Scammers Stuck In Prank Call Purgatory For 1.5 Hours

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this is a PayPal scam that lasted a couple of days across two sets of people from the same call center the flow is a normal one they find a way to connect up to your computer and then they start wreaking havoc telling you to check your bank account telling you that there's foreign hackers on your account honestly their script fell apart Midway through because they just couldn't go anywhere with being extremely argumentative and just overall ornery a couple of things that I wanted to point out because this is a full call if you see me chatting with Bank of America customer support on the Bank of America website that is me typing to myself from another browser and so I'm making the scammer think that I am Bank of America customer support but it's just me talking to myself also if you see any Microsoft pop-ups that just interrupt the scammers scam that's also me sending the pop-up to the browser just to reiterate the bank account is fake there's no money being transferred there's no real account numbers there's no real anything that all makes it even more joyous to think these guys have been clicking around on just a Sandbox computer talking to an old lady who is not real anyway please do like this video If you enjoyed it and subscribe to the channel I have lots of any desk Antics coming up and I can't wait to share it with you what am I supposed to step on that every box is yes tap the boxes every tap the six boxes click on the boxes make it green step every every boxes tap the six boxes where the speaker file speaker oh oh these these things yes yes every boxes you're able to see my screen yeah and actually we are able to because now you are connected with the secure server PayPal secure service so that we can guide you we are not able to use what's this possible scam detected mean that doesn't seem right yes now what does that mean actually that yes Miss now I'm telling you one thing because that is the uh scam because we can find some unauthorized charges is coming from another location that's why we are connecting you the PayPal secure server okay and don't need to worry we are helping you to each and everything okay please be on call now I'm transferring call to my senior technician person they will help you out to block that chart it's okay be on call what yes Miss thank you for being on thank you for being on phone this is Alex now miss do you see possible scam deducted there are some yes I was asking the previous guy can you exactly what does that mean it says possible scam detected yup I will tell you it doesn't seem medicine right because there is some prop there is some problem in your PayPal some people are using your PayPal and they are doing some bad thing okay now do one thing Miss do you see the small boxes over there just down below the possible scam deducted check all the blue boxes check all the blue boxes no no not the chat button no no no no please okay listen to me listen to me Miss don't do anything okay when you see possible scam deducted there are some small boxes click all of them click on all of them one by one oh you you want me to click on these yes correct click on all of these okay do do the same thing with all of them okay yes oh now do one thing it looks like you've got control of my uh computer no no no absolutely not now do you see install any desks who's clicking someone is clicking around on there I can see okay that's me that's me because you are connected with the oh security so you are connected now click on yes now click on yes do you see a yes option click on that can you click it for me please no I cannot you have to click on yes you have to do it click on yes over there okay now you will see a set attendant password correct do you see that what do you see accept option click on accept now oh yes it's gray it looks Gray means you need to click on accept okay don't click on request Evolution just click on accept I'm clicking it it's grayed out okay do you see the check box I am aware of the risks oh check the box yes yes sorry about that then click on accept you don't need to be sorry message I'm a part of my job Okay now click on accept now what do you see it says PayPal well this is what I saw last time yeah so that's me I want to connect with you again now click on accept one more time okay now again to check the small boxes where you see possible scam deducted check all the small boxes down below turn them blue oh didn't didn't we do this already you have to do it one more time it's a two-step verification okay we what we are doing don't click on yes where you see the small boxes click on them make them blue one more time okay yes now allow me a movement please don't do anything okay we are connected to you you can see I started my work on your account um okay now don't do anything Miss I'm working on it do you see that I am working on your account for the correct yep so that's me okay Miss now you are connected to the PayPal secure server so you have to be patient with me why am I doing this all for you why am I on the PayPal because you got this charge from the PayPal correct I don't know okay let me tell you miss what is the problem first of all leave your mouse okay and listen to me very carefully some people has created your account on PayPal and they are using your PayPal account okay they have company I don't think I've got one okay let me show you that okay can you please put your phone number here or you want me to do it for you okay put your email address or phone number anything over there you can just put my phone number in there if if you'd like so type it by yourself Miss no Miss it's your information you have to do it by yourself okay type it over there okay wait what is this what is that you're not listening to me I have not selected that okay those people are using your account from Panama okay because people are doing this thing for you and they are using your account from a different location okay so don't worry I'm gonna do it for you okay my particular area code is not from Panama so the country code for Panama oh and now you've done Ukraine I'm not from Ukraine either you are from America correct United States of America yes you're gonna need to pull it down in the thing and find America not this leave your mouth leave your mouth I am leave your mouse I'm gonna leave your mouth I haven't flipped anything I've literally clicked nothing that's it okay wonderful great miss those people are skipped is still using your account they are changing your location from different different things okay now you can put your phone number here or you want me to do it now put your phone number you just asked me if I want you to do it yes I do okay okay allow me a moment now I will do it for you thank you it's not 507 you put 507 there again it's automatically coming over there I don't know why well it's that's not going to work okay I will make it to work mess just be relaxed okay you need to choose United States from the drop down yes I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it for you post your account now miss you can see now can you please put your email over there your email I I do not have a PayPal account and uh I don't know what you're going on okay okay what let me show you okay do you see in your email you receive a lots of email correct and there is a fraudulent email somebody just created a PayPal account and they are doing some kind of transaction for 479 dollars and that's why we have called Miss are you doing something you have control of my computer okay okay not a nation how can I be doing something when you're the one in control of my computer okay I'm so sorry I'm sorry now miss you have to check your bank statement that is there any transaction is there any charge coming out for 479 dollars have you checked it have you checked that well no I request you to sign into your bank take the access of your computer and check your transaction that is there any money like 479 dollars has been taken off from your account you just want me to log in yes correct login okay where's okay in hello yes Miss I am there oh it sounded like you you hung up on me sorry I heard it I heard it click no no Miss I I am not I'm not gonna hung up on you I'm gonna secure your account you don't need to worry about okay first of all you have to make understand that you are talking to the PayPal security team this call is recorded for the quality and training purpose we are going to help you out okay so just log into your bank and check the transaction if there is any transaction of 479 dollars let me know oh it says I need a code now you're gonna receive a yes now click on send code then you will receive an yes now you have to put the code which you receive on your text message on your number 7818 okay two one four five okay putting hello all right Miss now wait for a moment yes Miss now wait for a moment I'm gonna do the things for you okay just to be relaxed okay just be relaxed I will help you out to block those people okay who are using your account okay Miss so just wait for a moment okay please don't do anything okay okay yeah so miss do you have this problem for the very first time well with what with your bank and with your PayPal with your phone number what I mean I haven't had this problem I've I've had things happen to me in the past of course but no okay now miss some people are using your account okay and they're using your account to do this kind of activity okay now miss I found that that there are some bad connections and bad activities is going on your account now tell me that do you use any kind of venomo cash app any kind of applications like that on your phone on my phone no I have a no I don't do that okay okay not an issue what is it and you do what it is all about here okay let me tell you this is all about here because somebody is using your information they are using your information like your phone number your email okay who is this thing happens to you they are they are some people we are trying to get them we are accessing the detail of them and we are gonna tell them we're gonna block them from our side okay now I request you to tell me miss that do you do online shopping on your phone on your computer a lot uh no listen I my son has taught me to use cash and because I've got cash on hand I rarely need to dip in to my bank account my son says the banking institutions are corrupt and I said I've always had a bank and I intend to use one so we made a a happy compromise okay we made a small compromise and I used cash for the most part go down to the grocery and pick up my groceries in person all right and tell me one thing miss that that have you when you use this cash okay at any store have you ever used the public Wi-Fi to do like that to do like the things have I done what do you use the public Wi-Fi public Wi-Fi exactly are you doing okay let me I am blocking those people who are using your account okay from different different location okay you can see I have gonna block the name of that person who are using your account these are those people who are accessing your details from different different location okay again please my name is Alex Morgan you can grab a piece of paper and pen it's my information correct okay now allow me a moment okay okay hold on I'm gonna block that person what do you see this kind of a lot okay log into your bank I request you to log into your bank one more time I have already logged into my bank they the people has logged out your account okay log into the bank one more time oh God log into your bank one more time this is the last time I'm going to do this for you I don't know why I'm happy to do so much work when you are the one who messed up now miss absolutely not you don't need to worry about okay I'm helping you oh no no I'm saying that you made a mistake and now I'm having to pay for it and I don't like that I'm not gonna tell you to pay for any of them okay just make login and let me block those what was the transfer thing what was that they have used your Bank of America about you what you just did on my bank and the bank transfer I just I just put that person block from your bank transfer so those people are going to be blocked from your bank account okay and you did that by transferring money to them no I didn't transfer anything Miss I didn't transfer it is a virtual trip I thought you were transferring some money you don't need to be missed let me tell you it's a virtual transfer which is not going to do anything because I usually don't like to transfer money using any type of Bank gosh darn it I understand I understand I understand just put the code in and log into your bank account okay now allow me a moment okay now you see that I'm doing the virtual things here so I can block that person okay just allow me a movement now you're transferring money from me to a thousand dollars no I'm not transferring I'm not transferring anything what is that okay to anyone this is a it's a virtual mess it's a virtual to block that person okay now wait for a moment okay you said it so what it's a virtual it's a word hello what is going on this is the thing that we are blocking those people very unclear the whole time as to what's going on here it says processing correct now check on your text message did you receive any text from your Bank of America now any texts what did you receive any text message from your Bank of America I'm sorry dear I'm I'm getting a call back from these Norton people hold on just decline the call decline the calls decline the calls decline the call why would I decline the call they were helping me hold on one second okay all right today with me Miss hello hello yes Miss yes tell me yes what what can I do for you Miss you're talking to the Alex Morgan now check your phone did you receive any text message from Bank of America well I I don't know how do I check that look on your phone do you receive any text message from the Bank of America nope all right now wait for a moment Miss wait for a moment okay what is this okay Bank of America customers okay honey can you can you type in to this to this box please for me I'm not I'm not a very yes watch typer foreign yes let me do it no that's not what I wanted to say ask them what you want to say tell me that I say uh-huh say uh please verify the telephone number that I transferred the money to can you can you type that in it's there was a thousand dollars that miss you don't need to worry about that's a virtual transfer okay don't need to worry about let me help you out with that okay what did you just do that's a virtual mess now login okay one more time let's log into your bank now listen what did I tell you last time about logging into my Bank of America I said that was the last time I was gonna do it Miss Miss understand the condition okay right now you are talking to the Bank of America so just do one thing log into your bank okay you own a call with the Bank of America so you have to verify your identity some people are using your information what are you talking about you are correct where who's on the call from Bank of America right now right now I have attached right now three people are on the line you me and Bank of America so log into your bank just one more time just log into your bank right you do it right you do it type in my username I don't I don't have the password type in my username n e l d dot by yourself you should have to work a little bit because I think that you're getting paid for this thank you thank you I will do that you should show a little bit of back in my day by the way we used to have to work for a paycheck but it seems like all right now you're just having old people do your work for them and that is just about as pitiful as it could be now you're gonna receive a text on your back on your phone just put the code in okay you can tell me the code I will put for you tell me the code which you received from Bank 390138 now I want you to promise I want you to promise me that was the last time I'm gonna have to log into my bank I cannot I cannot you're gonna need to promise to the Bank of America you will need to do that okay I will I will do that missed Now give me the numbers okay I promise Miss I'm not gonna promise it to you okay if you want to secure your bank do it otherwise I will transfer this call to someone else they will do the thing same to you okay now tell me the numbers first I will help you out that's my promise you that I'm gonna help you one three eight okay I promise I will help you out okay you need to promise me that that was the last time I'm gonna have to do that nonsense it's not a nonsense message for your security okay well if I have to do it numerous times it begins to be a little bit nonsensical and if I have to do it again it's not going to be pretty I I understand Miss I understand but understand that part that we are doing it for your security okay not forever who is Samantha Rogers who is that Samantha Rogers is the person whom I blocked just right now okay now sending them one thousand dollars miss that is a virtual transaction I told you this thing twice that's a virtual that's not a real money okay that's a virtual like that account so you don't need yes you got this it's just like the Monopoly money yes correct to track those people location we are doing it okay so just allow me a moment oh to track their location that's wonderful yeah now miss check your phone did you receive any text from Bank of America check that oh also that that brings up another question you said you're on the line with someone from Bank of America correct yes correct but I'd like to speak with them please and that way we could just get all this straightened out I will do that for you just allow me a moment okay okay yes wait for a moment can you type that back in please oh yeah 499 what is that I mean just allow me a moment please don't repeat the question again again okay please let me do my work okay I'm doing jail for my family that that's not that's not right allow me a moment are you that's not correct just hold on Miss no no stop telling me to hold on without answering my last question what is that about I'm asking you pop blank I have I have cornered you and I'm asking you a question what is the 499 dollars for tell me the answer that's a manipulated currency Miss that's not going to charge you anything okay for this your bank give you some virtual dummy currencies which you can use to block those people okay and that's what I'm doing they gave me some currencies you don't need you're bad give you some limits okay that's called create limit to block those people who are using your account because we don't need to change the password we just need to track those people okay now type your password one more time in again yes the thousand dollar has been not debited the 499 is not going to be debited you want me to type in like this word again is what you're saying correct oh correctly I think a second ago you promised me that I wouldn't have to do that so I promise I promise that you made me a second ago I don't want to do it I want to talk to Bank of America you said they're on the line put them on the line Miss Harris Miss Harris Miss Harris are you out of your mind or what you are I said that that I will promise you that I'm gonna help you out okay just put in the password and then I will connect you to the people of the Bank of America okay put in the password of your Bank of America be quick we are blocking those people what was that last thing you said I said that just put in the password of your bank I can't type why I can't type try to use your keyboard you can type over there oh it works now you know if I have to do this one more time I I I might actually start listen I might actually start screaming at the top of my lungs because I'm I haven't had to log in this many times to my bank account in the past year and I've done it all in one day because PayPal seems to be incompetent go back you said you will not tell me to log into my bank is that what you said correct you promised it you swear on the Holy Bible I promise I promise okay then I I will let I'm letting you know this is the last time I will do it I have a confirmation from you it's the last time you will ask me to do it and there we go for the last time for you and from here on out you're on your own you gotta fix my problem I will fix it for you okay all I missed now we have secured your Bank of America here now do one thing Miss bring your debit card for the Bank of America okay do what bring your debit card for the Bank of America do you have your debit card for the Bank of America uh I mean I have a debit card why are you asking me for that yes bring it I'm not asking it Miss I'm gonna block those people from your account for the debit card perfect with the help of your debit card oh by the way dear I'm I've I won't be giving you any my credit card over the phone I'm a cash person no no listen I do cash transactions I've told you that before my son is a Libertarian I have a bank account I have a debit card I am not going to use my debit card in case of only for emergencies and this is not an emergency can I tell you what an emergency is a nuclear explosion a civil war that's the only circumstances that I will be using anything like that okay Sephora gift card I suppose absolutely not miss let me tell you this is the website on which those people has used your account okay now tell me Miss do you have an Apple phone with you I already told you the answer to that yeah I don't have another phone I don't have an Android phone I have the same Motorola flip phone that I've had since 2005. okay okay to try to get me to upgrade but I say nope I draw the line here I am done I'm not going there into the realm of Technology okay now let me tell you miss technology is not just an gift for us sometimes technology give us the problem as well as as the same well you're too happy you are telling me that is correct yes now miss let me tell you that with the help of the technology we can take the technology as a reward we can take the technology as a punishment okay but you might be surprised but nowadays the technology is so smart that we can block those people by using your other information okay now miss I'm so sorry for the thing which happens to you but let me tell you miss we have blocked those people who are using your account and they're using your IP address I believe you understand what is your IP address it says public IP address [Music] I don't know why you need me to listen what is the problem here what are we trying to resolve I'm so lost now because it seems like there's just all this stuff happening right now and I don't know why any of it is happening hello [Music] I got your problem is now did you get the request did you see the thing which you see over did you uh hear the request what are you doing Miss did you just listen the critical warning which your computer gave it to you okay what's the question I am aware of the risk I'm not sure I understand hello [Music] hello ma'am did you see that risk hello can you hear me now yeah who are you my name is Steve Morgan Steve Morgan yeah oh I was speaking to Alex Morgan are you his brother yes that Yes actually they transferred the call to me your initial technician is that is that your brother no he's my his mother he's a senior technician okay so you need to be uh click I am aware of the risk once we connect the assess once we connect the server so that we can transfer equal to the Alex Morgan I was just talking to Alex Morgan now I'm talking to you Miss uh my confusion comes from I I really don't know what any of this is all about do you understand okay listen understand me yes Miss yes I am understanding you now tell me one thing Miss why they are passing called to me because I am your Tech initial technician actually we got disconnected somehow from the spare parts security server that's why you call automatically transferred to me because now I am connecting to you again PayPal secure server so that we can transfer to code to the senior technician person to the Alex Morgan okay they will help you out to block those people who trying to access the PayPal account you got my point no no I I don't I don't follow you at all actually I don't understand actually okay I'm telling you once more because your call automatically transferred to me why transfer to me because we got disconnected from the PayPal secure server okay so your call automatically transfer to me once we connect the PayPal secure server after that we can transfer your call to the senior person to the Alex Morgan okay all right so now look your computer Miss do you see that I am aware of the risk security warning from the my side check the box and click to accept yep yes click to accept accept and start broadcast or start now check the box first after that click on accept I clicked it okay one more one more accept and start broadcast I don't know what you're asking me to do oh this doesn't mean any sense it doesn't make any like I've clicked this button I've logged into my bank account what what more do you need no no no no for me no no no don't log in your bank account Miss lock your screen and you did before very well your brother Steve was not very nice I'm just going to say it don't worry Miss I'm taking care of your call okay don't worry now look at your screen and you will see the security warning Jefferson County yeah okay just click on I am aware of the risk and click to accept okay I clicked it yes now check the all the boxes make it blue you did before do what click on the boxes missed click the Box make it blue the blue you did before oh yeah these are not blue these are gray okay I'm so sorry yes okay all the boxes oh you see uh some scattered heavy thunderstorms at this point in the metro area the only thunderstorm right now just on the other side of Charlestown okay yes all right all right now uh Miss tell me one thing which device you are using like which cell phone you are using it's an Android it's an iPhone um couple of hours I've already told you we're okay we're going around in circles I don't do iOS thingy or that Android thing I don't do that I'm asking I have a flip phone that's it I've had the same Motorola split phone since 2005 and I've already told you that once and I'm not gonna tell you again actually now I am taking care of your call that's why I'm asking you because you are not like that person who is Alex Morgan that's why I'm asking you again again okay your call [Music] do you use Amazon I think I have an account but I I don't purchase anything because now I'm I feel like I'm still talking in circles because I'm not going to be buying anything online that's what Alex said I said nope I'm not no no no no I've got a lot first of all with cash I've got tons of cash yes got more cash and I know what to do with and I'm using cash and cash only and if I need to go to the grocery I I go down to the physical Grocery and I purchase my groceries no no actually uh let's just listen to We Meet I'm telling I'm I'm asking you only okay I'm asking you okay did you do online shopping like Amazon eBay PayPal any kind of online area what I'm asking you do you use Amazon before for any purpose I no I don't think so but I think my son made me an account yeah but I've I'm not prone to be using it I don't want to use it I don't like it and I don't like Jeff Bezos I've said that many times okay with literally anything okay now tell me why I am doing this because if you're seeing because you're you are receiving a PayPal notification from New Jersey Miss are you watching are you watching TV yes yes yes I am I am watching television because lots of noise from your background that's what I'm asking I'm watching the weather alert Southern Jefferson County and then in Kentucky okay give me a moment can you hear me now yeah I can hear you but you're on Sephora you're on Amazon now you're going to something called what is that what's raised now now listen to me I am telling you each and everything why I am doing the activity from there honestly because this is big this is beginning to be a little bit silly what is the purpose of every literally everything that we're doing what is going on why are we doing it no how is this going to help me okay Miss give me a chance to speak please I've got no idea what's going on okay okay now listen to me carefully first of all why I am by doing this thing why I am showing you these things okay you keep on saying things like first of all beforehand but this doesn't seem to be any content or any meaning to the words that come after that so that's what I'd like clarification I'm telling you know I am telling you I'm telling you yes yes tell me what what are we doing why are we doing this and Apple yes so please give me a chance to speak to your your answer okay let's go ahead that is the yeah that is that is the hack if someone have your information like if if your account has been compromised it means some some hacker doing the activity from these things from this side so we gonna block from the this side first so that hacker will come to like buy anything from this site they not be successed okay they automatically block because we have already work on on this site and they do not purchase anything from this site all right understand you got my point or not foreign first of all I am checking your Amazon first because you are if you are placing any order you did not place any order from the Amazon all right amazing can you hear me now yes I I can hear you but like nothing is happening like what is going on you're just flicking around you're just kind of off of off of whatever you were going on before you just kind of grasping at straws would that be fair to say give me a moment I'll just give you a moment I show you each and everything whatever okay but I am doing this okay I'll show you each and everything yep show me each and everything please do yes definitely most definitely I show you each and everything why I'm doing this okay because you are the customer that's why my responsibility to show you each and everything okay yeah I get that I sure do get that too bad what you're doing isn't making any sense at all that's my kind that's kind of my problem at the moment it's just that what you're doing just doesn't make any sense first first of all if you're but because if you are not doing this activity if you're not doing that that is the virtual okay that is not an actual that is a virtual thing which is Point into your race I told you before because that is the site someone used inside from the buy anything so they are not be able to buy anything from this side all right so I gonna block that site first you're going to get my email and I guess you're going to create an account with my email is what you're gonna do yes because someone why are you doing this anything what is this 250 what is this first of all did you see that is the ego you know what actually I wanted to talk to you about this just for one moment okay uh are you expecting me to put in a credit card number here I'm so sorry are you expecting me to put a credit card number in here not your credit card number Miss uh you just put the number of your debit card okay fine yeah fine yeah and and that's basically the same thing okay it do you are you expecting me to put any type of payment information into this screen that we're on right here are you I do you expect me to do you expect me to put in the debit card here because this thing on I'm not going to do that yes yes yes I got cash okay cash is King and I'm using cash and that's about as far as I'm gonna go you're gonna have to figure something else out that's not gonna work Miss no I'm asking you quiet down just calm down just just zip your mouth drink it drink a glass of water and just cool out take a chill pill as my grandson likes to say yes Miss yes calm down you're not gonna get a debit or a credit card number from me in any regard do you understand me I guess I'm a totally understanding okay good what's the next step considering all that and taking all that into consideration about me not putting a debit card number what's the next step okay so go ahead you don't want to secure your debit card my debit card is not insecure my debit card is just fine oh and I just got two text messages from Bank of America saying that there were two fraudulent charges which were blocked one thousand dollars and five hundred okay you got the two messages from the Bank of America yes uh no no this is not a fraudulent mess no this is only the virtual activity I'm just telling you quiet quiet I'm telling you what Bank of America told me Bank of America told me that those two charges that you tried to make from my Zill were fraudulent charges and they have blocked those and they tell me that yeah but I can see it in my bank account website if I just logged into that I could see all the information right there hey don't argue with me I'm not the one saying it's fraudulent it's Bank of America and by the way you're on the line with someone from Bank of America you said so put them on a line okay so you are talking with Bank of America Steve told me that Bank of America was on this phone line with us right now that's what Steve said go ahead Alex Alex Alex Morgan's from the Bank of America because that is the person who doesn't tell him until Alex Morgan this is not my problem yes tell Alex yes so you need to reply you need to reply the message yes y e yes both the messages no quiet there's no yes thing it just tells me that those two charges were blocked because they're fraudulent and and then I could log into my bank portal to see it if I need to and and that's and that's it if you if what are you doing this if I am what are you doing first of all if I am showing you if I show you so I'm showing you okay so what I am doing this okay please give me a moment just look your computer what are you showing me okay Miss just look your computer I'm showing you each and every things why I'm doing this or why that is this is coming coming out in your Bank of America because lots of transaction in your Bank of America for the sell activity do you know every activity from the Bank of America you don't know I think because that somebody already using your Bank of America we are trying to secure your Bank of America while trying to secure your debit card also but you don't do you see your computer that is the black window and you can see that is the Foreigner address okay it's already losing your Bank of America and they are you already connected bank account they are already connected let me tell you let's yes Miss let me tell you that's why I'm not showing you this thing because you are not you are not authorized to me to do the do the thing that's why I'm showing you that is the IP address IP address stands for like Internet Protocol like it's an it's your internet identity okay if you are doing something from the internet like if you're buying something from your internet that is your single identity IP address only the one IP address but there is lots in your system hello yes my IP address why you ask me my IP address well because you said it's your identity and if you know mine I want to know yours okay you don't you want to you want my IP address right I mean listen I I don't even know what an IP is you're just telling me that I'm able to see people who are connected to my computer on this screen you said there are foreigners on my computer yes that's that's the thing I am showing you in your computer because you are not allowing allow me to do the virtual thing okay that's why I'm showing you each and everything in front of your eyes that is you haven't showed me much of anything at all but you know do you see that is the first is already established second established third established and fourth established and 50s with waiting me what there is lots of connection already established Miss and some connection are already in waiting right so you need to block that IP address first so that nothing will happen again I guess so I don't know I don't I don't know what that means but okay let's do it you don't know you don't know that's why I'm showing you because we don't want to lose your money we don't want to lose your identity okay for the floor length charge please try to understand okay that's why I'm showing you each and everything I know you are not a technical person but you are not authorized to me for the virtual thing that's why I'm showing you well that makes sense yeah so you just you need to reply yes first what the message about replying it says oh it actually says do not reply to this text message uh what's up what's the text message Miss can you read the text message for me yes it says hold on one second okay take your time you're checking again I mean that's the gist of it it's got It's got quite a bit more but it just tells me to visit the the Brain Store if I have it or I can call them should I call them right now I could call them not now because once we block that person once we block that person once we block that person after that you can call to your I I'm already connected to your your call to the bank don't worry okay we are working on it because we are blocking those people who already connected right so being a customer please trust please bring a little trust for me okay please keep the little Trust to me so you need to miss put your debit card details here oh I'm sorry have we regressed the whole entire hour and a half I won't be doing that it's almost comical to me now that you think I'm going to do that after I've told you I will not do that I've got loads of cash over here and all you want is a stupid debit card and I'm not going to give it to you uh well then what do you want from me what is it that you need listen listen to me Miss Miss listen to me I am I am working here for helping the who is facing this who is facing the pro for land charge right we don't want your cash cash is yours okay keep your cash in your briefcase okay we don't want your cash I am only securing your debit card I'm securing your account if you allow me so I go ahead told me that those two charges you tried to put up excellently canceled because now I can check if someone have the access of your account so how is possible your debit card has been secure I'm trying to like and I'm trying to tell you for so many time I'm trying to explain you each and everything I show you each and everything well why are you not trust to me foreign just put your debit card details here hold on what happened to The Shopper okay without a scratch probably asleep at the wheel that makes it nice and relaxed awesome Troy did you watch myself hello hello can you hear me now yes can you hear me yes yes what are you doing over there what is that yes you just you need to put your debit card details here okay okay you know what since you asked me the 100th time this time I'm gonna just say okay screw it let's put the debit card in it okay now tell me one thing you don't have debit card you do not have debit card tell me first I'm not asking you again oh yes or not oh trust me I've got one so you got the debit card so you just put the debit card number here I just agreed to do that I I just agreed to do it and you weren't listening the whole what you can enjoy together don't be mad at me please hello can you hear me yep I gosh you're loud [Music] a little faith for me or not tell me one thing because yes that's correct I have a little faith I have little faith for you that's right so just for me you need to put your debit card detail here during your weekend tiny tiny tiny little face it's just the tiniest little I know you're tiny little faith for me people need to sometimes buy expensive cars to make up for how tiny their faith is that means I am not I'm not speak up okay you need to speak up I am securing your I'm securing I'm I'm can you hear me now well of course I can hear you what do you want tell me first what you want I'm trying to risk okay so we're trying to resolve an issue right I'm trying to resolve your issue I'm trying to resolve your credit card debit card I'm securing your debit card what is the problem just please be quiet and listen to me what is this specific and explicit problem that we are trying to resolve here you don't miss first of all you don't want tell me first I'm not asking you again excuse me are you are you ignoring me I said what is this position no I'm not ignoring an explicit problem that we are trying to resolve because Miss why I'm asking you again again with lots of customers are already waiting who is facing the issue of scam right what so please don't uh Miss lots of waiting are lots of customers waiting already waiting okay who are facing the front issues so that's why I'm telling you if you want hello can you hear me now yes first of all now first of all Miss can you hear me now yes do you see someone already like doing the activity in your computer now read the statement of your computer okay guys these Norton guys just keep they will not leave me alone I miss just first of all just click on OK I'm sorry can you please be a little bit more specific please yes Miss do you want to do you want to put that debit card detail in the in that site or not tell me first if you want to I do it if you don't want I never do it tell me first listen do you want or not I I agree to putting the debit card information in that site and but first but first I would like a very specific answer to a very specific question okay yes okay now just try to concentrate on what I'm saying here okay just really really buckle down and listen to the words that are coming out of my mouth okay justness what is the specific problem that I am trying to resolve okay now I'm telling you miss Ed because why you are calling me because someone is this what is oh my god do I have a Microsoft thing Miss let let me speak let me speak first so your question I wrote down that number last time that thing popped up on my computer I really want to call that number and and see what this is all about okay let me let me speak let me speak let me speak I'm like uh tell you each and everything because you call me for the fraudulent charge you are not able to do anything from your computer all right I'm connecting the PayPal secure service because PayPal secure service why I'm connecting the PayPal secure service because once we connect the PayPal secure service after that we can securing hello can you hear me hello can you hear me hello can you hear me yes yes so now I am securing your debit credit card or account if someone wants to purchase from your debit card from your credit card from your account they are not able to do anything without your permission on this website that is the main websites someone old someone use the credit card debit card over here for the purchasing anything all right that's why I'm securing your details from the that site it's or any other sizes some any some any any other side websites okay that's why I'm telling you once you like puts your debit card details here so no one can access your debit card details from this site again you go to my point hello support this is Sandra how can I help you hello Sandra I would like to speak to Alex Morgan please he was helping me with my any desk no problem let me help you out with any death because he's on leave oh now can you please open the any task application okay yes already it's it should be open help me with the number so I can put you on a secured server hit on accept again well thank you for staying online man my name is hello yeah hi well this call has been transferred to me regarding the foreign like the Matrix like the Matrix guy wow that's wonderful so this call has been transferred to me regarding the fraudulent activity that happened in your account okay okay now uh I can see Mom your computer is connected to uh some other device like was you talking to somebody earlier as well yes that's what I've been trying to tell everyone there was someone named Steve Morgan and I was speaking to Alex Morgan before that and they had me do the whole nine yards within the in the any desk and logging into my bank and then looking and and seeing that there was foreign IP addresses whatever that means on my on that black screen huh and they did this whole rigmarole and nothing happened and we got disconnected and I called the number back and I they just put me through to someone who is completely random and I'm just trying to get a hold of what's going on here too but unfortunately it doesn't really do us too much good [Music] mama I understand see I'm not sure what they did and what they were trying to do all I'm right now concerned is that your call has been transferred to me and I'll try and fix the problem for you and get the smile back on your face okay okay that sounds good great so uh step by step I'll let you know what exactly needs to be done over here okay uh now Mom uh do you see the screen on your computer that says that has a small box that has a flower sign and it says admin right uh well I guess [Music] sure okay now yeah just below the profile do you see it says possible scam detected well yeah and that's what my my bank also said that after some that Steve Morgan guy was trying to transfer money to some other phone number and then I got a text message hold on just one second okay and then I got a text message and uh it's from the bank saying that that was marked as fraudulent oh and when did that happen this happened earlier today not more than 30 45 minutes ago okay let me check for that because it might be a possibility that you was talking to the hackers okay who were trying to uh to scammers to a person who was trying to withdraw money from your account well that was Steve Morgan from you from me PayPal who I was just speaking to one moment ago okay and the call got disconnected yeah how many times do I have to go through it how many times I'm not really really I'm not sure go ahead and just tell me the answer to that question what needs to happen next to solve my problem that's the only thing I care about as the only thing I'm gonna answer when I'm uh I'm trying to figure out that what exactly was uh wrong so that I can do a couple of scans I'm here exactly here trust me I'd love to know okay now uh look on the computer screen mom do you see the option uh that says profile and before that it says possible scam detect it right can you just click on the down arrow next to it there's a down arrow next to it can you click on that please yes no one available to take your call please record yourself below that there are check boxes right uh can you click on all those boxes one by one just below possible scam detected [Music] yeah click on all the boxes here one by one thank you [Music] okay now allow me a moment please click on the large box as well ma'am what okay can you click on the last box over here the last box you have to click on that as well thank you now allow me a moment okay I'll just try to figure out so many moments and I'm running out of moments I've got bridge to get to I play I play hacky sack too I and so I just this is just unruly and I've need to watch I've got Mash on it over here and it's it's you know Mash has straight up been on mute since I've been talking to your team and I'd like to unmute it no I understand well I'd like to unmute it I can't do that I am just doing whatever best is possible from my side to secure your account okay now uh can you tell me ma'am uh it shows that your computer is being connected to uh somebody's barging your computer from outside United States and I already know about this so what's next so uh I would like to con uh confirm one thing from you mom like uh have you given the connection or is your computer being used by anybody else apart from you as well no like any family finds no okay no problem so you said that you uh when you was talking to the other guy that took you through your bank right and they were trying to transfer the money to some other phone number that's what you told me right [Music] yes and it was uh they tried to do it twice once for one thousand and one for 500 and I kept on saying why would why why do you need to do this and he told me it was dummy money he said it was money just like Monopoly money that my bank can provide me to kick people out of my my computer or something which I don't understand I'm I'm seeing what they were trying to do was they was trying to do a dummy transaction okay in order so what does that mean why can't you just close it just turn it off press the button it says I want a refund for this crap first of all you need to understand that it's not as easy as you were telling me over the phone right these hackers they are telling me I've spent all my time today on the phone with you people man that is for your own good you have not done it for us you have done it to secure yourself right well it seems like I've been friends most of the work I've been doing most of your work and who's getting paid not me I'm not getting paid I'll tell you that much but you're getting secured ma'am okay ever not secure though no you was not mad so now first of all okay let's um so I don't even know what we have to think it's still a bit unclear tell me one good thing you know do you use venmo can you speak up please you're really quiet am I am I am I audible to you well I guess so now you're breathing into the phone like some type of madman I can hear you every single last bit of your breathing [Music] hear you okay now tell me one good thing ma'am do you use cash app or venmo on your computer or your mobile phone is this PayPal or not [Music] asking you a question right now are you PayPal yes or no and that is the number that you have dialed you should have taught before dialing the number that which number are you dieting yeah and that's and also why are you asking me about venmo in WhatsApp I'm I'm asking you about that because these applications are interconnected right so that is what I'm telling you ma'am if you are calling this number and you want my help let me do my work rather than asking me questions that will not help you out okay if you will let me complete my work and answer the questions that I'm asking that will make your job and my job I'm sorry well I don't have a job I'm retired you've got a job so you do your job okay no you does it just now you was worried about getting paid so I thought even you are working right no I'm not getting paid for anything I you're getting paid so I'm retired I am retired I'm at a retired school teacher um no uh no but we need to understand ma'am uh the job is to secure your account but the kind of questions that you're asking is not going to help any of us okay straight answer no no you give me a straight answer so that I can help you out okay rather than making the conversations now open the bank account that you said that the hack the people were trying to transfer the money from log into your account okay do you want to take a guess at how many times I've done this for you and Steve Morgan and Alex Morgan no no ma'am no I'm not sure and that's not my job to do a case over here listen you can't pick and choose what you want to hear you can't pick and choose no no I'm in control I'm in control here the problem if if you was in control man you would have not faced a problem so you need to understand that you are not in control you are a victim out here what is my I'm trying to help you literally like what is my problem I don't even know if I have a problem the problem is that there was a hacker okay who was trying to do the transactions from your Paypal account that is the reason you have received the text and that is also been blocked by my bank so who so what's next I mean I don't have a problem they blocked them my bank blocked him I'm the banker ma'am the bank would not be able to block the hackers on the PayPal they did block him it said this has been marked as fraudulent and this is not this charge is not going through so that is what I'm saying ma'am they are talking about one particular Transaction what if the hackers will try from a different ID again well then they'll block that too you try you want me to log into my bank correct man okay and uh beforehand Steve Morgan made me log into my bank five different times and I made him promise me on the last time that I wouldn't have to do it again and he promised me that I wouldn't have to do it again but here we are Mr Mio by the way what is your last name it's Foster f-o-s-t-e-r Neo n-e-o Foster Neo Foster okay that is a wonderful name thank you so much well thank you for helping me in dealing with you because the other two guys the Steve and Alex Morgan I said they I think they said they were Twins or they're at least brothers because they have the same last name those guys are a couple of Knuckleheads if you ask me a couple of Rascals I really apologize if you faced any problem okay so you said that you was a teacher so what you used to teach mom well I used to teach a little bit of English and a little bit of a basketball oh wow I'm a retired English and basketball teacher that's correct okay so do you see this your bank uh I was the um uh girl in my high school graduating class can you take a guess at how tall I am no ma'am you have to tell me that I'm six five oh my God I'm a beast I am a huge woman you're good in sports well this way before my my husband passed away rest his soul he uh let's just say I wore the pants he didn't do any talking back to me that's for sure Steve okay now can you click on certified checking 2908 and check the activities over there okay [Music] oh dang it you know what these Norton people have been trying to to get me to give them these gift cards I bought for them for the past I don't know how long again okay and up hello what I'm just checking oh you put me on speakerphone I don't do speakerphone take me off of that oh no it's not a speakerphone map so I'm just trying to check these transactions so are these the transaction 499 and 1 000 that you was talking about yes that's the ones and those are fraudulent charges okay and uh these transactions uh they did a few hours back right I don't know an hour an hour and a half or something that's what um he wants me to redeem these Google Play gift cards I had to go get four of these for them what hello yeah hello yes Mom can you hear me yeah but listen you put me on speakerphone or you're not talking into the mic use the phone have you ever used one of these yes ma'am uh you need to understand that I am working from last seven years and this is my job that I do more than 12 hours a day right you could have fooled me and that is the reason they have a body yeah and that is the reason they have awarded me as a manager so need not to worry you know I know what I'm doing and I'm doing best for you so you not to be worried about that okay begs the differ go ahead now now tell me ma'am you said that you spoke to your bank about this so your bank called you up or you called your bank about these transactions well uh your your co-worker Steve Morgan made these charges here and I see a phone number associated with that and an email associated with that and that has been reported by my bank as being fraudulent and they're looking into that they're gonna I said they've contacted the FTC about that and they asked me for your phone number okay uh uh that's what I need to verify over here Mom do you see the options yeah you need to talk into the phone it really is like your first day here isn't it no Mom you were wrong in that uh if you look on the computer screen ma'am on the top of the screen do you see the option help and support [Music] yes I do you see the option helps can you please click on that there you go I've clicked it no no okay now uh there would be a contact number uh because I would be reporting this to your bank from our side as well and I'm sure your bank would be giving you a call bank already knows about it been reported to the FTC okay now you have already called the bank and they said that they have reported the transactions to the FTC right yes okay so uh I'm just checking the number so that I can also report same information uh from our site to your bank okay now tell me ma'am uh do you have the number for the bank can you provide me with the number for the bank yes it's the same number it always is uh it's just the Bank of America phone number so just call that no I want the number that is at the back of your debit card that is okay I'm ready oh wait wait hold on hold on it looks like we've got Bank of America customer service right there on my computer hold on let's see if we can did you want to type to them what what are you doing why did you close that I'm looking I'm looking for because uh I first want to record okay so if you would look did you want my uh my Bank's phone number correct Mom 1-800-432-1000 that's my bank phone number okay I'll repeat the number again it's 1-800-432-1000 right one zero zero zero right yep and by the way you could just could use the internet you'd be able to find that number it's a it's everywhere it's the number for Bank of America one of the largest banks in the world so it's not like you know it's not hidden information it's readily available for anyone to have a look at so okay now what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to uh where's this application okay I'm going to forward the same concern to the bank from our side as well okay what yeah from the side of paper from the side of PayPal I'm marking an email to your bank as well there's a lot of noise from the background well it's not a lot of noise I've got the TV I've got a television on because Bill Nye the Science Guy is on the TV and I love Bill Nye the Science Guy it's great it really is uh he's wonderful time the number on which we are talking is this is the only number you have any other phone number this is it waiting uh and how do you spell your first and last name at nailed Harris n e l d h a r r i s nailed Harris and I said this to you in your business over there about a hundred times okay just allow me a moment Mom okay just allow me a quick one and let me just be frank with you okay I'm getting pissed the F off right now okay uh in order to mark them on email can you just now try to log into your account once again [Music] like literally are you joking are you kidding me right now why I'm asking that is because I'm marking an email to the bank okay on your account there's a customer ID that I need to mention to them so once you log into your account all I need yes thank you I just need to check that customer ID is this a joke is this are you joking with me so I'm just trying to understand that what exactly tall or something like that oh man why do you think that if it was a prank call I would have because I have explained well you did you tried to charge fifteen hundred dollars and it got marked as fraudulent what are you doing you're just clicking around you just oh willy-nilly just flicking around in my in my in my bank I can address what I just said you promised me I wouldn't have to do it again you pissed me the F off what are you gonna say Mom all I have to say is that I'm just doing my job to make your money I'm sorry you say I'm sorry neld and I promise you won't ever have to do that again say those words to me right now um I'm just going to ask you point blank are a couple of screws loose in your brain is something is something wrong am I talking to someone who has a who is fully functioning mentally right now or am I talking to someone with a couple of screws loose I'm not sure of that all I know is that I am talking to a lady who is very rude really what to do rude who has no manners to talk over the phone oh he has no respect for the other person listen I have respect for you dear I just want you to be able to talk into the mic properly I can't understand you no Are you rude just because you are retired or you are you were like this all your life well my friends and my family seem to think I'm very pleasant to be around but then money will talk like this like what I've done everything you've wanted me to do and then some and you've been very misleading with some of the questions and some of the answers you've been giving me okay matter of fact you have been outright deceiving in what you have been saying to me this whole time no let's let's let's uh can you tell me like how far is your bank from your home what do you specify my points I'll send you to the bank I'll speak to your manager and I'll figure it out how far is Bank of America from your place well it couldn't be more than 20 or 30 minutes away okay and do you have a car to drive to the bank well of course okay so uh you have to call this number once you reach the bank because I would like to confirm your account details first and if they verify that yes you are a customer I would tell you what exactly needs to be done well we could just call up Bank of America right now what do you say so that's what I'm saying because I gave you a number did you receive the call any call from Bank of America no I've not received any call from Bank of America okay and the number that you gave me the account number I have forwarded the details okay if you are a correct customer they would be giving you a call and they will tell you what needs to be done okay here I'm calling them right now okay be on the line be on the line be on the line I'm giving you a details quiet shut up God just shut your mouth you're just an annoying are you crazy are you crazy you're just really obnoxious just give me one moment I'm calling Bank of America thank you welcome to Bank of America this call may be recorded okay are you ready for this to get started hello I didn't understand okay in order to get you to the right place in a few words please tell me what you're calling about yes I am calling about I'm on the phone with PayPal with Mr Neo Neo correct right Neo yes ma'am yes my mom listening to you okay and I and Neo is from PayPal and he has made two fraudulent charges on my bank which you have marked as fraudulent and you have removed them and so now I'm trying to get you on the line to verify my information hello yes well hey this is uh Bank of America how can I help you today well I'm on the line here with uh with with Steve or or Neo right Neil Neil Foster okay Neo uh what can I do for you in transaction okay however I'm not able to see any such transaction from our end okay [Music] um you're not able to see a transaction from from your end is is that what you said okay I actually have uh Miss Harris's uh information pulled up here do you have a transaction ID that you're trying to get us to look at right now or something Neo she said that uh there were two cell transactions that was done in today's date for five hundred and one thousand dollars yeah I actually I'm I'm seeing and and honestly just real quick you know before we go further uh neld is it okay to to talk about this on the line with with Neo here absolutely okay uh uh that's very interesting okay um so uh Neo I'm seeing transaction numbers 12 55 and 12 56. and one was for one thousand dollars and one was for for 4.99 and both of the transactions came from either an email address or a phone number that we have marked as fraudulent in our in our back end over here did did you want to uh address that now I would like to confirm how uh you guys came to the conclusion that these transactions from were from PayPal that is what I wanted to know why would people do as a transaction in customers account well specifically um there's there's a phone number 513-866 and that particular number was flagged as either a tech support scam or a refund to scam in the past okay and now did you make this this transaction was that you foreign sorry to cut you off there Neo um so this is nailed hi I'm the one who called you okay already so the thing is is that he did make these transactions and even right now he's using something called any desk on my computer and he's clicking through all of my bank and and all of my bank account okay uh Neo can you can you please shed some light here um uh she says that you're the one that charged this um and in the other email by the way is f-d-e-t-y-s-q at hey Neo this is um this is this is our customer this is Miss Nelda Harris and uh it seems like you may be a a scammer here is that is that right he's actually on my computer and he's trying to do something with my no I'm just trying to understand things that I closed it okay sir listen listen sir it's it seems like it seems like you're the scammer here and that we're going to have to report your number to the FTC now were you the other person because I'm seeing all kinds of fraudulent charges on her account here using Zell yeah are you the other one too seems like maybe we both have wasted his time for over three hours today yep that sounds about right that's about right yep he fell for the whole Spiel the fake Bank the the whole nine yards he went right down the rabbit hole and he fell for it he's been duped again how does that make you feel sir yeah how does that make you feel there Mr Neo hello hello Neo Mr Neo
Channel: Scam Sandwich
Views: 72,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YMrvyv8Qoxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 12sec (6192 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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