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here's what we're doing attempting to save two possible victims do this and do that litany of instructions what to do and so i i was in i was i was just suckered in i came across them while accessing these scammers computers two separate systems while deleting a few files i noticed their telegram which had live conversation of them orchestrating how to scam me in this group there was a boss using the fake name john smith but it appears that some of the scammers just wanted to use their real names who is going to be calling me is it going to be pinky or is it going to be sunny i was trying to find their call center location but just like telegram said they were literally working from home out of the seven people in that group the two computers that i connected to were being run out of goa india and these scammers were using the norton and geek squad refund scams now the scammers transfer me several times at one point i was even on the line with the senior executive mike tyson very believable right so mike tyson transfers me to alex parker who then later on transfers me to mike tyson who's now the senior executive manager if you're following closely that means that in 15 to 20 minutes mike tyson has climbed that corporate ladder and he's now a manager the last thing before the call the two u.s citizens that i reach out to the first is a guy from arizona who had not been scammed yet and the second is a lady from florida who unfortunately was not as lucky i was so caught up into paying them their money back and it was all a scam hello ricky how can i help you hi ricky i'm looking for the cancellation team i'm supposed to be receiving i believe it's 299 dollars so for this one you you have to be on the computer and once you're there on the computer you will be connected to the refund department now okay it looks like my desktop is turned on i see my kitty cat now what you need to do is that you have to simply open the google chrome browser you have to just type it over there any decks.com yeah your desk can be accessed with this address you can just provide me that number says it's waiting for you to accept or something yeah just hold the line for a moment okay okay just give me a moment and now a form will be open for you and uh i believe that the amount told to you was 299 dollars okay okay essentially what what happened was we were on the computer we there were not a lot of files to delete we were trying our very best to get information so how do you get information obviously he allows us onto his computer he gives us the password and we were able to watch his uh we were able to watch his his screen as he was talking in a group with his boss so he's getting calls and they're passing it off to somebody else who is pinky who's pinky i didn't get her oh no it's man that's not sir i couldn't get oh i just i'm i was just thinking about a name pinky p-i-n-k-i and i was just curious why are you asking what this pinky or i was just curious who pinky and sunny were why i know the reason i was just curious who because i had a next door neighbor named suny [Music] okay now you can simply hang up the call okay and my manager will be just following you within the next moment you can just hang up their call okay to be able to get what i just saw one they're using aws for a phone system they're doing virtualized phone systems and on top of that we got his uh history and his logins on chrome that might show the aws logins on top of that we saw their telegram conversations where he's getting the calls and passing it to this other guy and we got to see the information and i get to go back and possibly find a freaking victim right now uh yeah hi ma'am this is my senior supervisor how are you doing today i'm well this was mike tyson mike tyson we were talking to so ma'am uh you want your money onto your uh savings account right uh my checking microsoft they told me that if anyone would ever call me that i you need to know the passcode all righty just hold on ma'am you talk to my manager yes ma'am this is alex parker what passcode you're talking about well the microsoft guys texted me and they said that if anyone's to ever call me that you guys are supposed to give me a passcode and you're supposed to know it no no no they are not the real person we are from norton and we are from the real one you know that i will be giving you one passcode did you received any message can we use my old boyfriend his name was rashaan rosh roshan no check it out i have given you that passcode and i've given you a text message what is man what is mangino it's a mango what is that the passcode the passcode will be mango ma'am i am giving you a number it will be the number of my senior manager senior executive manager his name will be mike mike tyson yes mike tyson his name will be mike tyson hello this is this is beth hi birthday this is mike officer mike first of all before i speak further i would like to confirm the password your password is no that's not right it's roshan right hello uh the password is mango all right so broke up i came across the information that someone tried to take in money out of here right i would like first of all i would like you to hear all the information in details so that i can have a better idea okay okay that it involves if not it is not showing any on any books of the account right okay you are sending tags to curious all right that guy just is talking i was trying to get the ip address but that scammer they shut it down after i started going on there trying to see if there's anything juicy here there's a text now log we might have some potential victims from phone calls that they've made hello uh sir yeah this is uh this is pierogi with scammer payback i deal with internet scammers and these scammers had all of your information on their computer and i didn't know if you've been in contact with them over the past couple of days and uh they pretended to be like a norton computer company yep they have your where you live your full name your age your birthday they have some p.o box they have your phone numbers and email address so i don't know if they're trying to scare you or what okay nah and you work for who i have a youtube channel called scammer payback i go after internet scammers that steal money from people okay scammers payback hey brother i appreciate it you gotta like uh a subscription thing or like uh anything like that for donations oh dude you don't have to donate to me it's all good i just wanted to make sure you weren't losing all your dang money all right thank you brother i know this is a very random question but your information was on the scammers computer that i came across and i wanted to proactively call you and see if you've been in contact with them at all yeah i got scammed okay you did yes what happened do you mind telling me because i'm here to help i'm sorry yeah now i'm skeptical who are called talk to now it's okay that's okay yeah so if you if you go to youtube you can type in scammer payback i call up these guys and i pretend to be so like i can change my voice and i pretend to be a victim and i try to get information to help victims out do you mind telling me what happened i can see if maybe i can help you yeah okay um well i got an email um from norton which i'm familiar with norton security and said that your account will be charged 293 dollars right so i wind up getting 2 400 in gift cards to pay them back um and i know so i'm really sorry uh this was a couple days ago right yeah it happened friday well um i just want to let you know so part of um i try to proactively help i'm actually getting a little sad on um i'm sorry i have one of the most incredible communities of people yeah um and uh we have a thing called the force and it's people that have put money together for people who have been victims of these scams and um wow i want to give you back your twenty four hundred dollars because i couldn't help you are you kidding me oh really yes ma'am if you would allow me to if you don't i was crying i was crying because i was sad on friday i'm crying because i'm just unbelievable i can't believe it you don't deserve what they did to you okay i know and i i consider myself very smart and astute and i can't believe i got suckered i mean just i was so caught up into paying them their money back and it was all a scam i didn't realize it the whole process yes ma'am i have really incredible friends really incredible friends and um we are it's them it's not me it's them they're gonna they're going to give you your money back if you feel comfortable we want to give you the 2400 back and uh again make you whole again so um yeah the only way i would do it is just do a check i wouldn't do anything electronically we can send you a check for sure i can i can certainly send you a check that's i'm i'm happy to do that well we can hold on for one second yes can you hold on one second please yes ma'am well i'll be dang um crying like a baby on my stream today and also too i want to thank everyone everyone who's in the force that that's it right there 100 that that's what the force is about that's what this whole freaking channel is about is if we can save someone to help someone we just had someone proactively we've had two people hey i'm back um okay i was just chatting with my daughter because she said she was watching um stations that um the guy disguised himself as an old lady too yes oh honey yes this is i can do that as well i told you it was me oh that's what she just told me she said you disguise your voice as a woman oh an old lady and you try to get these scammers back so you are legit yes ma'am oh honey you better believe it us us ladies need to stick together oh my goodness so oh wow yeah okay another crazy thing all right i know this is so silly okay i'm actually gonna be down that way i could physically even hand you the check if you want if you'd be interested really yes ma'am i i i forgot i'm actually flying uh down that way uh this week yes praise the lord thank you thank you all right bye bye now god bless you dang onions baby i don't know what to do on that one dude that's freaking ridiculous man now i want to share a follow-up update that i have on the victim because some time has passed and she wants to share her story i want to give her praise because being scammed can be quite embarrassing but being vulnerable and sharing your story to the world can really help others from making the same mistakes so here's my call with her so i'm on with miss tabitha what an incredible story we i you know i've been going through this call with the scammer run across information run across your information reach out to you what was maybe like the first thing that went in your mind when i actually called you up yeah right after i got scammed i got your call not long after and it was like all right another scammer you know pretending to be something else i'm not going to fall for it the only saving grace was that my daughter was familiar with you somewhat can you explain a little bit kind of how they got you or what they said or what that whole process was and like what you went through to get to that point my family from arkansas moved in with me and it's a family of six and the teenager uses the office as a bedroom and he's on the computer and so i legitimately thought something was wrong with my computer so that engaged me a lot at that point they said well we're going to refund your money and um so this is what you do and from there on i'm i'm sucked in you know and so from there on it was the um the whole you know sign on to any desk do this and do that litany of instructions what to do and so i i was in i was i was just suckered in when you're going through this and they say oh my gosh man we actually gave you when is it twenty five hundred dollars or three thousand dollars whatever the dollar amount is we gave you this on accident what what goes on in your mind because you're you're a well-meaning person you're not trying to do something bad and they almost make it seem like it's your fault that you did it i know what i keyed in and then i saw the amount i was like oh well then that convinced me further that something's wrong by computer right and so i was thoroughly convinced it was you know it put the extra zero in there and so um all i wanted to do now is make them whole so they're convincing you look you know i got kids i got their family and i got this and i got bills to pay and i'm gonna lose my job the whole you know nine yards about um if i lose this amount of money tonight with you then my life is in you know jeopardy my livelihood's in jeopardy and then it kind of leads to that gift card piece did they like how did did they train you at all as far as hey you need to say this so yeah they did um kind of prep you um about if anybody asks you um is it for someone else right tell them it's for you you know so they did you know do that in there and i was thoroughly convinced that's the thing to do because otherwise they may have not given me the gift cards and i couldn't pay them back and somewhat little red flags came up i mean at least one red flag came up um when the target guy said are these for you the gift cards are for you i said oh yeah i'm buying a gifts from you know gift cards and so he was kind of on like i've seen this before and he didn't say that he didn't want to offend me either you know what i mean but he did do it out there and i was like you know there could have been a red flag why didn't i you know gravitate to that and it wasn't until i got back to the house went upstairs back to the computer i took my account and um i said you guys scammed me no ma'am no ma'am we didn't scam you we're gonna give you your money back if we got your money we're gonna give it back you know and you know and i was so upset ma'am don't be so upset you know we're gonna get your money back and all that and then you know like the thing they try to give you put the camera on you because like you told me before that while you're gone they're messing with your computer and so i was able to not be on the camera at that point i figured it out you know so they they went through took the money did they have you when you scratched the cards did they have you like pull over to the side of the road or did you go home or how did they do that like they wanted it probably right away i assume right yeah yeah so um for the target line they wanted me not to leave the parking lot yeah and then um the walmart one after i left there i i did pull over you know um before i got home and gave him the card numbers what would you say are like three things that people should look for listen for what they see what they feel on the inside that hey this is a scam probably i need to maybe stop doing what i'm doing i just do is just step back breathe and then even if you even if it's legit and you stop the process you still did yourself a favor now you got a chance to to process in your own mind take a breather and step back and say if it's legit they'll call me back or if it's legit i have a legitimate number to call them back if any inkling of a point you think that this might not this doesn't sound quite right or i feel pressure or i feel like i'm too involved in it just stop and just you know quit you know people on the outside looking in said you know i would have guessed that right away maybe maybe not but i'm telling you i i was caught up in it and i was i surprised myself because i never thought i would have got scammed right never thought so we we encountered a person um that they were a victim of scammers that had taken their money and purchased um like cryptocurrency luckily we were able to like hack into it and get it back and save them their money but we got an opportunity to leave a voicemail for the scammer but if you had an opportunity to tell them like what's on your mind like today what would you tell them i did text the number that was on my phone and i said you know ask them how do you sleep to yourself at night you know um what do your family think of you if they know what you're doing that's what i said i said you're scums and you're evil and how do you sleep at night right feeling for money i hope you don't rest good at night i hope you're conscious you up you know at some point you never know but it will come back on you you know hey it's strong um you know a lot of folks have strong feelings about the ones that steal from people that are in vulnerable times there's people that have lost their lives because of everything being stolen from them we have an incredible community my point is is that um you know they put that force together which is the fund for people who have been victimized by these scammers and make you whole what was that feeling like um kind of going through that process too and knowing that there's all these people that are on the lookout for folks that have been victimized first of all that's incredible i mean this totally incredible so unheard of that there is a community of people that care so much for innocent people that got hurt financially but when you told me what you guys do your community does i was on cloud nine kind of made up for the scums that you know built you out of your money never thought in a million years that someone be that kind enough to contribute monies to restore me you know so that was the most i don't know i don't know it's the most exciting and heart felt and warmest things ever happened to me i will say though that as soon as a situation had happened i mean the whole community they're like the fastest like where do we help where do we help i mean that immediately whenever they get a chance to help they they do so this is nothing about me this is about all the folks in the scammer payback community that come together to help victims out again i thank you for sharing your story with everyone it really is going to help a lot of people you know we're so blessed to know you your and your story is going to help so many people and um you know blessings to you and your family and um you know we're uh looking forward to no more scam stories for you nobody's scamming you nobody bothering you so if anyone wants to call you she's gonna hack into your computer or else she'll just call me and then i'll hack into your computer so nobody call miss tabitha up or she'll get you all right we're just a small team over here but what a huge win for this community i want to thank you all so much for helping to get this victim all of her money back if you're interested in joining the fight become a member i hope you enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching and don't get scammed [Music] i can't let you get away
Channel: Scammer Payback
Views: 2,201,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hacker, scammer, scams, india, scam calls, file delete, call center, fake support, real name, location, telling a scammer, showing a scammer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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