Dr Daniel Amen | The TRUTH Behind Men's Declining Testosterone & Women's Rising Levels

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you know there's an epidemic of low testosterone in young males it's crazy I was reading the stats the other day what is it it's because we're poisoning them is that why that's why what is the what is the headline start there regarding testosterone and Men it's decreasing isn't it year over year year over year and more than half have either low normal or low levels I've never seen anything like it I've been measuring testosterone levels in my patients forever and we're poisoned in them there's an app I like called think dirty it's not what you think it is it allows you to scan your personal products and it tells you on a scale of one to ten how quickly they're killing you so for example I've shaved with barbasol for 50 years and when I learned this a decade ago um I like scanned it one is good tennis kill you early it was a nine and I was horrified because the parabens and phthalates are known hormone disruptors so now I shave with something called Kiss My Face it's a two last longer than barbasol and I do that because I love myself I mean why would I poison myself unless I was not that smart and so just start reading the labels of your toothpaste of your deodorant of your shampoo of your body wash of your makeup and what am I looking for because if I read the labels of my toothpaste I mean I wouldn't know if it was good or bad so you can scan scan it with the yeah or ewg the environmental working group has an app similar to that you just educate yourself because it's not just about you it's about generations of you because the health of your body matters when it comes to what babies you may make okay m is mental health um believe every stupid thing you think be masterful you want to damage your brain be masterful at predicting the worst and then making it worse how does that have a bad impact in the brain negativity increases stress plus negativity drops activity in your cerebellum so we talked a little bit about the CEO the prefrontal cortex well it's intimately connected to the processing part of your brain your cerebellum it's about 10 of the brain's volume but has half the brain's neurons and negativity tends to deactivate it so it actually makes you more confused so if you think of an athletic slump they're focused on I'm going to miss I'm going to miss and of course they miss um the second eye is immunity and infections um so much to talk about with the pandemic but people who have low vitamin D levels are much more likely to die from covet they're actually much more likely to die from virtually anything low vitamin D which occurs in about 60 percent of the population is associated virtually with every bad thing including a smaller brain so if you want to have a smaller brain never go in the Sun never test your vitamin D level and never take a supplement brand new study out just last week people who take a vitamin D supplement have 40 percent decrease risk of getting Alzheimer's disease how do they how simple is that how do they establish like causation in these studies where you one would also assume that people that take Vitamin D supplements have like you know so this was a prospective study where they gave half the group vitamin D and then they followed them fascinating study there are tens of thousands of study on vitamin D and its impact and the darker your skin the more sun you need so an interesting study from the Bahamas they looked at people who were raised in the Bahamas who then migrated to the United Kingdom so healthy vitamin D to no vitamin D because of the weather so from Botswana and the incidence of psychosis went up interesting so and how simple is it it's a blood test get your vitamin D measured everybody listening to this you should know it like you know your BMI like you know your blood pressure and optimize it either get in the sun more if you can or take vitamin D3 with vitamin K2 I mean super simple and I mean it's like that's easy that's something you can do right away um if I wanted to mess up my immunity I would encourage myself to have leaky gut so I'd encourage myself to damage the lining of my gut with antibiotics and alcohol and pesticide Laden foods and I wouldn't need any fiber so I would really lean into the standard American diet going back to your point about environmental toxins I've always wondered if it was like pseudoscience that cosmetic products we have in our house are having an impact on our hormone levels you were talking about hormone levels there my partner has always said to me things like be careful with what's in that toothpaste Steve or she'll look at products that I have and go nope or yes I'm like where's the science we talked about testosterone and the science is huge there's a wonderful book so if you ever if you want to get rid of the doubt it's called the toxin Solution by Joe pisorno who started Bastyr universities one of the most well-respected naturopaths in the world now if you want a shortened version read my book the end of mental illness because there's a whole section on toxins with about a hundred scientific references so you don't want toxins and and you don't want to think it's pseudoscience unless you've actually gone to pubmed.gov and studied it so many people called my work pseudoscience and I'm like go to pubmed.gov today you'll see I've published 80 studies and oh by the way they're 15 000 studies on spect so so I'm a fan of your sweetheart yeah she she always seems to be right of everything I seemed I I'm pessimistic on my way in and then God this doesn't sound so great but what she says registers and then I speak to an expert and they go your girlfriend is right that is the Story of My Life just a little bit and I'll say to it I'll leave this podcast now and I'll go she's actually sat over there I'll go and say oh by the way he uh I spoke to him and he said the stuff you said about all the Cosmetic products I used is writing I know that happens literally every week like three or four times a week one of the things I read in terms of because the impact of Cosmetics on our hormone levels was that over the last 20 years our testosterone levels have declined by about 50 on average which is absolutely terrifying terrifying I have a lot of friends who are in I have a staggering amount of friends and people that I know that are in sexless relationships and are struggling with sex and other hormone-related issues I've got a friend that is um had a challenge with the POS PCOS PCOS polycystic ovarian syndrome and I just have a suspicion that it's not nature that's causing some of these issues so when I hear about how the Cosmetic products we have in our life are influencing our hormone levels I go maybe this is the maybe this is the guy that's stitching it's worth making sure someone does an ultrasound on our ovaries to see if that's in fact the case but I have a funny story on PCOS when I first met my wife um she wouldn't attach um it was more like she was the guy and we'd make love and I want to cuddle and she's like okay done I couldn't I'm like I loved her and she'd come and she'd go and she's like just make me crazy and then um I took her to our first fighting was on the dog we were gonna get so I wanted like a King Charles cavalier I wanted like a lap dog something cute something I could just have fun with and she wanted a Mastiff or she she wanted some killer dog and no it's just not me and so we got into a fight about that anyways I get her to see a hormone specialist and she diagnoses her with PCOS and it just made such sense and what she did is an ultrasound of our ovaries they were like loaded with these little cysts and she treated the PCOS and so PCOS women's testosterone levels tend to be higher and their blood sugar tends to be higher and they have more problems committing so she fixes it and then Tana becomes like committed I love this but then she calls me at work one day and she said I found this pocket poodle in Northern California that's like two pounds and I'm like who are you it's like change your hormones change your dog do you recommend that we check our hormone levels frequently every year every year every year DHA testosterone thyroid um estrogen and progesterone for women every year because for women their progesterone drops about 10 years before they go into menopause progesterone is the natural anti-anxiety hormone and when it drops all of a sudden a woman's 40 and she can't sleep and she's more anxious and she's more irritable and it's causing relationship problems and she goes to the doctor and gets a prescription for Ambien for Xanax and for Lexapro and oh by the way she's drinking more or using more marijuana and she doesn't know why you just it's easier to replace the progesterone than to deal with all those other strategies that help you feel better now but not later is that something called perimenopause um it's earlier than that yeah perimenopause is sort of for most women are in like late 40s um hormones are so important and if your hormones aren't right your brain isn't right one of the things I talk about in the book is that women have a higher incidence of Alzheimer's disease now part because they live longer than men because they make better decisions um but a man's brain is used to not having estrogen right it's been raised primarily on testosterone the woman's brain is used to having estrogen so when she goes through menopause and doesn't have estrogen blood flow in her brain drops and it puts her at greater risk for things like dementia and so I'm a big believer and you know the reason your hormones drop with age it's the planet's way of eliminating you and I'm not okay with that I want to stick around as long as I can and so hormone replacement can be super helpful for people who need it if you love the driver CEO brand and you watch this Channel please do me a huge favor become part of the 15 of the viewers on this channel that have hit the Subscribe button it helps us tremendously and the 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Channel: The Diary Of A CEO Clips
Views: 936,084
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Keywords: the diary of a ceo, podcast, the diary of a ceo podcast, life lessons, ceo, Steven Bartlett, Steve Bartlett, life advice, doac, diary of a ceo, diary of a ceo clips, Steve Bartlett Podcast, brain health, mental health, brain health diet, health, healthy, Daniel Amen, dr daniel amen, how to be healthy, health tips, dr amen, dr daniel
Id: sOPtip4GF-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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