Which Supplements are Best for Your Brain Type? with Dr. Parris Kidd - TBWWP with Dr. Daniel Amen

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[Music] we have a very special guest today I'm actually really happy and excited to introduce dr. Paris Kay - I'm gonna let you introduce dr. parris kidd because you have worked so closely with him in developing our supplement line and you are so knowledgeable and I've had so many people ask us questions we're just so honored to have you here to be able to answer these questions well I talked him I know so that he would come in so when we decided to develop brain and MD I wanted the best scientists in the world to help me develop our products and at the time dr. Kidd was the chief scientists for doctors best and he you know because of his own contract he couldn't do that Paris is a PhD in cell biology from UC Berkeley he's been in the supplement industry 35 years and he's just one of the sweetest brightest most well-respected people in the nutritional supplement industry he is the chief science officer for brainmd we are grateful to call him our friend yes welcome to the brain wave a podcast and thank you very much and it's really a pleasure to work with both of you thank you and we're so excited because I get so many questions and I know generally some general information about supplements but I want to be able to really supply this information in more detail to our people because they're really curious they're hungry for a lot of information right so can we start off with like why should people take supplements or should they or you know what a lot of family doctors will say right it's no more than expensive urine yeah and you don't need them if you have and this is the kicker if you have a balanced diet right right which no one does and let me let me preface this by saying that there's a lot of fake information yeah available to people now and there's a lot of warfare between different parties about dietary supplements so I follow the science I've been following the science all this time science is what I do so I go to the primary sources to get all this information and one thing that's very very clear is that survey after survey indicates that all over the world people are not getting sufficient vitamins and minerals from their foods very very clear there are markers for the availability of vitamins and minerals and there just is not enough being provided by the foods to a large extent because the foods are way poorer quality than they used to be there are a lot more calorie dense and a lot less nutrient dense and so it's very important that people understand that vitamins and certain minerals called essential minerals are important for life if we don't get them we die sorry so these are substances that actually run our enzyme systems that make energy from our foods and allow us to use that energy to maintain our tissues and to grow and to do all the things that make us human so so these these are not arbitrary luxury items these are items that are absolutely required for health and we differ also in our genetic makeup everyone has a unique genetic makeup and everyone has genes that don't work as well as they should therefore each person has each person will have certain increased requirements for particular vitamins and minerals and therefore it makes for a very very good preparation I call it nutritional health insurance for people to take supplements in order to be sure that all of the vitamins and minerals they're getting then beyond that we have other types of dietary supplements such as many herbals that have been shown to improve function when they are taken under control circumstances and so as I follow the clinical trials what I'm seeing is that there are literally thousands of clinical trials conducted at the best academic and research centers around the world that are showing that vitamins and minerals and herbals and other types of dietary supplements actually improve health so we can go from the concept of sort of surviving all the way through to optimal health and for those of us who deal with the brain we want to have our brains working as best they can therefore for brainmd I'm assisting you to make the very very best supplements that we can to optimize the functioning of the brain another factor is that stress the stress of living in today's world including all the chemical pollutants to which you're exposed emotional stress stress from infections and stress from whatever source lack of sleep etc depletes nutrients it draws nutrients from the body so does alcohol so does smoking even passive inhalation of cigarette smoke and also a lot of medications yes some of which people take for granted will deplete nutrients birth control pills acetaminophen yeah I won't I won't give the brand name for that but people can easily figure out what that is see the meaner thing is terrible on the liver because it it draws many of the liver nutrients ibuprofen so for all of those reasons and for other reasons it's very very very good idea to be on a dietary supplement it's like an insurance policy almost yeah yeah I call it a nutritional health insurance right so I love that so you actually read my mind and you answered like most of my questions and that one which is great which is why I love like you're just amazing you're this wealth of information because not just diet but it's true what you say is so true people will say but I eat healthy okay that's great but are you sleeping are you getting super high quality food you're not polluting your diet with other stuff are you sleeping enough are you meditating and praying and not exposed to stress are you eating because when people tell me I have a really great diet right don't you remember oh yeah great as we went into this kitchen of a woman weren't you there I was and she said she was a pescetarian you know shade just vegetables and fish and then but there was like we pull out and then all the chocolates yet isn't around and according to the CDC 93% of the US population does not have five servings of fruits and vegetables a day the minimum required to get the nutrition you need and a study we did here at Amen Clinics we looked at 50 consecutive patients 49 of them had suboptimal levels of omega-3 fatty okay so you can test for this we know and you can be tested to know whether you are where you're at with your nutrients right and more than 90 percent of Americans are not getting enough vitamin D and more than 50 percent aren't getting enough magnesium well that's what we do here is we test people we want to know we're not just gonna give you randomly willy-nilly but one thing I love you said is genetics okay so I'm one of those people I don't like it but the fact is I was born with lousy genetics okay it just is what it is and I know people will often say but that's not fair I shouldn't have to worry about that get over it life's not fair that's where I tell my daughter all the time it's like fair is a place with bad food and farm animals right it has nothing to do with life over it and just fix it and that's a genetic issue since I was born too late but just think about the vitamin foliot right some 50% of Caucasians have a mutation in the enzymes that manage folate and there are some forty some mutations known just around that vitamin alone and there are mutations known in in the enzymes that manage all of the other vitamins and essential minerals so we're with 25,000 genes minimum we're bound to have mutations and so each of us has to be sure that we're getting the full allowance that's recommended by the authorities and more because after all this is the human condition right so we know that we're gonna go across the lifespan and then our health is gonna be challenged more and more as we get older and so having a good diet is is is one part of it having a good supplement program is another part and then comes physical exercise mental exercise clean lifestyle getting enough sleep and all of that and then we keep our fingers crossed and and hope we can have a really full and happy and productive life so why do you think so many people fight taking supplements they think they shouldn't have to but why do you think that when they know it's that easy to just sort of well that gap well you know I've been doing this for 30-some years and there has been an ideology there has been an idea system that poopoo supplements and that has evolved and I think the American public through their own instincts are finding that when they take supplements they feel better right and so even the dietitian community who initially thirty years ago we're talking about not taking supplements the vast majority of them now have a supplement program and those are the most conservative nutritionists of all as you well the editors at the New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA have published editorials saying a multiple vitamin a day was essential to help prevent chronic illness so in your mind what are the minimum things people should take thank you so much for asking you're welcome a really really good powerful well-rounded well absorbed multiple vitamin mineral such as brain md's new revised plus which which I've worked with Daniel to get to the point that it's a highly optimized multiple and then they should also take omega-3 omega-3 epa and DHA which are practically vitamins because we can't make those in the body we can make small amounts but they're practically insignificant and so we have a product called omega-3 power which is very highly concentrated in epa and DHA it doesn't give that burp feeling when you're a and we screen it for more than two 150 potential pollutants and so it's a very clean very beautiful product both of those myself actually one of the big box that gives them to a lot of my friends so two capsules is two point eight grams of fish oil fourteen hundred and forty milligrams of EPA and GHA so I was in one of the big box stores last week and so I just went and looked at their fish oil and you had to take ten of their capsules in order to equal to eight better you're also irritated taking tell I can't what about vitamin D and probiotics well vitamin D is is very very important for all of the tissues and including for the brain and especially for the brain well it used to be that vitamin D was thought of as the bone vitamin but actually we have systems in all our tissues that respond to the presence of vitamin D and vitamin D is absolutely essential for brain development and for the processing of information in the brain it's it's important for the cardiovascular system the heart and circulation is important for immunity it's important for the joints every organ system features some role for vitamin D and that's partly because it's actually converted to a hormone and the surveys indicate that that because we're covering up so much because of fear of skin cancer and all of that right there's an epidemic of deficiency of vitamin D all around the world yes and also people who have darker skin tend to screen out ultraviolet and therefore don't make as much vitamin D as they could so vitamin D is really a crucial vitamin it's it's a master hormone it becomes converted to a master hormone in the body and it's absolutely crucial for health and did I hear you say 90% of people are low in vitamin right right and so we almost everybody that is 5000 IU Mindy yeah yeah and I take one of those a day and then nerve ID Sluss there's mm yeah so if you take them both it's 7,000 people go oh my god so much that my vitamin D has finally been stable is taking that 7,000 a day not every so what I want you to do if you're listening to this podcast is before you just go out and take 10,000 units of vitamin D go get your level right and I live in Southern California the Sun is out 330 days a year my level was 17 so normal is between thirty to a hundred optimal is more like fifty two hundred and under twenty according to a recent study is associated with twice the risk of cancer than those who have vitamin D levels over 40 so how stinking simple is this measure your level optimize it so initially because my level was so low I took 10,000 and you know one of the big benefits for me my appetite went away and I'm like why did that happen and then I read a research study that said when vitamin D levels are low leptin the hormone that tells you to stop eating doesn't work anymore so you actually become leptin resistance so giving you more leptin is not gonna help vitamin D turned off my appetite and then I was able to lose the weight so I didn't become a dinosaur you know big body little brain you're going to become extinct well I think we can't underestimate probiotics also in that mix yeah no probiotics are all the rage these days and you know people here that they have you know a thousand species of bacteria in their intestinal contents and that those bacteria weigh as much as three pounds and it's very very true that those bacteria are built into our health it's called symbiosis which is where we give them shelter and perhaps we give them certain foods that they need and then they process help us to process foods they help us to absorb foods better they hook with our immunity they help with our brain function they help with our mood and all of that however when a person goes to look for a probiotic supplement they really need to find out if that particular supplement or the particular bacterial types that are in the supplement have actually been tested for human benefit oh okay that's interesting I mean that's true for dogs - they don't yes it has to be good for that species right right so so in in these bacteria you have you have the genus the species but then you also have the strain and even the strain level is important interesting so what what we did actually was identified a combination of two special strains that have been shown in clinical trials to improve brain function even as they improve digestive function and we carried the the very clear specific combination that had been used in those trials and we called it pro brain biotics I like and so that's one of the very few probiotics that are available for brain function all right when we come back we're gonna talk about more specific issues around dietary supplements for different to support different functions in the body and then we're also gonna talk about kids stay with us [Music] you welcome back we're here with kid and we are in supplement week talking about the value of nutritional supplements and I want to tell you just a little bit about how I got involved in it when because I'm a classically trained psychiatrist there was no supplements in my training you know it's you know what symptoms do you have and what drug can I give you for them and what we started our brain imaging work in 1991 I started scanning people who I had on those medications and some of them were awesome and they clearly helped and some of them were downright toxic for brain function especially the benzos like Xanax and Valium and ativan and I'm like I'm making this person's brain looked like he's an alcoholic I was not happy and then the opiates and I'm thinking first do no harm use the least toxic most effective treatment and then I think one of my best gifts as a physician is I actually listen to my patients because so many of my patients you know they said well they told their doctor about this supplement of that supplement and they just dismiss them you know what MD stands for right minor do yes and so they just dismissed them and but I think for me I've always been good at paying attention and you know if they went off aspartame and their arthritis went away while I'd try it my arthritis went away and then people go well there's no science so I went to PubMed dot-com and there's a huge body of science around multiple vitamins omega-3 fatty acid probiotics right and so magnesium so that that was my journey that led to brainmd but in this podcast let's talk about some of the conditions that people might find them helpful for yeah well I do as you're kicking man I am I'm kicking I don't have heels on though I just had surgery so I can't wear heels aren't you grateful okay um he hates when I wear pointy shoes and I kick this is where I get so many questions from my community as well so I want to make sure I just I'm so happy to have you here I want to make sure that I that I get these questions answered for my community as well sure because the brain the brain stuff is you know some of the questions about supplements and the brain and mood and all that stuff are really important so do you have something you want to start with yeah so one of the questions we actually got specifically was should people or do we have a product called neural link and we have serotonin mood support they both contain 5-htp people think they should be taking them together so yeah it's it's fine to take them together at the recommended maximum dose of four caps of each okay on an empty stomach that way they get 200 milligrams of 5htp taste which is fine okay the the really important thing to watch there is to to try not to combine them with antidepressant drugs or with MAO inhibitors or if there is a need then have a physician work very closely with them a nutritionally informed physicians which is one of the aim and clinic physicians so if you're on antidepressants or antipsychotics you should always talk to your doctor when you're adding things like nutritional supplements just a huge fan of serotonin mood support and neural link serotonin mood support has 5-htp in it but it also has saffron in it and saffron in a number of studies has been shown to be and these are randomized double-blind placebo-controlled studies significant positive impact not only for mood their studies for PMS there's also studies for sexual functions as opposed to most SSRIs which are negative effect on sexual function the saffron has positive effect on sexual function and then a whole new group of studies you and I have talked about on memory so anything that helps my mood my sexual function and my memory and for women during that time of the cycle they're happier I'm like put it in the water I'm like let's try this I think this can be actually falling saffron very closely and I have some plans to recommend to you about saffron because it has a tremendous future as a standardized herbal dietary supplement it's just amazing and you told me that in the Middle East to them you must have been eating saffron so what about the difference then between GABA and 5-htp like what who should take what for what reason no and I have to tell you so it's really funny if I take the gap in the 5htp you love it when I take it because I act like I'm high ok no you're not you're just calm no not being over reactive but I'm not reactive anyways I'm just ready and reactive I don't like feeling slowed down ok for me I feel like I'm being slowed down we chill you out but the GABA calming product should-should is meant to be calming even while it's mentally sharpening so there's not a car it's a brother's a focus and energy yeah yeah but but the GABA calming is not meant to be sedative it's just meant to take the edge off and then it also helps to maintain sharpness you know we haven't really talked though about knurling which i don't want to get beyond that cuz neuro-link is why we're gonna confuse people now cuz now we just we just introduced gaba ok so let me make this clear for mood we recommend serotonin mood support if you're worried err and you can't let go if you do something wrong and your spouse doesn't forget it like for 8 years but that's all women that's serotonin well women according to a study from Montreal make less certo make 52% lower halves this 52 percent less serotonin in their brain so that's why generally females do better with sir Turner mood support while males may do better with Sammy so and here at Amen Clinics we do brain typing and I get all wrote a book on healing anxiety and depression where we subtypes it into seven different types so it's not all the same that's why taking the brain health assessment brain health assessment calm it'll tell you which of the sixteen types you have and what supplements and so when is when so gaba is for our anxious people okay both who are nervous who are shy who they have too much going on in their brain and so and we have two anxiety formulas really we have gaba calming and then everyday stress and the difference is if you're really anxious gaba calming is the place to start but if you're under a lot of stress if you're raising an autistic child if you have a boss you hate if there's a lot of drama at home you're under chronic stress and everyday stress relievers awesome it's an awesome formula it has holy basil in it which is an adaptogen that has been shown to decrease both adrenalin and cortisol it has real aura in it that blocks cortisol and it has thinning it has a good dose of thinning so so two one is anxiety one is stress and so if you've got a combination of these symptoms it's okay to take more than one sure okay there's no rule you get one thing yes oh so I should just show you really fast a funny thing my daughter um best best teenager on the planet really hard child really hard child because she wanted world domination when she was two just intense like so but she's really good kid now when scanning her for me it was really helpful because first of all I was making her worse without realizing it I thought she had a TD and so I was giving her I was giving her something for focus I was gonna actually started giving her focus and energy thinking okay this kid needs to focus like I don't know what her problem is but she's focused I made her ten times worse she was like just getting more like fancy and so when we started giving her the serotonin serotonin mood support her scan yeah she's not overly hyper frontal she but her cerebellum was really cold really low and blood flow and so we gave her coordination exercises for the cerebellum but the serotonin mood support just evened her out the saffron in serotonin mood support is also very good for anxiety okay she's anxious kid so we think that they don't do anything like I'm like I would watched I mean she just finished her ninth grade and got straight A's oh but I had to talk her off of a Ledge cuz she got a B on one of her finals and she lost her mind and I looked at her final grade in the class and it was ninety seven percent and I'm like good why are we so freaked out but that's the kind of kid she is where did that come from I don't know but anyways anyways my point being if you give them the wrong people think that they are innocuous they're not innocuous that's my point you have to you want okay so but I think you both raised a very important point here that for people who are having mental issues it's a really good idea to have their brain image respect the way they aim and clinics do it because then there's a handle on what regions of the brain are over performing what regions the brain may be underperforming and with with all of these years of experience and 120,000 sets of hundred forty scan hundred forty thousand brain scans the Aemon doctors can get a handle on how to approach it with a comprehensive regimen that includes supplements shall not be limited to supplements so can you imagine as psychiatry 20 30 40 years from now without imaging I can't imagine it no no I think imaging will be central to it I think SIA was interviewed by the BBC yesterday and the guy went after the controversy and you know it's like well your colleagues don't do this and I'm like well can you imagine not doing this 30 years right I mean this is the future you have to look if you don't look you don't know but the exciting thing is it doesn't mean you have to go right away to medicines that have a lot of side effects I mean one of the reasons I fell in love with supplements is the side effects are so few right now it's not no side effects which is why you have to do it in a thoughtful way for example st. John's wort decreases the effectiveness of birth control pills or increases Sun sensitivity right but we actually don't care it's in st. John's we don't because it has more innocuous supplements that work just as well or better than st. John's wort first do no harm and one of the things that I've learned during with my experience is that we we want to try the supplements first so so we we work out the diet the supplements the lifestyle first and see how far we get with that and only that's generally the process here then brain type tests like how did how can people hone in think you either call in and get help or they can take their first thing is go to a man clinics calm or you can just go to brain health assessment calm right we'll find out which of the 16 types you have so we had a crisis last year where tenant sister and her mother your stepmother really rescued the situation she went up to her gonna spend time but they were like fighting like dogs and cats and so the first thing I did was go go take the brain health assessment and she was a type 3 which we call persistent she just never let go of anything ever well she gets hyper focused and so on serotonin mood support all of a sudden they started getting along with each other and then she ran out and they stopped not getting a wall it was and it wasn't her that called to get it refilled it was my sister please send me okay these examples in all families nobody is actually assessments and the imaging becomes so very important right so start with the assessment it will help you determine what will work for you and then look on brainmd there's there's so many different products you know we think of mood serotonin mood support and Sami anxiety got a calming support or everyday stress relief focus focus and energy which you really liked which has been very helpful attention support for attentional issues and kids craving control if I could make one more parting point there's no conflict between supplements and pharmaceutical drugs if both are used responsibly and scientifically each can support the other but she was recommend that they at least talk to their doctor and not do yeah absolutely please takes a lot of skill and you can't get those regiments from the internet right please don't but the supplements can actually augment the effects of the drugs and the supplements can help to protect against the side effects of the drugs and so there ought to be a scenario we're working on a scenario in the a man family where we can use all of these to optimal advantage for the patient right well and we have a new product we have a new baby called bright minds which memory powder you helped to design dopamine yeah it goes and supports the brain in many different ways so for those of you that read my book memory rescue the mnemonic is bright minds so blood flow retirement and aging inflammation and so on so so many great things when we come back we're going to talk about kids [Music] [Music] we're back and we're gonna talk to dr. Kidd about kids so we're gonna I really was Kitty's I would really encourage you to watch the video we did with dr. Kidd on general information about supplements because it will fill in a lot of the blanks but I want to talk to you about some specific information about kids people ask me all the time what can I give my kids how much that kind of stuff I know with my daughter I gave her the basics but I want to hear from the expert what you think the basics are for kids well and how early can you start yeah kids need all of the vitamins and essential minerals that we need so multi yeah yeah a multiple vitamin and we have one of the best no we have a chewable right that I actually use on my desk don't listen to this for candy in the afternoon so they can give this to their kids as candy yeah don't do that but the kids but the kids knew right what I was working on you know good while I was working on it I got this called from from dr. Damon from from Daniel he says Paris you've got to do better than this and I go why what's up he says well the the flavoring has multi dextran in it and we can't have that we don't want to have any of those sugary things in our products so I said okay Daniel and I had to go and redesign the flavoring so that the kids knew right has zero sugars which is which is actually unusual and it still tastes incredible you so go to the big box store with the kids food dyes sugar right they're trying to kill crazy it's very unusual for any supplements produced by anyone and varying usual for foods and I mean but brainmd does things differently so even our beautiful tasting chocolates don't have sugar to them so multivitamin vitamin D is already in there would you mega threes don't forget the Omega threes Sun and the the 12 to 15 percent of American kids who have some sort of issue with a are learning or behavior or whatever all can benefit from omega-3 supplements so so we have we can offer them the omega-3 power if they're willing to take a capsule or we have this product called car Omega which which they can just squeeze out of a pack and put into a liquid one those are good for traveling so my daughter would rather take the pills and she started because she doesn't want to have to mess with the pudding but when we traveled it was really easy to take that because it wasn't a big thing of oil I could just take a little pudding packs with us right kids near about supply is actually quite a lot of vitamin D but if they want to give more than then they can easily either use over 5,000 IU and give them one every two or three days or so and I think it's important even with kids to test their level yeah absolutely because when I found my level was 17 I've been obsessed with it ever since when you know the number then you know if you should do something or you don't need to do something and then what about probiotics well well if their kids have specific issues that involve their their GI system if they know that the child is not is not doing well with going to the bathroom and stuff like that then a probiotic would be appropriate or if the kid has been taking a lot of antibiotics over the years or if they just want to give a probiotic supplement but as I said in another segment that we did it's very important to ask the supplier do you have clinical studies with the strains of bacteria that you want me to buy for my child do you actually have clinical studies that show that these work for children's and there are by the way lots of clinical studies unfortunately many of the strains that are being offered are not the ones that the clinical studies were done on okay so if let's just say cuz I I know we make a really good probiotic but it comes in a capsule and if your child is too young to swallow a capsule can it be opened up and put in - yes yes okay it applies to any of the supplements so what I did with my daughter when she was too young to swallow pills I either mixed it into a little like I created a little like avocado pudding thing or I would make her a small smoothie small drink the whole thing yeah and I would put all the supplements in there right so that's just one tip for you I wanted to make sure that our biotic could be opened right and I would also poke a hole in the vitamin D right exactly this is all very good this is very good and some people ask well do I have to take my supplements separately or what and the the answer is if supplements are not pharmaceuticals and supplements work in such a way that you can take them all together the only distinction is that the the vast majority of supplements are meant to be taken with a meal there are just a couple like our neural link and serotonin mood support that are better taken on an empty store okay good to know but just a few and there's no need ever to have a high-fat meal when you take supplements because the liver makes bile which is our biological emulsifier and fat dispersant and the bile disperses all of the nutrients and optimizes their absorption so just put it in a smoothie for a kid is enough yeah bile is Li is the best fat that we have its own biological well there's another story to that but anyway there fatty type substances that are actually very healthy for us and bile takes care of that so we don't need to worry about fatty meals and all of that awesome I mean I just think this is so helpful to know with kids and I still when my daughter when in the kindergarten I got her blood tests done and found out what her but I added vitamin D to it because I'm sneaky that way so that I would know if I was on target with with what she was getting right whether I needed to add or decrease or whatever right no you know I I go to to my friends homes and I see them with you know like calcium product or and they don't have a good multiple vitamin mineral and they don't have a decent vitamin D and they don't have Omega threes and yet those are the core of our health you know the way all sales function requires that core program you know the multiple the Omega threes and the vitamin D and so you can go out and you can buy stuff because somebody tells you to buy it but if you're not getting those three then your health is not Garrett angry so what do you do with a child that is difficult I mean we see so many oppositional defiant disorder kids and they're also very sensitive to taste and they refuse to take them right well you you slip the supplements into some something that they like yeah you don't ask them yeah well well but I mean you but you can you can negotiate with them and get it into me well if they're opposition although I've actually met opposition orchids they did a study on them once a long time ago and they actually responded to Omega threes by the way oppositional kids and two PS phosphatidylserine but anyway so you slip the song that we have yeah there are studies with phosphatidylserine or PS and we have our own standalone PS you actually were involved in bringing that to the United States just call me dr. PS so Wyatt why was that why were you excited about that because there were so many clinical trials on it already from the 1980s they were clinical trials with phosphatidylserine and then clinical trials continued to be done and it has a consistent and the trials were done in Israel know Europe a few trials in Israel but all over Europe in the United States other places so have you heard this before I just heard it yesterday and it really irritated me well are there any trials in the US a lot of trials are in a rhyme and and I'm like you know that was just the most racist actually from Greece and actually this arguably the single best trial on Pierce was done in the United States at Vanderbilt by my deceased no no deceased friend and colleague Thomas crook a beautifully designed trial on memory and then he did another trial on people with catastrophic memory loss right which for regulatory reasons are not allowed to talk about but um so we have American trials on on PS and we have traveled all over the world and Zoe yes we limited nutrient for memory man is also very good for attention and learning for kids we juiced kids actually need more proportionally than done do kids little kids need about 200 milligrams okay and bigger kids need 300 an adult doses and I take 600 Wow because I know it's safe I'm trying I'm working on it I know we hope this is so helpful for you supplements can really as dr. Kidd say give you insurance they can help optimize brain function we've seen it I published a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial showing that brain and body power increased memory and focus we're excited about this not because it's our business it's our business because we love it and we know it has the potential to be helpful to you so start with the brain health assessment learn as much as you can go on scientific sites like pub PubMed calm from the National Library of Medicine there's more science that will really excite you that these things have the potential to help you I will embrace my many strengths I will not be tormented by my past I will find the right balance I will be calm and courageous I will be free I am NOT just by poison I am NOT just autism I'm not just a person and not to say any name I am NOT I am NOT just a senior's I am NOT just PTSD [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] welcome back we are gonna talk about frequently asked questions with our friends world-renowned scientist and the chief science officer for brainmd so much for being with us thank you I got a list here from our community one of them which you answered in another video but in case they didn't see the kid video is about whether supplements can be taken together or they should be separated yeah so so supplements are easily compatible with each other so they can be taken at the same time are there any that should be taking separate nothing I can think of okay it's really only the ones that have to be take the few that have to be taken between meals or on an empty stomach that make a difference but people can usually plan to take the majority of their supplements during or at the end of one of their large meals and best to take them early in the day with breakfast and lunch oh so that matters so time of day matter if they have some leftover and they want to take them with dinner they should make sure it's at least three hours before bedtime Oh interesting so I sometimes get lazy and take mine before bed so I shouldn't do that well it depends on whether you want to have sweet dreams or not Oh interesting okay so they can actually interfere with your sleep is what you're saying now they can give you a lively dream life let's put it that way interesting okay well that's really good to know so time of day matters and I'm assuming if they should be taken in between or on an empty stomach and between meals that'll say on the package ya know at brainmd and this is a way by the way to distinguish supplement products that are not scientifically formulated from those that are we are very specific on our product labels about how to take the products okay and where there are potential issues with medications or whatever we're very specific about putting those right beneath the recommendations for use perfect we're very specific as far as we can be okay what about fat people ask all the time do I need to take them with fat right there's there's no need to take supplements with fats because we have our own emulsifier called bile which has a type of fat that's very healthy and as we begin our meal the bell begins to be released and disperses all of the nutrients and is designed biologically to optimize their absorption so we make our own bile so unless you have a really diseased liver you really shouldn't have to worry about daddy so that's a myth and I actually looked I learned something because I always thought the fat soluble vitamins had to be taken with fat so that's really good right that is really a myth and the bath takes care of it fantastic okay so those were did you have any questions those are true that I had yeah people are asking probiotics with vitamin D you're saying you can take all of them together what time of day you answer that which supplements so I'll have a question so our most popular products are systems brain and memory power and brain and memory power max yeah and they have two pockets a day should they take them all both packets at once or they should take one in the morning and one in the evening but I always tell people that the bottom line is to get it done so if you're having a really busy day and you have or maybe you're gonna travel or something and you have doubts about whether you're gonna really get around to a second session then take them both at once otherwise try to take one packet with each meal preferably breakfast and lunch okay so not at night again I want to make sure that I understand okay and then what I do want to point out here is there are people who are confused about the stimulating or calming supplements those should be taken morning or night or both or you should stay away from bed doc there are actually very few stimulating supplements the only two that I can think of are Sammy s adenosylmethionine which is like the very best supplement single supplement for mood and acetyl carnitine which really cranks up the brain and I can't think of any others that can be said yeah yeah yeah you wouldn't want to take it at bedtime because it's meant to help you focus in boost your energy well all all supplements that work tend to increase a person's energy but they don't give you that better edge that that certain that type of stuff but they will give you more energy so Sammy if I can repeat that again Sam you should be more in the morning or yeah earlier that's what I tell my patient and I do that for focus and energy although I love that product because it not only has green tea in it it has rhodiola ashwagandha ginseng and choline so many good things the Russians have rhodiola on the space station stress and ashwagandha has been know to counteract stress but also help you focus it's really great so if you're anxious and nervous 5htp gaba you can take those in the morning and all right calm no no there's a widespread misconception about neurotransmitter building blocks like 5htp or even gaba it's the nerve cells that are doing the work so it's not that the brain is swimming in a pool of gaba or a pool of 5htp or serotonin or adrenaline or whatever the nerve cells have to release those so the nerve cells get them from the blood supply to the brain the nerve cells process them and the nerve cells regulate what they want to do etc okay so that takes time and that's more about it so you can take those just generally with your other supplements in there right but let's talk about one thing that's really important to you which is sleep so when when I'm working with a patient who has sleep issues if they have trouble going to sleep we'll use restful sleep and maybe I'll add some marrow to it my gosh I love you guys for that if they worry and they can't let go because they have a little mouse in their head on an exercise wheel on the mouse can't get off well then I'll use serotonin mood support right because it helps calm down yeah yeah part of the brain that makes you worry yeah and sometimes I'll use both of them together because they can't get to sleep and no no this saffron and serotonin mood support will go right to what we call receptors the little antenna on the outside of the cells and the saffron then has a has a gaba type effect and so that can yeah tell you I feel hot but anyways so yeah so some of these herbals will have straightforward more or less immediate effect yeah that's why we use them very carefully but also very effectively and I know constantly monitoring but what I like this is really interesting so my little sleep cocktail all sometimes take my sleepy time teeth also but I take I take three restful sleep and I take between four and eight hundred magnesia milligrams of magnesium depending on what's going on in my life I literally I couldn't drive after I mean I'm like out I'm like can't keep my eyes open but I'm not I'm not an easy sleeper because of all the stuff I've been through you know physically biologically so that combination just knocks me out for any change now you had a baby oh no I didn't used to be able to sleep on the top of the picket fence I could sleep anywhere anytime anyhow right baby I can hear a noise other into my house with earplugs in I can hear anything in my house and I am up and down the hall so but you can you can you can almost never go wrong by taking that much magnesium now because magnesium is such an incredibly important mineral it's wonderful it's so important all over the very calming and they're coming out with a brand new magnesium it's 150 milligrams but it's wafer right talk about how you develop them well it's been a long time coming but we we were told by you and the Amen dog that you really need a magnesium product so I felt that it might be nice to do a chewable I like that yes they come in big horse pills a lot of times and they make relaxant and you suggested we use the same beautiful sugar-free orange flavor that we have in the kids nearby so we use that to make this magnesium chewable and it's 150 milligrams per chewable you take two or three of those and you should be all set I like that that's fantastic that's most of my questions do you have any other ones that you want to add to that that's sort of a joke you know if we just think nurse what are the objections people have had to supplements I don't want to take so many pills that's why we developed the bright minds powder is there really any science I like that I may not it may not like work immediately I mean when you get for example with omega-3 fatty acids when you get the optimal benefit from the omega-3 with the Omega threes it takes four to five months to build them up in your cell membranes and one point I wanted to make with respect to supplements is that it's it's a very good idea to get tested for as many of the vitamins and minerals as you can and for the Omega threes a very easy test called the omega-3 index and if you can get your omega-3 index above eight then you have protection against all sorts of things that can go wrong in the body but even with a powerful supplement like our omega-3 power it still takes a few months to get the index to go up no with the cheap omega-3 products as you would find in many pharmacies the basic omega-3 you might take it for years and never get past it on the omega-3 in there well what's funny is Lorenzo our copywriter when they first came to see us he'd been taking Omega threes for years and when we tested his level it was five right and I'm like you need to throw that out and take this so I convinced him to take omega-3 power right and too much later we tested him again right and it was ten right yes I've looked into this very very carefully and you know I have my obsessive side too it really takes at least two soft gels per day of our omega-3 no if you have an issue if you have any sort of issue with your brain that's affecting your productivity right you want to go to four or what if you have like health issues where you have a tendency toward inflammation and anything where you feel you need help you're best off to take four right of the omega-3 power well it has been a joy to be with you thank you very much our first video with dr. Kidd on general information it was just an overall video on why should I take supplements it's loaded with just so many more details you have been so helpful it's been such a blessing to have you with it's really a pleasure to work with the aim and thank you for being part of our family thank you stay with us use the code podcast 10 to get a 10% discount on a full evaluation at Amen Clinics comm or on our supplements at brainmd health com thank you for listening to the brain warriors way podcast go to iTunes and leave a review and you'll automatically be entered into a drawing to get a free signed copy of the brain warriors way and the brain warriors way cookbook we give away every month
Channel: AmenClinics
Views: 61,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brain, Brain Health, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Dementia, Alzheimers, Diet, Nutrition, Amen, Daniel Amen, Amen Clinics, Psychiatrist, ADD, Health, Podcast, Tana Amen, Parris Kidd, Health Podcast, Lifestyle, How to, Supplements, Vitamins, Omega 3, Probiotics, Vitamin D, 5 HTP, Saffron, Serotonin, Gaba, Focus, Attention, Memory, Stress
Id: Ek58RnrHurU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 42sec (3342 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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