Ranking Every Sims 4 World (High School Years Updated)

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you see i don't think willow creek's that bad and i know a lot of people complain about it i do not think it's about worlds like it's moderately pain i'm not gonna lie it's just there's only so far you can go with a base game world but at least it's got a coherent theme it's got a nice park what more do you want oasis springs do you know what i'm not sure the thing that annoys me about the world map is it looks like everything is on sand but then like i clicked this household in the bottom right hand corner and you can see it's on grass like their entire house is on grass but it doesn't show in the map screen like this world is honestly great i just do not feel like the map screen does it justice is it sultry is it no it's it um i apologize but you are only moderately pen guys i feel like a lot of you don't know what i mean by salt tree because some of you don't follow my tick tocks i have like you know on my youtube one of my sayings is like literally traumatizing on tick tock when am i saying to sultry as in s-u-l-t-r-y but i have a lot of non-native english-speaking followers and i think they thought i was literally saying salt tree like a salty tree so it's just like a thing like salt trees but it means sexy anyway new crest i am in two ways about new crest i like kind of how they gave us a big empty world i just feel like that's not what simmers really wanted like one of the biggest criticisms of willow creek and oasis springs is that there's not enough locks people wanted the ability to have more empty lots the sims team interpreted that as oh let's just give them an empty world we didn't want an empty world we just wanted willow creek and oasis springs to be bigger so we can have more empty lots of build on them not have an entire empty world and the thing about the world is that it's basically the same as willow creek just completely empty and if you want to build here it's just like a completely empty place like you can't just put one house here because then you're just living in a neighborhood with nobody like you've got to go all the way or nothing and it's a lot of effort i mean if you're a builder it might be all right but for most casual players it's not and for that reason you are not laying you're not literally traumatizing because it's nice for builders but you are not laying magnolia promenade the smallest i think this is not only the smallest expansion pack world but the smallest world in general four [ __ ] lots i can't believe it the point of get to work is that it was supposed to be an extension of willow creek so we have to pretend that this whole area is basically like willow creek and the sole purpose of this world is just to have some shops i mean we've got a little park over here we've got a little seating area with a barbecue but it's just got four lots that are meant for shopping i just don't understand for an expansion pack which should have had a bigger budget why don't we have more lots yes is what technically comes with a hospital it comes with a house that you can investigate if you be a part of the detective career and it comes with a science lab which is that active career thing but then it's still not really enough do you know what i mean yeah technically it does also come with the secret world of six ham which is the alien world but then that's not really like a world like you can't build on it you can't live on it you can't go on vacation there it's just like a very special place that you can only get to with the rocket ship in a very specific scenario and it doesn't have a new theme it literally is just willow creek magnolia primiard promenade whatever you are you are traumatizing windenberg i mean how many bloody lots do you know what guys i would bother counting but i literally can't be bothered guys we have so many different areas do you know what i mean we've got a rich tory island we've got the classic kind of br is it not british just very traditional area we've got our cute little town area we've got the pier like we've got one of everything it is amazing granted it is a bit annoying and very very naive of the sims seem to just call this the european world and never ever give us another european style world in the sims 4 again it's kind of like a joke you know that american people just treat europe as if it's one whole country so it's like the only european representation we have in the game is this area and it's not european representation like it's like it looks german it looks dutch but it doesn't represent the whole of europe i like that it represents a small part of europe is something that we've never really had before in the sims as far as i'm aware this neighborhood here is honestly one of my favorite parts in the entire game it looks like a bloody final fantasy world and i'm honestly here for it and it's not just that traditional aspect like look at this modern area with the nice fountains and the pier like there are so many things you could do with this world there are so many ways you could interpret it and build on it if you want to build or just play on it it's honestly the best world in the game and for that it is literally sultry i don't think we will ever ever ever get a work like windenburg again oh guys i realized i did it wrong i accidentally put windenberg in literally traumatizing and i put magnolia promenade in sultry so i've had to change that whoopsie daisy anyway guys sam maishuno now i do have some issues with this world and firstly i would like to talk about the uptown area which is where all of the fancy apartments are the thing about this uptown area is that apart from the apartments themselves we only have one usable lot which is a gym it's just a random gym of all things that could be on this you know beautiful like penthouse area we have a [ __ ] gym but next to the gym we have this like podium area so if you do the political career you obviously have to talk on the podiums and like in order to do it you have to visit the gym lot which doesn't make any sense to me it's one of the weird ways about how the sims 4 worlds work which i think if you haven't played the sims 4 before it's kind of like why does it work that way but yeah of all things they could do with this area they just do a boring gym it's frustrating because like every single sims 4 world is like we need to have a gym we need to have a museum we need to have a bar like why does every single sims 4 world have to have all of the exact same stuff i feel like they just could have put something else here they did also give us mysuno meadows which is kind of like the wedding venue area of the mysuno world which looks nice it's basically the park area unfortunately the venue does not work very well i mean weddings in the sims 4 are tragic enough whether or not you have my wedding stories but the actual wedding lot here is just way too big when it's way too big all of the guests are dispersed and it's all just a bit of a mess but it's just a bit random to me i feel like they could have done something different with it like they could have put some of the festivals here for example although one thing that i do like is the different districts have different aesthetics so we've got the tory districts we've got the fashion district we've got the spice market like the cultural district and we have the arty quarter like there are so many different ways that you can play for that reason i will say it is moderately pen forgotten hollow a lot of people hate on forgotten hollow because they're like oh it's only got five lots in the world the thing is this is a game pack not an expansion pack so i think five lots is okay granted the world is very small if we compare it to the next best occult pack which is werewolves werewolves actually comes with a pretty big world seemingly that it's just a game pack the thing about the vampires pack is it only has this like central area i feel like it should have come with not a church because i know the sims 4 is not supposed to be religious but like you know like a churchy style building like some kind of building that the werewolves can go into some kind of secret basement area do you know what i mean there just needs to be something else here but i like that it's constantly dark i like that it has an aesthetic i don't know why we have a public bathroom in this world who is maintaining it and you know i do like the square but again i just feel like they could have gone further with this little square they could have done more things with it it's got a thing it's just the theme didn't go far enough it is it is mid it is our first mid world brindleton bay brindleton bay almost gives me windenberg vibes but not quite we've got a lot of different districts we do have museum island which again literally traumatizes me why do we need to have so many bloody museums in this game i feel like there could have been more lots on it we've literally just got one lot i feel like you know we've got all this empty space on the island yet nothing we can do which is a very big you know thing for the sims 4 there's a lot of space there's a lot of space that looks pretty but you just can't interact with it and i feel like this island is one of those places which has just not got much going on i feel like there should have been a beach slot maybe down here or just another lot over here that you could do something with this area over here though i absolutely love it you know each lot is different like this little lot is completely off land you've got to get there for your little tunnel i guess i wouldn't put a cottage here but you can put something sweet here do you know what i mean oh look at that i just go into live mode to show you the whole world and it's bloody lying guys why does my sims 4 lag so much am i the only person who plays a sims 4 like this in just constant like [ __ ] now i'm gonna have to restart this [ __ ] game anyway i apologize for getting mad for a second of course it is [ __ ] raining whilst we're trying to do a video talking about the world oh my gosh shanice you've stopped taking your clothes off she's honestly obsessed with taking her clothes off and i literally have no mods installed you guys say always say to me that's the reason why your game nice because you have mods guys i literally don't have mods in right now which is why i have to do the old-fashioned way of changing the weather with the weather control device hopefully shanice will not explode and die because sometimes she does when i have to do this is it gonna work is it gonna work thank god for that anyway i like how we have this kind of is it a beach it's kind of like a beach what would you call this it's like a beach but it also has like a river in it and there's lots of grass i guess it's a beach you know this area has good parking because a lot of the sims for worlds have terrible parking but because this world was designed for like walking your dog it's got good parking there's lots of really nice nooks and crannies lots of nice lots to visit we also have an incredible harbour area by the way you know the sims 4 loves piers and harbours they're in almost every world this one is the best i love using dine out and putting a restaurant on in this area right here granted this top area here is very very bland it just comes with like a random dog park i mean it's all right in general i would say this world is sultry it's not big enough as windenberg but it is still a pretty cool world darsol valley hmm where do we [ __ ] go with this one a lot of people complain about the size of the world i feel like it's not necessarily an issue with this pack but more so an issue with the sims 4 in general that it doesn't have an open world system seeming that this pack is all about going out to celebrity hot spots and venues there's only actually two venues for celebrities which is like the zed lister place and then we've got the hot spot where all that you know five-star celebrities go on paper it makes sense the thing is you often find five star celebrities going to the lower end places too and it's just like a whole pack about going out and being celebrity and getting noticed in public there's only literally two venues to go to i remember in the sims 3 there are so many nightclubs and things and in the sims 2. so yeah it is a bit frustrating i do like that we have them all kind of trashy neighborhood so if you're doing a storyline in this game it's like you start off poor in this neighborhood and then as time goes on you get rich enough to be able to afford to live here granted there are only three lots in this like expensive neighborhood i don't think it's like a massive issue i mean judith ward's house is an issue i mean are you telling me this is supposed to be judiford's mansion the iconic traumatizing five-star celebrity she has i just love how this wonderful balcony is so detailed and then the build itself is literally disgusting why are there two sofas like this outside it literally traumatizes me but i do think it's a pretty world i just think it gets let down by the fact that there's not a separate like apartment lot with penthouses and things especially you can kind of see in the bottom corner of the map screen i feel like they should have just given us like one apartment building do you know what i mean a building that has you know maybe a nightclub lot or something i'd say it's mid strangerville i absolutely love this world this world is literally so trashy and i love it the only thing i will say a lot of these lots that look like they should be usable but they're not like this lot here you can visit but then this lot here you can't this a lot here you can't in this trailer area this lot here you can like it is very very like mixed up do you know what i mean like why can i visit this but i can't visit this and you know this top area as well i do love it it is a classy area but it's still quite trashy which i like now the houses in this area are a bit like my ex quite good looking on the outside but on the inside extremely hollow and empty like this room just has like a sofa a chest of drawers and a bed but this ah this room of just a [ __ ] desk is not the [ __ ] vibe what is going on here these lots are desperate and i think it's a shame because when you play the sims you don't just want to like have to set everything up you know you don't want to jump into a lot and be like oh this lot's ugly so i need to fix it because not everybody wants this kind of rag to riches our gameplay some of us just want to like get on with it and because of that i feel like the world is annoying because you often have to replace these lots with new lots on the gallery but the world itself is nice so i'd say it's moderately paying salani is a lovely world the great thing about salani is it brings in the new lot type where you can build on water a lot of people complain about this pack for being very shallow and i think that's because it's one of those packs that's very beautiful and it's got a lot of stuff it's just like there's not a lot of stuff you can do and the things that you can do are quite shallow but putting the gameplay aside and focusing only on the world like we have the little like event square where you can do event things we have a few different lots in the world and yeah in the sea you know you can do some random things you can go like snorkeling but it's like what can you actually do here it's pretty but like there's nothing here you know we've got this mysterious lot here but you can't click on it or do anything with it i just feel like every single neighborhood in this world is basically exactly the same like i know we are on an island and it's supposed to have an island aesthetic but it's like every single neighborhood shouldn't look exactly the same because then what's the point in visiting different neighbourhood areas you know with winderperk there was like the modern pier there's a traditional villagey town area there's the upmarket island place like there were different areas they all had different vibes every neighborhood in ireland living has the exact same vibe which is just a bit mid to me which is why unfortunately it is a mid world glimmer brook now before i've even talked about this world in full detail it already loses points for the fact that this one singular house has a staircase leading to nothing the sims team have not bothered to patch in a [ __ ] door just to go here just a single door they have not patched it in they could have it's such an easy thing to place a [ __ ] door why have they not patched it in i will never understand the world itself looks nice there are a few issues i have the first issue is that it's so dark and it's raining and it's incredibly annoying am i gonna have to get the blood to wear the control device again in fact one thing i hate about literally every single sims 4 world is that it rains all the time they need to tone down the raining the sims 4 is not supposed to be a british life simulation there is not supposed to be rain every other second give us a bit more sun please one very random things that annoys me about this world is that all of the houses have these humongous extravagant driveways going all the way around they're all incredibly big the kind of driveway that should lead into a mansion and instead leads into this [ __ ] minecraft house which literally looks traumatizing unfortunately yeah the world itself is pretty small and bland obviously we do have the magic realm which i think is a quite nice world it's nice that we've got different areas and they're all split off into like a different island i don't think we've ever really seen anything like this in the sims 4 and it's nice that we have this detail obviously unfortunately like this this you know this entire area is not functional we only have one usable thing and it's not even a lot it's just like a [ __ ] shop do you know what i mean why could this this little building not have been a nice house that your sims could live in it would have been so cute and it would have been a nice way to have terrace houses and yeah i just feel like it's not gone far enough it's beautiful very beautiful but shallow and that upsets me saying that because i do honestly love the pack but yeah it is not laying braychester as a british person i do actually appreciate this world this is obviously very british scene spike world one thing i do not like is that there's lots of terrace houses this you know this is clearly inspired by you know places in the uk where we have terrace houses yet we don't have terrace house lots in the sims 4. i feel like they could have worked in a similar way to apartments do and that you can't change the external structure but you could maybe change the inside i don't know why they didn't go about it this way and i wish they did we've never ever had townhouses in the sims 4 and i just think it would have made so much sense and they should have just programmed it like apartments but you know the world itself i actually think is really nice usually when it comes to as i said before european representation we just get labeled as europe as a country as a whole even though it's not a country it's a continent kind of like africa how everybody treats africa like as a country and not a continent but i feel like with this world they took one very specific part of the uk and they turned it into a world granted they did take the tory area of the uk it's still an area of the uk and they ran with a specific theme i also like that we got the two university areas we've got this whole modern university which is very representative of a lot of modern universities in the uk i feel and then of course we have the traditional british straight white man university which is very very beautiful i must add i like how we've got two different university areas in this world granted there's not really that much to do outside of the universities themselves it is a little bit annoying in real life in university you don't really do anything outside of uni other than go to nightclubs now again so i think it's fine i do feel like the sims team did put effort into it so it is moderately paying evergreen harbour when it comes to the sims world being very very big but having absolutely nothing to do because they're blind and empty i would say evergreen harbour is probably the epitome of that this area is literally [ __ ] huge but there's nothing to do here it's literally ridiculous why are they seen putting so much of their budget in these big set designs when you can't even do anything in there i will never understand although one thing that i do like about this world is it actually looks very british i know it's not supposed to but it genuinely looks like an ordinary british estate almost and i think it's the close we're ever gonna get i also like that we've got apartments here because the sims team haven't really given us any other apartments outside of city living so i think it's nice to just drop a couple in you know some packs now again it makes sense and they should do with almost all packs i feel but for me one of the key selling points about this pack is it's very dynamic the world is always changing depending on how you play that's the whole thing about eco lifestyle i really like how you can make the world look very attractive or very ugly depending on your play style the sims 4 really lacks consequences and i love that there are consequences as far as i'm aware like when you make the area look more beautiful all of this kind of like trash and stuff will disappear and it will look a lot more pristine depending on the policies you use granted again there's lots of empty spaces like yeah i can get my sim to walk here but why what am i going to do here sit on a [ __ ] bench and stare at a like water pump like yeah it's it's a pretty shallow place but i like that it has consequences the world is dynamic and dynamic is always good so it is moderately paying hanford upon shaggly again another british world i do think the little village here is very very cute although just like the marketing area in the realm of magicbot is all fake these buildings have got literally nothing in them you can click on windows shop and they do an animation where they stare at the window but there's nothing to do the only usable thing here is a market stool i do think the lots are very cute looking but again it's one of those areas that fall sharks has nothing to do like we've got this like random spirally thing here but like you know you can search in this little kind of snail thing but like it's you just get like [ __ ] collectibles do you know what i mean i feel like you know one of the biggest things that been requested in the sims for such a long time as fairies i feel like they could have played on traditional british fairy law and yeah we've got lots of kind of foresty areas and that's really nice but it's just like you know there's nothing to do and i don't know what i feel like the foresty bit in this world does not look that british if you are british please comment on this but i genuinely like if i go for a walk in the local countryside by me it does not look like this in the slightest see to me this looks kind of like rain not rain foresty it's giving me like south of america the bayou vibes do you know what i mean it doesn't actually look that british-y to me and we've got some nice areas like this little kind of abandoned church is giving me legends out of breath of the wild vibes but what it doesn't give me in terms of legend of zelda breath of the wild is any secrets it's just a place that your sims can like walk to but do nothing there i do love the pack i just think the world is bland and for that reason i'm terribly sorry but it is literally traumatizing being beautiful is fine but if there's nothing to do i don't want to hear it and i know you're all going to tell me i'm harsh for saying that but it's just the way i feel tartosa this [ __ ] is literally traumatizing you guys all know i hate my wedding stories with a passion firstly this beach lot here you can't actually build over the sea obviously in the sims for island living you can i can kind of understand why not because one of the key selling features about island living is a new build mode that you can build overseas but i just feel like they should have given us the ability to do it here like why not again the world itself has a lot of beautiful random places that you can go to but you can't really do anything there and the world itself actually has very bad pathing issues if you get your sims to walk sometimes they walk in a very very strange way and it's not really clear why they walk in such a roundabout way i also hate how we've got like these little cafe areas with the seats but the seats are not usable it's just [ __ ] shallow and i hate it so much granted there are a lot of lots here and i do like this more secluded area here which only has a couple of lots and it has a beach area it's just i feel like i do not have a reason to visit this world i don't really care i don't want to come here if you're a builder i think you'd like this world a bit it's just again very superficial which is why for that reason it is literally traumatizing moonwood mill this looks like every other mining town star world in the sims 4 the sims team i love their [ __ ] mining sounds do you know what the world itself is actually quite nice it's supposed to be a pack the original title of the werewolf's pack was called go wild it was a pack about being in the wild so it is a very wild world i like that it has a theme some points it is very shallow like we have this mysterious like mountain area that go up here but there's literally nothing to do up here there is literally a [ __ ] plant of all things nothing much really to do there's no usable lot up here when the sims team announces world they made out that there were lots of secrets and things you can do in the open world area outside of the lots but there's actually nothing to do you know you can visit these underground tunnels and you can go through them but why am i going through them so i can go through it and come out at the other side to another empty and useless area where you can't do anything yeah it's nice it's cool that we have this little sewage place but what am i gonna do explore the [ __ ] tunnels through the sewer put my sims through a rabbit hole and where does a rabbit hole lead it leads out of the cubicles to this other area where you can't really do anything if you could describe this world in three words it would be fashion over function and that is because this one is fashionable in the sense that it's very beautiful it fits a very coherent theme there is just [ __ ] all to do here i do apologize i mean with the mail but you are not laying mount komarabi i do not own the snowy escape pack but i've seen other people play it i've seen the world map i actually think it's a very beautiful world i actually think there's a lot to do in this world the whole point of the world is to go out and do things granted the gameplay is a little bit shallow but we're only looking at the worlds today i like how you've got the inner town bit i like how you've got the snowy mountain bit i like how there's that diversity i think when it comes to sims 4 worlds in general diversity is so important because you want to have a coherent theme but you want each individual area to be unique a good example as i said before is windenburg and a bad example is solani i do like that the snowy skit world has different areas i do wish there was an apartment building area a modern city area and from my experience living in japan japan's this weird mix of traditional and ultra modern and i feel like they didn't harness that ultra modernness enough but i do think it is a peng world so yeah it is moderately pen granite falls or granite falls we could even call it granny falls if you want to the world map screen is ugly and again it does have this kind of like mountainous mining town vibes as every single sims well i don't believe all of the individual lots offer enough variation and you know the whole point about going on vacation is exploring and you can't really explore outside of the vacation lots obviously this was the first ever not just game pack but literally the first pack for the sims forever to be released so granted as with every other first in the sims 4 is very shallow and you can see it's literally just loads of trees with random lots in there with not much to do i just feel like they could have gone further with it i would love to see it being refreshed but we all know the sims seem have a phobia of updating odd packs so that will not happen any time soon so yes it is literally traumatizing i apologize sav darada oh my [ __ ] lord this is a lovely world i'm obsessed with salvadorada firstly i love how we have the secret area i love how we've got the question marks now granted i hate that you can't live here there's literally no reason why you can't live here but i just love that the world has its coherent theme especially for a game pack it is pretty huge and it is quite customizable i feel now as with salani every single neighborhood in this area looks the same so there's no reason to explore all the different vacation homes like as you can see we have a lot of different vacation homes but they all basically offer the same vibe i wish just these two different areas had slightly different vibes obviously we have the jungle exploration era itself this is actually not bad the sims 4 is terrible when it comes to exploration and finding secrets i feel like jungle adventure is the best we're going to get it's not good it's not like the sims 3 world adventures world but it's okay and for that i'd say it's it's moderately paying journey to bat who the [ __ ] do you think you are i don't own this pack i don't want to own it and i don't recommend anybody else owns it the thing about the world is it's just a giant set dressing it's not actually a world it doesn't even have any [ __ ] lots it's literally pointless it literally is the opposite of what the sims 4 should be if it could have its own category below literally traumatizing it would but it can't so it is just literally traumatizing now we've got the brand new world of copperdale it's not released yet but by the time i upload this video it will be released i like the look of this new world i've seen in the traders and things i like how we have the peer area with the fairground it's actually something unique and fun to do and we haven't had anything like that in the sims 4 yet which i really appreciate unfortunately this school area is very bland and unusable and the residential area is kind of bland again another simple mining town i honestly am traumatized by vmware and mining towns i would say this world is not lang you know the world is pretty it's just the same old we've seen it all before it's not lang it's nothing special i don't want to eat the same chocolate bar every day i like variety when it comes to chocolates one day i want dairy milk the next day i want galaxy the day after i want mint arrow what i don't want is a galaxy bar every day and in this metaphor the sims for mining towns are the galaxy bars like they taste nice but i don't want a [ __ ] galaxy every day guys as you can see the majority of the worlds are moderately peng and that is because the sims 4 is a sexy game unfortunately i wouldn't say it's the best sims game i would say the most sexy sims game is probably the sims 3. in fact i know it is a sims 3 guys if you want to see me rank the sims 3 world so let me know down below i love doing random t lists recently i ranked all of the sims 4 packs on how capitalistic and cash grabby they are which was so much fun so make sure you check out that one next see you in the next one
Channel: SatchOnSims
Views: 112,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satchonsims, satcho sims, satch0sims, satchmo sims, sims 4 worlds, sims 4 ranking worlds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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