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what's up guys welcome to vlog welcome back to another awesome day today is a very special day because we are out on the open water and there's a huge school of dolphins coming behind us and right now check this out you see it was oh here make noise this is absolutely amazing I've never seen this many dolphin swim by on the boat like this ever in my entire life this is absolutely amazing today is going to be one awesome day in the last fishing video we were in shallow water catching small fish but you guys loved the video and everyone was common to do part two so we are back out here again on the Dutchess but this time we are seven miles off the coast of Malibu in deep water over 200 feet deep which means the fish is going to be bigger and it's going to be absolutely awesome today whoever can catch the biggest fish will win $10,000 we're gonna be doing it in the form of a bracket so let's get started with round number one whoa each round will have ten minutes the fish whoever can catch the biggest fish in that round will win and move on to the final round so let's spin the mystery wheel to see who's up for round number one you guys ready yeah let's grab the mystery wheel and give it a good spin all right there it goes who do you think it's going to land on okay okay okay guys we got a spin the mystery wheel again honey you can spin it you think it's gonna be you first round I'll be pretty crazy oh okay here slowing down I mean easy around right here so let's see it alright guys hunter versus stove round one you guys have ten minutes on the hook let's see you catch the biggest fish ok guys you will have ten minutes to fish off the back of the boat at 250 feet deep water whoever catch the biggest fish in those ten minutes will win the round and move on you guys ready I'm ready alright let's do it and your time starts in three two one go oh yeah you're going deep stuff hmm I'm gonna actually step away from hunter cuz I don't want to you know I don't want him stealing any of my big fish so I'm coming over here see stove wasn't here last time and I know liz was here last time and she caught a ton a really big fish so that's why I'm on the right side and I got my lucky jacket on today so nothing but luck on Team Hunter today nothing but luck I feel it Bob in a little bit but no bites so far I mean if you look at it tip of my tip of my rod right there it is bending a little bit so I think I do have a little bit of a bite maybe I'm slowly reeling mindin wait no I just insecure that stoves coming up the more it's coming up to the surface I'm not feeling too confident now reel faster stove run out of time Hunter's been waiting for some bytes and I don't think he's gotten any so common hashtag good luck hunter because he's gonna need it okay so we don't have that much time so and it is 250 feet so I do want to go in and out pretty quickly if I don't get anything on this one won't change locations don't worry you didn't catch anything that's not right so the captain said to fish on this side because the fish goes under the bow and it looks like the current is coming going in that direction so let's give this a try all right guys I don't know if you guys know about this but I do have a channel of my own it's a gaming channel so if I do win this round make sure to go subscribe it's gonna be right here stoves kitchen Oh hold on got a little tug this yours oh hold on it's tugging a little bit oh really it is kind of I think you have official its doh yeah I think I do it's pulling back oh you got something it's Poland you got some clutter did you get something I think I got something off it's gotta be close let's look and see oh I see something oh it's empty so still didn't catch anything let's see if hunter caught something he's reeled up his rod right now let's see what he's got oh wow okay so that's actually pretty crazy cutter just caught a fish so about that you had a fish on I thought I had a fish on too but I guess it I've reeled up way too fast and unhooked itself alright well I guess that just means no one's gonna be subscribed at the stove's kitchen today and I got one more time we're not done with the dad screwed I guess that's gonna rounds that over yet so you saw a chance to win they did I do so this was like last effort you know I saw stove is over here subscribe to stoves kitchen you know I got a fish on hunter doesn't we pulled this guy up let's see here you know we got to see what the final the initial measuring tape here we go 15 16 yeah alright first catch of the day is 16 inches long there's been a while and I still haven't hit the bottom and this we're in a deep part of the ocean right now super deep I'm still going look at this we got something we're on whoa hold on you have another fish already okay so I don't know what you're doing wrong over here the hunters got another fish on that b2 for him you gotta catch at least something you have a few minutes left I think you can do it I just gotta focus yeah let's have a phat spot I think he's got a huge one it's not big though it looks cool but it's not big all right so let's catch something it doesn't matter how many fish you catch in this competition it just matters that you catch the biggest fish exactly feeling a little heavy but there are times where just oh wait you got you got some how would you believe that look at that is it a combined score caught on one one bring up I mean I'm talking to the judges oh yeah we talked about that number one we're looking about if you kind of tail eight right there probably 18 and then about almost 10 on the second one that's a combined score of 18 but my question is does it count as a combined score though or is it the single biggest fish I did catch it all in one line so yeah you did catch it all together so that's why I think it might work let's talk to the judges after talking with the judges we have decided that it's going to be the single biggest fish is what counts not the combined score of all the fish that you catch even if it's on the same rod when you bring it up at the same time so that means round number 1 goes to hunter with the biggest fish of 16 inches okay that one just cuz you have the cool cool sweater on so yeah let me wish me luck right oh you're gonna win it I'll take it off I'm confident in you my money's on my money all right so I won the first round Carter and Liz are up next so let's flip the camera let's do it pressure on them all right you guys ready yep wait hang on a second give me just two minutes what where's Carter guy I don't know where he's going I'm slow first round unfortunately I didn't win round one but that's not gonna stop you guys I shouldn't stop you guys some subscribing to stoves kitchens so it's going to be right here stoves kitchen we've got a lot of cool videos coming up so make sure to subscribe oh all right let's do it you ready all right hundred you count us off all right you both ready yeah all right three two one go and also guys have a little bit of secret weapon up my sleeve if you guys can see what's going on with my arms I got a little plan just in case if I end up kind of like stove not catching fish I have something to give me a little bit of competitive edge so we'll see about to pull it out of my back pocket and use it today oh I'm getting bit Oh hold on I can feel them finally made it to the bottom it's hard to say because we're so deep in the water it's hard to feel the nibbles because we're like 250 feet down deep in this water so it's a little bit different technique from last time so I'm not really sure how to know if I have a fish on the line or not unless I'm stuck well I think I'm gonna go ahead and reel this up and see if we got something you know I just got to get it get it up to see what we got I don't know if I have anything but we'll see yeah someone got him I'm missing a little bait so I think someone got on all my baits gone just as I suspected I felt it I felt them nibbling and then I felt nothing and I was like I knew something was wrong come on let's go we're going back up option just enough time to make this work you guys may have seen in the intro of the vlog that I had yeah I brought this with me I got the little mini speedboat we're going out in the little boat I'm gonna set sail off of the yacht today and I think if I can just go out a little bit further where the fish are cuz there's more rocks in the water that way I'll be fishing out a little about gotta tape the line on I haven't seen Carter in a while so I don't know where he is there she goes he's going down the water is only 55 degrees so I really don't want to jump in even though I have a wetsuit on because it's gonna be freezing okay let's keep going gonna be quiet did you catch anything yet no nothing okay this is gonna be perfect so Liz is back there she's not suspecting anything we got the boat coming around right here boats in the water I got it tied up I'm gonna hop in Liz's over there and uh she hasn't seen anything yet so this is great oh man I really hope this thing floats today the water is soaked well guys this is actually a little bit freaky because I am so far out here in the middle of the ocean and a little tiny pink styrofoam boat that I made I'm seven miles off the coast you can see behind me the mountains of Malibu and also the water is to 150 to 300 feet deep right now but I think this is what its gonna take to catch a better fish because I'm gonna get a better position than everybody else I'm a little bit further out than they are and it's gonna change up my fishing location so I'm gonna cast my rod see if I can catch a fish out here and hopefully win the round this way whoa harder harder what is he doing hey something hold on oh there we go kinda looks like your uh fish flop they do look like my fish flop yeah let's measure it I mean Carter hasn't caught in a single thing and now he's out on a boat if I catch a fish it might pull me around I'm gonna be out here all day trying to reel this thing up some bigger fish Carter's got nothing on me feeling good this is it we're gonna win this thing I caught a fish pull me captain skip I'm getting so we'd measured the fish and you're saying that it was a little bit shorter than Liz's so Liz is still beating me and as in first place for this round okay guys so round 2 came to a rap I caught one fish out of my little mini boat it was pretty big but let's caught three fish and what was the size of your biggest one like 12 inches 12 inches and my biggest one was only 10 inches so that means Liz wins round number 2 moving on to the final it is an out Liz versus hunter well let's get it going because I feel about the final round I'm a little bit nervous cuz Hunter's fish was like way bigger than my biggest fish but you know it's a new round I think I have a disadvantage because I just finished fishing and Hunter has been resting up his arm this whole time so my arms gang soare ten minutes final around $10,000 for the biggest fish let's see who can do it Liz versus Hunter are you guys ready she's doing alright the timer starts in five four three two one go grab your rods and go let's go fishing she goes in order to win this final round you have to catch the biggest fish in this round so here it goes the winning fish could be a little teeny one or it could be a giant like shark or something crazy so we'll see what we can get the waters super deep there's a lot of stuff under there let's see what they can get so I'm gonna be asking for advice from stove because he caught two fish has anybody done that today has still been the only person yeah you might have been the only person to catch two fish look I'll flow on a real cover - me neither lid or a hunter have caught a fish yet on the spot around but I'm super excited to kind of see how this goes because I have a feeling that we're gonna catch a fish that we haven't seen yet today or even possibly catch the biggest fish of the day in this final round so I'm really excited to see how this goes going for round two Liz yes sir yeah I'm gonna reel off and try to get more under the boat guys I can't believe no one's kind of thing yet cuz if I was in here I know I probably and I don't want to be I don't want to be in the competition I would have already caught at least one fish yeah I don't think are you serious it's so easy look how easy this is you're just standing there you gonna go like this Wow okay so you know Ryan's all cuffin and that he can just catch a fish I'm gonna make him a deal Ryan you want to make a deal yeah yeah I'll let you buy in if you win and catch the biggest fish I'll let you win the $10,000 but if you don't catch the biggest fish then you will lose ten thousand you want that you wanna take that challenge and take a buy-in let's get let's get you I mean you're confident you catch the biggest fish it's on let's go let's get them on a ride all right you have a how long do I have the ever only about half the time you jump on there yeah you have it so around one ends it's Liz versus hundred the normal rules apply for them whoever wins the biggest one will win the $10,000 but they lose they don't lose anything because we already have losers from the first two rounds however since Ryan's doing a buy in its rip the maker Bray for him because he's either gonna win it win $10,000 or lose $10,000 and there's nothing else I go those the only two options for Ryan right now and you're real enough already I am what you didn't catch a fish literally sad oh look at this you see that Bend right there there's a little bita bit there's a lot of end oh I feel something for sure there's no 100% might be the winning fish Liz look how pretty it is yeah Ryan literally didn't catch oh don't look at that I know your bait still on there to the final round is not to a little bit of a crazy start you know things were quiet for a while Ryan piped up so we threw him in with a $10,000 buy in which we've never done before on this channel does that mean that the grand prize is $20,000 for the winner though no it actually just means that if he loses theirs to $10,000 losers so that there's no more losses more losers I guess it means there's more lose the only one so far who's caught a fish in around the final round is Liz and it's a little tiny fish and it was about eight and a half inches and you know and even a small eight and a half fish might actually win the final round if no one else catches anything let's see how it goes okay you think you've got some first time was a false alarm I think there's something right now yeah you're sort of be boy cries I mean you're just reeling for the fun of it well I just kind of fun you got one no he does hunters online okay you got something big it's bending the poles bending all right hundred you got a huge fish well that's a nice-looking fish to anyone see the flag Wow look at you big boy that's it he needs the optometrist well we got to do a tape measure I think this might be a first place fish right here let's Chad are you still reeling by the way yeah I don't have anything what'd I say guys I said that we're feeling good about it $10,000 fish right there that's right all right so hunters got 11 the head that puts him in first place well Liz you got a fish on listing she's got a fish on this is getting crazy I think we're getting a really good spot in the water here for some big fish as we get you awesome I'm still reeling you got something hey let's got a fish Liz I think it's huge how big is it 11 and 3/4 okay guys fishing is done let's talk about the results the final round was an absolute banger and we even had never seen before buying with Ryan yeah it didn't go over very well I lost $1,000 where we let him enter the competition mid round for a chance to win $10,000 but $10,000 $10,000 Liz reels up an absolute monster of a fish indeed and beats hunter by just a little tiny quarter-inch that puts Liz in the first place for catching the biggest fish of the day so she wins $10,000 just give her a little round of applause comment what I should do with my money comment down below what we should do on the next vlog copy of what Liz should deal with her winnings today and we'll see you guys on the next vlog bye I hope you guys enjoyed the vlog stay tuned for the next one cuz gonna be even more lift get your Carter merchant now Mike Carter Sherrod come and represent the most epic channel on YouTube I'll see you guys on the next bug don't miss it
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Views: 5,857,343
Rating: 4.7761164 out of 5
Id: RBRz9exZ9eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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