thought about that. Have you ever caught a
fish bigger than that? I don't think so.