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well I was born in a small town not live in a small town mob of the dying small town of the small community Hey [Music] the Midwest possibly the most pure hardest-working honest place in America the people are friendlier the food is wholesomer and the fireflies are thicker if the Northeast is America's brains than the Midwest is sort of America's guts now not every part of the Midwest is all happy emojis of course some parts of the Midwest are sad poor dangerous places for this educational video we're gonna explore which entire states are the worst of them all also keep in mind a bad Midwest state doesn't necessarily mean it's bad all around it just means that in compared to other states in the Midwest it's less good now what criteria did we use to rank the states well it's pretty straightforward actually we measured crime poverty job opportunities and quality of life factors such as things to do and even how many families are divorced or not so put on your overalls and fire up that tractor as we take a tour of the worst states in the Midwest as the Sun rises over Lake Michigan we begin our tour of the worst states in the Midwest in Michigan whoa whoa Michigan I actually like your state a lot Michigan is actually a really cool place so don't blame me blame mappy ah JK no blame the statistics actually blame Detroit mostly because of Detroit and Flint Michigan ranks first in the Midwest for highest poverty rate has the highest unemployment rate and his second in violent crimes if it wasn't for those few places Michigan would actually not be talked about on this list a few other places it kind of suck in Michigan our Pontiac Muskegon Heights Hamtramck and Benton Harbor which locals affectionately called bitten Harlem so sad that a few bad apples can ruin everything a big financial company did an analysis and apparently Michigan is the worst date for identity theft 17% of all identity theft reports come from this state alone there's a thing called smishing that pee or doing where they send texts out asking for money and I guess Michigan people fall for it the most and then there's the potholes there's two seasons in Michigan winter and construction when the snow melts they start fixing the roads and they make um sort of decent again then when it comes back and ruins all their hard work of course Michigan has a very large coastline with both Lake Michigan and Lake Superior Michigan also has the longest freshwater coastline in the US and in terms of actual coastline it's second only to Alaska as such Michigan has the most lighthouses in the country too did you know Michigan has the most boaters in the US hey it's mappy hi mappy glad you're back that Google map he sure sucked you do a much better job and I'm sorry I yelled at you thanks max all right mappy okay mappy bye mappy nappy pointed out Michigan's a large number of boaters there's a few other great things about Michigan too like you guys have one of the best flags in the country so majestic and one of Michigan's cities it's home to the world's largest manufacturing center for magicians supplies does that mean there's a lot of michigan magicians but something that might just make michigan super cool and not so bad is that battle creek michigan is the serial capital of the world battle creek is home to mr. post who invented Grape Nuts cereal in 1897 at one time they were over 30 cereal companies in Michigan now there's Kellogg and post honeycombs big it's not small honeycombs got a big big tastes big big crunch and a big big bite so if you like cereal like I do you'd agree Michigan certainly deserves props for making such a tasty treat we'll take something to remind us of our trip to Michigan as we go to our next worst Midwest state Kansas Kansas City Lights shine for me tonight moving on we come to our next worst state in the Midwest Kansas while Michigan's view large urban areas is where their problem areas are in Kansas it's the smallish middle the know where places that give their state headaches drug use and especially meth plague these small Kansas town 's resulting in high unemployment rates higher than average poverty rates and lots of property crimes Kansas actually has the second highest number of property crimes per capita in the whole Midwest some of the well-known places in Kansas or Wichita Kansas City Kansas these two large cities aren't even in the top 50 most dangerous cities nor are they in any high poverty list either so that's good so collectively it's the small cities in Kansas that of the problem and many of the worst ones are in southeast Kansas places like Coffeyville Parsons in Pittsburgh are rough independence Kansas has also seen better days rural southeast Kansas looks a lot like this because you ever worn I don't know they put out a Revere most-wanted list your name was on it these places I'll even have a community college there imagine how bad they'd be if they didn't of course Kansas also has Kansas City suburbs Overland Park and Oly which are regularly voted as two of the best cities in America by people who vote on that sort of stuff that's where your Kansas snobs live people did you know Kansas has the second most tornadoes in America it's true Texas is actually first that's interesting not that tornadoes are the worst thing in the world actually no they are but our people in Kansas afraid of tornadoes do they even really care about them we called some places in Kansas to find out hey is this Kansas yeah okay cool hey are you guys afraid of tornadoes yeah okay that's all I was wondering wait why is there no I I don't know okay thanks bye hello a tornado is coming I'm sorry what do you do when the tornado is coming I don't know sorry geez people in Kansas are on edge as we leave Kansas looking out across our shoulder for any impending storms we thought it would make sense to take this with us as a keepsake that's a dryer to hide in in case a tornado comes back home oh good no all the way on the other side of Missouri and Illinois is Indiana it's too far to drive the tractor so we'll hop in the pickup truck it's just about lunch by now and we're sure there's some comfort food around here somewhere in Indiana isn't the worst place you could live to be honest I spent five summers there but when you look at the stats on what people say they like about a place Indiana has a few things that stand out Indiana actually ranks third in the Midwest for overall crimes each year mostly due to a far higher than average number of home break-ins and car thefts in that same vein Indiana residents or the third poorest and the third most out of work which is primarily the reason Boozer's are second only to Missourians when it comes to least number of insured residents and if you're a tree hugger it might pain you to know Indiana is the second least green state in all of America the Hoosier State has the sixth worst carbon footprint and the fifth worst water quality but I don't think this guy gives a crap about being green do you as a whole Indiana definitely holds it with farm production and we try to find something really amazing to say about Indiana but we couldn't unless you count this apparently if there's ever a zombie apocalypse you want to be in Indiana because there's a lot of places to grow food and everyone has a gun California is the best place to survive a zombie attack that's a huge surprise of course there are some real bright spots in Indiana and places like Zionsville Fisher's in Munster where a crime is super low and things are all peace and quiet about everything but those are a far cry from Indiana's largest cities Indianapolis in particular just might be the least inspiring capitol of any state it's pretty bleak dangerous and quite honestly not very fun and places like South Bend Elkhart Gary and East Chicago are just about as bad as it gets in the Midwest here in Gary things are really bad there were nearly 500 violent crimes in Gary last year the unemployment rates like 15% and just about the whole place lives near poverty Indiana is a US state located in the Midwestern and Great Lakes regions of North America oh snap mappy it's Google map II what's that thing doing back again I don't know but don't let that thing try to take your job do something about it map II have said hurt Oh get it Maggie stop patty chickens blood that hurt snappy please stop Oh mappy why are you being so mean to me Oh [Music] this is my channel go back to Google you stupid wanna be me Oh nappy that was amazing I'm so proud of you do you want to give us some interesting facts did you know Indiana used to be 80% forest hey that's interesting I didn't know that mappy and now Indiana is only 17% forest since they're growing all that corn and beans for cows to eat so we can eat the cows great job mappy well it's time to leave Indiana but we'll take something with us how's it keepsake Ohio right across the board from Indiana is the state of Ohio our second worst Midwest State the best things in life are free the next best are just well worth [Music] you get the point that was old Ohio this is now Ohio this is Dayton one of many trouble cities in the Buckeye State we just called Dayton the third poorest city in the nation and for good reason as about one and three people here lives in poverty and Cleveland is the second poorest city in America where there's even more poor and if you've never ever been to Chillicothe Ohio you're not missing much it's pretty lacking in charm as the state Ohio was ranked as the tenth worse in the US and that's five spots lower than a couple of years ago so Ohio is going in the wrong direction regionally it's the second poorest Midwest state and it's been like that for a while in fact Ohio ranks dead last in terms of income growth among its residents over the past 50 years Ohio also has the Midwest's fourth highest property crime rate and third highest unemployment rate and believe it or not it's the most densely populated Midwest state Ohio though apparently ranks first for both quality of public libraries and number of hours people spend at the library well what else is there to do there it's Ohio let's see what fun things are to do in Ohio there's a park amazement there's a great day waiting for you Ohio is so cool no not really what does Ohio give us that we should all be thankful for well Ohio ranks fifth in America for growing tomatoes that's interesting it's also right up there in terms of maple production - believe it or not Cincinnati is pretty cool and Columbus isn't so bad either at least for the Midwest and all an interesting note Ohio has the fifth most hunters per capita Pennsylvania has the most before we leave Ohio we need to take something with us I grabbed a book for one of Ohio's amazing libraries it's the three little pigs since Ohio has so many farms and I got a bottle of ketchup have you ever gone down with the red red red red red red red red red Nick with the bars round here drinking that eyes cold beer backwoods legit don't take no [ __ ] chew tobacco chew tobacco chew tobacco spit well it's just about sunset now and after a five and a half hour drive across bean fields ready for a beer but we shouldn't just stop anywhere after all this is Missouri check this out Missouri's the most dangerous state in the whole Midwest and there's not even a close second so we've got to keep our wits about us this ain't no Little House on the Prairie mister what makes Missouri so dangerous anyways mostly st. Louis it's kind of a sleeping tiger of danger land many people outside the Midwest aren't aware of how bad st. Louis truly is for violence now st. Louis ziens will defend our city and say that most of downtown and the surrounding areas are actually great and st. Louis gets a hard rap because the suburbs are where the crap happened but Kansas City Missouri is no walk in the park either it's the 13th most dangerous place you can live in America as a whole is already ranks worst in four categories we measured and its residents are the second poorest of all yeah we get it a lot of Missourians don't measure their happiness by how much money they make especially in southern Missouri there's a big difference between the north end of Missouri and the southern part northerners call it Missouri here it's flatter like a prairie southern Missouri is more mountainy where they call their state Missouri as such it's sort of a hybrid Midwest southern state but whatever side of the tracks you live in the show-me state you can be sure you'll see lots of trailer parks just kidding Missouri sorta did you know st. Louis has the biggest brewery in the United States I'm happy you look Midwest rough fella way to turn things around with some good news I'm sure all the beer drinkers out there were interested to hear that actually I also heard Missouri is the most charitable State and st. Louis rinks like at the top with a number of people who give to charity good for them sadly our tour of the Midwest has come to an end and it's time to leave the Midwest entirely we pick something up in Missouri to remember it by now it's time to head back to the confines in North Carolina it's safe to say that we learned a lot both good and bad about many of our fine Midwest states in case you're curious these are the best Midwest states according to research data now it's time for bed and we're already craving another pork tenderloin sandwich the end hey guys if you learn something new or you just like this video make sure to like it and if you really like this video make sure you hit that subscribe button so you get all of our videos about what it's like to live in different places in America peace
Channel: Nick Johnson
Views: 433,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst places to live in the midwest, midwest states, living in the midwest, missouri, ohio, indiana, michigan, kansas, minnesota, minneapollis, chicago, illinois, detroit, cincinnati, columbus, dayton, st louis, kansas city, iowa, north dakota, south dakota, flint, wisconsin, green bay, nebraska, research, expensive places to live, jobs, midwest life, america, usa, states, geography, history
Id: x1_OH6xF3EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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