Which To Choose: Sub Compact vs MicroCompact (Micro 9)

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foreign this is Amber Striker here one of the questions I get asked quite often is with these Micro Compact high capacity guns out are the regular subcompacts even still relevant why would I even look at them so I want to talk about that today because there are some reasons why you might so for this particular video I've got a Canik mate mc9 which is canik's latest Micro Compact and right behind it I've got a Canik tp9 Elite subcompact and this is their latest in their kind of the regular double Stacks the classic double Stacks up compacts and between these two there's kind of some reasons why you would choose one or the other and every manufacturer is different so some of the reasons might apply to a particular manufacturer's line and some of the reasons might not so first just to understand well what is these micro contacts what are they and what I've got here I want to have a magazine it still this is your classic Glock 26 size subcompact you know the baby glock this is what was concealed carry for quite a long time this footprint and then there were a lot of single Stacks that came out that were thinner lighter smaller but the capacity was drastically lower classically these held 10 between 10 and 12 in this format and this particular one as you see it looking at it holds 12 in its flush magazine and there's a 17 round magazine available for it and most of these micro compacts in the sink when they were single Stacks they held six or seven it was a really low capacity most of these now that you're seeing things like the p365 and the Hellcat and this one they hold more than that this one holds 12 and it's flush magazine but I would say kind of the minimum buyer to be considered this category as minimum is 10. you're seeing a kind of 10 11 12 again they're flush mags and if you look at them quickly just kind of glancing at them you might not even really be able to tell the difference between them what's but what how are these two any different now most of these micro compacts are coming with larger magazines that you can get a little more capacity and you start to give up the compactness so this can be either your inside the waistband but when you put it in your pocket you would have the smaller mag this particular one is 15 but they vary anywhere between 12 and 15 and the higher capacity mags that come with them and most of them will come with one of the standard capacity you know that this case 12 and one of the little bit higher so you could carry this ankle pocket things like that with the flush mag oh yeah if you're going to carry it inside the waistband you can pop the bigger mag into it one of the things you tend to find with a lot of these though is they generally won't take the magazines from their bigger brother so if you look at something like the p365 will not take the 320 magazines the Hellcat will not take XDM magazines so you generally in most of these you're limited to the magazines that are available to it the Canik happens to be an exception the mc9 the mete mc9 will take magazines from others in the line such as the tp9 elite so compact the magazines are basically the same design and they are interchangeable that's not usual the micro compacts you're generally going to give up that larger magazine compatibility and the mechanic magazines there's 17 19 21 round magazines available for the the tp9 series so in this particular case because they're they're interchangeable and they'll take each other's magazines that opens it wide up but if you move towards something like let's say you're looking at the Springfield you're looking at the Hellcat which is their Micro Compact or the XD out there's 20 plus round magazines available for the XDM that will not work in that in the Hellcat and most of the manufacturers are that way another thing that you tend to get to have a lot is which Panic is another exception most modern subcompacts these days the regular sadal subcompacts are coming with at least one or two replaceable back straps it allows you to customize the grip it customizes the thickness of the grip from front to back and in some cases the Contour XDM has it Glock has it and all their their Sub Compact and above most of the micro compacts again put this can it be in an exception to that rule most of them you don't get the replaceable back strap feature so whatever the grip is is what the grip is and this is one of the things that's important what makes them different generally is thickness so when you look at the grip is thicker on the regular subcompact than the micro compact and the slide profiles notice the difference in the slides and you know basically all the dimensions of the frame the micro compacts are thinner that is one of the advantages to them one of the reasons why you might choose a micro compact I want something thin especially if you're going to put it in your pocket or strap it to an ankle however depending on the size of your hand that thinness can result in and I'll even put a magazine it just makes it a little bit easier it can result in not getting a perfect grip now the replaceable back straps on the mechanic it helps adapt to that but you can find that it just doesn't fit right in your hand that's a compromise you may be willing to give up to get at least reasonable capacity in a smaller gun but the bigger your hand gets the harder it is going to be to get one of these things to fit comfortably in your hand and get a good grip whereas you notice the standard subcompact It just fits I grab a hold of it it just fits in my hand I can shoot the littler one but I can more easily shoot this one wow so what you may find is these are a little harder to shoot while require a little more work are they mechanically accurate yeah they're mechanically accurate there's there's no if it's a Well Done one by one of the better manufacturers that's doing them there's no mechanical accuracy problem the question is can you working with the gun be accurate with it the other thing is up until recently most of the micro compacts didn't have MLS capability but now they do our Optics ready capability now a lot of them do p365 the Hellcat they've all come out with Optics ready versions but one of the things you'll find is that most of them have a thinner slide just like I showed you earlier and as a result you need a narrower optic which results and I don't have to have an optic on this one but if you had an optic that were to fit the narrower slide properly and not hang over the edges it would have a narrower viewing window which again makes it a little hard to pick it up whip it up in front of your face find the dot and shoot accurately quickly can you do it yes you just have to practice more and I think you're going to find a lot of that's going to come down to the little ones you have to do a little more work to shoot them well you have to practice with them more and you have to learn on them whereas generally the sub cover the standard double stacks of compacts they shoot the same as their Compact and full-size companions so when you've learned the manual of arms on one take a Glock you go to clock 26 Glock 19 Glock 34. they all they all handle the same the little ones can be a little snappier that extra couple ounces that makes them easier to carry also means that you're absorbing more of the recoil you know simple physics that energy is going to go somewhere if you have a little bit heavier gun the gun absorbs some of the energy if you have the gun is lighter you take what the gun does it so it can make them a little bit snappier which can affect people that have grip strength issues so if you've got either bigger hands or you have hands that have issues holding on to it it's a little harder to hold something like this in your hand and control it and even the slides when I pop the pop the Mags out of them to make a thinner lighter slide in a thinner lighter gut work they generally have to have slightly stiffer Springs so you can find that the slides can be a little more effort to pull on the micro compact than they are to pull on the regular size one there's more mass in the slide it's a little bit longer it's a little bit wider so the spring doesn't have to be quite as stiff so if you've got arthritis or issues with your hands for a number of reasons you may find that going to a standard subcompact as opposed to a micro compact is going to give you other ergonomic advantages so it's kind of one of the things to look at is the marketing discussion you know everything is like small high capacity why would you still get one of these there may be some reasons a couple other things to look at they generally are shorter which is part of the advantage but to do that you generally take compromises let's say in the size of the trigger guard now I've got no problem putting my hand in the trigger card but you notice there's room for my finger and not a whole lot else if I were in a winter climate a northern climate and I had big bulky gloves I might have a hard time actually getting in here when you move up to right your standard subcompact because they're not trying to make it as small as possible there's room for a more generous trigger guard and there's room for two of my fingers in here before I actually compress the trigger now of course you're not going to try to put two fingers in there but let's just say I had a winter glove on now I'm usually more easily able to get into there so there are some reasons why you still see standards of compacts on the market obviously there's a large reason why these micro compacts exist there's a lot of advantages to them one other note a lot of the micro compacts at least earlier didn't have any kind of rail they're now coming with rails pretty much all of them they figured out how to do it even in the narrower frame slide frame size so what I in summary are micro compacts bad absolutely not there's a real use for them there's a real market for them our subcompact double Stacks classic guns obsolete absolutely not they're still a market for them which one's good for you kind of look at the problem you're trying to solve if you're going to carry inside the waistband inside a standard inside the waistband holster you've got the room for this and now you've got some of the flexibility a lot of these the XDM series come with very well-formed magazine extensions kind of like this but actually really contoured to match the frame so that you can have you know to a finger grip in the subcompact a three finger grip when you're putting one of the extended magazines and in the course magazines that hold significantly more capability so the if you don't have the need to try to hide it in the smallest possible place pocket ankle things like that you might want to consider something like a standard double stack subcompact if you need the lightest smallest possible footprint you need that thin footprint maybe your body style or where you want to store it pocket ankle things like that look at a micro compact but look at ones that have as much of flexibility of the larger ones as possible things like this Canik I'm kind of an important side note if you're watching this video and you've been concealed carrying for a while you're going to look and say I pocket carry a glock 26 I pocket carry uh whatever and I've been doing it forever and you're right you can pocket carry these oh I got big legs I'm a decent sized guy so I can pocket carry a Glock 29 which is a 10 millimeter subcompact without a problem if you've got a smaller bodies tighter pants you want to be a little more stylish then you're possibly going to have a little more hard time pocket carrying something like this you might move to something like this you might have issues with it ball you know printing or pulling down on your pants and kind of creating a kind of a sideways look so it really kind of depends there's more options to hide this there's more options to more easily shoot this well and have additional magazine capacities and larger red dots so it really just comes down to what's the problem you're trying to solve when you're trying to pick one of these things beyond that if you like our videos please give us a thumbs up share subscribe please consider supporting us on player where we can start doing videos that you can't do on YouTube anymore we're also on Instagram Twitter Rumble getter pretty much everywhere
Channel: Hammer Striker
Views: 7,545
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Id: F5qSNsP6BkE
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Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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