I Bought Everything In A Store - Challenge

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It’s gonna take that store weeks to re-stock everything!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/shaze 📅︎︎ May 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

I watched this video, and I feel like there could’ve been a way easier, more efficient and smarter way to do this. He could’ve just wrote a check for 75000 to a charity, then they could’ve purchased ingredients and supplies as needed. Rather than just a massive intake of random shit. I unno. Just my Opinion.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/prisonburrito 📅︎︎ May 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey mr. beast here today we're gonna buy every item in this store let's do it I don't think you can do this all by yourself I don't think you should speak anymore I don't think I should either so you get the gist of the video we're basically buying literally everything in the store which if it was just Chris me and Chandler would take forever so I brought some friends [Applause] make sure you get everything don't leave on the shelf look at all these people I just like literally went down my contact list I was like hey you want to help me buy everything in the store and surprisingly everyone was just like sure here's some mint hey let's let's help Conor Phillip its cart here you want some carrots oh man we got all kinds of juices over here let me help you all right your cart is full take this credit card these are my favorite can I have them what did you get everything I get my hands on here you go go check out okay here's a credit card you might be wondering why are we buying all this stuff what we're buying it because we want to give it to charity like a food bank a homeless shelter or if a random guy on the street wants beans we'll just give it to them did you know that made beans about you thick and rich that's what you have right now big corn guys all this corn you have a lighter a lighter yeah are you a lighter for it so you can make popcorn I couldn't even see you anymore Destin who has a card up there so they need their they need more stuff and there needs to be play there's no real a real customer yeah you don't want anything else will pay for it we're gonna buy everything in the store anything you want just grab it yes Father let's go 5 we need some cheese bucks right now you got the cheese puffs he gave your cheese close ok we're good we're good she's taking care of what they Chris is good for it is cheese puffs and lard I got our tub of lard I'm upset why hiding those Cheetos for later [Music] this isn't even our store we have like a full-scale operation all these people I'm paying to do this one can of beans how much have we spent so far we're only up to $800 guys what are you doing let's do toilet paper all of it yes well that was not efficient pull one bigger toilet paper fill up the entire card Bert oh you want some cosmic roundness yeah I'm doing my part don't tell them again every time your car's empty no it's not I got cosmic brownies can I just like I mean it's like buying everyday I'm trying to be healthy eating brownies so we're having a little bit of a dilemma we filled up every card thank you what was that I don't know how are you are you guys really eating cereal after the last video we did yep in the past we did a video where we gave $100,000 worth of stuff to a homeless shelter and it was really unorganized and hard to unpack and hard to like put away for them so now we're putting everything in boxes like this is a candy box so it's easier for the food bank that would take all this supplies to to like sort it and store do you guys subscribe this is probably gonna cost me a lot of money I mean look at how much stuff there what are you James we just literally been putting stuff in carts and I have no idea what it's been but I do know that we've got some lard and I'm very happy about it they're delivering more food as we're buying it we don't need it we're spending too much money I need you guys to go shop mr. B's comm advice emerge because I was not expecting another delivery so yeah [Music] I'm here to buy snacks it's my dream Janet you having fun good that's all Jared I'm proud of you bending my money this is what I want this is what I want so when we say we're buying everything we need everything except for maybe some bananas magichead such a useless skill [Music] we are up to fourteen thousand two hundred seventy two seventy eight to recognize all right that one's doing good and on this register left is six thousand two hundred and sixty one dollars so far we spent about twenty three thousand dollars aren't we supposed to spend like a hundred yeah so we're like twenty three percent done basically I'll see you later Chandler hates pickles so the only logical thing to do is to fill this cart with pickles and give it to Dan there we're changing leave it to Chandler to be pooping in the middle visiting Taylor all right we got a surprise for you you're nuts drop weight a year ago oh hang it up yeah we're almost done with this aisle we sort of like five more sorry it's twenty percent that's a lot that's a lot I mean we travel oh we're back safety first I feel like you guys shouldn't be boxing in the employees yeah I got tomato sauce we got tomato paste we got diced tomatoes I call them tomorrow oh you call them tomorrow's well I guess we can't hang out that oh my God look at all these carts checking Apocalypto what we bought more than I thought I mean this is like a full-scale military operation we got oh yeah good thing we have more so far we spent twenty five thousand and on that one over there we've spent eight though where were you guys when the siege of sav-a-lot went down why did you not come to the rescue that zest and everyone needs it so yeah we literally cleared this entire Chandler we're trying to clear all the aisles get stop sleeping on him I can't say I bought everything in the store if there's a Chandler for sale come on hey I've got to get this bread there we go now we've cleared all this room my pipe back I got to invest in beets so we can give stuff to homeless people boys stop mister be calm right here so things weren't moving fast enough so we actually ended up just hiring random people off the street so at this point I don't even know how many people I'm paying for an hour probably like 25 I don't know but we have a lot of people working hey what you go there you got Twinkies all right look I'll give you guys one if you don't tell anybody [Music] was that necessary power over ten grand [Music] de nada arigato thank you thank you thank you mr. B's Thank You mr. B off you say don't you gonna shot mr. Buchwald good enough for me it's your lucky day this is all three Thank You mr. B's thank you so much tried out the save-a-lot thank you so much woman business is booming look how much stuff we're by how much money have we spent hi should probably no shot mr. beast come become an investor by buying merch I can do stuff like this and pay by cameraman he just wants one thing he wants that I don't buy one thing by like a hundred things whatever you buy will pay for okay you got good hey hey Dustin we need you to get more tips man I got you got hey Taylor we need to get more ketchup I think they're at ketchup tree Hey look that's you thanks for version this that looks beautiful it's gonna take forever still take a while see what happens when you help you drop everything well the box was broken alright let's go for a little stroll as you can see empty pile number three as you can see what is it Chris empty this is all number four it's almost empty in Aisle number five almost him you've got a little bit of soda left we're still working on it this is uh this is really tight that's like a bomb you won't open it don't wide you pointing at me why did you put it in me Jimmy oh I will give you a hundred dollars of attention clean up on aisle five Chandler spilled some soda this is dumb thank you can I get a dustpan that's how you clean it up Chandler what that's a liquid this is a broom not a liquid it's stupid you guys been doing it for four hours four hours I can do this that's my new dad [Music] I'm scared to see how much we spent it's been like two hours since I checked the cash register these are the last non-perishable items because the resulted in more perishable thing in the entire store great good we just got it this whole store this aisle is empty Chris what is this aisle wow this was full of stuff oh my goodness and this aisle is empty too and so is your bank account sadly yes alright let's go give it all to a homeless shelter let's do it so it took quite a while but we ended up paying the full bill it was like $70,000 we got it all covered plus whatever we spent on the other people so we ended up spending quite a bit she's about to print the receipt this is gonna be interesting the big time with like $70,000 $80,000 this is the most expensive side and the last that is instead like it you guys should try this just go spin 70 grand and you can have a receipt time look how big that is that's probably like a 20-foot receipt $10,000 we're at a food bank and we're gonna give them food they can bake it all right wow this is stacking up dude it is like college debt and America hey Gotham military operation Delta c9 is going according to plan look at this oh these are these are mine Oh Vikings like okay all right oh this one already open this you already know that me Jim what are you doing we got a Peter yeah I'm good I think there's so many over there that needs did he just take the honey buns I think he just took a bunch of honey buns I'm complicating this last one no honey Mon man this just fell out of his pocket all right I wonder how pull this who would have thought more food and more boxes Wow [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right so this is all the stuff we had in the emos I guess people are probably curious what is it gonna go towards well we serve anywhere from 1,000 to 1,500 people a week couldn't have come at a better time because y'all see that some of the shelves were completely bare this morning I'm surprised we could fit all that stuff we did in there so it's going to people that need yeah yeah I appreciate it they were allowing us to help people yeah alright guys this video was actually really expensive I need you to go invest and merch because of you don't buy merch I just can't afford to do stuff like this in the future see this frosted beast hoodie in this office hoodie they are sexy this company that I didn't make up named my merch the sexiest YouTube merch three years in a row coincidence I think not at the shop mister peace calm buy a bunch of stuff so I can afford to keep doing things like this in the future love you guys and there you have it folks every single thing we bought will go to help low-income families or just people who need it in general so I'm really happy about that oh yeah and we also bought a lot of people's groceries at the store I did forget about that anyways I hope you guys enjoyed I like making videos like this and if you have a good day we're at the Animal Shelter where we're donating the last of the stuff that we got from uh save a lot this is all the dog food in the cat food and stuff that we got that we can't give to homeless people so where does all the food go to we process about 3,000 animals a year through the shelter and dogs and cats so it supports all the dogs that come into our care that's awesome well I'm glad we can help you thank you so much for sure Thank You mr. peace [Music]
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 75,556,729
Rating: 4.9457464 out of 5
Keywords: fun, funny, challenge, comedy, family friendly, funny videos, video, 2019, new, vlog, prank, pranks, experiment, real life, trick, tricks, slime, life hacks, life hack
Id: ha4tRQwKIUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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