Danny Robertson | Giants: Men Of Renown | March 14, 2021

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oh lord i thank you so much for the day i thank you for the way that you have blessed us your blessings are just extravagant and abundant and today lord you choose the path you choose the words you choose what is your logos and rhema for this moment so we thank you lord we give you praise we give you glory we give you honor and we just expect you to speak to us and show us things and we pray it in the name of the lord jesus christ amen amen amen amen giants men of renown wow we got some some stuff happening in the heavenlies there that's cool um this could go lots of different directions and i'm not totally sure which slice we're doing so i'm going to find out with you what slice we're doing today this is uh it's based on genesis chapter six verse four there were giants on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of god came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them those were the mighty men who were of old men of renown this is uh this is one of the trouble passages in the bible there are lots of troubled passages this is one of them so uh we'll talk about that in a second i'll go ahead and set it up first this is uh this is from last week sort of moving through i don't know that i used i referred to this last week i didn't have it as a slide but first samuel 16 18 it's in first samuel 16 that that saul who's afflicted by a tormenting spirit i want somebody to come and to worship someone to come and play and um and give him some relief from this evil spirit and they're talking about david and look at the uh the characteristics of david who is very young at this point one of the servants this first samuel 16 18 one of the servants answered and said look i've seen a son of jesse the bethlehemite who is skillful in playing so first of all he's skillful in playing and even as a young one he would be a young teenager at this point a mighty man of valor now i'm not sure how this servant of saul knows that he's a mighty man of valor unless he's already heard you know david said i took care of a lion and i took care of a bear i don't know if he if if this guy knew about that a man of war again don't know how he knows that prudent in speech and a handsome person and the lord is with him and of course that last one there is what fuels everything that david accomplishes the lord is with him and that's the part that's the key component to everything and um talked some last week about you know the last couple of weeks about david and goliath but the thing about david is when you have someone anointed of the lord and called who called called and who steps into what he's called to do it stirs the calling of god in people around him or her and so people who have not stepped into their destinies when they're put in the presence of somebody that the lord is with and who's anointed for a task it will draw that anointing on the other people around him does that sound familiar at all i i think i talked about that last week so so for example you go to first samuel 22 2 and david is attracting these people he's david's an outlaw now he's a man of great exploits but saul is trying to kill him and so he's having to go on the run and he's an outlaw and he starts attracting men to him and look the men who come to him are in distress they're going through tight squeezes tights straights they're they're in tight places they're under stress everything's anxious and unsure uncertain they were in debt they owed people money and they were discontented they were not happy with their lives these are the people that gathered around him and he became captain over that ragtag bunch of guys and there were about 400 men with them of course it wasn't just the 400 men they brought their women and children as well so david suddenly became responsible for hundreds of people while he's running from saul so he's not just got to worry about protecting himself he's got to protect hundreds of people and these people are not like you know jonathan is his friend and jonathan is wonderful in every way these people are in distress these people are in debt these people are discontented and if these guys are can you imagine how much more the wives are because now they're dragging them out into the wilderness to run around dodging the king and then the the kids are being drug along so he's got hundreds of folks depending on him and uh i won't say anything else about that but look what happens to them during their course of time with david the giant slaver the giant slaver the giant slayer david the lord's beloved makes them giant slayers in that ragtag group of men who were in distress and in debt and discontented there were giant slayers but those things didn't manifest until they began spending time with the anointed king of israel and when they began spending time with him it stirred their callings and what we're using as a connection from this i mentioned it last week that word for mighty men is mighty gabor strong man brave man powerful by implication a warrior or a tyrant champion chief to excel to be valiant a mighty hero it also can mean a giant along with some other stuff but mighty and so he turned the three d's into two m's mighty men eminems i love eminem's especially the peanut m m's but anyhow mighty men and and so when you look up that word the very first time it's used is in genesis 6 verse 4. and the context in genesis 6 verse 4 are giants it says they're mighty and they're men of renown and and a lot of you know this that there's a law of first use and that the first time a hebrew or greek word is used in the scripture is sort of laying a foundation for all the other times and this word mighty is used a lot it's used a lot in the hebrew but the first time it's used is used of giants and so it's interesting that that word is used for those guys who were in distress in debt discontented after spending time with david they become mighty to the point that they slay giants which is the first time that word is used in other words the mighty men were mightier than these giants of old and it's important who you choose to spend your time with important who you hang around it's important who you see as the lord's anointed those are those are important decisions you know your mamas and your grandmamas used to say you make your bed you gotta lay in it you know and that's that's sort of it i mean you know we [Music] choose so genesis chapter 6 what's happening in genesis 6 as you've been through the first five chapters of genesis the first three chapters creation man and woman kapuy everything falls apart the wheels come off right genesis 3 they eat the forbidden fruit probably wasn't an apple could have been a fig why would i say that it might have been a fig why would i say it could have been a fig they covered themselves with fig fig leaves that doesn't mean it had to be a fig but i mean if you want to guess something that we know now it could be it's nothing we know now that what might would be my guess but if it's something we know now a fig tree would make sense because they cover themselves with fig leaves and jesus speaks to a fig tree right before the crucifixion and he tells it you won't produce fruit anymore so there's a whole thing with fig trees you know so but but we don't know we don't know what it was but so it came to pass so all that happens and then you've got cain and abel so so let me just review for a moment when when they mess up and cover themselves with fig leaves and hide and the lord says where are you and he knows where they are and you have that whole interaction and he goes through stuff with adam like you're now going to have to sweat this thing has produced for you based on your word the earth has produced because the earth was the garden to him that's where he lived so the earth has been voice activated it has produced from you and all you've had to do is eat and just take care of things and protect from this guy that you just gotten in bed with basically you know and and then with with eve it was pain and childbearing and so there was no pain meant to be for childbearing and then to the serpent he said you're going to be on your belly which means he wasn't on his belly which doesn't just open up walking it opens up flying if it was something that flew that would be the ultimate if it was used to flying over things for it then to have to be on its belly and look up at everything so in all likelihood it was a flying creature and there's there's stuff we could get into about that but it's not my purpose so on your belly and he says something interesting he says that the seed of woman and women do not have seed the seed of woman would come along and set things right he said he would crush his head even as his heel was wounded and we know that that's the first messianic prophecy that god says i'm going to fix this so two kids are born cain and abel and and if you just think for a moment that that you're this being who you know sometimes we say he did an angelic rebellion because he was trying to be god that may not be entirely accurate because you know if you really think about it satan at that time whether his name was lucifer or whatever had to know that he could not defeat god but he definitely did not like man and woman and he had apparently held a very high position [Music] of beauty and esteem and was next to the presence of god and suddenly here was one who was created in the image and the likeness of god and then the crowning creation of creation was woman along came beauty and he did not like it at all and so however he hatches the whole thing he hatches the new testament in fact revelation tells us about the third of the angels being cast out jesus said he saw satan follow lightning there's all kinds of passages we could look at but basically if you're satan and you've heard this prophecy by the living one that says a seed of woman will cross her head and now she has two children and one is cain and one is able and everything that abel does is wonderful in every way and he's favored by god and cain has some problems he has some jealousy like satan had you find someone vulnerable to temptation and so in all likelihood satan is trying to get cain to kill abel because he thinks that abel could be the one that's supposed to crush his head and there's the rub all the way to today well actually till jesus satan's number one agenda was to screw up the bloodline so that the seed of eve could not come to crush his head can you see can you see that that's an obvious thing that he's doing so you get through those first four or five chapters you get into some genealogies and things and then chapter six comes that sets up a plan to destroy the bloodline so here we go so now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth i told you the one thing that that god told us to do that we did without any problem is we were fruitful and multiplied it was like yes sir we'll do that yeah i mean can you imagine when when he told abraham and sarah about this time next year you're gonna have a baby and they're like okay well let's go let's put our faith into action so now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them that the sons of god saw the daughters of men and that they were beautiful again beauty and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose now there are several several ideas about what's being said one idea is that this is about kings on the earth marrying women and having having royalty and all that that started another one is that these are the sons of seth the bloodline marrying daughters of cain the only thing that really fits is angels got together to conspire and what they're trying to do is mess up the bloodlines because god created people who were in his image and this plan would create perversions that were not human and mess up the bloodlines so there couldn't be a genuine son to come and crush satan's head does that make sense and i could go into a lot of stuff but i i don't want to go into a lot of stuff that's just that's enough for today that this is everybody in antiquity believed this was angels people of heaven and and there are people who say well god said angels don't marry are not right angels in heaven don't marry but angels who fall into the earth who want to pervert the bloodline you know it's not the same we're not talking about the same people you know so so it comes to pass and they they choose these wives they're beautiful and they choose these wives and verse 3 and the lord said my spirit shall not strive with man forever for he is indeed flesh yet his days shall be 120 years and this is interesting some people say that at this point he's saying in 120 years i'm going to destroy everything and some people say well he's just changing the lifespan because if you look at the lifespan before this people are living you know methuselah lives 969 years and um there's some interesting things with that too but but anyhow i'll i'll limit myself but but do you know that that if if we lived in an optimum condition most of us would live to about 120 today the oldest people on earth i used to do this in my developmental class i would bring in a list of the oldest person on earth with the next several they're all in the neighborhood of 120. men are usually somewhere around 114 women somewhere in the neighborhood of 118 to 120. the oldest person we have on record was 122 when she died and then there have been people that we think are older than that but there's no way to verify their birth records and so these are only the people that we can verify their birth records and there have been plenty of people on earth who've lived a long time that their governments changed 90 times during their lifetimes you know depending on where they live there was a man who lived i don't know if it was south america or the caribbean or where but based on the fact that he fought against the dutch when they were a dutch colony said for sure that he dated back there he was always the veterans day he was always the one telling the stories about the dutch colonial revolution and everything he died somewhere around 150 but they had no way to say for sure when he was born there were no records you know i mean even if you've got a family bible you can't verify the family bible that that's right so so only the people who are verified it's always in the neighborhood of 120. um and i can tell you some more stuff about that but but anyhow it's it's interesting and i'm just mentioning that because it's right there in front of us so i'll go on now but this is the verse i was trying to get to genesis 6 4 there were giants on the earth in those days and also afterwards so that's saying that in the days before the flood there were giants on the earth and then and also afterwards so the implication is that after the flood there are giants on the earth as well and obviously we know that david was confronted by giant when the sons of god came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them those were the mighty men who were of old men of renown and and basically what you have is if you have fallen angels who are trying to destroy the bloodline and they come in and procreate if you can say that then you have perversions people that are not human people that are partially human and if that was not the function of angels and not the purpose of angels god would see it as a great perversion and if it was a great perversion that means there was a great corruption on the earth um [Music] some of you some of you like to read the book of enoch and you've done all kinds of research kevin and i have talked some this week about that um there there's some there's some different things about that but according to one of the people that that kevin and i talked about his name is dr michael heiser heiser heiser um that the jewish mind when jesus came the messiah was supposed to do three things and and if you ask us what what is it jesus jesus came to do well he came to deal with sin which is totally true that's genesis 3. but in the jewish mind he came to deal with perversion as well genesis 6 and he came back to take the whole earth the tower of babel where everybody was distributed and god kept one nation for himself the messiah was to come back and take all the other nations back to god as well and when you go through the gospels jesus does those things and and heiser's thing is that we don't recognize it because we're not familiar with that kind of mindset but in the days of the gospel that was the mindset that the messiah would come and of course deliver from rome but he was going to deal with those problems from genesis and jesus did whether that was you know he did and we could get into that one of my favorite sermons caesarea philippi but i'm not going to go there either but anyhow so this perversion created giants and when you go into there's not a lot in scripture itself you have to go outside and there's lots of other sources going outside but if you just think just just think what makes sense if a fallen angel has a child with a human that one's going to be pretty big but as you go on down they're going to get smaller because you're going to have more and more human blood mixed in also perversion will increase because those offspring will reproduce and so here we are at genesis 6 4 that mentions this thing opens this pandora's box saying hey y'all may not know this but there were giants before the flood and even afterward and then it goes into noah's ark and so some people look at that and they go well that's out of place why is there even that what who in the world but obviously it's not out of place there's a reason that genesis one through four is there right so so with that in mind let's just go because we could go all kinds of places with this but but i don't want to go all kinds of places i want to go one place so genesis 6 5 and 6 the lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and the lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth and he was grieved in his heart that hebrew idea is definitely grief and definitely sorrow and maybe even anger at what's taking place but there's also a component in that in that hebrew word of compassion and hope the compassion and the hope was that not every bloodline had been perverted so there was still hope and on the those that had not been perverted there would be compassion but on the perversion there would be judgment does that make sense so don't want to don't want to parallel too much but it doesn't take rocket scientists to go we're living in a day of great corruption we're living in a day of great perversion and yet over the past year or more people have sought the lord like never before in the history of the earth and god is not going to let perversion and corruption continue there must be judgment but for those who've been seeking him there's going to be compassion which means there is hope but i'm not talking about today i'm talking about this but i'm talking about today but i'm talking about this so he's grieved in his heart he's sorry that all this had taken place sorry that he made man on earth because man was so different than what he made man was so different than what his purpose was for man and there was no way for them to be free once the demonic took hold of flesh there was no way to get it gone that means people lived controlled by evil and wickedness with no way out that means that people went around taking advantage of other people and being taken advantage of it also means depending on if you want to go and do a bunch of research there there's definitely the thing that these very large giants from the very beginning yeah they they were willing to eat human flesh and you can see it in things that you're aware of for example odysseus or ulysses depending you know the odyssey they they encounter a giant and they blind him he was a cyclops or what a perversion and he's planning to eat them but they they tie themselves to the bottom of his sheep so when his sheep are getting out he's feeling the sheep but the men are tied underneath remember all that but that's not scripture but you know it's it's interesting so anyhow the wickedness is great every intent think about this every intention because lots of times people do things and we try to look at their intentions to excuse their behavior but god is saying it is so wicked and corrupt that when you look at the intentions it was wickedness and corruption that was what was intended when they did the behavior they were trying to hurt people so every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually could not get away from it lord was sorry he had made man on the earth he was grieved in his heart again that grief has compassion and hope mixed in so the lord said verses 7 and 8 i will destroy man whom i have created from the face of the earth both man and beast creeping thing and birds of the air because there's a perversion of olive creation for i'm sorry that i've made them but noah found grace in the eyes of the lord noah found grace in the eyes of the lord when you're going through the genealogies before you get to genesis 6 there's the line of promise that's going there's seth the son of adam that's the one that's chosen and the line of seth noah comes in that line and that's that's the line that's being chosen for jesus and when you get to noah i think maybe he's 10th from adam which is interesting because it's a couple of thousand years but their lives overlapped noah is alive and he doesn't know adam but his his grandfather methuselah knew adam for hundreds of years because people lived so long so he knew well somebody who knew adam well so he was tied very easily to everything that had taken place no one knew what the plan had been it caused noah a preacher of righteousness he preached to people about what was coming and tried to invite people to be saved he's a type of christ it's a picture of judgment it's a picture of judgment on sin and jesus coming to save and that's what it's about and just as a little byproduct when it says one shall be taken and one shall be left that's jesus talking and it's about as in the days of noah that's what it's going to be like when jesus comes again and he says one taken and one left we typically think the righteous will be taken and the unrighteous left but in the days of noah the unrighteous were dead they were taken the righteous noah was left to rule the earth so you got to rethink a lot of things that you take for granted and think about what's it really saying you know so anyhow god's decided he's going to destroy but this compassion and hope is on noah who finds grace in the eyes of the lord angie can you do a blue letter bible on your phone is that relatively easy kevin are you faster than angie can you do blue letter bible i guess we'll find the dueling phones right up here on the front row do blue letter bible and do noah noah means rest no one means rest so in days of distress days where every thought was evil days of great corruption and wickedness noah is god's rest is that good because that that sounds like if i'm walking with the lord it said the lord was with noah i mean with david so he had a position of rest and it looks like the lord is with noah so noah has a position of rest i like a position of rest is did you find noah is it rest okay can you look at those hebrew letters there just eyeball them now this word if you'll look at because one of your one of your passages for noah is going to be somewhere right here uh six verse eight will you look up that word grace okay because i just want to test something out i think it's true but i want to make sure before i actually say it to you well i'll tell you and then we'll see if it's true i think i've read and it may even be in the passion footnotes that noah rests when you use the hebrew letters backwards it's grace isn't that a little god wink can you can you can you check and just see if it's the same hebrew letters going in the opposite direction but i think and if you've got a if you've got a passion huh it is it looks like okay we're going to go with it then why mess up a good revelation right there's a little crook then that may mess it up um but if you've got the passion the genesis translation i think it was in those footnotes it may have been in kelly varner or somewhere else but isn't that an interesting thing rest the reason i can rest is because i'm in his grace the reason i'm in his grace is because i'm with him and i'm in his rest that's all i'm going to say about that because i'll get hung up so so here we have it just laid out now we've gone back over there because the people hanging around with david had their inner callings and their purpose their destinies stirred and they became giant slayers like david was and that word for mighty men you go back over and first appears with giants who are obviously mighty warriors and would have made a name men of renown mean men of a name they made a name for themselves in the ancient pre-flood world lots of places you can go with that then i'm not going to go stop so so we are called let me just fast forward and then come back and catch up we are called to be men and women of the name we are called to be men and women of renown that word name is shem noah had three sons japheth ham and shem shem was the bloodline starting from seth going down through noah shem was the next one jesus was a descendant of shem jesus is the name thus above every name we are people of the name meaning we belong to jesus we pray in the name of jesus right we are men and women of renown jesus left us here to rule and to reign he set back everything that was wrong put us back in charge and we are mighty men and women of valor called to rule and reign in the name good so now let's go back and catch it all up okay so so here skipping over to zechariah and i will pour on the house of david who's a descendant of shem poor in the house of david which means beloved the lord's beloved and on the inhabitants of jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication then they will look on me whom they pierced yes they will mourn for him as one mourns for his only son and grieve for him as one grieves for a firstborn god looks at at the world and is grieved that he created it is going to have to bring judgment but that is mixed with compassion and hope and jesus is the hope that anchors our soul amen it's all heading toward jesus he's the hope so look at this you've got david you've got the spirit of grace that's going to come on by the cross golgotha goliath of gath cross through the skull right yes they'll mourn for him as one mourns for his only he's the only begotten son grieved for him as one grief he's the firstborn of all creation he's the firstfruits of the resurrection lots of places to go with that luke 2 40 and the child grew and became strong in spirit filled with wisdom and the grace of god was upon him there comes one noah found favor and grace but there comes one who embodies grace the only answer to the wickedness and the corruption is grace because we're all worthy of judgment but it's god's grace out of his compassion that gives us hope and saves us from the destruction as in the days of noah eight found favor eight found grace eight remained to rule and reign over a new earth so jesus comes the child grew became strong in spirit filled with wisdom and the grace of god was upon him john 1 14 and the word became flesh what's jesus name we are people of the name what's his name okay emmanuel but let's just let's just be captain obvious his name is jesus okay thank you jesus god saves or god's salvation right what was his name before he became a man evidently word i don't know for sure he had lots of names commander of the lord's hosts lots of names that he still has but the word became flesh what did what did those angels those fallen angels know him as before he was jesus because they they didn't recognize him he was kept hidden from them for a long time as jesus so word became flesh dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory is of the only begotten remember zechariah the firstborn the only son the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth full of grace and truth john chapter 1 verses 16-17 and out of this fullness he's full of grace and truth out of this fullness we have all received grace for grace there's an over abundant supply of grace that comes from the son he's got enough grace for everybody everybody can find the grace necessary the ark is big enough for everybody everybody who wants to be saved can be saved he's got enough grace out of his fullness we've all received and grace for grace for the law was given through moses but grace and truth came through jesus christ so if jesus is full of grace and i'm worthy of destruction the intents of my heart are evil and wicked i'm corrupted i'm perverted jesus the righteous preacher like noah preached offers an invitation for grace and salvation he can handle all of humanity not just all of humanity right now but all of humanity all the way back to man and woman and all the way forward to the very last human born he's got enough grace and we're living in a moment that some people are saying these are the days of noah get ready we're going to hell in a hand basket god's coming he's going to do some thumping if you're lucky it'll be pre-millennial and you'll get snatched out so you don't get thumped right unpack your bags these are the days of grace these are the days of grace god is coming to judge there's plenty to judge he does not like human trafficking he doesn't like children being taken advantage of and children enslaved and women and men enslaved he doesn't like that he doesn't like perversion it dates all the way back those angels taught people how to be perverted and how to look for god's elsewhere but there's a day of grace because god wants this bride for his son that's beautiful and glorious that's full of beauty without spot wrinkle blemish and full of glory and that's going to take grace that's going to take great grace so in one sense we are in the days of noah but the invitation for grace is what's happening right now this this may bother some people because some people really want to see judgment they really really do i'm scared to want judgment because i'm afraid i might not make the cut i don't want judgment i want grace i want favor i want grace i want rest and i want to see a harvest beyond anything the world has ever experienced so that most of the people on the planet receive grace because i can't shake for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son to save people not judge people because the world needs to be judged but god's got a heart of compassion and he wants to give us hope and so i think the invitation is for those who don't know him come and receive god's grace because jesus is full of grace and he's got enough grace for you but for those of us who know him i think the invitation is become men and women of renown become mighty men and women of valor become valiant become champions do mighty exploits in his name because the truth is you've got the spirit of the lord in a bag of flesh and a spirit of the lord and a bag of flesh beats disembodied spirits all day there is no demon in hell that has authority over you if you know your authority now if you give that demon in hell your authority you're in bad trouble but if you know who you are that you're a physical body this world is ruled by physical bodies that's what god has said it's given to men and women to rule and reign this world is for men and women who have the spirit of the lord to rule and reign we are called to be children of the name warriors of the name worshipers of the name and do exploits exploits are to set people free the prime directive you can say seek and save the lost is the prime directive that was jesus pride directive he was seeking and saving the lost and if you go on with jesus prime directive he says to set captains free he called us to testify to bear witness of what jesus has done for us and to make disciples and he's promised we read that scripture earlier from the psalms that the word of god came to perform the healing that if we will testify which takes us back they overcame the adversary by the blood of the lamb those of us who are saved have the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony and by not being so caught up in this life which then gets over into every time we speak about jesus we enter into prophecy because when we start testifying about what jesus has done we're prophesying he'll do it for you and then jesus does and there's a promise that where we're going we're willing to testify the lord will come and show that we are his people i know some of you are listening to dutch sheets every day the given 15. if you've been listening every day then you just heard a story about the girl tied to the tree if you haven't been listening they went to i think guatemala they were doing a mission trip they were going in there and building shelters for people who had been displaced by the earthquake they they had adobe huts those are w huts went to total dust and the earthquake 30 000 people died in in a 30-second earthquake they went and did a mission trip by day they were building these shelters so people would be able to get in out of the weather and everything and by night they were doing a revival the whole village where they were they were in this village on the side of a mountain no electricity no running water nothing but at night the whole village was coming out but one or two people had been saved that whole week when they had been other places there had been lots and lots of people saved dutch was supposed to be the last speaker that week he was getting ready to speak and somebody came up and told him about this little girl who was tied to a tree on the other side of the village and they had asked and the parents had said we had to tie her to the tree because she's she's touched that's what we say in eastern she's touched she's she's crazy she'll hurt herself she hurts other people she runs away so we've had to tie her to the tree so she won't hurt anybody and so she won't run away and dutch was getting really speaking the lord said tell these people that you're going to speak and that i'm going to heal that little girl and then they'll know that what you're saying is true and they said what time out i thought you said and he i did so here's dutch so dutch said there's a little girl tied to a tree god's going to heal her and you'll know what i'm saying is true god healed her the whole village was saved testifying of christ enters you into the prophetic for it to happen again and to happen again the invitation from the lord to enter his grace and his rest is if you'll enter my grace and my rest i'll do the work you can prophesy watch me perform it so that they know what you're saying is true and you'll see the same results again and again and again and again there hasn't been a time on earth yet that i know of maybe just briefly when the church was just formed before the persecution began where the church has dominated the earth not not as a government that's corrupt and wicked like you know the whole thing through the dark ages but where the church has dominated the earth as the true ecclesia of god where glory was being poured out and people were being saved and set free and the earth was was being ruled and reigned by the glory of god and if the lord's coming for a glorious church without spot wrinkle or blemish it ain't happened yet so unpack your bags and get ready to do exploits get ready to do exploits because you're mighty warriors and the reason you're mighty warriors is because you're mighty worshipers because the worship lays the groundwork for the relationship for the lord to be with you to do the exploits david knew how to worship which made him a valiant warrior when david we had the vocalist here yesterday yesterday and doing a meeting and i just talked briefly about first chronicles chapter 16. there's a list of the mighty men of of david but david entrusts the tabernacle of david to people to worship like he worships just like he entrusted warriors to war like he ward in a sense that's a list of the mighty men of worship just like you've got a list of the mighty men of war and the key to david's kingdom was there was a tabernacle in jerusalem with the presence of god open and laid bare access by all with worship going all the time that fueled the expansion of his kingdom and people who became giant slayers your worship will fuel your warring it's the relationship you have with the lord that gives you the power and the authority to do exploits it's the name that you bear when they come to me and they want to see what's tattooed on my forehead i just knock myself out i don't want it to say danny i wanted to say jesus because i belong to the name i belong to the name we are mighty men and women of the name you are renowned amen so the the praise team can come up uh and we'll transition is everybody saved everybody saved everybody's saved okay everybody's saved but we're going to say it anyway i believe that jesus is the christ son of the living god my savior my lord and my king i don't know if you can feel the power of that that's cool it's cool well let's transition to communion the meal of champions the meal of mighty men and women of valor so lord we thank you for the bread represents the body of christ we thank you for the cup the blood of christ we thank you for the sacrifice the atonement the covering the redemption the new creation by your stripes we were healed we thank you for this meal that you set before us in the presence of the enemy and the enemy is helpless totally helpless as we rest in your grace and give you thanks and celebrate your presence speak to us and show us things as we participate in your meal we just thank you and praise you for it lord and we pray it in the name of jesus amen after you have communion if you need to go you're welcome to go if you'd like to stay in worship worship will continue and if you need prayer the prayer room will be available happy march 14th march madness
Channel: River City Christian Center
Views: 11,034
Rating: 4.5315313 out of 5
Id: lMf_F1-Cu0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 55sec (3475 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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