PENNSYLVANIA isn't what you THINK it is.

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of the declaration of independence in 1776 the continental congress said that we were free said we had the right of life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness there's a lot of history in philadelphia in fact there's been a lot of important historical events that have happened in this entire state pennsylvania served as one of our most important hubs for spreading ideas and getting americans all pumped up about overthrowing british rule then the state thrived saw some really bad times in the mid 1900s and now is trying to recover from its economic decline there's a lot of interesting history in pennsylvania and some neat stuff that you probably didn't know too we're gonna look at all that stuff and even meet people who live in pennsylvania it's time for corner house tales pennsylvania the rust belt state and now it's time for the history of pennsylvania in three minutes or less way back a long time ago before pennsylvania was a state of economic ruin it was actually a really pretty place we can briefly talk about the early history of pennsylvania but the really interesting stuff happened in the late 1700s at the time of european settlement here the native american population in present-day pennsylvania was small and widely scattered there were native tribes all over the place but they were gathered along river valleys for the most part swedish explorers were the first european settlers in pennsylvania but then the dutch came here right after that and then sweden and the netherlands began to battle over land in this future colony in 1650 the dutch pretty much kicked sweden out but then in 1664 england came and kicked the dutch out then in 1681 charles ii king of england signed a charter which gave all available remaining land in future pennsylvania to a man named william penn because the king of england owed william penn's dad a bunch of money so that's cool william penn was given control over much of pennsylvania by the english king to settle a debt the area was called pennsylvania penn after william penn and sylvania which means woodlands in another language there were a lot of woods in pennsylvania back then so william penn was in charge of a new colony everyone he decided it would be home for the quakers who were christians who wanted to flee england so they could practice their faith away from the constraints of english rule well these quakers made their way to the new colony of pennsylvania and william penn set up his headquarters in a place called philadelphia later on the city would be a very important place things got interesting here see a lot of other colonies were complaining that the british were treating them poorly so all the leaders of the colonies gathered in philadelphia to voice their concerns they were like the british won't let us do stuff and other colonies were like the british won't let us do stuff either so all these leaders people like george washington patrick henry john adams samuel adams and john jay met in secret and they called it the continental congress here in philadelphia they decided they had had enough and they even tried to get the british to back off it didn't work so in 1776 these important men re-gathered in philadelphia and signed the most important document of all time the declaration of independence that document basically said we're no longer colonies of england we're all going to be independent states delaware signed it first and pennsylvania signed it second and they decided philadelphia would be the capital of these new 13 sovereign states lots of other important things happened in philadelphia after the signing of the declaration of independence in 1788 the u.s constitution was adopted and signed right here in philadelphia this is also where they kept the liberty bell philadelphia was also where betsy ross made the first ever u.s flag she did a pretty good job everyone and that really happened there's been a whole list of go-getters who came from pennsylvania people like daniel boone robert fulton and bill cosby who cares about that guy but benjamin franklin was from here too he studied electricity and he invented a lot of stuff like bifocals musical instruments and the stove did you know the tasty cake was invented in pennsylvania i did not know that mappy i don't even know what a tasty cake is but that means it's time for pennsylvania facts [Music] i like learning about facts okay so pennsylvania has a lot of interesting facts just like most states do we're gonna talk about some interesting pennsylvania facts now sports is a big deal in this state i mean have you heard the language coming out of the nearest eagles fan's mouth but you may not know that the first baseball stadium was built in pittsburgh in 1909 it was called forbes field and the pirates played there the pirates actually won the world series that year it was one of the few times the pirates were any good the chocolate capital of the world is in hershey pa this is where they make all sorts of candy stuff like peanut butter cups kit kats chocolate bars and of course hershey's kisses they make 70 million hershey's kisses every single day here it's one of the most popular tourist stops in the whole state philadelphia is home to a lot of firsts we mentioned the first american flag was made here the first computer was here too it was called eniac and it was built in 1946 it was massive but memory wise it only held about as much information as a single text message today boop the first piano in america was built in philadelphia in 1775. these things were called piano fortes back then and they were originally invented in italy that's cool italy invented the piano our nation's first daily newspaper was published in philadelphia in 1784 it was called the american weekly mercury it cost five cents benjamin franklin created the country's first public zoo in philadelphia and now philadelphia is a zoo which is just sad and terrible and the nation's first hospital was built in philadelphia in 1751. that's a lot of firsts in philadelphia people of course we've heard of punxsutawney bill he lives in pennsylvania he's a groundhog and he predicts if winter's going to continue or not based on if he sees his shadow or not well this groundhog isn't very good at predicting the weather it's only been accurate about 38 of the time for one season in 1943 the philadelphia eagles and the pittsburgh steelers merged to form the steagles because they didn't have enough players during world war ii they went by four and one that year but got third place in their division not too bad steagles here's what their uniform looked like little league baseball's first world series was held in 1946 in williamsport and they hold the little league world series here every year now but not in 2020 because you know covid that's funny because kovid came from china so by giving everyone covid they denied themselves a chance to beat everybody else for like the 20th year in a row pennsylvania has the highest amish population in the world outside of the state of ohio kenneth square pa it's a small town in a small borough down near the delaware border it's considered the mushroom capital of the world because they harvest 5 million pounds of mushrooms here every year which is half of all of mushrooms grown in this country and that's a fact a guy named pat oliveri invented the famous philly cheesesteak sandwich in the 1930s this guy sold hot dogs in south philly and one day he decided to put grilled beef on the rolls instead and once he added cheese to a sandwich it became a real hit and finally the worst nuclear accident in u.s history occurred in 1979 on three mile island near harrisburg basically part of the nuclear reactor core melted a bunch of people ran and nobody died but years later there were a bunch of cancer cases in the area and that's really sad and now it's time for how smart is pennsylvania i'm gonna call some pennsylvania people and find out if they can answer some tough pennsylvania questions i like trivia time i ask people who live in their state if they can answer some trivia questions about their stay and there's five questions they're kind of hard but you know they're kind of like maybe not that hard i know you're not originally from there so if you don't get them right you know no one's gonna judge you but i figured maybe we just give it a chance and see if you can get any of these trivia questions you want to give it a shot okay let's okay all right okay so it's not the cheat okay yeah no googling okay so um the first question is so the first ever baseball stadium um was built in pittsburgh in 1909 do you know the the name of the of the team that played the original name of the team that played in that stadium in 1909 i'm gonna guess steelers what steelers i thought everybody in pennsylvania was a sports nut there goes that stereotype dude you better learn your sports quick or you're gonna get made fun of by a lot of people in pennsylvania and you grew up in pennsylvania um so i if it's okay maybe we could there's five questions we'll see if you can get them right all right yeah okay okay so the first one is the first ever baseball stadium was built in pittsburgh in 1909 right what was the name of the team that played there the original name of the team that's the name of the team oh man i'm not a baseball person oh man uh it's a tough one for me i know it wouldn't be the pirates um i'm just gonna go on a limb here the colts no probably not it yeah it is actually the pirates oh okay i know you'd think that it would be like some some goofy name like the horse clotters or the the amish what i mean no it was the pirates they were the pirates in 1909 when the stadium opened yeah they didn't they hadn't changed their name and they actually won the world series that year too nice hersh you you should maybe get this one right so hershey pa which is not too far from you um you've been there i think you said right yes so it's the chocolate capital of the world they make all the chocolate can you tell me what the best selling brand of um hershey chocolate is like which which of their candies do they sell the most of every it's gonna either be the hershey kiss or hershey chocolate bar i would have to say i'm gonna go with the chocolate bar no it's the reese's peanut butter cup oh man the peanut butter cup i used to love those growing up oh i know i had to go get one uh just to do this so i'm gonna actually eat that um go right ahead i wanna say it is the hershey chocolate balls that are wrapped in that aluminum and there is like a paper sticking out of them the ones that look like drops oh the hershey's kisses hershey's kisses yeah i think those are the ones that's not actually they they make 70 million of those a day um and it's actually not the highest the most popular seller really actually the reese's peanut butter cups yeah okay so you know about uh punxsutawney phil the groundhog day thing yes i know the second famous groundhog yes okay so um you know how it works right the groundhog comes out if it sees its shadow it means there's going to be winter is going to be longer if it doesn't see its shadow it means winter is going to end earlier you know about that okay do you think it's seen its shadow more times or not seen its shadow more times i think i think he's not seen his shadow more times especially based on pennsylvania based on weather here no he's seen his shadow almost 100 of 120 times apparently wow yeah and i learned some other trivia like i was trying to google how many um punxsutawney fill groundhogs have there been and like there's no answer because they never tell you when it's like a different one yeah like according to local laura it's like the same one that's been around for like 127 years yeah and um so clearly they only live eight years so there's been many of them but nobody they don't ever tell you like yeah this is a new one this year yeah no they're not gonna tell you so philadelphia was home to the first type of musical instrument right like the first ever of this type of musical instrument was built in philadelphia what musical instrument do you think that was electric guitar no it was a piano whoa okay i'd have to say a violin that's a piano piano that was going to be my guess i used to agree playing oh man come on man first guess okay so last question so you you just moved to to um philadelphia what you said five months ago yes february 16th okay that's very specific um have you had a cheesesteak yet yes okay what did you think of the cheesesteak uh they're tasty i like them there's actually a big competition for which one's the best or which one's the most famous one oh yeah yeah so the guy who invented the cheesesteak this is like in like the 1930s or something he used to actually sell something else and then he switched over and changed some stuff and not it became a cheesesteak what was the original thing that he used to sell before he invented the cheesesteak what would your guess be he sold bread he was a bread maker so he wasn't he was at a bakery yeah kind of close he uh he saw he was a hot dog vendor hot dog vendor okay sub sandwiches submarine sub sandwiches sorry i used to know this because i just down at pat's or if she had pat's and gino's i used to know this hot dogs it's right hot dogs he used to sell hot dogs and then he changed it and put the different meat in there and it got popular and off he went overnight yeah you're gonna you're gonna show the internet how i got zero out of five yeah i will show the internet you but you're new and you know no one's really gonna they'll give you a break it's time for pennsylvania news i'm skip fritsman thanks skip there's a lot of interesting news coming out of the state of pennsylvania these days here's just a little sample of the headlines here so this scientist invented a robot and wanted to do an experiment he called it a hitchbot and the whole point was to see if they could trust that random americans would pick this robot up and take it to a drop-off point the goal was to see if it could hitchhike its way across the country assisted by nice kind americans well hitchbot began in massachusetts and it was going pretty good until it got to philadelphia philadelphia ruined it apparently some philly people picked up the nice little robot and vandalized it beyond repair that's right after only two weeks the experiment was over thanks philadelphia the philadelphia residents who destroyed hitchbot even sent pictures of the damage to the scientists who invented it to brag about how they had destroyed it who does that now we mentioned gettysburg earlier this is the most famous civil war battleground site well not too long ago locals were driving through gettysburg and they saw ghosts running on the side of highway check this out i haven't really ever seen a good compelling ghost video before but you can clearly see these apparitions kind of appearing out of nowhere and then running off into the fog one of them even appears to run through a cannon apparently the people who shot this video heard some strange noises and then saw some weird fog banks and then they started recording and captured this more than 50 000 people died here so you may not be surprised that there's ghosts running around however who knows what's really going on i mean right next door in new jersey somebody said they saw a ufo and it was just a goodyear blimp going to a football game lol emoji this video brought to you by my barbecue on route 32 in williamsport oh there we got some great food that's my barbecue there's a lot of rednecks here in pa i'll tell you that well just recently police had to use a rope to corral a drunken pennsylvania man who was riding his mower he had a box of beer that's right and the guy was three times over the legal limit you can get a dewey on a riding mower even in the state of pennsylvania this all happened in washingtonville a little borough in montour county sorted by williamsport but it's not just the rednecks getting after it in the pennsylvania hillsides no i'll tell you that just this spring an amish teenager was arrested for driving his buggy while drunk he crashed it into a ditch and got into some major trouble so yes you can get a dui on an amish buggy there's actually a lot of drunk amish teenager buggy stories in this state if you google it i recommend you do just that and on a serious note if you're thinking of moving to pennsylvania well then you're in rare company according to the latest census which just came out pennsylvania didn't lose people but it was the sixth slowest growing state of all only five other states grew at a slower rate than pennsylvania did over the last decade you can see on this map that much of the northern and western part of the state shrinking fast however because illinois actually saw its population decline pennsylvania was actually able to pass illinois and become the fifth most populated state in the nation why is pennsylvania's population slowing down so much because much of pennsylvania is trapped in old economies manufacturing and energy sectors that have been outsourced overseas or eliminated completely pennsylvania is going to have to figure out the new job growth thing and spend some money to improve these dying communities or much of the state's going to continue to decline founding fathers they were awesome i sure like to eat some chocolate amish people crashing buggies pennsylvania needs more money all right so you live in harrisburg that's right i live in harrisburg the capital pennsylvania yeah tell people what it's like in harrisburg it's pretty chill um it's it's an okay city i live more so south of city people who are local to me i tell them i live in i live closer to hershey i enjoy it i've been here all 27 years um not much really do here but if you love the outdoors uh there's really that we're about three about three hours three to four three hours on a good day from new york city about two years from dc about an hour from baltimore and philly so it's also that that's really the benefits of living here um it's pretty chill nice place pretty okay place to raise a family i'd say so for people that are thinking about maybe moving to pennsylvania where are like three or four or five like maybe hidden gems or unknown places that you think are great that people could consider moving to in pennsylvania if they want a safe quiet place to raise a family that's not too expensive where would you tell people to maybe move in your state well for one i tell them state college state college is a area that people know for penn state um obviously state college is uh well yeah home to penn state i'd say state college is one area um again i'm also going to go more a little more rural um so i think also chambersburg area is pretty good because we're close to baltimore and dc at that point relatively inexpensive to live there uh the outskirts of harrisburg i would say more so if you had a little bit north closer to upper dolphin but i live in the central austin region i'd say that's an okay place to consider as well chester county we're actually went to lincoln university um chester county um i'd say consider there because again you're within proxima the philly about 50 minutes that'd be another area so westchester oxford area um i think really there i would have to say i don't really know much about the pittsburgh area i've only visited a bit but that's another good area to consider as well i would say pittsburgh chester county harrisburg because that's six i'm from there and maybe i would also probably want to throw in hershey as well greater hershey area where would you tell people do not move in your state well i would say do not move to well some of the dying cities such as reading unfortunately and now i'm sure every place i'm sure it will rebound at some point it's nice to visit because again you're outside of philadelphia but i would say avoid there avoid inner city harrisburg uptown's nice to i will say uptown region especially for someone my age 2030s you could find a lot to do in the up in the uptown midtown region of harrisburg i'd say but although i'd say avoid inner city to move there um obviously someone else outskirts of pittsburgh might be a little bit off such as would draw a blank on the names because like he's part yeah like mickey's port might be a little bit tough rocks mickey's rocks yeah just those those areas outside of the pittsburgh metro region um i would i don't really want to say york but outskirts of york can be pretty good except for inner city but they're really trying hard to clean that area up i would say i've heard erie is now i drove through erie and the outskirts were really pretty rolling countryside they got the lake up there i didn't really see too much of erie proper i've heard bad and i've heard a little bit of good would you say it's more bad than good or more good than bad and eerie i've i've really don't have an opinion either way since i don't know many people from that area however i can imagine it might it's probably a mixed bag just like the city of harrisburg more so the city where you if you fi want to find trouble you'll find it because that's really been my experience thus far with the state of pennsylvania and every city i've gone to because i've been to philly plenty of times and if you want to find the trouble you'll find if you want to have a good time and be safe you'll you'll be safe so i really can't say either way to that but are you gonna live in pennsylvania for the rest of your life you think i think i think i will um i sometimes complain about being here but i i really think that i will end up settling down here for the rest of my life because again i love the outdoors anybody who knows me knows that i'm usually outside a lot so there's plenty of that right here it's about almost the center of the state lots of woods you had more east you have more city had more west well pittsburgh is that way i think i will because i do enjoy the privacy i just enjoy the stability as well and if i want to go to a major city i just hop on the highway or hop on a plane i could be in the other side of the united states within a couple of hours so i think personally i i will i might leave for a little bit maybe for a couple years just to see other places that live there but i could see myself staying here well so yeah give people an idea so you like philadelphia philadelphia gets a bad rap for for being high crime bad areas um it is no it is it's true like if you go to north philly if you go to the far ends of west philly don't go to camp like you know it's just there are certain pockets of um philly here that is high crime it's poverty litter um crumbling infrastructure and then where i'm from san francisco we have that too like we have the baby hunters point like bay shore neighborhood that has the same thing going on if you go to oakland just across the bay um east oakland if you go towards um near the stadium what's it called called the coliseum oh yeah i've been there that's bad yeah yeah so i feel like every major city has a lot of impoverished neighborhoods with high crime and drug problems and gangs and violence philly has it too but i'm not in that neighborhood and i don't go there no like why i chose philly is i could afford property here um but but it's a mixed crowd like you'll see peop international like people you know people who moved here for work from another country you'll see families like immigrant families raising their kids um the gays like everyone yeah um you know here there is an armenian community here there is a gay community here there is there are five people who are already friends with and um there's other things that attracted me to philly like it's historic the architecture the food scene it's walkable transportation is decent it has certain level of greenery the riverfronts are pretty i like the city as a whole um but of course there's litter crime pollution there is um traffic i mean it's depends on like what time of the day and where you're going yeah but it's definitely not a perfect place and it's not a place that i would recommend people to raise kids like if you were to ask me should i raise my kids in philly i would say in the montgomery county or the delaware county but not in the city of philly yeah i think that was very helpful i was going to ask you that so yeah i mean everybody wants to know where can i move um yeah especially right now everyone's trying to you know musical homes everyone's moving around and stuff yeah um but the market is booming and it's rising rapidly the values are going up yeah and um a lot of money from new york city and dc is flowing here and you know baltimore and wilmington get dodged because they are in worse situation they just have crime higher like they have opioid crisis higher so wilmington and um baltimore get dodged but a lot of dc money and new york money is flowing into philly and it's gentrifying the city rapidly there are several pockets that are gentrifying um it looks very different like my boyfriend's mom who went to university here when she was visiting she's like yeah the neighborhood you live in we wouldn't like go to ever like we you know yeah but now you see you know people you see yoga studios you see uh pressed the juice stores um you see people walking around in athleisure like with their dogs it's a whole new like you wouldn't believe what it used to be yeah but it's still they have a long way to go before you recommend anybody moves here to raise the family you could raise a you could raise kids in my neighborhood but the public schools suck so no like don't send them to public school um and you know if you want a big yard where you can you can have your kids playing a big yard this is a row home with a small deck patio place to hang out you know your kid is not gonna have a tree house here you could put like a basketball hoop but they're not gonna have a large space or if you know if you want a family with a dog it's not ideal to have a dog in a row home um garages are not common in philly that's a problem in my opinion um it's just easier to pull up into your garage versus looking for parking uh i do wanna have kids in the future but i i don't wanna raise them in like south philly as a young man i want to be in south philly yeah yeah that's cool yeah i think that was really helpful i think there's a lot of people that were probably hoping when they watched this they'd actually learn some information that wasn't just silly facts and history that was like actually like relevant to their lives and you know there you go really philly is awesome like it really is it does have a lot of positivity to it just like san francisco where i'm from but there are negatives to every place yeah yeah no one's perfect and that's a lot of stuff about pennsylvania goodbye hey guys if you learned something new about america or what it's like to live in america great you should think about subscribing and turning on your notifications you can also click one of these videos or playlists for more you can also now buy my songs on itunes and other formats click the link in the description thanks for watching and remember while we all might have different views we should all be nice to each other and try to make the us a better place in a positive way this is sage knicks manager this has been a corner house entertainment production and are you looking to move and need advice i do consulting that's right i'll sit down and talk about where the next perfect place for you and your family should be i do it all the time together let's find you a new home that's safe and checks all your boxes you can get my email in the description to find out how i can help you find your perfect relocation and i can also help you find your new house too email me and i'll work with you i'm not just helping you figure out where to move but i can help you find your perfect home too that's right someone's a realtor now who wants to deal with a realtor they don't know when you can have me help you right
Channel: Nick Johnson
Views: 30,560
Rating: 4.8278627 out of 5
Keywords: the worst places to live in pennsylvania, worst cities in pennsylvania, pa, pennsylvania, moving to pennsylvania, should i move to pennsylvania, pennsylvania realtor, pennsylvania mortgage loan, pittsburgh, philadelphia, reading, chester, mckeesport, york, wilkes-barre, brownsville, centralia, harrisburg, hazleton, top 10, gettysberg, hershey, pennsylvania history, philadelphia history, founding fathers, constitution, pennsylvania facts, pennsylvania trivia, pennsylvania news, amish, williamsport
Id: e8gR_QzyGTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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