Call Center Scammer Videos found while Deleting Files

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all right guys let's just jump into this this is tashar and unfortunately he's a scammer that picked up the phone when I called and unfortunately he allowed me onto his computer whoever the are you do not mess with us as you guys know once I'm on the scammer's computer I'm going to delete files as quickly as I can I'm also going to download them and see what information I can find so there's information like personal information on the scamer I find victim lists and I find things like photos and videos as well and evidence of their dams so I'm just going to send an email I wanted to let you know that there are those who are watching your call center and who knows maybe your information is on that victim list I've got a 25,000 person list right now that the scammer sending emails and doing phone calls to and that information's got their name address phone number and also even what scam maybe they have been a part of before also sometimes when you're opening up the files you'll run across some really interesting things like music projects they're working on movies they've downloaded or even a rage Shadow Legend sponsorship we're really grateful for the opportunity because it gives us a chance to fight more scammers and help more victims out we're celebrating raids threeyear anniversary I'm going to give you three reasons why you should try out the game first the graphics are freaking sick like literally the best mobile graphics on a game I've ever seen before secondly they have over 600 Champions to choose from so if you have a specific style you want to play you'll probably find it and then third the content it's endless they're always adding and that's really important to gaming if you're new to raid check out the link in the description below or scan the QR code and they're going to be giving you a package worth $40 that you can redeem right here now don't worry if you've already played before all you need to do is use the promo code that we're going to give you and they've got a present for YouTube while you check out raid Shadow Legends I'm going to go check out what we found on Tara's computer when I was on the scammer's computer I think I was on his desktop maybe and I saw a resume and when I went through it it was really interesting we'll go through the details but a lot of these people that they're hiring have fouryear degrees they're very well spoken with English and that's what the scammers are looking for someone who wants to make a good living that they can kind of trick to come in and work for them and then those people have the skills to be able to steal from innocent folks so they're looking for people that are highly qualified actually to bring in so that they can use them and make as much money as possible it's crazy to me that you know really you got to have a 4-year degree to become a scammer nowadays thanks for calling support the site John I help you today yes I have a text message all right about my Amazon account is this not Amazon yes this is Amazon can you like uh what about your account with Amazon can you read that for me it says on April 1st Amazon was charged $344 21 for a black Shar Mark for unlocked phone order ID LMP 24134 2gd if not please call for this order please cancel so you want to cancel this order right yeah okay no what is about that can you please confirm me your name Monica all right and can you please help me out with your email which is with Amazon yeah it's Monica underscore uhuh Wilson uh-huh uh-huh I didn't say anything else it's Monica Wilson and then it's Sigma Alpha Omega at all right give me a minute I looking up your account right now and I will be back to you within a minute okay be online okay thanks for staying on the line mon you there with me yeah I am all right I can see that you're calling us from Miami is that how did you know I just looked up your account and I can see your address on each and everything so that's not the concern right now and you are telling me that you are not the one who made this charge right yeah I'm not we are just going to help you complete a verification and once we do that we will cancel this order from our side okay and may I know one thing like where do you use your Amazon account my house like you use it on your phone like on your phone or your laptop on my cell phone no I don't why would I do that I use it on my computer you use it on your computer yeah all right so can you go to it right now okay now what all right it's a Windows computer right not how did you know how do you know all the you keep asking questions but like no I'm just asking you like this is our jobs now what you need to do you need to press the Windows key on the letter R is in Roger at the same time like both the keys at the same time now what you need to type in there uh you need to type in www do now can you please read it to me what have you typed in yeah I hit enter and then now it says anywhere any place any deck can you see a download sign yeah I see that hit down load okay now what do you see it says thank thank you for downloading in the bottom left it says any deck. exe all right open it up okay and on this file and it gives you a number can I get [Music] [Music] that now you will get a request and a security warning as well from Amazon so what you need to do you need to tap on I trust this call it will be a countdown now we are just connected with you just give me a minute just one second yeah t just be online give me a minute okay so like I said earlier in the video when I get access to the scammer's computer I do want to delete the files as quickly as possible so I'm going to your desktop I'm going to your documents to your downloads and then I'm going through the different drives to see what I can find as well but I do want to download and secure the information so I make sure that I could find if there's a victim or someone that I could help out one of the interesting things I found with tashar was I found photos and videos that we will go through and this guy is trying to be like a hardcore criminal with like guns and stuff like that we have hamont which we've got his resume here and email address to contact phone number so he has an India plus 91 number and then he has I guess like a text now number that's a United States number I find that kind of interesting it says a bcom I guess a bachelor's in Communications or something from the University of Kota and then an NBA in finance pursuing from JCC jaur so two years of experience in an accountant firm he's worked in the oil industry as well as computer skills it says basic computer knowledge that's how I got on his computer he had basic knowledge and then uh he has a certificate in accounting uh technicians a c so this guy's got good experience or he could work at other places in my opinion and this is what I'm saying these scammers are trying to bring in these really well spoken well-meaning people that want jobs and want to make a lot of money and I've heard stories where they will kind of get them under this contract where they owe money back and you have to work this time off on your contract or else you're in trouble I've got a 25,000 uh person list right now that the scammer is sending emails and doing phone calls to they're buying very specific lists whether it's Amazon lists or Banking and this one's 10,000 phone numbers and addresses and names that they're sending out they've got a second tab on here it says 10K -2 it's the same type of information and they've got 5K so this whole list is 25,000 uh different potential victims that they could be reaching out to we could be reaching out to and making sure that they hav't been scammed they also have people working at some of these companies in the United States that are exfiltrating the data and sending it to them so they have really really good information your name might be on that list so it's important that I get it I'm here at SP Office you know giving you guys an update really quick um but that previous video is blowing up that's a call center we gathered Intel on and they have been raided now it's not because of that video but this Intel's gathered in Advance it'd be silly for us to share it with YouTube first this goes to the authorities and if the C and India want to coordinate with us then they do the unfortunate part is that they raid the fifth floor and a technician was the Fall Guy none of the big names Christian indu Samar Bachi or the owner uh I think it's rajes Gua if I'm pronouncing it correctly none of these guys were captured typical arrest but not the right guys okay which is sad and it sucks for us as well we're just a group of small YouTubers these are international criminals so the rules and regulations are totally different um but that being said I hope you guys understand what we try to do we try to educate you show you scammers how they do it we help victims give victims their money back we also expose scammers which the beautiful thing about exposing scammers is that our previous video Someone said hey off the building the floor the name I know who this guy is now we have a visual of uh Christian indu I'm going to put it up here not going to blur It screw that guy if it's blurred by the time you see this YouTube just said nah it's not happening also you can see right here this is the vrm business services this is the company that just continues to cover up and scam behind the scenes and get away with it but anyhow we appreciate the support and we'll keep going after scammers let's get back into it something weird is going on on my screen it just all exited out what's your favorite anim I'm like a really big anim fan I really like narudo is that your favorite have you ever watched narudo anime is anyone there hello yeah hello whoever the are you okay do not mess with us by the way oh is this tar is this tar yeah this is tar right hey I have your files tar do you like anime as well what's your favorite anime tar your mother's oh tell me tashar hey uh I have your uh paytm that you have it's very it's very pretty and then that's a cool background that you have on your computer too so T sure okay um okay so how's it going over there it's 2:31 a.m. T sure [Β __Β ] you bro you have nothing why what's wrong you have nothing oh I have nothing you have nothing who's hant who is hant sorry who's hant hant yeah him him is the person who your mom every day is that where you got your leads from you bought them from them you you know nothing you're I know nothing h huh I know nothing huh oh oh you're going to call me a Chua Rand Katka huh you want to talk to me in your language I understand INS samja What else do you have for me you got else you have anything else yeah I have what a second do you have anything else you want to say k you didn't like that a little file deletion we have some file deletion we have his leads we're on his computer he knew we were on his computer he's got a we we prefer PTM he's got his little barcode scan thing that's him right there that's tashar got some goodies so we can look him up oh yes and that's to me I'm gonna call him again just because thank you for calling you're speaking with Justin how can I help you hi I'm looking for tashar is he still there whom you want to talk to tashar ROR uh let me just go ahead and call out his name give me like one second y jdi car jdi oh they didn't like that I was watching on there b sorry I I want to talk to tashar please J tell it's tashar tar yeah I need to talk to tashar Tar yeah this is perogi and I was just on tsh's computer any desk and I was messing with his anime video files he had on his computer on his D drive he has a bunch of anime on there which that doesn't seem it seems like a corporate laptop you guys are using laptops I know it's like 2 what 40 right now 233 243 and you guys he's got a bunch of anime on his computer and you might need to get it off of there I don't know if that's allowed in the corporate environment where are you from sir I am like from your dreams how do you know do you know what is the time do you know what is the time right now here yeah in New Deli it's uh 2 what is it 233 or 243 in New Delhi I'm not just making this up off of the top of my head I literally was just on your computers can I please talk to tashar J T yes I know he's there there is no tar here okay oh my gosh yes there is I'm looking at his photo right now sorry he has he uses PTM I'm looking at his PTM I'm looking at his PTM wallet that you guys use to steal from people in his backgrounds on his computer he likes Nado is that what the anime Nado he likes Nado and he's got a white what is that a charger or is that a Mustang it says Yeti 16 as one of his backgrounds sir sir yes it's not sir it's perogi or you can say sir yes sir can you listen to me for two minutes yes yes yes yes this is Amazon and you just go better you [Β __Β ] yourself this is not Amazon I want to talk to it's not Amazon it's not Amazon stop it put put freaking tashar on I was about to say put Nado on put tashar on oh okay so I'm going to go through a couple photos and videos of tashar that we found and one thing I will say is that scammers I absolutely hate when we do this because we're exposing them and they'll come in and they've reported us a bunch of times too for doing this so we will have a blur on their faces and sometimes a real minimal or no blur which that's our way of getting back at them a little bit uh for being criminals and stealing from Grandma and Grandpa and that's the other point I want to make is that these guys like they want to show everyone that they're so cool and tough shooting guns driving cars and bikes around but really they're just criminals and they're just stealing from innocent people so that's why we're going to expose them one last cherry on top that we found was Ham's birthday is coming up so for that we wanted to call him up we have two of his phone numbers and his email address so we're going to give him a ring and wish him a happy birthday nope all right that went that did not go through so I'm just going to send him an email and wish him a happy birthday dear hamont I was on T's computer the other day and I ran across some very interesting files of his one of them was your resume attached I wanted to let you know that you need to stop scamming people and that there are those who are watching your call center and exposing the bad work that you do happy your birthday scammer payback h on the email's been sent don't scam anyone anymore same with you to sh I appreciate youall watching this this has been progue with scammer payback saying don't get [Music] scammed
Channel: Scammer Payback
Views: 5,521,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scammer, scam, photos, videos, call center, scammers, tech support, amazon, hacker, windows, syskey, file deletion, delete files, scammer files, india, hacking
Id: EapyNrHp9xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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