Canik METE MC9 Tabletop Review and Field Strip

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Canik has been knocking it out of the park lately when the mete line came out there was a complete update to the frame and slides more on that it's of course in our mechanic guide over on then the Rival came out pushing things even further Shifting the weight of the slide changing the way that the gun handles more recently we had the Rival s a steel frame all these by the way we've reviewed and are on the channel of course spectacular guns all big guns and people have been asking when the heck is connecting to do something small like they did back when they did the SC well now we have the MC tabletop review and field strip is coming up we're going to go over what's in the box take a look at the manual fit finish and features gonna Field Strip the thing check for chamber support a little bit of trigger talk all coming up next on GB guns after all those larger guns it's nice to have a smaller case for once notice that this does have holes for running locks through I'm not sure how durable the polymer would be but at least it's a lockable case it's a nice touch so we open it up we have envelope with our owner's manual and some paperwork and a quick cheat sheet for those who are not familiar with how canix come apart and go together they are a little bit different than what some people are used to also a nice big note about the tool kit so I can get this thing out of the top these cute little guns that come in the more modern mechanics are a tool kit you can see that's a bit driver there and inside you've got your Dr your drivers and screws for mounting Optics that they've now made a hey pay attention because a lot of folks didn't realize that this was in here let me get this stuff out of the way and now we can see what's in the box itself so the gun comes with a chamber flag already in it and a holster these holsters are reversible to inside or outside the waistband we've got one mag in the gun a pinky rest four plate if you want a loader and a larger mag this is a 15 rounder with an extension on the bottom or sleeve rather up top is that cleaning or that tool kit that I mentioned we've got a nice punch for driving up the pins because this is a mete gun so it is a little more user friendly for really stripping the thing down far if you want to I've seen uh on in the social groups like on Facebook lots of folks doing kind of all kinds of wild cerakoting and things a lot easier to do when you can knock thing apart we've got a brush cleaning rod and our two additional back straps that's right interchangeable back straps on a micro gun is a nice thing I'm excited about that before we hit the range Miss T and I will find which of the three the one on the gun are these other two fits us best as a compromise and you'd be surprised to learn that yeah it does make a difference and yes there are some guns where we find that one size fits her medium hands and my double XL hands better than the other two get this out of the way we can get a look at the gun but first let's take a look let's take a look at the manuals because sometimes there's some good information in there even if you consider yourself familiar with Firearms sometimes there's something in here worth looking at it also gives us an indication as to how well the company wants you to know and understand their firearm and it shows YouTube that when I Field Strip this thing I'm not modifying the gun it's actually here in the manual so the font is nice and big we've got gloss paper uh good quality paper so nicely done there there's all the specs you can pause and read if you want or check out our article over on or we'll have all that stuff I did not see anything in here about plus P ammunition other than using over pressured ammunition convoid to warranty so is that considered over pressured or not a YouTube moderator here we are field stripping you can see the steps and that's exactly what I'm going to be doing especially and reinstallation but manual overall no major notes of them seem decently done before we get new fit finish features and all that want to compare against the Canik tp9 Elite SC since I know a lot of you accounting folks are probably wondering what's the difference is there really much of a difference I was wondering the same thing grabbed our SC and wanted to show you comparison wise is this really a micro or is this just the SE redone and you might be thinking it's the SC redone let me show you some things for you set your mind to that if I set these end to end you can see that the MC is indeed shorter if I set the barrel hoods together you can see that the barrel on the MC is shorter and the slide is also a little bit shorter clicking of the magazine release on the elite SC we had a full-size mag release as in the same that was on the regular guns of the time on the MC it is a smaller magazine release they also made it a little bit narrower and quite a bit lighter by chopping off zoom in so you can see where the slide flares out classically on mechanics that hump there you can see on the MC is significantly smaller makes for a narrower thinner gun so you've got a shorter lighter thinner gun with less protrusion from the controls those are the differences as far as magazines might be wondering is there interchange and this is something I thought was fascinating our Elite SC magazine does not work but that's because of this floor plate meant for the SC keep in mind this is pre-meditated sign if I take a MAG out of the sfx without the floor plate becoming an issue it locks in and fits just fine so although this is a micro compact you've got magazines that follow the same tube size as the regular canix which means you have magazine interchangeability now if you ever use a magazine like this where it's from a bigger gun does not have a sleeve here like the factory included 15 router has that sleeve that sleeve helps protect the gun and the magazine using it without a sleeve if you jam that in real hard you run the risk of slightly over inserting matching the magazine matching the ejector all kinds of unhappy things that can happen inside so yes you can use these just be careful not to smash them in too hard unless you've got a sleeve on here that's going to serve as ear stop there you can also tell looking at the back strap that it is smaller and a smaller frame see it's a little bit shorter and we've got the texturing from the side on the back as well instead of just the grid marks there that were used on the earlier and I guess see I hope that answers some questions yes this is a different gun yes it is smaller and lighter 12 round or 15 round or if you want to get silly you can throw in the big 20 around with the extension on it but you're not really giving up much capacity to get a gun that is slightly smaller thinner lighter and more modern on the design now we can take a look at Finish fit and features of the little guy start off of course by showing clear and you notice right up top you have a little chamber indicator this is the type that pops up to give you something you can both see but more importantly feel when you can't otherwise see if there's around the chamber we know it's clear we'll check for magazine ejection or release nice kick there slide his back and the gun is upside down so you know it's actually kicking nice little positive help to get the magazine out of the gun and we'll check see how this other side slide release works it does just fine and locks open that's nice not every gun company that has an Ambi slide release has one that actually really functions so starting up front you can see we've got a flat front end with the recoil assembly muzzle of the barrel and the end of the slide all ending roughly at the same spot and we're devoid of that little bit of step and there's still a little bit of a little bit there see if I can get the light to hit it to make re-holstering easy but this is a carry gun so getting back to the holster really doesn't matter no gunfights were won by re-holstering faster than the other guy underneath we have three rail spots which is nice and very optimistic it's not a whole lot that can fit in that amount of space there but it does leave you room for those ones that have a rear biased slot if you're adding a light or laser the front of our trigger guard has a texture for the European style grip if you want we still have a little bit of an undercut under the trigger guard not as dramatic as you get on the full size of course because there's not as much space on this gun to do that in the first place our trigger Guard art is of course radiused nicely underneath to prevent Glock knuckle and you can see our texture on the front strap is that texture that has been become known since the canic mate lion came out a little bit of concave doesn't seem as much maybe this is flatter than the other models the other ones have a wee bit of concave to them just allows room for flush an attempt at beveling not really because there's not really room for it on the gun that is Slim do you still have that heel I love that heel for reloads as it serves as a guide to be able to hit the mag against and come in with and the texture on the back strap that's a nice update to the older ones heck even the went to sfx was still using that uh diamond on the back doesn't make a difference well the front strap and back strap are the two areas where grip is most important or at least traction is as the gun attempts to rock and little guns like this they're lightweight tend to rock even more so I appreciate that we still have those dimples there that allow the flush someplace to go if your hands are small enough normally it hits about here on my hand but with a gun this small it's hitting in an area that doesn't need it Slide the frame fit very tight in the rear and fairly tight up front part of that is the lack of Leverage because it's such a short barrel 3.18 inches so 0.08 inches longer than your 365 if you will you can see we have a striker indicator this pops out home Striker's armed and when this track is released it's gone so you can know if you've got a dead trigger because the Striker has been tripped or if you're trying to pull on a round or not you can see our sight picture we have a nice big white dot up front and blacked out rear I love that that is easy easy to grab and our Optics cut notice it has moved forward and fits so that you will still have the rear sight don't know off the top of my head for sure but I'm willing to bet this is the micro optic cut so the shield rmsc and at that size coming around the right side of the gun so we've got our controls our magazine release is reversible I see down there let's do some trigger talk over here those who know and love canix love these triggers you have a very thin safety blade in the middle that prevents it from firing now as you can tell by the striker indicator in the back this is a pre-cock striker setup which makes this first pull fairly light you're taking up some tension but it's not a lot of effort required come back to the wall clean brake and do they retain that super short reset oh yeah this is the gun that can be fired quickly if you want to also something to keep aware of if we'll see when we get to the range how flippy this thing is but sometimes guns are too small for your hand or hard to hold on to you may not want to trigger that short light it feels to me let's try that against let's go latest and greatest with the steel frame [Music] now I would say this is a lighter trigger so again it did deliberately go with something a little more cherry friendly [Music] of course these guns have a lot of round certain words this is brand new so maybe it's a matter of them being broken in but this trigger to me feels more carry appropriate than most of the other Canon triggers which is a good thing I appreciate that and respect that one this was first announced one of my concerns was Hee can't it triggered a gun that small that might be a handful but it seems like they did a good job here next we'll Field Strip the MC and take a look inside field stripping mechanics is similar although different from a lot of other strike Bird Guns out there and then the slide doesn't come all the way off the front I'll show you what I mean we've checked for clear we're going to release the striker pull down the takedown tabs at that black Square on both sides we're going to slide back a little bit forward it releases and then just comes off you'll find a spot where it stops and it comes off the top gives a chance to look inside and if the camera will focus you'll see we've got the basic Canon design which follows very similar to the Walther P99 PDQ nice metal insert there trigger mechanism looks like it's all on its own little chassis that actually seems different to me than the others two pins retaining all this and you see that those pins are divided that's for use with the tool that came in the box so you can knock this thing out and strip the frame completely if you want to as far as our slide we're going to add some pressure on The Recoil spring so it unlocks and comes out and we've got a steel a dual spring setup I appreciate these dual Spring setups what that tends to do is make the gun a little bit easier to Rack because you can get some momentum as you're pulling rearward before the strength of the other spring starts to really play a role also tends to make for smoother shooting guns if that's true or not with this guy we'll find out when we get to the range the burning action just tap the barrel to unlock it bring it forward a little bit just and out see our Barrel campered Edge on there and our nice polished broad feed ramp this should be hollow point and we can take a look inside of our slide the very nicely machined very well done Canik has been just really knocking out of the park lately with our tiny little Barrel we'll check for chamber support next chambersport is checked with using some nozzler match I've been using the same box for years to do this because well it's really nicely made brass and precision loaded so I can trust that if this fits or not it's an indicator as to how the chamber is fit as far as chamber fitment it looks all nicely polished there I can't get any light in to show you but what we're looking for is dropping this in listening for the plunk see if it can turn freely and it can and then we want to see how much of the brass a forward of the end shoulder I can't even focus for you is exposed and it looks like none this appears to be a fully supported chamber that's something I like to see although the manual does state that using reloads or overpressured rounds we'll avoid your warranty and put you at risk the reason why a fully supported chamber is important is because Barrel sits in like this and should you have an overpressure for some reason and the case wants to rupture that would be where it's not supported it blows the case out and sends all of that Force about was it 30 35 or 55 000 PSI I can't quite remember I'm sure one of you will comment in a section for 9 mil out into the gun usually blows the magazine at the bottom it can bulge or crack or destroy your frame which is the firearm and scare the veggie beside you might even hurt you so it's nice to have a fully supported chamber like this mechanic does as I reassemble this we'll talk about what will be in the range video should be coming up shortly you will get our cold shots First Impressions absolute first shots out of the gun from two Shooters Miss Tia and I and then we'll uh take full mag plus one here you guys saw how that went back together you set it down which one I'll stop please there we go set it back down where it came off there's a little release a little relief in the bottom of the slide here line that up over your front rails and just pull back on the slide and everything will lock up quick functions check after we do the full magazine plus one and see how the gun runs fully stuffed you'll get our trademark what's for dinner test where we'll run 10 additional loads through the gun of different case materials projectile shapes overall links different weights Etc to see how the gun runs on that we'll try sights and Trigger control on our spinner Target then give you some practical accuracy shots from two Shooters before giving you the concluding thoughts from two different Shooters which should be pretty interesting I think in the 12 round mag it's going to be a little bit short for me but I did notice this 15 rounder lets me get a whole grip on there so it's probably gonna be my favorite at least four reviewing it again if you get any questions about this or any of the other mechanic models you can check out our guide over at or leave comments here and hope that I get back to you thanks for watching
Channel: GBGuns
Views: 135,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GBGuns, Graham Baates, new canik, canik mete, field strip, MC9, Canik Mete MC9, mete mc9 vs elite sc, mete mc9 review, mete mc9 release date
Id: 3IUBWIj1b4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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