I asked 20,000 people to rate every Sims 4 pack in 2023

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this is the second year I've asked you guys to rate every single pack in The Sims 4 there's now 70 of them and 23,000 of you guys filled out this survey rated every single pack and we're going to go through the list from the worst packs all the way to the best packs so hopefully this will help you decide which packs you want to buy which ones you want to avoid last year there was 17 kits now there's 25 so we're going to go through them pretty quick number 25 the lowest rated modern Men's Wear kit at a 4.2 number 24 is bust the dust 4.2 look I still have fun with this kit I do enjoy it but I understand the low rating you only get the three items the dust system is pretty annoying if you don't want it to work and when it came out it didn't work so I get it number 23 is Carnival streetware kid at a 4.6 you know we're getting we're getting up there nearly halfway there each of these ratings are out of 10 so you know 4.6 not great you know below like five probably not a good place to be number 22 is Throwback fit kit at a 4.6 and we've got fashion Street kit at 4.9 number 20 is the courtyard Oasis kit 5.6 we got the poolside Splash kit at number 19 moving up to number 18 is a symptom it's collection at a 5.9 at least we're kind of getting up to scores that are a little bit more respectable now I feel like six and above if that's the kind of style you're after I think it makes sense I mean we shouldn't be aiming don't get me wrong we shouldn't be aiming for sixes we should be you know aiming for T but you know below four is pretty bad that anyway moving on number 16 is Country Kitchen kit 6.6 we got industrial Loft at 6.7 first fits kit number 14 is rated of 6.7 we got the inan arrivals at 6.8 and Deco of the max at a 6.9 you know I actually really like this kit if you like maximalist Decor this is so much fun number 11 is the grunge Revival kit 7.0 seven pretty respectable we're getting somewhere the basement Treasures oh I I do love this kit this one is a lot of fun all the dirty and broken basement items oo that is good we're in the top 10 now number nine is the Little Campers at 7.4 we've got the modern Lux at a 7.7 this I really like this kit too actually the I feel like they're starting to hit the stride a lot more with the kits at least of the build mode kits they've been doing really well lately uh number seven is a bathroom clutter kit 7.8 we got the desert Lux at 7.8 as well now this one was free last year when I asked you guys to all rate it it's been a year since then so it'll be interesting to see how many people own this kit Now versus last year cuz we're going to compare this year's results to last year's survey too number five is a greenhouse Haven at 7.9 and number four is a pastel pop kit fantastic kit love that one blooming rooms one of my faves as well if you need more plants really really good um number two is everyday clutter kit at 8.4 and finally that leaves number one as the book Nook kit this one is fantastic if you're going to get any kit this is definitely a good one to get at 8.4 now now moving on let's have a look at the overall list so we got all the kits here in a big list so this should help summarize it if you need to have a closer look you can always pause if you're on mobile you can zoom in with pinch to zoom as well in the survey if people didn't own a pack I asked them to please not rate that pack and that's how we calculate the number of people that own the pack now of course this is just an indicative number and anyone could have filled out the survey and said they own a pack so you know take these ownership numbers with a grain of salt is just a fun idea but we get a rough idea you can see modern men's work which was the lowest rated Kit only has 24% of people taking the survey that actually own it which is rough and the desert Lux kit has 74% of people who took the survey owning that pack which again is because last year it was free so that's why now all this information down here is the change from last year so for example pastel pop kit this year 20.6% more people own it this year than last year and that is simply because pastel pop everyday clutter they both released pretty much I think like maybe a week before we did last year's survey so not many people had bought them yet so obviously that's gone up a lot desert Lux interestingly has not changed even by 1% it's time to move on to the stuff packs we can't spend all day on kits as much as we all love talking about kits let's go through all the stuff packs of course there's actually a new stuff pack this year which was actually quite surprising so let's have a look number 19 is no surprises is my first pet stuff for rated 2.7 out of 10 that is low that is very low so this stuff pack the reason I believe it's rated so low is to get every single item in this stuff pack you actually have to own the Sim SW cats and dogs so this is a DLC that adds onto another DLC but number 18 we've got the luxury party stuff pack at a 3.2 also pretty low this was literally the first stuff pack the items just not very nice it doesn't have that many things in it I'm not surprised as we get to the latest half of the stuff pack list the packs get a lot better number 17 spooky stuff which again is also it's kind of strange with the Sims 4 Seasons adding you know Halloween as an actual holiday this pack came out before that so it was kind of in a strange spot after that came out it it does add the pumpkin carving and obviously some of the costumes that don't come in Seasons but there you go it's kind of a weird pack perfect patio at number 16 adding the hot tub which of course famously they added a one into the base game uh this one I I mean look I honestly use this one a lot bet I get it these at these early stuff packs they don't add that much number 15 is cool kitchen stuff pack at a 4.8 this adds of course the ice cream and a new kitchen set which again I do use at least the appliances in this kitchen a lot um but honestly if you're looking for a kitchen stuff pack now the obvious choice is going to be the new one home Chef hustle moving on to number 14 we got romantic garden stuff which you know beautiful beautiful garden but it is kind of strange uh you do get the wishing well but not a lot else you know then we got the fitness stuff pack which just adds the rock climbing wall well not just you know the rock climbing wall is pretty cool but it does just add more workout equipment which we have so much of in the game anyway number 12 we've got bowling night stuff at a 5.2 you know we get the bowling lanes and then a few of those you know themed items around a bowling alley but you know these screenshots make it look way more fun than it is it's never that fun it's never that busy number 11 we've got backyard stuff packet of 5.2 get the slip and slide that's kind of it I guess the bird feeder you know and the drinks tra there's like you there's a few like little gameplay things but I would say the name is pretty apt backyard stuff there's just stuff I don't know number 10 the top 10 vintage glamour adds of course the butler rated at a 5.5 number nine Moschino stuff I actually quite like this but it's only rated to 5.5 the game play we did play it recently in one of my Let's Plays we did have a few issues with it so it was a little clunky but at number eight we've got movie hangout stuff which of course is a very colorful boho kind of theme it adds in of course movies that your Sims can watch by themselves or together with other Sims number seven is kids room stuff pack uh I use this bed in that that uh box art right there I use that literally all the time I swear we got the void crit game there as well oh the that Puppet Theater is from kids stuff I don't know why I thought it was from Parenthood the Puppet Theater was very cool number six toddler stuff pack surprising cuz it did add the infamous bull pit that was originally released a little a little less than complete so they did update it number five we've got Nifty knitting and it really jumps a lot the ratings we're at 7.5 now so this was actually one of the community rated or like Community voted unpacks so we got to choose different themes and styles and the community as a whole would vote on what we wanted and this was one of the ones that won so this is a really nice pack add the rocking chairs as well of course number four we've got Laundry Day stuff which it's so it's always so funny a laundry pack is something that simmers want we want to do laundry in The Sims and I do love the challenge of laundry and it's a nice little aesthetic in this pack too number three we've got paranormal stuff pack this is a great one the actual gameplay and paranormal stuff is so much fun if you set you get a whole new lot type haunted house you get a bunch of different uh NPCs added you get all these little specters flying around you get gri you get Temperance number two we've got home Chef hustle a brand new stuff pack which I agree with this rating 8.1 this stuff pack was really good this is the first stuff back in what like 3 years or something like that and they came back strong you know this adds this makes cool kitchen stuff look so so lame the actual kitchen items like here really really nice the gameplay added with the actual new uh appliances makes cooking more of like an activity you can do like you say you know start making some dough and like mixing it up and it actually helps you cook quicker as well the new selling table as well this guy here which actually has spaces on the back where you can put the appliances and you can work all together on that actual selling table so overall very strong pack I love the aesthetic and the gameplay is really really cool but that leaves number one down to Tiny living still in the top spot this yes I love tiny living uh it's again a fantastic pack this adds another lot type uh kind of like Paranormal stuff this adds a lot type the tiny home residential it adds that whole gameplay element to tiny homes it adds a whole bunch of tiny home related items like the Murphy bed smaller TV and radio and book units and it gives you a bunch of benefits for actually building small uh one of my one of my favorite packs overall so here is our list of all the stuff packs from worst to best there is a big spread here all the way from 2.7 my first P up down to an 8.9 so that's very very good 8.9 definitely the highest score we've seen so far now this is interesting from last year by the way luxury party stuff pack number 18 the second lowest rated stuff pack actually has 10% more people owning it and I saw that and I was like that's really interesting why is that upon further research it turns out in May of this year epic gam store actually gave away luxury party stuff pack fashion Street kit and jungle Adventure they gave them away for free so all three of those are free so I'm willing to bet that that 10% is just people that picked it up for free because why would you buy that pack honestly I don't recommend it but that explains the 10% increase before we jump into the expansion packs and game packs we're going to have a look at the worlds in Sims 4 I asked you guys to rate all of the worlds except for the base game worlds because you know everyone gets those for free so every other world you guys ranked them starting at the bottom worst to best best Magnolia prominade bat B you know what surprisingly bat not the worst world I'm happy with that you know I'm happy with that then we got Del Cel Valley forgotten Hollow and glimmer Brook so they already get pretty good I once we're getting past glimmerbrook I think we're we're getting there now next up we got Granite Falls bright Chester strangerville Evergreen Harbor copperdale and salvad Dada so up the top you we got Sans sequa moonwood Mill 7.4 I like to believe that's because of the Fantastic builds in that world someone did a very good job building in that world whoever made those lots fantastic then we have tatsa which is very surprising that tatsa is such a highly rated world but let me tell you that pack is not not rated that well uh then next up we got Mount karabi and Bryon Bay uh yeah pretty much every single World in that top row they're all fantastic as long as you like the actual style of the world if that's the style you're after that world is really good so number five we've got Chestnut Ridge so this is one of the new worlds in last year rated at 8.1 and 50 2% of the people that took this survey own horse ranch and this world so that you know that 8.1 is based on 50% of the people in the survey and then moving on number four we got salani which this is a beautiful world I I remain to this day of the opinion that I'm not a huge fan of the gameplay in Ireland living and I don't really know what to do in Island living but the world was always beautiful number three we've got windenburg which is a fantastic world I wish more worlds were as big as wenberg we're never going to get a world this big again this has so many lots and so many neigh hoods but all fit together so nicely number two we've got San mauno a fan favorite 92% of people own this rating it at 8.5 if you want to play in a city this is currently the world to do it in and then number one is henford on baggley which I believe it was number one last year too so this is an 8.9 uh 87% of people uh own this world so there you go best world in game assuming you're after the style but overall people love it all right it's game pack time so we're going to go through all 12 game packs let me know what you think the best game pack is and maybe what the worst is I don't think you're going to guess what the worst one is let me let me just say that and number 12 drum roll please is journey to Batu yeah I mean yeah you probably did guess this no surprises there journey to Batu most people you know either don't want Star Wars in their game or if they are a fan of Star Wars they're not a fan of this because it doesn't really live up to what they want out of Star Wars and Sims I personally as much as I joke about this pack I like the build mode the Creator Sim and I think the world is pretty cool but obviously you can't live in this world you can't really do anything this well besides the gameplay quests which once you've done the quest there's not a whole lot of variety to it you can't become like a Jedi or anything which would have been cool if you could a lot of people love to hate on this and I've also included in this survey all the graphs of the votes so look at this this is this is funny the numbers on the bottom are the score so here at number 10 900 people rated the build mode 10 okay that's how that works and then at the bottom 1,161 rated at zero for example so but what's really interesting about these graphs can you tell look how how skewed it is and how many people are rating zero and then of course there's also a skew to people rating 10 so people are rating this zero on purpose and people are rating at 10 on purpose so the ratings on this are a little bit little skewed but I think the opinion is very clear not people's favorite pack all right let's stop spending time on battery let's move on number 11 dine out now let's talk a little bit more about these scores down the bottom here so each of these categories uh I asked you guys to rate 0 to 10 so on average people rated the Creator Sim items that came in dout a 4.2 and people on average rated the build mode items and themes a 5.3 and the gameplay that comes with it a 4.5 five and again that's out of 10 okay and then I use those three scores we average it all together we get a pack score of 4.7 out of 10 so not great and I think it's pretty clear why this has a low rating this pack is notoriously one of the most buggy packs in The Sims 4 it used to work a lot better even when it came out it was buggy it's more buggy now you literally need a mod to be able to play this and have fun with it um so yeah that makes sense to be honest I'm surprised the gameplay even 4.5 it should probably be lower than that and just for a demonstration of the graphs this is what graphs should look like you know a nice little bell curve almost whereas the bat graphs were a little bit uh sus all right number 10 we have outdoor Retreat the very first game pack this one of course has a world so we get a world rating as well the world was 5.5 creat a Sim 4.4 build mode 5.1 and gameplay 5.4 for an overall score of 5.1 so you know just above five yeah look it's I I don't use this game pack a lot to be honest I don't really know what to do with it I use the items from time to time but we don't really often go to Granite Falls or do the herbalism skill we did do it semi- recently in a let's play but we don't do it often number nine we have spa day which is kind of surprising not not surprising in like a wow I didn't expect that but they put time and money into creating a pack refresh for this they literally went back years later added more features and more items to this pack and it's still rated low and I and when I say surprising I mean obviously it's rated low it's a pack about going to a spa I mean it's not I don't know I just don't think it's a good pack theme I think this would be a good theme to add into another pack like if Spa was just a part of get famous that' be that makes more sense I don't know having a whole individual pack for spa it doesn't make sense and I don't know why they invested time and money into refreshing this pack realm of magic is at number eight and that has a rating of 5.9 it's getting better I mean I really enjoy this s of spellcaster thing but once you you know sort of understand the flow of it and and the Spells are very much things you can already do in The Sims for they don't really add anything new per se but they do you know it adds the story of you being a spellcaster and having magic number seven vampires all right so we're getting you know the ratings are getting up there now 6.9 I Reon the vampire game pack is actually pretty fun it is pretty fun and especially when you become a super powerful vampire you can do some pretty funny things and actually now in combination vampires with the werewolves game pack having those two Ault sort of clash is a lot of fun too moving on we've got number six strangerville which is rated 6.2 the world is the best rated thing I I really I really like the world I think the world is my favorite thing um as long as you I guess I think you have to kind of do the mother game play at least once uh just to sort of disable it or there's probably cheats as well but once if you're not interested in the whole mother plant aspect of the pack once that's out of the way I really enjoy the world number five we've got my wedding stories which honestly it's a lot higher than I think it should be uh because literally if you buy this pack it like breaks weddings your weddings are just dead they don't work anymore but you can see what's boosting it up the world score the Creator Sim stuff and even the build mode if they literally took out the gameplay from this pack and it was just like a stuff pack of like items it' probably be better it' probably get a higher rating let's actually just take a quick look at the graphs for this one this one's quite funny because you can see how much higher the ratings are for the world build mode and the Creator Sim and then the game play is just like really skewing low very few people rated the game playay in wedding stories a 10 only8 people voted 10 number four we've got jungle Adventure so this was game pack seven the seventh one I think somewhere around there so you know they had quite a few going on there the world is a lot of fun it is a shame that it is only a holiday world and you can't you know live there or tell stories actually in the world so you can see here the graphs as well I do like looking at these graphs on the higher rated ones cuz you can see all the bell curve sort of skewing more to the top of the graphs there but let's move on to number three which is going to be Parenthood which does not have a world but you know overall rated 7.2 it's does add a whole gameplay system to kids and teenagers and adds there we go that's the gameplay system right there so you can sort of build different personalities and you get reward traits based on that and of course it adds a bunch of these you know school projects in as well you get the brand new kitchen as well that came with it yeah overall I I mean I really enjoy this I think Parenthood for me is kind of one of the I would say almost essential packs in Sims 4 this one I feel like I would have a very different experience having a family without Parenthood in Sims 4 moving on to number two we have the Sims 4 werewolves which is surprising cuz there was actually a bunch of comments before this video came out of people worried that werewolves was going to be rated low and it's not it's very well liked obviously not as many people own this and we will see how many people own this pack because you know if you don't like werewolves and you don't like aults you're not going to get this and that's fine but the people that do own this really like it and I can say I'm one of them I really like this pack not just cuz I built the Lots in the world but you know I do uh but the actual gameplay of being a werewolf and the Werewolf skill tree I had so much fun playing that and the whole werewolf pack system where there's the two different rival packs and you can sort of become the pack leader work your way through it you go to each different one and then I guess the actual werewolf Creator Sim thing is a a whole cool element you know some people don't like the look of the werewolves in The Sims 4 and that's fine but the amount of customization in them is actually really cool so here are the graphs and you can see now how high they're actually kind of skewing to the top top of the scale I mean this is a 7.3 but it is not the number one pack the number one pack of course is the one that is left dream home decorator which I believe was number one last year too the items in it are so good I use the items from this pack all of the time and and the creative Sim too the game playay is one of those things that people I think either love or hate I love the gameplay in this it basically means you get to go to a house and renovate it you're just basically playing build mode which a lot of people were like I already have build mode I don't want to do that but I like the added element of my sim being the person building and you know you you get almost randomized likes and dislikes depending on what SIM you're talking to and you have to make the house like that and we had such a fun let's play doing that I had so much fun now sometimes it's bugged it may be bugged at the moment it was bugged when it came out too that's kind of a theme in Sims 4 um if it's not bugged it is a lot of fun if you're into that kind of thing but let's have a look at the overall list so this table is all the game packs listed by score so you can see here we're going from 4.1 down to 7.1 and I'm going to go through each of these ordered by the different categories but first of all let's have a look at how many people own each of these packs so you can see Sims 4 werewolves like I said 54% of people own Sims 4 werewolves which is not nearly as much as the number one pack at 80% but more people own werewolves than my wedding stories and journey to bat which journey to bat is only 34.2 though increase from of 2.9% since last year now remember jungle Adventure was given away for free so that's actually risen by 88.7% now here's all the game packs ordered by the best game play so if you're looking for the best gameplay game pack have a look at this list here they are ordered by build mode so if you're after the best build mode have a look at this list if you're after the best Creator Sim stuff this is the list for you and of course we already had a look at the worlds earlier but now let's move into the final category the expansion packs now we've got two new expansion packs from last year so let's see where they actually fit in in the overall list now before we get into this which one do you think is going to be the lowest rated and which one do you think is going to hit number one this year the results may surprise you all right number 14 The Sims 4 get to work I think this is consistently rated the lowest and then overall this leads to a score of 4.6 which I think is lower than it should be I I will continue to stand get to work I use this pack so dang much in my gameplay but I know if you don't play I do and I I literally use one small part of it like the retail store that's that's the part I use all of the time but the detective the doctor and the scientist career which is the main part of this pack I barely ever use and when I do they can often be a little bit of a SLO and maybe buggy to get through so if if that's what you're rating the pack on I get it I totally get it to number 13 which of course is get famous and that overall score for this pack is a 5.7 so quite a step up from the last one um I I enjoyed this pack I really had fun with it doing the actor career this much like get to work has the interactive career where you go to the work and you work with your sim at the location and those can be really fun the first time and then you probably never do it again so it kind of Falls flat and then it does have the whole Fame system which you can do outside of the work but that's kind of like pretty surface level of how it works and the benefits you get for it you know it it's fun but um I could see it improving that by the way if you didn't see it I am in this trailer my S sim there I am right there that was me moving on number 12 is the Sims 4 get together so this was the second expansion pack and you can see the world score on this is really juicing the pack score we're already up to a 6.8 so even the 12th best expansion pack is 6.8 out of 10 so it's not that bad I think you'd still have a lot of fun getting this it adds the whole club system which you can use with any combination of activities like they usually update it to add new stuff in so you can create a club of people that are into knitting for example and that's what they're going to do you can use them to have all all your Sims painting together there's a lot of applications for that feature number 11 Island living and as we saw the world in this has a very high score of 8.3 but what lets it down is the game playay you know there is the conservationist career where you would that's kind of half active you don't actually go to the job but you can work from home and you go around the island doing different things either cleaning up stuff or collecting things and of course they added mermaids in but the mermaids don't have a skill tree like vampires or werewolves or anything like that it's just kind of you turn into a mermaid or you don't and that's kind of it so that a lot of people feel like that's a missed opportunity and also this is one of the packs that I think they probably should have done a Refresh on I think a refresh of Island living would have been better than spart but anyway that's Island living it's 7 7.0 you know that's still a very good score moving into the top 10 we have discover University I really do like this pack I do but I also get that the actual University thing a lot of people will struggle at the sims fall University because it literally takes 100% of your time if you want to do well and I think it's fun it does take a long time but I enjoy the challenge uh what's letting us down here is actually the world I guess it's hard for this world to be rated that well because you know about 75% of it is dedicated to the universities there's two of them and there's only like a small town section of like what three or so residential lots you could actually build and just live in normally so I guess that's what lets it down there anyway number nine we have Eco lifestyle which was the very first pack in The Sims 4 that had community members actually build lots in it well there was only one lot in this that was built by a Creator this was the first one they did it in and they never look back since then pretty much every pack since then has had lots built by community members so that's a fun little fact I really enjoy the Off the Grid element to Eco lifestyle of like the solar panels the water collectors all that kind of stuff and even the is that the inventor career or whatever this career is I've forgotten what it's called but where you actually fabricate stuff you this is like the sort of machine that you can use first as you saw to clean up the pollution but also to go dumpster diving and find a bunch of items and if you find a burnt couch you can use that machine to fix the couch you can build an entire house from dumpster diving there's a lot of fun possibilities in it and changing the environments from polluted to like really fancy and nice is kind of fun but I did that once you know that's a kind of one time thing but dumpster diving that's forever that's a forever thing to me number eight we have City living this is a fan favorite you know being a number eight I thought this would be a little bit higher I mean it's a 7.3 it is a very good rating the world is an 8.5 build mode is 7.2 and a game playay at a 7.2 as well it's the Creator Sim pulling it down a little bit this the Creator Sim in this pack I guess was very loud and very vibrant and very let's say expressive you know it was very out there I mean you can see from this guy's outfit you know what I mean that's kind of the Creator in this pack so I guess if it had a more subdued sort of styling there probably would have skewed a little bit higher but overall this is still a great pack people still love this if you want a city pack this is the one to get number seven come on down Sims 4 high school years so this came out shortly before last year's survey so this year I feel like we're going to have a better rating and understanding of this pack cuz people have had a year worth of time to get acquainted with it and we're not skewed by recency bias because if a pack comes out just before we do this survey people will tend to rate it higher just because it's new and that's fair but now it's been a year it's rated 7.4 which honestly I hear a lot of people say they don't really like this pack and they don't like the gameplay of high school but it's not even rated that low you know a 6.4 granted it's not great but it's not not as bad as what I've seen people like you know say and I personally I did like the school gameplay I thought it was fun again because it's like that active career element you know like get famous or like get to work it's fun for the first time and then once you've gone to school a few days it's kind of like why am I doing this why am I going unless you're trying to tell a specific story at school which we did throughout our let's play which was a lot of fun once you've been to school going to it again is not that fun so you know so yeah the build mode in this is actually really good you know we got this whole like gamer aesthetic room in there there's a whole bunch of different Vibes you can get from all the different items in this pack including really nice art deco elements so I love the build mode in this pack so I think that rating makes a lot of sense but let's go ahead and move on to number six which is cats and dogs so here we are this one I think yeah got a very nice World 8.1 I love brindleton Bay I always love that world you know if there's no world I want to live in Bron Bay is always there for me you know if I'm lost I'm going to go to brindle baby yeah overall High rating across the board is 7.4 in total you know the 6.5 in Creative Sim is probably because I don't think there was a whole lot going on in Creative Sim but to be fair they added you know cats and dogs and that whole Creator Sim element so I guess it's where more of it went so if you're not doing the whole cat and dog thing and customizing them that much I guess there's probably not that much in Creative Sim number five we got the Sims 4 snowy escape this one I also built Lots in this one just saying you know snowy escape and werewolves are the two packs that I built Lots in so you know I'm a little biased the world here is rated at 8.1 yeah the build mode and the items that came with this are are really really nice I mean if you're trying to do a Japanese inspired world or a build it is it you know Nails it I think it looks great the world itself is really really cool I Love Actually climbing the mountain that you have to do through gameplay you got to have a good rock climbing skill get up the mountain again though these things are really cool like climbing the mountain is an actual thing you can do and go with your sim again like high school like the get famous career like the get to work careers these active things that you get to go and do they are really cool but they don't have a lot of replayability you kind of do it once and then once you've done it you're like N I don't want to do it again it's a lot of work and you don't get a lot back from it so here's here's some of the rock climbing there it's very cool but yeah the gameplay in this pack is definitely lacking you got snowboarding and skiing which again is very cool but it's that thing where you just click on it your sim goes down they go back up they go down and go back up there's not really anything to go with it so that's where the gameplay lets it down but overall other than that you know 7.5 very respectable all right let's move into number four we're getting very close to the top and here's our first new expansion pack from last year which means growing together is also in the top three so there you go but horse ranch rated 7.9 I mean I've had a lot of fun with this pack I've had so much fun building our Ranch running our Ranch having all the animals I think this pack combined with cottage living which by the way we haven't seen yet either so that's somewhere in the top three so fantastic if you're into horses a lot of fun now yeah the actual horse themselves and the gameplay directly related to it is maybe not as in-depth as The Sims 3 version which you know story of The Sims 4 let's be real but still I've had so much fun with this pack and I have enjoyed the horses breeding the horses having the FES training them doing the competitions and the interactions of the horses with other animals like the baby goats and baby sheep and also cats and dogs that you may have and chickens and all that all the other animals and interactions are so cute the build mode as well is really really cool if you're into that ranch aesthetic whether it's more rustic or more contemporary this is so perfect and the world we've already been over the world it is beautiful Create a Sim also if you're looking to go Yeehaw this is the pack for you I love it I I do love this pack so yeah that's very well earned four let's have a look at the graph I mean look at this graph look at this graph for the world only 44 people rated the world a zero which look there's always going to be someone rating something at zero so we're never going to get no people rating at zero but only 44 and then likewise look at all these there's like so few people rating at low and then and it's the same with the other categories this is a really really good pack but number three we got growing together our other new pack so this again came out earlier this year but 7.9 again I had so much fun with this back we did a huge let's play with this we had a huge family of what I had like seven children in the end I think and then another child from the other family you know we did a lot we did a lot in this it was so much fun the world is really really nice as well I actually think you know at first the world I was kind of not I was like it I was a bit disappointed I'm going to be real but the more time goes on I'm really enjoying building in this world and having lots that fit in with the CEST St cuz this is like another city world but it's not as like big you're not like Central City like s masuna this is more like City but a little bit you know in a medium density area and I think that does provide a different space to do bills which I think is great yeah so this also added uh the infant update now infants everyone got that in Sims 4 but this pack added a whole bunch of extra stuff for infants which you know love it or hate it it does make infants much more in-depth much more difficult to raise and grow uh but you know you do it together you grow together and it's it is good it is fun so if you're if you're into family gameplay and having big families and telling their stories this in Parenthood O you're going to have a good time or a hard time if you don't like it I don't know anyway let's go to number two it's going to be the Sims 4 Seasons really getting up there uh this again is another another one of those like must have packs I mean if you kind of want a little bit more realism in your game this adds weather you know weather and Seasons you know you kind of need this um I would highly recommend this and the whole holiday system being able to create holidays you know not just predetermined holidays you can delete any holiday that's in the game make your own fully custom ones I think that is such a good thing that they did that because it does allow for a lot of customization and a lot of different storytelling there but overall things are rated very high but this is is it the only expansion without a world I think so yeah it's just get to work at a really bad world this is the only one with Out World so anyway yeah let's have a look at look at these graphs look at look at this gameplay graph that gameplay graph if you want gameplay seasons is where it's at so there you go and of course that leaves at number one The Sims 4 cottage living which again I believe was number one last year as well so this is still very much enjoyed and yeah this pack is fantastic if you want to go live your cottage fairy lifestyle fair is not included by the way sorry I shouldn't have said that this this is this is great we again had a massive let's play I feel like like when I'm doing a let's play on a game and we sort of get lost in it and it grows beyond just what the actual pack is and we tell all these different stories and it's just really inspired I think that's when I know the pack is really good and this one was so good I love the whole like farming aspect and the fact that they included the llamas and cows in this pack and the chickens having all of that and then like I said combining that now with HSE Ranch which is also a very good like rated pack ooh you have having a good time you are you are eating well if you like animals there's a lot of good packs now in The Sims 4 number one rated world in the game as well a number one rated expansion pack like this this is it this is it you're buying nothing else not that I'm trying to sell you anything here I'm not getting anything for this besides YouTube ad Revenue I'm you know I'm not sponsored I don't get any benefits but if you were to buy one this is it let's have a look at those graphs just because I mean look at that look at those graphs it doesn't get more positive than that does it Sims team if you're watching make more of this pack you know this is what we want good everywhere as much as I like journey to bat do not make more of this pack Sims this these ratings are terrible don't don't do this all right here's all the expansions listed by their score and let's have a look at the change in ownership from last year so a lot of people from last year have purchased high school years which makes sense cuz like I said last year this had only just released so there's been a whole year since then now a lot more people getting it but other than that not too much of a change overall a lot more people buying cottage living here's all expansions ordered by gameplay so if you're looking for the best gameplay this is the list to look at if you're looking for build mode this is your list just here and if you're looking for Crea a Sim stuff this is the list that you want to look at now just before we head off let's have a look at a full list of every single pack in the same list to see the scores from worst to best so here is every single Sims 4 pack in a list based on the scores that you the Community gave them number 70 my first pet stuff and a 2.7 that is rough but of course all the way at number one we go up to 8.9 that is huge and here is a list of all DLC by the number of people that own them so the least owned pack overall modern Men's Wear Kit only 24.5% of people own it then poolside Splash which is relatively new so that kind of makes sense but the most owned pack is Seasons at 94.9% which is massive well thank you for coming on this journey with me for a second year in a row we'll be back next year hopefully we're going to do this as a yearly thing cuz there's more and more packs every year and if you want a brief little summary of all those tables there is a link in the description that will go to my website that has the kits stuff packs game packs and expansions all in their tables there so you can see that there you can also download the spreadsheet of results so if you want to see the actual raw data that I used to make all of this you can download that over there but thank you so much to my top level members for supporting the channel and thank you so much to you for taking part in this survey because I know it is a big survey there's 70 packs and going through and rating and filling out that survey is a lot of work so I really really appreciate it and I hope this video did you justice you know I want to make your time worth it because I know doing that is not easy so hopefully this video was worth it stay tuned for next year cuz next year I have a few ideas of things I actually want to add into the survey maybe a category on how buggy a pack is could be a good one because I think that's kind of a good point to know like I'm guessing that some of the packs are buggy from my own experiences but if I can have you guys also input you know a rating you know how buggy is this pack I think that would be a good metric to have do you think if you have any other suggestions let me know down below but thank you so much for watching thank you so much for supporting the channel I'll see you next time and have an awesome day
Channel: James Turner
Views: 494,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thesimsupply, flabaliki, the sim supply, james turner, the sims 4, guide, rating, ranking, rank, rate, score, dlc, game pack, expansion, stuff pack, kit, the sims, sims, buy guide, gift guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 49sec (2389 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.