Whiskey Ginger - Ari Shaffir - #018

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Esleeezy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ari was just on Theo’s pod the other day, guess he’s making the rounds for his new special. I gotta admit, I admire his chutzpah in leaning into offensive bits.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WayneQuasar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ari "I hate to say I learned from Hitler but..." Shaffir LMAO

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UGAlum2014 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
in here three or the last five years wouldn't restaurant of the year Michelin one of those things yeah but like higher yeah that's [ __ ] it it was like second one year third one year and then first the other I didn't get reservations because you know somebody know so my mom was like oh if you're going there she's a foodie but she's kosher she's like I can't do with your stuff but like it going to coping he's try it was like okay she was kind of made reservations now I'm like yeah yeah yeah and then a month out of like chimeric reservations like no yeah no way but we went by and uh the guy who was one of the festival's like well these guys are in town they're comedians so if you have anything waitlist wise and then they call it cuz they thought it was a cool story it bumped us up and like what could you come right now like yeah they must have known somebody they must have known you guys they just thought was cool like oh comedians are here instead of just locals like let's bring them in what yeah so Bobby was about to eat pizza as like put it down let's go and the guy who is with he's like yeah you got to go man that's insane so they have all these chefs working as pretty much interns high-level chefs working as now interns chefs he has like 40 chefs working on staff guys that legitimately should own their own restaurants out there just like the line [ __ ] yeah do you ever see six days the air yeah so you know seven seven seven days air [ __ ] now I don't know six days sounds maybe it's right yeah haters working there as just a writer yes dollar yeah he's just working for sell writing stuff yeah hanging out yes like high-level guy was like I want to be here with you right that's the same thing so these these two chefs their whole job was to peel walnuts and I'm like what are you doing and they're like you don't wanna get a stuck in your teeth the holes so their whole job is just all day peeling the little skin off walnuts every [ __ ] day I don't know how long they were in that Duty for it but I'm like that is going to another love yeah that's new [ __ ] that's well that's like what Japanese sushi chefs you know you hear about those guys that are in training at those yeah gyro you know what that is a gyro true of sushi do you ever heard that documentary you know this guy oh this is one of these things that like the Internet's good zero ji ro he is a sushi chef in Japan in Tokyo he has it's in a [ __ ] train station even you've been to Japan no no no there's like some of the dopest food I've ever had was in a [ __ ] train station in your mind you see train station you think New York right you think of like what you know is a subway station Fisher don't even touch me exactly you wouldn't [ __ ] you you you were like this when you walk through it yeah dude this it's the Tokyo is to me the exact opposite it's like everything in there is so unbelievably clean that it's it feels kind of fake it's like a movie set do they get the thing where they push you in with a stick that's China that I've heard no and in Tokyo in Japan there in Japan everyone does slam in but it's like polite slamming it's really strange like everyone is like kind of apologizing as they're pushing it no Chinese I'm gonna rub my dick on you but I'm really sorry sorry it's a compulsion that's how they made those porno that's how those porno started you know what those like porno in Japan when they started but um but in in in in one of the subway stations this guy you're always one of the most acclaimed sushi chefs in the world kind of a similar situation and his [ __ ] son his [ __ ] son trained with him for like 30 years and he still didn't let him take over the place what's yeah it was like just don't have it man he was like urine it's not you but his other kid he gets to now be like the next to print the next one up cuz he deserves it like God obviously he's [ __ ] better I'm smart I'm smart oh I didn't even do a [ __ ] intro ladies and gentlemen welcome back to whiskey ginger my guest today is one of my favorite people on earth I say that for all my guests but of course I mean it for this one it's mr. Ari Shaffir thank you for coming I was huge when the teacher would point like this oh dude you want it let me let me tell you [ __ ] how many times I got did you get it do you get suspended or expelled ever suspended suspended a lot five days once almost expelled me almost expelled multiple times one of the worst ones was I in health class we got a drawing of an internal organs of your genitals right and it was a very nice penis fun day so I redrew the penis okay showed it to my buds haha I drew veins in it even cooler one of the girls in class who had a crush on me who I would later sleep with which is insane in college this insane we hated each other but we you know I mean it was like Harlan hated her because I endure we probably wanted to you know name use [ __ ] tension but she I [ __ ] wrote the health teacher's name in the [ __ ] i drew come coming out of the penis and i put her name in it artistic I know well I went for it and it was like a puddle like haha we have a good laugh I put it in the trash can I find out that this [ __ ] chick took it out of the trash can because she wanted she had a vendetta against me she had a crush on me she hated me and she gave it to the [ __ ] teacher showed it and they put it you know of course I go into the dean's office he's like this is repulsive I was like they they gave me a picture of a [ __ ] so I just I gave one right back like why is that yeah a c-word I don't like I know I'm gonna use it what a [ __ ] yeah who's unbeliev I couldn't like my mind my dad she pulls it out he like no no that's deleted you can't pull it yeah I tried to get rid of it go on trash gone yeah she pulled it out show to the health teacher and they said to my parents they were thinking about expelling me because it was because it was like was it's pretty though it was really nice dude I wish I had it it was a beautiful [ __ ] it was perfectly drawn in shape the girth was equal to the length and so income was come letters income yeah the [ __ ] was in letters yeah with her name I mean how [ __ ] creative is that it was like cool squiggly produce that t-shirt don't want to wear that but like something that would be good celadon hats yeah oh she but but I'll never forget that she did that to me that hurt yeah yeah she's a fun I ended up having sex with her in college fast forward to [ __ ] going she ended up being in the same place that I went to college it wasn't she didn't go to school there so chicks understand like will [ __ ] people we hate yep so I probably that's unable to who we probably want to [ __ ] the most just people be [ __ ] a let me say one thing by the way that that story in Copenhagen this is this is the similar like do you know Jelena have you ever heard of that no it's restaurant in Chicago that's one of these things I went for my mother for my mother's birthday I bought four tickets to go to dinner to Jelena for my family right I was so excited to it was like such a big [ __ ] deal right I was like this is gonna be the big like this is it this is this is my everything I stated my parents hey let's go downtown for mom's birthday my dad was like oh I don't want to I don't want to do that I said well you don't this isn't this is like one of the most expensive restaurants otherwise I gotta want to [ __ ] I don't wanna do that [ __ ] why cuz he's just an old stubborn [ __ ] with me like I want to do that no no no this is my parents were like we he was like I don't wanna I don't wanna go downtown who wanna go down that's how much he hates going into the city that he's like I'm not gonna go no we maybe I say is that you Lena I don't know which one of those one of fancy [ __ ] restaurants in Chicago and not one thinking Julian is a place here in LA I don't [ __ ] remember now my brain is blank but whatever it was such a nice restaurant that I couldn't I don't want to go it's like yeah but you have to go because of the reservations he was like no I don't wanna go I was like it's already paid for he was like mMmmm I want to do it it's like we're gonna watch place was it cool like you know it's you know Comiskey yeah I don't know it was such like a stubborn [ __ ] you it's just an old man [ __ ] dude I love when you catch somebody I'm like getting stubborn you're like oh I you know you shouldn't like no there's and they stick to a stuck that's what cognitive dissonance is where it's like yeah this doesn't make sense but I'm no I'm sticking to this by I reward that sometimes because I feel like I'm that way like I'm sure you are you like a contrarian when you know you're wrong but you'll go maybe I'm right I'm still know I still don't really care if you don't like that yeah actually I know that the name isn't Jelena now that my brain is working on oh what the [ __ ] it is but I'll figure it out later it doesn't really matter I want to tell yo some are some are oh yeah yeah was it was here so it's good yeah so good remember the button no no no mall pizza was it was way better it was like a double slide it was huge it was like what this is a normal slice but people used to [ __ ] on it for no reason it became the butt of a joke like that but it wasn't bad it was fine I don't ever bring back yeah but people talk about Sbarro like it's like saying oh there's a Buddha that Sbarro it's like I just it's a chain yeah it's like they got worse they open up more locations right right the original was delicious but now that they have for their like it's not the exact same recipe like no no not the same not the [ __ ] same dude how did you break your arm ski-in we get out of control B I know I'm s I saw I saw online you guys had a fun time you Burt mark Normand huh and Sean Patton Ryan O'Neal yeah you guys easy and steep that's right I just talked his crew it was I know how fun I'm trying to make these mini festivals that that's what we should be [ __ ] doing instead of going to festivals where we all get lost it doesn't matter no one cares I do one more round to see which [ __ ] agents and managers an executive you don't want to talk to you and be fake with or it's even worse there's a guy that talks [ __ ] about you online like I ran into some [ __ ] jag off the talk [ __ ] about me online about maybe my album or something yeah and he was like hey what's up and I'm like [ __ ] you you're not my [ __ ] know what you do I saw somebody maybe maybe it was a guy used to mine on Daily Show talking to a radio TV I think that's what it was and he was like hey it's a quitting on me ya heard you sure you mean your radio show don't how I know I just radio it's not [ __ ] you I'm a human right yeah that's that's this so funny is like we can all disconnect the art from the artist right but that's different than when someone takes a public stance and opinion on your artwork right it's not like I'm [ __ ] up Chicago you like no [ __ ] you I'm from there like dude you got to let it go I'm a lot of Chicago that's me yeah personal that's like when you go like a deep personal attack we say you know this joke that already did XYZ and then when you when you run into them and they go oh dude it's just you know that's just whatever it's like no you [ __ ] meant that yeah you were that's you that's who you [ __ ] I hate when there's a outrage over somebody's joke and half the people it's not half but the split between people go out [ __ ] him or for Kersh they shouldn't have said that right and the other half defending them but they always lead it with look I don't think that joke was funny but they have a right to say it and I want to be like well if you think I've already to say it then why'd you bring up the part about my joke not being funny right what does it matter what do you think I do it if I jug was it offensive you wouldn't have just said hey his jokes not here's a joke that I don't find funny right so why are you including totally irrelevant that's just that's taking a shot it's just taking a shot it's also trying to make them seem like not a bad guy or something right yeah it's like it's backing out yeah it's [ __ ] dance yeah like that like a I've talked about this a bunch about the [ __ ] all the people got mad at Louie's jokes and it was like you know they were mad about I don't want to get another [ __ ] there might clearly mad about it so when you know like when you break it down you're like I know what it is you actually don't hate that joke yeah no of course you just hate him when you're looking for a reason and you know what that should have been the original thing that should have gone I [ __ ] hate him it's like okay yeah you're allowed to hate people yeah and [ __ ] his material aside just go I don't like him I don't want to see him perform would it be cool if one of those guys would like look I think that person is a piece of [ __ ] I [ __ ] hate him however you guys are out of your mind if you're trying to like say what a comic just say on stage or not right I hate having to defend him so why are you putting me in this position but that's home you know how many of us feel that way and nobody wants to talk about it more people feel that way than not because that said logic defend those stuck in Charleston people who were sitting on Jews right yeah they should be allowed to [ __ ] meet you don't choose right it's hair that's not seasoned like not being violent I don't like it but yeah for sure you should be allowed that's the easy one for me because now I get to be like I'm not defending myself it's their [ __ ] on me right and I'm still saying yeah do it but then people call you like a bigot that's that's the most [ __ ] up thing they're like you what do you are you anti-semitic are you because you're not coming out again exactly it's insane that's I'm making a little bit but that's not pushy Jews yeah those guys man never but that's the kind of thing that this what's going on in society right now feels like I'm being I feel like I'm being forced the defense think defending I don't know you don't know or care about over here one way the other exactly but it's like because they put it out there you have somebody has to logically go come on that's insane yeah it's like as I've said before like with the Z's and sorry I don't know him I don't I don't care about him as a person we don't know each other yeah but like I feel like I had to go out of my way sometimes of people conversate about it I was like laughs are you crazy that he just says he just didn't have a good night with somebody they just didn't have a fun time also he kind of did have a good night for the most part it sounded fine I my friend I was super pretty feminists like lesbian like girls leadership friend yeah high school I know and she was like no I don't think you didn't think Rob we can agrees that could create but I like no he can't agree that no do you know what I would do if a fan-like gave me a number and she'd be like don't go out like no you know what I said to her girl once huh England gave me this line I loved it she kept no like we should go out we should go and I was like I just want to hook up I wasn't I didn't like her right and eventually she goes the score for a drink and I wrote back he was his line so I can't take credit for it but I'll take her for using it goes you can drink from my [ __ ] and she did yeah she came over and we boned and that was it actually I couldn't get a boner I ended up eating rats first I ever ate first one yeah and you just met this girl no I met her a few times was there a shower pre shower she was young alright see isn't that funny the glisten after 25 you're like number the [ __ ] child respect my life is he's a creep he took her off for dinner right and wine and wine and was not and then got her a ride home that was the funniest part to me is that she dictated in there that he had gotten her a car home as if that was a negative that that to me sounds like Oh a really politely saying goodbye I heard tons of people going like he should have just but she said she wasn't into it and forget about the I gave you a [ __ ] and stop as terms of nonverbal cues what is that problem whatever he should've just got her over and then and I was like tell these people like why would he get her and over shouldn't she have another job right she can't afford a ride home is she not a full human yeah it's not a three-year-old treated like equals is only a partial in the state it's like you but I thought that's I thought everyone is up to their own devices well no not when she's feeling pressure to stay that's what somebody said in an article like she felt pressure to stay like what's the pressure to stay because he dented him then then that implies that she feels like the only reason that she is there or her realization is because he's famous so that's the pressure it's like he's famous I should I should stay you see that's on you we're around enough famous people yeah to where we can see others act differently or [ __ ] it's nauseating yeah so when you see it a bunch you're like oh you're not that's why I when I see a famous person I walk away yeah cuz I'm like I won't be able to be normal unless you're very honest you're actually good friends with them and you watch them change to come be natural with you because they're tired of people being in ignore them and just like I got like a dog almost it like not look in the eyes do that thing that's kind of but that to me is yeah but you're but I think that's the big tell of the person who's very famous how they if they're doing a thing to people that are like and they're trying to be nice and go yeah thank you okay but then when they come to you and it's like ah and they had that physical shift you go okay cool yeah they're putting a person yeah they're real person because sometimes they have to put on you know a nice face for other people but it's nice when you see who they really are you know and then you can tell with the people around them if they're full of [ __ ] somebody just told me that's last night I forget who said it I was interrupted I was talking to Matt's car yeah and then we're having a middle of conversation like the and I just go tap middle of a comment like what dude I'm in this it we're in a sentence we're in a sentence if there was just if we were none of us were like doing well it was just like humans and you're like you unless my cars on fire why do you think what you have to say is all important them over say right but I get it suma blinds you assumably day yeah sorry to interrupt but I want this yeah and I need this somebody sent me an e-mail today I was telling [ __ ] Ari somebody sent me an e-mail today that said this guy had written my fan page email and apparently he had done this before saying like this isn't the first time I've written to you I'm trying to get in a stand-up and I would just like a little bit of help okay like as if to say how dare you how dare you not respond to my [ __ ] email me one it would an insane idea to be like I've told you I need help and you better help me second I don't I wouldn't take you that much time to [ __ ] it it's like let me show you the other emails I get the right better I've had worse fly to people something forever it's like well I can't get her an email back like you're doing this Mike hey just so you know I also didn't reply to seven people who were ahead of you on my order of importance right you're not the first you're not the line of where I'm not replying to put in people's head I we are the first so this was somebody said I think Samoans told me somebody said he was like what are they gonna get out of this conversation with them the person you're going up to are they gonna get anything out of it that's if I see Johnny Depp what is he possibly can get out of me saying - I love 21 Jump Street and the answer is almost always nothing unless it's someone's stealing your car hey thank you I need to handle it thank you for interrupting they were right to interrupt someone is here to steal your car yeah your your house is on fire yeah that is true that is a great perspective to have what would they get out of this that is really interesting because II think many people just go up to people just assuming that they I also think partially people get infatuated with seeing somebody so they just don't think maybe they don't want to see me but that doesn't register they want us they want to see it so bad but that's why the interactions are so uncomfortable like like when you are with someone who's very very famous or around them and you see someone come up and you can see in their brain going how do i I'm ready and then they get there and they just prove [ __ ] the bed when they go huge re re fan what do i favorites me in rogue room playing pool and uh he went to the bathroom doesn't [ __ ] you up in pool by the way oh yeah he murders me it's annoying he taught me how to play better like it was never a question he's gonna I got so high with him in Chicago and hema him and Tony were playing I was like you're up next I was like no I was so [ __ ] high and I'm not even that good at pool that I was like I'll be so much worse now at pool because I'm thinking too much about how I go yeah yeah he's putting it at pulling it all the way back no way yes sir this guy he went to the bathroom came back in the guy's like this is before the podcast started 10 years ago a long time yeah and he goes hey what'd you think of that we'll just think of a big fight and just like how I which which one the guys like I don't know only just wanted to talk didn't care what are you saying what I want to talk to a famous one all of them there's a bunch of them right out of the air what'd you think about the fight man which yeah exactly which one man important who is that who is this know that page oh this I know that artist no you don't oh yeah you do Dave o'clock that's Dave o'clock who used to do meltdown pictures that's what I recognized the painting I was like yeah interesting yeah Dave clock did that for [ __ ] my Chicago special because it's the Bears the Cubs the Bulls the Blackhawks and White Sox yeah it was all the Chicago to appropriation on that pair yeah big time big time we thought we were gonna that's you know that's seriously a note that Showtime gave us culture appropriation they go we don't like to headdress on the bear I go with black punks I go that's the Blackhawks that's the Chicago Blackhawks you need to get them to change your name because it's Chicago it's Chicago Blackhawks I'm representing the sports teams by the way so many Illinois teams have come out because the the Hylian I write was the first one right there change yes no but they've come forward like the changed fighting Atlanta to surrender girl active Athena they went to the [ __ ] they went to the heads of the heads of the of the Blackhawks to the organization went to make sure that they were got approval and they still got approval so if Native Americans say they don't [ __ ] care dude the Washington Post to washington post's polls yeah among Native Americans about the Washington Redskins in the 80s and then again about three years ago and it was ninety percent like we don't care they actually have massive issues facing our people right and this is not one of them that's not why people really care they're bad because they view them as silly little things then you protect well I've said that before white people are the best at finding stuff to get mad at that other people don't even know they should be mad at so they like impose it on them they're like you know you should be pissed off about yeah it's like look at this old tweet from somebody it's like that wasn't hurting anybody so you brought it up right now it's offending them Oh somebody that made me somebody somebody was uh somebody's like you know there's always a few people that come and go and they troll through everyone [ __ ] yeah and I saw someone trolling someone's old tweets and I badly want to get involved but I was I going to stay out of it but I don't get why that's a thing that people do to go you know what he said and [ __ ] o8 I met I met call me once and he was like I heard you talking [ __ ] about me if he was I was still in LA eight years ago yeah and I was like without knowing and when somebody says that it's like you're probably right yeah you know yeah but I was like hey listen I don't know what I said or what somebody said whoever it said that should not have told you that right just trash talk right I mean if I'm talking we all talk [ __ ] about our friends friends well yeah that's what yeah it's supposed to get back to the person right now that's if they overhear it that's one thing but it's like you didn't do your look around but like who the [ __ ] would tell you that what an [ __ ] for telling you that yeah worse than me for talking about you is that guy who told you shame on the snitch if I was trying to get you fired from a job sure if we just trash talk to friends what they're just hurting you right yeah who gives a [ __ ] what a weird thing also that's a weird move on his behalf to call you have to go you're a turd you were talking [ __ ] what's that what's the goal what was there like what to him like what do you imagine the goal could be yeah exactly yeah what do you want to get out of it I'm sorry man you're actually great or you go yeah was I was talking [ __ ] yeah do you want you wanna get a coffee the thing I probably said was probably true so do you is it you just need confirmation that but that was it it's like do I talk [ __ ] about my friends we all do about each other like that's noir there isn't a comic in the world who doesn't talk [ __ ] that's impossible I've never heard of it in my life by the way if I do you did bring up somebody that I think probably doesn't talk [ __ ] the only guy on earth who do you think of your friend that you named him recently you just said it Joe Rogan no that doesn't talk [ __ ] about anybody now Joe probably doesn't who does but somebody more than anybody does Simone yeah yeah mr. Steve Simone might be the guy who's like too cool like classic of a nice actually good person he's what Christians should be that's right if all Christians like Simone where you don't even know he's Jesus related you just know he's fulfilling the tenets of Christianity right kind charitable person spends like he just wants you he just does what he thinks Jesus wants him to do right which is what every [ __ ] religion should abide by just do your own [ __ ] thing and stop imposing on other people he's the kind of guy I don't believe if anybody was like dude Simone told me to XYZ I'd probably go I don't think that's true if somebody's like I hate Simone you're like really yeah you do I'd go you do and then go yeah I know I you know I don't like this thing about you Simone huh the shorts W guy do you think it's cuz you suck we think that's what it is maybe cuz you're a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] loser that nobody likes ya is that is that conjured in your brain that maybe you suck yeah hey you when you do one on this trip by the way I cut you off but are you gonna do more dates like that where you go out with a bunch of guys and go to a place so that's what I'm thinking so luckily I had this storytelling show yeah so I can justify having other comics there on the show great otherwise it's like you suppose a headline like I can't bring seven common I can't do 15 minutes the headliner but don't we wish we could like do you remember the comedians of comedy remember that tore the dated Micallef I think it's like I had said that I mean everyone said this but like why don't we [ __ ] why don't people [ __ ] do that I don't know but the storytellers show is a great anchor to like hey here's some of the funniest [ __ ] people I know doing dope shows together yeah and you can go around and travel and [ __ ] promote each other which is it doesn't take your draw cuz it's probably stuff you're not really doing on stage normally in your act yeah you probably just [ __ ] String Cheese Incident wasn't like yeah that wasn't robbing your hour no so like sure I'll come do that it's real and to do the shows are good and then all that money pays for ski rentals you know sorry happen again I'm [ __ ] around travel and leaves with like 1500 2000 dollars oh so it's like we're not doing this meanwhile you go do another festival you end up losing money cuz you're spending way more than you should be [ __ ] around doing the dance and also half of the time I mean I'll speak personally more than anything else but a lot of times the sets that you do there or the the shows that you do you're like it's fine it just when when when shows are inundated with comics when there's too many comedians and too many people it loses any sort of in the audience man yeah it's just like it loses anything beautiful it's like there's just billions of people here is just too many people as too many comics and it's like I don't know when festivals get too big I think they're almost worthless I mean they if they get too large you're like it's just what is this anymore I'm seeing who yeah you're just going to see stuff but I mean that's what you when you go to big festivals you hear that somebody goes I think at 8:00 we're gonna see so-and-so and at 10:00 it's whatever might get a little I'm trying to compare to like music festivals we're like yeah see I think I would always be like I'll see this band at 4 o'clock sure I'll check them out and then you're like no they were really good but that's cool there's something more I don't know what it is different music and fill a room without anybody in there comedy alone is real sad you know what I mean like if it musicians like we're gonna play anyway and you're like that's cool but if a comics like four people dude we'll play anyway it's like for all of us yes I've seen comics of the store like going on it's so dark in there and then the four or five people that are there leave they just keep going and you gotta be like hey dude it's no one's here you gotta stop but they're so used to bombing did like you weren't get it literally getting no response and same with that was the same as ten people or zero people the response what should when I first when I first started showing to the store that's probably when I first started before I knew you I showed up I moved here in O seven like end of o six from Chicago from Arizona when I went to I went to school and then I came here you start there here really start here so stupid it was so [ __ ] dumb but back in back in those days going to the store and watching when you get pouncing right away or would you maybe you're that guy I'll be yours in well what does then Goldberg yeah Jason yeah who did it with ashen though you were his guy oh yeah well that was such a crazy that whole story was my my old roommates ex-girlfriend was worked for this manager this guy who ripped one of the guys I did the original Punk'd and he by way of was like we can't find a good funny gong comedy writer that we can pay nothing she goes there was a guy that this guy I'm sleeping with lives with me and he'll write for nothing he's doing nothing he's just trying to get by no they weren't sent me a packet real I could you could you write a packet like this with your own original [ __ ] by tomorrow afternoon and I stayed up literally all night all I have nothing going yeah computer have one I just wrote for seven hours just a ton of [ __ ] stuff as much as I could pump out one in the next day gave it to him they were like what what are you doing right now I was like oh I'm really busy with nothing at all I might live like can you just go to the post office tomorrow yeah I'm gonna pick up my buddy from the airport so I had so I [ __ ] that's how I got a job in that circle that's how all that [ __ ] started yeah and build the show around you we tried a bunch of different stuff I mean we tried a bunch of her stuff into an audition where he like was like you were the show and he was building it around you I mean duh although you know all those guys were master puppeteers are just using young comedic talent it was just like how could we [ __ ] get you in to do stuff for nothing yeah I mean it was literally it was just it was just like but you know and then doing [ __ ] Punk'd after that was you know it was fine it was it was whatever it was it was like gonna be the thing yeah way past way way past and I mean it still happening now people are still like copying the same format which is been making lots of money which is really good at it and you were really good at the camera like [ __ ] around like I remember that like there was a few guys who were like and I was one on that's probably why I noticed that it was like doing some like fun like pranks yeah and so like there was a bit I have on the internet that people think it's you I mean when they first see the thumbnail there's one it's a meat I sold cocoa butter in the hood naked when I did this naked show and I had to make it show that was that's right and I and I had and I had co-ed cocoa butter in the hood and somebody goes how is this not the amazing racist and I was like that's so funny I was like that's so true I didn't see that way but I might but I mean in the any idea that I was like oh yeah this could easily be like oh yeah but I but I had to get so far away from hidden camera because it gave me such a dirty feeling dude there were nights that I felt so gross why because you would go home and you're like I [ __ ] fooled everybody I lied to everybody and you almost like when we manipulated people heavily it really sticks with you it like it like kind of peels your soul apart a little bit because you're like man I just like tricked all those people and when you see someone's face after they like realize they've been lied to there's there's a weird moment of like oh really heard me on that one yeah yeah like it is really uncomfortable because it's not like it they're not always fun lies a lot of times they're like we went into some some of them had malice behind them they were just like mean and you're like oh this is [ __ ] me what's the best idea you've had that you never did not did well just never even tried what I always wanted to do that one um what's the best idea that we well I think we had a bunch of them that we never ended up I told Rogan a few of them that we never ended up shooting or they never went to air I'll tell your mommy yeah give me give me one girl give me one and I'll tell you when I have to go back and forth one was going to you know where the people walk in the mall the old people walk in the mall yeah we wanted to set up a kiosk to get petitions signed to lower the maximum driving issues sixty-five you not allow to drive after 65 that's funny and just having those angry we had a bunch of like a bunch of carpets that are obviously so illegal like we did a taxi driver one we never a shot this we had a taxi driver one where you'd get in and someone's in the trunk and it's like bang a help and you're in the cab and it's like you're like dude it I think there's someone is like no no no one's back there you know and then of course cops pull up behind and you're in the middle of a and you have to be like just some of there or not you ever see the push that show ah what is that they set this thing up a whole party everyone's in are except for one person kind of like Joe Schmo yeah oh that was so [ __ ] genius that was showing real life yeah yeah really was that gay guy the gay the gay latino guy on that show was like that's my he was my everything it was like wow that guy's great I forget who it was he was so good but everything set up this giant party and through the course of the evening they convinced the one person and they do it well just trust me on it they do it well right that there's just dude smoking a cigarette on the top of up with his legs dangling off a building smoking a cigarette and it's like if you don't push him and kill him we're all going to jail through a series of events somebody somebody had a heart attacks and we covered it up and they're like you got to do it man or we're all [ __ ] you got to do it [ __ ] and let's see how many people and then they have a pad below you below that guys if they do get pushed me so okay I need try to get these people in the course for one evening to commit what they think is a murder Wow that's [ __ ] wild nothing ever went through didn't everyone anyone do it yeah imagine how they feel that's what I mean so those nights that's I would think about that Williams turn me into a murder I never would been the 9th right justify this thing in my head that I'm I would have murdered but it shows the human psyche more than anything else like it gives you a look into how people really react in situations that's the one thing but in camera that was amazing it was a sight it was a sociological psychological stunt real you see them yeah you're like oh my god I know who you really are like like we did we had one where I had I had this is with Zac Efron I have and we had hit an old woman like a stunt woman and we smoked her with our car and she was oh oh yeah and we just kept driving and he who misses a calf rod he was so adamant about how [ __ ] up it was that you're like he's a good human being oh yeah it was like such a tell never went Justin Timberlake got so much up for punks because he'd cried yeah like oh you're a human you're because you're a good person you're not look tough and like the street guy you're like well my car right but but also it was like was that confront like no you got well he was like getting pissed off at me because that lets know if I was egging on everybody well he started the fun became his panic because he was like dude this can't happen to me this can't happen you know he knows I'm a star this will be the demise of my career it's settled in that like as we're running from you know we're being chased by a cop car he's like it's all going to that's it I'm [ __ ] did my whole careers [ __ ] especially cuz when the cops pulled me out I'm like I had this southern accent and I was like it's all zag dude he was [ __ ] driving and he was like what mm-hmm and he was like so puzzled that I would lie like that to the cops that his brain stopped working it was [ __ ] up I've been [ __ ] sport though I remember when he got beat up down at Echo Park right or Echo Lake Park yeah and and ever was like why I can't believe somebody beat him up and then Taylor pointed it out for it was like oh he's buying meth yeah you don't like you've been to Echo Park man that's that's where you live as a heroin no one's strolling in there at night just hanging out yeah meeting a buddy down there even if you were with your girlfriend like oh I was way wrong about this place I only wait to be there it's like you're going to score what's wrong when you always say what when when there was like that um it was like the mini what is it two years ago maybe there's like a mini resurgence during black lives matter of like little mini LA riots downtown do you remember they were storming on the freeway riots they were like mini la rites are happening downtown I swear to God and they're storming on the free with people stopping cars on the freeway to say [ __ ] you like a black lives matter movement I don't know that that's happening downtown and I go downtown to go to my friend's bar he owns a bar huh we go down I think that's what we were doing down there or a show or something and I was going down there and as I'm like pulling out of this laughs that's full to get it to go back in the street this woman it's like this this more like women's he yelling at me and I'm like doing I'm like what doing this and she's like so I roll down my window she was what the [ __ ] are you doing here and I was like I'm just I'm going I'm like do you is this your lot she's like what Mike do you is this am I on your property he's like no [ __ ] you don't get the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of downtown she's like you don't see what the [ __ ] going on you dumb [ __ ] of course I'm now looking around I see everything I'm like oh [ __ ] hey fellas BP come over here yeah the power about good luck yeah it was I was so blind I'm so blind too and I couldn't [ __ ] I was like how do I not how did I not know that that was going on oh dude you could tell her eyes were like her eyes were a concern it was mad but she was concerned it was more like you're dumb they're gonna they're gonna grow [ __ ] out your heart Denny yeah you [ __ ] idiot Santino died you won't believe me well you will believe this the dumb [ __ ] went downtown yeah during black lives matter you guys get out of the road imagine that Eva you people are in my way what's up with you people make the people in my way all the people in my way you people you're all in my way are you happy that you don't live in LA anymore dude it's a force for the trees thing I didn't understand how much I hate it till I got out Wow it the people here are such utter garbage sure and I I guess cuz I became a man here yeah and I was 25 and I moved here but I was a boy how many years you lived in LA for what 12 years yeah that's a good amount of time yeah it's enough to live anywhere that's yeah that's bored yeah you did it same to breastaurant stuff but like then I left I came back I was like oh I see you know I think it's gotten worse cuz of Instagram yeah I think everyone thinks like I'm either you know five hundred thousand person star or I'm a 20-person star but either way whoever my followers are I'm a star to them yeah so everyone feels like that yeah that's why but I mean Kevin grew up here and he's like yeah it's gotten worse for sure I wonder what that is though what is it you think it's just because this is social I said maybe it because of that but as a society we're way more self-absorbed now it's my thing happened to me yeah it's like so important there's there's there's no more well la is la is such a breeding ground for I'm trying to do this thing for me it is admittedly it is a selfish place I mean we are kind of all selfish in our own way so it's like it Harbor selfishness who's that guy yeah it's really the party's never like like I was nice to see friends with it's like what does he do yeah we got into talking party and you leave and it's like who did I waste my time with him right or was he worth some people this is a crazy question too I noticed this when I go back home to Chicago and I meet friends of friends yeah you're talking you talk and you talk and you learn about them and whatever here right away at a dinner or something and they go that's Mike's girlfriend second what does she do what does she do right away what does she do it's like the first thing that people on it what did what did she do my cousin's husband says that about all Americans the French mm-hmm and and uh and he goes Americans are always asking you what your job is yeah that's who your personality is right I don't know I'm working accounts receivable it's not my passion I'm asking all boating I'm into that what you crazy asking to my job is but it's a very American thing that your person your job defines who you are well a lot of it like [ __ ] in Italy that that was always weird to me was because you're I'm Americanized so heavily growing up like this and this culture that when you do go somewhere else I realize I a lot of people are like what do I do what do you mean like what's your job because they think what do i do like Oh what are you I like to go to these things I'd like to response travel backpacking around through Asia I decided to like I didn't wanna tell you might as a comic it led them to what any place and I was there enough fully anonymous for the first time in a long time I don't do it when I'm on stage I'm like this is not me what do you do in New York and I was like you know hang out friends see movies walk around smoke pot most of the time they were just asking because they just want to start a conversation totally care so like that did it service what they were actually asking which is like oh cool is a lot of pizza places there yeah yeah but sometimes like none are oh how do you make your money and they're like I'm a stand-up comedian like wait what which is a gross thing by the way for people how do you have your what do you what is your financial situation like why [ __ ] you care what my money is you know this is very sociopathic but I really don't give a [ __ ] but I'm we're on plane so much traveling I found that now when I do like somebody if I start talking and they get to that point of going what is it you do right because most the time on a plane dependent contractor usually I don't yes you I used to say writer or oh yeah I write I'm a novelist you know you have any books I mean I haven't finished one yet so so a novelist they don't they don't care about my writing B I haven't finished one yet they're sad for me oh [ __ ] you can't even finish a book like now I sound sad you know now the king you haven't started one [ __ ] I was sitting this is black he wants this chubby black six sixteen year old maybe yeah and he was like what do you do for a living I was like it was cool cuz he's young you know yeah and I was like I'm comic like one time actually bragging might is like Oh would it be drawn I was like oh no Stano compactors and he goes oh he's in the comic books by the way that is I'm a comic that is more cool to be like oh what are you oh my god how cool yeah what an extremely meticulous art no no I I'm a stand-up comedian oh yeah well that's that's a that's a [ __ ] job yeah and it takes on dick jokes yeah oh cool I bet you're funny yeah but you know what I sometimes I do I make up like a big lie I make it like a big big lie it's so funny it's so fun when I was like what are you doing you're like I'm actually sell this computer technology I don't know if you've ever seen this pain oh yeah you can get him going oh yeah and I can dive so deep no topic that I know nothing about and they don't know and then it's pressure because if they call you want it and they fight they find out that you're lying so embarrassing yeah so you actually have stakes on it's again it's hot that's why it's hot because you know that if they if they catch you you're gonna look way worse I was waiting the thrift store shirts for a while and someone's like oh you got that bar by oming and I was like didn't know was actual real bar was like yeah dude it still [ __ ] nice out they're like dude have you ever been to so much oh my yeah yeah like where the [ __ ] stomach yeah yes you can just get him like yeah like that happens to me with movies though cuz I don't see a lot of movies anymore and people will go dude did you guys see dadada everyone's yeah yeah yeah yes yeah instead of saying no it's like just call off the conversations because I'd also don't want to start yeah I just want to hear what you have to say yeah you don't need to know that I definitely don't wanna see that movie books is always that way from the same thing yeah did you read that book I got called on the how did you read that book some artists yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they were like do you know so and so I was like yeah and then my girlfriend's friend Cory she was like do you know the verse and I was like I don't know she's like yeah didn't think you would it was like when I was a kid not when you work look I don't I just wait it's a grump glad she called me on it we just moved out yeah because well as long as you admitted it yeah we kept it going that it's bad there's a best trick if someone hasn't run the book you go have you read that book and I can I take you forever and I know and you're like the seller the Village Underground she was just doing crabber she was what are you do for a living and the lady was you know audience member sometimes like they want to be two parts part of it just tell me yeah I know tell me I know they have a huge set up on their answer but you go do you really want to know which means like what porn star whatever it ended up being just stay-at-home mom but she goes do you really want to know and Jessica Carson was like not really actually yeah I really was just something to say but I really honestly I'm looking inside and I have zero interest in what you do for a living they were just something to say no but go ahead yeah honey we're here so say it but not I don't care well we do I think I think it's the easy question is what do you do for onstage what is it you do what is your job because that's the only thing that they know about you so far is like but you know that's what I do I need to know what you do I like asking what's your story yeah cuz it's broad enough but it's like I'm gonna hear what you answer for what's your story well how old are you is fun for me sometimes because they throws them off I go how are you 28 my second least favorite race I mean Cambodians I guess but are we saying I mean what's upset you know rice pilaf or brown rice are you a quinoa guy really get deep into it what are you a vegan are vegan vegans begin to the house who said that somebody annette words had to joke about vegan oh yeah you wanna know what that is what is it so that's the letter i talked about in the last pocket that's the letter my grandfather was my bad yeah my grandfather was dying the couny funeral home is the funeral home he was buried in I mean he was um shodhan or whatever yeah and he wrote that on the letter give this to Cooney when I croak he put money in there for the funeral home he gave it to my grandmother and was like because he's the gardener tip yeah no that was the payment that was the payment in cash cuz he knew I'm going to this one yeah and he's like I'm gonna die any minute and he's like I'm gonna die in the next couple of months on here yeah yeah he just knew I could detect disease in one he was yes exactly put it put a bag over his head so it will be a splatter he's like don't worry about it man I'll make sure that it's not as gross as you think it's gonna be he was funny as [ __ ] he's the reason I think I'm funny my grandfather he always had anecdotal [ __ ] he was the reason that like I kind of got a sense of humor because yeah poor Irish Catholic people they had to make fun of everything because they were just otherwise you would be the brokest saddest weird people so like all he had to do was my a mocked everything cuz nothing was nothing was really that funny you know I mean like those old stories my mom's one of 10 kids that you hear that in there like aw if you didn't eat fast enough you didn't get to eat that's just a fact I think if you were late you didn't need food and if you were slow people take it off your plate it's far below first yeah it's just like you had that was just a part of life it wasn't like weird you know yeah he had a great story that he uh my uncle got [ __ ] uh my uncle got smoked in the face by some kid at school did you just beat the [ __ ] out of it and he was walking home and he loved the art that's that's Brady Matthews true that Brady's mouth is overrated too pretty brother it's um [ __ ] he got hit in the [ __ ] face he had a big black eye and he came someone and my grandfather was like he's like come here he's smoking a cigarette and my uncle is like really embarrassed because he got [ __ ] beat up you know and he goes let me see your [ __ ] eye and he's like [ __ ] what's my dad gonna do or say you know he's like looking at his black eye and he goes he bobbed when you should have weaved in his asking now he had a great sense of humor he was one of those [ __ ] guys that like I think you know did you have are you close to your family or no yes my brother was the funny one of my family like he was he funnier than you you know what I mean yeah yeah well we had the same sense of humor we're just played off each other try we're both great liars - yeah yeah yeah lie to the end stick with it no matter what we're I mean the Shaffir family wasn't good liars me and my brother we're great you guys but you guys lied about stuff together absolutely yeah like constant liars concert when we knew the truths of it we liked the truth of lying which is like hey I learn from Hitler but like you put a little bit of truth in your lie right and then it just seems more like truth do you hate to say that you learned from a lot of good ideas bath water with any so funny that that's it do you know where that comes from by the way the baby in the bath water you don't know that I've heard of but it's crazy because you know when you used to take a bath you would have water in the tub and that was your water so like you just kept it running like we do today so it would go down the line of priority bath to at least police priorities yes exactly so the father would bathe the first and then after after after all these you know the wife and the kids the baby is last but so the water feels dirty yes so occasionally the baby would be in this dirty tub so don't throw the baby out with the bathwater because you couldn't really see the [ __ ] baby and no I'm so sorry no that's crazy that level of like oh [ __ ] how many babies got thrown out what were you doing just letting it sit in water I feel like people just did get like loose loose children yeah I feel like in that I feel like an 1800s people just lost kids on accident it's like well we're gonna have another one of these don't survive it was my grandfather was a firefighter he used to tell us that kids in Lake Michigan would swim under the lake in the in the concrete walls of Lake Michigan in Chicago that the huge pipe systems and there's the ebb and flow of the tides would push pressure through so kids would swim in those and it would pressure push you through you know yes extremely [ __ ] the biggest joke is like how come there was no cage on those on the but how come there was just a great protecting those tubes it's like what are you gonna do that's the thing with Cosby like why didn't anybody say anything I was like well I didn't for the same reason I didn't and the cops didn't know I don't know I assume someone should take care of it yeah that's it that's what it is that's like a great American way like oh we didn't even think that anybody would care until - that's what I love going to other countries and then you realize the safety systems in in America hmm they're like don't really even give us a freedom some stuff stuff like Grand Canyon like you can just go ahead and fall if you want to fall that is cool to be up but like other plant member in Norway in Oslo there's just like Castle and it you have to go up into it and so then it's like this is like chain-link fence just a chain you can step over and you can ding your legs over and like smoke and watch the harbour but it just says like careful around your children but not like a greater defense that you can't get through right absolutely you can step over it right be careful right The Cliffs of Moher in Ireland you know you're been there I just went there and in December [ __ ] amazing mic also that people fall all the time you see pic you see little like crosses of like so-and-so died exactly here people just you're walking on it like oh I gotta be on my knees here like we don't even know if the sudden collapse but it is cool for them to tell you somebody died but not to put any measures up to protect the next person it's just like just letting you know somebody did die here so you know maybe it'll happen to you yeah if you're lucky then you'll get a cross here depends how close you want to get yeah because tomorrow is probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my [ __ ] life gorgeous it's overwhelming right now man how overwhelming I just walked and walked down and all the way up and watch a sunset powerful crazy I mean you've been to the Grand Canyon right mm-hmm once a couple years there was no way for me to say this the most most annoying thing that I could have said about it is the actual way I felt was it looks fake hmm because your brain is so used to scale and yes yes yes and that doesn't make sense so you go this is fake this is like this must not be it's so big it's really similar country yes it couldn't be that can't be that big right it's creepy how vivid it is ever to cliff jumps and you're like water oh yeah so there's this thing you get when you're jumping normally and you're supposed to hit the ground yeah that's wrong right now right and so when you cliff jump it's like there's ground it's like there's not ground yeah or so like that moment where it should be there's a range from here to here where's ground should be and the right don't like jumping and whoa well yeah it doesn't make sense on your model your brainstem I suppose to fall that long right there's too much fall too much fall yeah you have you bungee jumped no see that that to me is the same thing that's the same idea like it's too much job yeah I'm still going yes it's creepy too much fall is very odd and my [ __ ] cat I hiked down the [ __ ] Grand Canyon by the way to me and as easy and then Simone quick is it your [ __ ] fat ass there was not a pizza station halfway that have you know did you guys sleep in the bottom no oh you did see yeah you go all the way down okay so you can go all the way down you can camp in the you can go back up to the next day you gotta win like a lottery to get that don't you well this was also when I was in college like 17 years ago so it was a lot easier to get anywhere in America yes people yeah less humans and I think people didn't travel as much it was at the Grand Canyon it didn't have a lot of people there when we were there it was kind of like people kind of came and went but getting a hotel was worse out yeah yeah it's so funny it's like when people really find out about [ __ ] it's over I feel this is some responsibility when I see places around the world like Japan like you said you know where it's like how much should I not tell people I know because you want to be like you won't believe how incredible this place is but then you're like yeah if it's the Eiffel Tower it's like it's already out yeah I can tell by my experience at power how cool is whatever there's a gun jump whatever it is like if it's someplace no one's been to it's like I think my line is if it's so remote that it's gonna take you a much effort to get there like plane ferry bus or it's like okay you're not just you can't just get there yeah then it's like okay I'd go ahead and tell you cuz if you're willing to do the work to get there you can get there there's a place there's a place to this to me as this place and in Italy on Capri on the island of Capri it's on the most North I don't even care about sharing this because it's [ __ ] so incredible on the most north east side of the island a place called Vito Beach and this is exactly what you're talking about it is rocks rock and I mean all the way rock into the water and by the way there is no [ __ ] lifeguard there's no Beach person there's no sand like there's there's Beach on the other side but this is just huge story shows that you just have to jump off of into the water and they're like yeah good job and note hi if I can right yes yes let's hide you have to get out with the tide and we saw little kids doing it you're like wow kids could easily die Smasher yes Zoey the tide is so heavy dude but you're like parents are just like smoking having wine okay okay that you know yelling at the kids it was but it was the most beautiful like unbelievably like stress but like untouched it was like local it was there seems like only there's you know we got there totally on accident two rented [ __ ] scooters went to the back of the island kept going kept going and they tell you they're like oh there's all these Lido's you know Lido open free Beach which means there is there not it's not protected you don't pay it's not a there's no lifeguards there's no services so it's like you bring your own [ __ ] or [ __ ] don't go like you know did someone else sunscreen it's not like that it's like there's no hot there's no place to piss it's right there just [ __ ] go to nature yeah but there's you know their own the government owns them so they're protected beaches and you go down there and the moment you see it it's so overwhelming that you that like the feeling feels like like coming or like like a thing that happened during childhood they gave you all the elation that you've ever felt well you're like how do I capture this how can I save this forever you know I got to talk to this writer once cuz my manager my agent they're always trying to get me like do TV shows yeah promise TV sucks so yep so am i I'm sure there's some good TV but very little yeah it has some season one of Breaking Bad yeah sure I was gonna say the one with the guy from sister from family ties Justine Bateman yeah Justin bait I'm Jason Bateman oh you're talking about um a [ __ ] and then started in Chicago Ozark oh sorry no no the one the first one you did they got a big oh you you mean Arrested Development yeah yeah this is so funny by the way the track line that we just went down family ties Justine Bateman her brother throw the brother and I named another show - have you seen ozark I've seen season 1 it's pretty good it's a pretty [ __ ] good show but yes arrested about so like here there there's a good TV that happens once once every 30 so my interest isn't that because it's not a normal situation where it's good and I have no interest in doing bad [ __ ] right or money no I make enough money where a second you don't need I don't need more money right to do something awful right so I talk to this guy it's writer and he was like what do you want to do and I was like hey man this is feeling you get and I don't know how to capture on film but you go hiking for a few hours through whatever and you got to wade through some water and take your shoes off maybe and then you then you put your shoes back on you're walking and you come over this hill and house you come over this hill at the end you're sweating and you're run low and you come over and you see the ruins of a [ __ ] old temple oh and it's it's not just the picture of it it's the getting there and the feeling you have how do you capture that on film yeah and he was like I don't know let's try think about it okay but if you can capture that I'm in but like not to capture that I think it's almost impossible to earned it yeah yeah it's all the work you know who came closest honestly I feel like Bourdain showed did that a lot when it was like I felt like I was with him I think he was such a good order of like watch how I tell this story of what this really must feel like for a guy yeah like you like me that's why people at home related him because it was like here's what you would do I bet if you were given my access right and I feel like it's just kind of like when he you know like that episode there wasn't as I think it was off the coast of Italy and there fishing and he notices one of the guys when the boat is like throwing in like fake Chum ya chump oh no no they were throwing he was throwing in like dead fish or dead seafood for him to for him to catch on cameras if it was like plant you know and he all he did was talk [ __ ] about him and it was beautiful he's like yeah he was like what this idiot throwing stuff he's like look at how dumb this isn't even fun so he just got tanked in the whole show then was him joking about how fake it was and you're like that's why that him being so genuine felt like you were having that actual experience instead of being like these travel shows where they're like this is the best bite in South Beach you know whatever the [ __ ] it is it feels so formulaic his was so so real so real it almost felt like you could have done that with him you know give me give me not I don't like exclusive words like the best or the greatest but like give me a great experience meal you had where it's not necessarily about like this food was over like a nine steak house in Vegas but there's no experience there broke me and paid for right right just good steak but like an experience like getting there kind of meal I can tell you this is funny I'm gonna give you like the antithesis actually I'll give you one of the worst meals I've ever had that I thought it was gonna be a delicious meal because I have I have a few of those but like this one I was in we were in [ __ ] Paris and we had made plans kind of off the cuff to go to this oh I have your story in a second but we go to this restaurant thinking it is a perfect little Nate we went off the beaten path in a neighborhood I'm like dude this is mom-and-pop this isn't on [ __ ] yelled I mean we're finding it on accident - it was kinda like we found out oh my god okay cool okay we'll make a reservation for tomorrow I'll get it I do think we go hold on consumer ups yeah there's a thing to finding your so when I moved to the East Village there was just Sam late-night sandwich shop Sonny Annie someone who's great at tell Jay about he goes let me look it up it oh yeah this fifteen hundred Yelp reviews oh my but I feel more like I found yes didn't get it off yo Yoshi watering you wish you never said that it was on there yes and and we go in to have dinner I am rightfully excited it's not like fancy it's not high-end it's not like crazy I just think this will be authentic as [ __ ] and I and I'm the kind of guy if I eat in your country or I'll pretty much try whatever the [ __ ] you've got I'm usually I'm usually gonna go whatever the chef recommends let's just try it [ __ ] it it's [ __ ] if I hate it I'll just [ __ ] eat it and not give a [ __ ] I have these are Jolla sauces like if I try some new Perona like it like thing gets up mills you're out nine dollars what the [ __ ] I don't know it just doesn't matter so so but we get there and man the vibe was so bad it was so [ __ ] you you're obviously American you're not it's like it was like we discovered their secret and they were livid about it so the food was terrible is like they gave us their scraps like I could feel that they were like like not enjoying serving us yes it was like I it was I'm trying to have an emotional moment here but but you know what kind of good for them because I believe that everyone should have the right to go [ __ ] you I don't want you you're not who I like here it's like okay well [ __ ] it what am I gonna do I want to be the one you like but I guess I guess I'm just not yeah I'm an American and you don't you don't want me in your neighborhood the opposite walking in Kyoto in the rain go to Japan yes in Kyoto we left Tokyo I went to Kyoto to Kabul track we're looking for a kabuki show and went to go to show up to the theater in the rain and they're like it's that hasn't been here in three years and I was like great website hasn't been updated yeah yeah they really try to buy tickets online and then what you know no it said that the times were you know 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. and they were like that's not keep arguing yeah tell yourself to get the [ __ ] out of here and so we were walking down the streets I'll show you pictures it's unbelievable and I look in the window there's like three little windows three little tiny windows and his people and they're eating and I think I'll give it a whirl we you know turn the corner I go to the front there's it like a Maitre D' there it's so so it's not much bigger than this room and he's like oh preservation and I'm like oh no no reservation he's like okay and he can't speak English so he goes and gets someone from the kitchen ironically that's the opposite in America isn't it that's like the guy the kids who comes out and he's great English and he's explaining to us this is a like a michelin-rated restaurant that I've stumbled upon and he's like this is reservation only months and months and months in advance well we're just telling oh sorry we're just considered the bar yeah no no not even that we're just dumb tourists we're passing through we just wanted to say we'll you know we just wanted to see what it was but we'll take off well the head chef who owns the place kind of sees what's going on comes over he's wiping his hands off and he's interested and he's asking the guy what's going on I think he doesn't speak English as well so I'm talking to him and the chef's right there and then he turns to me and he's like I speak English I was like oh I wasn't being rude I just did a head [ __ ] and now I did so he's like yeah I get some more he's like I like I speak English just fine so we're telling him our story about you know how we ended up with the Kabuki show he's laughing he goes I'll tell you what come back in an hour we close and I'll see if I have something for you and I'm not kidding dude everyone left it was empty it was us and the chef he was just interested in our story he just be a normal guy he just wasn't interested in our story he want to know what was up where we're from you know like all that stuff he had studied the molecular science of beef in Colorado so he was like obsessed with Colorado yes insane insane that would not be the last word of that line yes molecular science of [ __ ] beef brief learning learning how the molecules in meat react to each other when you cook them that's literally what he went to Matt get him a to get a master's in to make I'll condense it more he gives us bottles of champagne right he cooks us they show you raw why goo before they cook it shows it to us and then cooks this has the extravagant meal and it was an ungodly expensive restaurant and what I paid compared to what I imagined people pay was him just being a very very nice guy like what I paid was nothing in comparison and the experience was this guy sat all night with I'm talking two hours after he'd closed his staff is gone him cooking personally for us for no other reason than he was just interested in us and we were having a laughs and he had a great sense of humor and I never told him what I did he didn't know anything about me in that world so most people come there come for that specific thing and he's like who these guys don't want anything from me yes they were just wandering by for a meal yeah I finally get to cook sober last night went on four guys we [ __ ] podcast yeah yeah and Simone was talking about it where it's like this is just feminists who don't know burr you know they didn't know him at all I mean they maybe I've heard of him but like he's their enemy yeah white dude yeah but they had no reference of who liked his jokes or his man or like anything about they might they weren't like one over before he went on yeah so it's such a crazy time to be able to like finally I got a crowd who actively doesn't want to like me right and this guy finally got a chance to serve people who are just hungry yeah just people that wanted food I didn't like anything about how I could just like cook some food for these [ __ ] yeah it was [ __ ] also he did he was almost waiting on bated breath to find out how impressed we were and I was out of my [ __ ] mind impressed where he would explain to me that like the fats the fats in the meat they they in America they kind of they gristle you know we have gristle and the fats in why goo because it's so yeah it's not not it like butters into the meat it disappears it's like it's like almost magic he goes look at this raw he'll hated G Rock I hold a piece of meat raw and he goes hold on goes the kitchen solid says this thing comes back and it's cooked but it's not really cooked you mean it looks raw still but it's just it was great do you have any ketchup he's like can I get you anything else I'm like a 1 the best right now that was my that was probably to me the most pinnacle meal where I walked away with a smile from ear to ear and the topper I think I told this [ __ ] story on fighter in the kid but and that's those guys [ __ ] those guys suck dick so then the talent [ __ ] Shambu my gum no but you know what but the best part of the night was we went to a park to look at cherry blossoms because a cherry blossom season yes and this young dude this young dude was drunk with his friends making fun of us and I go will you take a picture of us and he goes yeah my mom facetimes me and he gets on the FaceTime with my mom and he's a bomb this is mommy you know he's my he's my in these laughs then I'm having a good laugh for this guy and then the rest night he's like he's like you come with us you come with us so imparting with his student his [ __ ] friends out on the town and we went where they took us to the coolest [ __ ] spots cuz it was like local spots he just like this cuz I could take a joke he was drunk with his friends and making fun of us instead of being like oh you know that's really rude I mean it was just like [ __ ] it dude we're in his space it's fine I'm not gonna try to like fight you but isn't it amazing when you travel like imagine if like some somebody else just coming here and it was like [ __ ] it eight Chinese guy or Japanese that you can hang with us and we took him to Fred 62s yeah think about that you know I know Wow real American experience like I was just some diners late-night in LA but right but in his mind's like this is great this look real American he's right totally real yeah for his experience it's the best yeah that's what you want I'm like I don't want you to tell me the tourist spot I want you to do what you guys normal right - no go yeah but it's not that you're like no no that doesn't matter I can always get the tour spots and Lisa took me to this place where it's like just a burrito place yeah and it's definitely not as good Mexican as la how could it be but it's the burrito place where I've already hangs out in Innsbruck Austria right and you're like cool this is cool yeah yeah I went to uh I went to [ __ ] this is gonna be called the Travel Show with Ari and Santino I went to UM I went to Iceland to go interview the mountain from the mountain from Game of Thrones strongest man in the world I go to his gym in a in Reykjavik in this place called [ __ ] what is it called oh my god it was such a hard yeah but the jib but that but he had a big sign that says it had a it said arming yar arming yar and a big cross through it and then I was like what does that mean and then and they're all laughing and he's like and don't worry about it don't worry and I was like what is it he's no no no and they're all laugh and they're kind of being really Kawai about it so it's [ __ ] post no [ __ ] and it's like innocent you know yeah yeah yeah no arming yar I was like oh that's really but he took it was in the basement that his gym was in the basement of what is like a 7-eleven here convenience store kids are off from smoking cigarettes hanging out we get there I'm like where the [ __ ] is this guy's gym and they're like oh it's in the back you have to we go to the back it's downstairs below the 7-eleven so it was the coolest [ __ ] thing I've ever seen I mean I was like I'm gonna movie I'm in a [ __ ] cool mood mob movie where like his mom SOLAS down sir and all the dudes that are with him yeah Kabul yeah Kabul training that's what's called yeah Kabul in yeah Kabul and all the dudes around in his group are all X he employs ex-cons cuz you know they don't get into if they don't get a lot of shots so he's like I'm gonna give them a job and give them a shot to be training with me to get off of the streets and get their life together and these [ __ ] you want to talk about like too scary looking also tough it's like not only they frightening looking man but they're also the strongest men in [ __ ] Iceland you're like your weapons you're just weapons in your basement you're full man weapons walking around yeah that was nice give me your meal give me the [ __ ] one of those impressive meals I will tell you in Iceland just before I do that already L John is a Famer started Icelandic comedy yes took me in the north of Iceland just he was like I'll be a Travel Guide let's to go around awesome a cool guy he met him on that comedy festival in Denmark yeah and um we get on a plane to the north which to get my plane ticket I get to the airport like all right what do I get my tickets from like what's your name like Ari and he's like oh yeah here you go no no ID no nothing like it's boards over there and then you get on and then they just they don't check your bags they're just like you have your ticket right no one even checked my name like why would you be here if you don't have a ticket you know I mean well you guys show up hoping there's a ticket for name sorry who's gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] up in Iceland insane I do it says one tear is a tag away from changing everything but no one cares - how could they show me the north we went to this hidden hot spring where it seems like I gotta find it I remember being able to go through a sheep pasture and then go over this fissure and walk and he was like I'm waiting to see some steam found this team went down this rope and then just hung out alone by ourselves for like an hour in this in this hot tub was it cool got this [ __ ] cut my hand got the scar that I now have was from trying again yeah show that yeah that's incredible there forever so my meals one in Myanmar where I remember like hiking in Mandalay not hiking getting off the off the bus like a 13 hour bus from bug on no no enough for my Yangon Rangoon and then just like all the cab drivers like right now my god I know so I just are walking just seeing people stopping by like a locals only like regular place and try to have to commute Kate like just give me what he's happier yeah something glad that's all yeah point that just anything good yeah my favorite meal was in Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh where I got sick of white people real sick of Y P that's pretty typical yeah it's the district one and it's like the where they all are and it's like pretty much TGI Fridays kind of things and I was like I'm just walking away heavy tourists over there like heavy happy everything's in English yeah it's pretty insane buddy buddy come come come down yeah you've been there yeah my buddy Randy friend I'm just going to the store I'm opening the door to go into the store like by give you a ride yeah what ride I'm going into a store right and wandering the district three four five six away now nobody's bothered by the way I've never been there I just said yes to you okay and eventually come another there's like hutongs which is like these little they haven't been in beige hutong Beijing has who talks these windy alleys yeah and it's just like houses a built built up and made alleys Japan is they don't go you're like oh let me cut over I'll go in it's like you cut open your another it never meets back right right right so they have that in Ho Chi Minh and district I think like 11 and I'm just wandering and and I could see the clouds forming and you can you can you can smell rain coming right and I'm like I'm [ __ ] I gotta find a place these are homes right like busy so yeah and I can't just like hang out in someone's house yeah so I start walking faster and faster I'm like I gotta get out of here and I don't know how to get out of there I passes family and they're all in this like open shop window and they do this thing with instead of saying come here like this they go look at this it's down so it looks like this thing get away this means this horse means come yes this part but not that part but it looks like this and I'm like go I'm like and I'm like but they don't speak English so like get over here yeah get over here and they just see a white dude is it what the [ __ ] white you're doing here right you know and they all have these little mini so this is meal and Cambodia and Vietnam as type of eating I don't know it's called where it's like tiny little pieces and everyone's sort of like a king so I'll put like six pieces of chicken on this little like bucket that has coals in it and then everyone has beers but I don't serve myself beer I serve you beer over highs cuz you're king and then you serve me beer and that concerns me beer I said oh you got to be here let me serve I never served myself that's like that that's true it's just tradition it's his type of eating and the food I did it once in in in Ho Chi Minh like Center and I did I did it way outside I did it song Cambodia to where it's like they'll at the meals that's for two or three hours and it's refigure because everything is really tiny yes you go from starving to less starving - okay I'm okay - keeping like now I'm getting full now full yeah and there but it's like seven pieces of frog legs or some piece of beef and these people got me there they they hooked up a karaoke machine and they were singing like do you know English songs one guy spoke like broken English and I'm eating with these people I might contribute like no no eventually ran out of beer or my tango and buy beer for you like yes you can and I bought two six-packs they have it over big cubes of ice just he's little cuz no refrigeration hands yeah and I just sat with them for like three hours trying to sing some American songs what was the most popular American song I think some beats which is what I can remember right but what did they recognize a lot of them do they know everything they know everything they knew right right boys waiting in LA yeah cause it's like wow an American yeah yeah and I sat there with him for hours I just talked - shall we picture their family and their kids it was the bonding moment that you'll about the meal that mattered so much yeah I felt like I was invited into this thing that like I wasn't supposed to be privy to right yeah the food was it was like jerky and stuff but the experience is worth way more and then it started pouring rain we all kind of moved it inside for like an hour the rain stopped we pulled up our chairs or like that big I moved him back outside that's incredible yeah it's just like and they would they would have said it was like Fred 62 is like now we're just so Sunday we're just right but that's normal to them it was so like specific and unique it's just like you can't fight you can't go on the web and find that yeah there were there was a place kind of like that well it kind of got a Bourdain went one time I got a little exploited but there's a place in Tokyo that's called piss alley it's kind of a little bit famous but it is people's homes but they're also bars you go in people's homes that are bars and we ended up at some guys [ __ ] attic then just hanging out hanging the [ __ ] out and this young couple this was so funny it was like this cute young couple he was he was she was Nordic of some kind of then he was from Japan yeah they were tourists and they had they had run into each other at a hostel and they were wandering around and they went into this place and we see this young sexy couple they're both good-looking and young you could tell they want to [ __ ] so bad do you know I mean they're like having a night out and like we can't wait to go back to the hostel and [ __ ] this thing out so we loved it so I got so into these this couple that was like they were poor as [ __ ] you know they could barely afford the bill there so I paid for bit yeah I paid for the Bevan dollars look watch she's my life yeah three days of food we paid for the drinks and I was like let's go and we took them out partying and I paid for like everything for the rest of the night because I was like this is gonna be a fun night for us and then and we went up we went we ended up at this place called mother if you're ever in Tokyo go to mother MOT har just like the word mother it is a [ __ ] underground heavy metal bar and it's [ __ ] there's one girl there it's tiny she and she's got a mask on she's got one of those surgical masks on because of his mouth because everybody smokes inside and everyone is about everyone smoking even I was smoking I don't even [ __ ] smoke anymore and those walls where do I smoke I smoke now the walls are lined with CDs all CDs and you tell her this woman behind the bar what it was dude name a [ __ ] band named the most eclectically off weird heavy metal band you could ever think of she you would you would name and she would go hmm okay and she'd walk back somebody blow to her come back like God sir and she would have all six of the things they've ever made including whatever Japan Japanese recording you know Japanese importance yeah there cuz a huge on it she would give them all to you and you would pick which songs you want see these it was all see one of them she put it on yep put him on and it was so [ __ ] loud the walls shook and the CDs would move the cases would move it was the coolest [ __ ] bar I've ever had in my life shots they love doing shots they love giving you shots Japanese nightlife seedy culture is so [ __ ] fun it's so [ __ ] fun cuz there's no rules there's no time in space everyone parties as hard as you could possibly ever imagine and all they want is for you to have fun it was like she didn't care dude she wasn't even into the music she's sitting there just like hanging out waiting I mean it's so annoyingly loud and I loved it and this young couple was basically [ __ ] in the basement of this thing but it was one of those moments real nice experiences together now where it's like oh that was great yeah because they're gonna go back and go dude that couple backpackers dude there was such a short schedule cause like I'm going that way on Tuesday and you're going that way on Thursday so we got three days there's no time but just figured a number than me whatever it's like everyone does we're gonna do it yeah the tension was so palpable was sexy it was sexy to watch you know what like you got off on someone's all like I knew they were gonna have such good sex that I was like I can't wait for these guys to funds can't wait for you guys there [ __ ] I was so interested in their that's why I wanted to take them with us cuz I was like [ __ ] this they're gonna be nothing but you know what they're gonna say to everything yes they were in such a [ __ ] happy train of life that if I said hey we have to go do this thing I'm gonna pay for her they go sir let's go let's [ __ ] go as a rough path says write us travel writer he was like just say yes to stuff man don't not like a hippie dippie way but like if someone invites you something take them at their word that they want you to come yeah just say yes and what would be the worth and saying no like I guess do not impose [ __ ] that they're inviting you yes that's a reason holds door before you don't go I can do it like I know you can do what I'm saying here by the way if if you do say no every time I've ever skipped out on something gross I've been so bummed I've been so [ __ ] bum even if it was even if I didn't enjoy the thing that I did I was like no I still got something else out of it man see we're in Thailand yeah my second foreign trip love PJ yeah and I was I can going to Thailand who those film of that kind of comes I mean I'm going you can come for sure the full moon party yeah yeah so we made a whole thing of it we're in ok or I think it's Phuket cuz I've had a bunch of friends at have gone yeah well that's Koh Samui and Kosovo friend yang but like we started putting I forget where it was that we started but anyway we're looking at this alley and like something down there we're like kind of looking at like should we go I don't know and some do I think he's Israeli could've been Argentinian I got mixed up same thing yeah he goes you'll regret what you don't do you know you're right we went down there and there's nothing there no but we would have regretted it Trevor sure what would have been down there now we know nothing yeah nothing well you would always just do it I kind of regretted go to the catacombs kind of because it's weird to see [ __ ] like caves of skulls but it was cool was kind of oh I mean they're all I mean they're all over but in Italy the catacombs are above above ground underground they're like above ground underground tunnels of bones his bones usually from plagues you know yeah so it's [ __ ] it was just it was literally hundreds of thousands of dead bodies and you just you seeing skulls and you're kind of like it's a little bit of a mind [ __ ] cuz you're like wow that was a human at one point and then you sit there for another man you go oh god that was a human this is so [ __ ] weird you're better off having seen it though yeah no thoughts not going through your head no it was incredible was overwhelming it was a little weird it was like I don't find and the funniest part was a guy with the guy that ran it was like well because this was off the beat I don't know how we [ __ ] found it and he was like cuz there was nobody else there and he was like how did you find and I was like um actually someone who we met out the other night before it said you know where you got to go it was an Italian and I told him and he said hmm where did you come from and I was like uh California he's like Wow long plane yeah very very very long very long plane he goes how much and I was like how much was they mean how much hours or how much yeah and then so that's my thought I go well I think I think you know 14 hours ago today and he goes no no no no no no no money money and I'm thinking my interest in the [ __ ] money and then I'm like this guy want to know if we have money because we were in kind of a seedy area so I go oh it was a gift it was a gift he goes Oh gift Oh gift yeah gift you nope didn't know pay and I was like no no no and he goes oh because I was checking myself I was like he was a little sketch it was a little weird because I you know yeah as an American you like then around because I didn't want to be like though how much does it fly you I got a couple thousand dollars and he's like how much of those pants what how much you know I mean like yeah starting to get it yeah he calls her buddy he's okay Rob these [ __ ] they obviously have that is the thing you think about as a tourist all the time is when you're walking around somewhere oh they know you got money how did you get their money a lot of it those people can't leave that that guy couldn't leave that town where did he go they're never left I asked him to I was like do you go gone to America he's like mm-hmm don't leave I don't leave here don't leave here I was like oh right so we're like we're like royalty to him you know I mean the sense is like you can afford to [ __ ] get on a train and travel the world get out yeah that's insane most people just have to stay where they are we had this has been like an hour of travel by the way this isn't this will be the the travel trip dude there's no way to capture this feeling that I have right now it's like listening to these stories is I don't know how you would capture I think the only way to capture it honestly because when you when you go like do a travel thing we camera but if I'm with a camera but those two [ __ ] post college kids you're ruining it with really not anything for the camera yep the only way to do it is later recount it in audio that's the closest you can get is like is this is the closest because even if you were going even if you're recording the audio of the night no no it becomes a conscious thing later talk about or write about it right it's the only way you got this even there you don't you don't replicate a completely no it's too hard because you can't really there's no way to tell that feeling I was even something so local I was in Seattle with a buddy of mine with Brandon and my buddy Brandon I had gone shopping that morning to meet up with him and his girlfriend I had no plans that day I walk like 15 miles in Queen Anne and Seattle I was walking around I got a joint I smoked it by myself and then they were like come meet us and get good seafood and I was like what a day I'm high as [ __ ] I go down I get good seafood and then I like we have this cool Beach that we want to take you to where you could go out on these paddle boards and just chill and we can bring beer out there so we go out on these huge huge long paddleboard surfboards and I'm laying down drinking a beer and I'm sitting down on this laying down in the Sun on the board and it's you know there's calm water and I said out loud this is one of the greatest days of my life and it was like I can't explain that I couldn't I was trying to explain that feeling when I was like this feels like the greatest day of my life it really was though yeah and if you had to choose a vacation it wouldn't be that no it wouldn't you wait let me get that all this done and again it's already but like it wouldn't be that no you blown up no it's okay it is because uh the reason it's like because the same thing happened to me that day I went to a brewery by myself they were busy him and his girlfriend so I was like I don't bother you guys the whole day hey dude so I just went to a thing by myself these strangers were sitting at a table and I said there's no yelp reviews for that there's no like what doesn't get to do in Seattle it was nonetheless I said to these people I go do you mind if I set the table and the one guy jokes well you got to buy me a beer and I said I said I'll buy you all you guys a beer because I'm imposing on your space and they're like he's kidding he's joking around so what did I do I go get everybody beers well they're like no this guy's not bad this guy's [ __ ] what a nice guy so we just kept talking the rest of the day they invited me this barbeque it was just like when you start to fall into stuff it's the it's it there's no way there's no way to make that happen on on a camera there's no way there's no way I met a guy on the bus from Mandalay to bug on in in in Burma and Myanmar yeah and he was like I stay people's homes and I was like how do you stay people's homes what do you mean it's like I think a British guy could've been Australia I don't forget now same thing yeah and he goes you just meet them and you they invite you in like how it goes do you smoke cigarettes I'm like no I goes start smoking cigarettes he goes you just go outside you smoke you ask me for a lighter or a cigarette right and these are talking needs to how it's like you're poor you know you're backpacking you're not money and then they just offer house invite you in you might be like I can give you a few bucks instead it's like sure you know they'll take that they need a few bucks they got a couch and then they show you the local area and like Wow and he did this all the time she said you just got by that way I couldn't imagine it but I mean he's got the he's got the Amity brothers right yes yes he's got the confidence and the attitude to match that that it's like this is what I do yeah when somebody tells you when you can feel that someone does that thing it's almost like of course why would they wouldn't do anything else it's almost makes I've had friends like that that's like yeah that's how they've lived know what would stop them it's like saying Ari what if next week you're not funny and you're like well that's never gonna happen yeah that's the same so that's the same mentality that he has is like what if it doesn't work out one night you're like they won't that's literally it can't it won't it Jeff died said he spent a month in Seattle yeah with no home he's from there right yeah yeah and I was like how'd you where'd you go it was conscious they invited me checks I'm like what with no home I tell them I got to play so we go to your place Mike but you were sure forget about which one to go even if I got a hookup if i was an admiral place like that it's not gonna happen that could happen like it was for sure gonna happen and for sure can happen in their place you have a context matters he's a good-looking dude so good law so if he was a ugly dude it'd be more of a great-looking charismatic oh yeah yeah yeah yeah some [ __ ] pig was like yeah just [ __ ] chicks man just met up and hooked up hung out yeah you're traveling right now right cuz I want to [ __ ] get you out of here soon I know you got to go you're doing you're doing it San Diego right yeah that'll be done that's already like sold out okay that's gone west palm and in March I got West Palm and Miami yeah and I got Tempe and Phoenix dope go to go to re the great calm yeah ours are great calm I love that don't ever change that next week I'm in boy say come on out boys a is there anybody an ID oh yeah I've never been outside our town I've heard it's awesome I know they got accomplished something but they're cool look at discover later boys is cool well I'm gonna go [ __ ] check it out go to Andrew Santino calm where is it at the Knitting Factory did it know what is called no it's not the new factory I'm going what is it boy Z what's it called if you put the club yeah liquid laughs that's what it's called it's right across a limiting factor okay cool I'm doing that yeah hell yeah all right so come out come out and see that [ __ ] thank you for coming dude I love you just real quick yeah there was a guy in Boise me and O'Neal where there were like two in ski and going yeah well I'm gonna ski brother I want to talk to you about that oh yeah yeah is it called bogus something maybe there's no bogus Bowl I think I'm gonna go to this dude was I gotta stand up for it yeah is talking was drunk uh like anyone like this and they start his foot was this way instead of that way he snapped his foot oh [ __ ] and then he couldn't feel it cuz the drunk and it was just like out it was like VIP it was like like that and straight and it was like like what's wrong what that's paramount it's like how many beers he really goes she was like three or four and it was like that's how he drinks his had they're like how many drinks yeah like Oh fifteen that's not 100 [ __ ] they were laughing so hard and he kept calling oh I'm sorry but don't I pause this to me you got the moment now you have to go to the hospital yeah [ __ ] me oh he's maybe call his boss and tell him why he was gonna be there next day so whoever this dude is come out to the show and uh please come see me please come see me broken broken foot guy what if it what if he broke his broke another limb he comes the show he's like do my arm this time [ __ ] well I hope I hope I hope everyone comes out thank you [Music]
Channel: Andrew Santino
Views: 334,454
Rating: 4.8082347 out of 5
Keywords: interview, podcast, whiskey ginger, talk
Id: e3BtUOM_sw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 0sec (5100 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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