Which Sims 4 occults are actually fun to play? (Best & Worst Occult Packs)

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despite the Sims 4 not having as many occults as previous Sims games it does have a lot of occult packs what was once just one expansion pack in The Sims 3 known as the supernatural pack is now being split into multiple packs in The Sims 4 and we still don't even have the full experience but I know a lot of people love occult gameplay myself included and I don't think it's necessary to own all of the packs I honestly think you could just have one yes by the way I do have a big spot on my forehead I'm sorry I tried to conceal it and get rid of it but I couldn't so it's just gonna have to just track you in the video I do apologize I found this to your list online I am gonna ignore ghost plant Sims and skeletons from Jungle Adventure because they're not proper occults that you can really play as that require a pack so I'm just focusing on the pack ones artillies runs from s for Superior a for adequate B for boring C for chlamydia and D for dick cheese starting off with aliens aliens were actually base game in The Sims 2 then they were added to the seasons pack in The Sims 3 which is a little bit weird and then they were added to the get to work work pack in this interval which is also a bit weird they tie in with the scientist create of get to work because it allows you to travel to space and go to the alien world of siksam the actual World itself is very boring it has a couple of gems there that you can Harvest but there's no alien City or civilization it's a little bit Bland the actual aliens themselves as well are unfortunately very Bland they can do some basic things like analyze a personality of another Sim although that's no different really from just clicking the get to know option they can change between human form and alien form which is cool but there's really just not that much to them they're a very small part of a pack about going to work because of that I will say aliens in The Sims 4 are dick cheese taking a look at mermaids which came in the island living pack mermaids are the least developed occult they were the least developed to cult in The Sims 3 as well mermaids have always been pretty bad they really have like no gameplay to them at all and the gameplay that is there is so shallow it is horrific there were so many routes that they could have gone down with mermaids but they didn't go down them so again because of that unfortunately I will say mermaids are a Mist they are dick cheese they are even worse than dick cheese they are moldy dick cheese is it even there we go we can add a new tear there we go mermaids who are moldy dick cheese are even worse than aliens that is saying something but even make it red to make it extra dangerous so on a more fun note Servo robots I really love Servo robots in The Sims 2 they came with the open for business pack in The Sims 3 they came with the into the future pack and in The Sims 4 they came with discover University and that's because there's a brand new skill in Discovery University all about crafting mechanical objects like robot tinkering I really love servos because of the ways that you can like upgrade them and change them unfortunately in The Sims 4 it is so challenging like not challenging in a fun way but a mundane way it honestly takes like so many in-game hours just to craft a server robot it is ridiculous it is a very very tough grind but I genuinely really like Servo robots servos are very useful helpers and they actually have a lot of cross-pack play servos couldn't do the cleaning the gardening repairing broken objects they can be entertainment they can actually do a lot they can also like if you own vampires they can chase away vampire trespasses if you own get famous they can chase away Paparazzi you can woohoo with a server not sure how how is that possible it is possible to woohoo yourself with an electronic device so I guess it makes sense but in all you can turn them into like a super Sim like you can get them to gain skills really fast they only have a couple of needs like they're really really good to play with it's almost kind of like a robot Butler and I think it's really fun although I admit they're not like massively in-depth I would say they're adequate next up we are looking at round with magic spellcasters on a personal note I would say my favorite occult pack for The Sims what is the ram down with magic pack I don't think it was implemented in the best way but I do really enjoy the gameplay of it I think it's really fun learning all of the different spells and I think it has a lot of replayability value because you can use a spouse for really useful things in game like even if it's just repairing an object cleaning yourself cleaning an objects torturing another Sim for a bit of fun there's a lot of possibilities with spells and they are quite op I also think the Alchemy side of it as well it's not massively in depth a lot of the potions just affect moodlets but for the most part I actually think it's got a lot going for it the way I personally like to play with spellcasters is I actually just make them like normal Sims living in a normal world but they just happen to be magic like I just have a spellcaster in an apartment in the city Living World Sam myishuno and I give them a totally normal life but they just happen to be a spellcaster and it changes their life in the ways you play a little bit and I quite like that having said that trying to look at it from an unbiased perspective even though they are my favorite occult there's an literally no spells you can learn for example for a child's theme which is literally crazy The Familiar system where you can kind of summon pets is a little bit dumb and doesn't have much depth I also think the pack can be a little bit too easy to complete it's really easy to grind out and learn all the different spells and they almost become too op where they literally have like no challenge to them and the skill tree system is kind of useless it doesn't offer much because it's so easy to complete being a spellcaster and learn all the Spells the skill tree is kind of rendered a little bit useless it's not like you can learn special spells from it you can only learn ways to gain or learn new spells faster but you don't need that because they're easy enough to learn anyway so I am gonna pop them in boring just because I think they're not the best but they are still fun taking a look at vampires next I actually think vampires is a really great pack for build mode and for cast mode it's definitely the strongest occult pack for builds I would honestly say though that the gameplay is a little bit annoying if you have the Pack already you may know that vampires turn up at your front door no matter what world you live in and they will bite your scenes all the time and it's so annoying although the thing that to be honest disappoints me the most is the vampire abilities because they don't really do that much and a lot of the abilities feel very repetitive and similar and very recycled it does have a skill tree system which is okay and some of the skills add you know new powers and things but I just feel like the vampires themselves They Don't Really offer much other than having the power to change the moodlet of another Sim I personally don't think that they deserved an entire game pack to them just because there's not that much you can really do with them and what you can do with them isn't really that in depth although I will say it is a more unique way to play The Sims as with round with magic occults I would also just have like a vampire family living in a normal household and just trying to live like a normal life with them but they happen to be vampires I think that's the best way to go about it but honestly I just don't really think they're that in depth there's something that's fun to mess around with for maybe like 30 minutes to an hour but then honestly I think that you get very bored of them because of that vampires are going in C for chlamydia so the next main pack is the werewolves pack for The Sims 4 which obviously comes with the werewolves this one is the latest release a cult pack for The Sims 4 and I honestly think it's the most in-depth occult pack the occult aside the actual world is probably the best occult world that comes in a game pack they also have the best cars in that they're so customizable like it is literally insane they're just as customizable as like cats and dogs but the reason why I actually really like the Sims 4 werewolves is because they come with a fury system which is dependent on the moon cycle obviously when it's a full moon they go absolutely crazy and they kind of go on a rampage where you don't really have any control over them and they can destroy objects and they're a little bit mental I like it I like the lack of control it's not always good to be in control I could turn that into like a you innuendo but I won't do to it werewolves also have temperaments and these are basically kind of like special personality traits when they're in their werewolf form which I think it's really cool actually gives them a lot more depth in terms of their character they also have a lot of different abilities some of which are a little bit boring but a lot of them are actually really cool and it changes the way that you play with them and the way that you interact with the game like even just little basic things like werewolves can lick themselves clean or they can wee on the floor whereas other Sims can't do that and it changes the way that you think about fulfilling their needs they can as well obviously do things like digging up treasure and finding things they can go out and Hunt food but I think it's really cool that they actually have this like werewolf pack system where there's two main packs in the pack that is where you just say two packs in the pack you know what I mean in the werewolves game pack there are two werewolf packs and you choose to be in one or the other and they're kind of like rivaling packs one is like a traditional werewolf pack the other one is like a modern one and you can choose which one you'll be a part of you can also like claim the ranks and actually become like the alpha werewolf yourself in terms of like a fully holistic collective experience I would say that werewolves in The Sims 4 are actually Top Notch I will say they are s for Superior so which seems for occult packs do I recommend getting versus avoiding ranking them at number six we have the island living expansion pack for coming with bloody awful mermaids comparable to moldy dick cheese at number five we have aliens which come with get to work these are comparable to normal dick cheese as if that's any better at number three we have vampires sounds like a good idea on paper I just think that you'll get bored of it very very quickly therefore it's not worth the money at number three we have the realm of magic packs Bell casters are very fun as I said they're my favorite occult but I think the pack is a little bit too easy to complete and I think that there's a lot more that they could have done with the pack at number two we have discover University a bit of a weird pack to put in here I genuinely think servos are very very fun and they tie into a lot of different gameplay stories and gameplay ideas I think they're an excellent quirky part to have of any Sims household and at number one we have the werewolves pack this is the ultimate occult package it definitely comes with a lot of things so many things I couldn't possibly mention in one entire video there are also many miscellaneous small occults like bone Hilda with paranormal stuff but I feel like these ones don't really count I wanted to go over like specific packs that come with occult gameplay I hope you found this video useful if you did you might also enjoy the next video here thank you so much for watching I will see in the next one
Channel: SatchOnSims
Views: 25,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4 occult, sims 4 best occult, sims 4 best packs
Id: owrvCw5Qz5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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