Who Blends Animal and Human DNA? - Answers News: August 30, 2021

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[Music] welcome to answers news for monday august 30th 2021 uh or your panel today i got tim chafee here on my left i got ken ham on my right i'm body hodge and we have a whole host of news items for you today we got some good stuff some neat stuff some weird stuff weird stuff we've got all sorts of things that might be good for you but we usually start off with a few announcements so like silencing your cell phones yeah make sure we silence all cell phones make sure you turn your volume down cell phone devices but uh yeah we got some announcements say you want to run through some of those ken sure actually we have about what 12 days to go including today i think of our 40 days and 40 nights of gospel music the biggest gospel music festival in the world it's been absolutely phenomenal lots of different artists and groups and i tell you incredible music dinner and we have a short message at each concert there's one in the morning uh for from monday through saturday we have one in the morning at ten o'clock and then we have one in the afternoon at five o'clock and on sunday afternoon he's gonna have one concert because it's only open sunday afternoon this is at the ark encounter and we've had almost 500 people so far say that they've committed their lives to christ after hearing the message and being there that's awesome it is absolutely phenomenal so i thought i'd just show you this short little video here this week will ring with music laughter and fun at the number one christian attraction the ark encounter you've always wanted to see the life-size noah's ark now is the time this week will feature a comedy marathon with comedian dennis swanberg plus incredible music from the hoppers the tallies linda randall cela triumphant cortex brian free and assurance jeff and sherry easter and emily ann roberts many phenomenal speakers are featured daily and wait don't forget dr david jeremiah will be live at the ark encounter september 9th and 10th don't miss out on the 40 days and 40 nights of gospel music at the ark encounter for more information go to 40 days of gospel music dot com so there we are so uh it's been really an exciting time yeah i've been down there and has when we were there was a huge crowd it was it was uh quite the experience yeah people love it also just want to mention that our explore day is very very popular we have explore days and explore junior where it's hands-on science education we have a number of specialists here at the ministry you can't get biblical worldview teaching like this anywhere we have our own science lab here that we use and special workshop rooms and they fill up quickly we they fill up quickly and we also have a big science lab we're building down at the arc uh it's on the lower level of the ansa center we're just waiting on equipment i don't know if anyone's in business anyone in the audience you probably know right now you order anything and they tell you that we might have them in a hundred years time or something right it's difficult it feels like it's difficult to get anything right now there's supply chain issues or it's sitting in a container sitting in a container off the coast of california just floating on a ship there or something like that so anyway we always start with a fluff item and the fluff item today is about someone in connecticut who had an amazon package delivered and look what happened to it yeah check this out yeah a bear he came up and took it took off yeah apparently she found it later in the neighbor's yard right yeah so here you know they got this announcement you know that stated oh yeah your package has been delivered they can kind of see it on the video they knew somebody was there then all of a sudden it started going off again like what we're not expecting anyone i see the video and there's this bear taking off with their packaging well it's just it was just a roll of toilet paper that so it makes sense that bears are you've seen the commercials right that yeah the bears advertise the tournament go to the bathroom too right i mean she barely retrieved that didn't she body yeah she barely did well you know sometimes cody always has the pun so i have to he had to beat him to it you know if you think about this you know a lot of bears go for things that are scented and a lot of toilet paper is just naturally scented um so you know what surprised me if it smells and goes oh i wonder what's in here and they go to take it um i didn't want to talk about what naturally scented toilet paper is like they actually say in here it was hysterical you know like i said i knew nothing was in there that was you know that wasn't irreplaceable so it was a fun afternoon for sure so i guess they just had to grin and bear well it tell you what those ring doorbells just don't be a bed today those video doorbells can be really good for catching criminals but they can be really we had to do that because we right we had people use our you know our address when we were gone to to take packages and stuff but um they're really annoying too every time i get an alert there's motion at your door and it's 20 times a day you know at least in a bear that's true not where i live someone's knocking on your door that's a bear but they can be really helpful yeah okay well this next one uh comes from the alabama baptist and this is uh this is quite the article here uh the title is frightening future of chimera research tests moral ethical boundaries of science and for those who don't know chimera research chimera is basically trying to mix human uh with say an animal or mix two different types of animals together it's actually uh some very weird research it really does push those boundaries of being ethical and you know we've been uh informed for quite some time now that places like china have been doing this and now all of a sudden the united states kind of opened the door saying hey yeah you can do this you just can't use federal funding for it um from a biblical perspective first of all man is made an image of god correct no animals made an image of god but man is made in the image of god and uh god makes it very clear for instance uh killing another human being is murder right right and so uh humans are looked on very differently to animals but you know here's a problem in our education system you think about what the world is doing today man is just an animal we're just we're just another ape we're in the same family as chimps and so when people believe that well you experiment on animals experiment on humans try to mix humans and animals together they believe that we we all evolved so they think you can mix it all together and yeah they think they've tried to use this to justify abortion for a long time saying that man's just animals exactly yeah get rid of spare cats get rid of spare kids what's the difference you know right so we're you know we've been seeing this sort of thing that's popping up more and more in the news but i want you to understand this is an age-old problem uh if you go all the way back to 1926 there was a very famous russian scientist who went to the front to french west africa at the time and his name was elia ivana ivanov i i don't know if i'm saying ivanov maybe so something like that and what he was trying to do was artificially inseminate uh apes and humans together he was trying to do that as far back as uh the 1920s and so you know now that people have gotten pretty advanced technology they're trying it in a lot of other ways and it's one of the things they say here the potential for this research and experimentation opens you know a box of questions including what does it mean to be human well if you go to the maker's handbook you can find out what it means to be human and in the first chapter you don't have to read very far right man is made in the image of god and also then in chapter three you find out man is a sinner and we rebelled against our creator and we are in need of salvation but of course they reject that by and large most of those scientists certainly do reject that and well one of the things they're trying to do in this article they're trying to justify them doing their research they say chimeras sometimes occur in nature actually we don't see chimeras against anytime errors at all because what we see are okay there's a kind for example there's a dog kind of cat kind things like that you know two dogs can interbreed with each other but sometimes they look at two different dogs they say well they can interbreed with each other therefore it's a chimera no they're all part of the dog kind they're just dogs okay now when they use that then the springboard to jump forward and say well now we can like try to put a dog together with say a cat or something else things that are not part of that same kind that's actually a part to whole fallacy they're trying to take one thing and totally leap into something they're trying to take the human kind and mix uh cells from the human kind with animals right and what body was saying is it's important to understand from a biblical perspective there are a lot of people we sometimes we get people writing in saying the bible says you're not supposed to mix these different creatures and so they're upset that we have like a zonkey or a zorus down at the ark because they think oh you've mixed two different creatures no they're both members of the horse kind otherwise that wouldn't have worked right so it's not mixing and we explained that at the ark so people understand noah only took kinds right of land animals on the arks who didn't take all the speed the species within each kind have developed since the ark right as the kind uh the representative right like you've got several wolf species several coyote species domestic dogs but they can all interbreed with each other they're part of the one dog kind so this leads right into what they call transhumanism too where that you can enhance humanity that maybe you can get better eyesight or better whatever you know better right they're thinking maybe they can use this to grow organs and things like that right they're trying to say it in a positive but it's actually very evil type of research one thing they say in here under medical possibilities is imagine pigs with human hearts or mice whose brains have a spark of human intelligence um and this is different than using a heart valve from a pig and putting that in correct that's entirely different right right then let's say try to mix the creatures you know i mean i couldn't help but think of miss frisbee and the rats in them i don't know if you guys have ever seen that old cartoon there's an old book on that you know with these rats that have been experimented on to have almost human-like intelligence but the sad part is this is the kind of stuff people are shooting for well it sort of reminds me of uh before the terror babel when god said you know if they do this if if you let man go he'd be nothing that he won't try to do and so man has been in rebellion yes god rebelled before the flood in a massive way rebelled at the tower of babel and we see the same sort of rebellion today because the heart of man is still deceitful above all things still desperately wicked and we're seeing that you know they say hey uh recently they created a human monkey embryo that lived for 20 days in a laboratory i mean that should shock us you know as christians you know we really need to be praying uh that people back off of some of this kind of stuff you should never know what they're gonna do never know what going to do next this is already bad enough but but it is a it's a very clear indication of the shifting foundation of our culture because for a long time the majority of people were against doing this with humanity or having federal funds go to those things even it says in 2014 uh president obama signed the bill that outlawed federal funding well that's all changing because now the majority don't have a problem with this kind of thing so it's all going to change and see this is all based on an evolutionary worldview you know people are not starting with god's word when they're looking at the subject in the first place they've already bought into a secular worldview there's no right and wrong there's no god who determines right and wrong leave the bible out of it you're just an animal already let's do the research that's the way they're thinking i'm satisfied keep trying to go to the next article yeah well cool you want to go to the next article yeah otherwise i'm going to stop move on over to this next one all right this next one comes from the washington post uh highly religious americans are less likely to believe intelligent life exists on other planets survey says now this came from the pew research center who did some research among american adults and they found that the people who were more religious in the sense of being a christian religious uh persuasion were actually more skeptical of this uh idea that their extraterrestrial uh life out there intelligent life that is um so what do you guys think there's a lot of spin in this article so which you kind of expect from the washington post they you know every the reason according to them is that christians would be threatened by the existence of alien life it's not about being threatened by it it's because the bible is our foundation and it gives us no reason to believe that there would be extraterrestrial life god created the earth to be inhabited he created the earth before right that's in isaiah yeah he created the earth before the other planets the sun moon and stars those are made on day four the earth was first before those things and the earth is where god sent his son to become a descendant of adam to die for the descendants of adam so the whole focal point of redemptive history all of it is on the earth so there's no reason we don't have any reason to believe that there is intelligent life so basically it's like a fable out there yeah if god none of us would deny that if god wanted to create life elsewhere that he could obviously he could but there's no indication indication well i think there's there's biblical reasons why it doesn't make sense in tongues life in our space i'll come back to that in a moment it's interesting it says the vast majority of atheists believe intelligent life exists on other planets well of course they do because they reject god they believe that we're a result of evolution and they say if evolution happened by chance random processes it must have happened somewhere else in the universe and that's why they are absolutely adamant they must be intelligent life elsewhere so you know a number of years ago like in 2009 and i've written on this before then too long time before then but i published a particular article on our website uh where i said that i didn't believe in intelligent life in outer space these days there's not that much on earth and certainly not much in washington dc uh but i said i i didn't believe intelligent life and outer space and i gave a number of reasons you know the the earth is for the sons of men the heavens of the lords and so on um i gave those sorts of reasons and then i also said one of the reasons was and think about the gospel right the whole creation groans because of adam's sin right romans 8 and one day it's all going to be burned up and there's going to be new heavens and a new earth because of adam said and because of adam's sin and god's son stepped into history on earth to be a member of adam's family uh and he became a member of the human race and he's called the god man right and i said he didn't become the god klingon he became the god man and remains the god man to be our savior right and he died so for all in that huffington post wrote an article and they said ken ham says aliens will go to hell so let's stop looking for them well of course that tells you something about the way they put headlines in newspapers these days that was back in 2009 um the whole point of my article was i don't believe in aliens of course their headline is kenham says aliens will go to hell well just recently and this is the as a result of this next article just recently i happen that because of that particular article i did a couple of tweets and said oh i don't believe in aliens and outer space and gave some reasons for it so huffington post updated their article and the new headline is ken ham says to find et phone hell see you know e.t i've got a really good phone here i mean there's literally people hopping on from all over the world do you want to try mine and see if it actually does reach i mean i don't know what kind of long-distance plan this thing has but i don't think it's that long well it might be crazy from headquarters at iphone or google they might have that number ken ham says jesus can't save space aliens well i said i don't believe in aliens right i said jesus came to save man and but now so that's the updated article you've got a phone hell to find dt that's what ken ham said so that tells you a couple of things one is don't believe anything the second news paper is right about us because they make it it's just fiction outrageous and the other is that um huffington post is uh an anti-god yeah it's very yeah leftist yeah very anti-christian uh place uh so um but they're not the only ones you know there's a number of media that's out there that's like that but here's the vast majority of it we have to be very careful of buying into these kinds of myths and fables and that's really what it is and we're warned a couple of times in uh uh first and second timothy you know not to give heed to fables and miss and second peter 116 you know we do not follow cleverly devised fables so you have to be careful of this stuff and i think that's a warning to christians just because people are out there saying oh yeah there's all these aliens somewhere out there that we can't see that we don't know anything about well let me let me get a little perspective on this um you realize that back in 1967 was jocelyn burnell and her supervisor at cambridge university discovered a particular phenomenon and it was pulses from outer space so it was ordered pulses you know pulse pulse pulse poles and it was so ordered they facetiously suggested that the names of the source should be lgm1 you know what lgm stood for little green men little green man yeah in other words oh here's an ordered sequence as soon as they see something that's ordered to them it speaks of intelligence intelligence right yeah and they're agreeing with lgm one now of course they found out that what lgm one was was the first pulsar okay right you know what's fascinating to me they hear beep beep beep from outer space there's intelligence out there they look at dna the most complex information system in the entire universe and has a language system to read the information system they look at that and say chance yeah and they hear beep beep beep intelligence professing to be wise they became fools yeah and here's something else um i wanted to show you huffington post when they posted this article ken ham said the phone hell they also included a video from when we were building the ark and this will tell you what they're like so listeners and i'll stop it at a couple of places as we just comment on it on noah's ark well the wait is over friends and thanks to the creation museum and its founder kevin ken ham you can travel to kentucky and experience all the fun for yourself however arts don't come cheap but where there's god's will there is a way and the first phase should now be starting construction to the tune of 73 million dollars well first of all it was 120 million dollars but anyway let's go on don't let facts get in the way for huffington post now according to the most recent census data kentucky is the fifth poorest state in the united states so we thought that you know there might be some other ways to spend 73 million dollars first of all it wasn't kentucky's 73 million dollars right you know the implication is and they keep telling everyone the government paid for this and the government gave us money this is all private funding from people who wanted to use their money for the lord and the government has made millions of dollars off of millions and millions and millions because of all the tourists like all the ones sitting in a auditorium here coming into the area who buy gas who pay for a hotel room who buy food and so it goes on and help some of those people out right let's go through some of these christina we can start with education maybe the state could invest in funding for schools since it spends less now than before than the recession in 2008. they could also try feeding hungry kids one in four kids in kentucky don't know where they will get their next meal according to map the meal kentucky also ranked the worst in animal protection so we're getting blamed for children not having meals we're getting blamed for a lack of animal protection and we're getting blamed for lack of spending on education because we built an ark with private money from donors all over america and other parts of the world who gave in fact the average donation that built the ark was 230 dollars actually from people so they're saying these people have no right to how do they know how how much those other people have spent on supporting missions to uh starving children and so on and beside you what about all the millions spent by politicians on their private jets or on their millions of dollars just recently millions and billions and billions well you know there was a news item just this past week where google paid apple 12 billion dollars to be their default search engine 12 billion 20 billion million let's see huffington post will no doubt say they should be feeding the hungry and even some of the top athletes their salary is more than what it costs to build the ark you know when you hear things like this let's say that just kentucky is battling with a severe heroin problem ods statewide jumped 550 between 2011 and 2012. and in 2012 heroin cases made 20 of all drug overdose cases in the state um you know i think that certainly a lot of people have been both laughing and and criticizing this idea ever ever since they mentioned they wanted to build a creation museum a couple of years ago but probably the thing that i found the most disturbing here christina is that recently when uh ken actually debated bill nye we had a creationist versus uh you know an atheist after that they got more money and more donations to building this thing well actually that's not true right so isn't it interesting so what she said creation museum a couple years ago well the creation museum was open uh 14 years ago and and the ark was open five years ago so it was way before uh the i mean they get they don't even know what they're talking about they just you know what it is discrimination prejudice against christians that's what it is because they don't want us building something like like this what about all the millions and billions of dollars spent on the smithsonian museums to promote atheistic ideas you know why they don't want us to be i say this in one of my talks in my northern talk if all we did was build a building that looks like the ark and we filled it with a bunch of cool animals but we didn't have any teaching they might laugh a little bit but they wouldn't protest they wouldn't lie about it they wouldn't go and take pictures of an empty parking lot on a sunday morning when we're not open and say hey this place is going to sink nobody's going it's because we teach the gospel is true god's word is true from the very beginning the very end and that jesus christ is the way the truth and life and no man comes to the father except through they don't want that message getting out you know there was an instance like this in the bible uh there was a case where an expensive perfume was used to clean jesus's feet and judas do you guys remember what judas did what are you doing using this you should sell that and and take the money from that and give it to the poor not that he cared about the people he wanted to pocket that he wanted the money he was greedy that's called the judas proposition so when people say this about the ark of the museum all they're doing is repeating the judas prophecy didn't somebody recently spend billions and billions and billions of dollars on building a craft to go up into outer space so they can give rides to people and charge millions of dollars per seat so people can go to outer space and back where's huffington post doing see they're hypocrites and it's all about the fact they just hate christians being able to get their message at you know what you know it does for me it makes me want to do more to get the message of god's word yeah it's a great confirmation that when the people who hate god don't like what you're doing yeah you're doing the right thing usually so let me tell huffington post this you know thanks for the publicity and thanks for another item that we can talk about on answers news and just to let you know we've had record crowds at the ark and the creation museum since we reopened after the shutdowns by the way record crowds even without the bus tours that normally come because we're getting told over and over again by families we want to bring our children to a god honoring family-friendly place we see what the immorality of the culture we see what's happening and uh they're thanking us for this and they're pouring in from all across america and they will from the rest of the world when the borders open back up all right we got people in here today we are reaching more people than ever through these attractions we built a lot more things since we opened the ark and the creation museum and we're going to build a lot more in the future so huffington post i hope you come and report on that too so let's go on and the other thing they say is it's because of the writing that they read when they go no i'm just kidding all right this next one comes from science daily geologists dig into grand canyon's mysterious gap in time that's a clever title dig into it that's pretty good pun yeah i'll give them that but uh okay here's what it is there's a huge problem out in the grand canyon for the succulents there really is several of them oh yeah quite a few but one in particular has to do with where the great unconformity uh is that's kind of the basement rock that's kind of sitting at an angle like this and all of a sudden you see all these horizontal uh flood layer rocks sitting right on top of it so let me show you so and yeah let's see if we got some pictures here here is the great unconformed you see this line here now under here is basement rock yeah that's granite and see some quartz and so on and we would say this is the creation rock of uh before this is when god was creating you don't have fossils in there you don't have any sediment there's no fossils there and when the flood came it gouged off the basement rock here and deposited these sediments that's a sandstone so now you can see this here's another place where you find it in the grand canyon it's called the great unconformity see here's the line right here and actually this bit's been eroded and there are some sediments there which we would say are pre-flood sediments probably part of when god raised up the land on day three and so there'd be some erosion as the water was running off and deposited some of these layers they don't have fossils in them at all and uh then here's our geologist dr andrew snelling looking at that here's a great unconformity basement rock and then it looks like somebody cut it with a knife and deposited uh the sedimentary layers here above and they've got fossils in them so this is flood rock up here and this is creation rock down here so at the grand canyon you can see where the flood started that's so that's what they're talking about that's right and they're saying between this basement rock right down here at the very bottom i don't know if you guys are watching me online down below here but that basement rock to that line right above it you're missing about a billion years or so it's not missing it never was there that's the problem right and because i don't believe in a global flood they're looking for all sorts of reasons how come this is missing how come it's not there and by the way where the basement rock was here gouged off sometimes you see boulders as big as houses and obviously is washed in by catastrophic processes of water right and uh they they're trying to figure out what happened to it or say it's a big mystery it's never been a mystery for people who believe the bible right now you wrote an article years ago called missing or misinterpreted and uh to me that was a great way of looking at evidence sometimes people look at this from the secular viewpoint they're like oh no we're missing a billion years but really what it is you're not missing anything they're just misinterpreting uh the data when you look at this so hopefully we can pin that article in there missing or misinterpreted well let me show you something else too when you go to the grand canyon the whole whole area was lifted up because the the colorado river goes through the grand canyon through a plateau called the pie bad plateau and we would say this see when you go and have a look you see those layers are all raised up and so we would say this is the end of the flood when god raised up the mountains lowered the ocean basin sort of like could be psalm 104 could be a hint of this and that's why you have you know marine fossils in the tops and mountains but this formed a dam here and you have all this water behind here uh and then the dam broke through and gouged out the grand canyon which is why it carves that out because of that mass that's why you see these surge deposits downstream well that sediment was deposited rapidly in the in just the course of days not right it wasn't eroded over millions of years right now here's another thing dr snelling has been doing some research on where this uplift occurred actually the uh the park uh department the grand canyon parks department tried to stop us doing that research we had to go to court over it because professors said don't let them in they're creationists and we won that so right when now he's discriminating the research on this see where this is bent well you see evolutionists say that the tepid sandstone was laid down over 500 million years right and then over the next over the next 400 million years there were there was 10 000 feet of sediment on top of that and then 50 60 million years ago after it's all hardened into rock heat and pressure uplifted it but when you're working when you've been rocked though it cracks and breaks right and this is this was uplifted when it was still soft right it's not cracked and broken he's now done the micrographs the photomicrographs of what the sandstone is made of and you see these grains that are all jagged in different sizes it means they were all washed together catastrophically they weren't sorted slowly over millions of years or they wouldn't be so jagged and they'd be sorted out not only that here's what he found he also found that when you look at the areas that were bent and then you look at the areas in the grand canyon where the rocks aren't bent the grains the photographs are exactly the same so there's no metamorphic processes it all fits with a catastrophic origin and those layers being laid down and lifted up while they were still soft because they were still soft kinked and bent into place and then solidified right because the evolutionary view is that those things lay down for a long time and when that upwarp occurs you can bend rock if you get enough heat and pressure but it changes the chemical composition but his research showed that way the composition didn't change now what's interesting in this article they want to say well there was the heat and all that but we're not actually seeing any of that there's no evidence so it's really just a story of them trying to explain how this actually occurred and are we told to follow the science oh unless it lines up with the bible then you don't do it then well it's interesting somebody here said real science isn't afraid of investigation but evolutionists fear evidence creationists present it's interesting the evolutionists tried to stop us doing the research in the grand canyon we weren't frightened to do the research we predicted what we believed we would find and that's exactly what we have found because we've got the right starting point hey you know what that reminds me of you know a number of years ago science secular scientists believe that when they looked on mars they believed there could have been a global flood on mars they talk about the nawaiken epoch epoch on mars and water nearly 400 feet thick what's interesting they were prepared to propose a global flood on mars but not on earth but you know why you know i think they'd be happy to have a global flood on earth except for one thing the bible says the bible says it was a global flood right and so if you want all the latest research on the grand canyon that dr snelling's done go to answers research journal our brand new website answers researchjournal.org it's got all the latest technical research papers and it's got all that information about the grand canyon all right all right well moving on to the next article this one comes from science daily sustained fast rates of evolution explained how tetrapods evolved from fish so here they're trying to talk about how uh fish came out on land got their limbs and started moving around and was able to eat and breathe and all that sort of thing um but the problem is they just don't find any evidence for it so what's been proposed for the last most of us think of evolution as being slow and gradual processes but maybe about 40 years ago he had the hopeful monster that the punctuated evolution has happened slowing gradually it happens really fast in these um right because they didn't find evidence they didn't find the evidence we know what happens so at the really i don't know when you have even catastrophic events or certain things certain pressures they happen really quickly so then you see these different forms and you assume well evolution happened but it happened quickly and so that's what they're proposing again in this paper yeah right story they say the reason we don't find how legs developed and evolved is because it happens so quickly that the species which it happened in didn't get fossilized and so the fact that we don't find them tells you what happened right yeah it's very hot yeah so the evidence for evolution is what you don't find see for the longest time darwin assumed that one day they would find all these missing links and they just don't find them they're just not there so in comes this whole new viewpoint called punctuated equilibrium there's a fast version called the hopeful monster where they say okay well we don't see any but but the change happened so quick that it changed up here and all of a sudden we find this creature and when they say oh and then it jumped up here when they say so quick they're talking about in geologic time so for them it's like 50 000 years or so a long period of time to us but right in their scale of billions of years right and this is this is what they're saying i know we've run out of time here and we won't get through all the articles but let me read you this what we've been finding in the last couple of years is that you have lots of anatomical changes during the construction of new animal body plans at short periods of geological time generating high rates of of anatomical evolution like we're seeing the first tetrapods you know what all that means we find them fully formed in the fossil record that's what that means so we find them fully full so they're trying to explain that so there's no evidence in terms of the number of species they remain constrained and really known low numbers for a really long time and only after tens of millions of years do they actually diversify and become higher in the number of species in other words the fact that we don't find all these in between forms is because they didn't form enough species and they were to be fossilized but now that they're fully formed now we find them fossilized so to summarize if they find the intermediate species evolution if they don't find the intermediate species evolution yeah it's evolution all the way yeah so they've already determined the outcome and you don't need evidence for this anymore and yet they accuse us of doing the same thing start with starting with the answer and young people in our schools don't realize how brainwashed and indoctrinated they are how programmed and you know what speaking of the next generation that is really important you're involved in this the brand new book here ken uh will they stand it really deals with i don't like the subtitle yeah parenting kids to face the giants yes what do you have against tall people but you know why it's so secular isn't that joke there you go the giants of the lgp movement the giants or whatever how do people have answers particularly parents how do the kids have answers and you know what kids are being hit harder and harder with these you know they're being drilled with evolution whether it's in the media whether it's in education whether it's at museums uh so a lot of times parents cry out where do i get answers you know this is a great place to start uh to get them some answers uh will they stand absolutely excellent book so we didn't get through all the articles today because tim talks so much he talks so much but you know it was important to really dive into some of those subjects and deal with it yeah and i want to talk a bit about huffington post yeah yeah of course i know they're misrepresenting how jesus can't save the aliens right uh you know as we close out here i do want people to be in prayer for what's going on down in louisiana hurricane ida has come in you know so please be praying uh you know for that whole situation uh for people to recover and we need to pray for afghanistan and afghanistan is the other one we wouldn't really need for christians persecuted not just in afghanistan but around the world correct so uh you know remember them in your prayers you've got a lot to be praying for let's make sure we're getting out there and sharing the gospel that's right and when word and deed let's live godly lives so that people can see what christ who christ is through us and let's make sure we're telling them who our creator is and that's the lord jesus christ all right thank you all god bless [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Answers in Genesis
Views: 87,346
Rating: 4.8824043 out of 5
Keywords: Biblical authority, Answers News, Creation Museum, Answers in Genesis, answers news, answers in genesis news, creation news, creationist news, Ken Ham, Bodie Hodge, Tim Chaffey
Id: Tz4ev06bo0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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