Crash Testing LEGO Cars!

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today we're going to be crash testing Lego cars with the Lego crash test simulator here we go and we're gonna give them official ratings based on how well they can protect ooblot or Lego crash test dummy also this video is sponsored by Shopify but more on them later first I need to actually build a Lego crash test simulator we're gonna have this thing 160 studs long so the first step is to build a Runway all right so there we have not even half of this thing what we're gonna do is we're gonna have a gap in between then we're gonna have a track that runs through this with a little prong that'll stick up that'll push the car into the object we're gonna be colliding it with so I'm gonna flip all this over and then lock it together in two halves then we can put tiles on the top foreign we're going to build up walls underneath this using gray bricks so it'll actually lock together and be super strong but right now there's our Runway as you can see this is the biggest thing I've ever built in Brick Science History now we need to lock it together using tile [Music] s okay so now that we have our Runway we need to build up walls and really add plates underneath this so we're gonna build a brick built base for this to actually make it sturdy and for that we're going to need a lot of bricks luckily I ordered about 4 000 of them foreign [Music] which means this base is going to be sturdy and Tall so let's dump these into boxes we can actually do this easier check this out one to two by two bricks a bunch of two by four four bins of two by four bricks a lot over here too the next step is to flip these over like this and start building a brick wall along the outside that is too high so we can lock it together and really make the stable and then we'll start working on the mechanism on the inside let's start by simply look at that that's a lot strong Grandma right guys now I'm going to take my Technic bricks and on the inside of this I'm just going to add a bunch of Technic pieces that are too wide so this will really be locked together [Music] doing is I'm overlapping each one of these bricks so that none of them are by themselves you can see each layer is offset by at least two studs and then on the outside I'm creating this cool Arch design but this is pretty easy so far now we can repeat that and do it again on the other side of the track that way we can connect it and then add the track that's going to actually push the cars towards the object [Music] oh my gosh there's only like three quarters of it we actually have to build one more section right here which is a sturdy brick box that will basically hold up all the weight gonna be shoving into it as you can see if we flip this over we have a wall right here we're going to create a little track using a plate that goes across and tiles so we need to create kind of like a little cart that'll go across and slide in between here we'll put a plate underneath it with tiles so that's the next step would you quit fighting over there we know the area that we need actually I don't so let me imagine we know that we have eight studs wide to work with so underneath and then in the middle of that we need a post to go straight up that will push the car so if we grab one of these that is six wide so put wheels on each side of this we should be able to make a little cart let's grab our tires I have a lot of tires and wheels wow so we'll just connect these like this and then we'll connect the wheels like this just like that we have this thing in here and this will be the part that actually pushes the car we can add stuff to the top of this but the important thing is that it sticks through the base now if we put this in here put in this little pin here snow machine to work with this to make sure it can slide within this thing so let's build this up to be like the actual track basically that'll just help us test it without having to build the entire thing so we'll just test a little portion of them let's see if this works so we have our track here and this rides right in there you can see like that's a good fit right so this would be underneath one side of our track and they'll just build the same thing on the other side this will be smack in between like that I think this is good honestly this this looks really good right here so we're gonna take this track design now we're gonna build it on both sides of the bottom and then what we're going to do is we're going to Simply tie a rope or a string to this and I did not leave room for that so whoops now we can tie a rope to this part and then at the end of the track underneath the wall we're gonna have a pulley that's attached to a heavy weight and so when we release it this thing is just going to zip across and push whatever is in front of it with it let's take this track design and build it underneath both sides of the track and then connect them together foreign [Music] thing over here and then it will be sort of done let's attach these two things together grab this one this one has the thing on it you want to make sure it's good and tight like that this next to this plate like if we Slide the track piece in please work basically that's working like especially in this area on top of this area we're going to add the wall that we're going to crash into and a pulley somewhere attached to this so we need to create a wall stronger than anything you've ever seen for these cars to crash into on the front of the wall we can attach different shapes like triangles or circles to kind of simulate different kinds of crashes so here we have some plates foreign and this will extend it by two so this will be the end of the runway right here so let's start building okay so here it is and we even have a little window that I just added put a camera so this will go right here so let's attach it to the giant thing well again I think how am I gonna get over here put this right here [Music] you need to figure out how to put a pulley right here without it just falling down so what I'm doing here is I'm taking this which is a metal Lego axle and just this thing right here which is just basically a wheel put this right there now we'll cover that up and really certify this entire area hopefully the Rope will just not tear this entire thing apart hopefully so we have a rope and we have a bean bag on the floor what we want to do we want to put this thing about right here probably where we want it to stop we want to tie it the length of where the floor is so as soon as the weight hits the bean bag we want this to be right here I need to thread this rope through if it goes over the white thing like like that I'm gonna pull it down there so now that's we're gonna tie the weights all right so we're gonna use 10 pounds here we have the bean bag simply so that it doesn't damage the floor and that's where we're gonna tie it right there okay now with that lifted oh that wasn't that bad actually does have a lot of power that does have a lot of power wow this is gonna work so the next step we need to build a couple little Rams right here that we can clip into this wall and then we're gonna build the cars and actually test this thing out I'm really excited let's do this so I'm gonna make some Rams that we can put on the front of this thing but while I'm doing that I want to say about this video sponsor Shopify Shopify is an all-in-one Commerce platform that makes it easy for business owners and entrepreneurs to start selling their products online and in person setting up a Shopify store is literally as easy as this [Music] that literally took me like 45 minutes I put my product up on Shopify and boom business there's millions of merchants using Shopify in 175 different countries which is crazy to think about about three or four years ago I made this Lego fidget spinner set and I tried selling them I think I sold like one but I didn't know about Shopify check it out now you have a Lego fidget spinner anyway the reason I'm telling you this is I just made a Shopify store and it was really easy and I'm actually selling a limited drop of these Oobleck Crash Test Dummies there's only going to be 20 available for you guys and six of them are going to be the actual ones used in the crash tests and they're gonna have numbers on the back of them so you can check out the second link in the description down below and get yours before they sell out Shopify is like a portal you take a product put it in the portal and money comes out the other side okay so there's a little more that goes into it but Shopify is a great tool for entrepreneurs to start their business Journey so if you're ready to start your business selling used Forks or custom knit sweaters you can click the first link in the description down below to sign up and you'll get a 14 day free trial which is a pretty fire deal huge thanks to Shopify for empowering entrepreneurs and sponsoring this video now let's go crash some cars alright guys here we are we are all set up we are ready to go we have seven Lego cars to crash test so let's build the first one all right the first step we're gonna build is the Lamborghini Countach the sets we're going to be building are gonna get bigger and bigger so this is just what we're starting out with all right we finished the first set let's go crash this thing all right we've got our eye protection and we have our Lamborghini Countach and we're gonna put this right over here the first thing we have on this plate here is we have a triangular Ram we're gonna launch this thing in three two one that was actually so awesome [Music] this guy just got completely destroyed this is how the car fared um I'd honestly give this one a one star this guy he has no clutch power he would have just literally launched out of the thing yeah one out of five stars that was honestly terrible all right so L is helping me reset it because it takes two people because I have to actually lift the weight don't bully it objects lift the weight we upped it to 15 pounds so she's putting that pin through there that's a steel Lego axle oh gosh all right we are set the next car we're gonna crash is the Fiat 500. I'm very excited to build this one mostly because the colors and the scale [Music] all right as you can see we've got our test dummy in there right there this is number one we also have our camera which is recording so we'll see how this one goes all right and this triangle thing we're gonna replace for this which is just a tiny obstacle we just put it right here to see what happens in three two one yeah that that is not a good crash test rating [Music] [Music] wow this thing just absolutely got destroyed guys our crash test dummy he's splitting two did not fare super well the entire hood is gone I'm gonna probably give that one like a two out of five stars like it just wasn't very good I'd redesigned this car if it was meant to be used but just look at how this wall this thing just took the brunt of it and just pushed it into this wall I wonder if we can just he's back in I'm glad we added all that reinforcement right there but that looks like it was kind of dangerous look at that it just kind of pushed this directly into the wall very interesting let's crash the next one the next step we're gonna build is the Ford Mustang I think this one is going to crash super cool and it also has a lot of blue pieces which is Plus okay to be completely honest I built this the other day because I got a little bored but look at it it's beautiful this is the Ford Mustang as you can see it has opening doors an opening top real steering real working steering all right let's go crash test this we're gonna take off the hood actually and we're gonna put our second test dummy I made it a little bit too big but that was kind of the original design so there's not much I can do about it also most of these guys split in half all right Lego Mustang versus Crash testing simulator in three two one okay so so it hit the wall I think it kind of ricocheted off of the Triangular part but this whole thing came off [Music] the driver looks like he just got impaled by this thing just look at the Carnage of this thing the driver the garage test dummy just totally got impaled by the steering wheel but hey he is in one piece so we gotta give him that but the silence thing is just absolutely destroyed given that it didn't really hit the ram I probably gave this one a better rating than the other ones so probably like a three let's give it a four out of five because it didn't do horrible and the driver was completely safe he just got chest impaled the next set we're gonna build is the Volkswagen Beetle this thing looks super awesome here we go [Music] here we have the beautiful yet simplistic Lego Mini Cooper oh gosh actually it's a Volkswagen Beetle you can open the doors you can take the top off there's a cooler also you can see in the front there's an engine [Music] so we'll see how well this does I have no idea if he's gonna fit but we'll try yeah there we go we're gonna put the top back on and just bend his head down because we're nice people let's see how this one goes it's really heavy crash test beetle in three two one wow okay so what I'm noticing is that it's actually doing better in the frame than I expected I thought the hoods would just crumple [Music] a yeah I mean basically the top just popped off the rest of this thing is good to go oh did we lose a door okay we lost the door the driver could have been ejected out the side but look at the test dummy he's like bro come on this place is great yeah I'm gonna give this one a four we haven't had a perfect rating yet but I feel like they're all gonna break to some extent 4 out of 5 stars for the beetle that was really cool the next set we're gonna build is the 007 Aston Martin I am super excited for this set [Music] and that is it the Lego Aston Martin from 007 honestly this thing is super cool you guys first you can eject the seat by simply pulling on this thing back here and releasing that open hood and then pop that out that's a really cool thing the doors open the trunk opens I'm very sad that we're going to have to crash this into a wall probably rebuild it after let's crash this one and see how it does this is a very small vehicle actually I'm not sure you're gonna fit in here um we do have this special feature that ejects the seat so maybe we'll just get rid of that but you right in there you enjoyed in there little guy his feet are up on the dash but he does fit in there now we will just slide this back into place and we're ready to go in three two one dang that did not do horrible to be honest [Music] this is really not bad at all you guys you can see the crash test dummy in there he's kind of sideways but if we kind of put him in there like that look at this damage here this is for the front fared really really well you can see there's a little ding right there above the U the driver is kind of safe in there he didn't fly out the windshield or anything so I'm gonna say this one this one gets like a three out of four stars just mainly because the engine would have exploded because the engine's in the front in this thing the next that we're gonna build is the t2 camper van this is a Volkswagen hopefully this thing should just and be pretty cool so let's do it let's see what's in here [Music] all right guys here we have the t2 camper van this thing is honestly awesome fix that it has a little thing to give it more room I forget what that's called but then on this side check us out pushing that button and then you pull the door back and this is fully decked out you guys so let's see how well it explodes I'm going to take this off and replace it with this maybe this thing right here I just want to see if it kind of bends against it or anything because it might just go take our crash test dummy number five put our crash dummy in the cabin on the couch right there how you doing crash dummy you gonna make it hey sets will be okay okay so he is in there we're gonna test this in three two one oh my that was so cool [Music] [Music] completely destroyed the wall where the GoPro was oh dude so if you look the inside of the camper here this guy fell off the chair but he's still okay I mean obviously he's not a person but but look how the camper fared this thing barely broke it all like honestly the only thing that broke was this bottom part of the bumper and the rest of it is completely fine you can see the chair flipped down because there's no clips on it so that can be a hazard also the door came clean off where is the door where did that even go oh it's all the way back here I found the door look at that it hit the barrel and the whole wall just completely got destroyed it barely broke apart at all so five out of five that's that's a great rating for this thing wow all right I just gotta rebuild this real quick the next car we're gonna build is the Porsche 911. I'm honestly super excited for this car because it looks super awesome it just looks really cool and that means we're even more sad when we crash tested but I'm hoping it'll get a good crash check it out guys this is how the steering works for this car this one has actual working steering and it's connected to the steering wheel we're on back five out of ten and I'm Gonna Keep building because I'm really excited this is the Porsche 911 Targa this thing is beautiful the curves on this thing are incredible how they got these shapes is just astounding this is definitely my favorite build of all of them let's take this and crash test it and see how well it does all right I'm very sad to announce that I'm gonna have to crash my favorite car of this entire video and I'm super sad to crash it but we're gonna load it up here we're gonna use this block here because it seems to work the best I don't know if they actually use spikes but I'm just gonna put those above it because why not we have crash dummy number six we can just load him in there we can't have his top piece on so I'm just gonna take that off let's do this let's see how it goes I'm kind of nervous because I really want this one to stay in one piece an equal part of me wants to see it explode so Porsche 911 in three two one whole wall kind of got destroyed there but let's see what happened our crash dummies still in his seat you guys the car is perfectly fine a little piece of the bumper broke off but this thing performed amazing this is a 10 out of 5. this is the best crash rating for a car that you can get comment down below which one of these you think did the best thank you so much for watching this video If you enjoyed maybe check out one of these two these are videos I've worked super hard on and I think you'll enjoy thanks for watching see ya
Channel: Brick Science
Views: 7,807,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO, Brick Science, Crash Testing LEGO Cars!, LEGO Car Crash Tests!, lego cars, lego creator cars, lego tutorial, diy, lego show, comedy, family friendly, lego build, lego launcher, brick science x shopify, brickatecture, lego mustang, lego porsche 911, lego volkswagon beetle, lego volkswagon t2 camper van, lego fiat 500, lego Lamborghini countache, lego aston martin db5 007, lego ooblot, brick science ooblot, lego zoetrope
Id: SwCW-yVrC38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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